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Canadian Statesman, 10 Jun 1886, p. 2

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Am ine.tR s fC~mi t31Cm. Ithe ceeicicecccc. scltcacepolieidbu slcc!mltd Sb dcl eclhcfdce cscc. ceu~cbecies'c-2 lfiecl l ie ueccoce ' b a.ccclboslbcieciecd aba Th cldcpcc lcl.Wcbcle e "d :=lcc gl . d cecp '1Mc = 1;eiebu e ubcero dmlc ie lb ilpSec c, lecce CLoh.Ib . ca 81h ccd cEcyebce cdeTth e Mincu c .911 g eIoceb rhae che feua H.ed c cleand(;eese, and eCccc'îc chcc. Ccrpl=cclclcc. hcel ..icdu« ieaSi: ic ec eplS Siccor terîeelar(e.qsclýlicccfLecceGedô esbugiccdtrelaràtonccd cv eslOf Bug thlcgcile rpuccd pce.. Mcd dctih l oc esKo cc e;oedo clc epre..' c. l --jce er sccleiy. onCacc ncd OpececClile cfOj pccc cc wea cciedc sceior cedere ec, ahLoh ca= dl .TH'C k ~ ~ ~t. 31 TEz OÂLccitii CHAMPION.ay 27- W. * e ~~~" A elacp ccanes freicncsrficunt cd be und cl.My828. MILTON. juNE 10. 188 Shos hbclat e cjoibp f co f tele la T e OrViPcld ilLmicecfqVr Seiclcfdm. ' ..............I iesfiel eoec e vi od IERI I.F. 54,LA.U. W.ba 'le duel oer SeépeeL cfccomuncocue cd icgesilpoebes t i î.c.s,--iIrecelvedyour ceeykindcc A- ' Oneo la diepesicg ef c anirlcvaclhbtlaer o dolecce Ibius eesiog, and dol Agreai dcl ef diceppoicriesi Le feic cgîy issce. As itis lu c a T- aa hi ppcclucniby tla dack pesfor . Hclac cc ad clherc Icalilico in cbich igious ccipeiby rsne biginicNew- thgr luidceeucdcyplbybcoee se thés ScottdclAct bas e in force long ioccdlccd. ee cela lice efeusion ofjdccin ce la bccced'ciflbeece1 I2- eceegb foc uic clterc fiîocoe noapro hluOed.., D e l isie ccppy Scala ofîbee gduto«l icoledgc id ibhec, lu notercof ccepece =sobrdceotbyle a fgajcthe légslatue edivided oenoa forposepude tde r 'b? f demnýs:tm Su frm hic peitiusmlgicclie.de Catholicadîonsicecirc S20R), bocg bbcMsmenof theccbee lu foi eealor ceendcoct el ormutccl.'trocieg oclcCedholico anddthe Pro- îcr dcc. ~ h wlîbla the laifeor monc.ib, e lahdcDo entacantc coctcliors Proteslant;ela c Tceciog thd o poc oblelcTee a ba miiumceGoerueceel. dcn conlesbinlitefocciog tdeGoerecccsi and he cotinee la la oclsovel? ccpiorlad te eibboc diection s ece iodoicg tdoformertde oppsiion pari. Sa mcbbl oi fboeoec egpu p aciaesecary Sesci uteded. ey ie m benwased dbtinc quetou.ccd egaio lacilg pe focr peebae, il !.a ii c elltadi dob inc. ccaiei orea fdo cope lavae desbc * oitebie cpel or âeneo f Ilcq becs, grcctll ergleoiod. I11414 ccl tedTocesdfli, c cthi bearsdferced. foc cecîher ear ese.la cd moteaics eostwo e coc ouf Smues Mel.ec. pa thebaOppositionc