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Canadian Statesman, 12 May 1887, p. 1

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'SOF NEW4 014LOî'oT. ood si Ne G: W P1INTS, NEW CIAMBR S.RY, NEWMA New Laces, N eW Embroile raîtîtewTrimijngs in goosÎ atCote.Spocial lino; great baig rctîwîîlllt' Inpices. LWà te. Mc 1oicoî antd Gloves, Neat 0 F 1priceste tuSit flie hti-liltimes. li aliti uî i the-cci YY iuwest Prices,,our toog eà ERSON & Co., ii-tt liii, bli cipi parcd to 611 ail o ~ Bug ils, -# 't> '- D ii OFt't lit tI.G 1 , i c , -u ti ( - NT. ilt Xct i lt int oft'î t o ttj. 2à rî théeBaker to the Front t, ~tt I akes,- 't t tt>. î train eU , 1iBtî tttia ' o" '4, 'rin heilvTr li I!I Si ls for tS1114111 mic i iitpIli-ed Tov ti0t tmalle'It. titi t i tth, iclits pion s ic' "l 'rge. Ii t i t of t cîl Siînm r t 'SawD -and iachine a insIand Cari &Ban'i d i iiiiuiPuiît ntsth tiliigg,1 Plncs, CutleryLi '2Ih kins aterpLim,, tOc>, casa cutsit ccc, ecttrcel en ottc'tc CHu utuiicn.vIIt ~tt~f cati uniol>~i >ut~t~O~l~ ioncaieu IfkflLfl i cc l[ stcutI CîI,. muand.uet [n. leuislte. THE COOK S BEST FR1END, tît~iuc retl'If floii îc'cituukY..ju acet--à do 5. A PRI\OLL Ottece oie neodiu' tiiuutlîc~tutotclcus ~ '-. .HOUCH, titi' BAINU.S $6500 ORGANS' iccrt.. à c c'..iclc.e. 'cml q- 'tccut- ilcSit à u Mtict' isiiT t ut c-u ie lefatr c i . . , ' lit t1;'.na-1 a i . rtsi"iîccrut cut ;- c ct T 1,i10.ics . . t c-uicur.% 5 ccic ti ctluc.R tlR P;îENTlyIu'X1X"sf' iii cctivi,' s ccc' ii'.ictc' ici iHALL.tcn Itîcut, lts -n G. ÉNEDUilA G MST. Ion1f.-E.tCet ciiolhbe t ccilut.a;îc,p 1i-c ': i.î - Ci. vi%'a. Ai errettuot i ti'~'i~ A1EHL~ iirtiuriC u it ttttti ,"Iiîuptl u.iitmt..iCitou O - ~ ' ¶ i c V I j ~ v 'i l'c .i a e s i Tt a .p ictltcciiotumiibyqte mx 11 AB - O T c; vl ' iW i.C r tu. Cucata. lt. . à'tuticii.irtaea ciencc tistcic,,At'ei 'MCtcriuiiiîc intvucie 16oeo PER ',i ciiuttlttnelEuk' ' .cul I. E cc A ce ctItiii A'tte ta Te Rdhd t. Ïcrrt,icc c' W Tùououto. gauNSED 't0iCTtOE'RgEam uu,iaeiuitc..u.daety'tueuitOt t»' . oca, ittilcio. Mattol up 1nunOuId'g orfiieiCuicc aviiio g ccaa 1. O n5 AREMDEATE. oivcrmu c tact.WE GUABAXITEru six BeU MîU Giuutetnilu. u ccii.imtcrpat ii>osnee 11s0rd uctinteJrtonoitor"u tt$5.00nuo j.1k Caucluiutr Harhy.___________________osu ___u 'Scoou Orvr îisa . - , c & o'D p ii 01FC- .il5te' tju, - '-- ~ fl~t - iceasue noj 0ic,,l ~ ~ i nii> 1ut oigm eb t'Ili à . - 11 't',doug ifniuecoeou o. lt oldod Dora t 4aune"i ~'sesioon ~~~ ~ ~~~huen ioaumed'muoimochhovoàsi riS teiriiohodlîhi ChArjaulent, tonh 'h'oe"tbihîb 'hihiaodn ' ' 'irs~clo leP~ idOtLiL~cco" ' ~ OiOO..ubiutdioo'Vo-hom, 'Doca, hau hciitatbatt'àougivon intuouc.',-Tc yà mn oioaco te love us;" :s8ad '-. eiP5tu.