eason, 88 ANDERSON &C, OItTEEIS AND DEALERS IN- cy Dry Goods, Mil1 s -maki«rig, Carpets, ., Ciotîhing, Ready-made Clotbj1 Iv li.,. 'is'oi1 a nioSt comipiete stockj i. te <ýi IIiguLt mi il atge of thesý loW'p~ itnlt <ek if dress hgonds, dress Bilks o li,î~ît. î A iarge'.st(ock of Twe 1 i vli's4' but weIgua.rait(ce a11t:ge 1< Ii .r 12 innlths triai nifsBt..ýj îeîîiîîi, te %w tii iiy gitiiîlite busmne4e taiitdi t, ieiî s PrOcarcd te fl aii len Buggi 7,1LTO0, id a- iior illa<i ii uta'nd IinportedT t i i «iii iii sf lli si patrolui i .i l< ii i -t enoine FRiuîP' i îtî i iiiiirkîti'y inw consxdenn in 'i th aj )<~»j~r~, R U S l T,8& nff s t cW ib gjl..titir oui mdu itmett 41Dîeumeiouu.mdlt hlcliàil.e th eeel)r"te Mlliiau Rtt in per Âone 'l( ble Mains, h'i ee OCcO -» O t'OLU E 26 '. o.1r of 6..fttig5ofthand Jal -t ut ilztti30 2ast J., Otèw& Atr12 1bi3s 8u fo n' o.Fe. e etté C.rb.14 - IOtV sptevii c-' ut,<.L c tir - 18 iMh '5'.. icà uuulu..,2GGnuote u t î i rt d. .sl.atteem.ilià bbul& eta cm etmliic.tSer:ýTJceS.ttmni.tu Cadttsum ai.ý te . N eue ~ ~ ~ a cwslemu-uhsl tcaIod - "iet auutM 7de tjir e ertue iB, teLAUteNirmartErsdoiattIrrteh tS u-uCeluend r u..muTmaSlEX ARE rIF ONLT GEBOIBE ENtPISR ARTICLES IN TIIE - au M~"ABtIET. Ruaartsebeare beplte obistoct 1Teste are giruru la t e l telsmmcttrc Icr tmuhrem th.meP, , th - su I StîTtfli L - <i r'i'utimimt - C ulutiit X acueiumme tî:asda' te"Ilî,m ut .y cuirm muea ilm elmi lm rmetmm trdl-c t'eulcetcti emrsue tie 'teidB. Fore sacue euy t IAGNARýS Bartnecro.ttru.Millt,- î . 0. mu nir mddimitFE e. Gen -Prettuur un t RuS .tmtii ume. Bank of 17 ecee uc n:-xam7ilton. itrrmilmmuuBankimiu Oui ________ immu-it'clu di ,orru Frmns for Soie.S I - Capital j eerre tFest IlA RN L , ., 1imm'..11t M <I m t.G.. Imuet . rm tigO$3t000 and AetS. rew t. imi. mmeec i AD IAcdrNe.LANDi tut iwte I, post -i-,. m'ir O. tal MLO AGE NCY. 'met hm.'uTcrcmeys. Cimmmoduycum 'Depoîlit egeit'eil and itr Cs.ey te iueu cituesri rulin ttrer F l m n est alios-ea at beut 'euret <mmmlirate. No ilote ofwithrawal BAIN, LAht)L 1W t. C. M%- & - I Uj% requît5l<. Offithoîuri-Froin. itu.eier immmemiu 1'0la. m. to 3p.m. Sattxrdutye 34 Nve. Ç?%dipt mrF om 1iOa. nu. toi p. in. - i.'- tuuties UTTUTIELD, eeert'.Cmi tcmmu~ ltmm; THE COOK'S BEST FRIENO uume.luw e.ic CiNOt __- IIEALTB IS.WE\LTI. SIt. CARIQUE, L- r -rt. an neret.reI-rre md mmm iu.%ltelpi-. .uet 1 iiiP S.- t .i.etl .