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Canadian Statesman, 13 Jan 1887, p. 4

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ui~ j - I - - I - I - i uic I ~ ~ ~Ik. Bsc ih,eid bp,&,Cstur f. * tlb th, à Dllgtlfàl 5c.ort as lbe A WuNFfUrircetBEACHr iANDScrvlroREEZ ýRe TE .uopcsu. :' Du. 25,l. i An' Thoe-soSit baimy brrere sud brigt ltt ehecriog ihrehiuo Iis eterrace Chrst'c ma a ae rryrencoragmet ta ai car paely taomah a visiît tFlorida'sc r summr rert et Paio Bech. Sivtetcr lee milmhý y'rail frain lbractand. wrnu -foand covrevu pen the ficnî behash in le the world,vuith a orcth ci uurly Ct. tathea lite c udCaineumtonuortîi flirteencita1. tte corîl, frmicg the- sritudrt 'luculevaed he imatgnationc n -couetd cecoive. Sarurty tmoyeuuruttgc hi the Jutub'sovilc b&Atltc nrrouv al» llîc %v*drv tetetospibauon the nei Pbo. At ibul ticea u'o- tligditrbd tltc prarful ctcmberusai af th ,iealdctwliewbc iububiled tîtat et] srcliuln Hav tuerMaruflith urf. Nituac ttehsbclottda dvith coul anduat. eh trcioctaete nomr buleof . niicent halai he utirray Hatl. This iutel le a lrge strrtureuveuucutty l appiaud iuithueteroroosreu, audlitu Ipord ia inte vuy outa Ieioacrcs*,U, ....io a styler Sly uqul ta tàiof he .d Wallece Hune. Theu ppartocutecarue w ofusufittet aior.uitably traishoduand asu admirchiy vrttlinted,with agruand vlnw ult ofuiduuuc. * S Te .polar idea s f irida', tew ccot lesoeavht errcsanud rnituyU oyuninformerd. Thuituvharnttu. ]pautud buva au idrestîuiiit Citicug gSi moreu hars thou a sup greue Iuapb, frointthre Cucriaielcn iie t téEvsc,. igludus. Suclt Ce ntet lfut, liuwnur. a l'laidt tt the octuntfry aboit Piibic Beacitbiaeaifut aoa-brimliuh. and tiat ii tucut icluvid nS ail ittrectiec f pi valyiand rnuumitioo.as a andy caait ilaoupto'b. Bt il hue it cheraiu ceertotîrtruund iettCli e ttu pie. l ~sureiftttisoirId ettcuit uppras. Pi ctte plcasit ic tutroes ivype~- Cason it hu Secun nortitimaginerhb asnytdîinmre doightfu . ti mind and 1c) 1u dieburh*speud 'Chriuteucn corning U unbruel,pincctt,perlybeaub.vith brigitsciiog. nbyabovoucd bfre w yn sprad'the dancing .pteyfüivrvrn1, oftogad dAtanir. The dft scnnostîeuzeSceuunthé outh ls ien Ilthe clrmth oftlî teopic-nd giveh bueigttturdanimalivicur Ce the voro ot- stmýA sI ait ight owcand Ithontitill tah ituret e!the tronc, and stbonue tîuhiukig oS theuprobblhe objective point cf the vassul. ,South. nh mrd bonnal ts il nctd t.uhubiy a Fi trearitrfoo 1 or tiuouthurn sous. cuèt wvuldtidlb- murh ifine ud sîaru, 60uiý nuuvur tCouqîu stinI knowthe ilerdnltitltdlihe Ctaluvccnsierrl eillatu tt tero aretmou y tuyu lo ticu mot dliabîfuti putiue iathat, a yoecntuiydris;d rmens upen hu beutuh, il ir ifyoeu isttau inlaud driveucnumac ttm roinaie piles w-ilsretohCI thonu pteuatly. The duightîtl aveu.ilu loCge t Murraty Hall batla muest-ulha Y9 1frgettle,'ttîc guy dance te tvvrcCdi sreiae ofeoiCunh rillant dramicgO Moinsta quet buh rjoyahi a rni partes, the many paire nfusentimuental spititcuvuhueicob the ptusà tauujoe'.u mcotiglict trol itl iud iSa tertir tve t Pabta. In lu udin in yCthrstmasv lainta f friands a MliCyI i.mth thulra rrry ime, sud fer the Nuw Yer a pirailper. n us, happy lf.