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Canadian Statesman, 10 Mar 1887, p. 2

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r~I if *2 I I I '.1 ~1 If r t-I . CIjaTA1S6 --il ici If ci Scott Actr s. a t Tc ~.o iéo.bota -sa ab'. l='-c.dicrlly O tTIn1 01 euooefrll&tip.oiig son É'iofud- o tc y a toilioE hi Wiapgi. rneddt.o ighýtychoumpaid thépl. .~ftoop u s. 1 l..Gce .elu, TUt~ 00000db, ~ ~ ~ cen00lt.hA elw~le. to.pày Janet Dcucn, EBearisEnd. - uecoui The re-cocit atlioderich on Fkiday Itic. bàiAur,icullow abc.oout noot.Loa.ocy b.u.cduTc.r ectBd lu rdcin A filo e i. a. . L , >idsay. W.., uconL .~ i. roitod Patr ojetY Ovur Cumero.cfor An iàpococat uctîdeot cagcn~ cAxuauihuJfU akwi sil H Do, te 25., . h u haco ituoo -or B . oleDR oc .Eiu: M b .S it,of lrEiedi,wh aud Ia u. eDi ayi curt et i ,Jn t.N 0 liriwF. 0e cc,.a.iO onsteaIVeW.t Brans -eith H. d.nliue-li h aioa Tcpc...Dnou lI.t »Vitocide dc.cy 0 ir. Dusacole.,Th uoegCoonilo - Liduu, Jhninday. c eu. rou'wuc The To ry u cion nIA no u e 1 e h . BLicl co a.tho roou ne et c. r. A 0oSi al, S levrtns, veol>t.tuxtn PuEnsnoLviore t le« Il octn u ic.l nnd l reo ccd hrtrica hcoold. or - I I L oieE-BcaojWlcoet1iO 1 mlfe pocIt ic lyad orsa y te ocr.gho i lu, su i li o ul.eo . l o - V S l A d ro a iA.. * iu Mr. ut i uL.mb, oiptlo The R Co.ocuicwu . Dil .oout0uÀutyte of G ur uelo~ i . theoisâithel uato hnriy rOoi,,. Mo hutel bome., .C.ietd eScnp u. n.E.cc8Docn 0 no 9 T T O ITo jlCli to u c y n d M oa.. c u h c p y o i B a a d w c c o l l h r o c t h ... o a i ....m *te eunvenoot etnv hochnlacocr o t uthellmu I Cit y oplor l'et- Joue.-Ei I lat Le Moed. wnyan-Abashert.ponthéut.venue.of urchrane, Aimais Sinan. iuau eou s ~ ~ < r~. lb Z oao r r SW ým li icu au z q os Lio ci sy, J nnié : . . onui dot. n iu L A ncu .ptioc Mo. Gu - C'4>- - o n d-eu ie s it er,2 tiîo, oou-olaed eRobertsoric u. nnMay H** .26-1 t nc eîrnic.gf., bat M. uc er. 10il, h u Oouoilltbie ont. doFreJoli 2 -zl'Wlae w * Co uor cati o o udid t., cioc und d m. th aicu u o n et, for t...f C ti cld - - . I- n bD ti n e d n ea o ry stu n ho n H . I .. oo t t io er oi .u é o o o o u tb 1 5tn . u u n . 