i ..41* à i ~U 'à 1~5 * I te &i fabll elcabedoir.r.mluhi.hI,.uccc.Mr W- - - -Y *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e * *e. .e * *5.W.u.tdhthm5 ---ju,. lit'CIsî;:-Thcmfl'.WcMý', DW - fIn ccncîe..nIsDh eMteemCdedtheec tIsa éboula dfns hle. dâtS.. S..yHWu10 s41,cehd t1,...crime Oove.5me>to53c5.igures, Me..... H.m.street& Rouero.thought mrakLAF kat oScme wende.fcl Street conai taueci tho, th cewaed. e 8fficccnt Ïeothout -CÂ-A.i. Cleenti,, c..MLo a vit 5.......Scoitt-Acccc,.ty. He s nghs..atchmanciý. -c.-..ZhIhpcl 7<1.Sch..ý dtd Dot.eocd,. et intecce.ed prtin.. M]tir Ky.c wwe. ticm (B<A....lLIduY. Wu.0.- CMewJ,aua lu *«5c," th t th.c wsa.mCh.foc acio,nd ' m d ws 54vro h tcwc 75511 .Amicà&ÏDcg.lw icq.. =c freS.to.cSSAt.tmic,. acscc su.od5. m.h a cs.,.<IA. ,cl bl ic.tr~ vc, for thcy are Iwalw cnomical.of déinsi.cc.b.dià o.d.5Sc . Bci cuAdec .0 e<mp. cgh 5. b'e,.th b.- o biettmrcw.5houc.eOBtheon- ugcht miN.cf... 5 L ...3w a. 2mter, 315 Marci.. en anDtoher m...t.c l h. chocallet B2cP" H :N Thce alove arcconvin iÉg ~fic..cc' alhugh the Seconde ,flexmcclotccn l ~ 14 ,dcd.The ac.mct ali 'e cnvcncceudrcon c... m,ý. t 5h51e.J.s cM.À. .'a a1,ct.. ,iit"îtf .it 1" N-..:A *.uingy&5ed....2502 cfthe at of falsfictioncwhich bu l.ccc*. Mr.McCoUcc. .oid ht ifthe rcen.t ccicgly .2 *bonght* tlu«ouc . perfection by h luccdlar<cc. b.d becS sucesi..f.a Bclgla[.5,abc1 agitat4. of h. ocalled ecpcme Iog.poron'$i5.PW-,P 1cowd bav party. beeùrbncna. . aL ceao oi mAM Theic .vrrmen ceport, tluwh.hiec Thc. Myoc hoeglitSt vas vM..c.- *ees c shows ceticat he ccmbccf cc.ccc. fa. foc h. ratepâyois on-the Hocco.s.'c5me. o ,c.c.ciSSod ta thjaSdcc dcc.chc5e.fcthctcwn toaolc hé-cooml ta u a olu.d F...-e inc-Helo u cicd 5h.laos'tjai1 vcor.oc.o Etnght,.tôhmtcc.el a ,.th5heïr q *c. ,i1.Wgffle Oupbec=-.d II, aud dcm i:noicIass.c.ly:ýtiemuo uuproprt. 4iicdjus.,-WilHcOcBcdgec..c. James ceiena 8.n .cc-..id..e. viiwie cind-M; Hcmtrc5 dèS not belle, hat -Wetphall. 51<c.51llcy. Pel witl a Iarger population, eand ucdar e..jcity f h r.tepayerc cquese5d îcla .F. Cule.cgegeec.. licnes.. hee wee, 10 snoc ceca.SSal,,th. ecnnaîtltaappoint a oght.watclc. M!gg<. Cclin. an.d in beer.dri.c1c5g, M>terlc., with lua... Ir z».2e.-..u»c about double th poiculaSion, heroocece .Mr. HNeay-I bellee, t<ctluhh. seierClu..