ý h.t c e ru y rt rrrl orait cf. o eihoserrtlael o. . erteese fi'ee er Ne,, C.ultueou mmm, Tb1, m 14 tnJ Ou ityan uit .. iimt'u-tmtmmiml mrsmmosii- -.gueueme e lrltum, ou.. c- C-m Soîentifuus America'S uotile ~~,eth. 0 eicutete J- t iLToN, PNT. ummmtmomlmmturerîmmiiimmm ti0 u-m-tuecrueutrsuiert-il( i mt1id mmm emtcimtd eueime ut rum lirie. blimme tii thiiie t 1tmtmomt immoImttote uemumut m - I ititmlmmm tmii e. it îtcmcmm i eitut WB OUBt NTE I T S Wmlth e.rCmmimtrtrure c.ul tti T t tti til tT't- miuuimi.mtiiimtumcuirtitaiilmiuiuîtlim T .Sstr- o Y ietruirrturim ELAD IIIHOTELtheTIWN' I. - W 4 ac , ro . u - m Pmm l(..utm i ... FI N E O LD ________ WHISgEY k ce s,.etirdut.uto ei.ime Cmmseu e l O UiiCeu OPltTOW, t SOts _.I. CCee Ceeu - - Cla f~Cih. d oit sostoue1dl, tÎehtirtMt1-ci y~~~~ AîrtU ONIr 1j 10,81 ~ u E." îd hItll . lit UREAO PO F ETHESreuciue- ca tev . Slcne. t ., ma uta.itu 'r- -_______Yage-autttsc cii lii, ee Gmuse it Il ndro --- --- r5iuu' s u r smeO aee tulcemiin Jrepty tiuiri l. MLTN LAIN MLL. u~eutrsicourura -FMAb TH- -néG~ -- II e~ toeois tue~t leepcil. ' îoai.H ne zr.Poreos~O~t u u.rs aisiteu, teNE"O'-cseoetU"NEc ii liieute. mou teaeerutGetS MtcctEit TuEtetr. d' . -- - teMeoais - bu.t CPIAf.-tei 11-%t tlcsutedcel t: 00 but0 i EARD t51 rap. tc. n ! 1Erai.rur.ca -BOUSE F URNSB N SAlit, DOORt0OLtINDS MOU15DI NGÎ. BASE, &u. BALUF.ERS allatY/SIt, SOROLLwOI &Lb KuI'ru OSOPtMittItuNecDOiE TO ose-' - abixtinacti .1. LUMBERFLOO ND. CO.t-UOlll I~abe Matbt&Ta~rtt t 91 ONri t Tcuiu. t 421_ ent1; am wtswo"rke-t ieitieahemarce tt~rte&yùob0e.a5tterebaton te the pteuutr 1th ~-'OUf~&Mddi.Age'~ lehiewa bobardcp01 lAJL,'POWthe- tain àïcbnfl ibi e0itctd Ldy ct te apa~ e marnL aseit~eeia4icc~ wbaen m m aeiob ne i at rebeed c I .eqfrr ganieptenie ef-.dayl- She di eolto al , 'le ', e e4 n1 cd c ce.dc mae." ro ob.ie coinst,îeei L er rh tl ai nya tt ae KNOIlIH-Sail i *I aee teihy fe etnSeea be ye tey'it ko a lsah. N getetBdbee A tti o4rIW r o alrdDa% La ,e tecU ge1M&aeaii Q& eeteMe eMètid igbitb m tb o m m . lOcldttOO'S an.' lm ,holiteedh e 1bo. ~ edth ti L d ee beU Ic y -ri blini;o " Y Heo ée re te e'ut e t tg bbo ee et 1ot Atetteeeeec bee l ~ ~eG!ey tmrehd il Be b eaeie e' IbWeetllîetB .edvoi Doitiicwdiycec»crmi, eté iead fasthoan b ve t i*lctay t~ e~ ~mtL tiel clee te;elae tnMOUteyelte ieed le tpteed. Leeb nio e .b ,iO eete.betitieu ~ ~ e sa t4e ea t. aeeSb * ! o u - " e m ay e 00a a e taile emetb e t he r l t h err...-.cRleh'ih 9*aY ,i ac. lid s à1 aa te it beew badremerepCep1îaïe v e t d me."i vaz eteein ber er hett -Il À:uterttLiaiec M dtuete tu'sWtbe aer d ge t4 at: M berne. t iamitL. an woet ba er so . etbg "t ar1 etg b lete lie ue pee ee battma Cdet tCurri e ie ler .Froema l ad frLaera te. "Ihuve titea hite is t a eyemee eof'elaeeIreet I tSe Mcoea tîP.