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Canadian Statesman, 13 Aug 1885, p. 4

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1 -ý_ - - ý - _7_-_wýý-_,-ý7_,'-- - _ _ :ý_P51 ý 1 1. . -ý --:77ý- .- . - 11ýeý- ýý-ýý;ýt--,7 -- -w------- ý ý ý11 , - - - .7 ý', .1ý 1- . j _ _,7 . ý ---ýý -- - .ýý ý :,' - -'.-ý ý-'7_ .ý ý1_ý - , ; . . . ý.., 1 ý : ý,-'. ___ - -,:7---7 ., ýý_ý, --M7ý te - M '. cýý, , , , * 7 '-.e-ý- ý-,,--". ý , - ý ý . , _ 7__7ý 1 - - 1 ý 7ý , 1 ; ý 1 ý._ _ý - - _: ý 1 . , - ýý ý ,,, 1 .. ,_ ' 1 « . ' ý' ý ý* _ý ý . ý : - ý 1. . . - 1 . . . . ý . . . . 1 ý 1 - ý ,ý - -J 1 1 ' -, ý - ,- 1 - ý ý .ý 1 -,- 1 i 1 . - . . . ý, 1ý ý . - . 1 ý - 1 ý . , ý ", , ý ý ý ý, ý- , ý7 _ ý 1 . 1 i. IR .. : 1 . . . '. ý - ', ' ý. , ý 1 . . . . . 1 . ý. ý ý . - - . ý 1 .: 1 1 ý - . ý . l . ý .- ý ý ý , ý 1 . 1 1 1 ý 1 ý, . ý 1 I. . . - ,> . ý. ý , . ý . . 1 .. -ýý ý . b . , . . ý ý ý. - . ý 1 - ý ý . 1 . ý 1 : . . - ý 1 ý . . ,II 1 -;J - . ý ý ý - ... ý . . . ý . 1 . . . ý, 1 .1 . . ý ý ,; . ý 1 1 ý 'ý , ý 1 1 . ý_:e ý_ - 1 1 . ý . .- 1 1 1 ý . . ý . . 1 . ý, . ý ý . . . 1 . 1 . 1 ý . ý . ý 1 . * 1 . . . 1 1 . . t . .. 1 . . 1 .1 . 'l .ý . . ; . 1 . . . , ý . . . . ý . .. 1 . . - . . . ý ý . -1 . 1 ý, . . . F ý . - ý . i ' : ' - 1 ý . ý 1 . ý . . ... . 1 . . ý . . . ý 1 . 1 ý . . . 1 ý . 1 1 . ý 1 ý ý . ý . 1 1ý 1 1 . - » .. . . ;. ý ý . 1 ,;. ' ' < , . 1 . .ý ý . 1 ý . ý. . . - - - - 1 - , - , .- 1 > ý 1 > ý > ý - ý . 1 ý 1 - . . 1 _. ý . - -, 1 - . . - ý - - - 1 1 l , . ý , , 1 ý - Il. , ý ý . . ' . . ý . . , . ý . . ý . . . ý ý . . . ý . 1 1 ! . 1 . ý . . . ý ý. . ý ý - 1. d , ', 4 : **., ý .BK-MR 1 - . . --- . 1 - . . . . - ý 1 ýý - .ýý«-,-,- - ,- - - ---- . - Il . - .- - - 1 -.1 _ý , ý .- "Il . . . . . . . . . 1 . - - 1 . - -le- ..... . ý ý -'. ý T Il IlE SCOITý-ICT.- . ý 1 1. ,ý . % AURICULTURAL 1 li IriéArMSAM Ber ThMIHug EIIýpû Fronsi Deaul. "1"-l -'-Il - 'ý - ý ý ' . - , - 1 1 ý ; ýl . . ý 1 . 1. ý _ . 1 ý Il. . . . _* . 1. . ý . ý . 1 - . ý . - - l .qr 1 .l Q, - . ý -_ ! ý ý- ;;_ 1 ý - 1 .. 1 .- :. . . ý *.ý -, . .. «ýcilluigwoud E.frMriý . ' Go avoir the tomate vines and secerch for Tile foDowing arts the objet provisions of ABalslifioredupatchuys.-Atow miles ' .. 4--'--, ý -_ -- - _.ý ' 1 '.:'CL ISA B R ,rx,', - SMM IL ->- V ISCOU X ý 'S A , . . .. ý _ _ - * ý ý,. ý ý , t ý1. ý - ý - - ne SCüttAct la iil force in tiie*Cuun.. bc tonsi worin. . Use a pair of acheteurs the Act frontal At the lut acajou of parlis. muth of Marlbomugli la a chaim whieh la 1ý1eý 1 , 1 ý - . . IV i)f.Sitilene, which inforinatiuii i . a given and out theus in two. Tinter copions drap. ment providing for the diumin;t of the spienneil by au open trottin bridge about ýý ' ýý 0 : , , . -1 . ý !,N1ý ý.1. . . . ..., 1 . . 