EWS. Ma. T. ME Milton. L Aciloss lest LACILOSS jilux£ gala 1111alton. uie 01 ta one cf the North-welit Of thé 01 es. evening ýt -,ýïjïý limai,; DUN CAN, te ..g«.I. ja. casier for we regret ,'7 lare entert _ýà;ThU,»day laat frein Ottawa, thé lin 1.9 A 1 . . ad* ed. ,ýOëletellavog Jeu= following lqW,'STORF.-blesorii. McyaY are generato le 1 cet t 0- . Cellar: sud fonudation il a re on the lot cast Of thé Ta lie 'Ma ri pi bý them. Captai î. Mr. lN'. Watson, Bat r and proprié * Of the Suh. ]las FiiF, A til a copy Of the iliglit ta preaen Un lit ta tels, thé County of jug at,%c Owliud l'y ýon(lent PliSnix'%' occi-picl 1 'Il carres 'Thé items arc tac Pe- 'actory a reSlve . I,ý, *,0 a liane. We shall lie glua ta roccivé Rail E a, 1 t'a . , but muât accline machinc liblish Tiffla 1 ma -"P les. The huila ;AK . mLi B. Consioàs, Or ,;elsùn, Tan L ta ontatio, college of Pliarmacy, giN.Lii lit c"C' f Brooklyn, M-lierolle , iing Il on T ne aY or. . " ýWry1ârgI eh il a situation 'a alem"Ûý è1lâlireil hdÙàe'. and tieir cr.-Tliere was a large TIýcy son -relier rink on Tite.4(lav su,.. iLe thé thel 'Mto.sectlie live-iIiile race fOrtlie li'q'c'l th pionship of the Colinty aud. a silveir . Raliy Bell was the winner. cap Ows, I'Mlý ROBERT Ba brauq'twol bas, pnrchasedý a lino youm, =g thrce ycars, glit bp lie%' -'la ly, bý AýgN.10, fla_ .1 ill.luin no, ligai»Il t by, Guélp Towilship. t about hi ,,&ttc;o Froc and resui CLOTU *P,6 James Way, mit. T koowo iivùnd'ýNlilton; han embaric. i', t., the cloth, business Rila bus "]elle S. Rjl Il, Esqttesiiig-%,,c board nothing ofthe quaLty or ne of lois- MILTONIAY. 'John ton 11,17ace ýfflfôjMeiyèf Milton, bas; renio%-cýl 'wlierali'elia.qleéti t1le suial 0.1rizÉe;BL Lowe;. 0*ýcars, ta Portland. u1reallv living.for7 saveral, Ungon, where ho bals ficcured a goud -ti il ,itij the Oreg- à RailrIlad & IEIi.-brotlie.r, '.%Ir. Tho,. Jtiii et St. Louis. BUBLINGTON CANAL-In ()tta'ýa Sel.tt Ac . ItLqàndei-,tooIl that t patch Baya: Tur. charge Of thé Burlingtou CRI - nil IN-ill be Cou transforma fýoin 'the del) trtiiient of 1; ";numys and c'allais ta that of the public t a waterýay instend ýorke and delared r The tells ivill the', Le t of a canal. -0 Il Lo T;.ý ci piatmaster Of'Erin, bas bcell upnýby thé zük Sd over SSW of thé P-0- 11-1-Y liy burglars a year ago la-st âme. i R, This togetiler with the loss of tllc lirej'l _,-&nd-;ýpRiring salle, amSints ta a tý,taI lésa ta the firm of IL & T. M oeil of ON'e" 7 &W.ýErin Aclvoùate. 1 l'ai Ai', pencil an Thursday'. ta Geor= Dalivr. i iwve of Water(lown. N%'liiij in th. ralie: factory lie haü the.thrce firlt bis right bond cet Off hY the j;,( machine, the fiirst ono* et the jointI and the othér two tiltý.. fint sud second joints.. . The wiff bc regretteil by ail wlin ha". Ill, *pleim= of this gentleman's acllnaint. -an= AnN«rN«G -L tSatiirtlziv aloi -'l'u- ...... . li'nai way, drmiks wera very iiiinI,-r.ii, au- I ,the yciling and general clitiirl,-.ttic-l- %layor awrýsus.to state that Il.. hl, gi-il Chief Constable BrwUpy oi-llI-r, to 'iibarp cyo on the driiiiks in future aud * apest all whom bc finels .ý1einatter whil they arc, Tlwy 1-1 and a bQtter lool. out. il,. Rufil,; R., .I. of E- plain, a Wng, laid a charge of as.,ýIiIt ii;z,:tiil,' Lyon, tomber of /ý, and i,;ýi NW.*'10,. Eliquesi.ýg. Tho lia-1 punisilleil a son of Mr. W.irde!i.,.,itlI M what the latter considered iiiicallell flly .( rv.-,-," acverity, bande thé charge. Tlir, Il, a -I camé before.%Iessrs. Huston indliaill. r d e Georgetown on thé lith ili't.. RII.I. lil Harald was ilillini'sed. '.10, i ACCIDENT.-Oit Tuesday 1.ý,t a, -Mr. John. Small was drawiiig a-xliv il-, "" dugý from thé Cellù of Ill. tfic -;IfcEay's new building, au(f %vas lu il%, f., ýYkt ai getting loto Iiis jfxîungýiasCa1 throw a s*no".Iitll a ;-,Bhm& one of his horses and tlIeýLl.aýII etattea suddeuly, throiviiig 'Mr. 4ii kilo, -th" rqUar. Il. dill n'n :Il'. bc very much hart lit f!rýt and Pl! M his worfc for saine tini-l. bat -finaUY bail W go haine, Il-- -till ý Ïeînamaunable ta ivoric and allo-t ý-.13ùabIëtoinove. Itisfearetl.tii.itlteis c V L -i;ýbijurecl internally. *Uý-ïni PMA-EE PRIN*TF.n-Tli(- Mraf- i 'Sirrorhas just diRcoverell tho Ivli%- a., 1hawheréfore ýf thé Thoinbur, Ni-, ýi 4ahedhyT.J. Starrqt. pffl, bas just talion 500 Copie, "f I!,: àBia.minutoq alici *21M copi- af A- votera' list foithat f- -r ý l Lý-" bOIIt balf, as far as i- tha'price usualiy atrikes the liey note il, é"Thè sonder tlià'piillili,-r, uf (;r,.. .ýýauizO; and put a stop tu ucli I,ýr;iti. «- ana ont throat wiirk the better conc Meil li if mirr.lr 0,11il - tonfar year, it 00 ver a il, :file re fatiO th9 0 e . .... L ss"e." of il .1 iý;il_,h ta d. 1 invra, lis 11 14th -ýr-An imýortllilt f. -«àde here Nic.,,tcrl:"' 111 il .1 cou r Or è1l'toins lit thi', b't-Il that aschool t Willaif h nainoci A. )ICIiiiiii. II:I1ý fi nom . j;. ýNI;Il 0 1 . Of ycars IR'I'u Iiar. ryamon hiscbulltr%-Irie'Igisýýflur 1 lie %nd a 't that Ili. IRIVII h:ie l', t . i ;Q -large. Cliiéflltirst.ift"v:,,I,,, et M-inil of Ili, fre.111,ý'It 4lop IV aie allil tli6ll.,]lt tlieul Ocking iota., RRýI after of paticlit aloi quiet N%.(Il.li tla.. the mineý %IcPjiail %vzus:mct,ýi ers cranta and ha. had gond néarly 8 1,000 Confi t Saturday. mýIo1l '- - - : - ý- ý . ý . 1. . . ý . '! .. . . 1 1 1. - . 1. . ý 1, ý . , ýý . ý *ý- -ý ý . '; , ,1ý - - ,-, ý ý ,ý, 1 - ý f', ý ý ý ý ý !? ý 1 > 1 ý . ; zý ý , ', - ý- ' -ý -,*_ - - ,-7 l«! , ý -ý- .- :. 1 - ý , ý , - - - , , , ý - -ý -- - , - -ýý Il ; . 1 ý . . . . '.. :. '. ', 1 ý 1 1 . ,:1, ý ,- ' , -1- ý 1 . ý - . . ý- ý.- . , 1 « ' - . . . 1 ý 1 . ý : ' ' ý ý , - , ",.-ý, ,ý-'ý11 -ý - -ý, "Il, -, 1- 1 .1 « ý . . . . . , . ' . . ý 1 1 -, , ý - -, ý , ' - ' . ýý ý - 1 - . , 1 . . ý . 1 - : 1 . . . j - . ý ý ý -, à ý - - 1, - - ýý ý ,- .1 1 ý . 1 ý ý: ý ', ;.