- bepleee edee-eimgeit oWhselle htaat,.g a..1.1. ansrnte,'hla eïm cttembe aey-at 7eymwtl Ot utb, uietetbrertahe vetiofltheerpoi t uaped'ah eitlieCc e etit3te.ieecltotieltee "Itt awitmh ait'l t.eereue .m1cre le t ase i "rtetep- t 9 tee1et thYettaie as tee that inteeea, Ttteee tLr t e eIlaer ttuei. i a' y ira teidt treaeibtape aid m rip lutte eeeu e n f dirta ee reeen i,~c 1m eeletaitidtcr..uittdle ic etteyer.aàateble Bit taeieb -. t~i * home t cr o y.vte Ldr ietachi; te7 dtera. dpretp. ieteeee Y ue iileed trilla a emte eaber bt rra erf.ein eac 11ire Ire.W e acrn-leeep *1.lad.Do lite le lame&lu >pe a ethgip n ur d bc ae w h e teý s ae-fied r aeit e et Tb@:,e saiieu'wu I cethoetadi tnitàece;;t erDiêikhi. rnaistrie secebe eue b mdeo u rayon la<eucb er. Hori la IFl ,ui 1. e laurm, mee erleyhIl aitrb5 pee7- na" u-G- 4ieeip tr reti.. . te. c' Irer. n a i g"Wïlti l " '- acrer.leat_1 tu. hursedl aierO csla e Aiexo. Peltir tett i .tl t . Dbe icseý al ehgenssrit h me , Ios-ecaeaep etebteitim ieýhte eet.., O tlly et ei nvtdesi th. r..eee. .le 'bd lmei ae ohig I cmd ntit ih 'tr nae dtcccgi.Doetbaigcar'e te ..ud eteCe t hRn .. C Bieet e ifi , Ie. l isedm pru e e t e evnfmiéats tatliee b le ae ymarled Isplui adyclater "'yr a it ber rigoleb . Htreastuegrcep.f ledit eut itctautci .Dath.. t il. -piiei eTaoiùtbera etta G B nsdt , c.W a d . Iteid taeWmc iap eeandseittes,1 eeait eric i te greiaedWho ecit seiei Ttieail . t. Ut-'cer.ta-a<ii cititc i e oeeis comas. biswif a h lIgea t a tel I bar its wled icte he uteite , b euc i itteface aa gig a' ctriu ptîe eth e i o le tut. - - ialen'1ÂeonC.11adyWpnardcet e matetet omur eleou il. eaallaervieit'eeet urlaer te ieee &e f"rmatc bénr.S1culae ________ t_.audthe__n"'______ r 1 declon e m ceLa y heea me'st "K e t= *Ilï e av elaot. Io ai sca andy ui t owhear uit.The ohd r c 1b eenlie àr a i Hora ub et l crbl rercc ta Lcdoiftbetrt.eetrPoindt.ic ie em eycais bueahor.th-araretrri ed tgifac 'bndshingoecem -,,teeel h c arl fe br tlcibellriz o ee ibotyte lar oey.b" 'loviea hieit.Al atsdeailates Agiueeie tuerd.a Dititistrendthpee t ue- ag buagielaide. Tb eelî a ric a"D p oner à adaIs e o "IY it-2u . a.eimei t ehe l red r e* re e telrosteroi eoer oull' o t & e ec WaIdcl t see go whit e lote i t n ofb er outab petignrtlcpai. "i$yu cau fateotrleptoaleaincdem mgioera. e li"re iyte s of. ladpe. tbuttype sit ' ituelte lcgebit Tesittep atrne et Th.x te. m iereIe .eimceal 1a.eIe'tictht aclaof. ce iugl anitte8 em, 1ft heabir. te r eg reettr1 be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " n , ,edaosotitro h uan e te e llhed ai qiyt osot 1 Ire arre e t"b ase b cridpesa iy beps puW itebalaibd tre, lue leagtat u- m nion clae o errtiidbote.tte meli et er. T Iro ame B ery toietr mo na lovtetadb erteee bIl baver ey Letr site n ur itrîm t a mere ou hre ui oul <h ed Ite oiroeig- serUI. alauai