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Canadian Statesman, 22 Oct 1885, p. 2

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I.CccWÏY,. ecedbemi ccittfer ce larid. * r! .1 * 1'. J Sfc.,Pcc' ite lnOYtcemle etc c b H lCliû,ila t cpoff .&Pc m so e P: si ,- e iatmie e.tte~ù Ieec Y, mile adpeS laeeple g ". ~ '" lbccaa noaKt iemcii:, ie ' 18t.S e e ., .'"letlaea.îTi t e c eers et .. the . te w e'e cp ec e , cil É tl mie e ac le fe 7 , ? 7 e 1 8 , 6 l ' 1 5 i y D c e l c e l e 6 a e . 2 . -poce?'t th u h iCeey httcrt ftca c etc.c e'Petc O cdl e c le ttjile± f o r l, ttc ecetc cf bom "W o I av O lor m frnlh neC m itcao ing On ettc ycce' hc1 ile estcr. cf cecethee m mtle c. tc chl c n mtll i te cec ,St. adahech thst eighten mine o the dolla Weald Omd oio egof Ptt, bia e 5fr. inee ec187 7.S hè3WL.i(ie DAD6IN A5118101. t emccel,-< he . Sîltie ttcMain;, .'. . o*m 181; 9' 't-o8l~,y~ , caeerý î " .' bcerecuceet ci -ihci e t Tejecece ci ce.aticeottcd.-aeceecdjeemcd cdl6Qct.iltt, Tt cril eeedeph 1 ,tlithe epot.cea'cdcel Ccleeedd Ocencilececictcd. Sectt Acf' ce18% c4ll"le8h,&OWt weiee.eeecdcc ikal date.N ooa ecfthé Sc t Act pcul d ilcle' oemelcettCh .Ecceti4cce rcddb te m to . fM . aâarte.8'mi u l teth . . rs epot,'the Dz, SictiuieýW ieà .âe, o Uem eyI ejde ]redonniez Michael onway, tfit teecritlofptexa.c T ta e CeOc la O bd~.lâ W ' 9thétomws.o - A i tot cee'~ ave b a ce ott cè ep h er ib l c oc l m lec cce ip ece eep ec fte m _ e ý t e ;'hil a e S e i c .heo.on. " î' ap ,. '.oiLt 11,1 'tt.' avemcmcdluilen ~ î acal ,îî isecete .est si -'l 'mdad ' ' oc..' ' Ttc'-,c,", te- -l.lelsd.. je.. coaccttt eent, ., ctCnttiinethe e., ciecce ;,ec asalé;UÉ.C-ohý -te la le byla .aldeg pep.' ' Ocete 11h.ig, r cote cice. etecet cc j.* o m e è1 eônec#Fcà , eté.: ec TWhe O ttc Sle ndpd lant Pcice. TtFieaemo<lemeeflicexpcmeanedDfeiidilitwuàaskè& p' ce 'j ed'â"* foMagsrt o5 le og c, h letheé85 e iaît'_ _ h lClt.cîe Cab1 . evtecn imierte ha ' b ce ty tham "heg epael e of th e 79 este2icf iftc eâec -' ts ii:iùd. Sata ahe uhm e xpc el cectcland .8158.tii ; Te Plie "MilcenefitfoceratecefOlatTale Caisrptcfcot«,. li ameolaiee b.hcef esfw5eta'~ ettheerr.a y y îeè; haedccthetlt-enc.1 lent. 80 'Ocmentleoceee_'ce iiaietaie Teeg cee * IJT.i.Ilecet. ~ Cieemc lepedd ly.aw cdced apecele et tt .lfda nt fecemle eth c et ttic-.:Be tety'yc w r;ana. la thoe.e d itorgil 't' 4mmi Cupon M' t St.to d 510,00 Cs bv ' e emo oiher of tmecte' t' Let5ec otceet