1 . .1 . . . . -_ -- f ' - ,,:_ * ' . pine.%vill tell of th - tir wl,.ýenbout«.. aettlém of the North-West Territories :- two handred feetlong. Tite depth of the ý ý ,ý . . ,. ý. ý . - 1 . ý . ý ýý,,ý , ý. ý. . ý . . ý ý . ý iller the beitulit of tIas,ýts or c'or modern .11 1 :_ ;.* ', - : : > . . perosella Who, la the North-ivet allusion in about' aixty faut. The railmad . 1 ý 1 1 . . . 1 . ... > ' ý, . .. ý . h 1 ý . ý ... . - 1 . du Ppaltrv IIII thicks thore A one Il LU .. . : . «Iio Plum ant ob.,virya.inll, Jus, Out as, The 'ot as- . ,ý; . - ý . 1 Il . 1 . . . e 1 . . . 1 . .. . , % ý. : . . 1.1 . II, t bist t , ,Ë..ý%lyri approaches this bridge muni a curve, the __: . ', 1. lent 1N.tu.e dons net soupply'. and _ ,ý . . l ý * . , . ,,..ý,,,..re cf o fýet; tlte.iIi,!&,tirq hail .,hich civilissestion leu renderid ucýna-*v IO) 1Vitfi0otý th. gradation in writing the engincet of -a train calmant sec the .. 1% ' ý ý ý ý . , 1 . - AT THE- . .F - . ý . ký ý 1 _ 1 1 . ý . .1 . n i : ý 1 ý 1 . .. 1 . ý *.". ýý .ý ý S.-T. in force I î1iý-Fi1IIL uf.1Iuyý nord ta f.,vl.;' It la Outrerait. A. charreil etir (the pleut of WISSICIS a Il lie on litre). of the bridge untit * close ripou -il, -About 5.30 - . Il ý . 1 -1, . . . . . . : . , - 1 . . . ý ý ý . . . ý 1 of ..,es will.z..Lc the hC.ib.ppy. ý lÀcutenant-Goveimur, or of a commissionner o'clock lut eveninga SOUTUMUUU pu. r 1 ýy 1 1 1 . I . ..Tite Seti*i*Açt nu ire are givtit te under. ' neiger train came second elle arme, the , 1 * . 1 1 1 > , . ýý - inted by film ta SI auche . . ,-> : '- 'l , ' ' ' * . New in the time te proposera beau for new permimon, -1 ,.O :1 1 1 ý . : ý , -, -fatal, III ta the triol; of blay, ta SI Plantation of utrawbes rien. Plow or stade J.Pin his pou" on or selle, exchassagens, éigitimr Ilessair a wsmaa crosi the bridge . . ,ý. 1 . ý ý - - ý , ý ý . . ý ý. 1. . . 110, 0 Il frisant, butera, or« given ta, or with eny c4rr%,ing an infant in lier arma and laiding 1 ý 1 .ýý 1 ý, . - >11 1 - ý ý : , . , l SI hibitory ]aie-, which purfurnal, acupay and thore IV. Use ail fluide] . ý. ;,,,, t..Er., igI v., orperson, any Improved serra crammuuition; .by the band a child tierce yenris obi. The of * 1 M . . . . . ý the dînais- ..boire yont cart A9.11.rot. UnIencheoi 'ictind . ý 1 1 am m oth H o u se ., Ir, 1 lied th plirakes and bltw . ý - 1 : 1 . ' *' * ord, restmini.i. th, .11ýlli'ný . ý . . . . ý ý ý . . ý 1 * 1 te drinikek "lieihreexcelitnt. liononourin alla finst. or . . engloutir app . a ai . ; .. 