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Canadian Statesman, 24 Mar 1887, p. 2

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1 __ _-I - ý: 1ý I; limi 1 ,U - - - - ... ýý 1ý -,-ý'-"-àýi"-' ýý ý _;ïf I, - t > - .- ý _ _ 1 ", - -ý, - ý ý. _ ýiý ý il ý ý 1 , t IE ,ý ,è, ý& ". , il 1 . i ý lm ïq0"ýýur ;,i --, 1 ,ïà ,_,ý al a a ,ý Vlý ', M, 1 ý-ïý ie '!,ýý,-,, 'Il ' . . fî ý . - - ..iý -«. !- 0 - Il ' ý, 1 ! ý ý:, , . zýý - -ý -mi, -. , " ,_ 1ý, ý _ 1 ýý, el e ý ___ i I1_ . à , 7 ; i . . 1 ý . , Z II Aural _'-, __ » ý 'il -6f FâN ý* - 'Quz=,is>'W _ ý1 -ï-r-"'ýi ---_jà à' -, . ý__ _ M M., mzýç"ýý-I'M Id .ý ý - a. ý - - --,ý - ý I.ý ýe., ý, , ïliLTOý,ç. Mwwll,>ý4,' ân - '_ . . ,, :_ýý, ,ýý, , ý, 1- . -- -ý.,-,,-ý--amEu-)-.Ijxç çiI 'W Yý!i - - __, ý, - . ý ý ý -'ý .. 1 , , - - mi - ' ,e4e.,ý - -, ,le- lr,îï, - , ýý a ý 1 a de el ýo,ý*, . _ý,' .. ý - ý 1 - I., ".:-ý - ýý ý , II i.â4,ýfý ii _k 'Otýýir É 1 .11 ý . le ý ý 77 . TèWPýAA . - - ý -- --.,ýý-ý,.- ý - »- ;. . '- z,ýý- -77:7ý ,- cancit4a II ý 1, ý , .",-,.-.,.L. 1- ', ,_ - , Il ý 1 1 ý ý ----- - j7à.t, ,;;r.- liýi1--_ ëV ., -'i' 1 -n' ýJ - ý il --Zi '. - A 7 _!. - -, __ -, Il 1 , f, 1 .1 . lui. Ili. li9ýs1.fX* le ýw1,=&;1ILI U." ný"eý unýý , 'Z' 'a wu ýM,4býý - 7.ý_ ffl "'M -ý1ý-.7-,ý', - 9.& U1cdýý îoMri =ýr_%« ilik.. il, ,.9 W_ !ýýc" r!. . P ji r. 516Pà1 ý'a .ô% àn7we, av . ý '. - ý , ý ý_ -110_m;- ý1.--ý--_!,., - 'd'Iig"ýy -I ý "il un ý.,oI sports .1 ', ROM rIO3 -IVANTE»..--,-ý ý', 1 ý a, à - --, . 1 ,aloi - 1 , ý, .. , ý ý . 1.1,ol- The le of 1, ... ý -.7ý I.Jýl."ni,.j, 41I - - , iItowbaaýauoth« ý . " , ý, bû .- ._zý. ùe YPII -îYzý I ..RP'ýql"">k:"!I. -- . ý . 1 . .- a"& 14-cil kqw i&,.Ite ,Pmsure.mar às,-zmý -»eý-ý_ý- _n z __ r,ý; à )UDIIII qwwmef".taf -*Htsr.ýýA.côotadhI lat ý otthe il ý "Il, « 1 1 -1wl -- mol . ý , .1 > ýý ý , , - ýý U;ý ý> , , - ..ýldel= itý Li. Ail 1 ýe1__ - - -:ý';ý>,ý-_-ý', .-ý ta la the il e,, -TLýmiï.ýmCI;, 1 ý , . ,ta eà , , 1_W.ý _ ý ,_ me ' - - . - re roïd ý me e',ý î,ý'ý - --- ý1ý, ý,. , , claiellied teint col _ýséà -'toý7liooom,ý.ypýýýý .. ý galm , ý Il ,,,, '"' di ,arcavanct;-accxvical;ý.q , thîjiýLTazî1è, soem . 1- ,,,,ý_,-ei "' ý_ -1, 1 _. , _- ý , -wit->ý,-:;r ý ; ý. .ýf - - ug.somommmore - . .- - ý ý - . - TI - - _f 1 ý, I., 1ý l' qg)L - 1- -1 - >,ý ýnsý GOG %-ýý-7, M ell __ __ a .V e 6', - - ý -a -aï, - 330,q0lèred D a 1ýýî 1ý col Ill - - -, ký,-ý ý!,-; ,ý': _ ."Y.-V. .-.-Iéa, - TM thil - .quýý." on ý 0 - -ý . ....- ' , - , - - , , :- ýý . si t 6n: W Bres ý titan thé ý _ ý , ,,, ,ý Effl M Q . . -- - M el .; ., ofede '. ý M M M 'Vec-1110 , . ý * .. . ! _41iý ,ý ;= . ý e",..timeuivithiliý ý _- ?MM ,.-- 11, _ýîI,1_, ,- 1 ", ý_ ý ýiý I7ý:w,_ e,( I.I.IrJouailuil,34luiblUbjý ->ý-111noCTeth»mfI * ý, ;,ý '_ r 1 l 1 . . . . . . . . .. - - - ... . -1 ell ý , , - -- -,ýý,,-ý-î._ . Clusid - = J ,4t.hâ , . - ý - , , , ._ wbich are alli'thal; are An ai charging ,1bè1w r -Il. :L 1, . -, - ý _- - MICIII &'Ïýà'ýý'-,;ýà,iih-d'vý,,ýiýiencitaý,ýýaiiý"Il ýý A rangG-ýzo1I M*-ibléý- Che ---'i ' iliformati, -ddendaýt' IlàiitaýoLý'a barillet a ,= il bis ,Tho surnvora .of- ý, 'aI " Il ;.;&ý . Il la a -of-ýéiicIé,"a dicl,,with-niark 1 inghis , ý illit ' III 'q till - ýiI -, _ - refallý;bèïÜtifill ý-.'ý,,,ý,ý, - ,1. kimting liqùor'waa.influèùcé M.'M le's 1 -- - iiiiii CI one WC .ý 1 . . The - D ou -cil with bavi.g sold inté ' - P""- , , 1 ý_eq; -ýmat _, , available atprxscent. _ ý ,; - ' ý ...... , - ý 'l - shoota dois>, no longer about sétiling où laid bal type jiLqtiéeé . , ' l -, ý , - th aschoméfor Irovidingthe hocusacry - - ' Il . eý1--e .SiM ; . E kil Jèn ýwouId, 1111- _- - ý 1 ý a __ 1 , ýý -, i, ...... t - ly7new. - ý - ý' _j ý1 ý ý Il- - afterwards, in .fvxther.-in. a local is:iiotrcMcult ý to;#ýýý." 1 II ý,- ' . ,ý -_ _ ý LUI.L. .-15 ___ýý > _ , - - ýý_ - . .- -- , - , - 1 ýý . - protection an, mubmittinq a by.law ta 1. ý_ 1 ... (,:. -- r . _. . obtain'a sentait *warrant'iiiformq hià-ièàderi withýunnbeessary r .._:,ý "- ,,,, ,-.-- 1 , .- .. -tu raine tics rmLutred lunctn.,o ne vored ta verbial - lu - - ý . - . .. ý 1 ý, rt, S ý , , ýý 1'e_ý_ ircumloctitirm and inutiles da : ý,,ýï 1 ý ý ý,- _ ---r ,,, ýý pa, ", ý- ý Y ý7fû "'Colored Dress.ýUoo s. Ï&Ï,r was sworn by the saine complainant ý a" . ". . - ,_ ,. 1, ý - . - Ir , M ht'iýk . ;i , .. 11, te peuplas. The water works béfore thé mime two justices. There. that ho, once hall the honoruf ôcèüpyý . 1. ý - à, 61 . 1 'ln IV t'le Il cabinet; nt ou'car , 1 ... «ý lit e: . ô ,at _ýý. ýý_3. -;; .hont. a et. tu ga, 0 . emius e the, ïIesition 'of Secril 01 thé 1 'bu' of rWiway. ais- ._ - ýý pp pn!sr as any. upou a Trarrant ta search t1I ý. reuý ý -, - - te , -_ - -renell 1, p ýý « - ý,;> « àý .! è."--;, * 1 ' 1 AI big' rIsI ûf-eAII-wool F . al MI net tali a vobtecon It ? ý of defendant wu bal mader. and ton Conservative Association., 1 The ,W - , ob. à-11 th-ýNDrih' - ý ,.