eL PAPER0 LePAPER - js ock aiid:best.vaiet? ifcldé ..rmopr -rÔ1UIpthe 4ith Bora!es to mIatche - WALL PIipER ,,radé a ~aH: an~dsee US f of he oin k NiV 2. f~is r . _ 'îl'.uî'rlSéetaritiv 1.1 lii i il iiig ,i.rti.eif 'xv , ork.biGatn 10V IN ST'R E T., ILT . Su TIN,fsfLM bsa O U ,aadairveirg irtd lie acestar r aî) he nîýIb.~r- Ill'inihle err teeC si'aue er Ir>a' e p c abers "f tir s rtilal saea la i t .aistied eal Pi e lpOitYCX U.r5 , ui a ias OIr o46 4 t...i.... t1290 ~ c,..<~ 1 siih tîoiOitC qpe 050046 'ris4 r.s.o s LLIVS'0 62. 01r mls CDt ~ . 05 ,e aeeia ltotls82 75 as 115 05~r 'a l9l2at C-ttCr ~'j~~ iiotîiiitt' ~ SpetaceV. oun ti aaDme eopidCdIle utCriti Mari rrl S te, irai' itri rat ar iri 0S3 . C A . ' til te tle y Trtritn C. os C srtig 0-3arlieea o siriit tw lirili5 r roCOacîlt "ititin h0it i '. irC a t ra .R rL . ui Suie arît t -. rsu ie ~ Cot.aeuh O ,atr CarfS,é a .. tr ire, larer tà h. tillae n airin r, tare.dpa 1,,iJonirir irs tadlb N ogf tl a" t ie. .,.irliil"nr i t.C.l'iroetliu re .trtitrpa.. . , illr, herff l ain rir.eS er iioati 1.ii -St da.erai till nscr i. Rberson Dr Start IV iAl.,1 y 1 0. C.thr.111 b.tierar i .'te'ir --45 't.apriiattryOq Pt.. 0. CEpr. NticeilO. tiraS tirri'.nittt flaire, M o re Vlae o fu.ira1)t tisa iirait d ii ar ilrtiei l haFrrlesri n VIaloathe 31.y. i l it th rI - il lm d i irel'iia r'i'or raCir leria V lIttr a.p ti C )t. i ,.iiiieCiî. a'iî.Cru SiiemA rai.. au a iier.,rlrl E 'rl.ir e byCl; 'eu litira h Mrte' 'Îi.ilrririM-- r i.e irrC . th. 2aCiiitir. iy, irlyirotr :l"t.ir.ii tO ia irtaeo -ai , ilar i.s >bmn arii onr. r mi c.iici oaaiteri .'rr-ir4.erru. . 'itni t r 'alIe u h, mireles u lit aCr lie Il.ari lo iire .. 'i', o M tOI re ,. ., o e"r.l'i.ire -1.oceoei flarsh 5i,-itla r.'urraio & ai.u.tâor -letr'r!da%>ta I î.t- u Isi, ta. c iaietioncar l i'irlti-uii -- lterl. t t cl- aii e T.... e,*n.....rara4 lai air s ai.....a.........el.r ..itr.e7 si e1e =o Tuari Iand ,airyll-icltai itirilndra anI iaggrqu IL-ttatrt. Orrel trsou Tari W.'. 3 CaGaîee, Trairirr. i itii'rnbug rerItin thin .rry soci tyOi I outii «Uta i I ~'on, The salesein thlie departonent ara increasing rapidily. 'W y eas ve seli the peopl oos o cheap. o Tonder 'these os a rush for or Btots -&Shoes when we oeil themAbout 20% oheaper than otherstores'. .,PrloellaGaitersr fo. . omeosý', strong laced boots, $1 p.; Ladies' kid .buttoned boots, $1.25 pr.; IPrench -kid boots, froon $2.50 uip;, 'Ises ko'-ddbuttoned -boots, $1pr.; odie.laoed boots for tbe-boyâ ' et $125 pr.; tronger. cnes at $1.50. Our (etreia l romaie tise yaiag sg filensopen their ryaia-raltae, relfid leathar IdeEdd bra àýingatniaihp tap styleo eey $200. - Oar $2.010 and $0 heate udt oàtoarair YauaFer countr'y' Wro s erî t avy plaie heat fer $i 25 seërtis S1.56 Our laongbirs t2ant d $2.010 casinot brs heatesi, hreyrdy uatirag Brais &ttSirar eniroua set Si' te see risc. For!me ieor n iatever yea arr, hriag year faiiy alaig ta Haute.