-AllbeLCole, 15d, oely 4. . . .dty cf the ccunc to a tawa e- Mrtiomer,1Mairvdil Sc<ch 1 In ode taascmctaio th. paticclcm man, for if the alrio hadelu, h.ced Ii., Ocï ].. JrcHarrr v55hc.g.d h. c.crittio 1.5 ...,ce-oero f thc acccmhble proecty' GI.,... Mary. 0... c ta Sec. Cccby jailiwhec.th, tcepecto'a ocdhave lu..dctc.ycd. Je. GCle-Ada MI clum. Fnie Lowe, e.. reprt donsmetî,ive, y, baveecamnd M. Adew thcght itveo thecty Blla 3entoýc Sthe jali egiclr. vhich hws hat of h. comci luaprotect th. property 1fa.oca.c. se,... outc hthi Sh<c5e.c dcinc.f ti. calpaye. of h51 5ev..and .Omei.. Ca,è -:Edwi Pesns.,' Mrcu.. m.,tted o.,,, icideclu f Halion, oe of hoght anatch.cce.c.cht hoaipou e c.; Flc,,c..Aun., thl...hli<ng fcoce Mol,., aed six,,in. foruemou5h ce tial;- h.coc, tc . nte. Ct<cîtt atiarce, e.ly. elodieg a vonan. f...c-Milton. The wh,5hr hoi.E caïrE.e0m 011-t. hauIcc..LeBor~d.* - iz«n,,-,esdetawer _rsed 5in51i- io.ohd helol luccret<. pymentef TilleId . rdge..c.c. 151 ton, and, toigi. th. egiser dactsnetthebo octehccc.. 1flucee, Nomnce, 1Kc.i.eend garti, shm. <thic.. hfont io.h.t <bey il gel3Mr. 51.0,11m the on irieit heo Olicece,. aqcc. amokhla Milton., prohcly on ehcicce, follcwhcg acendcmcnta blé .r,,oluion :c. W 0.0 * vh.iohy. Tic. détns of Siche igtv.SchmauCurSecS,, C1GraEm 1lccEcce i *Tiec.odcrd ,-of commi.tt5.1 o fr ,icl b>-.(l) He .aboi bc u <ty trainCIner.. Mclalcaco osph. 0g d.c..hueee <ci.1..lc 5or he lt on9P. .m.otil 0 a. M.,;(2) He, .1ali lueCamn rma.' ' r y.arc, t3hee fro,.. h, Gorc ment cOceStaciy patcellng th.e.mainc dccc . Ccc.. Fcc.eao.. Floenc reprt, inafollcv,:1 efCtoe.ring. the hoe.e eamd; 5o,,Mcy Fergfon.. 7778 7980 81 82 -58354 85 40 3) Heal buewe.c.inasa.pcia là 7 1 .o0 64 -7 0' 9 1&cntale,,aneduney Party -.orCpa.e.c on SONStI3PTI114iJDED. - *Thearee cic.icg figrs".and the stee ab.c,.eouable h.... h, .- ru..11 shoiw ticoS dr.neec o inc uccced r u5, 51 .clg sec ece chltA .sr..1a c.... ,iet.ou in,, 53c15,e ,..dccthhoScot At, hic ,0",ce c$hll lue dm15 t theasebo hl.i ' 1.'hi. t. t .~....el . h -nient<cluoforée, liero<inM, ,1892, ri.cessay-I.ot. . Jcdcdo.o~ee.roumto.,ch1 Lmc<vng ticat Vear oct, thc.. ofic.i t-îclo.,MNyJhc .1»05.. . AOSei. and W1115r. f- N-- lerec.cj ieitalrf,. dcunoh,,ces in.15.. dr- . ~Adesev,.fuc.sin el, .mode j i.c.eirOee.ieem.ru iogtI. ocyemsccheqee luhc~t5< ticco entice Mayor vtd, ay. I. r'Ofti . duty . ..itka- uec.e i. 51. in, Du yen*uiem At=tWbytutimotiheddde tet *ocfinlureffet of 5t,, Scott Act tican a iyTiuHol, ,e.e y.~i.heu.i rcei..teccho.i ,a.cdlgJha. ~ P.-Roer, hathe c pc<c5mec5,of a cc.ce,,ucriri...recica.c.c doc<cg.Shef dc. yecm ndlt.watchc.an b ice 5<0 c...fcr .. ee e,.,.,e6,cr. ecm, eh I <let evcnt in the ancmule epc Tu hec.,. ** c. .