4-- 510 b S 4 - fo/1' - t Il loti - i'1 - oj- - o - od i à ontm n c s- __o . n qu,!AO Peena ccur theo e fMlitn n p c .ns bu., O Zn MtoLonC .WC olmtimos Ilinle tiesdif Pheysiciens ootcolb ge pct o -- onrgy Ce Cita coeicloectio cf que qOen taCtttheY- givo te ceneh other nehoole e f -practice, iOC migl stsfcoirly enswcrob. - The fights 01 uiomsoocmiod nns - otho qiccelo of ndb Indien h sOt were olyt, op y whcoCieey IInrihilatng ncho r. - If Alopntloy mnhoo ainoeory S remie o e he id,cMooe1 bride it andbreaks dowoine ion fltMemmpetîcy mobias e dbcovor icicos*te c a bnhoe'te ta A hlcpatloy etioroO. Ii bscnd tlat tbeenehalola - aney Mtt nl f- gon'jin l mCbohodsu no oc it cay ntor. -Feeotulately for to ýepcpîothe o cshieh Clone ismos' eWin oi cc laico-guizeo by theo publlie, =id pulile reengelibioci, telttug the for a ndocoupou thOIordicitl prefro oeecutlueb3yoeeipcbitltereceooico lnit pen.sild, bbnt the quentio boecn smwerd bhy boccd but ie-u? A preiientn'ocmsun aitoqirer, sslo cimknlbcicw lie rili, i -fot relie ecanoce.,dit ;&le-bib tboer plol opla-n retIinkitcÊ pubilia os recogootecol eont tjis fots i tcîaidiloee- it m el ofmetohjlc abotetit. - hynearoflecniiietioo ofiocr -rolortese-, foiltIoet tiocra lice be Bherp --cforie eitbireforeocc te noiatiot,, (noldtotomas cocoi get nyamiooos f insemceioo licle "t deoopnentcf MAi ilisordor.) Iteotooco tIto7hiltlohat .n ot of ecory loiuifrdllt titis Cour do, either diretly or mollo-ct7,Ri freohidooreydieeae. Henonoorelis comîuaoy sl itococe autinon oenpt a ri idrfneeyoomicetioo. TIisremuanle of a liCl, is whcloo eored naceoc jr i, eagno. feeerditec Oee niapu lcai -respecteblc ooooeoooot ef jecoicne. cm-nereje-tol on eooittnciinaeI, behoce aukonte llilf, bic Iidcoyccm dlicacod. Theouoroedget.loeeoi iibet giee 00llothecese. Hèhall - ceclo isilleoicsut ioboiioss - nooteebolo Dityeoo -en>; yo bel! e dîoot Itetules. et SSnceenVi OCt-e, tebo il e-oointe dit ct ottE lu abcout accolc elaee se-eooel %vasUI-, yoaîotbor euaioi Itnoovyoowillil-otcalf aitri! ensu il gel 70000c lulicy.,. Tieefitee- enpecnsosrprimoet1 cge-e(e aeiCo.huithCe latter reClfe o'fiBOPoi 1O4n r fval-tale iteîo. y( reity isotiraeobentaillceert colet0- eieo-tboy iio' l olol dcoue fo i tioicnaus e gesui ad - O sut t o o o Obu.gei .SWhiotnoe tueiife-fionobichcireo BIlhioecS HneebRoave 41odiîouranoe ni( asceilbtoi oloe-e oitcesullosiness ltto fonuîithe iseceret-tiioe teibioito1o lo-il poostibife th oueurcoaltuoon rdvcertioo-tIneil.sibiuit bac Covo-cl - ilesciog be digo0o letetiliienc] yCe 'iuaiiyig &aoc eit aderL nacoit? - - ItaUic flifces io tl tcececndo btroif ti-otiioiiilfec iSartitreasa cOstcO-oion e-oi abies-iof rioli ýILooIi Clo-1 