- .r. Ie wayao a e aitirais aod eleaPly.-Zylbr~ake d& &on, Milton., ~ We redeived sud opened oop yesterdày 41i ddat Strars Hnte for Mnaaid -Baye' aîmenrr sear, hagist ai tise loesatpices «Dsn' i SaalIte ae tîrre gerds iý ya en, W"aaSica Iraitir'is sammar. - e have tliralangeai, noest and ctiiarteiret fgoudra int ti. if5 you disn bi eit o Oaanad Eao it, r,' a R' tihCap -Store, miitot.. (uccéaSor to MEr. George Smith).. The reason we seil so many dress- psithaît we keep a very large -assortmùent of NEW SHLADES. sd agreatvarne'ty fother FABRIOS. Those réquiring Good* Dress Goodis. in . Fashionable .,éShades and durable A.-Wool Fabries, wll .do welt urchasefrom us.: Plüshe ad rimmfSn to mch r Wehve a nice.line of 4 Casp Ki Govssumni.wer shadE!. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f lie 4à le aol<s ul.pm 30155 505 eatralairree.rau.tuers orrluaa, 5lirA1eAl. lise. ALEXA seau aiof1887: I -ýWe 'torin o atÎeod:BüèsFE O I~ ~ ~ Eý - - Boints OE F CARtGE tin th cf May. >RATT&iWATIS A. URRY &00. OFFER Another:Big Lot ofN W OOSat Hall P TMCS TIME THES POLLOWI14G 5PLUNtrOeLINFO E 5 EuSoCOENAtItNE0 AND SLACO( LCE POUNCINGS. OBSERVE TIE r Lai i-O5 piares Beaadrd Grenadine at $2,-regsler prica $8 On. Lai 2-4 picres Bendrd Grenadine ai $2 25,rergalar price $8 60. Lai S.-O pîrres Braded l Genadine ai $2'25* regaier price $0800. Lut 4-4 pioces Beadrd (Grenadine ai $0 00r regelar price $0515. .B LACK LACE FLOUNCING.- Lai 1-4 pries, 40 ise idaib $1,0 Wrsts $2 25 Lot 2-4 piraes,40.îsairas ivida, ai $175, sertis $2 50 Lai 0-4kpicre, 40 isehara ode, ut $2 0, Woartis$8 01 Laid4-B8 pieras, 42 l.ochas ide,-at $8 25, Wortia$5 00e *Every lady ira the City abrould ses these eeiai lots. Tisey areaRltise very- newest 'patteras rasa ars geoda tisai cannot ha imÈorted ai wicis teey are raarked. iteerer, aise tise Specral Sale of 26c. Aliol sijersey Drese (toodu. Great hargais in a very cdeparimaisi. A MURIRAY &CO., 1.8, 20 AND. 22 K=G. STREET; EA ANI) SKIP OVER THIlS ADVERTISEMENT WEEN READING TEE CHAMPION. We Desire to Cali Your Attentio n to Two Special LineE The first lime »se Prmnts, 700. pieces to ôhdosefrom, pricea begin ait f5. per yard. The second linase (JCretonnes. We have an immense range of these gods. , Splendid value ait 12ia.p McKAY BROTHERS, .48 KING STREET