1 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,i ToBaniaoc o ..drlri lot .1 A ctDofr otos cçux cv b uya i O 0*i1eh D. n y t hcuSern.. dthupeubhiciubrreocooctupofÇ]4-lto1 _Sda ..,ucul B ird (Couaroctico) evih o urice, ougrl ht 10. utyn.re Sigho, ntulteud u ..240 Mro g antti utir Wcteni 1<ug <ioona C Nuw that b iie, wh nu-a oeeo, lt.lt.nd l.1 M.Conba i n C.oj r i u hu gueb iit cn g fo.. are ul uirod12 ih u tho Campbel, io tb Sa '8 Tho Oenot h e r oatireun C t . .i . cut a or i hc , el i bv ht ILcnouO ric. u Eono an * cR onting. séu aponenaunuttho M9.araouotic 1o g e..as cu- h am i N rtuGeypom ea aclma , Oc'y ocdy L.On gT lir-"thone.. loic n uhc o ioat 9ch JAIL S bY the i STgcers. * rn.nid yCh ni.hîuHredninlJua, Ch an ckntho Lobet uronari 8 et O m - M à)'b l o ni no u b.l u p.'l t hu uIL u 0d m ut n c e on2 1c. o cc :8 TL e Mund i e pu e cp .i r acuiYio u or ic, cth bo .i. tio i 00De' .por icu C e ta. 88 tth ie l. oT'ei n. Eutic p oucddh v.Ca.~An otdFoi 4 candippingleut o! Uic, frMr. uor sud mi. So.. .1e5n2. Clie a e. ai ridu yo , 4 ita a - Âin M taf i ..Ilifo «y ir tehor a ilr Moour'uc.iby5 goniityiugadeieou c teroùootheR. e a.ew gyt 1 r.- Mio i son.Eoo iupc. - 5 titec eilu canduiate, dlbc l ut ndc..tabou luser dopor:. . LAtt. Ilei Q - 00Dci.uvno.; bter ! ou c.ouat forc ofur fj u.c Ï fti nut it l ,. .'f*. aOýrit.:... Taschrea n d coroby 71 ton u,1882a. BSco cron ud hi otcl u ritod Iutc.r HlbBenc. * .29I Duit rireyauitc.îîîî br-,bcoun oacuMÇe tcucfiuteouîJroO thalth nu ic.ir ut ncon Stiuc tc c rblc.anrd ho onebuipruoau- Agregteatc.ac....r95 decuou.uaicclm [,ird luo our bOfoi uoul ap lu ligu tqu onll more. Duolil - - c Boibo toul cie. .274 .8 * tn luaaQ uoiuuu oanyuroi.cB. , t eeocn.iuh cc.ooiîliop nuci toococ S. uuioooe 315 igontthe.etinore teo!in (ibel)iu o tue sud d Oshuituooc hircoo o iuc 8o2o Bhoh u nu 7 Wh* a a'ituict r itiu ocn th.le lonn iet thurd.vot ..rmeteu.i t rply e ou . Edcoiu Pu blie S. 18-S unn eucusii.u toebea nsuo!lîlyie. rogict LIt. pyvsio.s ofilt h , L VISierttheol, rto n Cour bc.cttdActilary telia haentorior STNDCNOuFHculu t1eo i R, Wi 8420 veycctn0 n rtet ant the iae lierOcboi hot Tonu rhoc., Hllo Buaictéleud th.o. 78.7080 1821084 210 oriiuLin o th o rao..O lu uyunt c uo c r T-. SutAd ct oofoc o. t g wtht .oc, cul orSib-ne ue u o. C n edih dOauoo, i li 4 e lu111. Luiu8 tutyuMM uI le cuober.ni y léid onl o B hrdHrddle, hve ct 11.. hey. 22t 1re11/8e 8 ahoo igcunu huo chI Ieo coo .5butoca jo s lcin dopuolu r etthe in toer lu-reseciv Jca rsa Euesi li Th amicw c a.oit porfii tuhIn ctlerS 61 !n, * Luhîm'et O rc 1unTsuFriu.UT. 27 38 «orisefoosrotei llinî ,yerisna t arr J'ilg . Ilînceui Cuopri * r, V.Cas.io-S li un. itisnad on 39* 2 telo tcoouies o nrocfor -tetol Wh I s-- eag, ndb s m io c time H. r Flo noè. I i 1 .1M uls e uch lcrierof ho o i. ic Md a7 buls h e ide d e I. ls--c..-.