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Canadian Statesman, 22 Apr 1886, p. 2

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,1'1 Em.u *mea siceso t'e cep op ths etae- 0 , --- ttisit and.psy saarmisthecaerae '% yTcttcesyGssscia * ery esdissn,#Wo si mey.TeA ênr A-i à" acasmiereôf scttceefor fetatie 511e for lcethervnemeOcec.te of es oe arie= as seovee h iimfc rn Officefcsm, douro. Canadia Pays oege - tictthesm AIL 55 tiches f snyfertir uil sece esmci pcty cf tichse yttyac Ot0sa. sr. MtlsAcey hecesso h t Slticm c icnG rsÛt'aeajat Wsvgc. Ons toue bleu t thisesetn awesot mes 1 havlcgaL efefeeeiil ~~ Cencmllcr M w heiccsard the ______tu ____ thie ces enthe s tstanecce, feeeein SIEEGTON lERDF55. faver cf tics Pecclece acf, gave jcdg- 1 _ . ment fr tics plaIntif foi*thte E eief TicsMati rsporte tht lies Vilage sic 9.Tejelcet aeee reeeet Ocei fGorgewnh- icceidef. et eceeà lu ctcig isouttm' lie requect fa&deptatIce f nsccllef givc titis tce renthW ie tmier tomseeeecmsW &mdpétititeWandeftics land cpon.whic ittwu euet.Ite * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e -6ieDmectiree e es-cffin self tiat abocut f0,t0 sqae=mleés W ia e t 1'. e, maton, litiae c f trrtiry are iW dise it ee. oCtalsIcsld tUe Bach slecAs appeai at W ieaesetà the Sepreme As wisem 1 ote r afersct mW-ceWNio IlctWwc det f tueth eu tiw ioefenGe gWitsarc e lus hiees queselan. ets icSthe ceicnîof tc" ilgeo feulilce ni.i Ac.itsstic e lilr scfce la Tic Usfsr-Seetaryfor tlie Ccliet z&jd u beif an agrterefarc cee ssumasthsRoesCrerioncs that. fthorith.is. c lsud pteqalar --if my isut BshIeisebtS n dpalc e This e io eu icfer Isc.aaca the usiWf a tae vr tics fth vilae a grgiissa an cij ýoolcmaeerysffortltu edit tticIlUtile ticslllgsasrgaetedicefefcvsfc ftionassep"esi." Yeenmet itasn tiles, -Wictlier thé ItlerisW Wesor ilat sveey teme. EsglasfheeWe mac c et, le ofautttibt la.ehy a vry foreicmpitattcee. atit adps shorett tce no, m 1 Gretown blit Wtaeasycance f tsderiti bosy ema ie iten in h n th ntdSttsfraCaadinter. se a csnlctleee.etc*arms ',ad cahnaef - n * thecnanasecr,wicec0ha rv esd es.eFor theealief peeeaficmy ~ ss isdncgm altxie .sudacfOregnego stabe wohdh cargeetAW aevWisconseineand fMieoeta adWer trial. Tiseyeeg rjail thconstable the huaeclieee.eein ierEnghpef infore;ous, tf isys Welt a sumicer cf pec Îa. lot f lesAlahamca se etere jtte sWtsaf codeleece il sseleteeW tuerce tiec lateet . icte aine. Tlnîy tite Geoge.f C=seac*saiesafE u' ia ftiill lt tliceimicsy thiele tWwmaswaz cmtel te, ~ vfsd t ifceTaYecoueey ilster wilh as isdscet eccet, coi=O .leefly eeesgh. Tics. protectin f *ile user ticsInfluenece