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Canadian Statesman, 5 May 1887, p. 4

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LelOOt5.0 71,06 - .00 3000000 3.00 &3-ç 14. 2.s 00 I10. ooOotO 400 400 .oibnor 066030 .0 T on e glo 'eaoooaan oaly 1Boooli comment ocnltin 'Illichl larotrant- r Uaiiltoo, PSIlouoie cocry- .P sl.alnihaould boati cocrniogv Mr. Panton'a impctooment and offl fi ilooto retienoot 00000,000as000 looo vodîouold.Soreoac. Tot, howveoc. ablelan hae c oon tlhe iiel of ou. lootôttrsand whisolhaveolénnbon and ar oprnted in Ton SANDARD), tn oet théoaeote oy tikiht. 1haeo us cîy milders loow, théIOO ily On * u.tgaied tho -fiatt Actanod tls opératioian toa5ftio, coaeqoontly 1 *i onetwrtog of wiactliitof whlîto1o5 iow ooa oiotg. -Ilhae othe eoutocu.of thu Did outvar etrtal oc voltolntgtiho Sct O ct Ioi o no ie. 1là.tmprmoîo rael ly a tudy o it tn réorma o on.Tiiotoacli thiogSo uld ainothtl niuntil eo inary. a liodomioiono, in amelmpa Oossoiloof boScOf.. 'Se nioo3tloly teloo!olbraubot. dgneo of dGopCooIoooand a-nonoin nu. and tbeatl 0 otatûotiooaty whictob reodoon -lbnail îoonsrsucoesaroy.L lod SI. lanlou blconuhaaononoloya InsopectOe:ul]L!ocoor tliopîolico moogto-P traie Whoo tmprtoonud.1litaiveaacoul botter ondecotoand ilho poile boooit ith n tlit rinefot itiçacerattao.: c iloo-sto ii thae ota éthoer tpoooooly lonattoal and 030103. si « an a oooey oidutofIntita nauor re uo dito' thetlo matériel orlîelo 10030000 rin pjliutal ploontoli. menoot. 'Tho impulse of thîe paitcot og8trteoi iioiiiftc ieiitatostua MOr. 5antonua aoolotlal ton ia ta cecoadlioould]lae ehouaen 1 iibluto tu tiniitcooia olaoth batc y rteet1ol ofeilîtiîlie dorsonotmcmpcs. tond, O the o iaeoctu, ]iqta ccon t liontoloet fr SLu uuodtg n ieiiow- btgoncai n pot. ,lestonie i Wh oolobod eod noiied inia.eiuo suclo a oay wsuld have ouglit te malou réparatton ; ntot an wtistoeifito *ostUroof out ioijut lai%'. HeSitot te ave litesel. nul, lieitubuotucs uhotnt d sei t zoaiiotlie boot terresiposibleo-lor litooiolf yoyuertug 8'eoa a otlîo dtiac tu natletlie udg. menot. -*eove c atbatmDul]a oneo Il rinitiar pliltlit LteMrPI iotou (il0one0030 Onaoogtooiuttig nt tila cal tst Bbotaeoco ouhat thioa waui iuc li. Tliorcbutuigotliag-tlicuouoas- liaryovuutlnS, tcooi ofitO lai cglit n the u nottor, i svuld id oriptiy orti. rooo. i ..Pataoton'i oithlec Silc 2ly ohiOloieipulstve. In et li,.rsoudhb o i a iliidor, andl htg cogtation iu'tilo tinjoustirouoSlt ndea tts.uîjidaontycaîito.1al luu, lio ediiitutiteoi 4)y naSatil aud projîltood lljodgeo, ouoioii'l teO su5urtoicuuu'oiiuiicandoiluuo a ioiiil deradattuu Sec tli poible guud t in a poBiitinn ou Weil raiclatuil to ceott. Houai4ti lot? Pa Ioou DUaI titahtsiito oeil oiis auoaour Joisof oilqoocsatbouling tiooioloi. : Ho occîoît-.4ooi otuuo poitii lu oo. Slitomoroa lccte iiiui u10iu Hoîudb iultig oaily, te gain frm tIgitig tio iijus ii.L 000 ltraicalO dcureo oufitheottuilAct polce maSia-t trato oS 11lotn. What vansicM. S1autoot crime ? This ilourorecod: îîP.Mi.