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Canadian Statesman, 27 May 1886, p. 4

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situe! Il Uvf.'i5. n.osdf; ... ,L.LOO' s i'i5i5 - ,- . - ,.,ci aï U, 2».Fstival ao7jo.fY, neh,4 sels, L S0.0 .00ino.h', LOOSMMr.Z ,hU-.i4f Sata 5 flcocl .1.00 15 e .70 ttS - À rae. scalosti. ie bu e.' in - 3.0 Mo i ms. Aj0(sl Ashsin tu seo ~s W5deàt, Mi. Sanmol Nbsdtehoi PcidéÏ Menacs O ms t B. iflciisl5, J. Sic IN àA SUOM -Im5i y; mO<4S. cd phiiipJosbiVicS président Mr. Junes 3510,51, Tanm;sudo0 0M Hoi t,=9Wsoy WÂY55ss 5,s,,ftLy jobli e uin., 600,555,7 &.'oiy. ,.I Aieulu sOi il,.Ooiso ,bib.ii md,-reyoIth- outtons 3cilc,.c,.1 hith T-t Nfe-0. bh"gcsiei n inoo DsI ment ofJ qitefs instructions-1 h i.tbalcon . 41ces h. t ti of,1 bu5i Senhi, faune.ss, i h ,sit.s yc.Te ihyhe ort.toOeSile ! s, i,,iS n(otion) in " . oii.i oto, , iOh, ai.go h. et i.t, ofte Seule ,siiifo ~ioid e L,,d , "5 .Ata mnt, 'ysii oh . Imthiod hu. ' tod e ti adC.oude e wilh eisard.otin i ath. oit«ke tej ir ohcl he. te00 hem oins5cf ad.hi ie .h p. Il.' . h tsoit 5y o cii , o o f ,, ict.. tit. supp ioo h,,'i., s ,, o i. s d adotu co.in5i --h. e,the &cet c,,ii li foreh' riid i-5bh.i. nCln udi ad laoppsc.d ingi piil l o ,,,,8oh, Ct 8 , ifSis oefthooni dou'.,eliCber byOd. m. - . elleoi eL Lbui, rcids f C ,.hfiho. 1. olalb. i,th.nih Op.iloImmu.ic andy&Parisc. E.w h-No.,arcldo .bcet lya.tr frid et lifcO,,'g the hiatciphso 'hons.chorus fim.b,,imtd ,lb. sp ieh,î, pr«otLbaveiiou, sinBiattacte dio. ihuz.0o,.iil d horts,., me blâme 'men ,liosc.miinby eiîsbici,.Pdogme. f i0 Oh. hdo,.1ste Tii. . * aioc ,. i11ih Aes.' orsgsite ii ' tia tdi,g dour se clcinedo ele .o5 dof the maSl. e iSsi,5 .LK p.isig 10 ii. b,,omi,.'lacergllait -dhes he si, fsoh l, tei fii, no lue iibp t h i i, b ih.ig, hisg i , ýùù. 0 Berh, n,01 h'Os na, ,0 9 e m n - is ties the t,,S . pariel ,, . ' ,s ho Cu l ssi y-i.t', i s.o E .- il oppoo..1.' tlyhhig. 5000.tird,,,mlb, l, bi Fhr,.p55dpciodiM. hirri came lu olld in elle, fp c i, sibre, shais iio, ,ss .lo aite J o .td. s l th tendros.the, sane cale aMis,Cis ghnis tnteNew 015 Bs, *ssiiotesll anubcssis.îîcameinai>,Met oratoi. Tsiiii11. O,-,oor.oL Mc, diiiotaoueisien. ,1s hosl S this doter Nn, Yok, elleorite suieu r Ni3 oIy. S fsh ie .io. lii-y.hep1li i J,îhi. bliitoneofes t hseii.t. Ohy...se po licisbiing. .i, o mas, CgJiioer.(sud . C.o M . e 1sIlbit incr«c harg balli;twe ty. loth .tes u .' 5 Vi. Iio oi f iinet. 