of liqur. Ces InasteWrnatsicy the viccie pwer TiccisetAcliedeegsj of the mgityfBritish Emire la pla- fer esrgstWes.foi;ato egWdreasc elicet. sfda aies MAjS lNE BLIBI ? tiecms fr aefWr-iftspteeces, ict wha r see out uwhs.he lc Tics esasWCiIW5îtutitics "re forctice ry raCcil aplica tiso ScoiettA"t porty. -yBaye lin.".ca sof teicehere, iticctevee tice revefa visit feese a gentlueae vicemoraesupoto cf ad f hy r bl ltely becs ouSo teike mcar f et au. (ciy f alin," veiieoicctwctve -______ «ef iits v;acf villge, vicerepents lipea cencerk. * tiat wilciceist tvetlcs- neiy eT -tere i cee fresice mec, afassortie tthes iâtcldjene Sictt A.tlis ',cmpltoly kictle tics The Temeprence Clciellce Cites tretli ytees" ios. pecy scecel dcccse t showt certain 3seca busorry W qcetionethe preacheceeof tics Meticedt icdy teea vrresty f the Ciies vseiricut flletereg liglit. - Tie ccru, tu have tieee wiceic e'licstuee tefcbeau mchceoer et mincceesyceut affairasicsretriittreth usicen eet of ttfcrltheseIves ticastdsy waeetu wb* w vrsecçytitthifciseOtesy lacoretîferticer temspérance acf sttismeet. Sieesmuetihave iceesstiigcserieosThe victime tere -repe t,'soinse iy tic, mtt with.ic itvisicci telile Ile leclrgy direct,otiereylthe font tit HaiWen. ItîsWicc-ioccicftictitvcee ticcreveref smacies terc pt ttice net affetrf-iy lice temperesce icver- lcef li lec type. * ers which arcsold in Heltesecms achsicichave eprrliy bindis4 Bliier casPics rimsy a. sa-clef tempce'cmes DuR Slie --ThoC poeec errei- friegticlet ccyeae. -Afor thecscndent f Omegh semiss W inernat Lutlisfyesccletem; ewudrSepcdlimesf vecy mcch abocut twe yeesg auy ftu itcsredcm ilh i iimue f Miltens v ieissy, frsquent Wu licet etice7srontdees cr esc hie tewne eeensieeelly,theueconcee * . leWiel lIef" Wucssult the recrds f treeter na eetithcr e fodo. Mc dcns * H - clceigietrate Yccos coeictted ont ivvet Mtotu ie teieid. Metsn "crt f trute asfdrgiececeepe,' vert ch eiltac emeàiri licgesseai trterctey cl l ied îîiety cf evifeece frLhiebord, geciielaboete tIceeigh. tuaS it lest quicdel yt, tees ad vitiegjetterstW tien peper et W04 ORt 1-11 IEiNSPELfO. a lttleeud prcjycc willieeabletW te eterWellc11York o - rtseh Newthaict Liesese Iispecteeflesthec Columiaielieflacfnd-'ae ycrtlîîidred buecesmeneef peretececu lt us scefriccftit ync tee vice asitepecea whM b s ica do twvedste uppession mcehtinvrritiegWtotheCrei. Mcm r, of théeMiltone»hélicns thé existenceof if ticcm ycceg mes ýwcclfmicf teir ---. titive of veiiet e tsadoie. Néowill citeaefaire anef lotRat Hrbor aicce, * ied tee tache*alifcltctacf peipeca nsd theecitier tvve frees Milton, ticey dnfeos oe, bt itf h ccoeed oe wuctlfibc leusieluied'at -sandmrt til Wbceore 'silliel. lthat;to CriiNecclectef y ticers. '-Locce s. r tu Wltvc icfliccroditttteiic wiltbeteis due. WItevee ympnlcy cay Wu foit Trefeger Tcwilp Cnteeu. * fr tîhe licWl-iespen,%s le egiteeste .