-tlid ypue r aid] vuoui dtioili Si novteoxiuttog litqorinOuJaulury gtoon y 0Dewar r loto agnt ? *A- tantdoctaaniiuîprupec jlmston. but 1 euy ilia I Sdranokliu l1oo33r tht %an pail fr uud dtd net viulanet huAt. Analyzed. Ito uoaeor oioeoUiit M. Teonée %va eu olioittouabouiteu atlatonà law sltëll lu ieliesioebu lmathliehofiqtto3,ooritoaiîoiliohr (nloiog tlia1i o deonlilor uero arm3uentsuaine) tlîé lqiooc as illpa four'andfor. ud StioeidlitîI-hnta Canada Temancne Acti uSOS. Poe à* 0e000 eoou. Youlc100aeilteno'was:o Sx dayo Oopromoeet. Au o.my 21*to ottleiodteine oMr. î'aniuu'u riminult in le ta l théiu qoiowoi. lOai poosileloujucry ou%-iioddhaveo riOuted tu Socity lid hbiu nwrhe nuoptd ? IWuudSaaiveou ourc. .or lo. lhappy ? Wooilaneionsou vilahtion u of asv have ouS00 u. .toeoulinlienent r. Pauituu(Wotit di kiugM asar ben ellod00 ram théîopreuî of theObo ooutitun o M lilton for adeoîîlkoeo noootliero ouuro Oui scoro mormatrilowiuoooe ieo oSouiety. tht Mr. Poton,.50oo a. abaing a0mari as ta bu aeoul lest ho vtolatoooo a aho duoloui etbltuuo Oin a cueàdon, an offcee n the miitte, àaouaty. ffleir, a aino eut givln te drink, lond bc enlird tagitou *"ovtdenéen:Oreoatoîyic2lFurtecc laottroquOmed ly thé intoeoistnofiouctîy Lit aon uitproo1'nan uouadb'n p5. oitted to- pot.Itoo tbujGoutllieon ioiuteetioout formula ofililt Ovide bdi-; 1001 l,eSoiety in iOu Iutun net a muuioiowr c blo thunîbasboun oIàtiiorto blee. Oo"Ots arcohony anetl osuin thole atiofm resirato: *nan',.chlv. .ntlere t.odangocofI 00060051000 n .orOSly in 00033 ta0n' tom onz(liigil. euitFmtail'où othc afriecal Obo evnootai: -.o>1 Hu'- e. t.inedo n o n u ta.lu àmdniodso't0 lir a e05 ta brng bilm lo olbj n fianily. B. wrmptt.amliir expe0 1. ole orta tcon w iOoe éf ie m Ooc. - he joocito. ,cho SmO 10.th nor- 030100onn i ratohelamnm nIltb nOlomooend h.n...Whsnrt Word totu co-otale inO ugertîl. ta'lui-Liout ond oraitthlb. dttrof ai lt. .pckn th.l sne. 5-6 do not, etfooumo.03 in.&Dy itog0,onor 0t .0C1.11 loootlatiiefga oguone0d taor, nauitr ocrnrtooipaotin nan ore tadIg lmi.0e0i Id.Soo .. oO fLoOO.nimio WHISKEYS K W K E Y, **- 1.Go o e r .ri'S- , abnego n a, n a6no ad p nnre r'sloes .,y 0 -mn-bonnt'petondact fromtho lu Wabaveaaboy î tocp.Pnrc conloînu md atimien io eOil.~o0u~Cm odpatroolon is 5~66 or Aee.arc 50i603i eqZ4 Yu - élis** ~ >. "eLEQI SOioanim Ja odnn. 06y S o o lh- e.,Tartaoonta. Ieci JosC u.Toioutn. Ont. fI ___UIg.s____IùLO -'Hunier &EzardjfPoPrietors.. - Canvassers Wanted.l - 00300 - . HUSEFURNIHINGS CoOUR NORTIf LAND,"0030 - ADV RTIERSsilO>! OOOII,BLNDS, MOU 011000 ADVERTSERS. cw ' îi trflgoi,îMiloi -BASE, &0.* can learn the exact cost es O oooi006300iauuý~ ~ y~5l503 V BL Qf any proposed lune of lpdeua.aacc3aeocoo. 00033 OR LD Wc.o adv« ertising in American t!a d..i te u ......0050.3 000. 