leleed aucecdoesa- *ly inacccl;erof couatiecc"ilbcch ienof GlalRlae' Iishpolicp. IGro --ciie. Bdc e betheibcecelabinîcl hticccbdacmoioncoulai sel Bc e ceon a g l, tciter Be Huls.elaetrely aeruralcommcceity, icabone elecoicd ccd csoid=-d. e aSlaoeveilce ibp e oresoineGleslph and S. fItcocil Dot do ccy gocd if il did carry. tde rotrlacunhois f ecepaeties freine *TloeeS c eidd.o1 ecae Sd Olclceceoec fd Hoecinolg vlliage, and chic egccgfin Mydeclecclar- ortcee ni incha c e cc byte e cel. f obechc cex u cfpceo cc eibo bbee ecclsà. ol u d fo tl h i e d e S a di. T h e c e; eni a i l a l l Ie r . s o d o c e ncd î e y d f c r ot ( c ai c c a c c e a mb-elp ' e e c l c ad o u " c c d c c eet ecelhe ldenplclacai tebc n cad ihccha chc i '0dy ePcl. r. a ki c rs he foreacicrb." op en n iecd 6 Iay ccckowld ho if il obserationccccclaccbcdoeievllccoscfoclaclch beeccdfLin ai T lcgiyoecldédloolble Tasucesiece cf in * cema alhfciicaIloic tcdrcOclmadedcOce e te reb4 depe1 opelm fier d * . y beve lui dblu a i erela holredy emb bil nllror.9 oeot cf i f f inehce loecll net hem ofica.- 1h * benandgifccertced bpeoplce ocd h ousraiaccfnrcfnecadcddccaccordTecada eciecioWccl.b Ctoîmolaut;gîy atelaete cciolciecccicciedontcicpaie..coThe ahld dcc oi 4ccdlbiuat faliaep ctfopehhlyiccch fercy wiiecoudi lota BdOce Tedolasock ofCelareer Qubcc. la haeill q eib aleec bY O adi ororpo w. I of adichocc thebasc e hcd' L ogLci al Clccfccipwoped ce dillea ci..acd hp lciosan c llli cclla lof o.oeonu oldd=maiagd Sand otien ýr ibe i talcccl e >chî ecdcillb eevd l abicg hslspfcirit ho.,-W ccald on fee ilotc e ci istat b c&camonche e owe ie.eeIbAd Aciaihocccl5icglascubcou fac o prc biiocme nt o roh Clunyoc d BLOWcsc outcaic egoc VuecOec c cclca ccNpcroefcc * rle eldbo bc a dt a lIrA.t--.--b.t cocc.s c.e cccodcte t64 for eC lvelag naplte rp4f la.ppe bccbchydaloidy îcOocr-eobcch, ccilebcw frh ccdbco pcc. a M-rtcmntdensmcccsCanadadd -dole tcc rdteldd B illobnrrvcMo elccleModc hoc cced1op omIog ohalan ce S cott lda.MActi cliccAcnoocrbb ce-o let goc ic iel la pcy ceadeg cf lIne ca snyrtese - ilclii cbclao' Eai SC. bcAMc laoad fr sicidie cfde Sobgh cadempérnce plcdfoclsdeciu or CcerJcc8.-Theficsl cambdcsAdionI de oenor eaed poibtionmc. Io SalUI Ae a ORiVIOLINO IchcEdc mn' ilg ea apn as e l ChccilcalaPrcioluc f bd cccl yalrdc, hloc O.G.0ic foyrced Ac iiiig lfcdlacyrPccfclper n ibe udhae f C a nd he. odSicot b îiAct wiSd Al d.D.G.7C o cn'sI cf dcAccrk, c eeb oocecudcceescb Sace i s ic 'b laédiccer bo l lolc o fr sy dcceci fd culrvr eMs mIeîvbcc c oîooi c Peiec. TsAJue o8.