- teRicacs tes eetteeerfeill ty Tecrei.uieieApe! ti.ît, l886. etc eunjsct andtyrncilwno censt Ticseccilieit et iie Twnsh.ipBoltone citizen ~ya ticces it thtie icper fif Apil bih, aursesi tl hljcies.tTice thed eicicic hve leirsexiseestu eueeint ctuel 1 the ...hs po. s an icchhaehrêefre floiece sn;e iisosflutiics ietngcoers Mccs'Ohp Dr. Bucki, .ened iy M. Hiatesef, ibis thesai 7 lWepaet W * - ACcreeicc . Aiellncsefr liesnerdnif.cef fcmiaic -t*sflGaoc. w. auidicacte ced $1.39li *oeTeceday 0electeceitiee fcîîsdeil- JohnicDoMldl,teoisg asesl t tenenti tes f tieloyss pubelie seticl tes fer teef fumicicslthicsfaie John cArtreef tescief aeay. nMr.tDolbey wsotuW dcring ii ilsess-.Carciel Brampton adcroegict ireercelouW Meeesthb tr. Bncck ecof.d y tir. onvet tceie tcmiciislifevrwcleITr. Mr. ide.cnLi sehicspsiioesef 0. lroerieic ilboy ill commul car efeîlet fr'.. .ed»eesy-ieiieieremisd unmnoh will ieftat.bL b ic ladj g y -Msr. Nu gnesonteof lcehe cuîiciisni' ote sue- tsli r ses. eeo4c1u *elety Cf th.m i nssst have a tis.citf.ll àlo- . u eiy * cIel,0 - rd ig fTeayforigé odacf- ist '~* ~~ielI:ie4~ te oicct el te t.vtedH- k t s. by, doees niwlr Pwaeoof flejc maeeeo i, . L- ast. c Lko ck .ec ilii 1eutI, ieci iewmof oeeaec sstne , cd M îlW sd e oSf me E. y. lucee tsgct theMr.ficy Dru tetIcoi e auradfeM - OlIaM.ý H. eee ie nM itteà forice dog e s yoefoW aid WW ce, li ces a e ettes lic - lie seqeesel Ias ftet icelg ce- c. .1.. ai lslMhi, Ce. H. cef W ,Iner.1______ s.c 6yiigWDr. n;, melteel, esili1 hav * RLIté anstgherT w- icsaee ntn S S.levssg S- -. l .-ý.vf Le tb.tIJohn li.. ubad lietyand la Pc tes Ocesme nu s hTcon o lififesi eieoeoexaminCce aclvr temsceS a Wise eticerun're. D.ateg.litlniJteeo.e2seCo. Zsafte *rnu tefeseUe ncs aetits .teeMs fhve tpicm f.eo. oie o tu p sf e o etai týss.SeM.Meie ais.nfdcsEit.W ai oug y' BiW Mr.fi tslec ee Dolby estu Ieu -ij. Ja, e . .r, e c sispatfru cftas tnds s ie sictesbM. afvasc .,ie.ms Meo Lac a e. , aclà.tetu« i' J.l- ics.pW ces. . rtetu Smevef *teemitiiiic. esply.- teS . l aisesidCesi ancthé mmufiese tesday r. cf ai ym. ok uoueyl * ..* në BIU-tue Wefute r.s Bej hlJhci. mseadsdt nitr viMsio n setitte smmai hDte.cisiyrenaosndfiytr Iemmti ma A téees estamef Ises hissNo if WaStiis sN. 8 2.os nus~ laa ote s. Sir I.es.pse.finthscf lis bfmooeleh.- ice ps Bi,,teexpudOe e Gue SrtCcscsii - ijn0.Ei o La feS, sj. slts. es'Onse ( cc. N o c . Bo Sies amet Boure auf teeis. tcpet.