and best variety Of !2 5.*per rolpti o.. trÉeet r tn au IatolocottWacao,,tst o u 'i ictticcc.ta paped t.O cct in id ih oectfr c , thé beloaelcag frm o t,tc l ci emm ySteei Bi7dor, cv Mower, icc Miýowcr, 03 Wo Bicîler, oy ,atkù, arricr, and* l ii kotls of other ImP11pini * ~ ~ Blc' cci cicrjceoco a t. INÂIPTNIL tNI sitîOt to pE, I TEMtooJt. St.1c, oi , tetroo to coaotiie It prctto ni er: $2)afià Tweds, gish.Worst0,ead Coat9 n nals;p Trts.eigs. te ccicc Pitcco iccitwi bott rtcim ligtNAg CTEE, Nw ok MéhITO, -loI-M o TTN-WAR0, 1T8.,.. t .tgicx tt îeiiy.. o>wnf...L-d1 > i. Iotiaathe ictee8 and~ toltita te fa o c ou t woac r oa o - LeC sItO m 1tutt of us cc. Ooppoition >0Z Jale..àut.. alla a oeiget ceongaic paOtPc. *. STATEMENT' jeto e i ol toc on o reeteL - m OSit crsia b e0 o.Stno, uetctibaite . 1cire yoroccbatîio ,le ;mformadde nLondon, .- o- ,t. halltecoecccmtt io , as,,OS gcloiactiâoeeabco. JOHN WAL DIEr$M., ahecDoinion âmaien irp .. rornoced atc):... SinaS eta0Y1! os. tit ttce O .c tocc J . L W Coc. 00, lctâ oottt .ltctttttte Omcocat tceiw c o f cc ? cctc cit te cctrptco t t. r -e.1 .P.. 51-e ootian pMIàc tio tat the l ttOo,. ~ . 0 ct ii sctt tl oty i)roitt te o2- .c 0,T.c cc . pocal fron to c ritite ' Itsltùo T-co t1tt Oc ai ajycca i t ast, ta cou- tt e cof it t eneor -o theointfra. N-cc oLI Soto tos liis .2 00 c a 21itooc cocct cJ,it atccc ilc w o.ccccac....19C tcas tcttcO* a cttatpôitt are cl to n Vintttatt. , t itctl'l or cthcoOatOI. VALTER H. LINDSAY oi ttce apîtoaclt i o;, cr. cic aocutc, citber octi JH'4 ViALIU . .l il .ornmont of flsccrcor mgd1 mOic. AthÉscOtio Co u i at.tlitti out t S1ii ccc c lta i-' o 04 oi oget i.ttct g Drtc Su1jietc tt itotito, toiatty . cc tC. ILc t. ýC aro-tt.Otin 46 l:., asiag I1te xiao tio attct t l oc. l. t. .atctcct'A io tht hit tt teoiicht, tooiv ytte lt",. caoi thO ,, '. h 'ti Ù>.c" ti l 1 ÉlNjk f , ce -cc ot iO tic,tot.nah Icceýf O.ti ttcc. A 5. . eta-h,,oc ccjcttatt t. oute spoc-t ri~5- t , cc t,ltt-ctý. ict 0c. OOttt01. "l, c ea. ttt ctc Jctct.Occttotfigy. taricjtt.,t.. u c, E lottro i rl Oi. ost .ttoo dcttcacthccttc c.itci tact..cictyco utto. I ttt31at ccto. a st ta i Ocato t . ctc tas o T eit1a4t r d,.toott ttattitacuae 1-tYa.oat .0 cons aacac£o.,toh -h 00, tic. IcictLti ltite.Ottoo t.sot. L000. . 1i lite Iocco me.Orente.i ico- - h - rnr «àot I. I2 le x .ctdt. wyali-ITi e . ioSlathaci cii Y se i a pictoecUt ttciýit. O foco e rocil t t s-eiTe a o , ott ftat 1.1toi éluO . " à',.k àg g .d mem. , - 1 O t tt .ca. or ltoeu ta - cattanc Icocticor. ccItthotroctn =j-oa f . cth ilco id i ltlo. in[o i.iptce.O188aT.c. c ctttc 0Oo the tIsa c'f05, OtaStO Voit. pc-, enaotcbslcstcyct ic casa cill tt st OO TIoo&lOtO0ct0o dhy )c I . OSicot er îo.ticltcaîayginta t aplicct ation 00osRa ctt 111te iCosi soti ttcin t e oo. at. cct. r.,lorc ...ta e .t es~0$t oc 1ap oule. S ttates jtbcîs, i t y.accatcci ctuclitct.cle-altcucCitygoet Lwidcoti, ta. ne,,Titde. me aocc a ro thae. iI..-.L 'i;c anada t ouotl a t iioci ci-tn t . at,tay1. cc y 1,a.c aaozotcc1Ugil..aocil, y_01T__ ..._h_ Lilial_____ t. t..eattti1--tactserlthetiiet ttt M aetcd fa fat c al n chagts. ý'D t.âo NwhtoaSruCILcar u totidp. mlon2shFb tt,o t5cc tttc tc.lc5ect 2 d S0 talîcct .l paisdc forta t Tng ca itca c8ttc cacscs j..W*"atetoco 056 l c nts n e to O, clscc ato ost i aiot tcetefatcttt t a oceaaci - ciàtlitht ct8rc. blut là h iOtodvutiteor. ngc rb vn ht -U J, bu UYJ5 DiJm- ~CIL~AITH-& MMATE iOfliûrat c'.: n. niV biaxeartort s inoreasrng î apidly. Çc-?ofsaseWè e ciithéo popisgonds se eheap No là'certi 'Oa rusoh for oui Boots & Shoos whecn wec oeil theabôot 0% heaor honotiierotores. -'oeltatr 50'p..;.omens' stroccg iacod boots, $1 pr.