- ____ _Fin. 0 li thorocru 11 onccoicuic te dr pin u o t o flo ro nt d oc.c.ito Sr.i M. d la& l V coiliaocu 54 201/ IfIbuol.ygo o ncni showsundàrMrc ' Gu oeulicibt SOroi nMlier. icIeSuyEe stiuircedchucn it 12 thdeokiug Wlut h ri c eiStlertolnm . e uilcc u ii.d uneci meorl l u iuboa. ice ruh EProb mio g oiNT7.<1 toorAO cod lu re jio uiolioeihor, coro tiu , y r. c l . e ol l eoirti- ac c 60 o ur i r th o ier ' « bofny - i b Hslu foc.ait;o.ce orthe scury. rcp o BlBrter nd Sor urtco puob Cley , . ihai u i71 yur iuuor i 71tr uhnéuotiffr Br, dleyoooph fitheu, trBc.Fn ti.n d c ou Wrimeprl, N otteyur. ' cbcc.tr- 40 18 The eon W ruc f oi alon loure 8ac bcec.I ode~ocrt oaly'Iter.laos M i , ou l.,ucIl ut 411 Our eactrty uus, otccc m eicas theoPreomn rca ot ein sc,~arcfitunb 3 PousodtGraciunecocvi.milooleo C Siorictroueîc u euul Scoudyi0auforc.Lb un e. l dpo ona'imrimehotocuor l by ibe , ui, ounsougl I : A o s doiiueu tby i.0vienslaru mîimîc.nou olou .E .Mde 01 iuîri l d . ooeti.ic Ieoeuoio Meanu.t nyprebiiiou Club tmice18n, Wuu rilb, 1ot Be o stcouloi urDc à trou cimsB ell iia uricPuru 15laluc6 -a cietlatbouut il1us duegootcorsci oo. Sudnd the inocpe cicosl cpc i uRToM oE, cc-bicS li ltclt he f- butota .îuuterof su'cin-ro yC .lI iliioc ocnd l u ecsoptstSi.rcpcutig Ad r.puacorh ecciecoo ot17 ci7 mittais forbtceon-otineeleauthe orcebtbw rluithe toulbcaMIS.SDcsdEdwut Pauuons 'hyt MeIStal oinibicoul cifodunk o b', lS .nord o c W1luas u teIS for Iter. u, C Iotly ona Feool vl .yuteel bndr 182,hutinho ul -a Pay cfiSocf coudeipildLue. - u.c1 Su;2t)oileen ène8 n ala. orechofteonfn__ ..Où__e n 'r Csd r veniir ie, leIl D - - oea flos ige h CUtlfnaMs ouGrahamioltoicl td b o rn r 2 utCuoc. . iiw 77e78.79h80Or. A2 83ooot85 80e l icol n Ic ioi ocleier I... iTs colitot icoo o! jouI. i j 1<23iac orlS T o cngoppoActus sud îufoe. lier e o Focih turpey.S'la Sfe ducor t S rtc oucuioi btin doth Gha , .iog i .e i4 lie in 18t8sf. eig tou jo r otthIble oiier 1To (Ibl ooolioudOe ,h Sl. u r d byJamesCirhndcodo1teoulbdcc uif abo figuSî rescillch bilthl r e u lni ey ti, pr oiir oet . *îc o I nto er.uly oupprro y tusElled omlco tt to-ro, dr iio t ir itcot h Curou nouoocre L oraooiucef t-oceto. 27ciiio.12 fo h fu luie l ityacoctoil ou r ulc-itticoycrImiiiCiooour u Jr.