- I losnrlue5tt ruacati ycer attentioa h ta Caducdolr mliolt iencoisufor my t ui esriptiuc Cc thu CeAol., aîisétatV the -amounl ivh5chubyon mUt l iad Sr 1 .cigar ryfor mT ,e earB eaut. tý -Ycere trely,' I C. E. CAinsDco. * The:ltrlus.Iocthe Champlulelt -t la n oaw0a0m) r* a Wheo .'Iat »gMt o ia u ee» i mîcuh eau ilot buterd ro havnch'c abte. Ovoe Ca Canada about a ha. drrd miemetnof baresmître cvery. tg geusby_"coucesaibnce," heyConnu pretty narrtreoohg ta dcthmwhe tthe tomirrturebnvcre ebeCct eor. The? have titiaiae tItan pinsumord frfiler sud this buruamay su faut It t Cai I ipssibtagetsuyc teady béat trecu it. It abrestheo mbct Cemeof ucor moir of na famiyta fond the ld box I ,tove, andîthuhsoher liethe oaty aur ho gavrned tbuueg. Drtot lire igbtt he becightud COsuelhibcr thomaulvm inCliheofstîhar bols, aud lire om bnarc sot uppiedmwitlcsnriu sutadlnvian lusuries havo ta previde ilayta haep fiing thtecot ord laton theo ld-tabCoed bhialcra. 1 toit yen, Bufal aigood enuugh forec.' -The.-» la s pcslltty ef.th. icqprtlrot sltir, £5dSaaoeutlS odn rriot lu Fogd. &h. tareih.'ucmdpdsdcpslky ath. Gra. w ro e bmiv, .tire f 1. Oppsitionsii the Mani. tobsiAgieleir4s..ay -thal--smanlar ct e»as5tuecemire mre orried by tht G«=.tc tuat ceudidslt.s Ccb osa.aelaucosby liher. ad"tbis. atrti6Ée. rota lima- «Mà l N..beih. RI JONEÜY HARNESS&SADDLE MANUFACTUJRER. lNexldmorte the Thcmp.ccnusone»l MAIN STE. MILTO'N. nu aio heîd a md stockhof liarnesa, Sadd1les, Trunks, - -aliscs, Whips,. Combs, ]3nuches ana aul Hindi of Horcs ClctÈsng n! thre vlir7 BoitHne1ih Omnadian anaSmr! atnfîcture. Har...Iddlee .,n'.dte10îde pmecplii eund etai it;t-uduufýiuhoe.t.u"ad .11rurb uarenld. 72,000 COPIES FER WEEK. leura rutiDîo1t11tifcd Weelrcbt F, P B.01 FA.ILY N2ISPAPER in CA NADA) Prrmanoîtt Eetsrgom.olt1 Voit *Impronenel1 22 Psges Wrobfy t KING 0F WEEXLIE Si FREE PIRESS LONDON.'-. 1 te it re"otu..outtt .tetincé.. o en . udusvt.d e tttiu n dottuvrc.uue.,t. cru 1 D.iuutu, ,tre t. u Ce' ipttItr st eofiwy. uu. 7 z 1 t'rrs tt.tmtuuf. L. teud Tbiepm Jnst the thing fer thes Famiül Er.ory meutiieor the huhid igr mut fitrtt.mb eek,. LARGE_ $1 PAP.EýRI 1. Ich of f..itsd.ro $12.000IN PUEMUS 1 T. .t ýIbr. uOssO tu1.lutda rt.strs.uttuo plit. fnrtrt Wetytrotr o '.. edis-u.uruprtu met. rs.ufO ÂA F55F15 iewTIoo ., lýl ugdir,teJ.Cd tuaJh udlmted it .oghti h, hut,. Cuta.luilrdrUnd.d *ejig hmougt t1he riedcu. and ai the une. i ahuhmd gio ce ted it and uthotd eutchruugb th, cracudlnteclonel otuchdtattu. mâtalmaLu .ÀA paukise fer Jchan ;- fli. philo. iphis, pieu. 'Th acawiadore fuer rdcuc Luswcrsd the Cutcrt, ttcutegtctheVomi Ail day Icongirir ecca. Hurcdmas mid htudreof tintw aisceG ul et m.rhd, .orii u lt h, mmc ut.id. the iedu, and ju slsmany'tmesho wathcd %.uthe, omuca nd. stcepiuî dcoa. ol fcr a jes. A. th. dsy %orenatlb eolerer.,d, sudtchenathe ffce Wu 'tuilitaitagt t ma ,aayaun- weeir Ce Aticct.. 