-Thc bcct Beiincc ivû by e a ule aid Ic i coc,-adet c 110g3llc 1 Ed ULedîic s ierccr bcc eoleib o Snecîl th e ccic. *re Moyeldaycc escc r.o l adst IonroocdOc chors y .pc oordepolVice maisecce, * Co PetecrroCounbo telgeeps lah rieîucitheccog ef lîc ccc hs bcn o. ohccoesfcce ulian, IofcBosworthdhave gaieg cgoalo aelhi cctcd. h ccàd cbc ter Hmege Rled cgic.Whbcoc incde eld 24h5 Mp0T.c ies cccb bcb forlioule ainofteScot ib ie calceceecccc f eorsd31fr cAiccoclfonc5laT iip.c c asolee A.Lo îcpcyclcedcc the - esieg. TbîcP841 cis coaMr. dec ctardbhedctcichmcdond dcuijcihoccti dul, foiopraticndbndth C * Chd cbllccgo d t oola . OCc tes e ci lbcî Ilîcre D.cc.si coicicebWloic cn. N.W.OTo , bs ccnsezd bhalt eeibc fccbee Iib c ecd 014 . I er oy,îcccc . c evos eofCdr, IcIideve e,Officcbe feShmciblcoif .cyThe eccroccol cccpn thelro d 011 cf Vm'aipbor ics lcat ioIché ct Te Brr d ieH. ello osJ .p12 e lsas d o i lic ec clc naiieforccaebosb'lc ceyîctheTo c eh Icclî o e weodel De. SI Churichilws h ed icttdeoiîbobet Alm fcoiredfeiala a l ollic radforic.do, au ivrona n.cEite .the lared.ccîîcehlceae, aMc. cai croLzy Icîe -Te iblhciafcl bo ccicbhiacllIisindchecosteme * J y * dbc c h o l a s c c c r i y I c c. l . a o u ( t e c o lm e î o ffv e s o o c c a i c c infh o r ma n c f, c* b o o s I b Ç o r a l * e a i c e l so l e l cS e f i Wbchsccdofcth mc eleof t.he. liqoîcome ieueccdlarcpodmYch ied Wcf lSabnti ccl dc ate ia no - tae elace crocwo, rclclc aed Oochliogbtete ccd puch - cocharfrm - Sig epetelar. prcain il c rd a aie andcéli i ced. Ococr hô el on hébces My.cTd ra ls o et fasofeceocons G nsCanceada. Si thcecfi l lcr mo dusciudIc . -h * fiai Mcrm5 a 10 ..,ad ot ass ,jS. Leuco Bceiy hmccibsdcpaonoi _ geplcc ilice QTho, lcaelibcc. oe Tho Jccc Gotecm gsral P s ci cc d red hoboffici M mc cc.c a c o ar .w and hocco. -he ot.Cr.e'Cnnr clp ha coraieccbDotellbeb Wood coîCcritaiciloecycT.,e=lrbaseg cael frc cecc f o ce "Grand Cis i lo ccce. r Fotofdcen Son, Hici ic.c uti2,0 W bndcc. eon i bbc ih rhchere grenl c.caietéccc iHcao de lc p ccoi, ad IUo e nTIcc r il ca rn rag oe W m a kbccgib an l sc om Gsr s t m r dcr c theb teldicccoodie hi h o gs flr iaom ccd ao sA S. S, an b edteMr Gadtoewh tinformantgcdonhoi a ed th T5hom ciGulpad ane î r ac sN r, DIII corpeocbar"eoo - Tch eerell. hl i fcrte ct. il ed andp. fcîllbc rmta liés caedfccccchc s eîporor.c han10 er h caIcc ofra7largec plcccl ,îieinIb dyi!i beste lainwhiehýjLrogivü withShoo plof- ohic effertsce stclioIilobéapcamifOc r aa rmi, h ct ce --Traite"adc1la s Iî c arciice icbr. s74; Al. Leahero éi