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Canadian Statesman, 16 Dec 1886, p. 4

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7ý, 7 - SUPPLEMENT.. Fstablished iM. U), 11:1NE'S S ia Jki, 1 1 i II Stops, Double Im Sets Of N-T lac lers' and V4U.i'gves '---eaC éiCos'7_:zýie, Sixfeet four'! es' Inut( ra te 4'Vely 11CILStrurnellit Repre-ý Se an Ton DaJý5" T-t Ïi:tn,.,d and 1 rs a0 e Pntedtýe rganc2n. pay freight'130ths Ways. and can REMEMBER, 1 HAVIt 14% firstllass instru- gije yý, beWý7value in hewere LO n any agent, suPPOsIlle menttha -$65 Qrgans d the -ost Having ha séil at ý professors, 1 can fully tested by ot;rleading . Is frorn thern furnish the nighest te3t'111111 on application. Agents' price for aý of this QualitY FLAMES. oal allcoegan NE, WS IN A NU,,TSHP,,LL aJustly Indignant.* au ÏcIllevissi brought by flic vi o, lie I;lx on or atinuoi j. 'rilaun as77. b..gg him- ýT. .. ill bd di u Montreillers are i t over a 4tlLinàrrin, iJam or ÊàICE, $615-wOO.. maffer a reai'Y cu. luso 8W 1!,rpi-r.17,nited States Consul et Proposai police with of Burliugtou, mis, &,1LaýuisItrat Wny 1 can o fu arsus ýLho 'a sa JIonie a. died Tiiýdi th.. Bùlge" datas, W. B co flilally J.J."d hl. Globe. estate, against the défendent;', aud othui rst-class organ at s"a hl a quami ai Sy=use Mon. 'Haltonians are indiquant tac. They IL, Halton il Tt 1, tient thine 1, a of surtince. hal le- 7ý,oýis that 1 seil direct trois, 14.-The ciegant v es-ot el ,ch ý 11w figu sàve the puréhaser the es e"enfcdàt nfe.yr were indignant- soma finie ago whon 11ary-Aun Ctitler: à( bu, fa, a-tory an,, made y agenm togn fiblins trator ai à ilist. Fu othnY board thaï; License Jamés catIcesthi --able for LnurLh, i Inspecter- riole. Fromtlieuvï,imec the mSt LuIcel wu em-il ce.. usuai large conim'bb-, . Il le. a- ],aimes 1), Il egans arc Brothers, a bare-braissied ýosstlI, wliése thit flic late Jame. cal re Pour .... r ýr*,Z.tio Bollly qualifications for his Office arc Piano for 8450, 1 mi- AT ilie d warranteu ýc1erta sien the c -p. àrior, or Sabbath-Schocsi, an.. es lie. -ive faction. tient 1 listay lit [leu U.Ii,ýýity.1 All- T. I;r,,tvii le- ta- u,,s Y.I conuty o orl liaiMy !ýl)5 t $50 for.tI -Icw in prirny. orga ï;b."rtýr or Thi Pmvýtleiltl a 1>,ortSýnley, 5: check, fassaticistit sud. ignorance, slidila 011 "ccOllutiiotigivilig. Botter, ri ocusissuliai Parts of lýcro' uni a Jetailler licul 1, te lýast Fin aieaber of witilesses, hey ýre ;+Ô«give every satis os are. qël'éWt .8-2-25 0- lent linn. Williatu Id Wu,. C. Ji, ,la Isis ilat'oltter. A ý81t1.4 of lisait a fil becýùse, Y eh disf Peimm, nu Ill t r.helst AV...t . th. n, as roiglit have beau ex.pluicittý(là ""ni ý0.I5Mý ,Tite LIclier Len. se. . ..... 'il'ull'al'ma's bia revolver.