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Canadian Statesman, 24 Dec 1885, p. 2

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.1 . . . . .. . ý.. i - - 1 ý wmïi.iý ý ', ý'..--,ý-.. 1 1- liý,_-.-,. .ýý',-, ý _ ,_-,ý_,271M_ -,,tli-z --.,ý-ý,"ýl">,ýý.e"os,ýkZ,!F-I,ý'..?;,.ilz,.MW7ýýýýýý7-r> 1 __ _ ý Iii, -,ý. ý' /-= rýýl-- ____ __ - - ___ _ __________ - --ý - _. ;7'. ý. , ,ý,- - ___ . ý. 1 - - li7e ;.., _,îýifý1ý_ -1 77M i'l.ý. . ý, .. ýý,ý.,,.-ý - -ý - __ lulD ' .. ý -. Ii. . - , 7:. - , îý ý- Dcýpme9,ýý;br6egýa,ý.'orfushe' ý'M7î .1 . -ui;,9i iTi . ý - - _ -> - - - , . - ý_ .-.. - ... ..-fo - ý ý 1 . ý ' ._k,ý , j:tajratItff .,11ýqImý 1 ýpr1:-:ý.__*ý-» ý1 Il __ _'. -ý2f;, - Il M. 1 1 , bill .. . ý . ýtI4 . À , ýý , .-. 1 ', - _ i . - bouurneýipaýuen, Va"zlý839, _. CL; DUN clamil N - . ý ý - - ý , . . - , 4.. _-:ý_'7 ý - ý .. 0'& 1;eý-ýý ý-. 1 1- ý 1 ' Z. 0 ýýý- _.. . . ', '% "_ - ... . ý . .- . . ý '.. : . . : : ý . - ;ý, , , 1--r- - i , .. 1 -1 - , b .. . " Pee:.Wbuiuz a _- ___ _ i '. ., .î_ Il -.1 1IM"7:ýn7:i, Uj 1 jýý_.,ýqqu - . ý- ", ý_ý;_isi1ý ý ýl, -_ __ -,.,.."" _ "à ". . - __ý f . .. - k, -7 'l". _ - ffl 14" ""' _- 77 ', ý 'u -, - . 'Itiýý,-.>,-- -ý , -e -_ ý - , p 5 .ý _ý- _ ., > * Thielbétibumrrmýctm,%Otlg>40Qý'K-M wàýiggA. ijtbt,ýieýqý-tbme" .-elfjQ:W.Ikl- PÉIE ý _ ý ,Z-. _% A 1 .. ýý -ýýi,, i!,ý ýzï>:ý,ý , ý_ýl -, , ; ý,-1ýý ý _ý , ý.'.' -, ý ý - -tb$tf.k . ý . iIiý1ý', ,. , ', ,. 1 1 _4 'ý '.. ýi ý . ., .. . ..MILTON. -DEC..X tffl .,ý ý bithcUoush@SB»iut. - - ---A ýý_ « - _. ,_ ' i ý . bly ,rý4'-.ii--Ij.!'-ý-, ,,, - -- , ' ý --",--, - ý -, ,ý-- ,ýý-1.111",,ýïý,ýý,ý,ýU'il-ý,'ý,-, - ï .".,à. - .ýý efficiént semSs. Q&Qk.-Ut-8jg" uboa Co- Il; ý6 ' :tM il, _,ý_ , ýý ý1. - ', , ý Il- , 1 . ,,',' . ý jý_, ý ý , - - , '. . -ý_- , , , ,qq, ý -"', .11"; _ , , 1 ý, - . '4810wàe.>i.B'itiqb.çolpmiý41n>pAidý ýnC1s" IýM w.ÇOxrwRn --aye Çkatu 911 - . z , 0 ý ý- '4', ,'ý , tý,ý_1-ji, ý ý ; - Ir 000 *61 noucci ;-, ' --, glon ""Ir. _ý- l'ý-' ý, ý,','_- -, - , ,-_ _ -_- ', , , ' , - ... . - , .. t.didIcvAb,ý. . ý , ý ý 11, 'z ýý ý. 1 r ' - - _ý-1 .Ank. , _ ýý,ý_ý ý _ -1 ,ij"? Il. . . - - .- ,_;--,i,ý_ 7, ,1.;ýý-,_ý ; ,- ý-, , ý ý -'.,,: ý-,ý ',,.'!'cý .Il'., - ý , ýý 'i' WILO 11)LI)g TEM Y to bu. la vox - _- 1 ý ; Dem rejaliffl anuLý%r ee 1 go forxorli QgURýiqiýM Nbetàion . - ;;z4ý_-?1 , Iý 1'ee, ý ý1.11 ý.ý,-,ý - , ,.ý,-, _: ý. AEt . ýý7Ç.ýý',>j , - ý 1 ýýn, ýý.1ý -1 -_ý,ý. ý. -, -ýý lm - g,1110V,'.-ý,egg _' BUMMer,"îoit4-e . ïk - 1- 11. '1q ..""-, 41,1. «', _-'ýý '. afilo 45ýtdU, F 'iSit- . ,cý, _-,ý,e -- - ,, . ,ý- ý -.1 _ 1ý1 , _ , _ ý, I -III;ý %1ýý , , _ý ý -ýý -- . 1-1., ýý ý .ý ý ý - " ý - C __W a ý ,ýý',.,". , - ,ýgg. as on TW .Venoh -di.emrnemb ha&, craccon -, Mr 'Béa .b , _-ý - 9 ý - 'ý 1 ý 1 ý -,;",t, b ý . , .,ý Allys.. ..co4i&m _4.. ".... . -'ý1'-; ýý.,ý.-__-j__ -î,ý!;ýý" p1 ,£ -, !qrî _ 1 *-9ý - 1 -,-ý-u,',;t,-ý.ý,_ -, i, ý ý - , , ,,, 'IV , -909M_ _ýý khe.ýpýýon QI hostilit bu the , . toi, .tý11_ , , _ 't il 1ý 1: dh ea.enpp rit ý 14qqkl ,e 1ý ý, . .. 1, omis; ý - ý,' - ,ý,.-'. , -Zi'ý ýý ,'-î> .. , , -o 1 .VU o& -P l'ut W ý.S incline el the Petrou les, igu.-bgupr.. an 0 . cc - _fb ; à . Ui. Di . A'aïoqýn 1 . ýà;ï. » yfbènl5ý,,,,ý > -ý ,-_f,_,ý-ý> ', . ,r1,ý ', - -ýý - ý .,ý. ý . . 1 - éek - - . inir.- H - MMO - ,ý474-àïjjfd _ týl-; - . ý ý ' 1 ý . _i; ý - qw -eopký in Mit ýý .. ý . py> ý - , , - ;. in on . r,ý Topic confains acaoditorial condemnifug. - A seý2-ý e x0l" in. the. eqýica bac, 80=0n in W 41B-11 : r-t« i ,.ir ý qfM.O,ýý ýý 11, EWÇQÇM ý , - - 4_, -, - , o- ýQ." 1oùn&to,,Mpýýj qpý 1 D&V i t tý a 1. elbé , ýh - , , -1 ý .ý. .1 , goh.4 I, 4, 1 ý Il tire Coanty Cpnuü- of, Lamdcton, for thrown ap.&Gelg ialm4.nair. MuneToucoý;, n£;ý,64ýqk0çU3iý«(i»6, ._ý ýgg . UVý i ý '. 'f àtý v,çr.4; 1 , ý _ - .ý . ýýii . ý ý ]ý"ingrefueledpy'a voteof22to18toý ;Jouph e..Ut e irati .et, *o..,: ' .ý ,'A ._U , 1-r ý, p- lian - ogim, ' ý ..bu, bkdqnlh 9; Il , - - - - , , h;l5ýï' ý 1 ý ;, - " - p A r ý'e,ýýw ?11.1ý1_ê_j , -- earý«-4argaias. _, ,ý, j,1"ý, e. -,4--' -- . t.«ý-;.,Li.*'- ý - -, Ç._ ý ý - btffldin4. a Dow »blgè;ý Tg ý lý o- .ý -,-.-ý-, ý', 1 - - ., , ýýfwý, ý é 'eý-1L ' - ,,, . . ý - .,l ,, ,,?,' ý.--- - -ý-_ - ý - - ý . ",:ý,-,,ýý , j_,,_,1ý-_ý _-ý e, i. ;'V', ,Rý,,. ý .1 ': . i * ai m t hg.,É " Dale. QP gt"ý ý i - -1 - 1 - ý 'L ý thy appointilleut et a Police mrelyý-Z"ý.0(jiqmi.ltub"fpn lm, m jemý»wil-^Aw., . .b; --o, ý i,---,.ý, _1_ý- ý ý11_;- _-1. - - ' ý ' - _>1 ý.1ý., ý, ý, M1Vý'fI lîw6qPX-ý, -, ' "I'l- ,ýý, ý - ý 1 DELTA. ýi. ý . ; L;, ý - : ý 1 ,4-ý,,." ý- - ----Iý ,. 1>1 ý. , . attens. the en uaregiý'.4i.os . 11eý'Jes*#5fés;QId, - ý k ý - __ - . . ý , 1ý:. ý . ý - _ - 1 iý,M T -t'.. ý -, - . -,>,.".- - - - ,,'ý ý , - - «, -,>-- ,, - -. - 1 1 . ý. Th- Cý..ào.Gnn& Lodee or Ilistind. ha& - ýý - ý , !- ý 7ý - , ýý - ý 1 , 1 ý ý ý - . - 1 ', .- c ý ý. _. 31agiscrate there, te luok 1 j . ., M bq, , - . . ? __ ,Ëý ' '1ý ý , - l ý 1ýý- ý . ýý «. .. . - , Il 1 1 . 1 - .. ý; -..« ý _ 1 . ý 1 . . .