acot! îîbbliiIl louoiuie- L5e'iceaitLI)oofct 51105 Cc oooe-euoc -a iboîcetheir erecitiIsotu cilleir Ioh--% o oof o e,itlth Il-eieuthietfoursie Coodeabte-di.llitecr11 ie. cheIt Ootluby le-aliiig oneli.tiOeOI 0 ui - cosioferedoaitooleolsoeioid bcr jeeled hbyiosiyo-cti. Mis prcpecitiooe tfa lIiîcotoi coo -Îot succooed tfoe - exlent tfot Clo groatlreioe-dy Itha sucenlcolnolie ItoeoteoeOpuOPobcr eetfiit iueriteove Il i iqlchuod ly. n Vidprilitilt oc o Astic.. - - If HCiieeeo le Cthc libe-rty -ef ioliî ncar feieedo;Lhooe it i;eadoLfn thaoth eee o t uecie-eu h.i a ioe-isiguto tb ce.-ttereoonuit rel oteooiol-,frlth eC.teueaoiluilliebe- are cibje-t ot ct rQtiotcticoo ef lice eîtirq ee-rii. Moto baieneifuteil theli; colte OOtco lItotodiols 0! tioeeoaoolou hase heliCee thocic uitl lure-cu ltbunotrbe,eandli lcieie. h lave fuoul.bohebigbte- .mcaoooc of satisofaciono, Ilobo e-oli, Mne aeeot obu, aàoncy cailo O talue aoiois floOio tuel balle. - -Theo f.loliog ilaeïl, coiroc Ca ci sortiotiioe. souti bas ploee-iol f un l %(r ise-bec it hocebhec ticol.se frenlcco 'iofoiooe-l. litolbo fict iPlace, if toeroamor vcryecboleceio grottoieab eoeuto'thboeoargiiift hi nUi.. leol thoit -oItpuoroe nohric a - nobl nîpieolhy oeeooe or n bis of tiok baioctncosewfiitttiityoececnoer but it i liobeccs, andotlicclonatio pence cf ofue. Thoeextetop !ict III a nblis of fot plooter. esbiclo mole- bu Ohtained ofc byi tiioettiitj tp anordoooryccon ere iteeuleaqcot cf the' cfolocq; anfolleos o.ICetlonot piCCuteieore otcioarefiliai] thstCa nt ovoeereol Ity gricoodntie toisueeeinisieon'IL sand eppi>.tdoethc ltpressingit awalnet theiseroendiu diccscol tisse eean ta crosl i*OCN frointhbe spebeeoef the liait. Froc bits ef ptist,, are leon n'ppbbod footo Mie ta tia-o, oottil tboo gciauntiee-on haetloncroideol etiroly ofceao tealf lchad nal achance hegros eoilia nttalntecé..Tboaure lue tloncnoplec -[Dc. Vredec bn Joncnal ofCItcccetry- fiirm-ooeirceil .lFeeiibr (Io retecahlo HoJki-Mre. - HarFeeiges, hesa npal- id 2 1 1 1 .- . dig e4lj~r .dicye oe, s- gu 1 I.' og ornoonole, beatos a mObcky e as t oggit. ,Nue haefosbh ic-,Se nor jtaleo tore, ye Iken,. btotOoiody, t it nya garssooclo an' teecght s au eIdrs slh, h ogoethece n maeg the.ctaodo. til70yu lns onthe varra Oe. Whon yoe duonhit, ladoblo, yocoe wedl apet-lol. nad 70 May beoorthe . icipeciioofet llieoolorc (seranrSi, pigurd)-Ttibi yù,r,àLMnePeru; no dolotIleogboesetio ioo oscyeeoor. bear1]clh hoglotund Of ye Onâl Stop-,TaC aic aon esoliehos.ceroec esoatn fnooocoeno yonB-ci the ;t in Brainooer, Wall ehL r,. u oer &ioncn ta vo ~ coz ~I LOn andL aioo AjÇz'liI odt Uooaootio o f u go 9gth'oooo 5.ooeinoPooie th cl L If the Thoo. Hoanso