-',,*- ý- ý . - .: 1 . . - . . . . 1 . ý . ý 1 ý 1 - - 1 1 1 ý 1 0 .., .- ý : 1,. . ý 1) -1 - ý .ý .- ý ý . '- ý ý ý , ' - , . ý 1 . ý . * ýý - , . . . 1 ý ý 1 1 . 1 ' L . 1 1 ý ý ý. . ý ý - -1 , . ý 1 ý, - -- . ', . ý , ý o . 1- - . 1 ý 1 1 - - , -- « - - . 1 .. . 1 - . . ý - . - . - ý ----7 -,ý . - Il -- -- - ý-ý , , -17ý -1 1- Z. .1- -1. ý 7nFý7ý1 _;w -7 ý - ý 1 . 1 - -'. a- 1ý ýý 1 . ý a - . ý . . ý ý . ý . ý- 1. ý ý . - ý .- - -A R , -I - "' 1 1 1 . - ý ! 1 1 . 1 .. ý - ---- -- - ý ý> 1- * .q-T'JE EUILOPEAX-X : 1 ý LIA B'OIL"S--ýR '. - -- . ý 1 - --- 19 eLD OF , . . ý .... ..-I . - . . ý e ýi1iIýCý * 1 . .. .. .. ý 1 - . --. 1 1 ý ý. 1 ý * î ' - ý. i . . - . - ý 1 - - Liox . .âe n î , 1 . ý 1ý1 1 : ý 1 ý ý -Ë , . ýý1% 'ý . . , . , « ý -.O'fTý(:m ]ULTON Mum;xt. BIC e lÜ.Durno's .S.131 1! ; 1 . - ýALT0X PM . - rýà£= MY. = - 1 1 : ' .1 - --ý ý, ý - . - ý1 1 . ý. ý ý 1 Il ,ý .1 ý - IAN HA ON." , . . .ý ' 'ýý 1 ý -I: 1 . lur. 0 Mpi hou Tuez retro 1 - -. ,* - . . --. , - > -, ýý ý: ý ý 1 ý ý.. ý ý ý ; . ý4 ý . &.;ýý ' ý 1 :, - -- - M. wý,aîhip the thé ;a P&tm.ýe" Général ý4JeId ïg re ýýý ý 1 1 ., -- ýÙIle'rePOrtOftI or rd 1-1 ses ' - -; ý ý ý 1 - ý , ý , . ý, . : .: - lu! 1 iii, ' . se Ce.ji.t. âïiU'à 1 -ï.-, - - 1 . 1 - ' -- '... AR . c I"..--.ý for the Son DA .W "ü L-ý y distrtbpted. JFrom, Thw y su, ,i,- .P. ;D: hum 1 , - . . . XORE COMPARIS035. ' ,,,,, ,bU Ui= gfth*jun '"M'has . whicla Was ait. IL wI"'bt.i. th. 1 9 fi Te joursoed unstil the evening of the mine ServCE * 'W . ý j 1. , ý.. . , , .. 7 ý ". , ý : . ý ý ý 1- - . ýý . 1 1 . . , 1 , ý . , - - , '. . . ý 1 .- O% a B = fôr àg.'.I.Z * . ý 1 . ý - ýý d . ý . ! 1 teilla IatingtOthepOstýO1 t aýM..- - ýZ, ; . . . . ..: î . .. Iz 1: - . ý 1 . .. fêw da" ago, a friand Wells ý ' day. - 1 - * 'ý1 ý.. ý ý . 1 , ". . ; 'e- . . = " the three boys and 1 .. i:- a ýBCTJE '. ý - .. enOughý t'si leila us a' Cop& of the rei:ort . p. o. ý - es o .&&LAZY.&c. - The finit Cam Conseil ûxý - = came" ha* 1 , .. ý T!Sml7o7lLo . ý j 5W.00 C.pbeU.foi being are 1. . ý ý dithe ý.1éasÙM of býyiiùjfbr til on ciiinilàal sfatisties or-lWs, iiisued ACý . .............. B. . . - lyonthe 6th inst CampbeUpleaded 1 ail the ServS'were ranning alýdund the is rèports'ýbaving bouâht ioine- of the cheàpes gooas 1 -> ,- ep ; ut and ud 1 ljrà tntCa.iniuýh4ýàlititiesýàsýtOàiveëuÈcust'oniersaniiiil.iTni CI àsÉortihent. , . ý ý1- 1 1. . ... . . . ý. 1 by thè Dominion . Goveriiiée A, --.......-...............'. - * ý7.ý lier ;je sonnes véry umbewmiPg of - ý î. que y ý V. . Tý..1.'ý. 48.801 2000 jàdt! and ives filleil 81 and 82.65 Costa. ý. 1 . ý . . 1 - 1 --. ... . ý . ý : . . ,: Servos go ta the fonce ', . . . .. .1 '. Millet 1 Gazette. 64.07 s4.»Oo . &..a ..e-aq.zýst Thos.Johnston, language; SaIr. illinsfil it . fallu Aaligrove ............. - fer being drunk, disorderly and f le get Clie; -Myerg 1 . . . .. . - . 1ý ý . . ý - . .. ý Z . s5M iring off for a rail, but lie didn' - - - ý - :, . . ý'. ý - . . . 1 duel. ýd tellist we le Bidliratail ........... 156.42 1 . --, r. o an nain fitio Il * 1- liclyne ........ ý ........ floue, the Blé! . ý : . - GOOns 1 NEW GOODS. ' - ý . . . 60.89 24.00 a pistol on the Oth insIL Be pléoded t a ýtake ýq, but 1 1 ý . NÉÉ - . 1 1 . 1 . iati .:in iùr i ri . Of laisse; W gaflty and was faied 82 and 32Z6 ciselé. B= ock bad noue; k upa r, : ý . . . . 1 . . . . . .. . . lu Branle . .............. 229.12 94.00 ho pick . -- cou OUR OLOTMNG ESTABLISRIIENT. Cclored Dreu Mlloins ... ý .............. ý..'..... S. sellas .... ý .... :.; ......... Ille' READY'MADE CL(jTllll(; : ýin bi-noffaisif gý aligne .9 of leurlington ...... ::::: 872.05 400.00. Third case--m-agaiLsst Samuel Landes. firewood stick when lie Cleilleind Serves u.ùsgýý ..... ý ... .... : . 1 1 me ont; fer à ri o 4 in ri. impbeliville. 195.54 - W.50 boroughforbein drankanddisorderly andthrew it eltýïr.him; itl ý 1 à Moulin Maille; .......... 1 ..: ............... 50 Table-Linen ............. ......... ý ................. Soir ý ý . .1 .; - .. 1 N'a :: - ...... ; ............ 1.50 1 1 . ý . ý . . ý ý 1 . . . te husville .... ?. 94.32 - 58.50 on Liens 7th lest. M pleaded guilty and the r6of of au .outhousé; = 0: - - i Boller 'r.«.Uing ..... 40 whenhesslea -a Liait thes In r Cure. , Table i, - ý ýý 1ý for this comoty Dressisquin my nephow; carmot say ý ......... 1 1- . - We ýý"zive*you tli..I"tý,"* ýOf fincli convictions , ............ 52.28 ' 28-00 was flood $1 and $1.90 cents. ' that theyvere Dey . ' A ailleils ilscresse -the Pý.pI. s1dise làzbg ...... ................ :.ý':::.::::::::: *. Table ... ............ ................ - . 1 . il ý ý tout t .6 ace r1lui cléthing et:" . : dnriný the year m-as 8 Instead of "- Fr,,..,',L ............ 277à2 . 99.00 Fourth case-against Wall. Kenugy, drunk. ý : by liai, th 9 1 , Ch 1 1 . . NEW coûtes. . ý .. ý Clothingla Hamiltun wO b.,,.,, ,. . ! Altholigli the latter number is. the car. Georgetown ......... 1 for saine offence on the 6th inst. kie . JOUN BurLF.]L-Saw the d"Il gt.ir leu, prir.e. . . . . . - . NÉW Gooles. . . ý - .1 : 1 clothing Sbo* Rown ý . .11 I ci, Il rect one. m %boita, . by. elle record . .7 1 i., . . - Pink Dreà Gonds .......... ý ... ýýelh.Lr. . )'au ,et fullyll .1 in Glenwillialui ...... 8 . 12i.50 pleauleil guilty and wais flussa 81 and thé cage ci the quarry driving étang 1 Blacke.hmom ............ ý..,: ... i ............. 250 'Bleu, Dresse, Gonds ............. :::::..::ý:::::::::: thffl' ' . Il -su; ut ý .b., Il À the 0 ce .Dl the Clerk, of the Pouce ffimby ..... ý ........ : 16WO.8630 64.00 $1.90 .ta. the mail and turning initia Servoifs ý 13aw »,Y TRINKINGP.ERSON ý Black, Cuhmem ................ ................... 7* Light P.. Dresser G.d. the énly a tu .el sr - : : figure, a mig . ....... ý.. 10.40 . 