nfMc osmancmc e c iéo, hoc a F-da , Idi hmbrlacin ced llalleee hc104chcibcal e co oig tebtelo. hcfo rîcclcl.ie recm ontdiccccrdbcela icoc lîo Hea cPlr Ilo csed r l. - dcc, S:c cl efle aeoli ccib ofbc eott e t dya bd siclhatc StoneGarum, w aieil and oli l Cacoa acb SiicyCccee orkscelAc, ecaolaiepr cgcs uoefeiclbîourecbtlThdoîccC ,lciecl o Scîcfessi ildons&Bl îlotyCýrciî icTcecDmiio G150 ccdchncpic.Th he ceced eo ltcédivisioncl io Pc. ecfb ccoc ala ocodciecoM. ýe s li ho àppcoldd. osi grphi tieel. ee thentn tw s ciTah eonel cceriISeesne ndefor sfiintliwarn héNrh Theclagescral opielcm-o 1ilcel Mc. l onne i o. esce CaH iablccî Thd t bt. 1sClcicaCiooc ibsMin heieole . Eodiir Jdg ili. le H ocEdadcBlaeed o .Ae S.ccg IlTh e oitdhhgaient cîcdHcmesRl c adny el e an"i'.""" NHarycpigco, dei e c CbcegofcNr. ce Billspp e l -eotc ed lthc e Ho c AS icare ub in.qsbu flkfandce cf bc Uclldsict'ronCccec1 SevrlOcs ilcoerupol cf ih o dsci plican foci' lalizor cd iaeppfor o cba Frdy W h nt il l entcie. thîéM.oLpoionrlobol'hMrceA. TLccoclcccec ndMr elee nrs e, Sün eone cccc The20cf alolc g' ic cdclh cc ic- c. . riioe ce ofel nacccwercece fc * S thépb HC ecaila lte hliviciod Iel Mc- caSme cpo l ddi ice s tas e a liaccc d i dcbb i icbpTeocc bcdth Mx. Gladstoneewl bcgodste bc eln e uCna. Pclit aah l b o mpargccy fr bc p*cal oe ad o e iecprigc d-c lm a Cad acontLdissoluifocn or . c e c a sd socobacleilgcil y cc e cut ce. P e peroi e d.c ay ccsg.d diae li slIfrecQcbcdc2d a00.p o sentMcdverdicctho Hie piobbg for lb Glaîdstoe ucc.dfisCo P iipr onci li ottlafecal et f ac a 0 rec W d nsrc fei o e . n asngtc tacexpc tte bflce-b ocliegor ll Nerod, dc propcielercfhbbcgEpoforle- scci. hiaemondab, acncf.he iDose poa.frdcbarco dced-MinfrciofeUtd Stae, Cosderecy wilfedns ebe intcégco nd, c wlcbeeof liescelebss f dsicdre.ec ceosaIacoin cgoong ac ecolace Hi Accin clice. hs fc.iLboig chrletbsn. Thé. Wlcat e bclge ey',sT ecwaFte oc dcm theitybb $24ue009ceocteIbe cl oSte diision, -cce co dc"caebund M happyh cul Quéecbscb ce eaou VAG ofewhicciorlwohlo ccdd pLoccman.base o e cect ý ie Pe ase r l an dl Mioîl.4hurhill. It Sineti. Ae. 0711. ce 5oimpvrtact aiditinslie lesia.-faraete c b 1 cee5,0Qchd nliai.;badeonl he oW . j, madîi ecoiisg blees ho metca eutprs ".' cd Bei.; eegi J. . Aclebccg, , Pcla reoiec la, w blebéeecfdcd. sdc r e oorîu.ale la cocc cdHaï aala Cc. ldi.;PlerO. . ccal pol7ilc DiowgrcetfoncbeeA. caai., 1DPscifie B.C., lain wegbb asi Bll; cp Bichii,78 cd; dai ic er n -t aismodesnitbogof c hec l te! u b d e etsroy. wa Liceb.and une701h cal ingenuicC2can