1 rite tu the ctS aceot rt h, culy settrc.iugecturecofthtedeyssnt h cprei. tei.. Tihd.,am.ct portion .cf th. tildicîtsn cord hy th. express;cempaoy ,îî, sud dein irUn moil tmcptareoa ccitt1 itetuoec-ieun useiseuc.piricg. n tuoheinement Che jjeg. ver, »tuond ay Aund uhe mett.y cf ijue wu al.d ucty y thre cdiraîtiitice I.9r Mr.. Pope COrtrsea use Cin :Imeofthîe juf plet,. and a largeptsnn c-a_. . ut. Olhrtuu hbc, natce Ithe ju hfaedtiag trtsintcCe a suience. On eau uS1 ofuhe«hbuilinie huitcdpaicted mc l.tf.r cf the Iaiahet., The, icbrr .eabut afut cpsraunuitulmsl reaiied ceu... uned cf tbfheiidicg. Tii, jue. ui heenciird, ntse er.Cin ,rdiacly ru hirruept. Tho,,addcei. 3le to,. Aluxandrsandhe ha br A'. weinuatright lune front the iouler A. -dtChu, eidrisiio teul&tr. Smcti caudlit. ler S.a ocrtitit ceeut frin Chat tetter. Saiu uf the lrtteme iis.l brugc e ngeard ffhii, otcliait a.muvballfmaccu,,th. ,.,,urii. The jua.huuu.u,, mrte t ulteora c insm. .aiehr mure theuyati juge, Soute ucer b.rdiy laref cutethuid a zimi drlehk,urwhlit cturra 0Cm ta& » uir leg. eoiuemrr, rond m ou, r-a llt. Suoin. uuc p.chatincbcu» .nit -. in ýcu nomue %uire eut utdst 11. Inte l iit tlhr, mcw, .e , buloe.tiliensccCacd Ir., tIue. Eurltheuit-muoceitheptti ~..lhe .puitt aC.tèr. ,.'11t, huar'. lii Sur a prehi tlia' gkd Nlr. .Cutbcrà.î sez crepotrop. puuiiud him. 1i '-Oh, iotueuucu. Bien bu, tu'd-y' Wall. vVs.. hi.de,., Sac mitIW.rhave cuce=ttcd otuerîtueer tuî-a uuple uîdred jug. culy. Butbth.tuockinduoc 'mitu lt have huro bore dircly aetr ahe mintain cemein,1 "luise diluiug tbam cet .1ail th'c way 2"c. tdhiirpuftrr.31r. Cit bfrsuit 1,audfd a*jîit tiroi'tie tu rcp.dir. "I'Vell. I je.n cma, in bit tiicr hîca men yum.le.r . havebou, est t &Ilday.' Juug &fier jef di.&ppucrd lhitufhthelu etc andu alerucrulieg theo eurs a whbiite te rperret urol trs. snd approarir. tcutecofthCbillrier.ko.senia :t 'Houeluoy peule are ienarociV' u~he.a," axeid the r,ssnutu te crowd ;-about li u r101H ge., 'il 1le. suybuu,." l'Hum mauy outlh.us rom, Sur jueot" "'Oit. aboutfourt, ue c! ve.> flue, I h.îeiîl jedgee" ' .H-uv'macy jugc e ee 1becu geticg ily ? "Thi eek cul o ueta uuicdreiand tty t ithbrebita Ireil ,cui duyoitl tdey. Titdy 1lhavtene ides*howmmcy. and to-ucercua uiil b, more. I utreud 1he oey. Ictiih.' ':Doe.urcrytiidygceta jef ho=rei.1 'Oh Lurd. lu. Do m ue ot ýthre i. icuelhief cgfiutoy ashusths. -Peciple, u i.W. klie luepaitafie rqelariy. cay aiterdey, acd aseh for a ilter, acd criaceugton. Ju.tI so bar.. -E,ydey ieuehdy ca.storebodiesud tr get t. Sinc u e c heiu te b. a supp .cg cmeuitdity. lbercrrwd of ruioc usls lie inur.cs..d." ; '.Wtur.e m u er t th str am ' .