'I seosh.' .a i. red sbe , od1 . oi. teuce Jssiihlb ..i quit l.,lth o . .,îsd eurewu oeled l,, ilti, i,,.,istmnis talent, appe.uc isis. s.i .,I p.'d si,. Iele ithair rspti eparhctetis.havesb ,hll e s o si ombriofyuansiii . dller uica.Cs,5 .pi K r Oto Bn sonne to its btth e ma .d theohaliho. PsBattu. M ii . Pîs di eic isy tis ihefait h 0!,.isppchaïeI Newor, orgnise;y"and.iiiii.b, gSlit,Isubi,?-'l sppse>J4. luat e elle. A d i oli,o isi,.T *Lîir i-ri - 1 dii - .sd . ,Theconi ,hcr i lSl epîiigos'Tintai "iO.hl, ytei. wusamcaitîos.bé 5 s.po.w oaime ohe becbs.o. iGetSz t. ltedî iissso. Ii L .lis o Tho py "ci et l i ,hiîDeati o d * it t 51 1 . e t in'p0and uilow ai.<4, C , colli iti v 1. osudlihol r,. andin . Iinuteshog,,,i. gaesbr.: A ,.olsessWd lie)0ov esiJ .'fisiy ,psoi ib, yiss lsd,. 1îo 1i teu a s)obi sonie , 86.45; myteios in nd pssd n.1fo. 6t l, o, iob i m%.gdcI.iJh lohe. psur,î0 oi. Wd 5he't odaretid.it Ë L" Thura .îîdzyeain,olie171 hlolssoienin cearchio the aii050 sf500 Oestoival o i isfîll,0 Whou isse portio -e, - iidiiid %&,Iiid, ou.Coert.dolsl e sdey ." O, i i,11 , 555? yet i e. butlok n go is lvigab.ditactS.ine ba ., *5-di:isu . . ysiii 1)1,050 sillon.pLli.atinsinioto ThNs1 I ics.l pii OhIossuppoet -ià h cewr od n iP esNwo; hoi. ,oshd ou. t .aso,,rde, or tiktoitehH.dS ,iesoe qiosSîlyf " Ab*tro ie, 4 ei( l 1,f.I..o. Hi.tc(iîi Inh..hs rbteictcs îd ofiilograse,, il i.e boulewuca i ? ouhtin. lit Ib is upesc bicboltise '% ahu it. dik-iaf . lig o us0. liiia 5iii3ies have. .0.dpcel it osy. 8,1 stlaoieli, hcicoor, rocgbs h otiforantotic eto(muno Ib. teckS a , i ni,. y teckhod"a.-oryAOditdeen rilon uiir) i te-(four'ch i nioysoth hti e Iss oucxs, i8s.c0:sb ni1tAickdt (m Tiie caretaiyi b.opued ,l e tliliz -sta log. . 0005 f Itou)cod cebs, 0 . si . ýAtrsulIJoisbSiles wuBelle tourc. cm.cs ueo oi to sieoio, bole con -c;1amtus .* h e o einglSl7 eh c oer t, 82.00; i ngle ie t o..Ioo ut,i nu pte t Eo ii.t iof h, Fid teoe, bos00.î dcli theprir reao. le: cs tshonr.sci,,h. bion -ebitheuldco. biobeicatlic t My'texteosxdrieno winc lioi eoti ilage 4e 3 aro wiii otsi onhe otîselurao Asunonm e ion lacoleilho ecliees csleiCecn aoditbciiase ciite,.ens :lo..iî5bohic o- Yn wresoobreh aleo it».jod fssis, cs .i Y-o, cbut 1 iS snce syu ,lob Dy 564tclîutb, 11 S leShdingsoh '-:1 wu oo seor.cD ih s mieî sonps. ta iet hsicsc..1 84h ,the', hlh. du1. îilj eie. seji. y. o.ciuicccicy lsec, iscs sfoi,pc -No d i t ,gc.so uil iaie i f o elt uepiedin bicstr e oioooiannonce -Nswor it,1osl II n, i pcin., Q,,bieh , huiliilbfroItohloclio il .