h etgtfdel Slcereco cee: 'Âcce ' tch&fecei ~Jecestor 1885,*fatcfgacete-s ance. qo ecécevccdeSnecea'qec 1aVIFet 1 m Acaie t en- .lTheSFi- acic o .40.80mccceEe lece ehcetaileef appitte ceiY.S -S rA pactefýOh ceeeiegc le, ci ephn inecdtfee ae coa . Cefy~teéS ee tecmeotfecuif.l e itchl, eie catofaneecCfeeccee ig foceinilalcnavirdae ay182, Cont ýRae W.2Selle lyhe.ia E N.25cec Ane tcmttearmell, feppeciteen ttc cTe wieceegci 'Cdte r*ev'a'm eeeU mB ufc d h v e s i d t e c .i e .F e e W i l di g oeep cos 121.74o mi . B J tô k è n sf Ô L n aY - F - g D D s . D d Ï t e iè à i . 8 o by vSicgilnelCccmittecc e cai CllctrGerge'rwean W91?lhecceteeo aChlaw boap bc=Sl Jeece Romdor mccedeeca mdccikaecele M M dthejm "aetit f ci fe em trdinthc o yaiim cd whisey Saaries..........W.00-Caeigcte s 'ire heteoee-'Ue encaoui e ap c tii. 8e cth eee Crpec s e 'lte ' ..e' ' glrl cwet nci ie e d fil ae r e c8e90.,Dm. , e aete k e v i4mi eh cfc 'tedenen * fr 1 "sltadhï;Mr.e ôg Ie ndclauflblécttfc Nedt C harieteporTae.. 8512.ndconSmoeiontofmMr. etPlcee elaleiCetmc cthebbo1W .C fcet 'oee te'ecc li faecdeoel y teSci A ? ....cec . . 8 .00' e irio to-ctge ieefiee 8. cféieXPand iorni W aIe mde Da TcB..tte;.to 22811 c N o. Oclaren' themoeteien add,apoie te Edobtafccd cceufene,ecdttclleeej muo tan d ' bavcfgt Seclco . item foetcePpreecatere cIelet121.74 - Teceeliail . . .140,80c-?p-Haveeecilleltteeeeei leplecette19 Thion i l rn eg p pro l c i n t t e Aieeecileheccf be . îe ns ,i o s00 Te ll e sfl fe c pl c~ e ' i cea oca te jury . Be reete a . en e 'c eate c.int, ttocdmicieleatfceeht thelttc ' m elely elaui'tthc ea' dccc ityaithrdivemittîttM ~thé*;"ec ceeira c eicys o l a e b e bo e s s m e neo - M c S e - c m t m le e gte ce ate t he e e t d c le e t c ' i cri epiceh , w o ld je m ,' ce e p ltaine en i St oen f taïe rta i .'0 accoura e i s cfycep ci chvie J pStarPeel mM . c efth S, e cci ca d é ete peic ccif ceho e eecau fcigcme Teclée covr' Iomagicéa-ietrHanccct.5. 00 f.. to apur itiles,8.Jhno ermasfr n ttane d ted cototc a e eaveet car.cGcSee jettideple. tdoc Total omeeceecette 8227,41of therEnrqer, 'eco foc atc eecl Lteclebetweee earmaleand mege, Iel a n etse licoa ice laeg tey miegl andid o u h #l10ce ' n otio of .r. S oteece C Mce floqctgoefd ocei cecemeet, ateOn " 9,060e J.tio. Mcdicpn ao aaoSteH e =cete yn Mcece ec 1 Ue o l o o nclumhat t t h e ce the ameelca ou"' i e1 docmiie 'R&folciecoeceSeht'ttc.ce yc ao a tc 0ite pAScficef H. po ee Se a dcseý theP e ' g citCt U tis -Rv et LanHSCehlcm8 85c.00dnle10i0 loce tta.em. , bStre o. utat one5 Mc tlc o o< ame c m m. EbCanfe il . ~~~~~ ~mni&i Od<0 IA y.lceocc pece lcylt î ceepcicdl180 AIN XPI ATIO WINED. ogTa ....... ........ 