ý ben it wia ý . l - 1 ý ý.. . . - . - ý ý -, _:ý_'..,, * i,',W 'A' rr $121il Op>oumn apelis now.i.. , forcément of the Scott Act se, cercueils t,6,Gýeoý . . ' : ý . Ç4nied.- * " '- , -; , ý'ý .i, -:z, -,4Rý.igool Bitack-VII019qrýïl ... ;ý . ý > 'W . ý ; , ' - t8ýý25-Baýèýon capes lâïw-' - .-ý ". .. ; ý . eo into, oputration. in 31av uèzt, The imied.n, manilinto 4&Hput'ljùb, »Dîne , e. Thomu;Iýç , . Moved he Dr, ýJýunk, cwicgg il&. ý - - - - _. ...,.,..!.«'.$Q Da , - - : . - - ý ý- - - -,- .. la, * , . . _ :P»-ý&TT 4ý ýAT _.1 ý . , ý - . ý . - - *:._. --.87J.- __ . . '7-- ý,- . ý ý . .1. ;ý . . 1 7iipici soya that certain inimbers of the BP , !;: , belli foyer, but wu a tR Eu a.-thatlhe'oim:ofp mes !-- Bjýïîluîe;sjà; ....... ......... . ý ... ý . . . Il l . - ? - . 1 d , ý . .... Coajicû opposeil. flic apluillituient r r.rb - ..... ...,. - ý . 1 6ýý ýWe "d ý.ý te _ý L ý _- 1 1 , iýô*n Bealoites.*,.',,... '« ' 'btir TbeAdr"c4 Wirà learikkaiiLgaftomvaleacentý -.-..- _. ,ýlep.4ffe, lidos agnaturs 94 .-bim - 1 ý 1- ', , ý . ý E - - - . . , _ - ' . . .. ... ",' _. ' ; ', -o&-4& Ne . 1 . - bnjý.pl%à4.-.,i-- -ý ... . ,.... 60 1 , . Il ý --1 _. _ Ç_ Qý -. ---- - ': the, lion ý,.,,w wi, for moiffical, atteudimu m ý this. boy 1 > ý . - ý . . yr.r - - 0 17 . - - . - ,ý. 1 ý; Leàiiia'-,".Ul6toraiit- ' ... calist; a.teinpcrallcc mai train Ballon la Blak. ail Ward. arij% . .1 ý I_ 1 . _ ---,. --,- ,. . «ý'; - ..'. X,2rkÇA Tii&.tu.ùiep#ng, D Il 1 -4 ...ý ý , ý 1 . ý in ibelýcsaby. ,at m ai i , é $È. Cýôjùreý SM cVé1i,à1;ý ... 5 ý - -,-,-""ý- _-_ staù.a::tp hava suid -ýtIiat the Police Sundav. - .1 en" at 1?3>i-ýig.týi.s. .. - ý [a -,.*,-,>.5o, - - - ,- - * - - - - - 0 , ilïià4s ul tera ., :, ý : . ý - . , - e_- ý ý _ -1 I 1 1 . ý - to.riarc. qhn1ý*. ,mr" 81 grama fmaPC4 ÇiuielL:. ý ..ý-z-ý..ý - 1.1 . .. t ý ... ý. , - - .. .:C.-., ý .7 hem - - - -ýl: * ' 1 . - Illagistrate. in that County draggea lvit- Fou; or Ove hu»ndicdl»' . 1 -IË(.50-Càlorëý---Bâk--'Vél-ve ---.-ý . - , - 1 ýaè1 el&. - ,..«.'- .- ý .. .. . ireoffle have been successe the proue of the Ovenfio , IL W; ODok ý tip6iç& , nd , _ý ý r, ý.v pi çoi'ffl r k *W A T -ý, - î Iý-- , ý Ici . .'..' ý 7 .'. " , . . . . 1 1 -- . -. *** ;» . . ý . ý .. 1. . iicàsds'to tba4>reiiiotý parti of tho% k Iligd lis Air exRIodcu o&d Il . ', . . 1 .4 . ý EPSILON , ý M, al ý ý . 1 . ý il i 1 ý aamopu ;týq - .16jé, .ýpbandilialitici-acS 70 ý ' ý - - : . ..,t",.ý.ý,ýý. 4 T-T - 1-1 _ý ' _' ' ý 1- ý bq;îâ..ý - , 1 r- .ý,.,.... . ': ý'ý; . . Coüri'r, impoliiii, ricedlest; espellEw et Si tý W; 9&ttçron, 4rP li an 1 .; ý 1, - , ý - î Il clin r - .1 . . . ýý ' -ý ý 1 iÈe ùti'.., ý 7, il ,ý7 grsmmo %vas efficiently g - by ai . .ý . . 1 ...;z: ,ý,t. - - . - ý , ý . ý. .- 1 ý -bed 444AI. Stark pet )P4 44 VI 1 - ;PtTA., ýý -' - - ý .. ý. ._;x-iý4-IX 1 . . - - __-..-:ý'-. ý The% ille statenient 1 C, bYý l'tain, ýTl,.séý,tiÀý:tim!dec-land*iulomainibe both speakers and those *koqp AI ' ' . 14 Pi - - _ý' - - . 2% ý , ý il,, Çhi*e *1, -... ý 1 . . - 1 1 1 1 - 1 ý l - - 1 ý ý . ý ý. ". ý ý : 1 ' . front 1 1 "m-a&sir!L>tl countyoi Petemcol-oti. tics exqirý. Qftho ransiefoe the occasian.. promis 4 - a - 4 1', ý . ý .ý, .. _ é'.. ý . , -, - .h - 1 . - ý -ý. ý - - '_ _iý'q.3;àçk,ç .' ý- 1 ;>: . 1 1 i .% . .._. " .... ý , kilo our rea presont.lij:e.un, 'ý ý ý .:é M.vgul b va ý A11-wool GTey F1atIîuý ý , ' -PIR, . i e , WI A T ý .. __ : . ' . 1. .tr..Uteil.nnwIlell kilo E6»r,--iidu gervimw«eheldin the . ' lx 'r. ' *-l" ,ý 'ý*. .'. ý 12j ý ', -,Z - ý -. - ý : . l . ý .. 1ý - ,.e,, . . B ,ý :, ... rua - Vb ý - ace - :.,. ý . . ... ý .. ýý ' ,ý .- * %. 'i- . . ý - ý rally*. iuordortoiititývtbiL _bý A bill bu twin.intýodýSd intici the French St. Geo . ý . . - " - ÀU"voàl »ed ý'lanIjýý. _- . -ý ý _ _;_ -ý sec eq : ... 1 ý . i t*U, 1. rge . Ewl...I, thit k ty ce 1 ' O tic ý ý r . ., ... -, - . .: 8 Scott Act . fcUgtý, , . r thé 1 - Fri efor 1 . r o G , 004 Bjjirýne -, - 081 _ ' , ' 1 ' ý , - _ ý >." - ý M , ý . , i . 1 ... , .ÏnJ .1ýý' parties concertieil, im ç,ý Inn hy the repubUe.Dp Eue the t4X&-ý (1aY-!tbeý lis B *'d, en. .qpul Ca . obi -Z .ci r ý ý ...... , ý _*,-,-,ý_ ý ý - ý- . -4: .1ý". ýýt :cý_;, 1 2 _.toý-ïi,'ý0uitEý , - - -- ..«t*; 1 J ..*..*..*.* -'-- ý . . 1 . . ý celles litre - have , nuffered ii .1 toreigne... i - 1 . . . le bc . . . , e ý 5, 1ý . - . ice 1 m . **' ' , é$i , Y of. a , .9 . i 1 . . . ý semce. Pl Il ça. 0 - . .Çhildyon'sWool;lýgge.- -.-",..ý . .... z , 08ï _ 1, ý _ *.-- - '! ý;,I1-'.,>. ý-A1 - ý' , ' ý ,,, : ., ý . ý ý : ýý_ . - . w > éùip 0 » lits. ý- -à- tee ' . _ . ý lý.r'- , .,...,. - .' PIR _; . -,., . . , . 1ý0! , 1 g? , Ir= m . .1 . 'Dr. ck Inoved. scoocded by r. « ,ýý' .,A IJU .ý4ý 11, .. , 1 li Te . 1 , Wool HCse'.ý_ .. e ..Il .- p.ý»ý4ý, eubié ; .ý . ý vent death, train choiera arit reporteil time Wa,,B ri ý 1 2à.: -'] , AT K IN & 1 ý - ý7-- * il ..... -.._ý :'. . . < . * * lagistra ' IL, c o ri lem aH, ir. A... W. .nos of blo lie R=tod. : Il. ý ýLRaié8, wý0!-Ye4Gý . , . ý . . . - _ovýrjllC in Mlocyeulný. : . - ... ý ., . - , ai'Vtnien. Oneof'tlieiii»ýiixuioéthe Mare lý ,B A , ýLâdies -.