à ,sl lh,,,fys. bl' b bf Hnelosl, n oiintoiaitesln e 7. en a cm 1h. ,àd 10 olS lVhc, tues,, h!o. Sefnlis. Nohoi, ettirs ppe,~oî gotii hsi eoh.it. set, hiuso pstry ate ihAishc,1860Ys .h sg o h ii he , b tta uicie d gIi leM . H u tntod s And07, i er7 bte r. 4, s c. dio, hn cvi i.,so ..iocsi ~Vcscc ieil ellee boycitcie tedlycif oobossog ifa.oilt oi'1fu. ohsin l. ,,os.d nr iiostfor A. iilcrTh.dfu ts r, iesh.0 hut t e .yooieIdlaeh. h o ie.t. lconoSiie, urda IoThc li.s y c1c h rin. KIcteso fodhcPshsCeial.ctte'i~ 41 haepssolent si aa elle Slieport, o pin m d-teieei. 1 s b on oflle ]se i buoI hikmieintot e rlsou14havib se 1h01itsint.ofWil,Qum, sand Hv g.madm i vehtte1s lîbsica.miol, igio buiet Comptsent. , in ,, 1b82oci7s oi s cit h ctt . ooib aipsf . watt hs bSeh luid i tsîrlotiretosild 10 .thoisoîdstpsio10 lhc5 4 slf ligosoedapss.othoolabcocilsooDa oi,'h, d oc slhcc, ille. s îheoeo e f o uried. i at sh,î Ins1p71hhcly so.,,. dn60o1 III lb.I juesd hple oSbotie t. os ter ibu Weselilh onu spy wo moolie ai lus ubellhin creO' su, alty ,chistoth . i - ochro h xel .1liodt& 'ps.eplé. plo ifarin. oie o s, aopeilsol ol lhoillsccfa L unt ýoiii ,eoisosote. mcf hSe hl utrno C anadca1o. thoIàho183taq1 Mar P sla 1hio .l ir o nd atb ted charte ssooi peisstey Stb.ies, 'Ic, iei OhLrvm.cscteoie.tsShe. Iliscishî cbet ., 1,10Jonad . 174b,te other igbc,4S ildoo.olhSoita rad juy oteOin llOsS oollurnd! ssoi, tt oul dos0o.5&lhosdad vouthite de tft siteoedy otooih85 weniuoy ouche pIyomw-rebl.ol.à Y.TZeo aistratig.onsdins1878.losùi., Ill0e od teHall0.iloh, o veh., lebeeno l l. 3 k. te int Englait gotadiHa<l l it1 ohe e liestrle heH o esd tegreo. Why. îdi, in 1860e, ad i a tien0o. Ml55,,,,c10eS.oce ne e y0 h,,in 867, 1873 d.oobil,repred la tehi 8pma . ilep.'pl -' is. Bheol By nttued otil18 acle ~ i0hl onettot y cad a1 w. o ne t hadlu'.o, nt ' Po00ho lol j lbr shàa o,,oèie ltp ,ab l. H oc er l n g eo toih4sS ulse& s' c , o , ,ioslsvof lb uicit e ndai.c 1sdsi etis, l sii.o poute6smadoo i50,o d h s o .i sds e. i. m gso"ilh.nvofîonte .t, ah idtsonb. suvive blc.w Thsg. e me aetogt l t nt." et o h ar of t. dstrc wl a ati t t oe L E_____leort________go0action:.ibleboals 0 c t 550 6<1d . o . ce Exzone. atem muainso tWi leit hmbandbor taedatind.lprso A d tepw iî etel nttheaillgeo.f C i,fb , a m rien. oSf.lt Io l .o eli ,- llth . .iq.'tes.n bal t~heoh buo.l à bs.oliesp5 ,,Ici trllly tir. he elso!eg10. o ltSskeol otaodkiîsl6su vme.' ri, f B y tes44o.hlslm.t.f sI,. ho o il,. ls ishoooo7,olho, il e sbolsoléod. .85b.eh hii.o0l0tu tendraet e.pey 51 bt sossVtehospl sb,'o.rite ohs Si * Ifèjmm hboi,5 lslîIfwîtîm.'Oh Juw dis,.' edb,.tbs. fs idlrm pt dh.o.i.i 5b b, oppioI'10.o 60. ir. koeitagtyscosilateIA.'s S~~~ ~~ le< .violent dss Ossehs-.d-.., aino o Blimore cloemBoposorou l.,.' 