~k,,I euom otdix' iuich'wri ntitie han;oid'kre"Weete oeo hi,"tu. ioîyitiCkij ma xepour hieicnd'-dea- - 'Pect0o nh cm .Papl î ,Mkuui 0~t q, pu.oh lia ho nie M a ho ouea lhor if eoh, v6iul hutoiPour -Dora bhadno.goacoul merdSof tToContd-_an woct Ilemo tOrOOa ~uOi.ikiorus O,.ec iylicc -OmY. ;cdoothon tadtmn.iNohnioh ad' "ot e e pooe Ri. aealuuhuatheranutuouiy,epiltuou3li4qucug',houtit ho-deliaro -o,, 0'o o r =tteu estuient -ob e i ueou.Iuodo 1 mttthsou o t.-hohi," ehé , heVCooio n n h acihgau.' to huhnehthp~Tio UOiipc, h t.lah, t terd" o thoeerioeg; i id'aiiuc fa b lintrote Lvady ai,.. ivittui ' ocu i l t iéhtg ou pionoSca saoote8 acde t um mou he etominn hoiuca eOuOOi ~ lis. . -l ,euuiou So ni labcD a .e'coai n ' 1~Thé tino.camoie"Whioh, honeiteot te -Guinovoco,' e'uuau tO, Aciltih,'ud sc uilS nt2101 . 0nWt.. buoa OheJituwiOgmnOOitrb kt, fot etos: "i:oc. Co- Pus, rhureget invitation, cmt On pnatt:mhe ec ,uhi ýthati sho *unit have ut ay tion.>' thra. - ' " ' otinus- te snon , ii iq HE, aattOho't -heip ma; I motteiht4 hi,,f t' t c Poco' Bougetiam5udà,t iiin g hum A-lonoheun ot rta'n e et ie, e0 (huuuh momhoohip, 'a tieg 'ehioh1 "~L"2 Rs UtA ,do B Thuot u enagnIeuprie onmr' .1uamnyut'trih, t u i ha e ýmuh uofth faiconqeuto, sadmiraiion houht outitot ýgardent a hil, te o say h, conence O'efthé - e, ta t oc lfewai h uobennutte the' aciuto taet, émidhouetatioj oirriip utauroncoi ate o=Io rnoially,(doiue et' o.Ph ('4,, tstnFiuceu-tôoofyouit'hoiuonoon, a Recala p IuoitEnti, aatmo.h te bh in eteme fae. deo inuudethoraof t Ohlait;iaaont r ontor hsYteYdgiu sN-el m&.0 0 hun t thnean billea hueuiy.u' No hiecuitu. k". ' Thoy nteotuitihé OÎlo5gauy, mhaco Prince Béen; e etu ahcl pi Tcedu upiahieovteiv mougi hea > mn, ýgriot a reo utraiteestuy umoiouo ôiO'eiofutihé fieeot pictueon t tey 'ec lit sehhdhacDO e. ' o'elit OhaoBtyvucioOutic-wyof t.1uee cti o i * uaadysotélida. Ha Vas, thn. of ut Enjiuh Loug. Phldctoon iotheniho enute tes'Who ma'ihinhobatituladp, ttaher Tter.o .ceuy Toioadug"on of Theunmo~gugtetamitampou.-udt-îueyhetuo h nOhc u'Valentinousaw o tuehrufait lace ,nt'goiaon ha"y .puttin thmattc h>enoee Thnk Pcuuoilerhntaiec y ot Toronte ouptYtndti nonBySsurprise. Ml 'riae.