-.»..*,i,, 'tý . *.*.5 7ý, ý ý > - - . ý '« ' * resJjüýtiv Of t ir rLýidc ar q.-iý. of Bauqcour.,: ' ý - 1 Joues, an indigent, -Carricid. ý jn ý 1 . : 1 ý ý,_ 1. _ . -ý ': . l .w 1 - à giandi annual review à anticipatda gr.,g . :!- -Dons, te a . . . ý ý , . , ý , bufurc Iiiin a% ) liVille il. Btikli The city guui districit of Ott..a ,us Lý At the Çhriatmae trou festive te lie bela . uplcaugi misgred, secondait by. Mr. : . la . - - - . . - « - ,- ý" ý '. ,ý ý ý it !il Cidy neý,dL - - ý a (le W. ihg-lldo«]Qd «-ith Su tort lit 1 A clef, la thei methodist eb= Cook, t1al, the - . ..iý ., , ý ý'. 1 - . , ,, .., . . 1ý_-ý1ý.:%-1 .. _' . - . -; - - $1 97- îc.V,,ýý, 6..,',«eo.;i.,.. - . 1 . ; zEgýÀ. '.. . rý.jctrLtion of the Dominion 'centue ]Ar Vice.. DE th. issue rit 4 . - h, KM iù . ý 1 , . "-l. :_ * e ý ý ' . , 0. ý ... ý $ ý 4 's r . ri e,,Og bqpd.*.f J. K. Appelbe for the suýeTt 'l V -fîf r es iI _ ý ; ý , ý. , ý , ý _ ý ý -1 - 1 ; . 1 toinang cloth - : , ýV ' ' - ý._. Çbrif!ýmaýs etighti. . 1 . 'T. Archer, a.-indijtent Curit!q,ý- -* Bpcaý Vh.v4 - .., --i--.ý ,ý,....tp *5o ' ý iy . 1 ý. ..- . ýc6iol." Oners. iThegèXeUtIüýiC hav. Ti.. bill icranting A pengioutotn&,Vidoý ' . - ý - -4ý,ý - .ýA ,T Nýý-ýjý4.N '$ý ,ýý - >i ý - - ý. . . .4sta , 1 ' - ý - ilarons Mita l-, .".,.; ; -ý .... in,,ceca4ion fo* Appoint a License In. of Ci.c,.r.1 Urgent Wa. pas The aebective says the piromingent Moveclby Mr. Huabandi, eicïpd - ' - . 2b". R -,,ý,- - - -1 , -ý, .- .. - .d ou j Fridzy . elk-bY ý' Laaièà' Claude - , ... - ... . -. 1 ý 1 - . . . . ** il l * 1 ý ... , ý. 1 .ý. tpýctur'l.ag1C.icý'a condition e ttbp, ivith td.b&tointlýetynit.dgt.t.sý.àtý. Scott Act mari 'of this Place Irisa beau Mr. Cook. that thq çleri be'authorizia . to ý ý , ..ý , .. ý , ,. , -ý:'"' .ý , _ - ,: .., , ' ý es tvro Bùý ]ý Xi-1ý .:. . ý 'tien üliould sec Mr. .îii.ý IV'. G.dgon,:> 1 - - iglied ý ,.Eî L,.tcliés'Wool mawlaý.-... ý - ..... '25 , . ý. . . .ý jý 'e , , , ýý. 1 . ý iligin âcecjjtigggýît4at il" we -in the b '** nec and jouicil Sirminnd with Jý-hu >àtiy %- "P"' 1 ÎýýteBlankelÈiî ý&'Ib,..' .'. - , 250'Ydùffsloieréôati Il - 1. , . . - - - . roiotito coniractor, - , , ý . G a ark . mftlie'llnuiioffndaitry for, cocon. 1 .. .. -ýý. .ý._-1 se . ý_ finit ail eliaigee.ýf violations of thé pro- bas entired *au action aiguillai, the globe for wangng, týonaisfeneye thon art a jeurel. for ý . . .. .1 . . ....ý...,. -ý , _. ý.ý .*'l - 1 .--iý. ý - ;.. ., - 'i ý , Il 1 . - .... e . . . . * ' tv of %%'Ulli-gt.a. igith A. vicir of id6iiting , Orey Blankfite, 4.1 .. ... .- ... 1 ý'> ý . ý. . - ' - '. . ý, . . ""C'ý'- ý -. .. ý . ViIiions of flic SýOtt Act tificuld, bc trieil tý,-,,ty thonsculd dollars d.ni.gog rite libel. Hecontjy iýýasCý Wà ..tirý.d' b w .. 1 2 - . . ,ý - _ 1 . ý 1 t .. *ý- ý : .'.. - . . I.. ý - ý ' ' . ;,iý " ,ý .ý : ,1,,.ý C ton.* ý .. .ý.- ... ý. i. .., . v;ithina.rea.wriar)ln gEstarceftQmItX*ý ff-,itictuocDuitýbleýiýurdoredjwiàhiù VaÉgerby landing a holpinq hadV- cýMr. y Ut. Say. . . ýýp . . , . ,ý . , e ' ý . a Daniel Mater, an ln'dijént6ý'Cariiéd. Blaqk F.ar C * a" - . t«'..ý. .: : .-,tt ..1.ý ýj7,Jý é .. ' ..; - : ... ' ý .ý 1171..q. : ý ,- , . ., ý « -, - . .ý . 1 'l ý 1 1 rcsidencès of flic liai-tics concerned, titis yecr*, tbt Montreai civil, autoritins us wards the crection or a win mill in Cookm-%ýçýîlucOqdçcjb . . . .: c ý . . . i , ý, ' ý ý ý ý . âge. that thd * îDr. iantie bis eh nos on . . : . ., . . . l ý . :. 1 .. ý ý ... ý ý % ,ý ; - ýý-. . ,ý ý - : . - ý . ý , ý! J.ý ý . - 1 ', : , and malle lie eécret of their religions for blgi.uwng ta WnJ,-f'«U.YfA . 0 1 . . 1 :. -9 1ghoié p2fice titis locéality Love thy neighbor la the frontalier fur $32.44 in laver - G.ý C, - . 1 1 . . » ' i ý ý ,ý.- ý 1 ý 1 doing se. Théi 7,,yie.* hoivever, sa" fer.... . . . ý ý . fille j of the Iw,.ý , - Çyasèford for, 4hr . - -*è;ùr noNçý -H&É - Bay. îs :qftlE6ý Tqftý-lie-râÉéâiýiDtý-torriBnts by - à fbý1 win(l,,80,. ýOMl t . 1 . . . . king, ind 1 A fa là a Tfie, àileiib grandeur of .ý ifltôn . ài filai, the story Of flic RaItM mou «qlas Th. 2b5th .nhivem.ry Ottb" 1-Da"'X o' - IN'a have le2i=ed thalli. b * o hilj[ And; $2.30 in laver o *. . lje. . . ý . . - ý . . I . . 1 . 7 . 21iliroveatu -.m.l.illmbk-lientade il.. FilLri,. fathîr. tirent ob.ér,ý.d lit . 1 . Il silently trade slips al6bg.:for'airýhile, theli 'Çdtii oný ieihti. bM üt àivàyýs îtý;aiîà froyith'00 .p Illy zOtheý ý.qha- e b. foi; soie steel rond acrqmr, Vatel; lbus . . * tition 1 fi * 1 ý 1 1 . . tic do duty für-the fiquoi, brisincý.s." MO.S., on blU.d.y than effets a reivard for fi. « %roben- . . , 1 ý . a.. à 1ý1ýîîJýý .. - . ,M ... . -1. Waugh, . , , % - - ýOp ýý jýY0ý hy flic Pilgrim Sion of the icliscronant whoaP &- u-p.rbili.-Cuied. 1 .. 17 . . . . IVilluurwn -zupurary belcinlérc6iilà Sooietc, , , . . ni Vt4,b-ùd,-uc-ndéà by that the low pricél:àt whic4,.t4e7 gist goO 8 ý à tWilife ýldod ofthe iciosm . 1 ý i « '. . . 1 . . . - ed by Mi ý . . . 1 . . i 1 . .ý#t-Il ý i' , ý , ý ,- ta y, ý . . 