1 - . ý 1 1 1 ý 1 1 1 c . 1 .. .. " -e ' ý (b) Ravinlz such persessisision, selle. ex. the danger whistle but saus, that lie could >, ,,Ne . . . . ý -' front the ÉmIrsrs of flic ilc)witwàýl . ; , . , -flotte, rate in. connections with'the Wood sonfiês. charges, trades, barters, or givia SI ensuit net stop the train in lias. te prévaut the 1 ' . . . W . . . ý «-: ý . . ý1 1 .1 .. . . 1ý l . ý . _. . 1 Iieud Chleing ail IntrrýaII18 fier flic sale or Ces . 1 ý 1 ; ý - . . - 1 . . . ý - . . ý . ý . 1 . ý . . ý ý . i , ý . iltoixicating liritiorsi If grnerally Saurai- AýonIgjatiç,n saysi that * ILIrintoni' ý . , . . ý . 1 Th. mpoi th. Ontario FrÙit Gxow rat or train ' unition ta any persan uot'laiv. -Catastrophe. Tho veineuse turned and saw 1 'm ý' Goi fully AI . . . %I . . 1 , 1 '. 'su. . . r-l«mORGtrP6t.I."VM «. . ý- ýý.ý 1 i7rs the Celuinsionity irais ovo-A tilt finanécel Ojitarib, S%%-iizie Iloinine I seuil Cars.- ý Md te PO-àUo the "Mý. file traits bellering clown. upDa bar; saw . . . . 1 . .., Shali, oit auminary conviction butome a below the malle rushing waters, ma tueur ý ý '. Il. ý ý ý .. . 1 , . .. .ý * . . ý utile, rýufflit'alafriostorels te lu-dLissints. .1. IJ'Iwji are thohso. - . ýý .. .. ý , ; . ý ý. . l . 1 . * . . ý. , I . - , t vifluablu of SIPPICI, : ;tipendi.ry inagistrate or'two justices of that ta stand or lump wu Certain ditI 1 1 . 1 . - . __ - . 1. 1 1 ý . 1 1 ý 1 .ý .. .1 - - . :ý. irait. tient )eu, lion of th. .tlnlIélï whicle ,Clýýp as I13.,",ýcritr, Beurre il' Anjou, a tho, fouace, bu li.bl, . . mý. '" S te a fine rot excuesting The.enginýr rusbed to. the- front of the - ý ý . . . 1 - .. 1 1 . ý , 1 . * _q. -evils il, Dicter, litanie divertIti inta, iyltiàkuN- III Of peurs, sied bl.L...ghlitl twobundreil action, or te imprimuijlelàt angine inteandinsir ta' try and graits, the - ý 1 . ,. . ý . . . . . ý o' ThiIA i .es il Gissula .,*;édli.,g cf Phase,; IligiIt.n. f.,r any terist net exceeding six m ni -Canons and ring lier on the rowcatch 4k ý - _ ý 1 . . , ý . ý ý -IIIIIIIIII-9. -itli,ýS.u'ti' Act ai " . ths, or, m ý ce. . . . , 1 . 1 .. - ' III; * *,el ta -on 1 . .%Io.,.,. Esorly .lia J'maths. 01 grillant; ta botte. . . At this moment the wuman the caught III ý ,>, . . . . ý ., . , . ý ý . . . 