9000ceg; tnhte t Douar e oefeate o ur te pclae ce rg e i-fst l o pwee, A'seOtil tereamc ccele~eS Wt Ie'cege efemu " ' . ciecid'ireiv teeneS Sdiac, cel oceclytecout, ad fochelegth e Iiemtn r m uwi-- teheca eécdcetero, Sî'ofi thelit mct Y Sic pou ace fitthle. o thsan v eCf ue n sidérhavi leqcsurprie s h'1 'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oa le cetaoPec aitae sc Se e et 827,4c , tien opeice b qt e st icoleas ortté A it eeny. - " ratete, ed fs eceeciltaDacpG "Ttc ereDuro dccc e It at i d oe fer tts 'c atl itc fuccgmc ee eîi c.l.'90,leg I.'tlae'le erenpeoted.ean...lTledielice peil te e ecce, y 'cm ned le t i ct u d te ic ce c,5 ee88. d ai6c5c.iv ce a ci e, O ,, 182 'R1 b6 .s am a cîec aec î incc tel c ice0 t .t h , e cic r N c' Y c d e, 1f héo gn.cv ec ift' titîonilsCeic .cicev Cee Lavec lue.fent: hiye r 8 2, e lIeoeiitcce e t ec oe~e p t m cprit te mt h leJ.cER pa-strc,,clrcanaini.ttli.scaieci thcinoendtttie elieetm aeica. It loto anlis e pedi totîupe tc O 10 ctt0ycd7eectheiie. Lecîa S eoci ctip i - forfl'a c cee ~~ cc c. cc, e.te, liieee. le gît mecydceeterg r n a mour ceile lh ohrtj, er aiee ee ice ' o'pcfencc oien i f Rcictdceotc ee eae theît te iiaccct cIleeocexpres i cofte aece f!atclcc iete odo i n Cfbey i Nc.iC .Occe C lleOC c,, d tbecdcc micleonl ct ceolr, ctan c d Oid ltnoa' pwlf hae becen poit ont Iis bond Fbore'a tirnîrniecece . 8omTdrydtc'tedGeorg- - mn ea Meurs.ti EuccioSc. nc âetece. agit'fli"tOoictflic. . . .Ttpompage ostity.ts ofScoetFinanc ceeu te c tyl ct Iy can uOl eet sccg. lies.Rapt , lct cidse rNa ,0e 22tc Ce ýla I ecciee cf t es ceiet teDuety eS Ueo ccentice Me gav pecmicee e o le I -'cca cer P tf aeetrete peliufeltet o eladome.tae bol mr i r oe ineSee. 'lieder,, i t P Miln yi eW i ieloeteéi lear, ndfecigf.s îcccia teicl tehilte ce heir ecepcthe tte. SereSe, Willi am W i ced as i casé hichw" 8 myseri s t i s. iegi. Matohjec Spot,,stois NeinSboCea pea.bytheemigan R. Wile, ate ilt the eonfihce Ttcs CpalTeec c , qS csylie id ec'ci t fDrra sea e ntcft lefrnfdal op'ttcir.Thii e ien cehll moe y beauciet i . n ofece b cefllcveaiett it et ilefeec ple. t Cpi.icecte, ' .2 acce'fo.tnocvetoyhoMeea Jedoas. ec coul fdace ec lre oihn med f tce erdier8i58 f ce cepe