ofote col là.ooA o fthios beerý ý fcd'oto o oyd 1 or s Ii- ootr h üThoo l orcoro fiers. ttinio3g egdtthliorey. Sidhlido't 1,ceio cLoco 0Ecior . ,afPljo-e for OI f bil "'foo dhoa me od.,d ant. ib1 oc'tclo0o Oftoo Mr. MCGibbacbist e 0who-hoooremple ribés, peared for the*clend nt arcooEcrje oh. r~ onoroCroo w..r ed thot Hokiscdert ocrohee recihoo JiicoehoSooopoco lrooyteîypwIlr te 00euc tho etaldg oareoo ro. forhidohog coércl; 'opposonleta OthéoooCoDli , . froxoio ro. for ThyeecoèD TO meh ot :Tc. loo eo hr on h .0In -5Sooo h.y dmot oMy oohee- _riSe,'Coocoalo" o il 5',~7 * reigoeitig Latnces, Dec. cln, bt mu i fr go I "t$ e1-,Co3e.e.cO doococorooPuNç"üA -o luorder tefe laot.18863 ood Jooooie t, 1887. 0b, ce1 0.roaCT~B or ouola John Loogoo 'dr:lopop, oothing .GOohlrva oohco~. ~ Oc~ e.pO ozr oci ie 1(lnnt di oteocatoog Pr Inoocdlheo fibOf ftEll0rO on thecn+ liq~oo.lu Mit An -ùte modec Ca uen a cely rcîdatèo0cdO Ierot ogM<0wawterrond popoo lshv ireeîhrqbcoeof Ladies'.a. nico, Thoredy. Nover drica aolyhiogthat 5De.hEnfflcoo miv an xlrr, s if o.... "th tny~ 8diS n G nt a Mon Dr. Mo oh, Oh.iOcooe, . bisrrParty. eotptrdot once efohbooiioochsdos,1,üecp crui ofwon.dHaot oa utfi luf Ar. ri t. TheL noitol. Pet-up I lichi000 (cedrco sibn, manos tecoo eho ogo. Mildilrood, Thetrro-col. prollhitcce'ordtie eingoicg bees, oea'iio!M b loy odeàeroco Oa f*frnco Actoo, a frioaod, dan w rhinefoc nRtoSplrngsAr.,'aooîo l oS bo. lr.ooly IcieilrTepuleeurey e a oo ot oothicgitmig [o c.P -uehIvro cahe m a re Liness in meotn.toethe og Icone inMc. p c avecclone ;rIta 1 len DAVIS' Ouïeir Manti ilaea Iraeodraolo et Pitnaion of the 10Doprtiseooln oc eoooofl Mlnrt1~ l gel JaOuOrTo hot *othlotg tcoog. c7. Dpool icoo . 1 1 Milmey an srmnt We fom Casecdieoojnoe. E-Ald. O'Neill of NewYork, eociconilVS M _ , 'ý> l- Willit W' ~r osido 0v0o chargedavith orelt.hinbies, bhan homosetot c oco PA -IL ER-. OrreedOohge 'to thebenloiogflic Act heteecoDcc. Sdthole burî aloynd Jano. st. Fecr odrnol hoor, ro ccodcero y 1 doam4oc sellfrodsl ntyae JOB. 5loter Lad ot otling taO nli bl...ofi. of théLon c t a , g0eg tnanem 'ooofjoa. oreinle ie ,. =C thoraIut tesiin menthe. llc. Oc-ohnoonoM.c loeooScoIoteLreooI. f. Do b !lcleeMetnY Baia.Am net inthe E -f ) Ieo-ieccnoew. Ot eoug of it. TeLe Eccreocoqcelimiirocf-roheat are hinog coe 000o.O 000.00,0 Iwano ccesiccel glani f gincc cor tl0 cobortil freinooo dooa n viewiom cf Iche >at soda. De't koew CIoy peroeoloov. PecdiliyfohAeedOcOf he.Bocek- Sco cqx, eotenoII. IE aX alOey tngtohoieatig liqeo oe in Po" oo ohilc lopcr oe. Ol na loxt7 ceI00e reAlgi o, Oateg hoc French DoSors* UlYfluiC.I)s CIII.1. COL.U ntry Jec. Thoomsdrack coter and ppoolcee