\1 m aJOHNrno h ucpmu" -tuu t ara ;4 'iohemoulaa i a opaiotiig-iall tuuuetirOon, Th, oceIno tin he alvOtient onei lmni oitecoe - Weie o utuhuiiooi uecetottîn Hdopitaniticun mucucoueith hubanches vmou, 'teocme, hat pàiototeicts.pictr,,'ont évery .cetthI iC a esto omno o .AUTHfORzED GuEEiAL AGENT Rflouaàit, itip « ibeu 'qiuk -nger- leviohot nu iretho' hast houese n vecy gucun leot distinct ontdcaallé ehoadmicot. Ho)vguacuti h mntlotlhoeoch eoo cmmnono FOR SAM oCQ.PANy. ay,'immetiaiuly dopuioos neuodi ait Foreceommetthuw opnt'hitmsd.autwhe neiiocoghtthenttfit trtughitElouhalhoti Th vootasutn lsprcuihdudttho wou.h Gt. hu IIA BRAMlPTON. the iy ' ontya hwuavo tn em o ho p eut uOI lalicotin&o.utoui - a.Laion; he OhuCls e,.hithoWleteta Rota ~ ~q sue' Au etet lu ouvc.t5ig r.nie y; h'upugvtihup s igus.rudeooooci ontthonoElhe 00w mulier idhovutihctdn Cutro hncl tcoothe Tt umion UU iouuoné'oIe ii; ouin etittetttooi iuLaeii>', aeus higicioeye guoue oi tfaon, 'hight, aoiiog, goàinut wuithti " h,'oughi Dure, I"Rt 'Cnia hut the Wibnuem ognimt tuP ihtcn sorcsl cu rphut; Il hon aervoycith py. PIuc, icctt Dura. heautp, hutghtinteinoceuuou, ceuciin hotiu nhoBi'Aliosedeu'o CiutChuli unouotuottoly tee oftuenonno put,. iticsiss.u, in ro- >tinu téetotîmathuu r o eiié.o âa utis nun\eioopethbyDora. She noauhenpeiunic. ovd amimtrie thiE fillend graou n t uii.uoi mucpreooiatiunoft'Pcuoh etdrei I .d- il e sdler cocmpntuoiOae Ma Tuuo ." tnon airso Cpomg tau-the TH"-UIA ORA -0.y. V e on ct havi, seuuoauy chatone, Dcvezloiohd âait ou* o uu ay te ii, ha, I hoon onu ha nouith out théue ooihn lad uoglte uchaiOuoienaoeorup ,,b1hin lae tn u , -ilont. ecod otyeiaa; "IIthopolirevory pnpnuatcshdnouny.QT cuagh the long uuop otinihasomada yenuQuuatiGuneyereo,betac. le trioate toac ha tta, heir ai uifotttaunahottc ic, aetcaict.to.ia.iaiy iodToit dosai enoté." bots,and rto tiethÔ.ntghi eh, Bat ML39ieChotuiof 'o-convration, hnt Dura re t n0 1lmO ueu;here. -let iiu teunvunttiil' uontoiu vi nO_.o sn scci Dora hihet.- Shu theajht out!lhs lcolutOioinguof h, 'homu o l iat il o,-,uit Valio womifuuiogiy; aiiy anseI f .1etohtdt i r omu ,uticcstuc1icoo l,.c toi, ilc. tadgoanadite noenmait perluanathn lt in faoali ellut e uiti t "ietamy on ae . tauo. rut ana it Ébtellehuouthéttenant iutuucsuastg ¾. - Cidns llr. gaeuenel.. liue i it nu.inie.ein l - theanuucncotahio, on t fhuk oh ioittAti snitpul hy br hucîoa Wh aithu atitt" - ovahberaBloud. touulo'ei ,uvtlto uaiee opaenduaoiîappp. . o-.,tId oy,hnois n ot iaut.iuvieg I"is name ts Rulait Thoronos" ce. They p to e hous pionoontiy, OtcoGootet o p ee 31,li otuer tt, onion i ci'i .1muic,1 ' I Ihave neve nuiu chaaio," mui'lic-Ohbinhiiig, toa, ut Ruipti ont is ptiot'ola onune, "IlThea h.qitu a ont Lady. Chacteuio couid1t eut ;Dncn -ipn erh Plc pcu iic.,fia. ktdic e aeîiii oemt tiynt cith cimaun pctty,' tuiot humoestol talutha e O éei omncaumbouihin," oti eclanoai cnotie ihoh viteteMË,itratefona Ecp t fLir.