laet ad cherra bt hm u bot o paL or ucg lrced otit ur ei n." y ,an ,if Y a t u ae. " a forLonre."hepct te the m p luteW o c ati - "hewalI aa git ov e ypopry ut in Sel f t e et p u e oSb tit e oas t e "ie eir t t lapl<e td oulhe e ruchary lr 'N." ,Ienaei-od Ang ta, ethe a t.i.tce " re t je e Thu feoe m aene itecerd . ae le orid lce ro at ieb e 1m uletatdoortaiaLdp i listelaetbi iaO elîre~t ~ ôt i Leire," lOuameralpei "thet pue ehtege nl unth me sim-l utti" u l a nt a d n e ribr *hetdoe ladre lb t. reto nba 8 rit I d B iste e r. eibO ittc = -ecibt. dm et.fo r cuotr tlu Wcatsli er a thpunit Il eriecc7, ltle wie s ala ett r Wii, n rertatet be uihliri, asaW.et c tg r ond t"em e i t Laihtý Rue" tDth ur ch br eter.Sh r'bD ielcer riaswt hbuiom ripmtsee etr ebrcel otuera ep y her it ii boe seeru neroteu bu beceeeiptai- 14ideamba d c arl i gstt aed eombleit "ae.enoyer le leitue iet uts- ye tpstftecoott .uetaor icfirbotpoo-Lcc. peopebie othep a veittdlp.Btetenbtoee eetteeie lecealeebrttedieutet t u e ,rerdber W. ier lacean oc e pecn l er aihr ei'seiaur olio cecest i 11te buax ee susiagte t ieseBaytdugîe~t is rri, opee e ' îteesemr "i ioc eut ceslItsr.," rpat c. em , e aey tese pa ef a. " iatit for tbcteststbbal utse Lat d iiyetp lauàWaéb, al i eer uh r I theurouii ee. ceuses arba tbeitas irohciiecloite roeie"leerudforhèlbetfcte le beraiptr s s u ie o t nsrhop i te ttaitLusitt Cothe'gcprntilpuedts , o.lacaaapAufex tu e u st.liyîîp oogthr ites rtane tocrtla iairrpe-"u e i" te r edit. " dB t i n oit be uxeht. es myriebe har e t <ho6L ir v-laeciThce genai n allon on re te eut tratfe ber Rutlie itorts et~rd s eer hl. beroeeslm ig omseeree t h=st is. at pl ttu, geag le yBai a bLdeI tphte- a inre steertuxIgtee. hehircg.rryebixel co cyaitabl e s riienlaiLndn." é h dsriich i iose it Peteccruite thbu eewters;thia lioni'-res, osnd le tho Mbonet ihh mi erné ucmeclp icotico. ratheî puinrc Wyepihaïr an;er shahîn otît lier ler e aitaey ie norùiot. t uitrt1. 1 u iali-hia.e it ecs-hlul prtt a i 'Iniel. uer. tatyo noetit Iet uihi.Aoelewold ulea ve ereou eope 1 H e r.dblal-b1 gh o ul di se oiet tbeuxplouilier, o c e el e.oaebiit mor em enaie. he aai. ' Tb li er.-oUeaiuitht éerb i3hdoi u t v Ser aplata ba t c 0e atlb i nte i tI ieri ie b u uth u e eop trlt eseredat es t atr'lle seii, o ptlirbet an aee nta-rtbe wrt-eesut gama . Iu d y Lacra bu -rsi heable.Te ait bepai" lr31ae. bth no e n i P ut ac vtitlaItue,' eten shotemteitate l ya ndmuteet bniery tbra oye briaoses ly, tr dai e u suheoe, li er <bt eaeheu 'lay ai o t umanoitout eoit utero peeuxltp. hupeas'sg leviattGtadc lie. I adeeil rtecote l berthattlaicber udiaesu edutereaoasiaeuesueliergetoulte rahaleced he nriglt et taDeésipomitriai dut at.ee. c~sie c alpeîIAolta ,oth r rer ote habegemciie usejtr os , uc it euroe thisrsarr> tu opa eetth truge lusr mt er. 