ý, - _ _ r_,4J , Ilir 1 ý . ý au ý - - Il . - - Il -- --J,.- 21gtgthàt - - ý -ý -_ ana Bealofoneoulyoftbotwojùsticw: ocication la te bc Congelait 1 ,ý -ý -11 1ý l. Win : 3ý a Crepé Dal Goo(là'at 87lé. ý ý ',, - ' .. > a=»£ ;;)IFÀ(=,Oxý. Llitotu a moral bal made. thirec le'ename no longer'fig-m'q'iltà' ;, ý - Itte. ý ý 1 1 J, uil% ;ýý .: ;, TU2ýÈý . - ý ý , ý. 1 1 ý1 .. Il. ý 1 Ï: Cr" 9. - ' l', 1, . - t,,1; 1> le:ture - LYlici bas wn 1 - -- - 1. avJ14 1- 1 1 1 P. k, ý ý - , - _. - i _. 1 1 . 1 ý - : 1 fouina, euh contaùdnà in- liait 'of afficiers, and that ale" outenta- 1, Aklibiàliëp. 1 pli Ch taul 'Il ý 7,ý .!Bïýnzà,',Ull-Vo, -, . 1ý , _ B . . action a .plait . ,r botter ý a 7 -ciliCul .ÇrenM,:. In ý , ,.ý c ý.5 DIl Qoods'. ' 1 ,Fàivii 113rol 1 , _ , _ - . _ , ý, -aa 5,Wokn tient liens oÈBeW initial, parie - ., i,.tlw,,iètld"r.drdRf-l,(',lola.d f O . ý - , c , - 50 and, -;;;ýl, Witen. @orne filon ail the Scott Act = tW, Tiquer, and it.Ic 1 vu ' y l - ' SI- ý ý ý . . , , . eýegotiàtiCsI . .11 _ ý ., , 1: --ý- - . * 111 911119 ý . - ý . ý. 1 - ,.Gàaetï;---i,- 1 i'.ý;, ý , - ý. Nelit loto forée in thi.4 ý cîmuty cil Illicites aise fallu aul one tiie.rf.,,ýd bý 1thi , . ta ots c ý 1 ýý . 1 ;ý., in defend - - . ý , ""ý ý , _ ý, , _ýý ý - ý_ ý -:ý ,'1ý ý ,iý, - a' . ý , . . . . Oui, buyer-Éras- UILC ý e PC a BI Il yertre bal thé CHAMPiON Tt saufs décantera Tannais. . rüly the bdiýtioflyaueylcity tretatimant. ', - ý Liibt Blue, Cý' ýý, ý- - ,ý ý., ý -- ýý , , m ai D'â. in ,ý-c- , _ - .d licatuuful range if All-wool cripe - ý* . è-ià - -- .. Il 1 .. 1 W loil filial; the.wouderful rosbifs ainil Mlaims,.tmd a bar or, occulter. . musit hare.befoguetl bis once veillatille -A-isý'" sttcmpt . - ý réti ý ýIoýèIý cllëdiý' in, _... , 1 ' prophel by--the advocates of il On the day following the search, the blow op a hlI1 in 1 , 20ý cIlýrÀýýbrcEE (Waz. > -- ,. ý . . 1 ý- . - .. ý 1 ý ý . . 1 . . ' inteUil The routier in étaffleil by, bal Tuesday:niàht ta ý . ý . ,.,ý, ;,ý_ J'. , al 800, 1 - -Iiüoi'a*aesPernbly']07 .-- 1 - . . . rocasure bal net coins ta peu, tbis y, thatliialMr. y.il holding 1 1 1. ý. - - ý , . - ý *biCIi,ýrt4qý are se -Tliiii ' ý-ý , a ý JG'11 lei .. 7 .. oomplainant laid a nul information lie. the astounding proplie Narbicall thé Salivation Arm , 1 1 1 ý, ý- . IL Li , 1 . - Il' lý je , ý.: ý 8 10W.Yop'el, .en" - in pr'ice, French-raaki-' 1 , ýý , ab] .1 ý ýJ n was, reviled ait a IliNlifskc%, démon beau elEctea ha *cela nerf ý - iid PIIsý,àrb U All-iv 1. ý .. - et . - havc spoken ta -a dozen ellectors in thé : ;. . ý il , -* f -yrencla -'All:lvool > Dress -bc a' -reeîaiedý , of-liarmanizilig C3101s.,.- 1 , ý 1 . charging défendent witli keeping in 1 ,,*.à. L,- ý ý ... ý t . _ý ý - a. Il ti th nstituency. Apart franc Volitical ail an -fut totalité, 0 ablEýi»ôldiiu.ý8:': 1 ý 1 . ýý ý . ý ý ý Ili oaz Il lia statementas Ill totricating Tiquer for sec. errata, Incli ' bandînaster .a ý, . seril 0 Pr - ' * : .,h:ýn ! and "a dirty bir'd that initial fore the saine III justices of the Tienne, Bella a privalli recette.«. ' At'200 Ive Ca" , , III ý . - -Crotter, wil frOzin te decath re. ý (10 . bas, in tLefaàio" . : ý 1 - 1 ý . ý 1 .. ý 1 1- - 1 -, ý ý., ý, 1 % ý anicatileed as idanders invoutea te hearing, the constelles m*ho exelmil sillerations, what a leu, this conutýbasý Capis ý . ... 'l ý, ý ý .. .ý%,. ý ý - -,. i ý ., 1 1 ý'. 1 ý ý berve the nulle of the "Ell ï ," the ciLcarch warrant were the . Coty vrit- sustainea in the départirent of the long- cently while on tais iýay front Wiartdn ý .ý.- - ,- 1 - ý 1,ý,,ý' , .ý,L7.'l_-:L ý 1 axbles, coiitiiiiin,ýýfro - ý ý , ý ý « e . n . , ,gril . « ýth ,ýëry--.,1ýll Stiit ý'I_ýreat bià.baý-ýàf M tind it vrng iumintL4 tient, notvit ilitand. .t.C.p.Croker.. ;Scotttct.1v'l'ighoy. ,, ' È -ýIng,*awftY-Wl ,ýt.;...,-, ý 1 ý ý . . ý 1 ", . . - . . , ý ý ý d' b f : "Iye 'are ggl]à.rr té aleve amI . rationnel examined. sud on filial evidence maticalTilzzle-Bucliacelebrityab4lie' . ý - e. Ii now gi . , . - ing the .%%-ich'ed op borne boeulin- eporting en t 0 * ' , hill emews or you. .., pobition of anti-pro- hub of HaIton vanta Il 1 OYS, we Ëola ý .. . . ý ,the delliendant was convicted. ! GCTII in 1 ý -ài.'èrýtùo É4i 1 . ý . . . ý .1 1 .ýý 1 . .. ý . ý . hibitiolaists; the Scott Act liait -lune m bat Upon motion ta quasli scotch %verront mant.... Bay el dram, _ 0. lm ý . ý 1 1 . ý ý 1 ý. ý ý -;ý -, valuablet . 1 Capt, 'Ilitions, "O atten. ilin, . )ý , . .. ý ý.' ý - - . ý - ý "ý . , laitellitaisaupromised forit. *Haltoi2ivas S (If -lotilés abolit -19it« MàI ý ý 1 1 1 . . 1 - ý ý -'ý 1 1 . ) ni ,y liave causai tllo«tioteat tien ta the tensnguing cet ,ýmorýý8 un: ,lit ; U .. 1. ý 1.1 1 i . . . ý ý 1 . . . 1 'ý. J. . ýý: 1 ý . a op as a model, dotal lethe bal and contrietite 1 WlIatTrma ý ý ýý . - Il . .. 1. .