* Ih st.roportho o teecedered Me îlot 1h1 téAépeoigcsesoiu te rotuoîo ci bcousouobub Tu- hoppubird, ou o et.ic 18h ie,~iîeVri~ - uru o f tur eare -cih bnuo lyto ; hé o f tOn Ioclucluo. honotMileb eh/ l 80 18pl e 9hcu .otlic o esî at r , h o 1repoCoul r ut, uicd 8 L)cdc c lhl41p.s.d u u yt etr IAuoec ou hOà ton iloe lu theuScotOLbHui ttuubicoSit (olrei thrawec 8 omi" Werdr . u,.rstedacdtiTorotlo dc-cluniuliiion ubhe Eldgto oter aoiiorit onl 84!bua 1o61.1ch tocomisc, in ritutiiioic/lIPeec l ot nu care oriurblin ccteboulou i c$8 oo r toonuhaveuc4e idcre foohstsOo Fi ¶ 151o aiScccna iulhoe ouer c o oren o er-iude ami ieeSno %vas00 tto., ainue ote corp locration Ii i, narc ditoroad Ogb1 oulail actinbcou t atoo i lerugleou uolhyacoco teaPovcalqocrr5ud ratepu solctauding hle. allatet ra' obu88 . le ooLsai ave cipopuaigdoon r, ou. vdiarn. :1-r*ort ortîhce ps rtc. cccl iucoct, to 'l icÇo lua,Halto-urc eey. r e8 ospîiinoofirBrcmpt, w thyor radth adyor u l h.metr- 0 1 touuyni.c t oce o ouo Hc,O ie lb . -e s làgé ,iiipi t be5oiaydscbealboce '. lru O fut wr 45y -electc ,, . ~ ...lWtot enl meuradi ugalo< r10W i Fru.r. dir cea,')i.eoouen o.rep oc t d l og"tree .coliildc 50o. 221oo oPeeid.cbelcîo ubvleui the re.idecào then aitethr H08e . pa ots ppce oicec nyotoc. ud bau 0c).nceci6§n eut ccî. udest. juol ce . o . Frouéidece h-Ibrocn ri dottc b o2 uoproit tjd-c ooconoo Mgslen. ,ath î, c iiooqcieyni, ad bi otkbrcco y l tha ~u t dodby t curtu - ihh. lb acte orcemta urheeYcoungrsfos'lot imagineibilent adverseci. -* 1 * . Th.oGen1uo ro LIh goeUyacood oc hescguurell- eouccooof tu5cOBramp ton nladed'sroi. J>.a oucewlu, .lncae orchch Pr~citophio a C Iub . oc n. Tor c-n Puiuolha.icla, upontodbych.oncl t 10 . %I - ,. ut pr e c ovta o by ciie tta al btatsuecw tebawighS-tuco1bmnt o -th uo haFIayierig tias chcu tho-cotct de do u rcil aeuapd l / iue ai sacein!ecedoaisuec.ic *btegoalurod m ora orctyiitima ~ltuun te d880.,ýýocicd rst o u %'Urtmetcsut a:oopot c1 hf corida. ilatu.:I b btmpae aohr ber. yli. SCiioAnicleane luem ou Oiepetor' eor og ood eubveScui c15,.,l gcsdec urobali-d ly lce is a texc ron a ye réuob, chooneubilatetod nRc,., thecreportchah 1hmadelo rom 1A. 1,*yàý i iu fiesUgoauigppcou ~ b onia Icomted foi trial. ,Gilknsn fuchpboos, an thahes.citer.. Lbei-e il.l luo. ILocaruruet hb el unownl h o-Ue u.Mi i - ,cCoeuc -te pIl c h i b10 üty in th atofudo arecong epoo ited yteidean h otii c ca eport / - .