- aut te-Bh "a' . dssusyisceicu' bvebc Thé onnuteuoosaw MissChotucl goguuuépnaog dopvtih the=. *.n.uu'1thy -thécunotyctI-po __________________ Piseuoandna ldu olt aut niuany ladiesa *jotaitha vu voulietrmtth qunu: " IlHava put vec Beau brh "in urattRouaa, hatY; "h: sio lae'eo,. ut lire o.theot tO so fton e theth erhu. - îi,, kt doa uitoîtt Ovuhituueutius " op]nih"t. hoo.' li nd eue otit o e m tuuhte o willAo UT~~~~~~s MHy Viteiasocs oupnug then me lier igcuoi' oe acoheard; thioigofotl"Yon,"u aa Vainiu "yto-iaity I ..Draistluctnm"atodoeîiiyhtuuathinei worûmaneiitleW hava setiuachuofutthuéuait ico,' iin e yai g l Roait aoune nthis havee o uonintil t tru u Vin imth teat IncitelleshIl,,cc-cetuait oh thu.se *hd-eut niug outeie e - tucuit," ho uit, aut iucvntiy hupiîcg ,tc c l t iithnO a ctin i hiet utmay peuc.,I. huewt ien lh asounteavec unvlitt. t' Sha mi onnm u ci tic.theutes Htuteteuliuunto a,,,ho gcaa Ad nhuly hiu~ ng tthcegn us: m hotc-' Ieyetlli'iu" '- ' '-yu ucIAttnhhcalY" ninuoutr o~tino, have le.. 5511pie0FTH n'lceuseui tO'ii ' hriilimitéip ht lier hass 'Al,'euiuttetmieivitel Wooto onei"tti ldititetethtt" hetet chic-e eiu eicitu. fliéeaithclie nuy n"danav£iOtoui oln lctutueite,, h rnilhi F d OFAR E arec hoa.îeaprtpocuauruutDr'anuuOmueaîtmTnueonu t aeuit aout iro let avt' y, anid cohaa aici5APunulth e uteu iIp inhae uee --Ah, thn abc Ùii bc of se lu'ou civitio ohaWe ayysad:hutoratgCorttatudluthhi uteapi yuun1 epoyi nhickeuedie ton thénruatonoitâ î~ ~oazo ETTEP m«aotus out on aottrmesuuiiou laci to !d, ieu.e; ne i a otiy ain Vit - d ia, "hcequan te nn îsluhith. tais.taillerittmagiDoeh te, nt A nvea duemecdual aup,,entfuenk X n t y la alwaystuothinspiraio uleahIaon a y thu tisi.ico uhy ausleu, iitt e Ylt tocGuMi shu a r traia" rpetVininhappyri, mllonîeu. L e t o f Leuretain Reu rntahpt ev Cn NONE OTEIt GENINE. euiuoutpituuun lu picid hutucîho, uIlt if at..-' quiti my"nuent:Thucu munit oyau eeali- pheshons eiptene nanoe,8nu 0h11a#oc ellelup te CiePootib aiau al c cîuua m Iaictugpaes t io itnivicnuItta iio'a nlu. av oyt h r" aol mir- odigi£. Arl nuothavculho eo n Ptortu cyut.- tb udruküti ISinueteeuaefcmau c t e no in. TutiVita a sutc.icnu0%ucauéMI.iiT Putun itsiucoinltopuv elaqieua i t e nt e esungey.hiotuoouir * B ,[ Asa etlma btli lnerd.r co~ ionnA uurr aouiurt t . tR6undthiéDua uHtv a i hvr u i un thoua au fo Ra-n o t tho" s.ued nieum telloam is o uu e â h,' zwr gr eiduei aîn u oi, inagtic on eettYC-ion l abo-oecarge at ig i ulul.gm , iic Pueuuuactes gna u iniFlorence. W otcil n o int"P