> :. 1 . . ý - ' M Il ý ý - . ela Ileld, tlist Soctionai 108 -and 100 of of. Mr. em1brýsou, the folloivingifil tho:filshing groum4 libéral. . 1 1 1 . ý ý., ý ý_.-.-, . ý - ý::- . - - Adolphe Turgot, _. ý.. .. '. . ;* - H -7,1--l .1 1, -lier = races corinti the NI the Act %veto iiiteudM te provide lire. - village ,mi O ý , - ý ** ' ý Il ., ý _,W ses undoiriable: that lie was *a chaien - 1 . , 1 ý ý 1 P IR , 1 'T ' ' , -1 . . iust'. III malle ih support of tbat ai in rang for the confisication land des. Cf a convention cOmPéseil ofýrtTmiènt- 1 . ý - - - iP - 1 . li. epect of vrillait a : -I!,- - ý--,ý A , ýýe:-T--. ---," ; A -L- ý : l 'ý , -Cru garbleil nuit trùatin. of ET 1 LRIII0 et Montrent o. ý titi and statistirs m ý or tu re ail talon saut by the diffèrentn'r.rdi killeil hy 'iài)irîti ni ai bonalh tliat a-%- , . . ý 1 . ; - 1 . ý . ý - 1- ý - . 1 ý. . ' . 1 ý .ý , , ý ý . . . 'jý , , 1 ,a conuty ; tint during lits canýal . ý . ' . 1 Z, Fý raiiýcltintcd ta ivaluce, the pemple of CI 1 ilaite by the statute vrais bol 111 tl 'O' - CI 1, ty ; ý . - . ., ý . . :. ý *._* ' . ' ý . .ii Il a . . ý . .1 . rumun use a , , . ýp arlatival, bas seul t oci - . jcavrier * , ý i - ' oýé -Dýàlbbàito.i4, wil -V y.l,ý, 'i )oloi favorüd and progreuivis ce - ,7 T je tü%vb.ý ërme ànil M ý à a net ta provide a menus of i lie nimae ]tests of friencla, vvho liait no, cI tic- -m 'au 1 il, 1. 1 ý. . la ,,, . '.. -1. .- . . 1. ý . ý . 1.192 col Lis lack of cordial- ýý.I NOTIOL--ý-Ou bon . t . ý D. T -1 ý;. niy one' itieq tu follow the exemple sot Tante Il r TI g ý 1 . - r aie lév, ce- ý .T. ý . :1. . - . 1 . . ý . . DI ..obtainiug ovillence on whieli ta fouilla a maison tu complain of Il - ,ý 1 - ý ý . ý ý allatit the Scott AI Partira" affichas, prosecution or support eue almady be. ! ity; thaï; hqgoUûd flic party villité, là ail ý Mr. Jusiice rcrgtls..Ilns grantea au - - . %. __ __ - - ---------7 ..-.,- - - 1- . . a Il !!Il ý . . , ý . t .. 1 1 ý . . . . . - ý ' * . 1 ..ý 1 ý . * 1 - el -hated for their partizaI atý glin. Ithopollizf' visions of the coutatyjand; interira injonction m.traiuilig the C. P- 1,ý 11,11,11 111,1111ý . - , . - ý ; ý :ý ý l - - ' . ý ý . . . . ý 1 . ý . Fi -4 by .vigilance conhuittices and . fefoat miglit bc attributil ta Il front taille- or trespasail "Peu the ý ý - ý ý . . : 1 ýý7- ý ' ' . - . ý , ý ýý 1 . . " . . 1 1 .. ý . 1 .t _ field, aisé, finit III salivait %verront' that Tais ý ý . : - ý .. . . ý . « .. 1 . ý . ý : . * . ý , hirel itiforiuerswii.litl,),Iiwli orby %verful, .influences 1 Elle of* the jyltaiio salait Ste. Marie . . ,.. _ . e;. . > - *- 1 1 . 1 ". . « ý - , - . . . . . 1 1. ý. " ,ýiý1 in Il case III illegal bacillose issued, other and more Po 1 .. ý 1 . - . .- ý .. , . : :-t - ,ý- . ', 1, crolictu obtînt convictions ofalleil ýy1o ,mal polivilail as rond. . . . ý :,ý , ý. -, . - , -, : t : , . ý ý, -, ; . . 1 . ý, ne . tien of the pence ordy. .à,g. - i , -% « ' ý le . ý . 1 . - ý . . ' livuar Kellerm.-aud mine ovideucc'éoùld titrai, the opération ofsection Tti7zlema3,possiblyq ý iC..f flic royal ý. ý . -".JOPN ý ,,I , _' ' . ý týI!,,g 'l thon a ma"I' of Perse UscoNerbefoýo flic Captain CaI la, ý . . N - 1ý -Valse, Il Ili of.tho Act in taking il the righb'=tter ia flua tillery, dieil in H- _ý 1 . ivord madu without itý as il arc! Istili. tu certiorarf, is; confined ta the ý 01 Accordin.g ta Ttazzle, - canaidatic Ili l ,s p -, N , IIIIIIIIIIIIIL ; I ý 1 I;1ýt 1.ýe obtal ta warrant Ily disposa 01. ., , lailtoil cil Satur- . 1 L i -là .a.. il - .q - - qj ar - -as bore nt quellec in ý ý , l4laa.4 . ýý - %..e,, -% . : . ' . . . . ý ý . 1 a 11 Ali %'vite daind ta coudervin the unifiant] I Infectera a %ýcten'l list dA3. Deséagel %% , Il convictions malle av the spatial officini nust fifst mal and ý . 1 - . . . . baierai lm !eau 180, after serving.fit Illm-Britisla . . ý , . ý ý ý 1 :. - ý 1 . ý . -ý L 1 . . ,Ùitlin.pro)iibition parti and itatools, camail in the Senti favorable ta, Iiimself iiiauy yeurs settlail in .-11I -iIý - . - _Iý ' ', . . 1 . 1 . . , ýg 11eli4 lairther, thaï: the prestamptioti C y r . - 1 - i ýý_ - - - .. 1 1 . ý ! ýý . . . ht)ýëvor abstentions in tlieir'liabitg, rcai;ouably exilant ta bu , Incitait ; l but "a' 1A.7. - . N I' 1 t ý ' ý ý 5 . . . ý - . . ý . . .. liste I have ton ý . . 1 ý ý ý è . 'Il ,ý - : ý 1 . . 1 . 1 : tand ývhatever il charcuter. were au. AT 1-cepi sale. crantait by Tuzzle in tac fasil flic AMIN, . 1 1 i 1 . . ý . - ý ' ý , - . 1 ng tiquer fur . Committala or the Doe ý . . i --,..-,--ý _ , . .- ' - . . action, million Alliallec ant at - . ý ý a ý _. ___ ---ýý-ý-... % ---... ---- . ý ý ý ý ail aie g. the eniiseufriglitt-oti.- S 119 or tile Act, arises oilly 1 lance informeil by chialerai in a position The Exceutive Toruil on. . . il . ý . ! - - 1 ý .