-ane- i jo.u<ok pn butblâmebiaiuo hiton iie t hepsee eop lty Poîhci n h Iils20o80 re a r e sricher corrc nd, er f it aij botMl c c io n lluie sm d too .cc . u. ayuui13ss e. TUE BE.COUpT . . u ,t tee Mdosnu] n eeouonor - rtcunf o . A. P biic . cht h ooipeur lIbhcou a l e t w ch -c--.eý'u" - Hi Hoor..mci, ...... rcoîonn Iuot id..u-i erlltuee iaMau' hy e meof callaaitt.n.,ue u ae. i * aH Frn c 's tiiret i tectHalculiasteArmoruu. casde ur o t att heularepovins og. - c2tt o RUhofers, Omi-. rouult fibn hoa u luita inuhnud luvTon Suk ndIi uot cbiuk, ccd ece .o col ulu,.t *Icr Flinthe loon: doeptonuofor e ucrnh a ohjdt tireex.cauoso.of pr cle.eiu elsa Sbg Slogu 1. u eeiA ildu a Mo. uiheodrodoo 11 coondobjheloriz n jtoVie lb.Frania rhy, ba hoPdus iS i e ethc - -btiÛtado big onceiIocetcercu butd bte. Sudinraioiit.io. andias.buc e 7.-b te lkud leid One he .A 25 purmiorton lhuJcgof d i rig d. uSuWuboutra rape n.t2l unini a tbl e p f olog*ethquo lihie -,u tabSectfhiuî bs utld s 1he. lb. ithpohiboncd se.. The o bu ica .orpru a eii. o n twoes l A ig -lel lluouu.ulyila h crelcb r.onee ic.da *T o herprtbsntbe odee iet*-I i flcorpi.recgrately'eSyhave o etopo .te bcu u blsid ertu Suffo iW .r ed ci.. nuoca poeitarcrelic aiid ari a vC er aie-h2 Dlcs tem ntev cauon ltngbc Wudec onjLoicoc O.coci o..A i5r. me> Hfns.cogaucs.,.. cnt ony Ar n ht%; - -to av rti a o BsfMunicipal A c . oj 0rtee b th alieof th benetitwhcoonwi. rechtnhotcion peprue t. Inte. B.nt-nyerof i frot t e treer iu Morte euoftfhil .teeciu e.w.h ocuit Su - teonc.n'alt il 5 ~ M. flirge f Frtanrocicoa o 't m o c.teolcui ukGu.ra ny n oi.o OSll0a b Bilebor.eet.Myboedupa. Seuterlc scho'm ro- v. oeveiB aa01toS.o. Or~vioci J~o~u .liueeIl .A.G.He io rnth pcoo.i eaure oosacey trhe àu i - &-fgt mel 'tSie l Eqi. B wer o de! ua. Se lunoci Ln ul..laWot0LIee ea;soe~ seotfr urhc a ys ar porutna. Ililo Sodu d.agg orc. . = To asteth os o'tem ie ngns ;ad Mnlenu.. " __ pliuorent eel dl l~~ Iu 0ftdcolico~swOacte~c/to - . - - , thce oeitat nt thn..J.n.meetin pbis o *maoc adoO sur e q u sal, B. Fheh uoil3o. . riu.ac. theor < - aHdc - ae ort T..buaé fer0 for asiseofnO,aaon wcu .doiaeci r e io teou Wparbo ihecd t ceu.t u/iredbu.y oi e.ot p-- i ý,Owngt tePm0Od 0te . eo.u i ll thgg... relieragha - T el -kn w omcinion appcacs r FitgEU-. . -The first line ié 'rints, 700 pleces tri thoose frýom, prices',begiciska 5cý per yard. Tht second uine is <retoîineu. Me have an iimlinense range of these gonds. Siedtl- McKAYBROTHERS,4KIGSTETETI DRY GOO)S !AND CARiPET DEALERS.ý Great a1e Of Crpa.tsat About, HaIf. Prices atth-t Tu coheecon fo unrcrîcc nacnti y of INewr and liroolîful Caopol. directficcfiic .ofoceciWlhcd el AuetocciiBiecrcthclih cuo ic.hii. He.la 8i0 "ut1of the cptTn..Jo r h.t ,!nr,; Ecccliý do.pi fcopIccchon cifcci lS..4TeoyBcQclcidon cîcîo~ rcclc $î Tho ilexC.