1. . '. . ý . . . il-" . b.fý,re ri.. .1éoti.11. 1 - 1 . . . . . . - ý . . . :ý *, ,ith thoi, CI .abc ý . . . .. .. .., 'ý ; . . 1 . . > . ' since t'et! rirai: 'of- àlav, illinit ilitclli. Coothbert, Turner, .,C'aruline ' and - ohill. ni . 2. in thb, section. . çhildrerl in une serra; S Sont ,acte, ý, I .,,.aloi ,,, -, - ,ý -I*vecti.lIaal 1 ..P!?.rri.. , : (or) 'L'heýpmaioli'-impréved'.rmýtýeàùa oldied .De of the tien acel .wung hernelf ý . . ý .. 1 1 ý. ý - . 1.1 , .- 1 - . ý : . - thu t.,ýiý.ý.. . -bridge. w e .that'on FRID Y, JULY 17, we shall begin . a Discount Sale, and it shalà ýëo 1 . f fini proi i lsnnsghutit flic te unt out culte 1 A ' 1 ý 1 , ainsi, a au 1, tr, Nous. ta situe, ýhowêu éýi",tI3 . - 1;tulencoillatut.si ,,ith 1 ' .c.».,ýIll,,.Jgýo. -Ilotgures; , ý - ý . " r. for just et tbott SATUIZDÀY NIGHT, AUGUST 15. 'The Discount off Milliniery alr .il" Lieu rares. TI., ciel .utile, tunnel 'O'tho M The expression 'Ialnuniiion" inclus MOnICUt the train passeil soutir lier. Tienne . ëady marié up, 50. per cent.*,; , til - . - y , ý' Tho Cantudieusi Bre4cé:tiges its maîtres -',il iuC:Iid- -11 arme except sanoctis !Lire Inétarcen the tiu ana below the beg to aniffibilce ntinu .1 lic-ett ActPosca Ilýriti;-àý-ntirýl,-ý,1'1'0>"'lt" foreltzt!àeglCntest eil lathrirprogreloi fixed santrainicion or bai I.. the .roitit oftl, ,..ilýI'i.. The fials, .,b,èS-vý ."IllýýýF,ýritv.. 'J'I'.3ý.1,PC.rt"l..,.]..tCIl 3. Ait arma and sein ' ' . h . ý er cent., On all'other. goods .IJI . ý- Oeillets whist are lis and suppossol elle tend jtimped front the exception of Factory Cotton and Cotton Yarns, 16 per'cé ý . .. . ý . ý , cet thsitrnen nt Il cui.th O. tjI,,.Itr,*.ai.j.. .11 t,.,:.. 'The PronSýot g-t'r.tiens Of fi.. poýae."i--ý Ili aloy pC-0-3, or idge. nt. This îs a genuine Cleàring Discount Salëý. ý . . 1 a tru batik ta . tien - t et .1 . li-Ilour, tii;ttli.ill,!r.ýýtill".ý,littiý".! fi,,- firusý,sl ýC >,IItu have fillecrit. thin lantroni. il.1d; ex.li..Ized, traduit, bnt.r.I""*" "' ud large one and it contains all the leading lines in Dry..Good- MiHinery Mate ' ' fîtë I. or ,ivuiý 1 ,'h i-Aý','OC" sa th' traits "' 't'pp ý The.. ý, . .ýI.-iitkiiig.fiitii:ttýIr.n*zý,ý.1a.irý'i,-,t le%- Thn ansit M'h') ILL* a lintred or Pt èjUdice, rit le .- ai' went ey . ilial, Mautle Material - .. - - elley ltl";.].ý',el:, 1 , . 0 of with ai onluidt. teifflation of fille veillera the Wonsan dissoppeared. VI:S ing Material, Ready-made Clothilagr, - Carpe Dre'3àý.