00c00 u0i.ueo 3000366003 ,TL65000330 OFTrNoIîNu 0 N000 RDR li-I-Ieo icoc . il 3030 e MA cre. te .orklnuiu 3.01 paer b ~,o.ueuo~,- * r> 0 -SeKAXO PATENT Geo. P.Rowell Co., h Po,30i aobio."'oudLUMBERF'iîRlNR, LÂTII, IIINGLES l~PCET EWN 3 îd'o. u ro. S Ono>'O -c . .. .. . tIFS OBEooas oOdr - *~ ec0ii.oo 0300î. oai.c 5 . SNt ,r.60. 'oooO c ioOe06 oiiî0 ouo O i ei..ioui noî i POICES SiOOSIIATE. . .0. ocr, ,,Tll. vernlle, ofdis juro h. iuqeeo.r . dM- ivNAd. e- by 1 t i titheuAo,iusdiai . luteeho360060Wrt.I S u m m e r Tý . . D ETROIT, 3dACKhNC SLAND ,50 The £onery focrlMay. . 0euuau. iia..ioin- - . <u.aouo.iociouiIooBY E.ULK.OR 1C AN. Tho Maliy Coturs- 05000 sithiitoo toua S l3uOico peuiOOhyt5ated iimpoeur s egyjît- DETRIOIT ANi) CLEVELAN5DD U C A T ohcy. Obhe opecilt;uabject bag thue ..D.ecoaa00.603u0000OCoodRoiool t 0l3nai5.of tenho lupeoc iOUR011ILL35STO0lTES) i.AMPOLETS - e Ità'su 11-, oubteb iugoihur nithothoae iy TkL*0000ioL,. u0oo0om* ' .ered in0 1881 y Profese PSusl)eoebtDtit< -headE~mNv s oui n t ileoifcil uil Jou, 180. S'ee 0000.1030 00 (ocoLjlJ~ V lfte thitoditoe Mk Elaaed .. Wlson N R oR asteteihie soot ii 000005003 cottou7" 11hooatar- suboanliehou a penal o & )iS fAERI LS.. fI Y ieouofuStho diltovory. ahiliMr Sic.IA S Wion houe ocordsa, upoîhoimetn toOnC ciroo03000e30 il oy teturuotingie ooiah.cOSoio adehp elso. oooO couin.0 u ', o ohinel. Tth uo eoil lpaper, cyPmeoS . . fOtt.ouo ,_JebuA . Paneu, couehss ainSompuehooo THE B5PST O PEiC. . oootairamesoa, oniiiofnoun oeil 'ia11terositg «'obsevatios e,360'-e,.LOed te * * TO T E- ,msttn orth îey the aisttorattn niosud uoucisoauîoWleat Fields and*'Farming LandS, y aoou iul bean'ugautof t uop oOOOoo-.um OOgouhoo.00 Mrc n-ou arrives aI theo concluin tntloi ooooui rb,0036630oe3-0 P woncahouan ontan Egypiiaubo 'o il, 06hîodudru roce or boà, bl vsadeeuonded fromnt 00.0 .,naO~0 e lo ShOophoed tGUt9 fA1iatic 0035t0. -u-a ro -ooT s.o.N u 006.07.0%y i nu Asrian. 1Pofesse Finoo'te ooenu.o aie uaonoroin ml ueou ceso A'ot talc.ioM.' N To the Stock Ranger and Mining Regions - o!Plaoeehia iaglie. Tegethee the 000ioatioo 000 063 000 503 '* iaio papoc e e nor te ipurau ha tur 3eoo cuoiieOeou600 ot.,ooo Oiiteetteoall tidentasfhitoep,ound 0e J.. 1 e000303000uo-Oo3 o e oaîoo1ýciooiip ta tuilenofit e! l b ileh. 300000 003000 O Tbaneebe ceitaisthe bo tretof A WOODEN "FIL,'r LoI svoolip ou WcuPao OlorIV.'cu0. n . F-MflE IDRll .onana, :Iduaho, & W ashiugton, 1 AtNatrof po el yanP nei ty, e onO. la As noue)os . i.. . Th Cmielesty nf Foui, iuard Ntri. '~swm~i> r 2Xým- I ien," botîog opeccalîs- deoeite ta tho D0006.oote ,,,dee aooh5e0 ivu. -oTO PORTLAND) AIND AL.L POINTS IN OREGON. o comositeon oS oae bodies 'andoi u, . O-eta1o. foodi." Twaicehles "oe.ol ro-Watson uicoDoag adr Irving na1ilSue,' bp Careceo okCel, oth.ei3t0,00THEaile. ' acouecaieei ly eportrait of IroOng - ,etno ugooooeipp, sudoloservaies