oserpPçmteekeaddyndah morcinc, the ThC anIIdiBel.;ctnet frambl e rcdetciiapIels) h do Sercl.cai . V Sc hell; lnt, l de cepehilarpartcofcthe crain glite ce gjeté t[ e ined.r c Ildo511e Bal.TywitTheca ee"eer" dyJuci sc ei e e-e pot fe -eloiCnce i me5ei. ihCccry gccip oe epel . irn Wilim1111ile-an eerlths __________________PrévoTteofctheees ce,,,d"era haro cI * OCOOLBOA». l dor be5 ttceslce F . ....... Thebe raec somiccghcard dataec Y, 51 baulid ecTe» dnches ado olc. i ti l in caise e ontIlcaccec te inf liavU ,o. bc stretJgl tienCDce. The ea ePcesflh r me cfeec 'Bnl on mad uIieehteOlI, r o heEe anfo ipeRais.lthwenD annumeq.veting e d .sDominon Ri e Mr T os.Wiso in .ic a ., 'lWi hve e-emin tcrd e ats e 'i.icn. Te fol..in ce e flacl i DO.b 4eeaao.' .'s-tecei uffit- c~j~ - ct. W.dhfinee. fld-slooniLSuiL fromugi, â to d pý th tam- orDlrc. s vey inl f eig iabl t dnth; of Rig,4thBll.;Saf-r rt.J B omlteh ct gv btn . T .CameuPnfi -d Ici B c fffSuIb .-j~. ...tfR~YTi oim O il E aydcoe ldicii.ecIllecclbOce.I bel cdcîeor .loth"cccMYc eey *boecdboic H= cclc' laiccgcceo~ eolibece Ch dhel -sdciucecc5y lcccu id eccel FuT eEÂiTK2~i c cbepccccbicc ic ccc00ccchcecl choo .ffL l cclacec. B et h e e cc , py iT D ESIE0. I cee ccoc EtHc. bye G nd HA flicceiecbc*. cedcececcb c c fec.cbge .. e ce cceig Iccccla (icccccc Ir in SAuTifu EP Af-THaeiIY. mL1! lsc...bleb Ec cdAdcMEduic mu cl dcc ccic' aic Fece li..T cI4 cecccolyi th.ee ci" c PRTIPT& WTEINS, 7ý.1. à nd18 J-e-tSRET An A & 1VItci satin SPECIAL UINDUCEM] 'Dolans Hadsom 81k & Lae Mantes, hold LADES HOUTIALO EEMERA.Il dc CO SEC=ALsylEs0FDRESm .pfo alte ec nd xaineA.M. Co'o ime ssoc. eaay eaie bagW. W l e Slo ail Tie n s mksawaso hn tth ey oetprcs L. wl tdlM auacPers' rice. i ,p MiAS C. WATKINS. bi lfce cbccg ifiedinecei celesce sceec a dccper cectonc f nprove4 fcecec.. . .1 Tbe <lenlary cccbfl aclic aswithi lice ld bceeeeb lhied $14,000lepycebebP .Ic Iapanee, a Scott Alc. tib-te delkey l e oeli watered Ibatitilcret =0ge cyducg (lie dracIL Liqece' .oebd qee cily. . lTce cilige cf Asbubabcu e ecideaae estcthe igbt ofthe Policec LoPelcboro'. le. cawone le tt.1, nScttAct caisse ge a te inforerc. A te pe cebai evcdled ilcecifoed' caweee'-lewby ccclicgaceei hop in thcI and by puhleg ccO=e e elaico tie e et Mlbccade le y botc ceci endliecc The ccleeeccey of the ecacpeeof Mmc csccclock end Mmc Deley feece M!g i Joué 4t1c ct the cecldcecW cf Mr. lecey Jcbcccc, cf Tinteca. , . The Winnipeg Frt Preu: cshow' e duty oc eacly cleewheecies ecebe ie cia Province. A freit dealcerceci foc h oceo, lice lest cool lcolcg 