ýjate . riil 10 i, _ ý . ý 1. ,!i.41".il ' tient fil.. i.i"r"liL.;. C'rayé Ilith Ili- coûlfori, in munerhably tout. -osti-O abat , te lie Cm%%.nantl.,fouad ber atill Clingi'n , t a elle, very . ý Boots lit à 0es. . Our ýMillinery, .1rtillel".1;1.11111'i.!-!ýt.ý:ýý']*,4 proctiv ilitici, bas . ý ;n.vb.&.iz.Il hy .l'y I It Iepartraents werai sftil. l Our material and. lia'nds in ý ail the departmehts bei g.and ý Ordered Cldï ý. 1 ; . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . osestable, or office ail ex aussi]. to ne bol, a tuent te ]S never.so'succes 1. , , , in te.,ale-! C,.gI,-ItIIlI; .,I;l tient il,-! u-dY - .Tin Auloirican Ciýltil*-to,,aý-à th.t -very . e"':Oth...-:-ànd sony justice of la ... ýoy 1 roe.u. ber .ait the .hilarant, ail unhùrt.* . _;tati ng.A i.-1 e inst-diâd iu.,iSli'.ýtoI:;o I.,,,".FýtlIi: IbI falo-1-rlýiý,ý,.,,-.e.'..tl.ý'k of .httpalI,.Id tenue a aearch Warrant te -CSI for 'alla ...-t - * - i "rci.-rtiie, it-.1c:IlIlv and 1,,iý,,t,.l bitt,ý- se ply tair t'o lie. situ. et ý--clit.cipL.r.f).i. 1-1"ýthomiýýý,-in-c.f-!.Ieng'oodi. , The Medical Vins of EggaI. cheap as they eau . bc got in aùý plààe in Canadai, and in ,oodj alreakl ' 1 1 I ý . 'Ill, ý. 'file Goyerliiiiý in Couricil Ensile frèm - : - many cases vastly eh n'El üf'.K-Cfýn; la sinutirs. ivliert soude . .C:... l'ut Jar *.ilso"atý flic bottons cf il,, 4. .. ý ý ý . ýy aý ,ý - 'III bc rififis troubles finie ta Lion, Snake regulestissisoi, rezpecting:- cre 1. nothielg mer. whoever patronizes us, . The sale is for Cash or .eaPer,' SOit Will bc an immense sâvijý .ý . .4hitatiol Il,,t,.Xi.,âý .tell .si igjeitý..i.4ul tun, -ait trotigh, nessi flonon, m Fer bums'and ont. tij . , . . Produce. . . . Il . . .! ' . . ý . '_ ý ý front gi-ul.e.!&,-tll,.*Iý.a(1. If rite aller,) ,lave (ýs) Tieu grainting permission tu oeil, >, ...-.. ý ý. duucv te, 1,.!,iItéy. 'LI ortour "-xcll;ei.. .,S ý . ex. seconthing thau the white of an egg, which . , - . ý . . .. .- . ý . . . . . ý . . . i . ý . . .ý .1. ý ý_ ý . ý. ,« ý1 41e.4,..!ilý!:ýt'lýri.",tl.;;ic"ltý-st ,oeben nul belli s'ballotta- et -* -ýrosl,'1 lait in thocir uhuIsgO,.t1oýdu, hurler, givot, or posseils armes mai bu poureil oves, the w0und. It je . . . . , . . 1 . ý . . . .ýý Il . - . ý . - -..ý. 1. f. ý. 1 , el, fleur. wili ..et lie -Itio Jeans trouble gr ..I,.UllstIu.,. - carter, as varuis'i, fur a- burn than collod. . ý ý . . ý 1 . ý 1 . ý - 1 i «ý . . 1 . .. ý. ý . ý1 1 . . 1 . ,ý ' : . 1 . . 1%*.%,ýlýlv,,ij,[,.,lti.