1 vahiable Churla do* ' et bis ïi.,' ý - ýM 4ý111Y - ...ýý ,'»_ý,ý,!.1ý, 1_ . - . ý . W Bay how this. waà; proveil, and' ý,y It im'htâied that ('ermaýs; ha. asieul th4 - - :- -- Mr. S.vage thât tint soin of $42.25 lie paid 1 ý 1 ý é ý 1 1 %;.*)ýoin. .1vlicil this ici donc ive idiall bc .3ilar. 1 - ta 0. B. Gýr . . . . - ý .1 - ....- . , - .- -.- 11-11 and Gilbertumups ofi.Éýulà in th. ! .rTTLEý DCT1ý-. focý,elntingvoter's-liats. and . .. . , , -, __ . . ' ' . -, ýý .. 1. .- _7_ 7 .. --7.- - ý .*> ý ý 1 1 buthorg. puilie, utimb.rins. ' « . n5obepaid*toHir 4: . i. ' : :; . 1. 1 ý. - 1 1 .. .. 1 . , ý ý à . ý . ý ý ab o ta pýiutý(IUtý[, in lier.' . ii ý . . . 1 ý . ' ' ' : ' * é ' , «;ýý:ý ** ;, . . , 1 -- >ý-- .-- . , . , in ndf, * ý ý ý ', a i botki JUV 0 OksorraUons et Trh.i &»:. iz uj;;;i-CI., , ý .4 ý 1 . ' ý 1 .ý 1 .ý ý - ý .. > - ý . .. . . . . . » , ý . _ - ,ý - _ý Sharp . me un Poe bill. M r.::_ ý . . . . . . . , 1 . . ý . ' - . ' * . ý.- 1, . : 1 . : . . ý -_ .. . . ', ý , __ ii.,.ei.1,;V ,lia. toý1 ý Ir. Cook, semuded by ý 1 ý : ý 1 . .il -1 ýý 1 .. ý ý ., ý ý . , ý > . 1 j . . 1 . .. ý CONVICTIONS Vil . 1 ýutg ý -e'ý'& of -NIY lut I.tt.r'to yon proved a . . . , . . . . e _. .. '. :. - .: ý , 1 . . 1 . souren ,Huitband filet the surnot $7-50 lie paidC, . . ,F ý ý .: 1 ý . > ý ' ý ,ý ý 1 .1 . 1 ..7 ý tu ail', revenait fur the »noicinion amouitud, of annoyance tp a fow enthusiaggts Who Brown, foý rovaim ta bridge ' D ý 1 . . ; . . ý : Tito meliNtitlp of convictionsreturneil aec-,di.g tg, the unié%,i3qd .4utel.içut,. ta , - üA e-%UiR - * .. . - . . . ý . 1 ý 1 :.:ý . l .1 ý .. 1 ý 1 - . . - . «:, ,. 1 . . ý . .: ta the 'des!rLtg jro%ýe.bvçrroiicousfitatemeiLi, au per lill.-C.trild. 1 . . . ý ý . . ,;ý 1 1 . , . . . 1 .., 1ý .(ilerlc,,£ the Ilc!.Ict.t.r thécoignity . ýbixtý tige Scott Agt.'ý. 1ýcOn: (L' bonefit lov-d Êy Mr. lfü.baný180 à b . . 1 . .. . . .. ý . . . . . ý . 1 . l -,'. ýý..ý Tue 0.xTAtixQ z .. .. as 1 : .1 ,gr lialton. 'durit, flic (:lute; ý.n.1illý'. WISý,ATUZF--itit 1 bée.. _ bi . 1 - 1 - ý . .. - . 1 1 ý -Ontario Legin. * bu * - ... _9 ta call together the ta titis towmn.; but ]y C-04, for le.ve ta foin, ý .. ar&iàow;uUyaVyctce Cjýb.téuéhj for file porpeae cle hoidi . . . .$ i, . . . >, îcr, iiýt.i lýWislle&l ül 6t.,.,fbr business o.,Xicàr»d. 4yoto a ýý.I....,ýý.'..-ý,',-ý,lýeltý..." m u . . .k ýo . 1 _, . 1 Y. 28th Joli- ý .I . . q cuir m vertisill - colunius. furnisélies ,tory next. ý . I.. 1 net flic case, fuir I\igl OnnaxeC ti.gg Vous, fer the vrar A. Dý ISQ5. and bilas ihe - c, . ý'1. . : . ý . ' , ffliisilluiabld food 'for câlin reffectiiiii. . 'l . . . ý Ij en-o*b- rond à fint tIM.ý-(Àrçied. . 1 1 . 1 . ý ý .. . I . .. 1 A girl, Sixtine 3io tire advantagee are h, hall 10, u "ý -ý41 j%1'Ný 1 1 .. _ , . . Tlic:rt-ar(-.',tvcjit3-.Lielit il, ail-, but à . ci., . wIgofage. wuiiidtioni). ý. .. .. Dot ' Mr. Savante moyad, 4iconticil - Dy Mr. . - . 1 . 1:ý conciderable Douillet, ta ont lùiowicgi» . wýtlýblitýdileýiiisýlýoul.trn',Iiýýi. Saythat'tllo.seiivho derive ices frons Hu-baud, that this Donneil do go intu 1 U : . . . ý ý ý L ý ý 7 - ' , . 1 .1ýi 'illa 1 1 . -elis On llricI.Yl t tl,.Ùgb U.]ýýousDi, ,,ci ýSCOtt 4Ct peÔWÇUL!oi2s are net in somo çommittee of the Wh . . . . . . ý . - * . . , ý . . , ý ý : f 'd te the ?IeYký .xccâsîvetudý-' :z ý way bonofitcc't . ale ta r.on»ider hy. ,. ý. ý , ý 1 . 1 1 ; 1, , . éý. .1 i- :, ]cave ligt yet becil retairlie . . - ý ý . . : ., ý ý iý . . ý.:i -* ý'. ý : . ý M _ - . .ý-.,.:",. , , ., ý ýý: , - , '40 '11111 11.4 - a . ! - La. Xuý-, bi provide for holding icunicipa . ý . . . ý ! .. ý > - . - .. c . ý ý , - 1 . , , ý .Fr-Ul thL ta the b0Jý1C (Il . * %Vo. liave latilly bid gooclýbye,'toO. electiona for 1886.-Carried, . . : . ý . . ý ý ý 1 . . . . ; . ý i, ý , 1 V 1 . 1 ý . ý 1 % ý . ý . ý " - , ý . - , . . * certain liLeLitili Of tire: . Severnl enciloada of! ýbtue rlbd- ýb@er" 1 ' . . . . . . 1 ý . : 1 ý ý , . . ý .. ; ý . . . ý ý . f.ctýird il, Ét. Thomas or. .1 ippvd W* rea'ý' Who k Onnisci by Mîrý ý 1 . .ý . - ý . ý ý ý - cot.intlllit)- dueR ..ci. -aves us te start busi- Mliveil hy Mr. Savage - « « . . ý * ' * . ý l .lait Nucln W hl. retell and by tontrnst te tileScutgAetwUnties a poilai *'f ý . ý . . . . ý 1. 1 . 1 . . ý. . .Witli other collutitb4; lyllich, have not .f Oxford cémi, 'legs-111 Streetsvflle. The cansoofliis Cook that by-law No.ý'oec Dg or hý'Igý- ý . 1 - . . . 1 . ý . . 1 ý . - * . Nori. il inouthly; i * ý ý change CI! baie, can be'attributefl ta Ing intillicipat clectitns-f lu . ý la . cottAct lit force' flic showing is . il, orI88ý, juni rsj.ý , . 1 1 . ý .ý -- : : ý ý'i'.-.f 'ý .ý Air. : 00 lr -PRI. - . .. lugislatioil ivllich, drivel; bath merchant à -«Ond tiens in cbnpnittçe be rinil a third . . ý Il ., . itit.«eucoitritgitig,' 'filera are several * ta code territéry, ta m aloi P. - ,é*-V-rrièd. * , ý . . '. . 1. . .. . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . . ý . . - L sc-riýtt.ims,4iaiiglveéolill.lcllgla4tu(ly "fil ' lgigton "sac., lk-ktngtlýatiby.ho and customers vrithotit the limita of . .. ý 1 . : 1 . l * 1 . . _ .. :,, .1 > - 1 . ý liait .1.0 ma g.il . ý support .