~ itl t siop- ce.dit anllfatre Maul e e O or- ameuMom t emgte su *oflMeb DBc. 17 frttaa edbSi Mr theocvammet it recl af tesex. 1a $8 lice ,ss.e aa e - V ,se si-stessitagi avtIlt t ..theuoui QIOIt 'A foneri'i Ilseeilsl o ngsnsedgei.a t t..c6 - . - - . isee oeai or loessli - e9 ssetàonsia ' W - '7-'j- - 'i*;eci 'i tc ns. .sfaTIS pbte, ain e A, bu m,~ itfl~CisdlisW csee is c eS rsh tees~~~~~~~~~~~~ terf iAc lt. - mie e iepiL-iseii~c cf~mst ss . .IW - . .csmsS lt The UmbTril ele:théaiiicstmTicsaUe ber etete' y esTilmyau- 2 -B CK ¶STIOfPETRRI esf PÎoua in-6faoM4ic0 opte Sf l- a ,l cet-w- 1 Tb. Néestsirkc ec yt.-- *' noplmeseCr asecIii sln-rfif P. 1.ISRIWFLMB- --, DBROE - fer tes Cotailitatesaliic.th e ithos i et s.ele b lt hgteefstth-ics t 1 f ATB R t 85,OUR tSPitATS mtic" spectg ettef lethe Stc. liltieodsa à, e lci. qui-etr. -u - ,CULfhED TPS * Esgledpesesssteleicefef-hcsOssi fte p:W-e -es. b 5cWéwtee - Rts tarot5lSt0. -2 AT ORXAMBNTS persifG rime lc -thse ias e k -mlasli tes .mentfie-.Win . itieso -' lo~ H R F B.C II- csceTle Prsi sl lesieflmese d anue icsath.sfulicfzose lic. steatein tesco sWcciiBlomadsc 0.mete Ise 0- et p net -5 5 0 , s a i l c ie c o si e m i îs ia s e s m a ee if if lftr- t e a b tti ras 1ce rd.s m c a sa i e mS. M t -BiAsS T R A M T W i G S 1 f L L S A D Se t Pidn ,.Clcfevt enonsic t eth% sc- lii.ssàsfcliirsullteooda'-sftetaathe CG--.1. - 1e.CicW. 55e. MZeicOR WIU NG prisca crii AU. cerinlar t e li-tastrevH ete.pe8e oe eecWcLsrqIespc imels wuitdi.gwnemeim'îfthsmWicig fesdsosans Wl.bcslm tes peissort o Tct. - ýgd b t e ,B tUeada c f t iesse te l teritsiesce W FR 0 HRG iff n des . 5e. teogt]mRATSrmmeli scl ,e -- cc Boi inMss erirpul dénoif itilias. Tisisit.ffortesce - Aitheic@ arist i à ý Yr-prtecipally liresce ef O e o cai Trui osy.esst. ad im es eticaushmri esfyfed t. Ptemlu ts' F. A à. ha" iGnreI~eee enercutie id ugtiite tain li.ee55 , stesdsf fr Sctt sen mgstratsefur r ast Poili-. -- 1 eScy. , -Thei arbtiseri in ticsmater, f tiche - Thcl e ioofyeis taeicigte eimier tefrs mspiétsng thet Ccilcnirsl. wu- sri terisadlin a mcsih eatheiimnt aulthe baket opa thdcuepfthaT" l uspsete elate tomsssMd goetcsd hynsfield op si et slesems1 on al"' leicyteslccf awticcettoeslliosbayeelng mid iSp 4 lmeili .te oub. th. fo ceo tolutieir uteeslteceses.- echeiWmt Mnrieiesl. dI ees Noiteionises elofspplication for sec. ______à_____ *%EOc.o . eesi e tte atpetif thicsCsnada .