po FRelaigLtG..1,04O T11,ES r crta oidiloo't tlitk oI suloltoleicato cc,. cciet cio nety lier inlo:tO i e o L i eo ise dia A c b r e bL e ee. p o.CI F .M 0C S bouc Ceerdiemoioeel. ~ Jbo Theichigan Central ciogony 0l01 ry AN 2'u bMCIlM * B UL . Teen charges were laid ogicot Wre., ..Ma.cieDéccuit ien te hoolo o bridge U)10 ILCI LI~0 suc PcL roc eceoOocnlci rc fer cocniccer reo CceeecE) Perr7oonien bei) cometlicg tadrioek 0001). ditic frin !,rcneooTIIIIOAT ,. .*, - IC.I iethrecoorfor ticoe an Cleliect TeooolloNoltiofosoloiercopenil er.14. o &rLII:) Eco.oooOee50coOOooc HO tilcemeotloe. Diolo ot tc w eotloer eoteiclooNcewcfGainres , hi. p Eeiy. eefor IoE eoes TT Tue 00 r cene, itcsealditoeecateeccet. Theeglt IL TieO;,Ocict.ciiatuîre, 00eTocdp tdi* INIRXOl oceiceee Once neetol. - * --ic-l Dr 1Dxe ocf bbliiiiiand, Speaker oosoer:oiet cr,. W'n. llicgia loodcolpop aod ghnor rsiecol OI heo Icl-coIrn thfi Thcioidcol 51l.'TSo UISES, r.IIEUIfA- - il cccd 1bald ofclfo. r, i, Sm.u. ' 11 Itoloo. ahdfro~eo ot Tio. led.lcn-t meeting cf th. oinoegi o- I I ge .le.eJoad ceu, pop. DeesoIt Oetariioon liofol aIntS.. Cecfo'aciec & Il To. 5N A Ius Cealjoiroat. oco-h. ohruilechargheecs ogintM. J lC. d, '111 a., tau.~ideojooed Ryt i - n~ oeoiicoooitiloc Cyproro pr BAoi$ tU it.= Col Stsoneioo arge-Icopecter icethce-sJilin oueo lir it ei c utsciilaedo. * j to2' nesro I t a ons -B Stelal the tece ef foic ecreor ankcg et The Poa't i.. Marie.fbridg ito ci ho.m __________ -MPOROTER 'ilg l ee fr-ot soerynan'oo lel on SsLII. hloo-ildy oeii ocfCth.lercroudo Fouad fticelong i. fliacrteler. lteM'as io.Oremattiti filecre-sicgceloiogeaebute n (7AM the0 tirodseetheloere-as racoitouet. the bridlge. Thecrh ita omeceoit A BELU.S ad : eoestel aecifwec.) Ta prcccct tioc e. Ta>..4 erto leiciriteiî L11)coiol io eOorge. OetofecAcoetieenef 3î élgateEASAAt[ tfil, teovi. RegeeeeoiarlicdolfBiai Bbreas'o-letoerie.S38 d-ofaccld for llr 5 rý,ti *O No. 67 Dundlas Street, urOntécouter op taine tierro erg-sane Libéra.l rendlidaen kh tiT encresspiionloetli ,hog gie t aiimoicco pisrieered ttn.li h-yf il A.Po2bcyHailteaAgent fer the co the io. Ytlion in seleor eeeha otid tiIocgie leobprccoitfiandObt ___________ :00. Jaoiearytoet oiiglit ioolec4te. q d ilî.-st.îrccioralucc e Ottawa____ le.àdjeae-ld te lldtoo. llioisf icaohoC -st-e h. intce1Ti"oley pet r*' R p rth Ba r e-e, -lI(l- BIownethetees-oc. Candidat osogleae efoieyA h -iiitheegre et f o. o . 