Àni,,tth. liaiLon Cotinty audinto Peel. I. MoVed bY.'Nr. Iluibanil'aeconded by Dr; ' ' .. . . . ý ý . ý . . 1 . ýý . - 1 ý ý . .- . ý ý ý . . , 1 ... > ", ý .. . . ý 1 ý .ý - . . of this Oflruial document tu all social enlo - lion -hein f sorry foi tLiu fitate o( affaira and es. Bcý.1k, thaý whezons certain collectora op. . ý . . . ý. ý i - . 1 . . . . . . ý ,- 1 , .. ý . . 1 . - 1 Il ý'; , .. ý ý 1 1. ý rt-furiiier.4.-.Ilillon ,quis.' ý , . ,ha four elgildren V-n oG,',-'.ýr. Il 80 good el num, au IiLely ta fait 4il çouo.t taxe, vrithin, pecin,4 ec:rý,,tbat . . . pp;iýtcd hy this Sunçil for i . 1 ý , - ý , . . 1 > . . * IVe imjygueutiùn thaýb therc i . y . cro'oaily *and clog in N - "CII?6rtw" is 1 tg O léý.ýD. 485 .. . ' É 'oYýfUs, bý . . . 2 ý ' i . 1 , .rriv il 1 r B- tee WC ai' k4n'y finir, requireà by laiv. therfore cach collec. .,ewark. e. J. A j'l ýo je ý C O -M .*M ':E N Ç .E :P .-O iN M . 0 , N P ýA Y ý. - -D I E .C .>! .1 . flvt-.C.Ilvi6tiott-4 in the * cécheilule fur tlo o. ý\JoojAX, nuit M. Tintent, coinkùenced bint ta bc a gond teI for no appointed by ibis cottacil le àuthoriz. . . ý . . - i .. 1 . ( .(ýiiuty of P%ýcI, heil in the .P.Mtiug uposi flic.. un -TLI,.div. - talking oti-el, cle 1 . . ý ý 1 ý: :- ý - .4 : - ' 1 "truntl)bm"l'illtcsOfthLtIthill-4t- ThEl Judk..blacdôugàll . matters. And -1 .îieIîêýü ctiOll cd ta continue the levy and *dIeýtion ofail ý . ý . ý . ý - ., Imibu.ý 1 WC are aJrea.ýy ! . , . 1 ; ý . ý . . '. .ý . ý 1 - InUgdecided thit sup thatniayor Au. taxe. re*riainiiig qiipiia, au 1 ý . . . . . . 1 . . ý . 1 . . . . ý ý. ý . . ý . ý . - . è - . 1. r - .9. charl, d %vith th. poir. . . ý . ! 1 . . ;- (ýý,ic!tlm '6d ac,,ý"t .flic -s .Ir..gcý,.tc,1.,i,,,Ste,, .,il Dirai drolvs.N%,ill büýtIiO Ch . ý ý . ý 1 ý ., 1 . . ý. . - ý . ý 1 . partie sien 'doi.g oice for auother ers providati bY law for the levyand collec. - . - . . . . .... ý ý 1 1 ' .. Il ý . ý 1 ý i ellitvicte!l ýl%ýUrU RX iOll()W'.i: M44allIt, 2; .ciell %Vork lulci-g in*.C"Iligeoi May berin. Yès, George Il" doue Ont rate tien of taxes, foaý, thoir ret . rail ta the 1 arli th 1 ý , . . 1 i' - > ý ý An t . a ý Three weeh p er. an 11ýkqRýt in ôrder to gi -e Our. Oustomexs the benea O£iInakiný, ji tl - tliýý,niterl>- L(,ilýIllet, 1 ; ý1).1.4iN-G- latignialle, hù- tic. Q.U.1 mini . ýcteri.lexclIýrtioni - and 1 have nu doubt, if re-eloctel, ivill, treai tirer Oý titis inguicipality * . . 1 , . - . : v 1 4:. ý ý. ý ý ý ý ý. . . . ý 1 . ID . icir... *. il .., .ý- ý..I: ItÏ.11'%%"ýý.".4-(Iý.18-r.ý-iýictiLlrciýtlll'3ý), - Th. liborcà R ' il dent ivith tire SalvatfonArgny nuisance the next meeting of-titis cotiiicin-Irc.,ý,týie - . ý . çli.niýTXAS PRj4-,e ýÉÈ - *' ý' - 1.1. ' Thoelmtors of thé Coulity of l'col .IILciý- iviti, Wglalo "cg hs'it dQýWeà. - 1 ý -_ : . ý- .. . 1 'a U-sla le o Move-1 by'Mr. llu.l,.nl A.Co,,4cýl by Mr: . .ý ý . .. * . . . ý . ý ...1ý 1 . ý . . . gut ta the auto siO4814 0*1 . . . . . . 1 ý . 1 - ,ý ýý r,.jtýct«l flic ,i*cottit,.t bva largo intLiority, ..ttli..g.tlý. e.3t."ýýi1,1n.fioji sud of P..iah. Iteeve Chisholui. Wgg thqt ] Cook, that titis cori,,cil do c.%v .dj.drn 't6 ý ý . . .. - 1 ý . . . - t . . 0 1 ý . 1 . 1 1 ý . : . 1 hUt tl,.oti-,,It its population ,is ilivell ioL-theJjýrfiditY Of4;ýrmgg-v an . go 4aqý no '. ý . . , . . - ý .ý 1 ý ; . . . ý .. ý ý - ., î i":, - . - dAu3irùiý ambitions craving for (tieilier icurticipal DI cri Satýrtl&31. the 26th day of Deceni. EVERY 11DY IN HAMILT02 i . ý . . ý . . - 2 ý.' - ý >. 1 . .. ý . . Ilegior IlIUUL flint Of t1àlLon, 'it bus; had A ',I.tct,.!.l diùegi.tlw.;ý.o.t.,;I. 1 . ber next-Carricd. - . . 1 . 1 . . _ý kno,É,§ ýyhýt Our Great Anni[14 M k Sale jil con. Or audivilli b . il ida for tire . ý . a . [ __ meais.. ý :ý1 4 and Coloiëd; Silks,.tliý( olit . Villa ner el 8ixtli et tjjeýlun&r.f ilcwuýil in -foulages of gain bond"d -dollar. ri ek . '00 esý_ :- >'. - ' ' . . . _. , . ., I.. rin, utIN'illi lait lie ught J. K APPELISF, 4 lie x8ox, b ds in the m.arket ,à.t Cost .Pri "' . . .ý , 1 . ý . , Ca . 1 . , .g cc. for .having in ndstake bat c publie haï elhin Bay ' : . . . . . ý . 1 . i ... ý tivititionsir rileci in iliolitttercouuty. Und ce.,ti of file nuit 'Ho . . Ci.rk. * * Re.v.. 1 ý . . 1 1 . . . .. YLL tire prohibitioil diatorci proinigied colbotinteil poison fer a drug i.,a 1 . in 0 mattLr, au . W. 1 hava . 1 . Iý_ .- , . .. , . ý 1 " ý «ý.!1 . . , ý . . . cnp. have ÇOA C , .. . ý 1. ý 1 ý ý ý . >:. . 1 j . iiiiii - -, ý - . . o i ive - _ . . . . . . . . . : 1 il . . . .ýi1: . ý ' . . .ý-.' . . tire igiiicled 'eleotoralof Ilaltail finie lion ., 1 . .* . (lu i. @ i %y * . X. 0 a roi lNE.Lsox COUXCIL . - 1 1= î çSZ, '0 0 -', 1 . ,, 20 A.NID . .22 IÇI ' ý -, 1 '. 1 .; - . , ailain'tiiat their jail výouI(1 bc n cnipklrý lin traffic reuivtz of the , . -IL. ý MVM= .M IM -Iù-l C'.ýýu adian . . in. . . . __ ý 1 . 1 . ý . 1 ý-.-- __ ý NG ST.'EAST.