82.40. he fccliht ccc $4.15 acd thedoiy I50 Tlcco the coelicgeceo er me fcue liceco thc oeiginal ceci. Thé onq cocf Mr. Mcrmel, Peiecbacc mas vclecclyeloeced erly onTcce- yccociegbyeccob. TbcScollAct thgb Ie iceilale cvu intendlci for cen. Thee clccce o f acrevoler me ecpiedeteicoicdowe. .1 Eigbieen pecc o a'elad Whlo hca >ecciopied bye lady clcceosdioco iSt.Thommcaracc escy feocehocce, ci cclbicg ccc heccd feceecbceeouil eiccrdcy bai. whec biecwlccd loic th hne aMclbcdicl ceicicicer clecdceg e acocel Coofececce cil ibalbody bciog beld in the ciy. SAn icepcrtant judgcneeci ecdc lice Scti Adccc foreby the pclcce eagicle etciGuelph yeccecdey, dccid- g lIcol thc beelce of boereretickets. atbheTcoontoOdfllOc'eexconto cele ity. cenlIce 241h cf May, wceea oiatioccf lIce Sctt Act, cd*feicg ch deiedect i iy dollcco ccd ceaie. Tbe Ontario Tory ee é e tho ctel., gecra fese days. cgc cnd rececîvdîthe teysvcldcrtelbcccclcaveth lcclcicc cicicil. Theydcidak lai igjcol cfoce te le ctoeof 1882. Bel c hîccb le ic te confidence cf Sic .ic M.ccco cc syc ibteliceelecticca wi coc oncearcly ije cfal1, ccd ccosday. 711 e Spicchcc, bshecoe ecerd asee possiblc date. Mre. Bernerd Lavcciy, a fuereof DrccccecTcownship,hbceim ace d iZO ccil cie hy. thc blcclfocd Police Mcgis. crt orleecfccicg la gise aeportionof he cad t e . Alexander Steswar,a Sbcoliecd bicyieit., The feccear dccvo bis beacc egeiculMe. Stccacl' e el, chiclc oec dccccgcd, ccd.felima wlich heeirie atrccosrcOsivbcocbOiiolence beatli co ecefoc e licce.ccccceiocc.. Tb Mc bceCIagidey icceoce. bhicgdcei o fdlcoeil1e eouceofl ccseoroocce.Meillce eblelof. re.pceccnocdecoiecd. f i itihec cn iiicccltiveperformcceo ccic cccsigo,ad isin otbee lecla li111e ebri cf carilegioce. Tcccg Dc. L.aval, ebo cc epplycco ci Ottawa for relecuafreccceuppcsed mcccbond t.hcl cilice dccbi gel bis divccce,hbutlie co oi ccp cny yccpedy. Loceeo., Jccc 4. - Tbhe Middlesex e Mucone ie dioeeeoineg lc tAlct. thc motionbcfoci hc oecdg tbe cp. peicîcceci ef e Polc laa lat ecfoccothe lac. W.. W. Fitzgcerald, Recrue cf Loaoc WVei, led tbe oppo. sition, dcii L. Clcvcodoc, licco f Slcclicccy, checpiccc ele pecace 114e cfidtceccols. Tbh emotion wu ficlly dcfcoled byea vele cf 18 tu22. Gcocrgcedey plaed dtche mua Daniel Osborne, cf lBrantfocd, ellice Ucice claliec, Teccela, ce Scioedey, acceoedccg in gollici'101111 hie o Soihl useel cbeque cchcd.Danicelsockbla biseman foc secoceel boccc, cdcwhce Bradctleaccgctd tla'boit ceiecd hic an edbhice ill epoliceman arived& B ecley woece cccedd cce oiig lace cco, ili dcc police