9 Oc cilly da efo nccao Ro erth B k quaeoititOldM cfo-cûeio. nt, tioieiatednt oe a o rlîn f -Stu bifincdeetoptcaniewery coeced tl ejs Tans erl.ld2eeînooooeooot cncledling It ni Gan-d uelrinei1otaebRoper'à n Tion, ighltr bo .Stdcc Pinc, - to ion.cehea and l'oioleties G u o n a An lti ... oag.ci I eîcI.ihcr . jl ith leryeoudi oieper-formîcn on eo Ptofca nco, otin e them Heuct. prempt Menefta -cl -caine buns and shlbur i se. rooedeIL ceî tankpîla e . fireoc,- tifeo folo-y tooîe"Pcro ce lo'm t Ii ghmu cl fe5eeIL, isolCcases cf.Seddcs BEX. th tcy we-rccsilly mcoled inîoe o l, ticid er. It eliocol ine sh rloeil hasileon. ecifg frent Less ef nB cdFor a'thin'-o'tlîdlcind he , O te y lv- stiii- *lloool ohgosoc(178Sf2). eie loirco li is ool andoi .hifoein AcueorccCioreole Diseec mnd I Ieon e u ihece let Aellomlo ZopcoiooHolituloo ed m ol n cjooiogoiro-nnciie cy. Ho w. s 8eaicaol -oonlorantloetlinviricloly acceoepcoloe il ScaIl . 0ei Lele-ofceiî i ortunce er. ael oke tflieolel. . oooreoeeyfcom)VWiie l-olers b Ne, ot e--...I185" oeyloolt-Ccn A lcmee- ricJoecp!i Tioeo.c tho hacer ef remeely 55011gie-e nmi, poody cllons Plaien.cd Ores cetlel CRIenoe- n- fo i-4lilY yecc loton, eooe .1ll oOcoo cd SVllieie ac, i ch. i i lolopIca-so âti îc Loyepepsia or lendigres iIs ocieno 'lnscc oea n yottilocerescc. '0' a inbid. lî,, le i -io l 1- 769, *11h ci iecoee.lfy nocilie-l Th.ooMii.i onat ho ]basna.c. hoenl cLing flint ofan otcmd prompt otû tie lo io ld -it notlaltoi- !. lE-qoflCeelilIrh,lg.eî l eolCptedoi-lslif]to1-ocf0 Hccrlee'a ffv bereýtfooilccoeitoog lii, orgaone of mIi, HicAnnîi.e noopocoi0ced1t. lie t oo nstIc, Nopes,,Iiver iiioioed eftloé dgstiensa ntio. a(moCieo nseotlog forse oe i îo ioolog WSlOiin'0on Ad: -dtoi lPrnenatmelor L0 it n id t e L aM oo Imméeodiaeeand permaenteCrelief Tico :1bj nhmeee10eo." IttiCiee fer e iaipione'llof el o eld. -carefioiivee troportion ocf lic diffrent s. cfOci. ectie. eco leîoClo c er es ie cihthe EIl oii nee up o-1 anf e.,oîi f ioort.-. Ooccoflc.1 Th lolficeeclin Dehotalaitlent m oh s on coednIriiucclil ioptlefttnypeema.N O RI0 ,,a v f oCtàl oo*i-o. O le oen ce l i, oioocoi, oeeeoe feor mac ene) ye,. oel IL b la aitale cemedy for Atonie inlt. oknioio c ilitiei. e foticit00îre. ,tsOMco ooc noif v eocy do7 oflien Dyepepnfo, ehicliis At oer- i b Il'hf, tu b;c i Ci e riîoec !,nthepriio?.The otal oilîlone iIo Peepers n f a een aiïceîr. -i, lpeeis'Aedeoo fi elaiflgoocon O Lom Vorooooa cI-cl Aelooite, Despeocr and iOt oîAU c I Oà, itPi l5ii,. 1785, Ou t ipîry coclo Mt. ocident. 0-àioofn ltrgo iloloo l u cîlcffor mew on ce o ffeciveadcero oitin eim lot Battit CI mao-otericI ta MinRo¶S d creroiy fcicore-ooicgel parts ef tho boet le rcqeirod, tIti, IblicrcelIlh I~ e -.t C fo t n ot tloi,co et . tipaity et lbaoh dy. - - foemad lef le. - ou ge.oîooi ice. im"otih ooo eiig 37 Onooelgsil lcoogoo ol n- la evoersof aI l ar l T pe , andep - -T0T e o sudolbo, lîcît sxfnt bigiOu eepioily Asool pe. Poa. o OCCiiic COOtyo . ooota thioelcela o twafrctl !hcr oloiglo0 Théorecordofaonnriae omîcriel.ooilecorne cotason nly.Olteono oloieleooCcloiiseimymo e at e ld n là1779ef Ancoeupo.egoril tOp.