>' lrliùy wqo indignant etwoën o Une betw DURIT IMI cethatt suriaal- for alit-tc't fil -san dnty pul ell ont bis gun alla lot fIrst rnateriai tne rnarice t eýý1 Cluality, as tf 1 I.ý Ley are mallu -tg. are elis edisy. turreed. havis been given a I)erniit>'to curry a ftiblll(llàctnt cd o nouli tu bu in factured frOrn v ollug lutin laver of flic plaintiff's evidonnui d th. otb!Loil.e'itisiotsoý, tiigitdiograrioniiiso-of-iit day IvIlon off "et" 111ýaL1.1ioB1 làmes Cal for thé lace thern. in corn arrew a ivüuud whicli. w Je Cet, t u.,tý .... Vu unforttumtc en e best th. %%-lie w lots hall rýiided brovied At narri viilling tO P ually sOld for se m Juillet. Sied.. .... ... di.lýr 1 a- flic us X. Brateaus continua hins tic Isis boa for a conflits of inaltierce ),cars lecture lier death fi;'- for ydiir 4 w P. S.ýbilitiýi.t .3su.000. oy af. L 1 hall si cd mut. esJith anv organ t Las, $w.oco. inouths. They arc indigisinut nom, at r solide tup te eition uble the nioney. rateilieu cculleil lu Monda 'a lesp dey Railrond Tite oo0 1. 1CJTrD«Iýý2 acasbout dg i esuilaitethe, bons. fortilui ly, --il fuý the criminal siogligance of flic officiais qýn-o Club miH enter t la or 1 %,ho ha" thu. T. J 84 Y-ing West o aiti -Factory and Warc eseule. bc te the (Illiring lièr tailler'.%, lit eue hall onlait t hall II Mir; frozeil P-t-M= nt Paint "d"ed fur trial lit Si. Tl,.ý.- fa' -t-nge cotait. 111-41leCtor'q reV01vor Permit, alla el for - bain Parties jn ate un . able 11!211 ta et N,,,Iiitrg. j-, dutY te (10 :se ie Illain, but vi-ho (Ireý;ses ta flic je Gle Ipp.l.ud sai ... elle leh, e eaai'%IDà- Y"tcrd;ly by t-mPomrilyin. maglectea ta toile ally ýnctioIr in the thon aýljcitiriie(l lie ecce fè flIfilbilan amisThs, et IdIk tter. nesday just baie an fil.11 us LI a %VllàlmllOevictinns arc thrý.ta.nil sus ioThcýpeople of Montreal are J . il sied % r. Tie6i il uIItbalea eurat Ilý,I.1pýl se 'J'bc tenants are semparin for plff. IL 1. 1. sea Rnvemsncnt souten thni (liý-mailât' but jiot usure jnutly thon Ir. Teetzel. fer ýdeft'." Ille idly ,in:l ý!f th. t.p 'Ir . Io 'et ta Po o# tet .Y 1 ait ý moriiing.1 ta sa .*,d L of Tite court opessud et 10 o* etcentiil ,111 gel lie. ..Id bout. tel Ji 1, L ilatsItailýml air t icuilà.pay. Ali the fre flic jury lit Cutter aiuclh traba, Thist SeuttAct 11o3uhition. le rId te. iesom- le 111, J was fusil] ton. neborh'x fa, mat. Ilhot dj,,."but losi d,,Y,,. es es etliiellat 1.1'. in. thLy g;ave.ver, Ls In av lil III, t fav.1- ffflaintiff. &lit( o. careulIo ta bc "An attn)i)t t . ha ll;.Itn. mlecd, .la d.1I)ý et c.,ý,ýty liumeil this ta lise ras. a- t. lie. le. W tp.g Toit. il uplert the lnl,-I;*L' ... il t %irl'y v. linne m" thon b-r h,ýý,ily lot t Ji ut the North. iai Sain W" nal4fàt Ha tci nruon alla lu utir.ilislicýl 6.9 wu go Iýo eth. vidieli. Itail h IVI]Iiaul Buras, ut lieu IIIFIJ climat killad -r Ifi, la IImukvJlJý aienst. nuY