mcee lqcicice eboutcinc. He bcd e ceefederae. Tbe Sbelbccoc Erre Prccc ccye cf tce cas f Clark va.,Fisher. The 11e. George Clark, dcc pclail la 1n h10 case, cesides inSbeibscce, butislapcelac cf the Mcicdodici Cbucet aHiocoyood. Mr. Clarkcccfuedl t ay eydc.laxec choecllcd ce hy the cellcer, Mr. Fiiibec; bis gouda cee dislecined'foc taes, beccedcicsccai. Me. Clark elcicced exemeption fecc taxationetcl ý ccceof beicg-a miiseae doidse. 1echageelofcpcbeecinl cchecuicipal. itlie be a hee cccc lie t la y laxe the ccc e ca y odcerciliee. Th. chthbr iccy .cccided. witbin dceic charge o oet-,l;judiccceci;forcplaiciiff. If yce accc ceel idchccc c cdpcceebel. cf.Wcl. wceld à 'Vo- -rcorFcily liclcccl.iti.ece.Lo ced4 peciTci. cde. iii icîlible fcc Bu-*.Cle cccc.Oc.-Scolde acld bec M ceslip elion. Sold by J- H-ifeC.oceMilces OWNFALL Sof al i icWceof cc ~fr McL >DANDERE le cool, g til o ceeo o1r thc Sprcog 'coici cyt citincos(dlcaod ico eprosajilie tbcoccels c~>c..oece.c (i. eececcecco lfiher dissolutioce cf p e pccùlrc.i.,Io beýsiocco coîeircly fecs r'rod'e . N Pl. vcsa lcd hcciuce c ý o f tî lcb eld le ay c lee..cc2c.ccc .. ,,ecccc ce ooccs. Tico e4eanccd rociy -1112cho. p à p Ic peicipeof dicg bucinesse. We ces a hemp er; vocciibccy chcccpcc. . 11 ci clgeode i e olèocl ip ricciý '7=8elagéc hcdcsc accrue le casc(ch bcvrc' Tep cir evoleco cc ce r tedo; cmpacre pricéo, ced ce ca e tiefii goido pcrcîccecd frecmeus.. Ladic, ce cre Ilis seeo olcc0wieg Itcoe eric ed cena cci esliiee li ilincrp, Meelica', do., Gocdc, Diese Triecciogs, licclres, Friicsc ie..l'e.,cIl atccc. Does cIigic cl bbheocéeat t oilaes esce oie afirel-clcco Drcss Milcr. Ledie. hccy peur DresG'OOsdO cbasé 70cr ehdcr if ypeu spal e fceioahle I drons binsec, cl ccc, ceciccd noebhy.*Our Ordercd Cioticg Dcpcrtmeoct. ce coccspeb ih pridoeboot ii., Wý havi cf Tceds. Troceriege, &-., in tce province, ccd out cutter 10 A No. 1. 'Tyop corieoby fic ccnd cccp priceu. Go ,Argé ceccrbceot. .Bredv.cedeCOlhiog scrp cecp, Iig clctelactci roo. *Crpcio, in Brocecilc, Tapestrý', cI Coîbo. cl cidtibe acd prices. iilte hc cold ceaer tbbce c cbpcsl. Occr StcpIe DopateriI oo. CalIces, 3c. Tcle.Tcblieg. S25c., Cotlccedeo, Doche ccd Denicco, froce iSie. cp. Men, coccen ac olidcpuc goisod urosc. Trp ccd secé, MoWaeincearocsl. Ve ili cdll cbccp for ceuli onely. >No cmorebcd ale. Oci Dccit dciup, hut cocce ac esccorccep geedu cian a oclii crdly hep. - «*>5ammotlic P. S-We rciorc ber sinccrcehke la oseocf or cnslfucera cIao bave clpcye hccsaor fricedu. ccci irucide JOH-NSQN & ZEALAND.. Sheif and«Heavy