ý ,ý ý laccis. and 1 ta know ail about the voters in Actoil, ý ý . . .. . ý . . . . . . , ý . . ý ý , ýý Lainteil il s1tucial Coin . 1 . 1 . . ý ý M1,1.1ý1.11tivaitil and au"'.. lib' i%-Iiorc thu applianceA fur the fiale of ý - . . . ý " 1ý 'ý ý ý tinrotiffil, the ,rhursidil 611,11api) . . . 1 . .. ý 1 1 ý , ýt 1 , . 1 . alevit's mork. section, *tu. vrasproparly attendis]. ta 1 Iill fur ý 1 1 ý . 1 ý ý The restait of al Montant liquor mentionna in thé 1 mittec tu tirait ta probaibitury Y 1 . .. . . ., . . . ,ý . . ý i : 1 li in a mes - 1 galber IN offerts of Mr. Heuderson; but of course 1 1 1 . . ý 1 1 11ý . ý . ith the Hal are foulait in a Tact,;. Tho subitaission ta tic, ,,miu,"B(,'s-iuu Il£ the . . i 1 . . . 1 1 ý ý . ablo .statu Iloi affairp. Illwill box beau i municipalitied in whiedi a prollibitorv Tuzzla alIrays LI à Cýli,,,,3, Dominion Parliament.. - . . 1. . . . . ý , ý . kitirreil tif, among Il III and des- bv.1il passait ondule the provisions éf cxlium of défaut must rest'som . _ . 1 . 1 .. traordino r %, efforts made ta . and Tnal %vitli envenomed I)Itteràe$Ll, John mýlio Dalla . . ý 1 . - 3 1 1. :, î la ,0.ýt.,.,e ox singýCsouttIIC dèfëate9l Candiflatelalid, - , vair (If IugersLNII, 1 .. 1 . ý .., - ýJ ...,ý, the proliibite;ý, law, it i8nltý , . . A . ' Un R. A-Y. t i : *:C" Dm! . . cnlytJsignalfàiltire-,Ijiltitllà%l)rouglltl aieliivarrautliwlljeetiisrueilaiidtlie arsails hini III a tenant of invective 1 asseclar nt II Asitappeared that in thilicasil , r s vers. y III égal ci 78. * f . ý R . e . . ý 1 - ý ýJ ;- .. - tFe . . , . , . Il tel into contempt. Drnaiketiu,-Kq altoget 1 r 0 r I,ýQ C lifill ta Cinailate .Iv , - 1 CL Of tient tal fur . 1 . . ý 1 . . . . .ý (je eliclaurs fil es scarelicel, fer the ý 0 1 ý . . .1 1 1 . - 1 - ý ; . ,,, 1 amical "ýC'1uI - Il .. , . ý . . i ý . ý ý . . ý . - ý ý . i -1; 'a ý purposta 01 possibly standing a bruthcr-ýniav ý . î - 'l from a et a je rail TuzýlLI's Dy y . ý 1 ý . . . . ý ý - 1 Il ý 1 - . * ý ' . . Corjl gra entru a,, I . 1 4 . 1 . ,. thercappears ta bc lie Tires. ovitiLýiica'tilioir mil ta bring a prose. lhe' ' 1 i a SNY O wolil liavel of courity muscler . . 1 fat Cr '. . , 'ý 1 peut of a allonge' fur the bèttcr until 'the 'ousernatives lool of lits. ,noms , axait. opening P. N ew ,Spri.nb, G ooli in évery ( ' i clition. the justices of the pence CI the the COU i A re-daîýY * - « W ý . Il the. oblanxiotaw Act la either willed froin , informant ,,,-r,3 orillaral ta Il tic. dý -, aW 0 but hé has lest siglit of t r Il a - . 1 . i ,- - . T,11,0111 11111?,cr ; The Nova Scotin, 1 w n such 00Èi.vLalu ë.'ý ý' ý - ai ý ý - . . 1 t TI « k r relléalled. . - . -fendailli tests. . Il that le miglit rail 41 pondue. cil ai, net .forbidd'iii a sale of liqUor . have never before sho . .q 19et'a. 1 M- ml> inil 'uzzle's strong Cardid. î ý . 1 1 " . e novolties i ' ___ --..-. ,P.-.-.--. __ - à %va ot bore parlicularly At toast t in lsir-rooins. . . ma Il 1 . . . I le . ý. ave ta aloi tu . . 1 it d to ca 1. and see 1 ý 1 . . . beau nancleI ' Tho Welter liurkil ates, have almady frisa tmice and iif ho Il ý, . . d.t.rÏin.d efforts' lay . a the trouble .tu éxanihm the 1 Sil : ti or lui . ý 14v , G .ý 1 . .. ,...Il 1.1 ý , ýýi . .. ý fenfécil Act, a-- the ]total the %vill. tala t c.11I'..I . ' ý .. 1 .. .. ainst 1 iellIlio- "O -CLt.s ; and .h-i,'deui-rs non-Y ! ý ý :. . ýýý . . - . . koupi6rq, et toast;, mattert; are perIl 71. cher Fi1;9.e of lier chIck.pi".ý: rcstiltq lie ivili finit that they ,were sait a pint car lalorc., whicil must not*be t . . ý. 1 .. . ý . ý ý 1, . ý1 eil 1 - 1 1 - Il. . 1 . wom . thait in huy titiller part of the . ý ._- ý - ---.-.------- As ail eue toviislýwl)leareau'ai'n il forai from, Httecess alliant the mal, coll.-.UiIýeliiii rite punaises. - flere illa au 1 *. ý . . _ __ = - . . . ' ý : , . -, Il col Shébl ItIlci,Ô,V. allitil the upau mimai lie imail bc reliait abuse. . ý. .1 . te attLinl)t,4 et hicendiarion . rance flicuil ta : . . . . . ý . ý Il -a Hprung illii il Va ' _1011dersoll dor'ug "a CanN"£Ls'q iden, fer car 'tuuit, i . . ý 1 . ý . ý ý advl of bition, luil ýUxistsl P.roil.11, ý 111.1.1= 11 nurse. >. 1 . ý . . _. ý,1 ý ... that if flic on a straiglitforavs, inailly .. thé effects of the vile Friday eveniug last, ana ý%lr- 1 , ril, ý . 1 ý ýl i tires boit liat beau serai huit Porsoca .ý V. . - . ý . utoxiratiti Il in Ouse fleuq are scon i sopla-essud Ive Ivould. nt) doubt, have calnal lit! proved hituself a' granit ioned that M iss L aidlàw ; th e ne-w 1 ý . 1 -Y--, M be m il -licaril daily lisait taitilitly 011 the i liadil mafia part Ili oliraîtrScq illashest tape bat lié nid Dot policier ta the Ili a,.% .A;11,Iiglive ais Fî(Il it ý ý eût . . . ý . 1 1. . ;,.i 7cý 'lis uli tmelit; a. lady - p- f gr'éat expel., catrêtits. The rouý,li and crintifial ainsi. ý dz ývb"ov bv n calme"' avaricillivi appetitais of a ]cercle Ott -%pril ,.ti,.,I,,, a.f c;,,iv.y'e L.