2.50 . ý Fifth case-agaimît Jus. Corrie, for the Servos boys mont the others un the ý . . . BIack.CàsAýu Vloth .... ;....!..:ý ....... *..-...; ... :::::::*:'«'***'**' 0 public.. ý EN 8 PA ý " t1y Kilbride ..... ; ........ 168.44 61.50 being amok: and dise . ý . J BI.cic Serge ........ . ; .............................. I1.110 Duk Fairis, Dresse Gonds. . ...... ý ...... Tm Lake having appareil ý ýderIv on the 7th hill; Serves. and BULeWoék wmtlûd a ' î , . . ý .m ý . 1 . . , . . .. liste, ho hissé book'. gives the former KtIsil ........ , , A I NEW GOODS. .., ý . ý .1.,.,bgen ,W]o e ther in ý . linatejihnll .......... * 16.15 inst. He pleaded gulity of iýeing article, little thon Serves atruck Blissenklock; ils "ssa te ce-- te uà- sa it etandil te re- . . - ý NEW. GOODS. % - . ý . . ::: . 111 S. ,- 1 tel t " ose hy t'le l'r'l'tý-r-9- we regret Louville ........ ý . bscýHAmssA arê lu no poisitime tocomplete ' : 1 EýwsbiranKo ...... ý ... ý...) .......... ; ............. 121C ý . ý> ... . 1, Iture, whénce elle report was LimBliolige..* . -A, - Servos-ýmnt thrac -Bull Ont Pli te of the WhoIssaale C'lutin. ý ý 1 . . ý . «., . . . .. . . Dit a e 1 A . 10-00 , la ..... . 193.71 16.00 He was dissuisseil with a wami% -., for a rail and BIackIýà and MYM ,....S.re HeRvy Shirting -1 . . Il W .. ý Me-181,otlld have =ose(] 'Ir.' ýith ,u, They have tvm palme t'o ý.vnr. sud 'Union Carpeti4 ............................ ; ............. 100 ý ýe.Fhç.-go abli an .Woolpl Sixtli c&ý ngainst Roland rush, wen saw Mrs. 1 :::: .... 1210 C'cd 'ghiting..:.,::::::::::.*ý.*:::.*.'.*:.*.e.,..* ...... si . : . . . M i u e.rpetý ............. ý ....... 4 ..... 250 Engli-h Shicti.g ......... i . . ........ 7.:ý .......... :6ý the Twed in th. MADRoucud ...... ; ... « GO.89 « 40.50 t ta the eloigh for stalles; ý ý . . 1 1 . - -- .810 . . Theu arc pant. yOu I..Id .A ho not, i.9 )le did, laissais th(, .th= :::::::*::::':::::::::::::::::*:::::*«:46o **** lac th,. m ... yi,,, ý. .slilt.u..* .............. ý .Go 820.00 Chargea with boing drunk ana disorder- Sen elle was talking prettylonally ilissesert an in the sanse tâter in m ý* AR 180.97 70.0() ly on the Gtli inst. Ire plisalleil Dot BI was about 20 yards ehini 17.s" S TIIIS WAY. 1 . 'Union C * * - . i * 1 ý.. th. wk.le thing.m . : - barefloust N RAgàývOyý4 ...... a(ýJ,0,ck ,hiel, Ise , . 'O . os w . . . . . « NEW GOODS. - 1 . 1 1 ... . ý 1. taille ................ 142.06 60.00 g ilty. SamuelLand»bor Il was ex Serv ben chasing tain ta the bouse, . 1 NEW GOUDS ý 1 gave fiis Rtatistic. fmr's1runkenùcýs t'lot N' . . ý ratlà ý ý WE 'RAVE MADE-Up. , ý ru ý Our Autrement à( Vrintai tinte session le MuOI* Parement thie session. buYinL ne - Our minds -tu. Oeil 'ail eh. Rt-dy.m.d ý ()(.rval .............. ;. 30'2.G3ý 1-20.00 amined and stated that lie as in the bouse beford blasait t 1 . ý Mr.v, isi; iles m.k". extra 'ff.rts in Our . ý ; pPp;nlàti.ý"! than HaItofi, % ow .. 1990.41-t' -20.00 Saturas) Thomas firewood stick viens thrown; cassemot Il un I - ;;,ha; ýwO liait Oucli =ecent rang- of COI-red Mullins, Linen iugeldinHamilt,,n. "a t-d.tbL' the Th-t Y.- S" y a polif Î! m i6ci 1). . i cLy t a. ly ent. s the Cônntv o Ïpeul 'lu' a "allie" Hmaller Rkillo ............ 7 Brisais cri - evening. uy - -- , . Il 61.86 lol ' A vol! ho i ski W Y.us LA Pet blailli- (arith' -If sud mýL'ing Ulàthi-9 -t'lU.. prit. duit ... - . -ix., 16. Oissaffli ý .............. 123.05 40.00 Jolmston was aise examineil and said sure villa struck ferai. . . 1, instesil of ý,,oW. wç roight have PaIL ey le, Y.M. ýAtt.nti te "Y Levu.. Dnas ý ý 1 ne ý e -m t- I % il V Te h our os (su V ., Illock ..... > 24.00 ? evening, thist lie %vas net dronte, lier dia' -gap - in Il op. Il. O 'tas. t se we .. a . Colorissi Saut), Lissess, Lawn in Colored &id mall.eýmocan buy thIns f - - ! 'rail, .............. lio.18 thest ho was witli Bruits on Satusiaay ý WILIJAX BLACKLOCK.-$aw the boys Y.- watt 1;" Iý ( !.tLng LI je ut Mrs. Servos's ,ons ituésday aveu pubbratilp P 1 le et cul usutIfui sucLent, 01 White. White Mu-lin, Vý-toes Lewis C,,,,, - . ý - . . Ur. Jen' ' l' Inclinait ta saispect bien or c-cotel, t ta r -". ý1i 1 1 L falsifving la% other figureR. . 1 any noisis Onthes - Blacklock and - ge -ýrkatléel, . a OU . , ' ý 1 - t ý . . 1 ý 1 . 1 . . ý J . ý i s ,cri a :: 84.60 36.00 lie biser bien inalcing o rvoR 1 1 .: ý . - ý L irt shows, fardier, tha IIr. - . strect. se was dismissed. IJeý Serves strack Blacklock; Black- 1 . reints. . . Li7ht Bloc. Cardinal, Pink and Bhusk Lawas. ý . . ý ý - - Th . a raisin t " Il Il .. « .... ý - . ý 1316 18.00 The ce . Tl.1.1i,ý.ý* .. .. 120.75 1 1 lock stnick Servos ; Serves ment fora . 1 . . .ý . .. ý ý . . . . - l . ý ý ý - ý . .ý licas, 19ýali:ý'anythina bot limiclit ri hiq sral-1 li--:.:::,ý::- - * * 52.00 Anothur levecs vras belli by the Mayor ý . ý . ý . - f -the %tati% .imiuormýn..: ...... 115t.85 44-00 !aie Friday moming rail, but didn't get one;, hé -tbon-went . . . ý . . . 1 . ý 1 il Thompson cvas chargea by thý Chief . -.-O .. 0=10M Dox a . Scotcl::L, r.tmrr ' ý-ý '. ,: : - ýý '-« sélections o -tics vvIlich hi, 7 1 .., Scott Act to diosiniR huit' when Jeunes t backandstruckDuff- Blacldoe-thon ' ' - pOtenýy .dl th . . ' 1 . . Gea « siait- 1 1 ý , a ,malt chased Serves into the bouse ana ýbreýv ý ý . ý . ý ý ý, 41 tý Rhum, the alleiged ; . 1 , ý L 1OV4Lin allier .11 Staterneist showing'tho number and' T-wea sro= ' ý ricin' We abc in a former article .an).Ilntofinoucycrolersissuulan(Itlieý,,-itlibein-ýIrutik. Jimmiepromi.wdto A . 1 . .. . . 1 1 . ý. . 1 1 . ý .- . - -ý ý 1 firewood stick after litre; sair Mrs. "mn , of Moments paid: . : j ta abstisin in friture and tels worsibip 1 - . 1 , . ý 1 . . ý . . . 1 ý .ý ý ý. 1 -, statiiiiies of llalwn . ,vith thosil of Went. 458 5 9,974.98 $ 245.10 - gave ]si- l'the &mnd march.l'. ý Serres m - doü't lffià,dl who, ý . . . . . . 