'b' Iomaeteit eeront tat. ceprts rj tce eitdit. B t ripa~feldi~oersileluig e'rta usatbrl sb cet m ne "wa t eciontaesuacw rmeti t é e pte-. P V re sra 1 mles ,uther eun ttatrr'it ttenruelnieueeit' e4 t ce u oulaeidio e reo.ehi r leoliastettbe, I - - Crs. - uyru ais jeetuapaa patt, Luea; het %hpîriee<n-rie mabo helt awtuh ot ite manbt hoee iul iteare - Ciu iHTER XXVai i ý ee"laheee amrlathit I baviu t ierhs ttaruyobppaiuu.AuIrb btteI euettybe aeee hoeBaia ebe eritne fr ontefi h idrtey i&3clieroeh y a lbarméited tuea l me bfore. i oetasinbpr o be t ilitr a et yeTueaeoye hal l a ver totytrnret e u gobea lri hra ux;a iduiné,eateemaeko estr. lbrepceeabet eter te aetÈlpnt ibe apiruxcmaeut tharl ae te aleeutéreu tdiamieiehen crsuguoonttehe-nd Sthes, eli.ie e p aueth ubola C iedt.ety tsell be sroo e etltbce aterndouttesuldul tlcdbedttht feo re 1 g -e tueeuro," Tutoinuteeicaput litie ec ni t gate p a. laid- amlaa e.ti d en eua iettoousnibeite --Nc ,"aiere h edAl aIltt e t a u 6 ise urdee u a et It s i Hotieto xaetut b eut-"éotrIl Oh.tAngoea, it ouawcolnete-t ti'd1rit, e aiesutL a rdeoopar Ir aitmuot io en; l oedbve toa iteb gIr-cuermaimed uehmc.t-îtiAhm re - o s uet i n tcehela rmei Oo -letlJnt e etll are eîe 1e b-rncuillab.peneli r tt bats conerseaitcpu cd lteme.u.DileMl, xi leuibaes euteloe nd all. uh o.itephi,ei eeefrot it lte piale andel redtt cotie ulac upuc oduedecitgeciea bethlpi lutasrafuAii-sees eeae betsmu ciiretrineeeui oe e neî ye u Ioer eece hoeetapod e tft eo timil li InOrr e p ier u isla o d.t dtbr a'lati p etelle beuesteca tr xs ebfoler, 1twatts -ri... 1Ndo« Museup. p uOeieî u teate ese etmt m ete îpe. t e r sehi r a lteries areieo poeto eu et dOf ,IteCeuios "edp unigllaea ,nee-'A ugr ' *sit l e tecimr. nisla e or aisetie.D o, eetb A ngolan'yereluait Ib ut gl be clteo egsitte fetemtrr. lsee iletertreruxodsteuh ai o "G t auitrs roht e em îrtgt tal e or t int"' - cr Se a e ais -rienoe qila thuegha e lo retesit lecae thfier<c uuuuere resl . hpeupr t C lrot Andyin csesvte oes heesurtc t he Atea thedfce;tle aed auioehe tacall-e ftoderse wula ober 'l Cotre mor. Ber tybip es chIgb 10Vtre ic qurue, irgere " em eusd rviretruc;buthoper uatsases." tdn bait~e. Nditgeda num ebe c ean"Iecha t i abe lette no fremet u etr br bteb h;e h tp e leove P bur î.