- tsltostsesatfst ate .A i optesCompcany, lir thes metcfesait tces c aleithetwn S a i oneror îossiteliorred In 1 cIdU 0] p ipsitd* * - lm sster. - * - efsuTsi;sptâlàIu Apel A Airakiniothise mlmeu icomaedithecs ceia0. tevsrdy, MerreotOJ I.L artet sater to fatiai r lestintle oddlittrie oacd Jacuise B.eer,-G.re*e . J0 jâ otet.ssl Prdcc. TuoesW A. M Ries,0C. fl Unf Th.oso Ce1obratawd. OheapPRIENCH D]1 m.cIaebos ted coLsal afe scpt ~tct e.8s1. ccic.i. i Ws vecMpfW--ucet uei. auif ct itla eicle etoste - helieefeà ht Cicsctrtiain iltin e cecasepteso. Tf emuadsdit acsesli7 - - i n ~ ent-teat ,icht lises beausaesed,ilf West$ Tior teicsericfipeshfeilo ~c P ioliiteain taen ts bmes. la JUST TO HAND, EX S. S. IREUBLIC R',,OTE- ion fu th dipu ofmilay t wlpmeiiîsvly cr tes cent mes of hest rl.cCl.erici iats e eaciug- TicResl.cfLccg tiie-ea Cld.,e; -gic,-4.. - sd iy Ordri-Cecceii. Oie, - easssm.Reociiti.,* w icsrcCeent at20 MilciOe. ne esiF 'sdare,2 .esMes .1 lt pr iCalse A11wooI Frenoh FOulle Clothis a .per Wiepe ise iidy. cWitef W a imbssicat eî. Sld -hy J. l. JIcCellee. tirclpi.ya d ithe. Mipiigfintree. NMit aimeoltheulysof Twecedfuthon.1 Cale A1-wool ýrnhCrnlt-ltsa 0pryri Il theicsh icIleda e PPcss3i.thecd bicens cciae&tir itewMssYocrk.A deo *Cire.ie. Coth.at201r-ard Pueccee bil, iltinetateefMr. Gldte. ldirmei cf th micitl f 18M9sesie ilt 1 Case lWolF*rch esy.ltsat25.p sil iteicc.rte.e mr.. &.iedédtectivecosrnicotpcrset is cf clsi I-oFeh-JsyClts 2cp AIa eetssing f t s ic. P in e rlinsm Wsac as siuc tu ie ng u n bsciribese-a 3 Tandsy ticsernctio f tue onego Fm.. té vote n ice cf s franchise fer-ticse 1 iCasé AI-wool Freic1h., Crepe -t3 Ilesfnirmly cccplslef. - -Bradway Rslrey esepey. Ai-. iVhici TenwyinSrmteiel illaniefluntslo buibushe elicd saeaséience. csf ilu. la fell, esk.a bliliy in lcto .cr*pected licîl sesntlof tes cilseea sil cml EieeblbeIiSsste e .eclte pris.. Millîcesoci .eesymesat Thoeeaurc ectiy ieiler'geede te ticee rereitef lest sieste froai ssmcesaicers; acf ,wihhedf cff ce rapfly. ImcipÜOelerce nMccdoy. , havesrr tuespet iy JascSharp Weseee. eThe citeet acf vrlety os celles ecnpreedent'chespccse f ccc Ilesle icede tit sse ctin ill neoseh yce -.Every ta Fics cere s ners certictel ci mdithticsigiieofccnstrueieigsa .ofoecraiissy O ýDesae, isD llih aetre ri e okwihtelts ulos liier le tics Methcssl rbellicn ihs"soceBoadway, n .cicses ehiei cs ha',stesd MucD co icrMesDlecctertecfca Me Trccteietn stsh c pare p nerd acd .seasiibrty. for U eysre. - -- - -j - Ciarles Jcace ci tWiel.eeban disap. Thr icses u e cîifescilsdiîic in c -- p hmdirehe.Hes.bMsheispr.ley funrsyisfcethli.'*acets-m'nf té Ic.cLi 2 - h..O 8 0 à'N1J 22 K ssre sidl naeeelElla Wster. At oi'rtlandf. ofhi.6sherlic. 