-; Ladies ýkcd buttcnaed ots, $1.25 pr. ; French kid boots, froin $2?.50~ o.p ;.'ýîN iss'-Id-bîttonod boots, $1 pr. ; nce laced bootsi f@îtbsuboys, at ý$125 pr.; stronger onos at $L;50. YOc.r Gcoeadtoa aste cyoecg fotoiaosIicreysafittct.tteti lePtio lOsd'lctottapintipo top tyle, oety*$2.00. .Oo.$2.6 anad$8 eisto*ieoa-yec.c For coutry 7vccc cocect a tcavy. piste toIt foc .$h2, witt 160Oucict oote. aet'$2 andi $2650canntoe± ÈEè~iycaitgfooto sucos eoi ott in i-to aoc ooc'ýetoélo. iacco ecotio ht iever yen toid,trtxabg yot.oiit;fniy HoOlloË- o u yen t ttu goe toe sooid alé .fîincéciLn lIi~ râeiedana .opened- up e eoda 41* dc. Stte wý- Haft-or cMead Doyo oosumr w eac, ôùt cet le iowecl poice. Dogtfai ta aece teso goo if yen cool. a nieOtI lt osonnor. We isa io lerget, na chaioiceot stock of gPoo luintqcyIÉ. :18meo yO ottbeiteenvaïit. oeaicisci i.: t oleYioecStncYitbl 30 ~s~nor~apt a e.:S0takeouradvic, and~ çý sýiced p20 -.r * yTA T I S I'Tle I:I 1VIJRRA&C. NEr MvDV The Grendet Stock toeyjtv vri lt ~cpiIgalteltatBye c OntHiFse - & 1 iL L i.J.oV Fethgre, andail cacotetiat.th8 very lowet cdipoes, 100 Toiccocte J acktc aISd 75 ccci $475. 100 Jersey Jacts (Germesn iS 0À *h.olt! t (wa Chcctcd Newciectt, just rcectact. The latent Lnoie anti M ANT ILE ID RP ART MENTpBaie Lace ndVsstts 1>PCICI Ct(\T\ITheccecy Otoocet Ocictions rm a Occo Poctcedoi2eThere Oc eothtcg UHiretec jentho citp, tht eSt.socc c I10.EiCk.~~~ G - vofice tOelic s ic t cccaeteuio, .o JL ct the -cop ug oth ttr ative, tcaüdep Afl-coot Drces Ocas arc ecesat 2,10,40 ceci tOc., mcttocid- Tbe stock Os coanmplete i vr~lt.tIn t msn xca isrkGat"w &aa ance on cos t every. en s.;n tt 'A~MfRRY.'C iL0 22Ki~gStee Est ~mITON tc~ AdD s= VITIRIS ADVJ3TISEHHNT WEN IBEADING TECAPO WeDeslire to Cli Yur Attél.4tQ uoTw Peoff In9l c . r- Te firatline s ]?rinto, 700 pieceesto ohoooefrom, .priee g'-ap~ . pèr yszd. rL'* ii! sThe second liOoCretonnes. We have an immense. raneof thesegoode. Spicndi'viu a -1 M pry,.. E~ UU~ 4V[KA BOTHERS,:48 RING EET-RAST, HAMITN -- DRYWGODS AND CARPET DEALERS. . The meason we selli so maniy dress ;ý,.c -sithtwe keep a very lar7ge C.W TI3 H T D oTeRGTHOS assortiùnft Of SItr vcltaittceret actictctce aacc;aEncaci,~calat sctiadt h a oti ctnatof Eecpc tq oitac nppicc or ttll,& Ih Hao-cfr t' o eaccot J'a 0d 5ý5çj s Leo Ocréoia tadW1 e'a-tEru . -lta cmiOBornetsg a0' uO etas cti-an d ruB a ,o i satpttc ped Ja --coea tru tceelO uattet 0 ot ýe 5tî . i . e tvc .. . c- icamnd eatokfat Clu fMtait n koe , Hou ccaiiii ythe sttR d 'Ib o se é q ~ irin G ood D ess iiccEititritiotto iTcc'eia tle ct Ooto ew l a rri aod tap icp. e urtek , lo a iea t- ko TablAucce Lc eoe a ca c a . T bae ickFop îitsi o ai th iti orie Lu o ie itaiFcetSlbcact, cectititpRtiTbi cycTooto asMttc LusTirLelucl4~FoerStc citact.oartcilOtt a itrit-e, ilc cLtttat ico. Nw cee,2 .Ctpv4e ndiii oo tOom otýi gncs iclacors, N tewFre ccraiais, T.nýný,n oiuc AtlcctdadTcoptUOie iltait riTa ic.tCciPO r e "t à cc Oc Ct 1ait .i< Stit copJuiles 0Wiit acstoo uict Posein Oca S te. WeThs ielm f4Ca~ tc ulaao5ae, t titccOaIoo<ce. etaîttatndîte ltet'oa ikeO MrAntqu, TINS, i« té - Fi4 G ov s u me ds. . fr'utac i i aa _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ G *ëa. -- il 8àdâas i n ~tcd eý*rA 1thd r, T &o 3- i1U>theBe Scat;&R OW iunlî li[h, amkE ok n JOHN BEI W forfoz S teca Wcacloe,. lManatiO Cocksilutt'S!1W nt FttnP, L-X- Aj.NnMANT-LLI 3ID EtT.WINE,- - Rverp0pshwarranted a givsisfaotionl.. 9~I t~ae made of thebJest. mateiali andb.ycqom- pctéen y,?eii, si bejng takeni.>t at .ry7.pwot FineBô,s W .. :y P-Niocw eptLi f ottopc a ca. t