-'hi-.toft'tIet ecam.frocî (i25, ore from Mtadieen, tudecoma frnchatlewacg.' .TtcCanuada Medical sud Surgicul Jourual foe Jcnuer roulain» the fol. lowice originuacmucartiucru :"The Causattua cf Chu eRearett" Dr. T. WV. Millc PosîperlouaPolvie Abeees," Dr. T. J. Altemay ; ruCardie Comcpluae. loue inlite itheumatism cf Chitdhuad." Dr. R.WV.B. Smitbl '-Seceùdaary Suture cf the Uicar Nerve," Dr. P. J. Shep' eerd ; "A lPossible Ceuof Suparfoeta. duc.," Dr. O. E.'GcdCcgu and,- Au Imprcred Nual Traction Sucra," fDr. G. W. Major. There are reviama hy umnet'pbpiaaarte ehe Nues vrmdinge cf Dcahe die.ChlirsclQ Society of M trlrcan ud 1 tiraObtam Merdicel and Surgieul So:ie ',.-sud s nuemer of ableeditoriaedume&tiers of unterechtet the muldical profesion. Pchlishèd et Monrel hy the Gazette Priutiug omtpany et $8 par auumin advan ce. VictoiaAuCtralie, btas îas,tomI.of vrhua te expart@ Anttias Je.sare heice .axpated iby Whs-ledefronrtiOdcesuauma lmeyca. Au.tedeetywmotaitaamd ScoIltmcu buaihuredeuhon ThumdaiaIlereeraai Isgemout. A muhorkmn l essimeillol sahi.e god Pareut&tuestid ths troubleof sappurtung them. . 7 Rev r. l2ini wmasdef..tdradidate for mecher.hip oufhelb. hdra Schenel Bord Chs.lu Erisà huec t iiu mmmited fr Iresi t Ottaus fcr pcaeiga cofdrtât 810 bUt - &p«niu.osdur. wskhsvicticu. "IL~D NDE] ....MOTESAND .DE là. a-fnd- FauOV Dry. A 11h o..h I4OCE DrIr .L-.s m fT. 110r..TRNO Yse~ .. Th.c. .de srh. .m-. ni. b tlgurs.t thecrru fatu-L-.s \I .dasbla .cUec t.10-.1. Lad n c1 u -brc fa o AU h. a rlI%cf hIr. 0fot Mer1.rrP-; IAlàd .-IsrrOu. -dZ wh. t. .f Plsct.ie Il.,. t fidàIt. doutai oy. Tl. W ..ta..y .d tUt dru.. I. rulY.. uol. thac h, ti 'Log, n= -ct,tee .te . r egh .t. i.... ds~tblerd. ut bat et lutt nten. It ui Th t..ee. 2'.Il ccee tou a.,r duCrltutlsi,.. W deut.cta.,i .. A NÂITEROr JiltS. .' lrs 'orst'Gn,d ý A zA Scena uExrpseOrmu» 14A Loyerea cf tih a M. lCmat u Peoneeeeee owst. floriculture hav in tore a rich treaiSCin uc~tteeon ttO peeol fViche FIrai Gideo,' "Wondr if trere uilhbcuy tiquer in rimg got-, * tvmolhotC ton a bsChiatm r' saedsau. go papale.s =t Sth etedlo ja eratr d ot. e y elr te - te ariuodvar e cf provinna inreain ..Weil.if Yeu, jset, OClOt ,o»~ elper k. . re pan EnISd oeau,1 id b eaoclxersoowhraidlon CItaet Halethe 1h. w.l.hawa.ethreoetfleral sud vegetahtefltaitles, and sapre agent. n.cpeeafr altheflarge vatty Of uhjcts thoreeRhiy1 noyailud perclis.ty lnteec.tine la The titios, i stration, a wcicheOf main office, saout h. jecere ldsieery paneiradI he page ho clr. ofi utuadaurwsu as premidenouse. ammini a "Borerand Beaie Plertee" ae reud s uer gathervid tDgler. Itimai trimphe ef ehremo-litiogoepbiy ir made u anm. sd huy». asadîIlrytuevo neahtv nover beeun eattd Pbha.. utltMar -waed heuvedottehnnarede of amaller iBotra. ma 10peuce M", thusm an imeýy tns are troue hoadure sud thereeghly iýmcr.cuc,. sud h -o.dy m"u. ere daeibed.f .11 thor.Th yonogand utd th,0slcuag n.etocoopens Bth Oa âicsof isnedlgehr apfasinaào.ea.prao of grdtsrdo t i.io..auhusitiaghîstuAieathomiada.. ctha er and proeeional gardcu. The iudorr i. lncled 51At àhoad ia h m or..lead y