%i-y*ï 111nery D epar - , . 1 ý after III -,cite te, ilie expeuge of ab. mai iý ý-L 1.ýtt-r Il il'. PC,.i..,I. il ...is appear ta have -lerything tlicir owl i 1 wlite th's Il ciaquerR. mité, inafortunil for Cana- ý 1 : . . 1 ý ý ý i il .1 1 NI )..,%Otllatit iIi-harilly liafLtoevoit diarapolitics. stick tenicioualyltoc.%"-I. . - --liý-- _. ý . 1 - . ý 1 ,ý :, - _- -ý .. 'ý ', Iiia 1 a llll:g as %ma ,g r 1 . ...ýLý- for ILI hmd et. lit a, li thé 1 is-Li.ô,W in .h er plac . - , ý, ý _11 . . ýuLsý the cricucq tient .are éot,ýniitted ta flic supply of Nvater, 1 a tact SI d'actes of bel politiual parties durilig 1 te, hLa;.ýI- Mwh il thil.g Ii,.il.lý-. ']'a le .'. jal 1 1 ý 1 . . - 1 ý ý_. '. .. ý fronct t'me to' t'ana almot;t:%%'t" :"'a' . alti IL 1) -Iam, ta raWe t'I'm ellectioit*cenU-stý. lie aisé secured the f..ý,lýi,,;I.- fier Eet r t I et, ,, àýýi..,1.; c. ý 1 . . . ý . . ý 1. _ýi - 1 : 1-noi y. 1 art of lilloise elector.4, vil 011 L,,I-- c- fad to look aitial NI IL,, ..Ioi.Iý - ' 1 1 . . ' . ., . .. .M 11ý Ill ta procecil Nvith the Ivork. If Bal La ?'ait. 1 pý_qA«y &_ C()., 18, P, li mi 22 Kîn - S'i, - a t .iLlia thes. Tires boa net beau fillette t'le lasse - et III Il., h . t Y .U - ài zL - -- à ': ý , - ' ' ý The diabolical atil 'locale fast aucOlt -ss es- 1 - t»niatioli, tu tIlL tom-il miaula t of tais Scott Act views, lvero nt tiýv 'l lie larnry asiattt., - . < . blav iffidit ta battu the businel t opI)oý,C(I ta bis Candidature, and it ý atul le. , la.-. .0ýltty. .,a".,.g ,,l.IlI . ré A . , . - ZD ý , 1 III miliaire sormil more thau Hall-itl't,>,tlt.ý'I'.I!.nl.ll.f. (:.nlt.fc.e ý ý ý . . 1 . . ý ý : - . ý il q : 1 . ý . 1 1 I'r a -riits of et mouiller of clair lýztl.: lu ')av Lis 1 fil, ,ý ., . . ablicili ne . have licon gril liteau the Il of the 1 '11. Bý ta'di. , H.,div Un ... e.,. .1..!.,ý A. . I 1 ý ý . . ý . 1 ý 1 . ý . . :.i . F. . ing iýitize'U.4. L, ail example of Ulis. l alleierticSl ta Coli. . . . . . . . ý . ", . 'Ilvlà - ý%vatcrsuI.pIv. lwas fortaierlynguinst Tuzzle's unitapporteil 1 Peters, 1-'.iiil Lwo,11I (Jéleil 1,il 1. lier flic inceudiaril were rail a cl jonvincad vinco th(! décore; flint 'Mr. Heralerson i '. -1, i, Dot te', i,.,.. ý . .. . . ý ý . . . ý ý, ý, . . 1 . . i the ..,ILllsi!. but ail . . ý . . ý 1 il q Ir suppaly allé, - tý;,ýýi.,ýý,.,.,,,,tlýý.ýl_ý..ýpý.it l.ýdN,. .,nali - ý - . . '. . . . ', _.. ý l dents; of the town or outsider-, ana i thot Ive canton have a %vote il -a hypocritically t scelite the tom , , . _'ý e ý . . ) .. NvIlether ý theïr Ill was spitil or . a alont.atteiiipt Je' . "' *"""";,«", """' - . . 1, ý ., :tnv.tý,oscoII. ý. P V zi- Il., Al.."i.;.. %V. I.ý .ý%trik,.r, i-uillixtit-r . . ; 1 . .- . ý ý Il : - ý ',plùuiler,'areqtic.,tioýiis tli.itarc-debat.. ý linai(late lias flic 112*-'4;.,«:IL.t",.,.t. Vl,,Iiý.1,.]IIi" te, Pri- , . ýý - . - - '.-- -7 - . . . . 1 ý . , ' ý!.. .!d,.if debail nt « ail. City. III the 1 III t ---- ý _ . .---.. ý _ -_ - ý. -- . 1- )I)carniice of patty rpitc, uuvortliy of $2.Ooi.r)-,;,Iý,ý-iý.ýýý....Ij-là..-..!.-. -. .. ý ý 1 1 . 1 1 . . ýl . IL-l'rFl',IYEP. 'la ,Inrrow.niiidel Truite, that will _ _ . _. . .- . .. . ý ti uâtitivii, sud if. dicte arcarl . th . . _.- 1 ý 1 ýI - *-- 1 CI ., grec' ,,,,, suspicions ait ta the icieutit'y, ---- elia -çr-lq >% -lp - 1 ý 1-,;ý,.e-4 ---_ý j _'. -. ý , 1 -, I;r-jl ,,.,a. - _- _- --.--- al .:'I _zm have the affect of estrangingilie il 1 11110il rallil) . 1'l' i Pý j _ý;1 ýw -L.i:--,. îý'J - IIL 1ýj Il , E ,_;ýL: (IM 'Il . tif the fircla bugs, they are. astreint net ta 1 A Ilembiller ta Farineil * :Ili De Exprd . l ý 'T Conservative friends lie left'iLi this, 1 ' - ' ý -U-ýiyi 1 ý - 1 . ý . .. 1. . . ý :. . èý _dj -!xlýrii.%h tabac oli lest the torch 1 .n 1;.# Edi-mr qf th k-.'.-Jt'STICE. ý If y, Il tic et t 1 red tien wail ci . . . 0 . ý - . . . . e 1 ýý, 1 1 - e cl,.,I,)".I,: - le colin - . 1 . . ý . ', - ý ý ; . 1 -II ,D:cxt bc applied ta tlIcirý)ývi.. siný1 tril -1 uliall tant el car - .- - lilnta.eýI.ý[ .nt ..,.i.... pny .1t...ý.i.., ù. thi . ý . . . ; Aý:D SXIP ý)\*Llt M IS Al)'Vi-PlTlýZlll--.N.e£ 1,II 11,ý!'ý.ýDINýC4ýTIIL (11A: l' la, se .,* "' al ort,'Milton is under a' , A nandighter wa, * sh-t by the P-lic-.i..i.ýt.i,.,,-:ýý---Fi,,,r 1-1-h. Il..- -it,., ý . 1 1 . - « . . 1 : ý'1 .qýêbYtrewblRng t'sel" of a letter cI l'r.1,c an Siiid&y'iti;hL me, cial . J..!"".. j.at ý.lr III ilay tud.y -IL, . A ý 1 .. .. . il ý mil of te.rror. . 1 1 ill ý . . 1 . etc, the vaine that their farrais, -if.-t'ýrt ai a ciel -jadil hivr .. il The hest spriug incilicine hache ci Wallil 1 nt tl,ý. s) . (J o T w .*o;'S i 1 bcottit,ýs and 0 Anti-Scètts combine 1 -W e ýDeëire to Call Your, Attent ci, . III ý. . ý ý _.ci t a. unacetc_ ut lail ivocild obtaili . . . 1 ý . . . . . . - , .î 1 ý-. ' ýý ' Ail and IIIII bu: prit ta- this. Let. sactal CI a thent Irait il on file Il - 1 puiýlý-1"ý'r;ý.'t'tiýi,.,..Wlýicl,'if 1,r-.