lé o ut tle ?yeteuyl" r tet phît. iot EO poIieot ro oau hdu eoaut.iseue tla teaiutyi aim olu o ug 'bc'mus on.,n nyuilu" teua t no ittiis.idaliu-nton tmttauetgu'o enia c0a0 a,,,h galant h ecI di l iaerihaim ura'i- et ruciuty," m d týli av I u alg . aat e tu-i as prn uadof M iauT h é' reoua " ut o o. I u t au eru tr tin it' Sc u tu I T Eo a tM u St. ' ngoceccoco[ansI a tcotcV I II, a ti ta 'miiPCX- ucu aa'turOota nuau lIu auule l ao.1terr1crad t "Du onitVaictin coîîp onoaci ilyRuu,.btuet emblée.o INBOZ- ETE hýia .tit y u stathae nti noute;ait t uty ituooai ilt "Aoy ut maman tigL s.taari, h she-Il snrîdimovuagnA se,1 tiu id is eveeomo.ciiàpaî r .olnAvs .-'.ree"t-t' tIliTkT 'iV Theount hy ila u rti-" amI'usote u.i ptt b uue c oe a tho u dt, "munit haelhaoVlodnt l naopt a-Orn0 a i t t onte i aiCl hoiu oouiutt rii'i'ut~ mcst t B onds" a-ua buuntaeu gi nbyiivuîavnonuitect oc utt'taeunne h ," nats. isil .pt ri n , nt Tet Ototo il lboys t n ai NONE OT JER GE -IN.9,etpcueab helfodi. ntdi it ocutuia uihimu ss i 'rM. hra,ýwuldi nornzihie a-nit yer" ann ion.' miBra utrru star Oa ntii ons0 , R nl mnt tuctu'tuflancan iiraaane." re meuieiioey.ie re rm S a Dsost rcoil nd ite- ai a it al Cha cVI _cihna u Du, u ; cprpno dit c han itnutpu cv'ar edmnaA eaVlitn h aeDua i Sumsalot eand M Dlo ontiIl ge stDio utlet mnen attisuttît lo teu'muuon nav, 'làtgitue huiut vnlaciltha cdit. ' ' , lilaproal o tta uite uu bu oedmoni galau e n. u elus ei, miodaitite iu en etit ailitwed cine mutaccnsin otOul e P u sa pic.-Théeiuty u t ;i sal meH etee y Chra'msu h i-Vecd ait nsut. Pu andoo un llovs rcusesc o cutie nCtAtrin.i rat . No notcu ofw it dn a'î ture n t in i d raol i i o DOvOr traipnmiili. l c Houisoate a rd ltht heO y, n e tîdya nt tltay au. s1 u. p-tna1t hw un*ta a ii tem.lié' ot dau leir ant 'cittycuaeî l.oaai ii lu g- stia ine rtu tavuit. n e.u'Il Nnhé ue toptcusahi, raul th kerh tec hos a énuetermaillaloLoüthoau- ptnau ae'oc ,l ruq frd. O iace O i:gi O m co r u a 'e t c e t on At l ict as urt ut incu theltoaaiu ,f fm u o ti' teu a lah lnt it.oh;mnd hu t a à nte lligent.n lan eS eatfl m o pgst d ote, W ,itleg a a u Caia éereFn iat îe euaber. Frto ia i lîus;Oa ioipiatulotustitnî adEaidtrootucewteymnu otth at Ometio et, Sirma fo ao ng aeent oai Sa as s tan i e tier as ile ta o rnup Ol u nc.6 îiîî tYaacun', t hcag. gioh neatucrel hiigatuuoftgoar . lanittha mVa o tc unn ta -legsm. O Il 'a d cnrele on itr o ttnu.ith oute uto iîiu aittl i i' ouituy the a a b rpa ce,"e h a i the it ai ttya cvus sdaenm taitive thed alwAue Pun iiA't Ccma -Il ak P L- hll nuuuuohhnyo ool. he no u ed a an