5 Cholce e iurecss ent et Briefisi, sed ssresl h ynsceajcrity e t 0 sclesrdicry purrcotess m.teiec to onchictfe. Z eticcise sc aali,cei ticshe prcstte ispresa i ftic ieo. - ecstnity uc fesr ftli ctAnfr fri e. is A mn icredWione.se ioysuiinc L elifsl. Tice faoslsicclit tu Wth icsce. Thomas. Car iVicell'cceui.ep, gt erîly cluc i on t puciuu erucîin e ecl ery pro. iccnnsd clth sucte lion Mcuufy. venesll ite fsr rc eemere ; ibutlice Hccelc Mli- scsttdiffitycsiciçl. lie pes..ot f cumpi-niet ,ilh heit laborOn duinifsstehSct cle t oJicco P. BS TusdysltticrWsnsd Aeizstso friigeey. o-lich saifutearcun he, rivrrfiuei per. Tics tirt Athr cnstiles crlelul ind. Tlîe cte cres ie'licreyseeceiis LU aiteasoitl ie loeI oe h ic. - Tic .610td etepsyers cllicg tn teccr f i ile biils centricctel eabout $5tohetcsto c16,7oceaiss.-Rsciltcs Timece lesosry. -Oseey tics millione'mue be, i metcdy biselie- n Allé A f. aicoey sstfdee aseisenly ly pesancs Sico- tet prerpty uig lie rentolstriein ii - lai.t th factittsecicuuiis.tseprecso ir 1VIcLEOD,.ANDE'R SE tiediele te 5 itac ti.acivingsinct- t e o fprcut tcs - A rsiuini facr f Hms Ruls fer acf disesercy. This me ripeiialpspprreus I.U-lsef La' b cs arisied l theQ ee fc y .lpscsccsticalihaebiess, sifiitel Ceiilslcresintar gert cppe.iiticc y the ics etteuissu .Welso Wîlf'a Win. destccsi irorPsuil iiet isa psitivescarsretccs 'fos 1r tuhe rcei f e, ýw1é ùsp the .t: AI a Wlland Assiocsa s-vsiditvu fr Riciesetises. Il i. iprlcailsfcrCueslpi eso of, tmest sBornicouillad'ad ail a d iccs r Ùd tieses prevliet cen tIiîs seesmcmt9 ticey lu ,v0 li dmwolas it, old Spee.Bo.5 es. Ssf5 icrecssrec ftcrfcehtc fpcerlc whillturne unttbeofadîsesos qunsceerol ppliceius. odf uricer puii.es wce eef .ui hsef J. MIL bicCelce,. Price,;25 cents' nid --P- i> lu.rticeacf. - c s,,sbtle lilrrcontinue forer syerrlcge, enôa te ieli pm Thes LedDerelepme.AsseoA.ceiton5cs is - tl' secs11ceccst, -a fnther eppertnttlyW stecet (liecid itel Lenfrýdcc, vte n ee, s(te - - - rpce tcutié cebsinessenstireey forfecah or ipruas. Meens liehililies cift-M.000. -- --geedo teeti Irweteicef eea a s a ex, - c fil 0tee 1cfti-.>,c Actroutttbac teesncsde fr tics mcn. I--A¶.I15.5. trerlion ef it es the ni tobaieindu eAse~sn aceuy iile e y let dcicg tesiness. The iceet anf triit m sthe'a'aprsctyi Northc Wtees eissy, mce is eci li - h - L, WcyO, .