mWATSON SANIFACTUING Co.r li'. n routpte or Sue tonembor;. thi oîîoî.n~~a ~n .e ~ à osecond, 'Poranai IleeolletitonsOfet 0-0. uON 0e30-6063 e .Louis Blan,0-bp ies rend, Each'eBid op,. A R.0.POS,.0ni - -oins outith n poreai. The Ltincolon ___________ .. Hiisoc, by Sienr. Neolny andl 1ou5, namoornnîumoien'lest.p'nmno1'rt-aaSevelMaoOl '.aI Le te Iho consderaton NOi thooj 1Iota(ita Lincono mcntomperaLryaniO i 'ifvos o~e. . o ..2~ titropltOt intin' h' teoPo . ticalL4iOAtlA') - 0000Troo. nn itt' Ploao' leeo fe-u -SOe lr * OoieoeýýaoEooas int 0l 9 mBO'i of.. Pill àiù',6 CDingCar, D.i. Cas,0 Tl,'ligoloiet roil pil6rireo ted teav siaiartrick, hiloolon are0Vrpcs i o0.nýoeg3aioiio6npoutung fcir,. Tii.p statu0300>y*oroisenont00 ly tiaancoin- p.as. lton tiir or. 00 ecom. oo Oho Seoqurol. Thir t la d e dnotrttad il,. ioileohg o:biiAnoco 3.ti3 iopcn dhocril. the formcuolpleeocisso e lIsu' unlo i. ltiieoiiot cool batcircuit, and th. curjoont ltooi- ,,a ooeonodo, obf.loun S.ocoh. Th- -ht3oupoulloc o ol f c liglitiioie rodi ictoli Olc 000 irnti ithi, i-roec d et on, ii humloe0 iunt it i,. th. etitoy t bo sid e tercool.and ,o oid..ooiotoool tg ieu'tlc0 ourseoi03.0 t],ilo nlle.ig, *.hutheiti ien- hOoe o-.loioioi eit. g0! o putOC ioterouuh-lont thi,sois theooiie 0ré- iloceuool omh a illa oi OOo in03005, i of e lot. espool.tiooo.. No. .3. btehîg, Socrloto oontat ig»id by lois.- lits ith.il fbc. enolb.hoau oid înoteg Oct i ,ehe b OnO eo .bou.nd nc 500-ESt TîtIE IST." Wloot! N.vu ertril clo00'.o ri it. te.! Tioei O1. .. iut onoo, i-i 5oiotitaly lio. loc.t t.rh i ois,.theiloo dikot. 5'a ,oiiîtest ohc d ot boit theahlt tlost t so te bu plnuedoln the l ionîîonîoy teuhio Rropocoilions hatfoOr30 oierý. bat riois-,oooeoeoeslta'lotgly MIiigioe iotail. Deeni., for ni oy n'on 0 Oooinn oo. . to t6 ihoaoi. ond .3. o, ...n.uooor clhil, SOc. soo81O St oottho at Il0. Watoa i ilo ttuore,PMilthon. tIlppliioll'li SMagainelo. T3iSoco, u C .rscîK ing, la Ovien omapletin c Lppinscuttoo hdogooinefor iey. Iti o.îoiiiooc tw, sud oeoh. ittintg oor. sudol 0 ceooptorcec, 130 500360. Tie eoooebor nO uuo oc6 n :ýo 5or taîniooa % l iipeotr.A. SE. %Votions; -Tho. 11.1,10bo oO ofteatînl Oto. Turpin lloo.. ofulDoole ;o'Th.oeit11.oe, f st Vnuo,' SLhILoSmitho; 3eooh Oisdiuami O1,OcMPay OhOOy Saith:o'Th. idto ioo Fr Paook D. S zth 'Un osoieSlothly 1 Gescip uoih]iahoTo. Pulo,iol. lby>J. Piooomt .. iioiiloii, ut,'3 p.r y.- ; tooolo ooiiioiio'25Ocent, Thoo>ome oeooobeeo%11 ool mtoote-Tho Wlotitig llaey,' n talc ul th.e ae., caî lit, oyChlo.Urh, eo", notîlof u h.'Tusmo Sltero, 'The Soprano,' etc- oe. r Loonm Worldo-A crofleo senstion D wa xit.ol Scnooc..m oii'Vdosby t1h. -ahdenî ý3tlo6tTh. Cht,.ohes bail doîoh snîllroly 'n Oh, prcviusoi6a3ynt Sineoil tSBlOl i oti ociloc.ioleeo ilohtino Tlonooro%. alotlo Oti iuv ut eaoiniohthe Higholds itui.hly the lbut tloei lion lotssi ubio aiat, oeol..bon rthlu