HAST,,HAMI! DR-Y GOODS AND CARPET DEALERS. rofLaîes) Viàt'TEE IGT110USEDaMy ta P-r Thé New ead Fae.siionsable oaeds, oidwn.isis tises are about 1350.000 seti1-sts Iled ,-Cher1aipresser. They receins tua B ight RoHersbaasCh ere thlg ire qie hers e (tond Serviceabie Qeeltiie, Feeileairis tyls, aleshat iirey reesat duf bettâr asywhre thase rre hesase IVtis' ,ltd are se eery large tCiorai ntsaroCnar eais dllars rests aeld pays a nedsoame.pisfte.. Then the Ronecaie purehssed dthuet faterses fer lire cash laina. Thun ]iislargesrcahdiscouat& maire asvies pret. Ladies' Newr Uaderwrsr and toery as ahCias wd Mc fesrepaPe hie wssh. 12o5ime' andi Little Girls Menties pet deire te ses tises liatt prices. isses' 'Mastics marireitdeire tram $450 ta 8i, faim 5.5e teiS, to $1.150,frion 4 toel2 0t,)1,eii .G00 tai$.2à.-There are about60 VerNice Lace Certais, oeeiy-oas pair echellpattern, wieusiareaake d SLOS, frrai $7.&1 S a 4o $5,U$3.62 ta$5.00, fecaiSe te $4, faoim 8505tel, $,front 88 5e 00, frais e.59î le $3, fram 508 le,.frnas$e.5e la O. Tar Cotteaete9.1.,O86inchrGrey ottolt 4 Cat s ahhTellieliat S.-AnsEserisoas lSetoc fToearisge and Teela ory cheap. Grey Cottoren oe Uijaierl1y Les Prises. Ara imiasese SCaO i N ervy: Cattemides.ad COtadiso Tweeds foi Seiramar Parais Tery Oireap. Siritird and chier Exrlrardlsary Gonad Taise. Ja'elc-etir sheetieg, Tiehingi, Pillei (atoar, Whiite arad Cjloed Qalisq. Haay Teilîrd Cuaties, fer Nighî5 and Qualitis e aGoad, aend tire valne ual eeily eqealisal. itemeretire tillineey, fairte aad Naitla lela are Ter> Stylisa Patterns,-assd tirs1 MiSI a sn epr tr t~li iaaetetr la O e is iaal leieSs 0,1 SaedCr sy ele t.Ne Bte tler 43c01e.se aa apOS rasîysTey er. (or At.eal erets errd sieet70eaid e -teSie.ht.Sedreethal pieifrin-Wara Yar Wie Crpee fersdie. ap.A lrgeteletItenees a t.rarrlsetehel Mli eses. rameemes Olciref .esierahs Dsigs taSPlt ScseleaeTpetr (epl.. e s le nu .Crr.MOraesdSieesFaset leter> Iigiree.A mes eit. o .ares arD T- rak . ai -pý roues. . ra o nu. ad u etal.T JOM s C. W L Bssaillais, ÀocItc.1U5. HRARPDW ý&RE. ,or1Garde Rakesi,' HosSades a and Sbovels,' PLQW0 LU , 3,TI tAE CHAIN S, p2ocs iott'8Posand, Fittinga, MIT A NSf ,AIIJJÂ BINE 'WIE eaorth prci, s td fr aisR las aar ellaaJacla ,' Sraw ram 4 Ce a LrdWide'l'wslls r " lard SiineWs 4 Undsrwertlie t ValseEesle 7it. Ual s, -eaTees îga ,TKINS. OUIL OWN aKE GENTLEMEN'S Eveéry Pa ir areneto fgive sat sfation.' - These gqlaaemade cf the be*st 'materiral andbyCol petent T orkmneu, gera aisré e 4g tsen thïat evry shal e prfot A t6k f thes gosawrays on hànd. Ou.r assort tntc Fine IBoo0,ts,; nu A% A xI.Aýl .7..