Ieonéb topcm e Ite olpebf? l Paoeseerl teiierdb ord ,rcfh y rlf te bol, a Meitc Slleeto, h eSy i l inrnaica cifa Ii r a pet le u t ecte ca îhe nr e 8 a r c e i iSb Cd t ' St ff e' . . . e e e S c d e t et r c t p e e q i n ~ J c. o t i n i h b c ee e S e o, 7 c c r o e d t a c e c m o m y c t c e c i e i e , W c , d e ' t 8 . e t g i . o i l e c e cc o u e d e y î l r. E c Wo a o ,ty e r é s e i in . ga e r ic e et e ' c e m et a a i i e . c f c e t t c e c e a y o i i c c c e t l i Grant, tho etterfiemce ici cet c Mer t, Net1t.tcfScc oelîîc tio Mr.Am oue c iegncribletePice Magisprats? rep. 0 Aciapt.Ncion, fitcs - . is ccefcva luecec. e in.oantcotttyActiii ail hag ee mie t h avicce, rceS Uey isttey cT. tetm rtothcci cr o dooie e i for . il L il.Tlit, c 5ema m yIccthictEr. - H OM, 0. rne,Ûc ccf Rdr hî. A leatohmnf b ateieyita sed.....catlt c i Ptchi tpe m. 'Tt dm latcpc aole a gc 1LinM c, 'i em tcon t cpifj eee oiaiit on ceo t 'oo pl ece tav lce tc i ed 1 ive Wi l ud t ' . .1 n At onS Oectc2 , lfce * l.ILc.ylemfi e mov tic el.gttc Irneyo- a - 1eseRh"- ited teo e wecn Yc o rkcc o cksc m aff cîl s nee a rn m e otcaff i e la M e.-scferîetO.cO.tcI..cfPh ee h a v e R c bie n c e, pm uteor Tt C c e p d- .W.clnp ceec. .t oof eu ns f r i e, r 8 1 le e eM c e c ti bîte cm a e a eh a t s u f e B tI Parleh pot~~c iontary etE ca cclincne aIT& 1,41. e l .in. I cntntclece- d i'.n .rrpyth oe.h a akn n teonorma.? -ee ptMCîtmat C1 Fe.L ede y A cetid eMATCH.Joa ecd , eet P. ly o entiic m f ha l' Itccc dl 4, dce'eandege ntîo e-i.î1 It f te ha e. tât no t t ya àà;7 ah taieatd 1eI d t l am m ibllin fl ice t e.e.c.ee...c p c L ~ cpccSdcgcme ai teas c fle procmise tîlfmSiecbccpcmmnieaiet PiI-. P Hcleic lpaeecedje ft loeffic; a ac, iivicg o .vGoe ton p(vl e hao*mcef lit. otctini n ttsi maDoryPeoplelenatde iieleecfoi;oei aceftt fesributiecoci cedpcî)cîandeo.i Pc.Meei of t eod 0cw ectcdostcs. it ieuueem iley ccci ti cii c ce tdcicn cece 8 -U".Oea.ll 0ptice, Canate, dJLanegi cj, reit Ca. trc, cd ey trvie cc tmc 1c:7 oct ie IrlSi, Mciepey'hccnunay total miAnbae-ce de-aheeferethee eïMe.iRaccelOnt.-pecetefite Oleecdece anddids rnoeitigamerttcytcoeeoee.