5h, Âo Uneooos egg -tais dpti o.o.,ses tN4pcfo filsb subite Mondte. j~,oohstesy. iSB, h b. â Il0 air, cou, s~ n.o.ioo s-.,os't.'s hi.IsUçl ss. ,t rbiet mh it;ieot il ..,oioyI. elots ,o.po oy (, sUr, itr.b, y on.' oohols.. nd10îlmi slsoidebShï rteota i y'fce us àl ,Vthe:,t eod ' Omaýa-,.'tàuk .Vlosns,,sorbait Th rc thol h.,,pmeoolis l 18111., floso.puetn. "BShbffo" tb as 'bod.bin,«steel. ,oth. h.spic hei ont e8hy oaLonio %cap eossfos0o .',h..ico.otusthe, u. à10!r.' S !o iolmo. ad sill te hihoosphisfo it. Jod,71h Thms, à..cbhitu(LIscc. H.assid h vert' ilu gocr .1Th i flola ,fortns Mr.:Psgh. ào.-,oly - ai,idsl <4ofbls 0 gilent1 ,0. h f ,i î iiïpHhiWCl"pi-b ofldfieddbtibL - 1t for .à 'bh 1 , . Ho.tsoly soloid lMr. Wm. Poeh0 psy feroo.p bhhlbara * . abs,. rssuu,10ble sSrmrà .ic GXt Tie' gcasont 'av. Fraerahi0oueof i sauit. lteosoioohloV'iosS55ha1 a eit r45 io , luisCincinnati, Ana à i lloOft,et o!thhppyeais oo.ef.iP'fi aogsu.s.'ooe 'ludsr. .sM., lcaidDspio,f.isf6th5S56OOe-ffho h se pie or iyetsorb. Taooao Oveho l e lhy.,pslbh.dflhllwhi, ar:16005 eh. f i b luot in h e1ho.glsh- tlaoi.s dy, veâe . . 1 'i ., sie, lainte>.chaite. , Os. m rre ta 10Ateysttyo 1i oo.s m' Jsdge Be,,s bu w.. ue i, CartsProues idoiut ds.ietssh.PoIsbIr.teo Pib, dn.tibeîinlho m,,s siipph 11'soIi,,,'vs ie&fy,' bsb.th Qoos Poc10 ostis 411. ~ hlot 1.dic.le,, stud aire ii ,'o f à w li. o' i., .0, o., olh rosucd lh.if. ieecfifkiteq a hosifela hse'i, hi. if.t0tioIfur "tho ,sýpfoing of the a-h1. *shiek ' la los0.t.is ', Cmoed divorce me.sts . ' .trCbhflliIiddodcL Ifosd Unoci Polbs,,biotoh.po~~il Fort5 s. isol u 5lboaut40 y755s ;osf. F o;goslbdisosf z~f.Mgui te5o t i. I1l.'qA, i îf.e. - et- ieccs.g finss opos h, fchotosdboa ho odf .hieut aflicion do, aimoenti th.Scostt Act, u. tho grao8tin flil;60days ,,iosoefo.,.flsud tbllI bahl ,r.a r dia net lspe btweo shs dsy lbe rotrs ImmfIsos f.'.'ho o.ip,, obsfiiooc',f01 tru vet, sd,.sdah. firit ofhMay,ma d1101in th opel.. j-_.- shucor, h Asti.noi-ore,. 'Ai. Pssb eniiiked-thatîhi. usohhtehliait 10n h.' îhi dy.opslhosi otet 1a At o a mo eesisg'litghe hPorlfuid hü, so.feriosMaoy yeuxhit-otft «tboi FtebyEebogo,,ofstios o internetd u bo'b«.o,rtfvaoilsd byla hep O xpinî,sgtbo dolrsiulstienof th aior.. pych-feo.ohi$ ccditis.Wbtyos , osf uneos t îcei hi, ,vedetter r pcrto. bosutcgbut rsal,'su *., Uivoseu ennos te ,Fedo,'l Gocri'.. n,bcIfo. ycybsui..I ri e filiuCadinstey .oid ,,, oot y.'o.m.'d-ton,shotut,,ug-d0ulYi iste oosdsî orîsi. . al Watt,btnolrts..lsf ym,c poosopim, A Sitstow fue popt bis bhointhe of thoso,. eh lt0 diimdz;eli.f. 1 il îîsl.ofaPteroebouhiaou,Owilb5sllb5 Ff oIm suo.'o .boid i lotI tecolieb ciixim's'.seo ion ,sblaord. .ospfthefil. cncioetodosorauldfsooodsess i te.n cents impodahy th. o oloîbe fso.ofîpi.ltoocvib lbd sse.'toldoe-,, icsslisto fos.e, m-he o o t pclcUted 9,iiosesoosdt.dsm.nsosinouaad vose tate st ot oti lhLui oo seitod fillaes ofenhî,slisPwoithv,ioitl.rtehbe,.Thst, censSin tbe iions le. >sîvus. folower Allr htnnetscoihmce-uor an o u f.tb, tirit;fIiahbh BdI.