ý ýýfhlOusiiiKLituLiou Aliter flic litýssa,,ooÉ Pacifie railw*Y-fc)r the week e.di ' lie iriedical hoalth COU.NCIL C -, ý . . . à é .1 t . . , ý ; , 1. .- :ý - -:_ < - léith terre $150.000, nu incre .a Duc, .. 3 Li rirai 1.1amBrui NEUD.N . . . 1 ý ý , . . ý ' '. ý . 1 .. 1 . - ý' ý 1 flic Scott Act. - a.- of q43,000 0 ri o j -iiiili self intille pastint . De. 7th, 1885. . . . 1. . . ý . . . ý z [. . e 7 . : 1 1 .. . . ýý . ý . ý . . ' ' * ý . . _ .: ý ý . 1 croupared 14-ith the culéespongling ireek lut of 10 . ý . . . . . . . . . . . ý ý , . ý ý . ýi . :* ý ... ý ý . .. 1 . 1 1 ý .". . . i ai g il ?Ys, and tire Hall, conneil mat ta adiciýmment. .ý ý . ., : ' ' Il . 1 1 1 ý - 1, . . . ý Il O« - ý- y . j ý .. - 1 - Bir m ile- - el 1 , r aroun bis Meinbersall 1_ U" t . ý ý . . . . 1 . . ý ý ý . i i . ý ý . -'- . ý ....ýI . . 1 iý. # . n-ivali-S,çr lvnlnVtçiory. , - A .p.cial tOjýe ,MA;i "Ji.," , " ' 1 1'li.týtý. of Pý-s oi1 - ting %rosie reý4 ed ý . . 1 . ý . . > i . . . . . . . . 1 ý 1 - . 1 ý . . t1outo'n ta Don lia 1 joli Co ,ý !le . . ý 1 .. .... e . . __ .ý . ý.. . 1 ' - , : - . A ý,.tll ."i",11. Which bas ite- bas. of ope fi , oii '. o , . Ci'* - 1 - i eoicfjm,-d. ý lut me. ý .. . , . - . i 1 1 . . . 1 .. . -ý,ý'. 1 ..._ m, .%I.ý.t ii tic. Don .t.tý.-nîun .Il. . Ici. - ', . . ý . à ý , ; ... . . . . 1 . pontions - in SVit.0,1.nd. - 0 0 r r atien - dot . ý . 1 ý . ý . 1 . '.. ,ý -ý ý ' ICim suut-e(letl in repentelly fruateating flic and i-lý. ïï er sy )ZLII vert le Rin A cormicunientiogil train the Proýrincial ý . . 1 . . . ý . , ý 1 . - ý . ý eýh.,ý'.. ,if fil.! Wil) forits victime in Litea 0 t Il B*O . Berrd of.11naltil Was recul hy the cheik. . __________-ý - . 1 . .. 1 ý. 1 ý -i . ý1 ý 1 1 .1 ý . . 1 . Çwiaila and the.Un :.. ,pi ît en , . " ___ _ ý . .. Iriolce of flic banadiAn statc.. ý . . .. . sa . 1 . . . - - - __ __ -_ 1 ý ý --- - 'J'ho 1;ltt.c ý . ý . . . . . Both-.11. Il.th.ý.,',tcr or - 3 .fi'. * . . . ý . . . ý . . ý i. . 1 - 1. . . . ' l tiý ici. -,» d'tenté nu .v.'y peint . . 1 ý . , 1 ý . .. . '* eý .. ý ý- ý No. 17, presenteti a poil . aigned by sixty ' . ; . ý . . 1, - - la thl,. ià,.r .,.il ,t,,.i,,. .col th. i,ý,.,c,1.ry Iýiubte m ]ive- W-re 1-st-zul Ove huuchred Tire 11yonnAl, editor . q . ý , DecerhbaË ISt ý . , ý 1 . ý - . . . . .of a, local paper th.. mtepav.,. et X.l.o.,. pcnyiog the . . . 1 - . . - .. ý . -, .1885-. . . ... « * dý.pit.,..,...ý.'tii.fl.iýtury. Ye.ted.y lzil of cagibi nuit folie thomsond 'Dur in a latu issue unes into. extacies over conond - . i .. ý ý . . ý 1 . . . ý. -1.1-1 ..., ,,.ci,-ý,l that il, - Ontario ço,-er.ý. Ul.il,.ýl balises desir ri by &.t)-fli..n improvemenus latoly mail ta reintburne the uid %Vol. BotIjý . « * . . . ý .1 1 . '. . . *i, . aient liait I.I'mil .ýorov.og ý.iýtojy hy thé ,vioch palud .,-as the M ippha, tolu. 1% ou 0 cri tnepro- W.11 in Wh-le et part of th. éoBts of . lent . . . a 1 * . . . ý - rriaý bouse ..a thing ofbeatityl, duty, as such P.othacaster . C . . .. .-ý ý ". tletiýints of the privy cou, *1 , - 1*1 - tiie-7titufNo%-e.b.r. t - , mises of P. il. Young, lie rofers te tire -uit'inc"ÇÇéd bY bila in t1go'diacharger of fils * .bi ý:. IýI% Iloraniro, -niei -tn: Ï.-Idc.c,ý,t.ln,.g , 0 ý !ý z * .'é. liai ý 1 The ias.w,,rk. ab St.!. fliomà. or lviy 1 j a d ', ý Il. . ý. ý1 - ý- 0 I1ý ý le 1, lý C r - et th é P u Il ' * ' ' ' ,.***ý 1 *11 In reniiied ýct!. ficcicul , utilf:.ètk,.i, . les , entering tiletilvei. kelitlOn iect-it-ed and rend hy the clerk, ffl A ýjc.oLd. total ct-iýIolits-b on S.tï,.I.y 1 ý . i ý. .#' ý lu Orn. .; ý : And wu tu-tltl,.t tc; ,vill pur, ait .ïol, ta Lit. cou Ut il'. lo.nd. .fa diogerou Air, ,rh. y tire ack.1, Some pDopin do agit! IVm. Bothwell and aillent wicti hefui . . 1 i 1 1. ! .. .94rUýniil.. la prefer eutering 3,tltebackNya.yorTçiu. iyotipportthereof. , . ý. . . . . - . ., . - ' 1 ý ý'. ý fîpouýJ-,hoia1 rigl.t, .col ' rit,, ind bejý'.. i Ancre ,i.g .1 . 1"ý'.1 ; Il eu.. . ý SOI ""'! it'.".*ftý'h.",,'t.ýt." . . , . ý . . . 1 . . ,ý ý . L TO N ý ý . .hi.hh.vý.,Iwp ure. ýé,4 .- -el .ý f i -.« . ý ý ý lit pro lit agafiist; a jourfialist the lons of ai.. Sinop es A. Coffe. peut 1 . . - . - 1 - . : ... fflied by dcga' . ý .. 1 . . 1 . 11ý . - - ý .. - . . Ir. tic', in aile public. io.. ,Ourpro. At file sacuting licla in Oti.wa an FI id.y A ullfil, 1 titis 0 e of enteriag; it il; .b L 1 . . 1 ý . 1 ý 1 . . . . . . . , i 1 . 1 è ýi.c.i.1 h- .gi. .. a rater goixl I.,ýn. .col , ý,bt contrary ta ail pricel 1 . . . . ý ý . 1 ý . ri. ta coulticier th«ýqucIcgioj ofi.jii. ý gtiit. Snell à,dered to bu paid to If. Ijoldba, id.$4 00 . We extend to ou - 1 ý ý ý ' . M in , celoc ta ,,,a A evint- cAr,ýi,..l hi ticat .ity fi 'vol do. Modeaty 8 linlýOrWni', but %ýe feel like ta A. Cuire. f.r'th. unie d u Patro s 'and friendé .throùg.hoht. the . 1 atisinl ce reliez] filera, and Urit, ttLU'I;UàiUtgd . 1 .Image. . - ý T, P " ý - colinty of Haiton, 011r. best ý ý mi-mi .. . ý ý . .ýeà if th.y ,vcr,,'iik it la eue bullii . ý . 4 W,, . . ý . . .. 1 . '. - . . ý ý .. 