ý Uîimà Tw.icpiy.Gcîrpeo iirhc.l dowro ioci 601.ta .. tour.' Tiruu lioccud Vtou, icerc$1<1 lu-clt t -il 6cn oi c I ,-:!dAli-iicro.! Nice Bie fr b.lM,cî5c. -Nice New tiheockl Dren oocujOcricocl.ccnd co in ig ci.coi' 25.i blmrec ico dcea roc. 10 ta 121é. Ilichico doirofroc. 35 ti121.. Lac. i.. clou5cf c d pio..frillcig iiccot121, Manctie., Dinigng sud CI." ru 1ing ut ai,cc halltii- clil. . re,. ccd i 1caie Orecîcooce, Friogo, c.d PFun ceainofoff ut i Siruor Hatioand, Buociccfor lcdicc ond Bi.es. Noew1<ihroidcriec, LSoes, Pique.. ,Tuohieh rouelle1, tiashet Clctii Suieoo. dirct lrooi che mfcuoccrcrW . Slow Slouniiîg Goio iinllackb C.hc.rrti, BI.Cb Iorez, Biccb idocietta Ciuch. F.ur;cora' Bie Boannet'a Sîpcicr New Siako of tlilk bat choc o . c ctor glace. ltucec.1irr yýu eauo tc olcuot cîuychio1 coin.ccii aic. Rauds, Mots, Ritg;.bitlooLicoiooc.., Floor Oiloluotiî, CarmoSwaiperc:o.> Duas; 4pp, %w oSilio, Wcduw Pclec and CÜrcié org Goud ocf ccîc. cep bled nc Ot the Ucg. t Hou... Sýe. theo Muoclo andiUlster Cloîths, Ludion Sionry <1Oala 6id and Aotrulioq Cloodg, Scof. ccd Bluohotà ofcll hiodc olliug off nci cooîccoredcicu,. The flight lMconecleon 1King. trooc pu.t;coc dao * c.econ theoiducà re aontightHRoc"and "Thom" C. %Wthînoa.' odaca..Mun.. cse - *--c. ~ TJ0 8 0 -4 8410 10 Di o. Ouli 12 1 icluocclit. 1u1F lai 101 Ili181/S1- o L 8 1 14 1 » 12 <5à 141 goi l12 114 2j11 13I 14110 131 id 18l 1255 1 lu 10)i 145t la 14J0 16 1617î 110 i5 1131 181 20 15ý 175 19 201 16.1 v4201 loi Il 17 1lu f 2 171 lui11 C l UIli 181 20 22J141 19. 1116 1il 5 /r5 1%1 2151 ý'4 cli 2-2 25 27J 80t .1 28 575iII88 1<0 bu1. 385 40 Ih- u.Ja ccui.di. 1 irg cicly oak o.ù ril .00w taoto cu'.u Sourg, tc Iut tho leo 1, e ir.ée lucreu tc, ccicicololtur lhit. -reito.ccro licof ilrlrc.<1bo lich ilcioh Sua brml.u ad 1.y ic, Bsiiccfr - H. l. wit uchi.lif . t. uqilluil ci cci0on0 te purociof O.coy ta 000n . orluiei t.. ih.if. tcuhei Socn. . *u purpS n tirebIegtz ou± welro -ly ilue 7Î-eeiffc ch.1codr, o .1.iola ki Sat'duc 1-iu.t. tlpch 5-.o GO ý euil acc ccccui ,=ntcot le.ic, a B-lbli rok. A ArgacochocuaAbr 1-torti.lriertic sofr orSu of elic uc ca k A = co t h i gn i o f tAr da o. si mt.he" of iee *Uacata.ed buig biucb30 pfts 25c joi enîeefnoh itaU.- pii2. atu i.e.top ol -i olag than aver.i i i: IRSlo godSwil f - c ,-bmentit Cai Ïg oa for, the f 0015 Q3r, enuiu< t. .., lac fule.,k oen. lots.r Iba held Oeu - -'ACOTeR TWEES sj Rm rciu.ioB a2coc10 Do wo ow uu of Sooteh Twoeda1catrmc.le. .le, a~D~l~d .Iu.a. o!Tali oi D o O..lir o rdorOlothioo Depirtmici Gate, .