~rec bcu.icih u.,,e a..c"efoc.c. If the 'twoeqcaltermce ts-arid et fnc. yeac oicee.Scott Act aud If. M2.i y1.Mc..eeoddJ .out. .t c..ccc.bm.O- lu cmpccd,<t IlI cefHed . bcl, hat h, Tow Coch * t Sifa, fi«gores pccvo aeyti SI. eyfrc5h tiscoriilif oeith 5h, ceeS , At aI.ge.mlD'floonmonhd, a. .io hat the eoult of pohibitio in ..g5,0.dwlefe. cc.e wct.aiyadmedj e 0. ~~~~~188,.oFceua 18y * , «.. . 1 ficfec.ameeec s-il. Icbs aane,. ue.., , f dcch- lceclSIEDfroc. chccgcof theminote1,5. for . toquons by nealy 100 pcc cet. %71aiz b cme£roe esa td. WiS PicKSclotscy ,e for aycyiehovee,.Siatrnds lit. saine ca,eeed. W *eceestaPin i,pey.cly celo ,ci.j..ae.c.muity iun allucevodayo ccc litvaqailidve ocil,. licence. T ah e M isaICm5ater.dg5e us leIilfclS. M.Aldcc-.. .-oplariation u .iplo liScit liqo. The21<,, Cof5a scond tsachon thse l .cllers dc thir -icco toi kecp hoee. M. ccre to.htti c. iîTük fltdhrnt igso ot tornersc.outSe ithe eluuolcsof SItheo. oil m0ake. oe S.waeds etabi5.re will ctcomi.yf orl tab.iles n ccccnlof tic, Sange of theluga macket and ht acee.z.it5e cea bc ioc.med1.cty St,, prosctiec f ef iovcdoc foc viola. i ofhoc b G. ... n e<,cmoadd ti, ..e<,.. hu.aci, weud.. -AI 1 tienocf the. Scott Act. Forcinstance, iy D.Matay, tlat .Audrvc, J. P. drt'i.ct.. bllo' chil. ai.11, constabile mys hal a re. hlcu u ic .ce ' . -ci qo.t tomaheno àamone5.gerally ce. Role. Johniutradtemvr.1 *cauies a commonseIno coppreoo a and secnerdcea spcial carmélitesoin A colition la icluf ucea up - IL .ew ad h,. 10 dfaclpetcfd -~h refef ceae..., u cc5in<g a vceily actal; îM..Nocijuay Se Manitoba, . co ha,.cm ,... ic esterail cet mcaket foc the 5.wc of Milton,' sud ewich S. .pctead lu dsat hùc. ,hoe - Sîcree5.e, iadly as they teflégac.t th. eott.Sc.egc leouc1 iccLegilataroo oe.. sctt Act, do not .shw the c,,,mce ToinCrieo.cS 1. dorc ui Ict-.,c..iyy.d ~ mc neeu tiat hoy vol but for thé intec- Woduesday. 23h Apec. tCccgh Sy.ep, the neec fcl.f ccrefa fnrence of,-the.whbiaey sa.Uocand if XIHIL ioc.iti, cousomptien, aheec . Al dméoadc vece Ichcel aflr noras TUIE cUTEST ENMl.O X. decggits. Th claelycanthey wecrecarleics.. F-il~ ______r ;a C<t.u DTRi E cc.PcemO'ccto M.,Cergi, ameaicce. olecctd<o *TUiE WATEIS-WOýSIK< SCIEE. ABuc..eJc ufloc., EcS 2.013 by . ccty ef 14. Hic e - *.* . ojeity in t1;a pcoviens életion va. Bi *Thecra<cayerc cf b1h15.. ccc. largely DETROIT, Apil 5.