1 ý ý -.,ý,J .ý tË , %vas; ýnOt'n, ýZ1i. trouble, but I susw PRATT & WAT . AND 18 JA1ýffl STREET, HAIELTO ý ' .. started th Servés . iwor and Wellington -fair 'a D-ýý, o. 4116 . 54-4 09 . . 0,487.16, On Saturday PoterRoberfBlacklock, 8 . ' ý trike first; beard. Myors iwear,'But saisi : . . . 1 1 .ý 1 . . 1 . . i Due, iÙasmucli a. the i)cpilation of the Georgetown iffl 17,835:44 6,857.53 of Nassagaweya, was brouight liciers net base, Blacklock. « . . 1 . . . a 1 ý 1 ý ,à, .. ý 1 . . ) . . . . . ý > ;fGrmÙwunty "as net oûIyý mach the Milton ....... 919 18,418.flo ' ir,08L.591 George Sissith, Esl, J. P., on a charge The defondant was convictoci ana "!M""!!" - - - . . . . -'i smalléeïtbut prificipally rural, its largest Oakville ..... 788 16,1r.4.85 - 6,537.2-P oflialvingonthe9t inst. asssaultpdand . . . . . . .. 1 ý ý .. ý ý . liabi "truck W illiam Henry . . .. . . . , ý . . . ý . ý 1 .1 . - . . . , ý : ',townèonfainiAgonlý--al)outl;,SOoin - PaIcrm»..;ý. 216 8,891.83 1,624.20 - Serves of the flood 82 arla octets. 1 . . . - , ' - . . 1 ý . . ý. . . . (1 1 ý 1ý ý 1 - - 1 à ý . . .1 - : . I , ý- , ýtautsJ White in,'ýVentwortli thora ils a . - .aille townsh ý ip. The first witness - - ý ý1 . 1 . . ý i - ý ý 1 - ý 1 ý ý '. . ý . ,es , ]Jetait Of payments for mail transpor. Rivale, was . . . . . ý . ý . ý ý . ý .. . . . . . Acity of abc t 40,000 inhabit.nltq and in tation: . . . 1 1 Il . . .. i C. C. Judgeys Criminel Court: ý . ý ý ý . ý . ý . - ý. 1 . Wellin, ri one of about 10.000. ý WILLIAM 1 HENRY S:nnves.-Live in Il quota frain the reposçt ý. ,s . - lssclru ]EFJFU. LAM E A"M"IVALS or BABLY l' sr1LiXG1r,ý GOODI . Actm and KnatLlIl)nll..* ............ S. 75.00 N, ý HislsonorJudgê. lerheldasittiug ý QILT . ý 1 . ý. .. . ý., N%'e: Br.. le * Actoh alla Spe.y.4,(Ie ....... assagaweya; on the eveniDà.Oftlie ý )fil . ý 1 . . . . 1 . 1 es which tell a von, different ....... 7r'*O() 9th ixist., about 6 o'clock, Robert Black. on Frislay, the 121tli March, whon Mer. . . . . . . 1 1 . . ý . -, ý ý. : ý: ý insorefgur Appelby aàcl Itýif.-aý- S - . . ý ý . . . . .. 1 . ý ý . . . . . 1 . wu --for th id on the 4th ý ý . . - ý i . J . ýý . 1 , ý . ý. I 1 story. rom Lisse; ,ýhich Mr. Iýtiýmd Rouglit Asligrovà and Georgeto tatiOD ... 82-00 IbCk, Peter Duff and Andrew ,Myers rison Campbell (a vagraut) wag arraign. . - e . 1 ý i 1 - - . . 1 . . . , ý. . Ballinatad ana Geor, tourte; ..... 250 1 . ý z . . ý . . . ý ý . .. ta aupport with, bis garbled and faisified -a ........ 225-00 drove inte My gardon in a Bleigli, tom. ail I et lie (L March, ut 1 a . ý 1 * . ý . ý 1 ý ý ý . -,Btatigtiu, and whieli mûre carefully -00 cd scanna and drove out; my brother ýhü Township of Tomate, throw a stone . . ý . î 1 . 1 . . . ý ; 1 et 1 1 . ý . ý . Void by bis reverenc :- 1 . . moüthsî.... 53,20 Richard andImet thera m thj3ga into a carriages upon the C.. P. R. ivith . 1 . ý . ý- . ý '. . ý ý . ý ý ý . 1 . ,ý . Broûte Station and Paternel ...... 210.(10 ,Y, AR initiant ta i.j.m," &o., ta whieh lie plana. . . > . - . - . 1 ý , . , -- , ý .. t-r -W ý- we %vote coming home franc, the bus ta . .., . , 1 . ý. . ý . ý - = Burlingtsie alla Port Nelson; ..... 87-127 te.'- Bla.klock.jiimped out andswom cd net guilty, sud said that ho vraie . . 1 . l ý . . ý.. - - : * - 1 ý 1 ' - C- uý'- - "te Act - 13. ý ý 1 . . . . ý 7 1 . C-iid.' ' m ;; f -00. ha ýouId lick the best man in the crowd, ready for bis trial. 1 - . . . .. . . . ,ý 1 . . ý 1 1 , 1 , , W c. 3,,ý rlington St. and Ziminermau. 290 Jý . '- - ' Campbell - ville and Station, 5 m.. 8.88 struck me tWice vitloiis, liait, and kick. ARTOUR PITIPPO, 8WOTu.ýAm au origine . ÀÀM àm, Il .ý- à& : - ffle'q . . ., ý toiles- Blacklock driv Id . la ý M lj-e&p3,%e,ý.IPUI £7-36. ý %ý-.e 10 .; . . . iiiii and 1' or on the C. P. R.l: No. 5 train; saw . 116 Caml'bel'v'lle aua Nas-mI'awbya 2()0-00 cd rue tierce or four -1 . ý . ý . 1. , 107 Drumquin ana ,'îs4agûvveýa ....... 93.00 il IIyers cacli took a staie from, the prisoiser ut Streetsville Jnnetion où 4th . . ý ý . . 1 1 .0 ", ý ý . . Charlotte, IiiB.,'2'ýfayl4,'79, 26,087 110 Car, ý . -1 . . ý ý ý York! MI, e ....... Dec-28,113, 27,140 Milton .... : ......... 800.00 'In . . .. . . ý l . - - - . . . li . *-Colcliè.9tI-r, N. S. - sleigh rack and chased me into the Marets in company mith tierce other 1 . i .. j . . . ý .. ............... . 67.00 bouse, Blacklock swearing lie would parties* they got on the train and the * . . . t . 1 - . . ý..ýlayl3.'81, 26,70-0 40 Freemau ,,a Station - . . 1 . 1 ' ý . 1- %Queehi, P.E.1 ... S.1,5V4 '80 *48 111 281 Georgetown and S 1 . ý . Have receivecl further extè'nsive shi melis of New eoods. and are showing attractive a ý tesortin i siuo 1 . , ý , ý , .ý. . .. . -. , kill me if lie liait- ta go into the bouse conducIýr put tissus off; I then saw the 'Pictou, N. S ....... N'o, 9, .81: 3.":535 - iii tation; ...... ý ... 162.85 . . . . .p . 1 cel -si and Sainsonville .... ý 179*00 Rites, me ; they followeil le . . - . . ý ý . . ý . l ý . .!Glýu4ýëster; N.B.Noseott'let2lG 1 Gèorgetoý% ri te the prisoner throw, a stoue est the conductoir . ý ý .. . i . .1 ý . . , II 14 ù Lowville nuit Hamilton ....... ; .... 525.oo bouse, sud eue of the , ý . 1. ; . . .. ý. 1 . ý ý .. , . . .. - xoods, Black ýnd Colorec . . 1 . . o ý Il MAIS 1 Iiiitoil ah 1 1 Silks, . 'à ýý :Kentt N.11 ........ ýý eh don't know or ut a passeuger; the train vraie just ý French Dfess C . ý . . I a StatiOnR.ý ............... 131.94 which, struck me ivith a stuka; tlicy staTtiug off; 1 immodiately a . 1 ý . -ý ý . .. . . . 1 . 1 . R* A (j.kýille alla Trafalgar ....... 2125.00 "j Qriental Lace, all wiclths, . . ý 1 ý - ý . . - . .ý illestigouche N.B Il .. Il . 71058 1 pplied the , 1 1 ; 1 . . 1 = Q el ... II: Il -i 14.459 were drunk. limites sensped off, casight the prisoner , . .1 . Il . . . ý . 