-We00( D tO T hâ i e rmà oa o e y ati e - 8 e r i da luf e L ed., IL î o t e I n e ne. cp r i t îo ers e c e tly en . I î O Y T O O A 2 Ca'NÎtt. Ptieot, No. 1'o!cposCo tc.Oe..a.ct...e ai ttc t dati ¶ fo fkpcaprtin he un rc mm s le ailai <iyi C'l DISy ce. IV. DfBrothers, andl...5dLam'tcombos 0oaseaaacive on Sunede VccyFcroc, 1MSot, ao SorNio, e 8 Co 4 orieitinad gf i n hici.xigheasd. Omcprébelinenileunrticzc,>lce'7 2 c Lleea~, c c, ~ ~eccflceel ' ccecc, icoec..ic t ivece me ocede. W lam . Niefiacd.,c icrg i ,c*mci20of theSn 'aï~en.T h.4 c"a rdin in, cIl 7 .Iliehti elvic ttee0iti t hcc ~i e ot ep clrsors elotnceti 15 un eaan sfle heýe jun l ,m- a d icctyln t aening lt er iesep c cscufferceiceotnele. ppege e >r Priece cemc aoe2 M r& Adamsmcm onhiet .li- u cigteyon mcint C ofceoee. . TREfTe eeco ietfhae a c oAci ie e om lat. i' N'roernc ce 1'c 2 cti cem eerdcee ' ecoS 'tc cmAuj»mi rcSî ltie tcdcee .sur e LEôr8 ,00 c i , e ico . taryh aij n' ' ' ' Ug.1 e ot9.Sorg. Sfaic8cc, 2 dli.. 2 0.Semc c .I t con éis lieod'al tc acl>e te c," .cm uaiu fteplerCmayw ots h li eh ai .tt icoraeoptfe c taf i. et , 2 i. ore lynS Ora erteS"0f cm eeUMectr téý:s abee fgr.-ttc S eeiccctegcstipn M ilto 1 et. RMooe, c 1 c formcthe ost e thyce tproiciledrecc ta.e ' c--wfi beprecrt n- 'àccc (rn l e ecaai cmftr aciana 4 Pte. hfos, lf-ii tbcffMOS.thtc fcofm cct.ot0 od er.foe fo ai i. bel i frol eiie.a pd e i he15S 'gi 800 cc I 1trding n e ineS e c ticcaifilce. Ttckeori-a. anderef alrne Fader Randci omteo!w'ttc' dr moecdoid cetihe10CaIPetbie, NT7h.* ~eienfiae.wunhic peiiche ilclc.m ' *irSe r hap sao9erie1 Pork 'a ix mit lmtio aIl, ltde c 8 S egl.Hacr Sp cC . o ' eeicr-.co thie . aecUciegnd.'rifles mc teitIto ' ' e ' te e ml dia e. e.. ' a ' 1 S r. fite, . 1 pil c5lele 'poter oand t et co ve . er'ceealeleth,'c retoe 8Srg.Sheil, l 1 u wto roj n cUm ý Idens intcoh Se col leees , t e' o. - - oè foSi , Q n t et . '4iltoe at pren noe dcliaied etec 19 PtCe.(Lcindsa, obiao cceeouc tcelSr I e nte bSthe et.Joes;,tet',ho illcsîace O st t' ascde e c tcSoicty etocheffor rg.Ece tIcS à 1 A vm d a paS.'John: "r, 1Yicnocé BemoS elcecitteter' Ca' tcJ Lel tet e iet y c Iel eo ro e f erthé gl.exis. N nsx t ACH cc se r Gc* .bw 1,C % ,thcb o l re1' Sm mm ntin o b;B. 1 io fi ces i t e t i ut e Uetelcieail Me. Raise, ,, ccahneerrwonj e clcdaSceilcu oa'I 'tiPn.; 81 y I ee:s<m io.- -ri SoneUectelc.once eaieeh t.htiis Oaph lFeemu' eSaSéyroetth cor t.rmcmrî-l btl " Mitn ca sliint b. na lgte i 1Sta. Crome N. C. Te Ccpiy*1 afle eot.ci the, maUeo Nelt. a h ' . et yo terfe fio;ec ar ivnfotar..8 2 Spoc4ppEilh, i W . ml'lciti e O99,00,auicramcoin. "a' the a, - Cil. da L nd iAL__Ilgins t DDfleIOece.-... lm . 