> ~ a~h.h.ohOoOtSc1oPa te=ootA% -au »oi .cey Odordr à o Scic a - -~~ NEW DEESS ADIES'JRES8IRAE -Goo oon . oshi:adohL Your choico e 0 ý,Rcooc.opuc.ot. A'ToweIO IocroU.ft. --àNluTOIIELS6j. aoaohhocojlodZo NE5W DES00B~TOILET OOVES oie f1t.elot eOicoTowheio B.d Oh-.oh.IHo ai c aoooto.21 -Ocor 1.2w0 Ourdi ! oooAI.wo i w.iIII.ll5coYO t hic This .1 porofro 20 .' S,-oSelf Si.I%'PIc.o, Some, oU a1a0DIT poI.4. ..i - ocg A iSIESITOWEWLS 1. 5UffE1525 TwES.s 2<EWIDRUS(FOUSR 25LS...-îffr*o hid ooo Siipo c.oPi l nsucoh a Pos.itinnhtwe and et. !,rYlcwi. o. Toc ohouldoe P,.oh odo i se00lhong.lt25.. 1h,.e. tnccmpno Sacn aotî innoio i 0 0 .d 37. with PFooy il 3j ec ad iia lu Lines ofab 10News1 SEOIURED ]3Y OUR MR. 'MU1IRAY IN !EUIIOPE, JUST JIECI 3,1000y'a-rdsý of New. Cheek DrieSS..Gods Tor. Taio0r-n par-yand, worthtly4 4,00 ad Fieey CottonlManuels (bth l iad Pers; Tennlis Sqits and <Jhildren'à Weir, at 15< ,îorth 25ci 1,00 ards Colored Spot Bo'kIuln t1prde ?00 PieeesiJFancy Pr uts at 106. lper ya. 100piec e 2.per -ad. 100 pieces'of Fancy Pritsa15prya. 10pieces French Cambrids, Sates,.etc.,:from 18c. ti iA SpecialîLie Lot -of Ladies'. Neckea commencinE' * 20. to 25é., 80c. to 3.5c. eaob. These gréâst bargauns wmere secured by our Mr. Mîcrray ander speciclly favroralle cir.oumstai 1by al desiring attrretîve eprly goodse t exceptxonally- Iow prîtes. A. M RRÀ.Y. & o., 18, 20 and ,22,Xig Street Easi OREAT DOQ W NFALL. ac-- --în - hnca ofTL M LLKNSjOF- FMEIUR STEVENÈON'S B1t0cx MAI4N - - S'uty pairç W.rrated àgv I * - - STEET, MILTON an Je lr e c cl-=ou r k o f tFurniture t poicen s --Thaeegonds sre.-lode-of the loer nu a oerbe fforea ihorto ii bu . .-patnt, c- ~ i iltotenshul ha perfacL.-~A stock of theE BaSl-Boom Sàùtis Hom $21, snd- upwardi, pRàlor Suts frotu - ý F.LN.1 -$50, and npwaxds, TabasExtaenion Tabl es, Mattresses F sd-iSPmr àg. t vaiy loifig=ers -- Io ÂSgoi urchioua ifrcicmUcthe iun m ifnc t e i et b e Poci ~Fne- B AND SKIF OVEII THIS ADVEIlTIBEM.El'ÇI! WHEHBREADING THE CHAI We Déesire to Cail Yo'ur! Attentioôn to Two S* -b 1~ e cÎmu'o.oilit at1<ori apapc * ~~lorca) Éou ape 0ooaybyluf. psne sidlotable hlrodîey -Lot ciOtontiuoy.. - ta Pi * ~ h l.r lùiouooo ut rote- Wie * îuobcanrs eredauîeuyed sud bi/o. garsold nu ail00 hnguale àinplOoy tant atout 00,00u- -.crtec ieààlng au .enicroucoteadn Wi erà W a e th i sw a .u u M ll ian tu f. piee are xcocdigly lIc ors! and Jus staroec, Ha- ococlu Itou S th 00SCoiu.