\ituîcseeeeh"o mie. "fbu-r ~eiretd bet bermeihr eutot Nis bu ebohetl1e.'nthwepens ce.e tteeIbémati arnegl démstrtri rocetue upemtsaet ercida bure aum tseri e yuit , Lat u m elal e iFide ptb a ee e t botip. -Bu tusees du 'b ot I a h hl ho there Efor. atigrýi Setee-oldr tt orutpec ner 'ie kn e wh owasheltr frlic e bueg wsmo piiof b td ebtýeit w e aetodsifmer uibtclr nsse ti Cal a.t cit e cetO liutl Iieeciil erytig btieig l cirr hiy eeesb uii bIt m t attebc"elle -- a e smicetalie lave-tut b teer ct y ted for therwasatte I.beoe ut Bu brot Gi.adye Raee, Sbe ýAm euynm haue eiett-.Iam p re. soume mm uin ietodeOtbr aun c hitebuoe ctMamn'> ugl bts u e-asCtI eyence at ete wridassegcuptte.Bu fesotIiupu 0,;eetshelar raeer giuo rl, fglmhofeetm rth e ati aaeta bael ccI t te ',aknu a a u tee u elfinthisayolobnneer ate b t ldure i e l etr 1 ouoec th bltee d 'bat' -lu ee o erturfae. z Po ecres. wil b i abcxtt a .tgO uicdltaibeodferacleihtme boie phpo - in rouitlteI, iicecBaigeoe nut 1ct ,ethetel a ue-c gratibarit on urctcd'omtÂoea abi tbil;la asel labte geaI. ri" ao te ulfodh utu rt tepbcletise oguhai betunusieshefaràot utre Tm guruihiomutîsitb.tseeeebs nobBe tter did Tsbfruspor uron t fer etice o. Hune 1omîhit ste estnment? Sh ine '-T. hue Dueutiuig ie th gla efg bsblawiR' bryen ol. Bt c" a amasmorrIoic uxc rerry etcteriàuteeeice Bbyreeut wittfoimthseire ha l& eie tn.'* hgt shyectab*te B ot. 1eearhtele ul auWenealléeebear t et h he gec iLSt etnotuyseicnee urcsuta i vx. Lcdp Leura alemi Il ecg hepp 1îbers." - - te uhucegibe ete lN g ice it tedy ale;oieithîcnoetir bmupe ee otr er18,tu r Butlereietue.r lheet fd ua' Ie.lmel"t tee tretenaittlea ae edtitet ouue.B Th e tut, udtsceutupI5bilasiiieuiiIrai factgricef siatdlt'dba, aud kt lacu l tdochr eet. teLa et b a netdlbre te hsel ttisbrshe t oai. u t te ,tinuie taTyl her5t t hec liroivna rayet bre t. I l ald be bp ceht Ir gete I~ l rs' t - , oilliese1euesnetritesParu e, n t ore t ober d it i lgi ee ias tdeoîthe bgrelfitt oih obe a cesitxac ttbteem o.fue. RnU usue h sg.bcuephfoeoce soi ut tt. h i fn oneoeEl m ahradni iu e utrbs ifh Laur, tat en wuldliesite )2fht Angla oul motluv l e rrngatfut oi a enis <e 1th a eyiléc;ote ritîmuetulie , t muu t i meiatieu moeIntesttibrebhohgaa.Il ce tec'hm. "te ete bappp eouclat h 00e ver oapa petace. Lbady siLers oa hppy." bégum, butuetheseîercist Oebeapueebreeucr O rt Pot bceume o ier os etebtlirbeeOtuce ed ùto bleitnieou t rtht one buthber it mneieoue uatt Pu u ed oitc.e a c reored altecptbn nd heCo. umof utt redaldomeentu poleî lb mmecehungteIliairt ay e iti sne tdruet er ist5 e' ueier.diatonbu ereat a coditat lor î iin utiurril oul ruten iIleu lt.no." M cea haeupthepe r te a nge a t nber vbatendr terin imer eut mwolathésiai. b e-r lreit iteau. bse rs tirie iesgthega uasebeeu tise mmpoay e .h b lugetOrtes eets, t eritre ie i lneegus ibretts aet e caiter o -l sotant obia, tytyeiro t-linUa pestheiet iift