Iln- g aut*U a truc n t e i Boln ad;. ,cnntiy th rad arp mte t a l j 3UTTEth3t bc ]est bon thinîing at tm a it titysmeu, p ht oetgcag.t i.tut.VhaVtqe ue Rrt ig.Prcoi lahm at r iniauntnon fthyd o ottec sîco. une te me- ~~in la an ltec it -Oa,"fcui tdmciacno te a mIui oins 110211,1 ai tla Ifo aois ta driva naut m acoi te o e tid2vsi a ou ut a. 1e r,' 'em tranande ont m ono utm natse oo unt toi tt a moit Pliegtuntutpatat Sia icui - Miroitaeuliabaidont ait- !i lo duImlotS huatLîtON A-GE'at ot'iatNa.Ptua u tu> u ta c oùlldi ori t do, rui thmm endric.i ' aiLs e"a"atRiio hocciia5 sattetîeel eaes~ M I L O N ised as oui pimo ortmi he t Mel'riit uaipaanuimatlaoe us'"Ipanst e atleitsfrendmpocn e',Code,"iytauut a ,,oaÜlnenota SnII ,Ed DeOisrci n n e -Bnald atot h"t ac-off hCEin uA, a o*, r ule. ia t. eaoaCoulat" ulýeot ponra tnga." an'it Vau tinO calie; L dy CDoatrsot o agin;oinnil raDigatr tce.nniitceEu 'p ~maiutieth li molt =Orec slud af ,ematt'm,ued aun aurtqutforithe ol.'ooca m ,yum oaa aanolcndl tispo one taudC éder- mIcta e i sc in -a .pafrornthe nim - ~ ~ ~ ~ n u aboti h t il Pnvc lo"tnllaiiaur. uvi yttî i, u ahcruataia~ neudo," p a got a npt etilCIt h-C est 'alowed nt bst leatuthtnonnrnaanip nt us p Catuot. i u lahmot a dhou ayrt w u tvuihal htoId alI a n lun rt te 0007PI 0 X4th.a m apauîtL mo scolatc esot. jat thtmipaconversa.tamipnt adota'rtaacontmoib tahntotfA "gctCep",h epttoeetit.ooaeaomtt i thes y a Dtla as a n litittés, u permc iit MaCoui lat a Hra uouta rrthc t t colavstlt a rf"umslofnttuaheoeinRaltirPS a cicAcowoiiiiuta e i an.he caéidraleclieBrnon ert-e1 i SOMEV1LL ~ X TOH~" 1 a k oounp ail in a nd'rtY ob,Üpf 0 um, ithig a tt i cy iltirde- Yen ,hNo e ta at yun t i ah,y touih r," , leladypum, r tia untpu usmna eita tte - '-" iwiit .a to nine aitiinu uett;uthiacin imii ton hrdriand- tuate Lo r oni tuentsautdtcue huAathuctnaed iait iiohasim plae t tdtotpt een u p.atua lihO - Ru.eiOfafiiceeutahi.' euimhentrommllNova'ono nd,,laoILeodogme.a e ~t a.,t'hneenM~ ten y nia uait n atin.ea ha trc IlniateYugmnacbanwlnru ofhe ol nd!a as -t btu u orlfl oahan 'iu a bri .sa iTacteiroe hi« . géiu i menaalêrtoithueOta. cauoeb m gn d jurysic n t e linointr 10U . i. Moucoetntn ler tals uthott.Re al nnteh oicci ai T ot on tuogh V s e sto ioe"et1 eumI A. : t dmpieb'Oac t ictiut.h I giondo l 'a t e1h wy. thone 0 uie t "Pot hottetee,'t unit.Scot otuan.n-éon Si Bt hr kig a& ii,.hl entA lielatehupo n. nui Valhetinheoalk e,,is -119L - trc m pmneouta , uýiconen a eeo itot AG N. fdTonthito heeô ah lii.inli li ét t-tlirigh Oh'thi t t gcin thehatisgo lnth ro, he e it hall e t "h all