1 ý . ' T 1 . * ý 7ýI'orld. >, , - ; I.tý»nn of fi.. stallon. ,, « - . do if agent. - . kg fpir. « t . .. .iclý,t ý. abandon th. Pr,àicet omng id th. lettin, y u off this figue Rolly, but donL 01, caution of Me. Boit : 'o thank lieýsllppo# açpOrded us à ri 9. t4 7qai j,Ù@t ClÔsing,. of thli .tlier l'i.vi..jýs, A rdýred fini; - - u n Q ild , . 1 : . 1. ý . _ .- . E6.00 lie P,üd ta M., M.,jugreý At.ýl."V. ý. à ý - . . . 1- Il . , John -Ad S.rIgh M ' a f . ,In are expectigg a r fine display aud$5.33 to,;Oze ý Lui; for.he.p -iIhý i - . 1 ý . . . 1 - U . - ý ý c 'lu fil ý . . . , .ýi.élaverty calituetfeuFlýrllý ait w'e of Xiiias gonds to-be DIW7 during the by dogs a. provej'by tlie .4fil Octuors. ý:. - . . . . . . .. là, .îit"g,.th",r Bad.. , I.Yb E I , .. ý . ý. . 1 ý .. 1 Uý fi'. . . . ', ., ty ' . . 1.D»,Io,ý polio. fer writing letcre file week by car enterpricliug mûre auts, .1 anime of Mr. Scott ord.end flint .ý . ! ý . . &-,n-,ýligg t,, tic. igcfor.nati.. racnivedby Planent %%'alls th,.ates.i.],q euhwith cle.tb. Who are doteigniuRl if possible - $4 00 ho Jocilfto , -shup ý . -W ý 8 110 E ý ' . . oul.leulucy, w.r. giv.n i * - 1 - . : ý . 1 1 . . > . . . _ ý'. ., . jý. .1ý--ti,ý 1)ýP:ý,tÜý,,,,týýtl,-.,,,Iýr.fti.O .11 - ýY- Brunot ,P7a * vAil upon the people of this loculit), W kilhd, and $6,00 ta B. Tuck fer one ahup . . . . i. ý . D A L L : ý . 1 ! l , ý ý . % . . . , 111 muqclllellcB of the tnal niurder.ve IIIY 1 1 , 1 :. ý ý idieifti UoDilontio.ef tiý.ýl'ýiý-Y C-rwil in ' ' 1 1 bolide. ' ill'd nuit Don ci-maod by dg, - . . . . . ý - ý: '. . ý . ý tlý.1i.ýiý».,C....I..l.m..Lh.u.lýqI. D.noin. nt " fi ,y ligredent, &a., at*liome in. Il d, tha . ý . . ý . . . . 1 ý . . - . ý i . tacki niai o on unalbers o sMontjiéni Idead of gùjng ta ýjfjýo Mr. P.ttit ove1 -LiL;ucme Act iiiienii.%tiiutiaii.ýI. - Even cit3ý police force. aloi ,w IL the f.0110win . i . ý . ý 1 . ý hich J'.v.,re..Itttl other place in Peel. I Incoufits lie p.iýl,.%,iz.*: B.b*,rt Tu.k, loin. . . . . . . si ; : - -r . ,ý, ý . thon- -latim P,-ýiýli-19 f-ý, il,, ,,"",, -0 .o ion - .t.f.rý,-ffic.,t -il clon. gýc0utIY, if in. Ilecu obsenatiolai and iNill jet yolA ýnolv the oilr 'Y ' N , - 1 7 . ., - M aX i t Cà OL ,,air. . a B tatcliv ici -or. and tablai repairinz'th a culne E pt TE R R I - -R IS . ý ..ý : of l...Ii,..,tt Act nr, .1eél.,r.cl o*ùo, ,.*,,,, decidi-d ta arin the forée with revèlvers. . ii .Dg- ,v 1 . .. . . ý . ý. . T 19 4 1 an d .-a . . -. . 1 . .. result. , . JobnýZinme air r . , . . . . . ,. SI' ý . The .1...ý'ib atil 'u-itlýdmril. in'Ith. . 1 1 . ý . . . 1 . 1 ý 1 J...-,- Tli..IuýliëiAl C.,..iit...t.,t. flint tic. pets , 1 1 1 G C..Cmlvord fur hggýb^rý el. . ý ý :ý .. ý ; ýf rùpî1etor. . . ,ý ý . ý a mý le ii: -. ý . Il . - - - et tri, D.-nirci.. Li,.tý,. Act rel.ti.g fi, 1l.ýcît 0ilice Saving Banks during Ntveiiil-er TRIM S 1 EARP. f.ci fraccrinir tialber. «tir bri 11A P P Y - âcnd .-P 1 . .- Of thé-b-t.-I.r.1 parilin . - .. ; . soi . 1 ' -mý SpE puç)jj 'W ... . R , ý '. . .- , ý tiý.wýl.lt,.Mtiý'..ý,flicln,,ý .ý,ay bu .1thin ý,o Oalivlllo,'Dec. 2i, ,s5. MuKerliq fnr. plants, 8îl. ; 9nrt; 'j"b. .. . . ý K9 N E ' . ý . . . : .. ' th. 1.2i.lýtive - Cook for luinher. $1.45: Ju nation & orne . . ý . ý i... . . . 1. rSýpecIit'-IY 86MIS(l A--d.ý494.253., - . . Y ]m - 1 The illoibes, t stçà"Of . pou .tý.t.l.n-;6..nt .tunýliliçtoitb.cllitf Ax Eerzargusisci Dnur.ciý"T.-It Il for tomber for colverts on lie SA G . 140 Mnut."i.t.1,ýit tl,.t.l. it iý'i;cclh,.iljl;.tone).,gt. Thr' . wit . . £ýj ý .j ;:1 . _' - . - il . . ý . 1 ' . . 1 > ' ý tiona frong.tho btle0-pin'-i.i,... of th.. Act, . noton F IN A W 'ýý Q jr . l2l,ýflà. . 1 - . .. çat T ' t. Eut ýi"P.ýit-im as flic Und OCNOveinbor Ivas, ýnllcll.ple=Ùre-we wtn,)tincetcourreadun lielan, ,,sol Barli . . ein q:. -7. ailor* thdy are alibi tr,.1Avýswthmt nny e16 1 flot A. H. McCullon,, o . . p.'rti.iý«i,[ . 1. ý ' - hall ni IccSunt: blil.s' ,lit fa, VU - . ý . . ý 1.1119 R ou s, o ge , 1 . . 1 . a ,hý'.! Sq th.t Si A Cronclian wha bon, bien , OfiU1dýfor t '7.10; IcI.Sea %%'ilkin. for di , 1 - ý .- 1 . . 1 ffl , _.. ý .SaüsM e &à * . . fi.. ,%.L.ugý itin - r Jolin In 1, srÇured th, .g.n-.y of .the 'olshntud b ', MécccIoald,ýiIl Dot 1'. .bl« .,.en ta. k.,I, Six vearli ici Liiillolystreetkaol,' se. .. . 1 - X lîrk Weet's Coligli 8)-ru.p. This in a cornponnd J. Reins for timber, $8.50; i . 1 . .1. ý 1 , . . . ; op bien, - - a ont of a 4ü or . a tougil for tituber ýod building a brida. on ý . ý ý_ 1 ý ..ny et con1,niý4o.vrlg And icSD,,f. for a debt of leu thio âve huigdred dail.irs: thut stand tic t a or f e r M. 1: , . 0 " ' ' ' * - ' ' . . ' * . t tý'. ,.acier ,th. p,çtuucS:.f '.ùf.r.i..g th. IVID-Il In i -gce -"noble te - InY wn- net At 1.1 ý _. ÇeUtll , un( in un uglfaliD 4pd cet in eu-te ; > * ' ' ' CONSTANTLY >0N HAN 'Utý ci. 0.61, and for ri. 1 .#*. . ý . . , ý 4 , i f te, . - . c h is 8 s hin, et cg if,. e :, ! . . . . - . 1 . . . . . , Sott.ý,ct;-(;Icbl)o. . .11 1 . . hIeryýnrý uý;,y,,tt,,,,ýýi, thý',U.,,rDniy fa ill t r s in long trou les. it vit Il ùl'i il.1éle Stý'etatur rintitig . - '! , qe s e n i s .