1 6 Scoteli Block sud Station...:::::: 01-50 Cross-examiùed by Mr. MeGibbon.- sud put bien on the train; the other - Cambric Embroideries ana non * . . . ý 1 1 . . 1 . . . 1 ý ý Qui, .. , .. .. . - . . . neing, 1 . ý ý . ý ý . . ý ý , . - , -, ý; 1 Que ... ýI1 ' .. Il ý0,2i8 il ---ý- - . 4 (),et*. LAt)iF.s.-Dou Ribbons in all the New Shades, . . :ý ý . 1 ý... ý . : St. France 1 1 't boy your Wall Paper Knew by Blacklock's actions thist lie tierce tramps Raid ta the prisoner that . . ý .1 . .. ý . ý HaIllicla's sý II Il * Il 17,660 8 1 Outil you Bac out stock, whiell will ho tires article, sud amelleil liqueur off MOI ; tlicy Weald meet bien in Milton; the , . . 1 ý . . .1 1 . . ý . ý1 . .. 1 J * . Duffériu, us .... 1 bit Iiiin once alter lie Irait bit me prisoller said that if it vins, niglit time ! . 1 T.rimmings, Fiiiiges and Biittops, Gloves and Ho'siery,'- ý . . ýý. . . . 0 t Il Il Il 19-803 -poil aie '%ý,'ednesday, '24th ' Marcli. ........ . 1 .. Il. 65,218 le; . ý%*e twice - hall no stick in my hanà nt Roy 1 coula net take biais; we, atterwards ý . - . ý ý ý Humn, Ont ...... Il ' IlAboilt;70,000 Paper clicapier tliau BON timls.' Blacklock ana 1 wrestleil bcfore found a butcher's knifs, bebind a box - ý . En.-liàh'aù.d French Printà and Sateens, ý .ý 1ý Bru&-, Ont. , will Roll Wall - . . . . 1 . . . . .. ý - --- - - 1 sous. & hostruckme; thoughtatilliatthathe where hé hua banc in elle car, suspposea 1 1 . . . . English and German Corsets, : . 1 ý . ý - . ý. .4, ..1 ý 1 . Ùare sir l'impers. - ,; Wall in fun. ta bc bis; the other tbree goters the 1 4 - . ý ý . Lace Cartainsi etc.,.>àll exceedinglow, . 1 ý . 1 . 1 - ý . 1 . in prie 1 i soid ut cos;t. Came quinte, as ail iv , vVaB wit .. . . . . ý ý . . ý ý. 1 I.... . ý.. . 1 . ý ý 1 . . The grand j . ury at the Halfon As Cltocr£ny.-All oser Crochery will lie RiciiARD SERVos.-Atn brothor of lest train the second time sud were put off . ý . . ý - ci . , : ý. . 1 il, witnags; uns, m him on ovening of again. . 1 . ' . . wom.-Was ý . 1 . 1 ;. . 1 ý ren. as thore werc nu - . F.%ItMF.Rs. NOnuA, GýxNDL,:ir:;o a witi, a fiiii ana choice stock of Table ùînon, S . e ' ý 1 Bized. hold in 31ilton this %venir, hail . a sdon'be sold.-P. M: -ýslcKay & Sons. 9th ins - came home about 6 . ý . , . ý . . ý . . .ýi C;ruiiiuW cases for trial.. They there. _Bb,. Salt .9octs. ut pý. M. o'clock from the buste; Blacklock, conductor on No. ô train, C. P. IL, 4th beating, Toweffings, N ' kinsi, etc., at wiloielial prièes. 2 - . - . ý , 'i lighe Lask ta paria - A., wlien ive ý 1 . Ay , .,o ýyers aýd Duff drovc into eue gardon Match; saw prisera: ap . , 0 .1 Il a glelgli; thov ail thon got out; front ana of the bag, ý ... . , . 1 ý . .ý . .1ý . - ,ý fore lied their liroseuttiiGht Boit . , r and Othon on the ý .ý . 1 . - -nuit 1 %mre .. BOOTS & SHOEý;.-Laaies and gentils- Blachlock ana William liait a wrestie, off, whor gage cap;;put thern. ý . . . . ý . . ý . , . r-gressi%-c colin- 1 il if Yeu %vaut an) " said lie Conta lick . they lisait bard hIl à 1 . BiaCk and Colored bilXS ar . StOCk Siiii.séiiing Off.till Ist-M arellit c ' ' > Halton Ln saisi Loi ho a -Liang in the Bout upiage; the .id OstherW inters im"I' ininIL41intely clischargell. mes 1 : . - I sud thon Blacklock is M i -o the.win . zording ta tien staiýn eut of aud Sima liné IL will bc te your savon. the but man in the crowd, teck off Il stoue thrown brut, etc; I ira. 1 ' . ý . 1 .1 . . . _ .1 1 0 . Stýp1 1, 1 t le ý na juin ', i i talle th inspect our stock liefore pur, Coût, struck my brailler twice ; ail ataly juraspeil off; sam- thé enginegr . . . . ý ; . .1 1 1 1 . . I.. .. ý 1 ý 1 ý Il i"nltlÜicilIalitie4 do. , mY havi»g Isola of the prisoner . ý wu put Délit 1 cliasing:elsewhere. .the a ver,3. humaine, selbeteaIstuelc of Bo. We have the beýt - aura D 1 1 ý twc ci Ots a il Shans lu brother struck bien,- thon lie kicked my. him à na biouglit bien in, Milton; -1-l'.....- MVC= MBM »ZL»= CCZ C O-, 18, 20 AN',D 902KINGST. .EAST., .Toucher. le I en If na in 'ri bruther, Blacklock took'a stuka froin ha aCk.on-ledge(l the ., . . only',üito was mal ' ' al, audfSiri town. 1%*£) initiait doing the Bout and Owing the B£Dne; . . . ý ý 1 ý . . .ý . 1 .; . critain , the sleigli,.s%ý6re lie'd kilt my brailler. wu brought bars in the'car. 1 . . . . 1 . .ý .. %vcrelttit.%tiem:waiiiii,ýfor admission te Shoc traite Of Miltons; Our gouda arc . . . ý . . .. ,randjurors, -a:y doive teint, Choali.- alla cbmed bien 'Lien t'le "Ouse ; (Stick Th. prisons, was found guilty-alla - . . . . .. . ý'. ý 1 ý- .. .. .. . tho lu ' lie riglltl>,:Wàtko:l av% c , a . . - . ý . ý 1 .1 . . . . . ý ý.. . .. Z ýûo. hui tfiàt jail iB no place for P-Il. McK&y.&- Sous. . produced-ati iron-ývocd.stake about li sentence ta six months in the Central - . . 1 . . . i sanc 1),ezrgoàH,' Ries urged - the early i ý - - . - enclins in dissuasion) tenant. Blacklock Prison. . , . . . ý1. 1 1 Il ý ..ru . swearlie'dkill iny brother; theyfol. -3- ýQ ý . ý ý - . 1 , . . - .4 - . . .. - .ý .thr 1 1 . lowed bleu ta the donc of the bouse, . 1 . . . 1 . . ý . . ( IL Omo al f the atieu . Ton othess, Parnell nuit tien Omngezhen, . . . 1886. . ý . 1. . 1 .. . ý ý e , trans !tirer continue, arc coini 1 . . - . . . ý . 4ýýçe « - .. 1 ý . ý . e * 18 1 vagraiit.4, and seven or tien 1 DUBLIN, Maints, 15.-Passaseil publicly wliero'motlier mot thaïe; Blacklock BLACICOUAliDISU UNMFR TRI. SCOTT - . - . . . . 1 . ý . . . ý " saisi lie would Riait lier G- a- bond AcT.-Milton, it soûlas,' is net the Ouly >, . , 1 . ; Aigu th. lussisibéra of the national Party in . -,%.ý III 1 Il . . U hite, i. cIf,.il, final, C.Ieh,.tl,.g .t. ,ai lien. place in Halton in wliicli drutihenness ,. . . . tell hra Olil mon fora rang time-remiIIciit . ., .. ý . Cro.qs-examineil-Tlie*row teck place and blackguardism fleuriste muler the LU 1 ý. in the criant). and, gililty or 110 cliente. - yJ.