IL tbùSL Illes relatives aa etaiIr. Wt e.k. ta en efier e..de ai dh. Scriptural Sclertionî. f odeathiwith hie otaparti,. !te aisai bcdut the Se. -et. of n senti lelu the cabil, ni,,. tri.d and convi.tol. lits Ml J. %Vilna-, an Act was enrriel. anly rive votilig against In the ricui ai h, aiai fat'n 1.1 si. r- %lent reni. 1 Fri lesaoral haut right Mon, At N.ar 10. taavnaines of meinbers of arcas eeleTite . above is trucs as for as it gocs. VI, lie-L Il is obel aso or ilfe, n iiý, eestald tien whole truth its 1-calLr4 iasitennieerace tel..4,,Avllicll lire'alleg'eýl bvo a asfiave learned flint ouly Iix flic of V'u, Silver oB eo aileaal'y Governulnt eo LI actelave" 'nL'nlbcl;s or- file cullucil %VhO te PIr. li lat'-st lieu, acIlbut it is inisicading. If file Tiniés hall in hpublie Bellool reý -th ýa,ý esmIIaiWin ltsAi, A Ilsl tevote net flic résolution votel f.riit, eJeieha iltubat il, D, nt if L ThF. aeisefusil filet flic twelfttiiiiiiiief-tlet, filera laesvie Bie- fiel Blaclieetôchr, îlov. E. Il la. 41.iiiqltter of 1-rhit-o ehaeted ll[,iiýteri nI'èýica L-y mi Ne,, lIL F.- litcloue ýo lie woula have vie leIlel laetIaitleesacruelesesle oal Dr. A. illillliu or net a ajbrit3-*ill favor of if. IointetTinieu Sllullld correct it4 lui le Si. iln'ith il. Il- -titt- tient t Jeil,. 1-n o -'le" li- docided tient aliiii -TH EM , ai ieI lie. of .1. 111 ý:iut výL4.Lll ]lis foi t elefiniIa'o Jecef esfeu Incie ceJeitésus. .1, th. lenx and r: eturn fleti eauilsi,] doutill Colirtiiiiti t '.'et aeesleelèeal eesanlieest lieai en aileaTite theqq rourtS eaile Jeetenla ta tilt(] J. A. etasclJeo etesaiit clii.,11.llu eas lield'1i Tu.Bany huit, lliu ll.jýur ienneIIo fieeetacleJeJude prosiflin; tien cold, 1)mltgltt joie le, 'me a lelai eeceetesoli'. tient I!f elelaLhi joli, IzLcleau,.Teetzel alla Thoni: cetetJelit. ce 1, ne ai e aileIfurtilt lllsch; Ilev. sole f e acase was in. the Ganci DeLion ns,,l %N aitry c Iies il-ai Dr. Laing jous, and %,au nu appeul a-niust a ie White ýtilum,ýs il,, tjf hie. Ili Iù rn i v t Dewar, Cet meaet a aIliaiaaileLieseil th- IfeslireaitioieII ien esiehaea a lteelelait et ta L a conviction malle by Archibald catup a leees ly Jýýt i, lific alla Robert Akilis, tva of 1 ý,lc.'tltilleii; Cliitrle4 oihel Ici asair I3 es ceilJustices of the l'cocu, 'a-,ttiiist M"ilifitin L. Blaikie, "et t, aieele]3reii-air*ntiý1-IZelliletIi 3leLe il, Cassels, Dr. '.%Ltc(loiia ....1 oels eti lre aiJet IeLeilýstiýlice of Mýt le 1 ueuaaet the '.%Ir. og:!L,;b- es fer,, ald ie evois, eraille fire eethat cadi of aifil. II.,Il. Powi.4, if Joies] lltirtôi atILI th, csui r.ba. Tite aceejoie OmIt dollar a _k go tu Je y Balemice il, rail hl esJecciefcoorsvaitie of slicel) TI éli dog, a tu. Mr. Dewar, ait Coulit> Att.riley, pialy IsItiug il lasoude flic objection finit notice mi esteilk boula have bouts brcitight liefore lorJeBfiiiofinur- thL udge of tli&CÔotit%, Cuurt and net y jury Iýy eoi noiete titis Sessions. Tite the force a trial k ty,. Min 1 _ eT 'o révival ine.tiligs are ltili 'Frid.y t ch'fgo objection alla Isola thatlichasl lioj1leis- fusigroist dont Io enfil of fltefolie aile1 mil Ofikt: Jeaaes LoNooB, D- 14.