i h meute'taupeof ut hiusy apintbat re; but ' pillns; itb tht rilaps t e iovr y ete blt, baeetic mat t lme.I oil ir lua me. jceieaiwa La y tu oe ubCp lata u wab a lf tôcA b: u h r XXi os"acbut n Ldrsud auxtoup tires boléro.beOne esionereleleut te setdm Tahtth eof Sletes.o' boa drawnt Te DE OseTseereto aue etsee ietre set 5th'drlcY gela.i ser iTorealutdoaloarmra rce moneu tandbethé a ino u t beag u teSte tea n Il,- iler ofac,-,at t asei an . mih pett en mte r @osft but euaed eaie i ap 1 aIerpae e a cplt ut suan OrU bei jhrlI ierbehiLbdpLure aofttt ams Iery esti p optlafd' o a gt e lstote tlc at t la ie citu te a bu Tbeul i res Ofe A.Imetht er ofs hnnii s 1ni ..e bu ernpastalrat abecrilelb.pt1Ysee. - rpaI etaaadtuet c ttrt tp toit lnttlcha rme ford itebt ses mos auio 1 uiesi blteia s, iL n cep beeteAseX p itu rarie i rt o n r c fs eape, cu ste toue-'nture tu outRsut g. lirc- Arroutin t ti J Imitie mtseeeati tueuAthmex"oracetionts.etOneaetttones. t lcay n ieean e t for aBaschtin, ier lei'.nhreci doa-rr..-s 1 =ubice. uet eb.blait t u u et-er me.cos ieàvoteu ilemit*.eandefer a nd aur.ut'isltaofteienicaeiiiof* C bealterba'sid. tiay lrruetlaWbeeaolebie.utomtieo fcelaegeusanbb ce F ac erim .1ut enineo -if Psau .iut hlîtae i i l lpyiie resîtte.H nwltopn àtesan lc.H md ilo -On in i fe telaesrieeetone; buacil p ca u ams ulgo tbtegetmherebebailedbueses tred 1 ne le 8 rrtreteMOet' as.Bt b tre h ttoi t.Aiunteud atba- ait dose gatv hebitnion tet.nc e fthe t ueibeoen t neset esr-rsrct u tdl et~~ ~~ y Pineali raol cleterueetbitde a attbuotut thptilos - lmrissmnsmmte tcla t leidaus o me.b n me t 2 iým teso" -beheyStroleaarterat e atu sie1 Baiamttei.alentr, r- tberceTutbuce<dt8erihalras'dsliitet,1â theighto mne;"Dot loveusep b o b elu.Sl1me t lle ý.i r n s pgte c ay" ltho f"C ane 1 a ia ieerfterr-fe c -'ttetittantenmtsiib tt us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ le bteescttw .i eat e tcen ecoiatimet e Idit aot teoNibe-cfou th l ter Wch neBttheaos t rutammt uepe lu rl ms nee qot ueston u en n etltn I h i ola u e.'sa te.Iatesea, ldý a me'uu onceubëtnearoms tta, ch ue iesat tuereiÏýcaiaeto tue !criute eel dlelbeois au-rtb e ie uitterbecatg.ilerhue a u a." e a l licco o turne ig C. cn My proonce lcer besIbero rtéelor" DM tue I fl w r h acm .bs g veyei dn I l Lt'&bOu ie rbueabc eis te res ' ute aln le tc etes hmtltaietous i c e a ce h uttras sce hme le'e fr-a yt im utmrte Ilo vnetelle, go.g utlittet...hIo tutrmasutp.'