-tutoc.froc.i 870.. . *SI. reprenacted citiemc...cetcng haa,eldsteeday'e électioarc .locly co..icg t tle luvu hall ou Friday cevig t i It la smtli.d that the Itopubimu T.pid«ir, eh,,e aueofeeSeld.eSicr<egm eIoc. h vtcorrhMention.. tulu icket bas oub.. leelod byi10,00 acdinir,.<,e»tedt ite noreel condition S Se.e.lapeceiein favocofaudageist Pl aahty. Ioluretaowcectrcc te uic ll,consatin,Piand. dS.,'c.ce the escm e.e ..dllHyced, but.ia.sicro prohiiioncencmenct, The Ev - e..t<AeU .e.,lp.o e eddvp.a<. , "can asl.rckf infecmatiounoith regard Jocual ea s t le defmted by 850 dee£.e tathee"cten f the ighS fvway lue- cr y,.d5eols.tccaaiv Two fo Settane. oldde twnithe.eetaci Sud the. towc sthe il tr.ah 15,080 uS t,.ProitSiou Michigan Central rieur St. Thec.a. ond4q *metng wuadjeuncueutl next Moe-Cr clctIca.c baele fSalardgy, ecmlUSg tice d6a51 ,f toc day rcenucg o.e- 55<aac.yeeut sat tac. cmcdc.ea<. icccemec. coe.ple<ts cotc. vs,çil1 lu cady focrc Iu. ac <.cceicuf.i e oc. eoie.,(.c.èSub ! Sc..ppiSeu i l1es Nw- *orLat datUcS tby Sic, cdvoat.a oS hoe ri- onmcDMe Aie ,, e real e icigonrooti.m. Cuo,, W,.st' poscd vatoceehrs aso, sohbydalisahout Me , pi 2--Tiroar < î' Vend, AhiU oqa. cu.t<Sy.5 hir cotD ooo ut tic.a tmýw eutoloatyof ,r u aueespeaed .5as, 5cobeNreat Ol lîqceI,. Tieceontiutin * CSA>SXS58 ew isaad a ecrelJohnle ecetc.pr, o h a ltiSUpoualie. âicd pi..- local an anda mon relcloicaltrazic prpprtiouced.Stb e P to,rcinofc, 810,0.u etaeTcto Offecce, and 85.5 ecessive finsoca h$ * A pcSî.ha. bée.o fl a cmt5h itdif.eoe.f o -81,00c0. S heee5ct bleupoeod or c., et orcmenemal ,i<rucfSir Jobh azdoailn %go. j difféeefop inion -utteurfc ent pocismee.tl. coSe. Ucdr 5hisoAtlu,i]e. sycluenfpoectioe front. fie, ri a6d elogleouele f a glacm c loSupl, .... Wo on Ta 'aehecc!We5.a.llier dcO * *hee <Sm.n lu ie .,wbeyoùaod eitcdraaeeaevel cat A eTe.a .eing y fic froc. è that enoh protectio colue uffc.ded iy e . viac lec e se ,e* H.h. ordutm 5hh ., oct,-woe e t a rmcccble m- t; hé-e ccPcieu"ntm ilavch.g *abuld beý'a. d80eiulty, moines.sre ,The a icrcgluiona for the cced ÎtiofHoie eStIse!SlcinoAxayisct L lutte. and cic..p.. eharne cbould lu lu .te b tSica re o.fctMntrigica, i.. utoce nô Eaue.tc 1Mcar c tgauvdl > * Sueoed, aboutS cryieg a by-Iaw ta hcce.mIr.-meeetingsc, cod.2IN ..oc5o cee eo fcda.c ,iiogfe.ad< ieauccd1.., aat lce tihoiecintau .Sund. . <ay ý. c Ticefllec.eg Ss Soto! U. civl * .reeoev ric a&1c-fwithfd M cae Sltco a uc.ll.e.See hGelIsCucl-cicvinsu.tdtce.theca Th eloigl s ftecvl ecee .î .5' ze -1hH 1~iCeSalBSea o LIe.,. ai, eclac&C.,o.If.I1,<cc<. .2d. B5cc th.,di *1r tc.