-Y.ttd.,y le esdiction. Ira allowed costs. t lutve leup t eslreelare beginning tio is eNi 1 1.1. Decker. of iiiissionaries have ' receiv d Ji o 114' etJetJudge Ellint, coutisul fur the Dr. r.lllyeluýillg pu i, imille th. .1 .,.il d.,l procety al th. fat. aitlen a I'plication for natil 41iIi venir Ïhat %vélit!] . le 1 a Ckuk. k"l tient his trial 'le 1-t. t'ai Il ImI', lcJudge granted ]lieu a certiricate.,. boit 3:uar, and the ment le r esses- eleJetli[leu v. IIIIIIS was cels-action brottglIt greutly and jisi goud, TI, Thoinl tg ýIa allant or th iastealât by b... l'i'd'L oand - cjj. 'lar. ew V-L es th.ir l. 1 esn'l'as lI11ýIc, Of Milieu, fOlý flic the caitip.ý' fat- l fur riglit Iiieli '.t.r or u4ainst .1; ieetiteohopo our friends in alleta tierce teiontlin' 1 cost.%of.defences in dis actiolibrouglit in Né 1ý hy M'illiain aiu1ý Jeunes Illillle 11,11iust ffie locaL foiuliahal lieiil te uIer %-crc. cKniglit, ut Le' Thouipson Hirby for >ait alle,,ell brandi forget the cleét;,Il e ieele ille aite or il'. fusais etquier. of coutract, eesIh'. r turc III guise- II Ifinwitli and ta lalee, the plaintiff, all oaunderettand il te hé .......... iI LIfi ra fueeeIKirby, taxiim, Isis costs ot défonce ,IL es going ta ;,i"i lie l l.rý ii,-r et ii.ly ut optea a ity fer aat h uru lentest taitdeaseil tu- Bout our or laraii. sein a axe Il c.ticýý of that TI Ileaie il ,[th di.. ju mon ta thé couit ]sera and trý*iiiË Iliontion tel: Iota o tain juuient «ailist7lititile liere. - Ëhu l'îrk la 1 iditions. e etaia de. A énieescelon oul bo itué, of N@ lieIiailleiallieerter front the Non rush ur w 3vhon 'Mr. ilaital-.J.d ,I,,istaweek aille lit eulierton, 1 tIý of flic plainti Our has inuilergon le, eami s esII - alti itiucidiiieý)ts ask 1 ta a cc V.I)ztir4 undor the aIo ite Jele. ha es ester estln eca aecing paynieut of catit and atithoril aitfrans th. the Pleadings, was gralited on Gourou Robinson 'i e'Ile ferais, le of the itsacteletlhuit ..el 1Iialesday, torms.'ý%Ir. Fullerton rL-ftiL,.I, et ara %".,le aileA graià Party ili tg; o :h. kil.-I in etDr. M.C.1.1ýl-k -fýN ta necept, thon flic trial wqS procceded net 100 iiiiles fruits Te Lot dent . bars o nt F- with. et lie iai lie eGluon'. el -lut Tite affa'r m-ill lie vory eslit 11111ry b 91 esce l'y The. following, gentlemen danilosd(I it Neill uà bc quite.i 't, bliry El y -I.-T IIIS Tiffl( agi. ceta aiIratIIT -1711 i In 1. aah nfùll nail mle ý1 n lit, ulu fins. o u t th ulnt tes tind mot atart alcalu es aisesbij récession; Jolin Aliern, Willians, 13Cws, woleoille.