faithSai ilustrations haaes o 1,deur. lMeu mer a: ong tira cterrrof theiro eunse relatr, ancuh aire f h sindcw, Sod Roueussud tiras hy-e.rraviogu cf acd tardlintslthcd ot nullafren.. ail tihé lediog sud rare varietira of Oaty e snd, l ré sue ld ha eaited ape Somtre and vegoiele..oith ir detiue A ne. tu, ed allrfleiq ucmmdated fr their culture. ha wuid malleruufcracrabor. Ctonel ___________ tauliers stuo url enducside adliv... iadu, ad As a mou presraied hirmli Cut0nu.t litrbu r.dlhceaàsmal .dl---.rr'y aotsleur u a cutiud --ont ittle ju. coIl, eon M t.rruCt. 5- rlren ha .h t. .OIT 1 tare 5Ola O~555O 5 ri, BilATmfosClins Dl Fo m. SoUD50 qu r*!0 .0 FOht. med&icea bd.s la llqoe 1:w me. 1,riC105mOforMsOpor, îzd if. f op1n4 i111, WledicdcCO *PC*Stir.rediS. 201 Cola * PAl N-KI LLER: .PsianaràoCdres Jutrkhom, reeoisIrtf Fao »Ir , WarhaIcu CrlcueoitV.elutie ciRtcULATION, CRAMPSI rAlNs IN 1TIUE STObACII, suie- Mill A" EOWÉL i 53pfgXT3,, aPPLEES XXreaRNÂLLT,-_;- a.r.cms c? nm.uIrM 190 5PAIt, tUISS, RIIEIUMA- *TISS, NEURALGIA, ÈWELLED .FA4CE, TOOTRACHE, .- ' nuCI;S, FROST BITES, &c. &C. 25ds. pleRota.. g&- Bewae ofaImIitationsi. «M TONIC' ELIXI R Tcie opeecie pet ptent rpas tion laespeialy edail dfor L et and ure of hatlcfus o01dloutdem attendatuouaa ltoreadud tatd oflhe2istat. and mualy acucododnei 1. orPalea Woakna nd Paftlattn ofthe Hert Prompt -reeulta mIE. bmllw il& oe lnfasera cf Sudden Ex- haneliun arlulng froc. lorse of! ld, Amte or CbroneoDlaeaaee. aud ln the weahneeelthat invuriahffsecemparc .h ry gRarm,,n Fvem .NO rewady wui give mare spaedy relief ln Dyspepse, or Indigestio ltnouo thae tumuuh baillgi;hatoa gotte sied hcrmtleeaCoule, snti i~the o0'tua of dUiooluceactfon,&anithus rdeet tnmmedtate and prmaent relief The carminative pruprter etfthe di5ferent. aramalles whch te Elltir centaine rouduortuneotllnPlatnteu:Dyâpep3e.« It le a vatonbta remody Sur Alunie Dyspepse, whlch le ptle ccu, lnt choroofaater. . aor e eUrd lnu, Sa. e lant le a rd,.tho Elluir -bc thre venions ovit enut a lleop cure le the cetd or vrac eaiher, tl; iil preve a oleaboreetoaetivo, se tire Sepentarls are nlversatt recugnierd a fporlcaScthe sAvOy-nacurd dieur. &U db elD.eeW rinmllM.rflcites. Pr,,,, 0,lreBouillor Davic&arensDo(3. lLmitd) andtou. Ile.c ..sd o rbleecf. Y..,tu.tOit ti tmrtroiltehre . n etorectuueo, h.. Ir.c~y u0r e ~ ~niflg lo -doreredcs 4IG 12IU5 -j WebegtmfOrm0i~fr~:àgsnahe-pub0lie gener ly ta ehv hssao different depatients. 1That Iwe havâ.mported sud puoasd iec.f.mte. aufc stock, ~ ~ éw thtitwsdercentadvanoe la priées; that the public willI get tL étocet titwàipurchaédbfOr àûiDceeaea-in seouiirlfgs lrge ýValCety of aylish, attrai ahtw tif to excel ourse!,il" .'ur Milhinery is superb àai >Irge variety Ou>r Dress-isakîig is în irstý 0àssworkin Ardr large. sud beautiful stock of i frôm. Our Mantie materiass ae gorgeai5, servie.asda beap, *OurTsxouCng epatifentis Ali tttits -ont magifl(lSft- garmfefts sud perfect fit. luge sndf OvercoatigÉs t0choose.froin, It iimpoissbleýfot us ta e4nmerate our gooais"or psrtli»l'zethe dfflrei4prlces; b servceàbe, sy1î h , , ch oadâc. -Goods aieIobýe.sold'for cash or pretduce. *Afte: sevcebesyls,,n0 a.rucei5 sud'àenablâ suto compote With as we are iconvincefiii tepfprytmt~Obs .