male copreoonosi-of ithoe auuoien rmeiltlhuotrotin s usihyof ibth. is of Casor.Th. Clioholnsoiv.. hi. toreotv n.iouctli yea. nd. col oc boeootu einadîlt' C entbt.l.t.bu in angerl1-lhnoooustic. Vpoute.Il. 5..oco etly lOsohod loy loto :ontry : ueol s.oonite diir ihc li yCocve6utECOo0 iCatliroCeu hNvosk a 8hftlohos nooolw othau e nthiisiasm =2 elyotOiooo nouo&.shlomeo...ain tlorio oloo, To. itly estaoustintlrcooooto a i Soio sudt e hRo.,alhiuho rolood t oothy 120,00000 d. pue tt h. au o itere t Thry loîuoo .o.r malo Onooy dotrteb. a asa -11 oihboeoî iidoggit, «iLloso soi 1oiicrphlo .s ibo ionrhasuaîd gith.hoabst ,f inigti60o, et... cudt oahoon omn.dc utawto Joliîo.o'aToui ioosuer.,.Jconson'& aTtin LiCor POlO, ouIl pnefcoi u ou oiherc noolicnuebho.donî cfore or Su . >tcg ,huanioty. Pil. 25 ' centsper ottle. 5003e, 50 uitaeil 'n cor bti. SoIt byEl. Wst.oa. druggit, Miltone.' Pettono ouro hing iresitcin Ht Iors. for the ropenl aS the Sonstt Aot, T,,Oo ue. ,Sli'b Dd SEg.. ,landolrate. Tuin ounroeeiit!ui. tbontroesy diffi cuitteOn OS ouei. lothe lilo Conitnb« ulocy.*: TietoitofutPor,lh 4reoilooooont Et obertlosdeis sloto ltu Ayriocaïhoeoo Siloic eftah. 31.t, lote ont boon cof therditoomal oOoa.ýtcroieebsilly menhoilto,01. I0:1,, Orentb6 ocpml owy this Ohos.'TOo. 06, l-moopeeioo.iltOrtirnor tbres'o.àe, bu*.a h. nplngbitg On preîspnito'%ortihe , c he cp O...oi a -netcmnbtoo 1.0 'Smahe o,. ,'ta'i oidtri 'tI.t. 'wdhththe. extremno 6menai 'sooahy èen ontoian mie, thoi 'trom ttli alof ol on tre apptit6astot a li ooeony ,nI na, bètt'téaeol ontro)l', ,a voi, becîlm 0Mmoth I of Bank necourt. Wroc iron. aotweiik Exchange o.I ,I T . Rï+. JAoLTON, IeT i amft salipà te Europe ndehhg ti flOSE, BE Il 4.o IAUOE HTOWN MANE .At* ., OoguuhO 0. cso0-. .t Blegnta initiinate that he .is prepri Wagont.s.a Droras m e..tolý3Im.gO.Lp. Lo TEA-IMPtiEHJa 0F% ' N. 67 ]Dundas Street, LO.ý A. Plkey, H~IltuAg frte Countyo RWDer the Baker tc Q ang downi to.lloper's and got : ý-ome bons and shortbreadà For a'tliing oà' the- indi he msl ýAdd n et oaur-Sable heery O.' Plain ndOrnnooaoutih l eàhos f evs-y deno Ploaenao osoi plir fovooà.éseiy. Otoýa prompý t etdon, siioulnlbejiditltr iliàti1 * WM -BE N - ILTO N, h.ao a splendlid assortmeýnt af Canadoan Warstedo, MelItano,& a, and oas>nl elothinÈ iinferior in nmaterial and-fmios ýto, wiill ho fohnd to ho erkab!h qtoality of the-gooda holie' lIs: io"reteiving daily a spléfadid sto tàk ao 0ren S Boots and shd;es, for SprllÊ TÉeegoods arc mmmt' b; thb èsioinitai'ctrc nold l owo.a pomibio lolces. " B6itï,mil Sbons r tnttcam stoekeandlworhm.nbghi tis6utend. 1<P flN'T'IFOR, 'ÇET TC 033001,0 W... cl w doraN mi0O 00.0 -MbJoCCoAP Haimsso. NX'I ai sleeping Coroý,'Bnggagn,ý ninnln, St.'Psnl. EMngo; ca ha pueboteTcoemn, 2; ta tho-boot HàntOngana' toie -ot' routa tbrongSh ,,brogh Pugot Sdnd Ena LINE 1 1

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