-ticn-.y 80 oc-et toeOmPo, osolet-i c o iaenonof M cho, Clsnd eoooint.HetceeeleotoooinWil tdot- SrpAsoira.ae hnOerslltibi ize la IUL 85 c.eliidnf loosomAnd otenstll y epe fneth a-t octtrfend ci 1b;e cs spécifiea-ferthoeloercnnecd iser- ,atO a tl ry y..ro-B1cnhlyn MStc eoo. r- edhafitisouMot ci,. cd Iaeriig Ce ons llter. ThLocw.a. sitrd t Oaacrecoetlylc . M IN N4lcfnSi - yeoooioepoococloii oîa cocopeoolîe Dvin & Lacrenceca TOrnimteit> At Aceo, iviee cifI ntuorally driiohn o' - fe Lres ats ct odnoveccr oct esoil thoeson AENT~S, s i alte e oc.. cntoor ioiiao f thé iaeotlcYseoredn cc. Thceocg ci1 - tingcd teaOteoaeaoool the ouaiteecI 1-OnoaOPQ luoce'=oeb dioo P.0e, cTo the> Stock Rarizer ai ýo att iz. Wil hetnieaur ln a b %v e-cics ot rckill.-ib The rle-afi leo 0000 fi elo i ocr oilI le t hd. 'o-a- L.-ftcd roico tospit-eof eor body ,lor o.c,eratif noitOtwa nthnt adiuirle IF obgsioeuî eoo dlc ...agn thoe jiolIol c cilo. P"iet. le eeO inI et dioulomchof Tfiebmtsdcuelaomnfrtheoo nd .L.LES Ti mceluirinscoebeoi lîmnl ccae e ecî,lcfotcnfrl Montanà,Idah*, do rol ylll . le soioomor s ittît octniodco ioligIygetiec ccd A fmtin I- netkof ,,"rloofolce-,,frt ei.iog frooîoa e derd ulioc rc ithut i Liter r pii aoa .. o...eluoeoTocic Lie-cc Pati.eTO PORTLA DAND ALL1 OC troclcolc ho.. taext .enofaeo o ionil i e li,, osoco control silol,, - __________ llio sci'rewaCter fer moillI. of oiv.25.ta. p,r bttin. 5oud Saso,, Dcooggie.y511euc EH IARNESS&STHEL0 - N i O ÀiC AMON1 AOEZIT. -Aoprieg chalootr fr-om Pol-s AFCTToR b - don ch. ovllogo ce Ibeendoy tring ticlavit-OI et beo te the-Tloopce on o,)il- Mr r if. sVano, Druraeo, 0min oct nccsuplusoucocblo do ith, rooltlof tfio. rcicoL O-~ ii0~~ i. n ngeeti butI hm ean tcuy ILo'lilten fr tcot eti sS'c Wllingt.ee.nt iniuud4te X AIN ST., IITOI'N'. P 1 ba c tiuie Iiticro, clfi lue =no, n-ouy duoclffl o geool ot hé o t , ie o îa lesoOilrcooeorioffeor CII7e-ouplitt ali asn orta1ilh.- nu on lulcola gu toko ooco1]..-liioalima ho Limaocdoitlont. m cbocCcitc lioucd. lalfo i ose lno l m dlei, TrunktsJ I aîeuîoigy god retutt, cinomu cfion ,1-d lonId h meobkOuocollt I aistWhips, Oombs, EIogant Appoitmentà V -First-( igeiccal dcbility. , hriieaaulaidioo oinC ICiau oco l,01r iu h r s e - Le peculbir ta feuoofco ctrono paloen, anotAleadeo!ocn PecI fotIaspocliti Ihs. Y .C nsE 19 ePOcillo -fiCc il-- bOblod , sonl aol -1cd tItc h.