ýýl"(l . . i n _L ný te plat au and ta it. leaving the il e aille ; " Liver l'illm teaken every taiglit on gaine ta rýitittl-výl lit n;làlu3t iiiiiý'..I;.t.]%;. N.,M. - .. . . I . ý , . 1 . ý . . . ý;.. le .ý'1 ,! ý . . . , 1 beci. itoit Nichait ytýu - occil. Suger cil if-Jýdiss-,'x ','*.àt-ic I.7výr Pille laid 4II ý 1 1 1 ý__ - ý ..--. ., . . forcement of the Scott Act tothe ailleurs 1 I ilituma I y remis of cvergrcens. ý . , . ýJ ., . . . . appoititeil for that ivorlç, and the quasi- i Thace, bath in Tailles nuit etclar, cuit bc 30 plus 25c. Ail drel il til ý"1-i Lie, ifill - ...ý,ýý.,ýý,, "...I. it, . 1 : ! . --- ->-------ý :- . *. -i * ý - .."ý,ý th. .1li.t.lý .ould hav. bccu ý ý . . . . .. . , . ', 1 ý Tonna -al in »Inlay postures, sud . -..- - LLppý . . . . . . 1 . . 1 ' ý 1 . tien ait ta %vliether the Act ils or lis net 1 'ýý,1,1-,-,l il. thiN . L_ *ces be-in lit 5c.* i, , ý ý tain ;âtterad Laver borderai of ivoods. The Aiii.er.f Atglý..i.tan-i. incili a bud.., , 1-1 ... -.C. Toi, . . i00 piec-es to clioose ffoili, pr. per.II ý -', l . ý . . ! l lillle is I'Y;llts ' ,.rp-lponbil)lo fur thCýdonmraIizatiou of 113altil of these aillecies I have kuown 4'lioly mI agaitist RUILI . IiII tend Liv.-r 11,11,e :et--- -1ý-,-t-l,-Ilý- 11,4 T'le fir-si - 1. . 1 . . ý r' . 1 - -, Il ., . - . . th. . _ _ __ . býýt ... ediei.-v üIC Vw In«Lýt f- , g,ýora: le i.,è(..,)«nd Elle is* CreLo..iie.i.' Il lilwe ail. immense r:.-iwiý ut t -le. Il . own for future settlemeiit.. Lut . n se gods.,., ý - , Tit . 0 ý Il platibed in minal-breaks, Dame thirty or . . . ý , . 1l'elliu itu LIxptnse bc slenreil, in the firaît fil u .ciel invig.,I j.,-.Il,ýrti . . .; . . . ., 1 ý . aider or Ficartilv Lini. li al". "il,, fatal vears aide and il excellent IVe$Vý Wý,r;ýl'. %Vie . . ý - 1 - . . ý. ý ý . - ý1 . ý . la firiet ont suit punifli the perpetrat. 1 . . . ment. Uefil in .Tery htmaite f.ý cet" -5.. ler 1,..Itlý-. I:itt,,. 50 -I, ..., $1 . . . - 'l - ' bo'n', aïcil -truisc'. envalgial rhcn. 1 _ ý ý or.q of Fridity nili crime. Next, lot 1 bliolteri 1, ' - 1 1 ]lave ancutioneil the Atibieut agniii . . CK conthoil. Always gives alaciacka.tion. Ail 9,i"iil ROTHERS, 48, HING > -STREET .EAýcýý 1ý . . th. Chi.f Constable bc given assistance, IL , 1 .-iý-L"ý- s- Ill bv 11 %v-tý';ý, ýhILce'-ýt- - M A «Y . ý. ý . . ta (ýlescribq a Nerv uni and effective druggiaits. ý 1 . , . ý . ý . 1 . - ý . 1ý, t . . lis the C11311-lo's reeuranieuded long ý ý - - - , 1 . - . ý. 1 1ý . . ta do flic III , _ _ . 1,1w Ili,.,.,ý,>- of ciel. phl ýlýlý,i-e lac . Pi1ýY CIXO()iý).,S ý-\-«.\,Lý) CARPET D E _U E It S. ' 1 IL i . . 1 ago - IvIlich appears ta 1 liait 1 hàvo sceu tlicse plantait . ý ý ý . 1 1 1 1 . . . ,. ý 1 ý ' . i i= ,illg. Nrlien the grumela Ivas , Ii Ilo.g Cheng bas .:emed that Cliý,ýi.,lit .11; Ij;l::::ýl.i.,. CI.". te, Ih,. i.;..-i,.:ývv - .. . . . . . ... e. - ý .'. ho toci Luttait for Iiiiu tu attend ta sýigILL .ý haucI If lie is incompétent, ami the i thawed, a morning mas Chosen M'lieu hleor naly ehn1l bc employeil in the -jaco. biaIt.;ýl ,Lry le-liaie, S, tl.!,t le a.'i..ýu natil . . . . î . ý 1 . . . . . il . - 1 . . Hillary at pr . osent attaclicil ta Tais the grounù boa frazen cil abolit ait stnction'of Chinese r.ilroulg. - 1- Alakil, i Ile.y. il il, ré. -r...I. 1. .el te, .e. haut .__ - .- . ___._ ý__ - ' .1 . iuch. Circles about clins icelles Train the 1 trouble f. tic,- ,.et ... il I..,,ý ... hîrv a. w.t il.. . . 1 1 ý . , ý - il - . . Lion i% net large enough ta pay au, a Iýý . tain Iverc tlien eut rovind pille Icaplingli A tirent bI.«i.g. livaitit'a Limrý Pille fie-d 114111el -ttý--ýi-t iý,,,:ý,1- ici ýl,",I;,.I, ý - . - 1 1 - Il J. ,- PzIIIIIIIIII Let - thol ý . ient allait ta do Tais Neurk, let it l'O î theliv ý.luil'l.. lind.. le, 'i- .?f th, Il. . > tzi of about filec Tact bill and the tacts NI admI lie faI a gal bleccal te ý il 1 IIIII ý -Salo *.".f carptw% us W L About - il ,I thme affliýted .ith liver complainte dy. -výl.v -1 in thé le.tuifie L'roliiica the arait 1 ý . . . . - . . ý . . . ý.ý ý ý - inercaseil sud a finit Clau . officier ý; engagea %vbatevor it may.col liftedbvtlirustingaiipadeunder. The - ý ,:ci wd . . . . , 1 ý.; 1 This hi no time for Cil pariug au(lieartli*výuil mots Chang to.nether.inan Donen. audivrestion and oblil 1) oâl- -la (,*,-ý,-:,-,LiIýt .q Il . ; , - ---------- ý --- --- -'.' 7ý-.'-.Z"-ý.-.4:---- ý. j - . 1 Thirty pille 25c. Ail druggiste. ý- - __ ýýu.Ihcg .Il . 1'..*Lý tu"ý".L. a ge. I.giý;0 ý ý . . - :, . 1 ail a.f' th.t p1t of tic. II . 1. lit.iiitirqil Cai pal direçt Il Il ri il.lu natinilli - .. 1 il - ý . ý wr'angling overthe salarý%- question. Tt;: ensdly haralleil. mil deep, and ýhe trees ,voeu 7. ia' . 