-Nsribcist0 sf Emth cSoly, Taio.. detess-lidbe an..od Ioo, tosted do,,,,ited shidotso wooh.se. SOOsmI feshît. bls'lit i fittf,,accf on cah e dYi f1rFBe. Wilflit,, Jus- i. t i: abutassof boatb And adesei.'ossoo. ashrîditin a dlooio,let bol ffhsop éieilhy iztebOS. ith lsamun cra,1,mi I S Jioos idlthe suide vu e to.'sfli tcst . sId hauot el oui .outao.e notilie pola hn ,wi o oswiteo, ooother houeses li boahcosicittei e unpardMi O fi1f55l,l0,ahSd si* iblifiein. Nr utularvle.bt A-ut si y",,agci, 1 oOsu-bât l th. prsache ct the drap fi a alhf 4sa odethpitbdbe iot c10s his IussOeliy. -idiiqsopla sd 'osiiy soa ta olio m Thoeocsriiie ef thtirs .oonbuggy ana attche.i-boio.fyscOiiosoos,d tehv. _1 vasgs ifwhts in uitea èeio stisiotului; h.ofocsieeutloyhboio.fsn ls opc lsNoCul. bOn .rwkyb ad restîcy vaucrs isto oylons and tbrolt. Involcnt tiheg,aul ontitey cnt o. ,hIo esd al-Ishicso..osbibped an -Rsers ..a lbo ieslle tlicoshr. bseghS et tobilitosiuid ifo,1it.ut c 1fi l.soVslycrhaf. occ i.uIh o Il iashitiaseIcvs ,dIIýeu i,.t.gtis lîlsopiooihtosrselObo e hoo. et1i aId prf ori obrd lite, îod ay1 ahr uftslitteride in othe cotre,, piiteocc ecoqii.oily ,ssbdepresfd.: 1rt s ifssoivii hgi pIc. os Eai loIiss t lsI 1bo.s tilIc. $ac-sad os1thIpaeseins!Cthe r'. hego ula l-seislire honctusai. ic,=I if uital, and 0 u b i-n t ubcbah ss,,,beerfde crsd,,»dst uidic....t te Airysuoit bybcth.o dre 18.oesac Moi.tze ufer Jiue laluf th, Omniuhis et Poleci',c. alndisl cory wAaitsu scsiisiy sfrciig Nuuobcr. tient. aidletocdbotfie o iiteer p,1 iTheou la riscile, ',Tuhe Usitedt Sit:' Luusis - ru BuiAsse SfIOPI,ro U . S. N., ao eiloe e-sIchiclut0h, dhren.ciec. rbos10 th la nire etan thn le tasayproide put-e.. dnfpt.thoeu lai My e,' iyf ntssy i sud aqtoci'h tiohr.cQ..Mtuo..icd ]y ont wsisoeeoc uaeolit dom asvcoo4t.c0oI. mtct : ta Ho sows inirPlowv tit O fab rsf.ntlsohirle,.-na 1 ol * in'.of Oqbcs rm.Iii aatsui.teri. ois-ivOeas uecthbcosdI,4ltttsutocbuVlb alhipp woic, ,bstitutqd fioul,, 050fnées; hserleh<tes ooid te i, ,ltbîiît difiulty 0vu rsceslt i e -cd boa led1h. o ticiosdicly s àedepOd tfhe0csonsuct io ,,1,steelcrsn;. f"CiBbîiierticoîsh. stdj lin i son5 fiotvure %tilt1 a-i frtts~ ds 50iidbroqui.sfy.et Icihtb. Mos- Ihs nocoeffctiv-the steel r.',o'7iftttig 5 o , ,ad ,,dosins oy vinaiso ,O- oS