ým = M à N OO 0 .,".Marm ,Begs ta intimate that'bhe BY OIL R CAN. aos *4ýi I-D. BUTCHART. Democrats, 'I i -M ill MILTON PLÂNING, MILL SOMERVILLE &: MITCH ELL. P'ROrRIETORS.. Weaeprparudrliltteor 1ucnadi SashÏ, Dors,' Blinds Mouldiflgs, Bs,&. Lumbere Tathr and Shinglen Al kinds ofLtumbcik Match- ALSO GENERAL BUILDERS AND CDNTRAÇTORS. '%Vo uraprepared te funiaiu enîrmale fur al bindu o! Buildegs aad Coua. ?rctAfi'rCtIRo sm;Cithr at KOAIIIle ;,Millin Ùpeie stock in a' muenot of our litr ge Of theselow pr ýtantial, clieap gc a, dres ilks ICIC 4ock of Twee rauteea arge. te business i ýC," Georg .Wlieat Flelcis and Farmning Lancia M INNESOTA &DAKO.TAa To the Stock Rangera andi Mining Reigonaý oece 1» r~In asé» cf c one otte u aSC CHUcWood, Sva galio, sud ca.trcle WIIIYI JAgents fer <lrbyt raelebratied A Gn=arasîd neyu.a.,i ffludra hyimaliprompyoctd. tha~ n. tbu iaSrllhiirtm B.c Fadeur. Tr., M i bAis.SbA. LL 9 R.5 i ý'Ây o" No.67DudagS#etLÔ. L74. MARSALLBROS, -IMPOSCEBÈ> Oà WM4 -ME has 'a splendlid ansortment of Wotiteds, Meltolàn, &c.; &o. cl.othng iniferiorin'material, too,','ll le foundë to be r quailty of the gôoode lie neili 'BOOTS. îî rcceivîug danly s spIendid rmn's Boots sud Sioes,f Thoeuts reromttcle y th. bot sod at litwc.Ipossibleprrres. BonC atliaocstock andt morbmasippal DO0N'T F OR -M tanai Idaho,!& Wasigtn TO PRTLANI)ANDA Elegant.Appolu nt F Tbrurugh Tras, cusoollî , SOICK N ~~cndDfi!e eau Né- p ira <sl rnt ia -m tàoitBto P odîleT erca b'h ogrunnd o eAsèreal'Outinent t the, eVe roe hu ni Ye stone iNationa1Pak gs c uctbeTouri8t oma Ce on br»Spane 0~ rosse îU k e o~ iket- PiSse hum - opoileBOM1l2 v, S~. Ecu~ AD! IOLItA, lolod:;.tir fetwig ~~~77 .jm:C tsha.e3sR uOOF aucaue ~ Ju1ite~.. I ' ~ t]rSlrl...otsta - - ludn irecert -a'eDua ,,oec UttIO.Ueea -I sh .Ice, O ee. - .2. & it ImtetOt l s. a a~s-<Ytre5q e h~ .s t E1 _fe 'ufT t.'iu.i - __ uR1ýl s tiuii5 2reffiO hb* -a~~1an0 --u $th appriaiauhoct edto fil al à DNS cdt.cdttun Bu .11Er..tITC11LLL, o C i tît, vt utttui,c -f S, citr.e.i * sud Iuiports sd1., r ~ ~ ~ e lowcosietii UOES ce bortim(ot i. i -rcetuV te*U L u - h.A.cRýINu un - ,toth i'snd Somme.r Va r ZIYlLP c ~ ~ 'ý tho Du..srs.t.m f -A iir TO 1to n. lson MN,1,MIOS b.." o ""E-"*- A j.1NGHOTEL s.~ ~ C RA A-. lao~ Me, oRenAM ~S, GMtE V' SAE ON PAP.M il n'beDýIin0n an Cp. RTYA TO I Tcuosls i î MINiiutttti C -DealeriitaitkC de 'ýtisaof H alto',50 eî-00- 'zsE, AT - MOAK DE 'AR 0 '.HA.GEd R SOFuE It. Mrt FOtes.-TI Ù M PCrreecofemruto mutP.eCa 1 houehi leli tune i H )ro-itytt nd elc HAD Ômiel. LarMGes g. uetir..e tcim, tee. ttuutruuudl8r0W bttuttdit.itsuneemo1cie Buck teu-t MME 1 . .

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