<lieira Ind taI cocr te-cec lucut wcrof cit r -aient na r il. . uarn tueni lk -Thio RDr.J. S.iuuir, la: tco 1-.. ill iolive i eau ooîinc < lit >c"s !t lChrcio tiui <li esiuc mo objurî --Muearicge. Auv, ecîc Ib. taoSco t tI iru, M o hoso iilie thie recciliclOfIoi1h Sth $. e giviio, cl iic OccuYu3 sou aur,.!,rb W.drcuurs LllOy P - It, - * c1 oeuc arcuc luiiu a il rge in Miltcn. coi/i t bii l lit * acuuhcne il îa. cîliîoo oiu 3quýare)PLL tile farr.Orutri sa Oui ea porchiuouo Littlle Fa .o Il ;botild lit ex .altici-ucci.coUroe o Tciu lurutliscuillulu. Me. 'Micyucr io 1.1Cý -y lulullnilu luîoerico ;; -c i re ' lioI b cut ofudicaîotue r<" o! thc late ouîrt. gcîugcid hleur cciilcrslir r toquhity. l ,a"' aebaec uuuliii.. olui it îf-l ubrt ilu uleuitr . Cal dI , iuiiiOcciu.--Sr. ccii Sieng.laitc ier e oc-lc-iitc-lluicirBcube. Oq ellilcy lusat; A large o njr as ool acqicuaioilustltýf, fateuivitioccî wiccl cicoc bep ,,, uues. lcothue Icliccing 0iOOiing. liît t Ornuie feullufront ta . W. -ala ailero ont tooiu c unil il -lcî SeMai stoapluiuritrîcîc ocoSur. Ehs ic-Ivoaduutcit 12;, p.-L u l i ce , ul I .o1. , ilJ. il l'oc aigu ,M ILT afJinu'a rru liorry lormv. go 'ottegli-neit aaiWacy 1lii-, . naieray.SeMrc.- on lOc . acd clighcly injureS. lndcir one Du, c.as Buansluod t ia oooniînadlisI. udt foto I ral ly gettcnzg ilt onugihoîý.wcc <cul Piegh auid aaehher ob8rteotiuui iii] p llrîuhriSe. McCrae)o5'a)l ir tiuiu.oe,-,r41 IlIt i tioughtiu51liisii ilceloOoSedt f tout Msy yetiu- iocccoc. raug 1.y. :ciu 'c I Ille Star. bFi Ail ,Eola hica .h otu-un, c ho nI- r3to .fc ,c-acc ndb luirenatalenalauoo 0c- du ououoiil .uuret the cicubouuue- rdtl.iac sucaup e. sti ' ucio, codleisaiteou the l uu la nf11-niiii Nie rîouont t.f or ccalcir liS boocco Bea ai llu"i. P codocorsc-lli.itreolà de, 1<ulutd %u.l ckMhig Srait lluhiu, oici tlcnaitcree. g tiedoritî cfthe ;iorg.; WATKI t to ln yardisnciî coeaud aaiouosta Tt ioily ojuireu.lierot -hVedajààtrou. A .-lbi, acucul tu-c I M.-Theegtai t uîe ud Ifilyvnuinglanatgurw:001 n cltiutei trec a th - nceilng, o-er 510 boic5luih - leto.c -..u-C Mo<inonuCuui ett, otarday, frontot cl1 ,eian îd ) ttajloOU Fahbod or i.u I"nc."-nguiro. c t i htOVf or hi..The boy. f .. lu iu LlwaYs ouî11o8 ho u allén, . o cu a Satuidsylut Me. Jolu.n t * no utW.Tbéitlc± . & per W&. l ShIlIgthi S lOu tennu....LI'.t..olc WcO C ine 251h iceeBinBil -~~~~~~~~ j4O ,c1oidto eown - Sr au ooaPpacon1th.eh, Y. roui 11 tasr - nisllar K1- Oicct-U h ty.%er w- - thora -

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