-.SeYei vesI c. cacth system cf ftdo* enicc itlltyue lie bagou al0...a .5y.i i - - - e rlc f tg iicc rae. et cu c Ac5in 14i, Mr. licesIef fi 1 1ef àniegbas- escf We ceutecy clibaer yee - r .. cpy sssetc is b.esci cSo.ateYi - User-afdiy vice f a peswer cf vantegee which dc ccrurfilte ice caIeiser, rycuassoeutce ccgocds,* sempar fc c c r eilfyo ro bsI t...se J saiielme estinef in a sementr lie ecefe aillasedfroas ns. Ledite; -ie arc tlîic tiesslccvicti eieut 8sf clith Milline anMsc, d .c, hi ~ ,esP.fletil t rscicssemoe JAMES acf CAT AIS cf.lurs rseieste.Piegès, -c. u.,anl te ematec-DrcesMcitgteateesiecycdccususu .tu 41 -ae. DVie; icu,..cdh cceethepre cfang his wie c re-îneDrs MieriL elice prorei -dac eneyctirfer if pes creet a fonticebe1.1sP , '.djjt thefict'thatrinImm ( a. cy defe tmblaai.tm vlie~ inesec, ceet eSf ctientanenby.0cr Orferef ClôtisgDpreet.fecnsel fl sd icet ic*es.haveàthe &ml tie5 uirc.i tcceihlàscie lyPeicl Aeetes cy f Tsc'ae, Tccsersgc, dus, nthe prvcef, anfest futter ies A Me. 1. Tt-youer ccihy fits aa c hep rce2.&Ges'e icQes'icRli t"scol-'a - estlHNE1,ýACL latrge eoestmcst, neutycfe Clthteg riry chcnp, big1sockcic eect fi-ce. Carpel. eirsusee, TupssySS-p Tic thesli aeetf se liceS tes Y. .- UA- - Ctheoulf niftho acf price. ailtotbte slf cheepor thone tue ecpett. . argfteple Deprtmcst is ucll.Collesi,,S. perý Scott Aeict rmieletof(cm te ihel Citin la .,,,s . Tnwelg, SinTabiltg, 25c.,, dttnssdss, DneimafDouesc, front 125e. op. -e,'sectne itdeptgeuee. f lasw. eccliataIsi"la btetedfisgZIMIERmceeonOTEL. ir the gccdà ren e.. anpafsece. « We ams eincceâ. Ws cciii ulicheeti fer eh oli. NM ore hlict .0cr cols affititice. tohibiriScU, - VILLAGE tf BURLI'G TON, Dee't feiay, bucocme ia c o ccccheupgoods aaf pie wiltmrtphe. - - AI ti. Wslted ÀAiesa. tle i.lef - th iaientc EPspeme CeOiPeBsmnsetu nZNBAsÂE28,'8.- --- Clclb Doccehés. the jur otas a. edisctTles - orIN.TU "Eaoor in faccr f theslifedact> sIOoe eTEAsems A inIlRel et.eWdadady. lt s *Tue follcwng ParensiUd cf'e CTfmoIHo: smik, % inoOitiaîellia by 1551,5 yuas. Penczi. ODm-AUM test bteld mteate- I cil ever a cIfires sul theic 5on igt teeTewscipcfMNlàse.intueCooetY P. S .We etsrncSursnerc tuacic o t ucsof Our Geetmeceithc have alwaycbeoc ourfrtees, aùcftreetteey wat s body sos mSed tW s dpbt. 1. . fin i ,epaectsoutls te.esWly f -- I - le Wn esclef Sia'th.es fIteas, emo n ' sh-olýigic ef10W aflIthes eces ouedfi loey Msnaelea PrisneSillri. eestcea e1t cli eoeslienants.. emio*dfl0f of l ___________ Tbb Meyor cf Otatee abda i. lie msieg We sid.rshlîaall i e0Dfl r 7x ." 2. - *. - - - -iaimW ilsete thics lmeS lilslres as i, âW a imsf af fccmfacdehu a T- -eue-of-. - i J 2 *- - - - - - - ék. mlk 1S mislal in e t of Intial longe eceic fexcf ceet bfreit-tesan. Who tsf Ilue se Tory Oic.sp ssd «teetbul, tueSt teey. porcicoso largeir. TieicafMr resO fsmitfSe rs.ce, -Il i aiaiee thtenithes Deieut Eci g teses, peteepathy apptesm- GitsO'ccdl ercess. To ees cfh liseei s *el il Otelle c oie éi isea'm cus rbr ln .-ClrceI e ..