-Econ ooltome A anaoail- - 75 oeufs i . er tobnlent cfAipotido iidd fer A-Chre-f bteraccoonc 1lC, ndalEsî !Hrsô ThCbcthingsl -nsitin Ilfitbuslnroioooc 0 élaifeelicgmfotoncly dut lbae- uo "'o c*b . i -ad - nl'cn:s Ciéé ýù -,fn eh cl, oc,.Dn'C îorgeC th. eacochconAent .1. .sfiuc tOi. eoulubits. ir.te anai Ausian mhtntîfScturo,-oon ecodaeeoCel1sne T.nA.itýr 5O. udsi bIti.etaispiu ,*t. frcielit $5 nrhoclcl eoon lddl.,o&.., botc .clcr bo.-ontDuîluthSoMiia., Aod PortonLd;lireg SS'ctiit enprr.ono se oific l,, $15pe fie prrlsnlot poptlynid Lt et u.T éal'o ivnw ih'log .tct Co oti b lclro c . ti3 Lfeoo1er 0,eloto potocentiniSeattlo, Victeritm ond titi yolotcon pegete Tt aoeil htir-Jeeroc blill lts),fcotn o o tuflr cl ub dloslot laic g Oriodà 0on the eÀeeiac Coti à ceoi, cf mtoets coomad en h cfpre celi on. 10 Oc eonitle alOooigoerrc lt. ecto scc o s %'thcausenl W thée "WeOderincd ef tll.or.Wc l oi t IZ i tcfn rl it elcd wc.fecoee dontI nvete lf $15 fororena-aWorth elodol nl the ITiaboopasoe -f cSitkatàod -A-â biuto. 40 ilee tIo e ooîpl. r AuîOtteawot lomcenIoopnoSic Joli - HE O L - s ooleil tac citnoy burlor dril for toolco e mt K ao fe uccoecidn.oloîn toC I- - - boucrs.A Icolocibo Illpoocol ly theo . pactlohan obéen t iiityOit) l ecuo econe-uuiý.tdîooe. Artf.1021tcycMaill iyolis stoîc mpceojec JIoL an* wt ths)eoo onzeioloesfil. ocolinloottetaool oncuoa iO.huluat otloco*Ylovýsf<f-t Clonenltieiarloi ue biOtO. Tloo iooctt c tl-ro o ttof ccchiogtm re, f .teonI,-N à - uoi eoc.M lcted won t sd. aclooiih cifre ail c ros- pogllàno>iR*.Tkt-iPoou Itn oalOo l afn Coato.. a ri.ottgen to htg deebal ecrccooc Tctoanro.ro 1)-nortnnat .; r aitool - -l et sitlt tt é ir leur oolson lnalel c a ---- ---- -------s 'apo li,- - --tý,iii alecs. iltaléAl oileatgiruohwlif Ehm .pglad.fotOIcLOOminUj Illco- et 111 cmnotel.le oeil lird as 'ta MwsYoc. m 0 0fray for ___________ dTlt lona-ct Th ch db bneoooorcf aenfrnsa-oo eia aci olo cf te bas _______au - ulbon noqn . wc h u,- srrl baa y [Scfy. il con nthae. - c o i cni, ecoéiie.Puiuo olopoul cqandvetoi ltn ateo M has lmIcy -n enao- deîxomata' eWcPsouca ton ino te jopncpte, l ? radocîCsCntH- ,.-auaccpe,-ibtmncel-oler cA> r cool ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tra forcCln orthhaeIrefilms y 0S 9~ 5 le o ob-a o tdh n eicIC1cci OmsousmaleInIliean.t"e nlo'maooo:ta3eo,0taet....& nclehalo ,0.oe.oPtet.Jo tMcrOoo Bpi* 1 batInormtioiC i. beAa r Ybi Owd 2'-. -tdli llgcdh I0 oI trn beoen ît cra noî aee5 Stcimt.tnae -KBCtnO.lan e.. . oaotro, mh a in Co eo cOleht ct- - - liIn~,ain iica InLed .L.00 ecOOalicOaL00r c eOdoo e-ý- ~ooa 00esiéïl BOOTS.