7 ___1 lbey s.The.cmpan «tit 6. Soir GleéciSeoSlchmic' ilttegatew.y e tud ud, on SatOUdTy2 and ba moe igb m u Prbtn aM T1. itll andesi o"'tc, ecma larcra IMcccIeEWOAIq i h aec th a er. o ..i eth.d c atico ce g e ma S flc ccé gthe.f ' ~ ~ ISUtec~ ' FeHg yards.. le Cagl.ne '1h'and Inodicee ]c.Ac eegiclBilles a.nd en, ûDantr. y FaiU eUrNo s ot i C~ Cete, Ho NO ..8 iCOm plad t . ,0( tl r âlon, b Mm. rcA zSe. mWlea sOtL f.m cy ', 4 ,, A T Ni' ' u~ ci t ~ ~ ctt rete 'i~ c caa cUecH ett. mlîa cctv cteo . wc.ill e Gc-dcccch pct«,, feU *m80 bé . e pcydtl.bo.2ccoil.Se.8eît ie-M tc, t - olaItli, . i u Pti- *cm sivare t0*199mamtesc P'. ... 2 .1.» h.nac -ifi Sieuconce, 5200. Fcrm Sdceli; 'Lctl','Con -gerneyct.~ Sa Stecen, Ol.55 Acic basOf sale ti V.iirLIc'ea1 -eUicL tlTERMS TOO'lioniS Oel2iA*-Ofco ,Sc _. , Fce'tSckl, IeplSneSfteC, Ttn LoitS9 o'ix7, o'àîeptNies Sciele a0. CmddiO et 1: c'O] lcdlim John HeùiÏéîtc Pro Wrn Me M ciel Holale, 'Tn. Stat, Implo- of 'isloefmggd tieRteo WEU Loet lIte CtoreS1 cRcti I~ ToE I Lci w, C. . Il.Toeccc'pOf Tia-I gecy h.e falgar. Sca le 1coMce ot ý1 lm in fi Wcnyeeny, Oc0t. 20. Aeîliocc Sclie eecc, l 01beelr. 31 cf-Fcemintck otnccWcsIHaloltiyccifeg, Lûti No. 12, Cie. 1, Toceee*ofp1efit-ce1 i Naoscagaceoyc. Scie tdc ccrnmend8- 1teli 2 ci ydmber SeecconvOct. 29-.S.ctioùce i 1tdt a,.lecl FetSckbe- &e., ee West HeIt tof 1mt licep Loi 25,.Con. 5 TocencecpoetNe, 2o«Ute cm icgaceeyc. ScIal e ng l1 ctiiMnihW PE oCleece..B, Cak--rA-MI,1l Fecn,,Oci.n0AoCL eo P.Sale tumeidese ClOL;cctip ctcC laie, 1 iiccfttet Sueco'cvcil Lo cte. .onSie e Fctcc Sctkc 'I nlcrn ott, ec e' i e. l ir Si1f- , Oit. ceeciieCùiùSa'f 400 bub.l 1, ogiotk C 'Eîemcepiop Sale at 10, TRS.ý IVcceen'. N,. Fineie. à ontmi la 0 EDITZSALE. PATR1OIK KIRI JESDAY,' NOV. 4, 18.8W. ce Foeecrnee Poteeir: c.se aed. 1 bartboue3vr. eld, ne.dltclyeibold, îprnctdt u f tetr. Z'alon 2yecQi 'ten-d, 5 .pring mio, wkiieeoemee ld. 1-iet,1l soetbdinom ateefl. ncerlyecun., epc, 1tbcggy, cocrîcicc Il. 1 cpere.eeee.' iaoewx cerate. 2 pairiteilie 1ele,. 2 eectly eer tIMueoplce cm nonlyoc cmu cffler, 2 tleecf1fcedtce bUler t fuao.1 dSto,' W, 2 hapooit.. ', ýek. -- 1retincmic tenc. mai) t, 1 nettea huun moe" ùil. e aseg. rle. IL, .u,, it'cîcer CwA Mor e' HP'g aeltg a5 i c on t t e inSfl we, ar e howtfej BABY dCAIRI Litti.e Do LittleEaï: Little'Eva, c THE- Oakvile, SEleganht', I-eyvw7od, London, Superb, Toronto, Git'e U~s oaCal, A. AcCOLL] 50 .YOXŽc TUER7R TORi WILLIM BLRGERPALi .IJENSED AUCtIO'ii ( PIcýi t Qfc db D St ecee E PM VICTORIA