-wo-A mess et HewFrsicsiltee. Satne ts ssc u,-Brmeles, Ottemers, S'sethenss,i;Boiste. ete'.4lnipeeftel h4, 5micndoea 90sf parte-fitiere o- e e. t ayladeellsssselilS d ee*eaayliete 's1alac h&s lgi-&9 s ttslsl.-A coe Sennue tera msr Fcviy blnisasms FssestJrPiîïaornficsf l.leiy. as Ame cls'teBeto "is-meteeg fduc-sii m op-icseees f ocsty Pli Ths",eétéaRoois an"ossbutaees,,tte rcie froentttes ftemuoseteFmbiesiqeWs;Pe lens dd eC rieteasvd laeWy.--A ue ecl 'r Saélft-fût Ti rlisTimmtig lest tà loodf seeittelfofrreompltelly la thesminuit plot t soteef Desites1ig about; s8si.ricssfilretmkcjeastsCAd c ssislSicyFtcalojs'upred eue ds fl Wo tl thesCar,.U5ca bioeleEset tes se.tW 1W j .t Ss5 sisSteisalef.ac sselesueWarie -N Élus.i.Bt ne wpes -sU Ssee ie rait tics efficer 5t.tel 'inie st iteh ie aSp«1 2titelieas elllonos lylie."Coeotessxllid-Plafietlisil leaehiusjiéhGocdAl sîclMioteCesbmn mee,..- - - m i,~ u~~ ~ th.sFin.BlsiciCùteess, 5 fscssus4Ieit-leXicr ssasss.oice eieros ad cartc. swSylo Guselp prusicteaies t sify lciea s seBWig Inm-ocl estonals.os.-feeitt ficteo Les,. Gentsmen;,idlses Boyse fi aceaf sigh MeIlsviecor. Fsrul, ali de hmic te htm. plantat eta thee lfti e ivescafl etho PutcmtO Ofills cfcsfGenilOeictaite ics - i tesipw clseeodamstgseimef boratliecn ie Àais223 packages o,,ef wOe -' ~ ~ o lsmsleità preshe eiIii - .6. -2tiïa,. _j nui "vte idý 1 teréic titc inmohet tic, s :RHAIIE. 4i tit ki ~ITONT. Yard. *EAST! le ccfcrseeerirreee' nehir te cry cilt eritcerei i td Lre atili cwicjg etc. Wc :gcd. -WeC illlI s, wfiiheunblerusc .the ihoeri c eeiy hoeet acedîsir A gettien l tcct 25c. per cet coilcl eteet style. Dies, acr tle ccrt 1 1, Lecce and Gieg- cccl extenivie st te ingrilla style ana Ce, aieedep'. oit- * WeiW e tiýne 6. 1ce y y iiytc recette the biett reorgetiwl- tie .deli viicenî cml;vidietei. Thf "c e.à;t to.WCI 'sP. Seefes jwres cf spe Slis p ee ffialte ites yi ...nthe il lfatet, cfe ,ý, the S.te g the pStf eW ci ye ail re ai n edeSoee Mt'on. 1 Dire Ecoet T.- ,ý.I.0e/t ,mrigelPfli l igel ES N fr. IL lec o e. Raetseay te jct te, * .sît prmc -r Kig -aum ber ql thiteré i.Wm. Va 3maeete Wtihé ,htcas, end hot~ .on.a. .- ithA weee cdvetse n'the Ton .He .eliieLibecal ClI Peev-Xte. Ci ;fov lite there cher, andfMr. icdefr hie etet Isciicwee odcice tovecec iititg cf thcO0 W Fcee.-'Wse smesnville Oei0 iuau ereech ef Fme-fter I bs-m c nr ceiv, as haem ce faoe ýbct roede tics ÇýeqniL velcc, iè ttiedeci m cf.speic5cur. icefer Élire 'sciccric, mil pesof ces. lg Diy.tesStitheBa =lk. Eseil;icef 3to7esâ8t- IlO5, à . eut ARVESTE14 )WEIt. -. Ji -T i

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