1 1 1 Ical ,Watlcfil.,Iý.vd . . ' ,,ear"i,.o , Du i'l t . ira iinkL* roniiiri.r lait r mien ital ci ai a ni 1 1 y tif -ýýetv à, L'à . . -1 , l'ho despactel illa froin, lie United Statie, %illicil c'lacerai. Il biscu il ciorý himI - IL. lis .,.iiii, liait ul' the- (;:tri% t. IL a;me. 'i " ëN is a fi for prompt action. Let las lieu . . il ...il J It -o lie lei icc..' ' Ek ý , cl plantild là tlicir désirait] positions. te nMil the B4r'dIrýat th, Iii Iî--U1ý Il . - ý.L il. .vý-II . ý '14:11 - . - froru tlie.town Canal - l rellittircat te the thilheil dictent,- Irs ta ho .,.ýrLin en mal an P..Beill" ta whý'I-I à il C i 1 ' ol lie ',5ý. Il 87.à a-, cg 'à., il. DI ,qlt."lioc. TI 1ý .. ý .1 . Ont of mauv litindreds III plauteil bat .o,_,vbéýtI ila. 1ý1 25 te, rjoc. RI fruoi $1.2i -oc. BIýI Irait', lai.1 befvre the Briti3li*Coinmoim shal theY bel III ta I!týitdýl . .M) . l',ý,,,. 'Il te- 60L li ý ; . . < . 1 'in .rmay bc remarlied that - -.- . .- - 1 Stites cw the Dominion. Thc 1. 4,'a taSL Ci-,ýýl-!v*- - .1.ý 11111LEY AND 1411il Il died. . Tt j camikrd ài,%%-n fil 8 lex.,11,.,., il. pem Il Cai pell pui dowij la eu- 7' lie - _,., ' 1 ý1 avergmeus wo-ply Uiri.-t. iomtked dowu >fronc 81 Coi8il 'rite Vwy , J - Ré-hIý .1 Il..vil el 1.) a., $Je . ' treill aF -Il te, .,-l'ý,; .1 . ,. 1- . aboutit noyer bc pruneil Train 1 Ilà,ty uill ý llý-I. Oti-ýli,% 19 .ý:, ~III Tt in %vith ple-cir- t1il Tie reconNnLýod il fi, Lxl-I1ý-l, III lL,,. fi,, tics Y,.k.,ý, . . mý . Yeu Natill lind itepêceally useïl l'IN. (.cirPýts illaral demi li 03 a., ýV.c. Ltlis' '1',,-ý) Itilittý..Iý-,l \I sit; i, a".. K.-I G ;".,., lsi,,r!,i-.1 ýý.'1ro fien l il ý e thAt IN: me ta f the Grain Section of the li lfdcýircàtochcckabrancli, ý.r » rer.den, . . , 'i . . Boaide.fll-11>ýo;ý. of IL Ciey of 'Eu. : au tuait or two of theuewgrovtii talion . ta _ try Wuts pou la Syrhp. di1triýt in ATI DI.. Bc11, aitois . II Tvo- . . - I t oc . - 9 ciAI U.. S,. 1 1 ý "".: ... em il ait;.. %v,., ý_ . , .ý route « the follewiug' resoltitioisi Ivire! off %vill aucomplisli th ý ni At of the Geulogivat Survel tav. th't he'l'.. dame III Z5'tu 5c. À .iilitt,,.t,;rý,"ée. i, ew-1. Iziý; GbIN-,,ý, .,Itd ý.iýt't si * in ïb.c :;.,ý-,illl 1 ce' c ý scaddain cold. .liait All-nvers. lire Biblc Fat- III .et U. I. -e 1 e . -1 -, ' ý t. tenson ef the yor ta cure .cea the v.1teaide unining banal., bell . ' I n1luptell. ý , i Of cotir.4(i, if this &tir olýI)nrttinity. M . ici, Niv ('l;ý.IiLýt Dires- (iý:ý,ýl.,'jttt III a!-' aré -sýl:in;, --ili I21ý1.1 1. : . . 1. . : . cil ek rougit. and banal And III t,.,UbI,ý' the lie-,cl %voter. of tlmýL-eeR;-asr liait lorl N1."ýWrIio 60 ta 124C. 1-lulius dowil fi-mu 35 ut J:2Jýc. - 1'.1ce ri-li'.3 .el ici, "ff :lei !.;Il; pieu. Fý.i:1,1,.,. . ii.,wil - fp ý , Lir vabie. - DII nil "Mant.e Orlevan-to. IIII , . - _- . 11, ,ý 1 .. . 4AII , , be mot aiscil, abolit ,flic 1 st of May is Ail druggistil ! -Venait St.. Mine mill becoui. IL ."ý'r;,. of- '. WjiEhEAs : ONNI .ta the salle . riant till an excellent time, but Illicie being di-pute between the Ullitett.Stiitesýti.t Mientle., L'iýýtil;.118.%11(1 Uleâ-8 gaing Lit abý,11t hall' th Il , tc.'l Faim se Illa_ qý 1 ý , . Iltalily 61 Tho Barley grainai in Canada, lie bolet te aille the mots Mili net hola Empemr Wslliatý'i birli ,au ce: n(l% oit acil . 'Ca" ý 1,ll w'Hý%tý:ind lioniittd for Lait les -and M lisses. N e %v Ena4ý(-iIerié; ie 1,!ýý..,.,' Pi- iciel Tni ki'li l'ký,,ýél,.I.,.. « 1,;aZ4.ýt .'èi.tlI l,, - '. ý%, ,il i the cari At that tince ,ail ýthgf, cati lebI in a niolet enthusiastic, intail l' * Il ef.r. itniof t.1le t'J'ý"M'leuf".1l'itt&r'ý"lýlnýiti,'ý1%.ýr.-IvI dircut tront thu ittànttfitettirt-re, Nl ]ýlodýitit:g c--,,hýin Marl, c.,ch.-r,ý. Illet-k .ýiý,1-ý, il :ýliléh- lienriétta Chill Farinait - . ý . . the Germent, 0. 'Nionday. * ' ý the bletti. Ivâtelras of-th. uw..',lti*,ej-at.iý mmets btil,,rinè li ali..ký..fisilks doit NI îwt u nt ', a- ý.;1:Lz,-. Pwuleiàibý r vieil Citai Il .dui-t ,.,.yiliiii;, éýàiIII iý'1 ý ý ý petoýuccoqsfaillyi% lie delta is to:move thom quickly, and , . - one, Fintir oit clothil Cil S%ïe.,I*ý,-,.-. 1).,ita,,kà. RI-1-pel. R:ý,,- Fillil %%'Itt.la.%,e ilclýý, :Lait! 1 ý , ý ith Ampricatigrowen Uly - 'r't Ib'dil ýiRts, Riws> ý'nttinalP,'LirI ', 1 . %V.2es cougl.-eymp,.thojic - of itýhi.1, .III in -, ý thu Tialg 'ii st-v Ii -%In1*)(Iiý Ilud L . te, (,'l,ýil.,,. li JIýhvy (,jd. 1'l.id z ... il AËl 1 . ,., ý . , . lu thé market; of the United statil hallali Huit Ejid air altogother ck the --ý.- - ý ýtoiliitSt...-,I'li.e, whizin lial ,, , . ,4 Ve'ry .Iittle of -111 kill u»É-Ùl Te* ilter, cenfler. 1-1 ing Go.ý6,r a illi.st.nny:killd Uli - .1 . .'Its F«.e.ticti,-iim'* « The Riglit Ili ,le ,.la Kit ý . ILI 1 Câbler iý au Ill; td"ù , Lý1 ýtr,ýt , t t, ý > av= TI a duty of 10 cents peÉbtisbel. mots- medy 4or canaginc, entaille allure tl"it b,,». ci cm-, DlI ,alys il ail tf.. Atu.ri- Clot!d-,'S.mýfý anil til.ýiifi, If-kindik-1:1nat,ý;ffai el...1 , * , .: ý . ý .. - . 