ot ,iP3, Ancdthec onsruchiof tecoltIesins ot friosa tae ,fsrris, so hrssy.sliuI gses,.eqiesi ts lhuscede yhbard ouidochaleer, diliniicbutbolse abment.. TIiarticeolteprsfooshv il-jssdnt lut.byu'uc.eotio I ay do soolf uitteho-rsofi uus, of VOS.,), beig 'if7ortosy.i.ucosaidteuoerh.i m;pen.ted,inecluding thoe0racethy f ." out -7 hohog tb anco bri iait-'d hacteo sîetéu enufi,~ OOitlcost. iaud b1.beiict.hlofen iv.i f-abW ,-Chicag*c.'M. 1. TloF.-ftbhPporsf theboti~)c fs0Grst l inbeobos ,,ucosciratuetedi iiy AioriosoInldssris"lrotef th ccltue e mdr.td vll rol .vi.týisi, ch sotobeg,,sce. ,4dfeey phioeof sscipmml"oaeàeobstic op! 1 igr'osohiog. TherIisul ocsoibitutl.v vr hy B. B. flOIVRER, nd io fuly iolrted. 1 halo 0f,.Posb __1ibys.hoips tbtocc 1 CeAhLSo.I)UiLss Vrit-uesosie oSesuil siiclro.msiegbtbeoud. boa foseil sisiff s i l s h.,, ,ii hs mecntbitfo, f ODy"co 0"i5tir ,NewaporLt. uIs. *Ce.soe'sShoollte .boitboh.sv f. fsa o. lba" ,,<dely inttfaiiàg noî'clchfe, '"eig rofsOsuhtme.. 'T Arthîur. Net a Lie',Sbry,"I, eeolcuel. : Mrsgefe~ i. BLKOREeso oirte, Ooss'S LscsBI'ds oe ,, ot,1 n6.e a idcontnuie,, uith olihhog iliue. osey aoltsuive hotuosif The filtlae Itctica, ll'y Fsitoiîcs UsoÜADisanid hotifsf frctispieis ilustin ,ohfsd AiFE Aoes P , osie<c f Ms.4.Nssc'S'o uleCofusin, opy or s oeofbt. ilustration elccic(f un efronispies tas 112h itué .This inhodess'or ibsNmbr mtiva b3y siticg a'cfry rte Isil Stopita lniuer,;, it tor byAgestie Do eBalbo, olsaod-The. eSte5Oiop~b Csqso,~Ilblar.1RomBnofa ses." The te.bios plts li. clsr ,eî<.sdsiosmieng illo... oor. iltga aheiul ilustioof band. : itose, ls utsinig tesacsoclsion. aiétouemcsierScome, itila trel Iphtsrs.1 JstosLALiz ALio,;.troslibîute(jsan ÀsriletYoffeintsoome stlho.saie.o Iintersting artileoodcoiicî Knt15,ckv is,îiosnSBlc, madasattractive douhîs 1 ouneiesfile, ,outilait 4"Tbdbe'b coofeedItorepago #A Csostef Thorn,' Cumberlsndh Oipose Berosebs,",an ou byJ. V. Pichor,hen1 in jutaient uch . aiioifi,1y ilIutfrîfeut by Joo.osco Bai aolth ah I psiggoso. Th, solIf oitl, E. W. KBIîeoio, sud A. . Usooo O . tory Hoi.if's Strot,' te coiufded in ..£ieboHome, Ai,,," by E. P. RStesl. hstenoboe. L ons taa1happy endicg. Cetisl Tl'io , i Hi. Ateecoelt,oly Lifiso DyMsr iu,. Mnt.Tistis f exeplist1 'Doiy' apuni,by Charle's ny Hîycoi interest aacue . ,te5a" Ocolego etlSA BiecbeofViolets,.- hy LoB* S. L, etc ' 0 ers afoossi boldinigos fiishhuirig te., sntiiatont a~ ttotis, oscorta h1 lbtheMot con h.bc nhc ,f tbsby o ho reod ohil. onoiy thibesoit salper p'. 