oébah. lat," oo et,"a otit.r fhlm mueny eu . out a r 311whinY lIA&80mincuit ntlaseiu WOm;iad lspumh H h iipi t i l~icmai Minltuod il i. m le ut lSm, R h , huash a îri a aom Lum er ath and ~ EnOlhotutyAoe t hocatai' ctb1iutiieer« L Ominvla ande ber0 rusuiu ud lc.rc iu t a noumi tuperocta net . à taeler; sa y iitr sM eîuIT C0 i a rd, vasDot ol ton t, ab ot rgantuo Il. aet sa i ne skeutes Yeta ri n t hc aughtac ont in o luiRe' noetihat er lmlihe?" ' -n u orilAndeinepi e# allai waou o nor.0 h vù gdoéohutuarisect' mto lan a Dowe o ii ay u ont lO e ae o eaay ii lI e a a è t e a - f il :a o t ow r 'n.meietîitmie'or, nh ai t i t t Le' vp 0 h-0 o aytd.,%Vemos vsucus avil uioilo gefinec auy.a a.... t n m »Spinifam- 5. - ' htual ' u- i m. tluo e tetie e ptat&pcitp Iena ZigSAIL acON r onamws hqte ba cma O'aBan P'ut L'doti a oi e, uih if, n a ttentios. Teufitean ttu ronut tdia Tiar e mieeua udm e ce et AlsoCin lts0l mnlf1 heALR, t waignc im £dduniàh8oIh ade Pl îa lut micbnr oee:n ho, ll a ettu th utto ý tueiteeo ta . Ohig '-l fA TR~ ' 'o.ag an ont iadteé'av ouaue ita idy. I oadpaitenyio tot iireuseo a mplpeohdtailiofmu, heeceses £hepail hoied piréa erLE fu-lok poi i th iotd aouabhe le bgd ebhI cothaune idaOkePOe.. aie b 'n onlin tt noisaecp A an l i roio n -e M onp t ola it-- ona ati1h rîatcaa epcui alla d oaJlinP TtOuî Illt eld utuais m o n ."- in y irtuesat an ratl t P l uc o ubir m ao g~aoîn ne ~> ~ me- hot1nsono ~ Lia on- mmeupiOet. teuhenliéis ftmmdi m % a ce t- it toL-aI ra vi l ' t a abit *aeto Pe tb ,. î,~eau-tr-aé'ti- Dobsm ' teyihitr. O eaotI t-tosi h ultughoeO.p'enyo'a lss l y- reg iog'ut; lhaul "' 'prlatsnlnaouco ,,hein imne, ni t "- iin ie fce . -u aouit' abitof ttic dg. te e,o unu-Pareliit n Hilwlouet, Ou henlAt.6 _thoaC1,ýnou vi eut bih ute -a c .1i o_.hauaopahap a s. "' icnisk e n indeti zsit noveerln u olle "- ~ese haileg'a eailduastol'lo-heriontthoniih(IeVeiodot teloaduA euund tuouovnrplteatti mine lis el i I. 'u'cueOéee uc ue "-yn O~~'~c ' -' 'tod. HeunihSind t *.i' * ' la -c 1hutiti.a uF alahî:P; m ,ticO sMc iertcn"O t ri:çuvfeioa ti-iOé-IkI etae ti xe il ut IteoaAtotauu 5aiotiuN inA ouoG t ile, t îé iâs,.htvo u élu.o.tmaioe cna tionmrieâga io'aam nn eonopuilOIetceme-auut on .t. . i F m t - nthocn t. . ) uia.,.J ýfce ofýbaur sm e Oi in SétOrru uttaieslestor10lCecw , k~ ~ueG utataaA ;.înéitIl Bar ntt. euffto;all onger aimueta-,a 9 Id clu"' hdo' t .a g tt"c'î5iioni 0in5T aitt love R-tnp Paiteo'oWabonCfehétonnie eodthontyeoicsee tasl f - I ce~1c~ ies~ ~nabL~ k3 (~- 'f e" te-s 4 iv jî7 ~lt; T M.,

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