-e 1 .calling for . tilinisIlinient. The juror. r 5- ']-Y l'y .1I.I'..t'.tions, inch As l'"'. 'es' the gap nt the.entran Act, as the following items wili e'r £::> . . 1 ! . .,i'ilI.' likcly tc .»i.' "DA net irritait. tien -- 111-3, yards irons the baisse ; thoy show: : s re % ,-> S P R IN G * -A N N O U 'Il ua"'E .fd -E N . cxl,ýe.". the opilliou tilat IL es most lin.; the Omnqemen In . 1 ce of.tl'ie gardon, Scott foretinate Ville; thelic mille, iÙ the eveising 1 Il circules,, ha ..y.. o : IF; ý 5. 1 . 1 . . . ý p I.. . ,: . . ý . ý (AIw.'FIi.P- ,.) ýi ý -- ý- 1 :- : of their dit3s, ---------- m e 1 l -------- ý- . 1 .. arc compelles] te. bc Tests la et e - 4%:v . . - -ý ý ý .. ý- ;. 1 Orangemen however soissessisieli you al %N'are quises ý lisse before 1 saw: thmu deem them. - vital importance. - The Chief of Police ý.....Zf. - . .. ý ; ý 1 . --ý -----ý.- -ý-- Blacklock stiruck waruttie ill-bellavea youths virile ira . . ý 1 . . 1 l -1 i incArcerAtýl hi ýpris(m' and - te ý lie as. . hourd thora sinping befores I saw the..., . . ý . 1y i Il . l gueintLil %vith elle (:câlinai ciass. ý« my br ther in the - . 1 . 1 Ili-1 lienistrectýtBaited-ýý...-.I,.ýia face, Icaving a ri y ich is thore, quant the Salvatiou Army barrackH, 0 . . 1 111,1ý 1I ýn recomnitnil that Lieu. conoty; an immense stock or Wall Papotes, ail yet ;J im back; 1 thest thLy must cond. ý C 'ibemselves . . IN D E R S O N & '. - gaali, le ; sa > or lie will bc millier the noces. . . . Il h o . ý . '. 1 ý. ý . . . '()r't'es'ýt)"'(' éga"D te bO'h iltAý the oeil; (le.ýigfi.%audcolorin, ; Isly brotlier .t . . . . M cL E O D 5 A ' ý .0 i ! ! 1 si . coli'tit)ýin,,rliI,,I.ýe. rIliqailviêoHllollll gra( A struck one of thon LI nging as the proporly ý . . . 1 . i' 'bn s;ýûîqtlL'2 Ilftho the Myagis. ý . , Gr= 0MBGr= = (Z .lý77""2ýT - - , * . ý ý . mallicill'a atltl'or't'es floue tive cents op. ý , sleigli came op iv a out hý Servoses, sity sif taking them before . , . ýý -.. . %Y, > L£ - . . . cf ,l Hilsons and Scribers. truites' Court ta ansiver for thei ý; 1 ý ý . 9 :, -- . . . . I I I. IL moula lie much mort! 1 - Yeti cars get any - thing yole violet in , ý - r mis. ýý i ý . . 1 ., - i . . , 1. ý - . . 1 ý filloRt gilt g. lIeury - - the finit I saw ta a . ý 4 . in maling theïr annoisencement for the S] i"ecôtiolisie'Ll alla ofitisfiicturý- for the Willl paliers ironie ,the clicape4t; tu elle Ilns. MARIjl, sp.nvog Ain William belsaviour. He lim-explicit instructiolis ý . . 1 - Loin) -orth, Peul, or , A cas, with borders te match. SurN-ffl'4 mother, et in the motter. . ;ïi PrID9, wOuld siy that Owing tel the unfdrseen . . 1 1 coli,14 il ý%itll.'%%'eut%% t. the ilimit rCasîOuqIJIC prices frosa Of the trouble was the sleigh of the (IlOiiiilt.A Ti..c.,, V.,.JI 1 1.) , - . m ý stances aud Lard tinies prévalait in this community, tbey «havè* been Tenable te cars .. 3 leu di g inten our doorý M . ' tliciraliiiouncomcuteftlicir aisselutiofi' of partuership. The'sàiù ýartnerqhipý: p I)Iiff'!iil, fusil ercet a combination polir i . 'Sing ri -ivin ,ard; . 1 1 LAM thein they %%-are going the ý,vroug m'as witilessed ut a sale lit Warels facilehissiffl alla '-suintais, aie hillusltrial ffirmî H.m.,treLt & Bastellu. ý . On Ilouday huit a disgmcefiil sienne ; - Il - ther(lore continue for ouejeisr I«ugerr Bo as ta giye RU parties who are SUR owiji tluin to continuis elle. jriý..litt* haffluizaid; 130 gare te go in. and instinct the ira. ,,ay * I Baur Blacklock striko my son, cAst.of ,Burlington vilIRE. iMr.'.%Iarit ý - ý . - . ' - t - - us on accolent, a fluitlier OPPOTtuuity ta Call and settle their ýccouIitq. . WC i ý Da lvllelflrànul) IIP Isola uPa.%tick, Hill ivas Belling of his c COLS, and there . plirrc'Ée ta (10 business Cistirely foi- é%sli or.iii-o(luce.' No polis wiIIbeýcharàéa. ý .'Wo ý ý ilrýcýiý,!. %%*.it,-rlio,, ý%fiIlIlic-sex, N.rf.Ik 1-ineuse .tock of New '%%"ail Papota ilow A ' ý --- ý . . ý ý gccds (11(ap; we ' -. alla otliiýr quiffleq ,viii,.It bave allopteil ý -ing slio%ý-ii et Heilistreet& 13asteil.'.. ;ýIIeI1 me a a- bý , and Bitura lie ,vas a fair prospect of overything peu - -- - -- l 19-7 . . ý . 1 . .., thiliPlan re*l)nrt Liait it worksadmi 1 r. - fliey are doing the M'ail Palier ýmIL of winild dasli my brains - te elly. trut have liait suzle an expérience of the alla time eredit-btisinessl* wbiýh en all),.-Iliti..iltnilrit'l.ý. , , LL-0 Col . inty., - .. but; Blacklock ing off in a matisfactory Distiller, wlieni - LfUIIY tient IL es IL vuLY tl"lLui» WIIY 01 ilotng business. The hollest und trpstv iman verlio Pays iip PrOmptly liasto pay for the aillions t ý --- ý .--.- ý 1 chaiseil n'y son Ut) ta tiie dollar; I picked Wh ý . . . . 1 New is the tinio to. coeurs yoiir'Ç%*all al, il stick, but Ktruck nobody; Peter a crowd of rougliR belonging ta Darling. aria ýOve PRYs est ail. We are satisfied. that every person who looks- jet the cash svstem of doing business will saý that« it is the only hcuest . tinn of ,eiili..g Il. flyhise a cecded ta eut and drink op the refresh., vantages wbieh ailes Il buv cheaper. Nve Will sell goodé nt wliolesale Prices, Paying èash:and gettiùg al] i. - Tt i- I0--ià,ý,rIl Frobald. that the inta,- 1 papers, liait yoil willp finit by fur the Éillff 1,111, 1, thmist., bat jus . O Lien put in an appearauce. They pril O lils) Of d-;Dg 1),isinesý3. We eau buy Clisap, ' ' - . .. , colum. LI, tels. 1 lesgest stock. Ana greatut varicty et secouent train one to the other; go accrue ta the cash bayer. Il , Wi ' sec oiirgoods; compare p . icesi ana. wc laure 25c. per con N.,rti'.I..t thils iluisig wili ]le .1,..d.".Ii.. ' il - yp se ment;s which hall beenproN-idedapa, gonds T system; i are satisfica yole wil ., Rieliardwa.4striiiclc alla Bitume ; the t satisficil with tbis, PrOcce(lca ta Gonds Parchesseil from us. Ladieso, wu are this senson allowijlg the ucate2t 'l.f y ý . 