5.yorlofitmntof- the -Ssllandiaj,. limita. . Cocy gra otter10 cbmoîli tice.,ssli tioor e. bù iiloies. piomths senpbesd.dTi u sofbecos, t h«Co ofS a.. lt, Iv out oeeta, "T. s~. ?,tmth oe osmr.M wl oue Avey !too o s10, , a etatte Bv.. Sais Sam Jocu.. aad pho. or OThaia, tosis.o ô St'te ,ovageitit 5400,. ho.. icinos tib esbhd.h:65do6PooA pi,~,<'tbiisoist0.sonsos..1bosb. ,Bot0h. ,DzoSsnus..ui m l BvA . ih, loootie aid Cbss in a t ,m-.î 1'Thé Euiteyeî . . à f0 ~oi àooo.gi«Ih. Th 'idsbou, .s8< . i 53eit103uoiltd aitssosalaudtss r. intesfby.u l s .ee y0 l. ut., ,o.àîodnbiy dffinfor urrold s.Ue11h itlandep Ioo' i H-Mr. .a0 etb, s'.taostop 'ot aeu 05 10pi.outbe 811111 adP.- Oss.as scsyWs. hsoteh.hin hetbocà 's.. h. s1 e 05015 IboDraocr;ý' ' B 5 e ,,'. i'sc -inias,fli4S eu h'sfn, ta£ SUDDEN COLDS, CBSLLS. CON- GESTION ON STOPPAGE 0F CIRChULATION, CICAIIS,. P5AIN5SMNTUB STOiIACI, SRIf- hISit AND SOWBI' COM PLAINTrS, SONS TII NOAT .flc. - EFECTIVE AND DESTLINIsMENTf Qi E£*i .oeus u eso X SPB.biNS. BUISS,ililil3A-" TISII, NBOiBALGIA, SIWBLLED - ACE, TOOTIIACHE, 3L'S, FBOST BrrESS. fi., f. .205'. p ,11 s. go-Boeor fImittl4o=, ~ .0 Th" Tho'Cso.in sf045, 010 505051.'550 e'Gsrmap Gs,,,ost l;eds "koi fe - cdils Sefr sl eisces cf tbs goc' Tbotrii l éhoté, wcoul,,.niossd tho Bi.hoïif Edid o ir oesSsidl.y. 10111 teks placo esedo à.théCoeof l Iis onsO. am r bsioflie stobite10h. Jedias.in the Bdiôeteo district. l'. a.qsb.stibçOU0fIVool Afrhoî. M. iiutqtoent horoifletortures The Frenchu Gss.oscooot bhs diusdte ,rtue'in le iChambes of Dopslic. a bill te ipet. ll.of0tho pelotes i o l'The QooboLegilsîsie bu k iffd te pospoiionof thé corpocatioen sf.Mhiestih tesimpose a poil 105 of Ico dollors os- o.1i ThomRo pp.',. O, b oé tostb ite oy th.l Si, Job. s loili i.i'fioief t.emBui land al,te thuon,' Ns .sYo he l o i 10 taoBritish Columbia. King scut .tV'isos, ,h.rgod wsOb coi-. of $12,t0fileol ehprisooe. . Luitosoh eelo hebhoS hôtel aou resîstaurat kpor.in: Putecl)bos boulficuy -dollierseuld conte ehrorh svisotion of tfi Scostt Act. IAEt,, advsfirmeS.,,Ccpe C.c.t sbeow tbot lhooosho were asciioeuthy théoecqsob trdho. 0m00e1 G.soss but tsi,,, beluOg' te tu the Goamins bh, Aid. Joolio. of New. York, bis-heM fiospcisosiot fsr hi.s îbocsineem druay surofoac ihcosy Solos,. :The Srsil'grsflie of tb. Niges Ellislî haveoorgaitieto (sther thie iite,.1est thcir indusry.' mesSr lthe is eof "Tho~ Nio11s,SsrFslosorAîosss TIhe ffiecitg gentlemensbeo "i te thc ftoshoy Bill. Asoiationc:-Mr. Ahiiid' bbsy Niehihhbsy> . lU iu.br,N. Bs'- hbe,MB. S'.ibicibliiy Hshihbbeoy, sîud Joco.oîjoo CssojsJaosetjec. V,,,y Colloujzh, edrosof bir.Vesry C.efoiib. vsbs inLyiu..55.. ii 181.. h-.. tst. *tsii.od It f hii. elhrtc tho T4.tcm Abl' r ,sioity Wa. Soid. fIotlsi, ,rth5h 8 oyor. GOSÉ DISTRICT FIfR. f00, i Cssdeected ohc o .ai Mustel Plu, Ax As, Vsse, Nsq., 'Vice. PesidcsbL B.0S ecofiBG, E ,.MashfssgDios.iteu THIP GORE Eh.es ,opcî ota FUFTIETH VEBAR ,,eh staeogor and moreprsocs tisa, st aiy preoiens perou, -iaisg $218,806 oS Assete otnd practisi y NO LIABILITY &saipt oa.Bc-insurane Bs,,, sof 8800. Tbco. are $20,000 depoelted silblthe Ontario Oocos,,,st, aut ovo, 600,ec0 hefl it in Mctufais, Dohontues, aood Casb, timodistef y avoilable te onet loseo. . Hosnteot Polioy.bofdem. teGe ui"oroe" save 2I. por seit.- osllbsdsbtcd. scirty. .. Fs, fclbou peticalero opplo teb H EAD OFCGLT, ortýWMI.A}( PANON 48'.B,. AectferNiSteoaa imipy.l C.S. RA.CE Dealer ho ait bonde of- - FRUIT, & OIINAMENT£AI < GRAFTS, &oa wukPLANTS, ADîFk shild A rs-ie~ tp,ç fGROGIRRIEl TEAS AS- No67 Dendas Ganig down to,]Rope sôme bùnsanda. For athingo 6"thé,i -Anad ipt:our tabl3 Plot.' ond iornfavoyeS(ssc Pionioji, ,oa otrinsn 'Beà to mntimate that hi Waýgons. -ijeàidcrats5 TROMÀS RL'US' Hloslsid iîthe argestBo. ChristxVaas Beef,' Spi -nd t ' Geese, ICttj .Bid,, cveoyliiog liSleneésufj It is Christoxasinhiise stabli AhI erds .m rmcply.dcfiusreufinisoy'peî Coll Iso t i, l.liuedio1aif 7 . hesSher. h.ao aSplendlidaoes.ortmentof C Worsteds;, Meitdno, &c4.; a., oiothing inferiorin ma.tetiaiýaý too, will be. fcund tui bie ren quahity of the'goods lie 50118 ren's Boots PiidShOepf, for GLAS&, PAJ Special Pricesfor pari 'I CorliùS 2k 2 > i. 3 5 os BROUI111 E'FEES. ON , ONT îhe Front. ime c akes 1Som baèsî. tin fer uic Blolide,. m the country, iseesejev Zor 15à. t6_1 Ï11 il eders foi Buggies, &C. l.1. io ' full oiiîpiýf .11I.,. Dheer saliý, Of choice stmras Turtkeys. st.liss flutiîiii, lisi. 1l fise ycssr thliîglii. s .ppiy Iis.patiols iwith o.none. 1liii irice row considerissg tii [OE:Sý jiSussomer weair. ihe D.IliioIte , d ill!lie u1 tu ordi. À ecffe fi n jour repirei. ýDWARE retTolS, iding Tweinie. [FENOE rJRI Iý' RO DAVM&fiLAWSIHGoS C.lLilbitea) or COUNTERFEITS DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER' THCOK'BETFRIEND'. a? à: iby.O isilifi OP, R0CAMN, î&aPANTON, Pi YgVRTISINI jtt. -PI -eu; -- Legal. B. . MITCIE LL,' >'scter,- Coubveiar, i [&inStý hiltsn.ifsoy. OfHIi'll&SiELLIOT7 Bo,,ritrs. .&e. Pfl4is, h.lssOIi OBIOSS IIACADAiISj i.r .Ios o, SoSu' ,.. U~. PRINGLEl foot a llsorst rtcOu!j UN, -LAIDLAW Oh C. veroo I.pois Bank, I eot; BL Entranco, ES fes Wtiss 8.5.0 I . ,ý.L Loi lc t T..dou.« .h .,osll ta -v th~ 4rT moO,<il =.irotI. 13SSElie'dCTSON'a ~aEUnPo,. , E4WUntn lgqclau eck a T-t.

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