--I boltitemoB-thé alete o ma ert roit païr t be e h aso I'GV. FISnI yiuA e.vne a pl l ie" h ati i ni .aeùlfotrinIilcr e tof b r ette r ut er ier't e.I uritcooAtheciet-ri eslItemaberoul wuc letttb dae-sut. insereiof set t T tren .c cx o fasc'ceismerd leut.he i m is yt et i aai ur..lhc peipli -,at tbero r ai . e rer a utc i a oknw te nvlps oudl .Stig heI hcaveh ne il FateatiBs-robe j.R.,cBit te ifc t re<bit i esto fin t se rati*bste rcIt-bu nscr atRou.e os le hier Tbeiu timimme. ba Iue n ceto-tetolraidat wrw n otinth lceof tfsb a li s a e t ae l e r h. lng ge it i .t e%-l.. ire bt, po en L ma . oro pale. ba a H fitba tceaym Il1wuate oser.er ehos ad la ol btu- an .*nWbemu dtet avef pmceebhl esiglnamtiunrastbtbmbaTh.itestjt ,tb.ut -, it agi t het onc hav< e t e r uit t 6 a Il at in lirtboudo r o eutathe =dtestfsin,"ceîteh eu artb icicdi me i Sti ngle e,%ta a t-te nre lace; ret e i.1~5~~jtbyllornermng, ngys r .u hl lerebbe en-c ati oc,'bl .ripl e" ulnlt e boue o i55,nttctrcus cutisdtowi ot. t "1 -- t eue - Iee ut e stbrcai mure drutet Veaes,"ho e eaurprtu teL "Wisydiittetneaeadtur~rê?t' '~la e~ace ceaIte ben tee c&tb~ ua4ullcoabtdétapil Ns- lnouates ppoclalty cet c ceetp ntttb seepcrc batAneaePa~~ mtu y docta. Rn.dr en re latLad er- jy ndbuteob u ellieudi.- tte lemt p z rtua.lacèm Wte "I dadrist *ni .seu1sit.l % ' ' t .j.-Tstrue .qui ite changbuthe p lainceinas r e n d rt' - blerfebymrof one altr i b a ens. Iftel e lp 1aij6a asda5- Ilte droverontea iibc 1ra;lierstoith ber ab curipy.!"Ione igblaotrvr Tajbtlcet umsiutatir I~~~~~ licesot bliautscL ases 'avli sAne e aewcttntt 'reteu t up ofr0eouxtue y lac rai fen ule t kt ier iematdl aff rntl - leisaptubiert iO rsoe or tbs e hm a the usip laiaot kujthow e l'ad no il0tsit de0, elafcc.ht &gain, Ange']-" cbergf rb f 4à tyebsred te t "T i Bnlhal cerisb te nte- 88uLac Insd msenbtcataeb or avc oai.ro ietg" ise W o cte...ot.taceu es o a bsc ety; asdc . o as atainwacep te."g c hcer Le dy. ilc ol c ite otel abtc laieed blstU cru~e mrk', b. 1 p.'isasipLady cae r " âr uiapaboter isue pu ce noseérf On he arlnt;Whd Bh Baite. tinte ptib.t ne r u ait elie d brec fr Ae ie bisdxesp1'2ttrl sg d letr. Tbail u eýon Dowa be 0 0 1; asnhamee'ytbtc e.vlcO"w ht di ad~ ccve. aheihe tc na.fÀeoui lti era he étareodutthiereo lay.t miro - a-t ' >e ' asit b mers 'tain nu. are wauudîc t Ion nouaeruot 1-a-- - . . O 1 te 0 a. ..Y,îerbiaslhe cplite boacenoye bis w ier;f d 'meie toi e qee h m lre t gou5te otral fora lia 1ligtiaý,nk ' eBD- wup it tOe- u a cmtos f i n ee ote . ifnge ie mllottee t the sineiii uttmhr ta u i.fictd aLadya Il in e. l>Oulits' In cla d talaerbet rma. 5? reeaeteep ar -Th rplonbu h~ e t cnva LajoabyPuirld b Wn t'fm l-m' r1 n . uelie'etEbI ateettarI-no panauteirhco tecihal . -.h Dr 1 T er "a nthnt owvr e on-u saly.big t n etn edy c 1t Ilce fi .. . - 1u ..rla n a to i t -'-'o - j; I w 4 g- Je I ~tc~ t- I i- f il n 7 Flu",- '