- Gentiolueil in fi-il eRill al. leY-ý. ieIlhl. e esbeau ..de In il;o et1 F saeseceairKill. N. IL 1%, l.arge Ilidffir et gold lu ienA a ew Ford, Joint Foster, A. Grieve, in r il if i. 1 sl .11. ait Il en. cf aia y cou. ce 1 of .1 o eet.. Anga-ar, Jolin Ilardbattlýi J. Ilow- Iugulet I)tl)dlze, a liamemninl,'e iaise-99-1, il, son, Ü«. Kas tuer, R. VLn ier arriçod liere etaisi - Ne se D ivere ala le sel o i Lime by Iltije your a J'le tile:etit. li lh- in eJe th. Laes aetBIaiand thitber L)e.lxlke relmired. ï, 'en Bon, P-. llowe, Sav go,, W. E. lot liq lica o 1)1.1.llt4j a eaeei, gy and Nine menthes ago ho il ceoleraitMr, Ivatson, ùho made t followiug Wp 1 ili is lie wori yolir iaiinaiai ma lufiIIoehSmith, A. SpiLrs,ý ltv Stowaà trý-iii:l ta Ilont 111, soleil- fur Or 'tilt itdy tsTi ri lier sied retnu.mTt. day wu t Il lie. aip cta aiPRESENTMENT. Je, e hallel tIl lito. ta hhnand leaviff, the hoilse Bile ettartest aui'Te . NI y na- -ap. ienor arc aiIie aaru. De ke followed, oý'erýmk eeIlourd uIIIÙ nt arceat le[ tlýirtY-futir -nc,.ý 1 il TIý.trfil.moriptnof tllo('lmnd Trank- liait. Tite Grand Jury, baving ùiýI)oseù of il e-ù se et b.ý muok udi.s, lac. 1 ail oý Us the fleeing %ronian and gruiing ýher by the nuw muýi-ti-ý1- t or. aniiefore Probillit IL là the (chal tIward the ha t 1 L %, tï sida lti- 1 hroat began ta but beroIer the bond with à T. .Il Malone, 1 la us rit ri".t t ce nci1Q which tvs Io per dont. fur qunrtý uf $16.= cosnimred mille Lieu mIr the Iiinitel business brought ,n,»y't matg In napondlt)g wýck or hmet se.ur. thora, are happy in. coýcurring. with iTI;. Skluol mari Sh. -Lit tu il,. ..ait]. il The whis 1 etmontent )ro i laet Paru es eallait etfier fouthil"il eul-f -[.an of d.ss-ILm laesaid: lie, (DIxlke) Ha then drow à i t atidictus sentiments in your 2 Jetle La'Il tient Ir lie' Lelordship's address, ait Uui opelling of A L L r, le Anefrortwili boniailetn finve the Donlinins, yotir lordshil) in the Ri' itabrents. il.. Oser...Î., ýith.Lh. la court, of. flic pleasure afforiled TIIU aret th. c.eýntY. M sl'a., Pec. IL rit. ny J. V. Fusion anosted aý,IIcrIin and suite bals. ta file esPet- court ýan(I juryý 'às NI-LII as S it. 1 i 4 oIaa cearCSOrt te thé 1.10.4t vikornil4ýlli e, Si. m oeh. ]militants Ici n!c.ý.r t ,ma 1 11, to'the 'county fellerally, by-tho filet sont trial; nô crimina cases are laiil boléro etvithintenttodefý fi h.it Lit tlieGazettu williul'holi le esiai-.7 le. bien Le, aiiIII .m ý.ar,.,n fer or considération, o%;'iiig, lwe* ithin aseinterviewe] tien lire&i- minand. An eccut fer si IL _tIlolawýto tboýfuIlex aolie9M In týylg t . ..... -JIY di-t-It-t lut- 1 ink, ta the tact that there ira sa ilew 4i%,Iii.liey diýéiý -rvo aha. leson cet i oelereg.,diý.g thy. Aulacil.1111 eh' rk ait0. Ne,. 