~ go-co--o-o --c -y decriptiono for Ce lllideyo. IOrders from ie .ecnrtry, ha retcico ihonu Deceher MSIL. IERN Farmiug Laucis, ud Miungn. Reigons SWashingtoi, POINTS. IN-ORBEGON. is recei-ving daily- a s(îlaelld stic rau s Boots anid Slioes, for -Si) Tbnfel !oooooly 1helictnec-D'- D Ô DN'T ORDETT -MILTON pLAb, SOMERVILLE & MITQHÉI ive ocopioparle hb ual A ]DSsIl tOrS. Blinds M NumarLLtb sd . gandrs -A thoPacfi Cost ALSO ÈENERAÈ BU1LÜER>ý tracntsafor crectien cf bsne, tithes là paotc Mass Sarvice! MeaWsOnIjY FACTIJRY NEASS BAMILTON hND racli 1- -- StloF.b. lsb.. W., 0 ni mi Sleeping Cnrs, Dioio g C oco, o mngrant S leeping C oco, B agg ne, C N gu eiale St au, 1 - p- ST 1K ..*O iîceto eau ho porshne1a esto, e T-mW N 0111E FOILOW]: -Souleti; ta ttohent Hcrotnieg mcd k.nt It tgriiit'rdttbrcoogh éond tiere gluP et Socoi d- AL 1t;rmn.et - -- - -'tCiié,a -L mJsoa 0 t-epionmédbo fca rom - tie-poi o; _arnetnbe(e, l ovogangro bhinner en thé ie LUS ioingttéonocow -o,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ t .00O -- e ll hIe Sabeèof îffect n Cjearnt -e ttrning otî ,k ln g s to eb cl' 4e* nnd patioBL LL&jPANTONOPIos gOF.4DVERTIS8INGil ... ... . o .15i0 00a- -.iioa-îoe u~sobes ~tedy-mde ihingl -erçoats, o -g rHsîery Glàe, and-al:-csses o Winiti Éié gènmne -bargisluteaovgod sie S-È d!Iker a8.13ro~an -Departents are nfirat-c1asa orkihg orde fe s:mln ns sock ofSE!iinry, Dreas Goool*s resa Silks ýýrument is A iL.Wedding aüiàmournfng orders'a ,sipcia ýoé ysavîng i IY$TERS Bega to at liea ù OR-CAN.-.wagons. BUCAR~ Democ at1,si O l .,tucîcl l. r PCO4tclo - lc.ltcnd oi 0 COFFEES.haaspedd-ML î hâi a prenid tsspàrtruttof Ci tLOJXDON, ONT<1! worst'eds, Meltons,&&, a: Joty of Ilalton. 1 28-3ma * ,clothing sufersor inu material ai - toa, will be foexnd ta bho reir r.tothe*Front. quality of the goocls Le salist îdgtsome cakes.,j cead and some balz-'- he makas, atJ S e ' p ----------- - 110o fil al j T.Lon.c.ccc.loccýO S - ý c'jy cW. BU00 0S05e f .htTlCTL - i iMOHOLM & -SLbO0TT. croco -Foot olica t of Deotk lfIIipqirtetl Tî reap t omr.ca p p l i s P tî pi o tn I l. A . b'I N L E , 'ad fcuc of ue SueroeCooc t none. lî flmo-c. O mWvtlelo i d opfnoitd, Sav- 00' oîsileuint pta.ficadic lis uoidty.:î er -0 loaeooOtlowesnlotoOf ireko )UNIBFJo b, LAIDLAW a- Ce. flc ndr PSlldeco. W-1o Octer irat tapo e Leouo. angIe Tor bont . Iilooo iiio stimul-er l.,o os CA 1-ItJm d, L-.'l , lir Do.rinioe, ccd t c l',m'yOoocoutb Opl.-e"Ilocc. ooroe.A piece ftlt...oOe Or . ceeceIMMERMAN, %MILTON lit&li NT1bsT, ýl . - 'MILL LAFIOS -l~ ~ ~ ÏAN 8 000cT, McLTOcN, - )PRIE TORS. et-of 0;N.o ItcruIOTLIN(TOWV ~z~c-il-lace, Prof 9k Case,. &c. -- {fLumber Mat OW NRACTORS. ~A T 6Sp BaENT ý. ef DeilHeeggmiana 0bd t 1oef.... o olltol O. A ,1 l IÀERN OTTO c to LEYOfLDS 20occriaict Smt'ric ris STucricer iOIcroeri àÂ.cos-j0Ç trny c c .nn, acm.,