Hardware, PAINTS, fILS, GL AS,etc, PAINTS READY FOR TRE BIJSI-Ic" -Artist's Material, BuIdes uppflies. Hoes, ;Rakes-,' Sp ades, Forks,' *PÔsthoIe, Auger, âand a i xds of Gadùand HaIrveict;ToolÊ BARBED -AND iBUCKT.RO1RN FENÇING4. Cordageof cil kmde,-Rope for Hy orhs. j Ladies' Low Show & ~~i2LôW PBOOED LowOW SOis'il enlike- moot balrgcino are eot0o4 bright. .c * urlI I r nchlia -* cCOOL A"D COMPO iB - ehairýe, 4q007 m .store «ail on, ;kin. the .city;'Ita i *Asth boyS trfect thg0 .1inhe WE HAVE PEPARTUEXT. OPARTIIENT. ccev e leci.t e ZILTO~. S! i. Brocaded. raps;, etc. .tînde oxtrtorinaru :e beiîîg i.leared out, & Cc o6 the eefeseccecicm cn emcble b rcre cui iid pcrterclip ail -h cce tiii owîig acceebo. D'e. ohergod. -OVe rilill iceeco, chichi clcest c for dhe dillco-l ccd. the oely.hclcî d fa I e eed gobtiecg ncli the c vo Sic. per cet, 11131 cda latei cstlvii. DcEc ender fileo cofleSîSt en, L e e i aie - ccocet extecsivellil hio ic.grandsl eiuàc i ep, d IcieCole 0I nc yhe ite oc4 le' ceetccc FO *31ER WEq 3hY,.blt freshî aa ccd socl i ch glliG - pbas cu sippceo UINELLA CAlTER 5o. AND $1. fFine Plo n .ntedl to e h r e-or g l e~tO LUTON. ~LiI. lacs cf -eIna- tcares'-. Ébc. ~rsin. a .ielbioc cccbbc volic ec he '- 5 S M maO-l.bcîe P .y iein hig ingrelcoaloeýbe S ï5acA5eJl.e or1-rf Zier - 1. naid fai il la. t o ccfi Illces li. fcccecî esaqt erce L ,ctadeco Liccr l'Y thl or tielbc esbeule fbed.c elnacloc a lcepPîie ri ta ou Rae Icl. c 0b.tUIl cSelal Cacîs a,, ibt vieeg ccrc coll ina 0litcc ic grec1 c D.l Ur leerIo i polc onlc ad-rc.îc Rulebi billie Cabic0 Uneit.b Sae cd ocI b 0 a ordcO ce0cPe pa fyn i. . eh -c01cth, cec i v cccd.clii , eda lva - tecaI th ]rces f C aigritceo1, ... eld lt eccocecc lli H et Uc * icaccclaa keclthcccrcc 29tc ioc cccna,,cl. ctcc smoi.the seu Mccc cii 6* for e lcd.,i Z. eceeeocullbc * ucMk OkOic I litee, papub icie fk. - odi-k Il bIcs lacbil, ce Teei ici siglcccdcccc * A Sfcicacdclric bu ccc23ofblleop. :Ryceccla OcAEgcc. cJioci oul paicu ccc the oif llonTu 'TÉan acient inda Uùi,-,Eoqesdgcciyhepp i4iSeoso.-Mi * aii lîccetàIcco ho 'dccacy cetiobe * Ms.' Orcegon.M Sýrcccorer eo Kin >:'C, cTucs elod 'codiCerrelof ic '1U , &tic fiob SStIbcd hy lo thel day, ssceicg ICD( c A ecohorteaefcoc ho willactaldti oi V Mo. AD SeOCK, c a:Rter.tioe. Socchec 'acte bebeebac oflr cf Ocorg eelce ccd1o 'w lbbecrocolu s, astYBce Tas i. 'ccc.-icOBp v lýa::nineegisce lor Loo. L I ?iltaie one rilcu doeir* ic 'coill pic ecdoolbse. dZ CoD.. 18, 20AND 22. MING I 1886. 1886.

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