~m l 5h tic.c 12. MoSicu., .. ~.ce.--c-.. TcQOlM In,feopc.cg-p oefat.trb haocsitc, Ouelplfoc 5,55. Sefor.theglaenantIs.rw* * - 1 hamcel.,MLn v. , fcpllff. JA Moat, SieecoibeoadC!. S.e., k«l ceinedoSethe -Mc GuiosS oS pl .cc.eec * aaooroateýunasza The..GuelphaC on t'é.aiI witb6llum éla w1 e. fu aac fa Eocso . aLL-A. t dueo untiaer taa<c d Scil -cWest WohdveW:Plýedmpp.SttidEm lisNe-bcc.lui- M esudea .o alae&.C,fsdor lc. ce T.ye.'.i l 'oilec.Scy cdelua... vieus. MGhyi&Co., f..rPdoit; qA 1eM ;It',ia, M.. gete.. AI..lH. W oS -h Yi, il theS ci30 pell <SIc l âIludrag- fCitca îtsocdin secrtary f théit' i HcczT.v . wo.e-Âca.u, Ai.,toactiong.cfor n e - -.<, Th51lrsofTHc.eaInèc.pmBufalo * sea.Soid ta e p«w.ece.A' vioXl., Wlc< cmliy.-, -. j.ong t tle p i bu* tr Miod lton ced:vea. O ..Mtccdt-, . -O.EeEcdvce.uc.d80SacO in D.. Mc Glheforcdift.IMe.. Wl'cgB ..e'h.cd.,e.ata..etheac -3av- o, ff e w1i . c cuco,. o o nde 5,ee.ef£li lyf .esa . c, coleng dee _k .c., er .B..Tla b-.-à $500 . tl .1jw71. dii, eS..,ecW.F lc,,',TLeîS ..,l .cý Domuiniou Shirtofc.N eed BitS. Eilde of IL1to'- RIgh 6111i ,1,i, ed I .ri. e ceaei 5 c.c ;R woi.ooXo 1. Crke,îocioS Çorpetin every I"D *~Ar .-.iE 2W SEOWING - Complte Stcks o Mil MryIsaitIeéî 81ks,, reso dcy6dýLa:ci&Gonds, . *. Iunderweàr, Cottonos, Lînens, Flarncis, and Fancy 11Usd Staple. G Ernbracing every novelty of tho newseason, at'prices aslowas canho quotedI Their Milliners, Mantie Malcors' tnd lreo-s'mak-ers are. prepared toý recetve or; Mis!balgleish, .iI retuin in à day or'two from visiting the Grand Openings( can depend on tÈeir nîder. bemng7exonut ed icithe.veîy newesf t1 aiiài'st fashion KM MUURY &00., 8'L2 ad22Kumg S& 'l. . t10F.. c.Cles 'h .iSciir-Mie seceeie..OeeIilino 'We5 z ti ,or-oce..c* .e.cc u ce.4 8 ecic S, ..e e.lcelioi.c c., c. a ie r ' 'D Y OOSic,.,P T EA .5.,i, e L1d o ,ciîec c -eoi .* ..oi .v .i . 1, . S0cETRceSc.5E. -S. .Evns *csa,,ud 'ce ..... y nI àrt- CGNL LA I.. ,cl eR -amjd.. ,un. T. s. g.. laciy. fop.t eic. rlo.t.Sm eu g -0e,-ceth. ,01,t 1~w c~d c- dUPl ot nCHMia,. ef.etucrng i. .a or Ied chciSclhced end thadoedtieni or, E.- cIolatsh.., bo eeaorc.eoîy Islrgc, c..pr.'.sc e . -..ISo cie nlic.)re 5. Pt-e.'-Thé1.Niost Prenolli$tylhc. cf Patern Htt.., als .ae Bflo, c il VS.y Mîdome'Lis. Cucu,io inWhite.cnd.5cr..A, ot..f C<cri., e~i0.