1. stick proliieed IR the one Blacklýk, (Itýstro3-*proporty as Nv , Dregs Trimmingg, Btittcus, Fringes, &.a., &.0. Id most StYlisl' hlillincýY, Mautlei, &C., &C., nIl new alla latest styIeqý istrect't . ne . , lIagted.'.ý. . . 1. 4ý,, la 1 i, ail. They upset , . all te match. Drêss hilikiug in ail the uevest etyles danse on the premissis, Ùndô ' ille man 11 1 bilitins.4 I"i,."., 11*4t.". .ï. .In. týý . - , . ý ý Molust t. £800 000. te in .-IRA factAry ut Sâlem, liacl-lie toit it in the gardon; lie swore jailli: caus, spilling the contenta of a firlet-clissa Dress NI-ker. Ladies, buy your Drus Goods, and Jouve your order if yous Wall . V a fambionables dreàs. . ' Prinfil, Mnslinp', r Lawns ai . . . .ý,li..I 1 lit, r, 1 LA escale, tis'a licKe ar 11 - - - -- - ý . 0" t'le loi' B' al' 'ew, Iseut and n-bbV. Our Ordered Clothing. Departmont. we eau Bpeak witIl piiiIii about it. WC hýýe the finest i .1 . > . . ., ý ý 1 tisit. whi.h P.ýéIl .î1 by vIIIIII. lie violait kill Willians. ' flanc, t.h yr-ll. ý . - PO bý.twëe- thi-'i-I 1 ý,,I.,,-AIln,,.tt., hall bcSsl c.u., broke inculture and for a white m , . ý . . . . 'I)ipthr". i. very. pýv.lI,,t il llqtWee" 'OMO of t'In CHARLOTTE Dun.no.-Live in NARRA. the Lord of Ilisrule appeared f-Tweeds. Trouseringr, &,a., in the province, a ana mý8t eiztensi cauuty, gaweya;my baisse isàboutpoyards toison . ta bave 1 na out eutter.isANo.-l. Try oili-ùobt-yfitsanflelieap fîtrices. Gentý8 forniallingsil, gralisl'E 1 I 1 . sý ôtt.ýAl ýýin....,,II.y.ýliý,il,.faýt.ry. 1 .. ý --sa - 'I' 1-1-1 bA-IIl -1 lII-ItlI V Jolus WihSs Cul th. fatal injury of. fmm'that of the Servoses; Blacklock L pýsgeýsion of the premises., The Rr."O assortnient. c'Ray--ft(re clothing very choap, big stock ta sélect ii-oui. CRI-pets, - in Brussels, Tapestry 2 & B* ply, '%Vaal ruision, ând He; l Bull ta t.k. pèceauti .... y n'In ...... ,, thsand Prices all tobes sotacheaper than the chéespest. Our Stapla Dop rtmont is ziill. £ottous,ýse. par yd. àùd up,.Wfiitý Col ý 1 ý 1'.. jisist hetis sippini-tcli in lis. lowsl'hil, or i him.'lf .ait il scoundrels mets Bo pershitant il J, Ire- -il.-,. et Aksossý Ohin.on and two other yoling mois drove past misbohavier and thon, 2 thoir Olptlis, ILII wid . 1 ' , 1 . . -t.iy bve.,ýl..,Iytl.in.i.g.q"..ýtitv actions werc sa Toswels, se., Tabling, 25c., Cottonnalle b . ilIlilc,.tIly, of pwrile, il tu LE. .toy. of A lesacUry iltmé. iny place; they mûre Binging; abolit 5 tilireateriing that the buyi 1 Celle ana Deniiýs, froisa 121c. Dis. lien, ivoirien and allildren, you cannôt fail te save nioney, by bu3 . » ' JÀ-.ý,.kn.w.I yllnug 1 Mail . 1,1 . l'Ur. il Ira sconne . . ý - , - ý m ý . . Il 'I"I'Il' o- plilluv hY illil'Piug' 1 - minutes later 1 saw scuffling lit the gEsýP, bc afraid ta interface with -il tu gonds féon). lie. Try alla ses. We are in earliest. Wes will soli ci, . . . = ttý Th, Allant tienne. The Wn It dehLyl but come cap for cash Coty. No mars hall debte. Our éUstomeri Vill receive th£ i li.q finst-cl ... ti.keti fr... Sali Frantivro offenders will, however, get thoir j ý ana sec our c'loup Èoods. tend yod - 1 . 1 . . . Nl."g.,. 'iver off V.d., i, 'c 1" P;c'fié culw'y i- -ýw but au Accolent - * * - . i . . . . Il«Iy being itninciliately amept I""Il; tl'hil 't.olt:l,,..g. for 916 and tu New York fur o£ elle distance I coula . . . wiii enrialy buy. , ý . . - . . . .> ý ý . . Il.r.e,1,.. fait.. . or. . A 1 . net sec distinctIy; saw.one of thora, I déserts, for tbey are Wall kuowsa by cér. . . ý ý . 1 1 * . . . . .. ý 1 $31. The,.are' 'rite. lowestever knowls. cannot say which, chasiug Serves Vith tain magistrates who are deteimined ta . . ý . 1 ' ý . . 1 . .. . 1 .1. 1. 1 . . .. . .W rovillicýnisorth- 1l'Is. . . the 1 . . . . . . ý -1 - , ýOn-It il 1 "Ir 1 . a club MALLO au exemple of thora. 1 . ý ý . . . . mvzcl_,M CD= )e. -dLz-l,= = = ,M(zzT , e."- -C o ý. - -..ý, , Zssue CaRISTIN-A SEnVos-Am a sister of : . . . . -, Rule .cheme AIL ' sutra te Nir. V . - lierre DuFour. a French Canaclim,, . 1 . , . . 1 1 . ý ' rit la i.t,,,Io 1 walkecl acroses the continent from Qil.bI..to William Serves; dia ne (O.klllI Se.,, il..b Issý) . . 1 . . . . . . . ý 1 ý .- . . ý ý- '. , . . . 1 . . 1 i. Aithit the police are r 1 Victaria. B. V- 3SOO miles. in eighty.,"In t sec the first of . . 1 . . . ; ý id th- a.tiol .1 th, Duisil ' "' P""" In", d-y.. Ha ils bo'y... or Ag. ana lot the row on Tuesday ovening, but saw the iown hall on Monday, : ! . . . . 1 . ,ý ý . - . us '.1, Gà - . 11-V.,R-..i.- Entrance mus gabsea ta the ý 1 . Manvmoth Ho , é, orleto . ils ..lit thaïs. th. .,, ý- il, sied. night Il 'I. , A missinisser ta hi- hossis, the -MA %vay. of the boys, wheres ît beau e- 15 1 1 11,.!, for. tes. Biti.h Rat fer A me . silléere thanks tilR,, , il ,: Il , Blachlock fighting vith uiy brother; lie - --:--we roturn our t11088.0f orir Costumera who. bave always boson our ý friande, ana trust they Will con ý tire . sa . ta pater, . ni . ze us ing him. with the ý 1 - 1 - . - . 1 .1 ý ý . lie ý cihinct Th. Ncu, Y.il.'ClI.lOtýr of Co.,Ii,.rcI boa a Btake out of' the Bleigh. vas Liait soissé Ciller liait beau stoweddèring : ý > . .1 . à chasing bien and laitti - .1 . . . l . ýý - .', :- listisse.t. . ý ý The result Was that - . . . . ý . - - - . - - - !! ý i D-bli- P-Ilii-I-t and th.ath., ,,pr.iý*,i.g ha. iinanimou.ly ecidineci %Ir. -Emtuc talc, - lie swore, by bis Maker tient lie the kleptomaniaes goï; gIosrhmifflý fun: "! i th- .es. c.ýl.,rcd te puschava, th. laùdlýrdv' 8 the pleuvinas fait. . . . Th- .ilýIr..IdAi, giTen by the Onterý.o aIr .eau. of . bisag. cas This accourts for the frac ,fight-on--'the 4 8tom ai 1 1 . ý . . i . . ý ý 1 . . ý ý ', ý t . 1 1 tWhi-ýpý'.