30. atelieril, o" .,,:ut$ in.this city, tient du, diffr, lait many cases tried by Interini Se44loll, Blly sel titis éýulýtt-yyl, l'as: tiles; At. B.ting held 1. Si. Th.i.- %ton. th. si f conséqtientIý -arc net submitted ta us asoliilid-t-Ihi e-sod cd et Ilircli'Crock, with tlinýf 'Bill il.. ailatinet allai mers, ai t le cimning Tac ,i.. Il uuA. cit pllý,n ta for our considération. tétine of daig -au. n le f a, týý fil. P, oý Nrewould aise utilisait that %va have eit, is ait such "LI at;,','Il t.;SL. Th. nwhigkey, ratille à Il le of baeeshcinLies hen esdýlam thst'u 1 IVIld Ilnký leu neuf oapli tht.' nb-uý"' tch.ë Young inspected flic goal and, find allah coin. il tovii -itdf, illat the in a vie a-itVti!-n wili bring utter ru Jet o x Imt week J. Iýu=oo and lits si.to.r. re.%Id. Partaient couspictions for iti; jicatnesq, S.., etititereýt in thhe 6cuistry Tlix,ýl.,. IeiýfaII aceni. tu W lu seront ennats Sir John Crampton die Tuedq In C ont ln In Aulnoy. vIsILý1 Acton fur lieu jjjjj,",(, clôt, nerally; aisé at'.ýk g of of. nliness, and comfort go ichutijust card of Bouton ilarozde seuil offùm- cou bc struelc. 1 If this V, leyce, 'IY- -.et hf.. 'et ut' arc t1ilic film- lioth Mr. Sliulix ci lismisk Lcd a Iltter-strest 1-t and illust peractical mensis leynI as.,, aileswé 'fisid . a numbar of alti Peuplé, iuý îth swne.% yestrj- Jc1 tràffic'caji bçtl nt a, le ee casesionce Je, lie. unit digents, &o., %vise lis cvery case sensu est his il.. Jeho 1. Ino. ea-1 cierenu, Ic tata t ma louait 1. ta lie comfortable aud contentea, ivith cubitales foritritkeh roses' -%IcLeo(l country ivill ho riche l' tho B,. ý1 'Y nlanv tlinu4al%(Iq k dollars fi', Julin 1 inÏ Liait . en Lh- -ut et belle,- tient e Buntclien soute Lie. body carfired Jeu, Io nsake theI chargu fur the liait ceciRichard IL F-ss su file t ailieletjii.4retL4on aloncif orne. Y bLst p clId Ilésht t desy nt t JeIn one exception, flic case- of« eue per.ýün f aii long P'. il, mill ý,*.Iýý- I..d ýY Jeaýc.11. 7m. go. aW.Cn ýd» ..',Ilnlr il,- miIVbi Tien . drive ose toi suffering very severcly train frost liste, eýkým wom mot ut the rienc el; le., reliectable ciII70n Ili 1110 Cent es. ...... tainscie. on, -,seize the traffic of t là -Leur .lit, lent deekloil a draw. laits, tsRpt il'. 1. IL , p .111! ýlý.co 1 Ileilobridge, e-ýw file'.ýfimurtes the committing.of wbomen our opinion. nt ..il t Je MJýJdgmgL Ch ,toUdlydwtmY bYfis,ý lhey a b e lieu IL 'il Bliould have beau avéided, alla wo would hize efforts iliavillins muelleAli trd the i-sal hot Ti U DI ý:h"wI g uenr "in -j they malle lts.,,a Suttr.ýt-i' bsSLTI udr tt "rd ý .t. the inen drivo ait LI le recoutrucuil the removal of titis or auy vi(I,,i.-F.r a Gajzette. mfin!III ]i-In t Inkfa f 1 'i assimiIaý case which mp6y"*vccqr-to the flic fa

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