ý :. , ý , ý. . ý1'. ý .,._ýý ofMr. ý wbo settled file le lave a cougil Ji p a 1 and oriolle bill kýtr . . . ;ý , . . , ý. . -ýDùchs' 1 . .;. chîini.ý th. cc ri . ; 1 : 1 . . 1 . ý . 1 . . . - ý, . ý . .. --1 .: - . ý TaMe 9 Geese, ilty On Tut and * doloire Juive aile 91 * a est $104.7l.-*rriUd. op . ,. . 1 .1 ý . . . ý ý .. . 1) . Cofrep. . ý ý . i ý, ý* ' 1 O ý . . ý ý . . . ý ý , 1, ý . . ;. . ! . ý , Çhiý _q _ - iihe Hofin ý - - if à bfjeed thât .,..Mitt.0 .01ilposed - lori- .tirait 1 1 cd, finit the folloivilgg 80. . - . . . ._ _ l- , of file Marquis of -Saliàbitry,'Lori Alibi have cri cure .t. lion 1 in el c0untn lie cucul. vis.: T. & P. Greanieuls te, ' ý . ., . ý w *i ý . ý ý'. keýs féï , ý .. . iFro;ii the NoccI ISIýir. . hénroo (the Lord Cil-ný,ll-, éf irelaitâ) cOnsomPtiOn ' Capture th * à î ý ' *- __ ý ý . f in au turc flint Mr. P.or moy . - 1 1 . , ý . 'Season. 1 1. . ý i , go i!l o a a., ron itog, tomber. $17-80 ; Jolin Foster % plans, 1 . ý . .. ce PPOrtUnitY W h' I.. . -. ý' There Aro'rcinioga ourrevit ibnt nt tûe nuit flic Duke of Itieliisibitý is'iýr.p.rini ý notion., &c. ri , . - . . .. . ýý . . 1. . 1 ý .. 1 . .. .. pur ý;tt1?i . l' -on ', cou , ci $1.25 ; H-th Kit.h.n ictgmvel, ý z 4 It .Lasts- -ý : ý « :, -; , . . .', - . ,_ , , -* , pesS i lineà soli onlinsI Il a ad îîlIy LUI -rsù. Y-U ats. Immense étCk et EngliA cian'faliý hat. froiW tho bst mk. * ïlué. ' Trèble's. c-brà,r bf KI t-tiý' Hamilton - lg 'ýOn4i at elleapekt, in L""n tO bù5i overcoata Boy's Nmi),.nla(le Stlits aZ that Goc âBAL 1$4£CT.1, flle 11*11 go éh*dct."h iýnwdy. 'bi.i. IL bfce.lllllm; a on. ra'é of jres.ing -'iand girtllc.,. '%,,ýry gnlia«. IMpor Il 0.8, COM.r of King une ýamcs etr.0t.. ton z à ;«CTOr.RÀIIIIs.--11. .7. ïýidàmpher, 76 KioIý$t Il H.Mili.n, 'âàmr té blilim.,I &, p. ..Où, il m.k. '>VIâo* *t il 1 p E 0 9 ý Ph. in all afyIe. -Cr iniltCow- 1'.rtteÀ' ýùIiting 0 City l -ý11 und e.mnine hi- ,ok. 44-vr. WUT WILL Yop _ugh ,-h.n Shil.]Il.'Cl, wolgi" lnimediate ýIlri,-i 10 bu d. ibd4ij 8-ld Ils J. Il. delimine S..tb hunble W1301 6 d a- . . U hfýwore, Immense etoëk, hoiît %-ahum af Tm a., cerner ci King niI4 J-mes. êtriul, Chrifftmas Grocerles, Ncw Raiin, Currantal, Leinna'aud Qrange Pet.i. ý,itjj averythiiigroquirýl W Pi ràiebil)ér that 60c: Tell. at 20 « 25 -r.Iàrtý lud rzI,, ý,s ut r., .1 Kin,, «od - bil, Il,- .'t Iiiý, on V. of Jan' ro m. Ch.k.i. ,ill, I f;: lit "Ilfije Ci oýt j. ý ý4 il, t le, stmatiý, Ilamilteh DAIL Vi'i,[,,*i;,. th ami, Mt ,r )il tij,-i, V, Ill IL I 'Im4plo .Cri r I jl-d Il'. pai in ne ov il hý. iitl loi on . iii, Ill Tri clvl'h Il, WH à lf.c Iý lI)-NýUlIPIIux se stock of f nat to'h 'nil. 1,1,,t bl'e'. In"! -f King lu'd ou. over lo FeIL iloot., at IvIlolesale lu. el, 8 ICIL & esý, .1tcalernher that cou. -j-,ant, itl"l1.1 ýd .ihla. . iuj:o lý hýlII1 l'y - il, i:l L. 4ip fi- i, qu.h lamb'. Ku, -j Es rI..Itl Hill'altun Inncr S.ýL'ý ry; Di sjý; "Il sit 'bina Tl-a Sd, Saùcers, ýu" * I- ýNo time Il, and 'àre 88 low if Ixlt xl, ( -honge-iii towil. wI at G. SIiiitil,., rking .1Ii. Il pllitý -th l, ..Ijoý, j", ut 0 I.in I..l vut'. rhW.. ý.11illL --.l .0111- 1)1"", ii.,,..I, la 31:t'w i., 1 r Yazd, B!ýk, S.1till silk at Eï ' ' ýI un 1 OMS equailv m or th J111, j"'., t li 6UU. T'.a. %vortll Y T 0.17 nt thll ný il . 'Illitil)h ý,kI.Ij1i, S Or Ilor', no%%" 0 .1.1 -tu tlu. Y-4. for girl, alid I.o%.ý, il, - . ail, ,jreater veirk ..0 "(rzý', nul W Year. -ch'oice ýolt-cti.il of ChrîNtjujil _ýof Beatitifili Jet! rv r 4ace, Diaric., u, h AIbuiný. Iloetj n:,j Oks, IVritin., olls o'l roys ]Il Ccollo el .1 l. t o -NAL RTýLI;T TO 1. es to OUý store oui- fuot rtant fentlire ýof un, Mahe it a ,tiilij- té coni k ut hoc, .Chil(rCll,.i f,- "ith. il;-Iitq, %0l ivlieil yoli root-11-car lit rLasoIjahIe prie *,,,,, aud at ..il ýOrC.-'r'ýP.ONTl) -111ÔE J.J., it i, Paý« cor. jtttl).' l".. S. lu.el, ýàIted for- Ont chcap buot,, auli n-hip "f îtüLles talies th - I ý] j 1 Jenkins sol-1 128. thé our 7 i on. Iletzli, 'f'l, a thr -daN... a lail ..Il W'd in, of trael and vrlatlv CÈBiIîAfricaý aud oýs auli il.1 liat, gives sati.,faction alid illat, II uaht' molleY %%kh. Prices re. %ýýBRADLE17, & àîd. It. Iv )f. boots atill slioce.ý illclll.l,, all i.,r i ,01 durable' am1*dc.ýirahI, font. rqjjý. le tle mollo Me-\ý ' We car, v Oic tI,ý. C ýt stvIei and vùrý- hest ils ivitli the àïLsà hoots and hoe., d"".11 M*.tl, the ali; interinediate -villi PoIl - 'illii W aull most la shocs. ýli:Itielý-1 1vouder tho bek place tu finli to pût vUling in the or fo(;t.weilr hoâr, .-d the 1 ;vIlich àielo%ý- Ilevoulh Compati. f.rIff, )RO\TO SIIOE Coilp.t.Ny 114 Itb t1w trahi fur 31 St link t'l'arlie wh , - EP,4t, cor. justly e for Chýâp bouts iu« ânes. al-15t, ininring 1 lie h,ý,1 to bc >n pi..eý rbolle C'Mte is i""Id. arpund agaiu W .d p-ry LinF.nAi. TMll Du nul j'Il ,I." Il à. nul %ras ell at lu lE.., o, Le MIL anch Jb', . on hr. yj lai U ' tl la lu ', a ?0 9 ZOrse thaalinefficiency herc se i1ýýiCt accumulaie. day by l'y !lhlsýalIlI objectý

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