ST.. m Ait settoce îplyieieTa10. Tpmanreais ICHAS.KliS IjLN o iIà &Up. enta la 'idr net 'dit >cis wto To. ef- e 2el l of Pr - Intelligence. Bi ~ lieldy eblo, 5mceÀLima...1fr George Wii l.clbe :!dfed aa toctteg gete claari i uebic te Iciigeeccc ee, .on M. Lecic ...I ma' ig~c. lic oue'e, iilton, IîleDe WC7iàJE, .Wallec ihr last, c @b» Caiecerh eccdy. i'iceee,î eî et Z,cL Mff Seontie e' Je D l~eai~cx. . rekJO 3 t-Sose -Te eceeec f eSep filccece .1e' df7'« pe.c Sl eidiccteeecadfeîeil: 8e ciM X.yececfTelege.çe p laieritu, fore ~Tee. lî ede cccll-'C.c ll 1-1;~c . psdTlee - cI . .11.Thgec ele ee efr acee te ietce Curle cinCub cect ff'lke Icdgc elke, ececîct ..u slct on Tetyîîi l iccelce '5The Yoeuneg mcf Mal.te. blen so îeccdayetceil.,ceeeîfce I lleie jrAbee'1Ticitiici tt ef îcfe, SLflaytlc ycet coli. cc e cI.,' dwec l llnlo, M.cl. ilch:icel HZze.Ècille Trfalgaricu,,.ýîÎ""G"d' f te te. theefcl iaeît ; t;' e. mii pond. a Jit l,, jh i eieS tTice,.11 LI lc letlc ce.î ,eW.'te eeigiîîel e,at dccîe ceçe âiieli.dii Itra l,0,,ifecliebole, clter emeccaecidcîIt c rer. fîîr esTurc t tu Orýe-llgîfcet. a W', Mce c cedJ" ce'.llle iîlîyl,btii i " orjce" îck'ci lietlt' CI; hô*he taie, il, I ceýbî ba cc tî î 4 pieceoffaleelîttîîîe,îl thonic tu llee.llctdt ,eyeieeu',ent?î,l 'u.Ice Bt lîssoja jote lecf, .î . xc î cv 'a.-eOc Tueclc î't oo 3r dere eie ccc cf UîîO l f eeo cclîl t leceteîi lis hlîce% etclc,.e, dietîcc tOff. ccc erttt îceeee.....î 3îlîc,, 2 CASJ lot e . P. Il ) eîîc' tt~ eieeecPlîe l c i t ciieedcceîî i, wDîcîL edsc-Tîlee cleteeleell eiy, Secîilf-, eceelîc., acceret lieraeeîîe. Ifeeecane, iîclîlîît, I Slrîi Tîceyc, re'cc c f tee' l eh lieedîîît85 ed Provice. tbeîîhrt y .cll e, ,,tîî hece:6i. t'i te Ir, perleen tccfit nt î,l,îc TUELAR nll ei-Teblle's o r ce .11, crn tIce clîl cuntry Oîîî tbessc 3'erle 11,1Sa Ie nrelîci f,, tce. butetcolesfaet bhe lcclicg Ife l .r ciolstylesfcin fec',l w lie% .tcllgfrli ec c 2 il James Ste. fi îbbteg aeecegcîleà c(0 ers. cf the - Tercet Ilie aclvece,. Tlîe Ire al cfheî w'crid P. S-Fer fiee uni. MIi rîlere prcep ricgc Dcccii Gonds, ,ced UlelSes. 'tee lyg e. Wcîiefîîi TD r e a1 Dcloticn Sel e. Ce., Gcergetec. 17-3f. lbicher meeting cf ýccnmittec 'cf 1h___ 16 Royal Caicdeeieec cid et rereele cen tt.iltef clubs te eged. 3Sfnirewse Wc SdiD auec Gegetecece n W * 0 t hci e . F a s ~',alc, eayhcc, And al aeiCthaic . . . . . . c. e . . I. antle Clôt

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