1 ý ý - - , 1 - . q against the Can;vliau grain; . dicte. -1 trust ive Final sono sec a gond chi .IuLýtIàz-Ltt1-hCno12fý(ýaoa huill- C. \Vzttkilý-." . 1 . 1 . . . 1 . - è ý . . , ý * - . citai or fiaith plu ting. il 1 rat are , ticcýuttI inftatu.I4-" * , ' 1 .- a. ,)a da in ý.,..ry Cil Cg tics "."ù[4" 1 , ;., . 'Il Wagm.te. Au cattellipt aliring a f . Y 00 fflglýcýous .4 territalri.1 canton .louait 100L for ý are -Rifflit. HuàýiI"ý aud-1 T . ý -1ý 1 r ý ' ý 1 ý , n', , n -ci ail thréat, nul lung did. II "'si, i - . - . ý . 1 ý . . , car . r 'he:.m 'Il 31 Ill . ý ., 14 . l ý ý1:. ' ý -ý . 1 . . 1 ""a',' arrain; 7othar if ci' .. _c. , 50c. ali,11 81;00 per lieil Ail vaccard'to beibedoù.4'ut of Il ý.hicl Il ý __ - . .1. , 1 ý ýý . . . . ý ý . the tant trio years lias beau malle te le protaI Ivili s'il la .'ai m . ' ý 7 ý 99LII . territcrv, %%-Iilutï. .int.iýsl6'pmpert5- 1 1 ý ý ý - - . . Il introduccaïew sel and of avaricty , 'O . lieloil il Canada. -IILoný 31. 'Ilk, . i . 1 .ý - . ý . . _ _ _ Au effort will 1 ce inatio . - . . 1 .1 1 . .ý . . 1 . . . îýn , îý - that demi net find fa ver %vith Armifican 1 contimy are in . ý_ ý . . > . 1 _-1ý_1ýz nýîrýý _____ _ ,._____.__ -- . . . ý . ý . . . -',; t - ýMabI and Bréive.r4; yours, DI John Bight'iýx,' waitten dcI the enmiujï!ee4itjn of- Pardonnant ta ,ý ý . . - .noili.r7,,Iëlr . j . - . .. . . . 1 . . . -Daces . , in npll. . 1 '_ý l .., -ý . ý-J,, -fi WI ratiainingserne .éiý,e tellection, on the alicil 1 zation ta .d.'lý.'Iý.. . _ _ -.777777ý _ , 1 . 7777UI ., 1 ' . 1 AN .ttgikS: ltisemontiall> - R. W. Pitipps. . ý .. ý NI 1 . * ý . , _ - . -zary in oracle ta Illoititain citr.lire-s»ent il am. Rate nurtecrac.tit. , survty If. th.: Brit ah Cohl * bonn'Inry T .' ý ý, i«I a .,_-.è:,,',îý 'l 1-'I i 1 -' . 1- - .. L.Q * 'O 1 1, . . in tics lani). that the Unitail BLatos (."V,.L.. el ý -II 1 - . . ý ý 1' ý . Toronto, Mar. 17, '87. 1 - M., .L . . , U R .. 1 '. ý ', . . réputation of grill in Canada, the - ýý . . - 1 ' ,Ill a 'Dent -clair 1 ý - . 1 k . Il j....1 - 1 . 1 ý .. . . . Î 1, 1 1 .!, j. W LI. e7111ý_;,-ý, . ý - .ý boBtBàileyýon Il continent; Il onlv , , L dies suffering vrilla àd.k b6bal .wlil -il atel diffinit; ]y' Ili the .Ill ..? .'---,. 1 . 1 ý 1 . .. . ý. ý'1 ' ' ý - fin 1 - celui taIM.: ,Ail , ý inatured al pré. Campbellîllie. * la cure in West»s Li 'te ý Pille. ' 1 1 NI fi 1 th - , pos. . ý Il k., ý. . Il - ' j 1 e - . . i .. - - ý . . . - Sugarcol 3ôpi:l$25C. .ý1-1 . , ý . ". - . . . _ . . , ' . .- (-ý ý . . V .ib'li'tl;'.f i'l'i'«,.'t'.'. ý ý -,ýý,ý>-, 1. ' - - the m1st acairable ne o - os - " il, 2 . ý_ perly elonned, sallould bc sown. Those forcruccarcers Ail chuggist& . ý _ ý -------- :L .. . . - . ý 1 . 1 . ý _1ý . »al..Týiiiiy,ýiiittý ý .. Y . .. . Î E R .- ý ' * J'ý . - of Rpring-the _ _ _ , .:Ih.y bAva, a-harer 1. ý ý - , i .. 1 . 0 Bb.ird of Ti Oý again. 1 ,a ni, TiiiII.i.it.bayailway..c.mp.ny eirect, , --JýN ID V- Il C.T, 1--T -I I - -ý. ; ý ý ,tZ .. firanallerd, fiant -Il Grain SecLioù cf mhins-acca bluebirds-liave visit, . ý , êt?ý' ': 1 th -Iý- ý- 1 . ý ;in Ii. - < . . ý . rade of the City of T - . ý la - huile] 670 inifils of.ileyintaù OxWn&lon celcyn e îmlt. known. drugbint, -thnn ,ahay _ ý,, ,,, . . 1 ý 1. 1 ' ' - 1 I , *->. ý_- 0 4 9 * ý . 11, . . - - ý 1 iii 7M ' . - dI-,rýrîI ail, . on 1 à n .A .., ic, 7,ý î . . . 1 A rrenh f 'Iiite C'Ilec. V.Ilite ChEcý Illitê ý-Y c ý.rcy ,-roy mixea ýiey Mixeaj I'Ba.sebiti r tmefi .e ay.-d.pi 11KIL TC t 'Il., FY 1 in lu, public Iléll'm. prl ný y IV rel,1811, fir't cla', rel'IL à MI, vl' hal: del i,!.l --dLt l'f 'O'r rI a-W i di zm', it:l-1 fil, ,j tilt. l.f êa.l. r'va r. M. l'f the fir-a "t vull i-. 1 ti(.? ti. 'l. Il( Ilvr uld ,t0C!;_tlý -,ir«.'h;t )id Thl, N[r. -t-t Tudýllé,, 'Vill Iý. gî-lL 63 Did sou. IL i ;aIt 1 t1w tl, Mr'. va 1priué. t Gl'-il, di ÉtI-ir '. lu-d rh'. 11-t., "f frivild, iael. Oieir arrival îu oL, IV,'rd il gv. a al be Ur a tr'.1i b, orillr uf K«.i,:,, a Ls it! i t varriv.1 1, v Di-11, th, th'. latter aull a furmi a 1(mt a fout is lu ,!ll ,vith I.-ath, j:, wioldrd Il%- Jobn out thl: la,,I, upletly that Ille )n saturday E 'Ilf the Ijt., engagg'A in ir r"", ellivi. Alluci il tlle.;tili ,aq lincrul Iltilý from llltytiiý--l her livr ri,111t legl f t tI i .tl llrr 1 _01. L aull DrýFr.dlu r vdry - 11.flilI %VItýt SellorlI S.M. titre p-Lst imid tIll la, prilllarv .,0 a rvt1j;jj, ally of the other jjj.jln,)"I.vttlt fact that papilï t1t. m ît I'à 'H SIOIV but sulri of Lojld-ý West a Ilua a few other plat .ouât tu 110 ,j lu mie land. A by cotlilx-tL-Ikt truStou re-sult in tLe .6ot by LoncIc w at 1-D'v. pur ý[AM IL 'tio C11-vu i.i. jtt't .- L!," 1.1ý s C. ý,MAKE Lac ést inaterial 11DO ilr taken that goods always ýon nt of- Lia ie xýîsiliiigthil hè 1 est-ass.orý- àa; 'a M FORID's

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