é.eNwSihkiSarrived, this weik, lsola lntee,.Stcil1of Table j., E,îtted -Hciuiey eoîic W . .1'caldae..Immenseacchipeal 09 G...ceR ccc 1 imjd..CcSa.tie Cic.i., Mcv ry ceet iolîr Cr<t<g, El ni 1 SateoiIluinh. aS Tp- try- éevEhrasi.hcriec, ASe-cAn,,rilcu, tuai Latcct Frouel, Stclc- a, ce We...Torluip R til ic-he -ri,,Torei skis aed Colo,à:. c re anchtM.uche Oceo in ' Su'floitiiSIStyles. rc Gc Scc.Pa.k.Rnedkocc'b,.f. fro c3e lp luntîeliceS SitI., Tc.li,itt , lC cc ý ilk Ih I, l areClSacad Sive,2ci', Clcn<ie Rocehi5 Trfu..e<, Hon c.c~ , iNew Style. a-eclcn; a. 0.1.. ll.cd Tiociinc,. -W.àII O.. %Iè.-of (o.p.Se ccd Hoc.e Pcce<abîog oceds.of.811 bModa e.ei,îeJ. %nk.tiOeg ck:ff!, e.tbeolPcer J'ntt.ses the Cfiui.<nýe,. S.4Iea nc ed 15.gbs uc.e',ced ThiscocC..Watk<eL c r bULeM C n e onD ~R.15ETh [JI~TRS.î w Ui upthe it 1 Who VIited Ue *or fot, aheurbesdt<u n'l -A 'Oc. Wc.ic. unI5r aice 1o ...1 * Embrde r . .- 5. Ni. c,m.al . ,,~ &nt Vide . 5hen.<., * Black jlk I.. c,,, artmiei s'ery Description, use -inL !anadc.. he scasiîî. Their D .ork and Pltilalelphia, lpecial LUnes, uidid valne at 1Ilcle. .ST, HAMIL4 Inu lr t h .c e ilAIlli t~c bMime. eud Rosa, TVilemiON1 li,.. oad lîccr. bh,in btyi<c rehs, Teble S'iie., cvi,11- müyferiel , e i.efau tes Locro . yei loe, Ii..iL ,t ef.NttciDr. leio,iieçç t ba.ye lite l..îic,r., Aic,6jL it Cccui i1i j VioL1 A tbe Nie Shini lr ..~,l ut !S2,0 Hwceo it.of o i.~ 'WltoMA C , ly'«WAt [ ýWN MAKE give satisfactiolT. ftitil best intéflel0L of these goodc -alwePon. SSoôrtflollt.of cots~ verý ýLadies W'Si51ng1 SpeoillltY. 'c. I le 'c.41 eCert C 7Wvi 8f, .Tic.c5hYý 15eln e e acccu.'eacot Id c hll'.oP lien eld. hic force il;t12, ose. 7. N. S. Nlcro o'6tSleil SOM)~ c-Ai tfie.difouS I iilun. Prices lu.m 8 ec.M-Thomas.LI] à is rickhstor anddl iect' itIl Mr. McFec lSu Nehsou, Mic. bec1.pf >cf 88500-00., e,. Thoma. MrOI lut 's likely viht büceoc SROc. Caoc lRendetf Q erwel els ovfl ta inakein clcergyman~ ioc.cdc.--mDodan Sta, icte'excell ic cther %vcbemcuhbip aud bi r, F. Hcwaox, .IlNoSM bd 8250.e ppleme.O; kl byl SIclu caicon~ t, t, bc oeoed a. a 10, ,ionRueadcecviebio sI illo bhsc. e io r1-doiog a lc V ie1pricelcI'rO ecdil ,Kingald Jamsc.ciccl lu',i"tehermea i~ ào£ tIche erupprc5i bcuvell foc plrtc1 rpruue o. seeathe %( tou..5.>il e troc înly aned i<te ihic5 ,u<egl mchie ole e' of icrt.Justice rwoar in the t 3n ccdoc..earat 1 .5 aud James. ,eof oc. elS ci liiSeeeluih ici, lm [esae..pec ch, -ô! wIlicb.. 1-înemo.-Brocý :Vaut the lucta fachine -inthe. v. 'l Whil.-J. .-Llmvejeeccic ce.ye. Sud t5. la c.w hcY.law. à rH.- 125h 6 Yeats*of ap te Se...le sy facs.. 00.5 Il0Me Il.ý . '*7*i.'t-';ý.7 ý.itA!,. - L 1 or - 1