ý,'te.afeINIeilwIeYfo.rrkpbmyctically enlargi'g would'kililViluam; hebitmybrotlier . ý ý ' Manu!aeturer.- Aucci.tim, ou Staten Mana Sound. ' . thé back vvith the stuka; B&W My f.il.i,,i.g ..r.ing.. , Il ý..., . ý ut X ew s for Thousinas of« cu-sim âlets of. n eý111MIltz olil, ; ý ý . tOBERT BL&cimocx.-Am défendent ý 1 . . . . l . 1 . 1 W. . I.. ý - ý 1 . 1 Il -tu:"'t' et Th. Canard lino et 1 brother Mt Blacklock once with bis liait. . . . . . ý . . 1 1 - art 0 mine- Oregon %ya, 1, 1 - O. 1 . ý . . - . 1 ( .. ý . . st i.Ilu.tri.1 design., , ý . ::= 1 1 . ý 1 > ! - ý çere .&ýward*d on ville. withi. . feir miles Uf Sandy oHn.'ue in this.rase; wissi near-Servuls on m A HORRIBLE FATE.-The destla of the ý . - 1 . . ý . e -.ý,.,-:, .mi - * , y . .. . Watkins bu bute . .1 ý OY. ý ý . .. way.home from. MiltImi. om'Tuesclay nutortunate manDeeyllrý.xw MarIling Do" hi. Enomisme estock for lionaly 1 ý . - . i ho %ho varilm .Ih-l.:i. -V'iA fer the -Bisk about four 0-él.k oa S..d.y M -à, , i ý , Ilv à-cOllilil-n withý-- ussknolr. .tisonner. .veille ý 1 go" «M Far l'm than C'lit, but« LIiree menthe ý now, aid the total saluent tient the prince bave 4ÇIL 1 ý ý . . : A .P..i.1 ta th.:Ilsi, -Y. th.r. i. . te.. il., 1,-.Ipg.,. -utf'crew mer. IL 9 ut 6 o'clock; Mýers and Duff Bis et the Amorican Falla a.wC . lie illiPoèteil tac ilargely lest Zing or *. . ectems ta t la I ýtf-IY la Naw York by th. -cm with me; 1 ashca'Williekm Serves a oomÊfiýas o -11-.1 French Dreu collé Ma automni s'Id the' muet go ta Malle "sali foi the SPrintr Stock whicis in ariinng-lI à..Cy &.0.1 E.ýli.h T.,... -ho AR. th.i, ..Il I..dIl -On. .ff I i lest Sunday, and whos iiàl;ly:*Uow-: ImmelueStýcksorBlackAll , - séducesi Ise tii4w.f tO--luc'é.Rýi.,t -t-arre, Faseilla. . . ý disenvéreil on Friaay lut, woula sauna Q'thutity Boa Variety*nf ColoïBa'Dmu Oomis in Ail saliva Down ftom One fifth te One-lialf legs than-théir liste pIîýêq. An. A-ssJýnhhii 1 , . Lusil Ressil.1ph Chu.tý.lr$ .;O.A 0,al - stle; lie saill lie -Waal French Mokas are Méritait .Dovvii Equally. loir, ana many, or themý lus th . . I Au 1 id'il'1.11= ',' vto. -= ta have beau one of the mmet terrible pv'd-n:e visite ta Bee the vait quantitisa and samOàtýenaIe@a variety oi'New PrinîLsý ta A. ha . - - i ý ý ý , rails mi. l' ., ý ý - . -.F.wl.r,8.11.r, .Dit BOban estled a little and Thousands of yards Of.,PrintA are sellinR otratlesiptbau If piide:,k it le ý . PD le ý . 1 . 1 . . - mt'ý-Iln'orthlOý.ýlli,ýintatOnlYOic- VOiý Fine; WhIe. Fut Cols ; M . k lu th. Menthe. sout lik«ly ta lot go; ho got mail and bit me inith bis Liait the hommes mind Can conce'vG- A te 7jB. )red. Printa ébeap nt lie., aie seiling off et 7ic. test., ýGCûd 1 . fist - 1 thon atrack bien with on the aille IR , Hosiery. Oisives, Tito, .ý, WI il'-.Pl .... in the Cabinet r.ndIrId ra-Falls iiàia," justý the Underclot iller Scarfà. WIIarRý Fiebtio, etc., fair Ladies, Mi-elt. Gentlemen Nice Wide Bmen pn-ntâ»rd,,Trý"ly-» ha,. pi.-I ttei, ,Iig... ý 0 oraing that frons, the RppûaranQ9ýbf T Ale'901tiPOrtationofGt>rman. Corsets arrived thisiweek. Fille one ta thrna'cue.4 ofCn)* -àityouthjL They are offerin .: - le , : li lit Chamberlain "a Tt,.Iy.A. ýnd tried ic got a rail, but coulaWt, as the bol it is juagea with, jýOd réâýbn mPtonls Unequalleil Corsets, Spring Skirtl and Buattes are riýCeIv .. 1 ** &inodn in the hand. of Mr. Ghuhana. sa te ... nt by the t lesiguation of Meure. 1.1âss face- ho thon went ta the fonce hé We of t1ilse Corgatâ is amazing, and Crýmpton,àaye mûre cf thune . . Z - lars, n.t!n alefflusent ,vieil hirn 0. ih. hiz N ' are sOld ut the Right Houïe thim nÙywhem èIses in Ontario. : Be sure to-see.thè .,. .1 frozon ta the gratina ; I thon saw NIU Service _ Aise the Checkeil Shirting floue 8 ta ibe ; they lire no very chestil they snrýrbîe éuBtOmein.ý - T 1 . . . expropriati. .bdm.. ý 1 askeil vois' it wu, that the man W" Devoir lu the traiter et -Wh'taCýttlli-tGI.74,81.1o;12iýsnalàO ,- 1 -ý ý 1 .. .. bc- 9-î-Il acce« 6. Frid.1 M, Sa, ail, but huit sUpped down the les mohnsa &lits article. The Yard Wide Grey Cottoin et 4c. is Surprising Vaine. Juilt me t a 6 se ho Grev Cotton . ý . ailette ta an exemu ut on a Chicago an(J os coming est me miels, a club; lete . Il Il- a a Bie. 40 inch Grey Cotton. The J;àd1iesý,sýa Mi»,, ý ' Servosmade another rush et mehut ýllýoinsratanenormouaredÙction' The-Mantle ana Ulster Cloths are put«down very Cbegli New Canadien. Tweeds bougist for. cul , ý The Terrain iiý.gr. .ha M..,ul th. Rack Illui train baseR, ... jolict .sul Mur., Whou I and bandait in a crevice or icy hole;with "na ha *enren -1 lh- - turned amena lie stoppea; I but little injury. His bat hall been liait 1 fer r prices. ý Just ses the 37J and 5oA. Tivecils - The SiikB, %Iervei'ýuux and Brochels in Black ana Nw&Colora are'gôing.cÉr et -sigrent jeddetiW. . . A il-si lis, --a rifled thé .aie of voussey packalien: . O 'Mt Neldles OnIv ; -thst the ve.el sa b.k.. th.t .ith 20OTaidEýoolonnli2ifý BeldinjZ'eSilkanlyEc.,and.the.Button Hole Twist 2c. Par en na ýpi . 1, Atlinticon the. ill-fat.d Oro 1 1 ý. home, 0.,rn.d.y ..,ai. . divilir -1 ta th. vain. of rm.0w, .uS.84fully sua P. dia not strike litre vrilla a stuka ; 1 boa in the descent, ana ho liait - tiýd:hi,, ý N 3 . - r - Cffla'Beat in two .A theïr hall no stuka; the one oancea mus, jolie in hantlkerchief orne bis lisait. The corpse n r2Or- BêautifulFancyStripeaCtirtaiü Serina Orly loc, .tioo, , M 'a a allch-"dfrai.ingle.riath [Aralia 1 : chi.1 9t.w. 1 il, Servos's M b %j es net by me. . *va next weâk. Carpets and Hausse Furnishing Goodi-in inat valiety.gellin Baya s. - , , , . .. .ý 1 p" . ' . rt al Hamilton - ries On- ita bock, with bande in the e' 1 Bil -lire ta CAR ut the Iiigh-ilouselKing strict eut, one sionsi W-t or Huglasson strect. The rame 9 off va" cheap . 6 - ýThù ' e . - "il . toute 01 the Overcil . The sm.,jý iis . 1 . . . it