ý.,tlj--,%ýt, finv ýiý""r" wilsit fi.. "gnib".i.l-tilý.le'. (b .III. Il ) l'lie fonne; te lie tallen in respect there. foi,. alla faing &lma>,s 01, liand COI bu ap. . . . ý . Il ý . . 1 .et si iii'l*e.:t tl.iylcil;eI'.1 of; sud insinudirowly. It ta al- sabre èooliug ôoudvýLd -, . . .M cL B O D ',A N D , 7, 9 ,ý . ý . ý . ' te oi..,and Point ciel inauy goulet m;tîu'ný Ce, loisù. thry, Coule, .1"-,ý-, C ' . 1 .ý . 1 1, oý1,v Io,1iý1; 1 ý. ý FJIRSO N .& -0 ý.. 1 .1.1 - ( ) The retI te Le made respecting fp11,Irs the '«awcet attend Cotton" which W- . ý . . . . . . . ý - . . , le thollir ChnS.,ý ur Il Of C.,ilý,- , fair ... a., ... . ý ý ý . 1 1 ý . .ý 1. . ., . S, -Isit te, L:iI,%v 1 [.ai, tIII .1crIi.e.1,1 iý . ý illecial r,,r.,el.ct.,tiI..ý os. thui. wleu telle,%. en gnauttal; and fouruserly considercel te bc tien surgit appli. . ý . . . 1 . . . ý . . 1 . 1 . ý 1 . 1 . ýý 1 1 . . S-Y loto, est ... a fi 1 . (dl The $li$Pusitiol, ta La made of fortuit- catieh ta allay the amarting pain. IL i t a . . ý '. . ý . 1 U 'dl-, ;t.ýtliiýACf.tititrLiItiii id foire, for - 'l'iý.,.kýtotlm.giýtiltuý;.Iprýs z .ai saya the .a .ne,. &..a .tnmuniti.n. . contact with the air oeillets SI the ex. . f . ý . . . ý. .. 1 1 . . . . . - thme 3-cart';1ut thoir explaisI in jt1à, 1 . 5. 'l'lie provisions of titi. Section ressent. tersure discoinfoitrt exporiènentl train ordiulory SKILFU.L SURGICAL OPERATION. A Boston CISI roi-torter a ked the au. ý 1 .1 . 1 . 1 ý 1 ý .. ý _ - ý - " * 'AlOrt 81noec tif thir- rI-,IItl,.,-i"i.",ili,:,:It RI .Nl.ie..tai,ýI "cailloutaient, InISI ai- filg the pussescaloisla of SI and surimunit, on icçi(lente of fille loindi; senti an). . thiugwhie _ . 2 Plaintelloient ofoschacloo, the Coeur daI ow ý 'Àmý * ý .. ý 1. q. 9 - - - . . 1, IuJ.,,,eivu,ýur. th, I ,,,I,.ý,tul l'y c.",iiIgt..tl,...fms.t in lié allait hut sPply ta allY si or mari of fier excludes air SI presventil iliffarnatial, in the yThe Amuzican Amb.-ad.r et Vienne. Mr. Ilsi it happons flint tiers, ,,, So saury, nid . . dom ; I-J ir ,ossature warded te III& Gavera. D'niole Assistants locharol tencIVII sied ho SI l u 1 :1 ý . c -Etiériiei.qê foriusi ÎÉ, tilt pa'e.g. ortlec! leu rmiont forcusI 01 flic militiâ farce, or of boat thing te bu applied. The I sa aloir, ' bu III for _ , ý ý . . Te il fi, I, t 1, a fa r,à,ýll""i""""ý,ý'l'Ïý.9-t'ýý.,.nï,.,.."ý'. ,y tl.= -%Vut Ilouilted Police force. ý consisteront ta >lie eue of the ver Osant an Intersorting accanstat of a mmarliable I % A-I.R M R . IP'i,,.,I,ý.'.B,,7u,.e..»ýc.l,.n.el te.ClIéra-.. .,y belit, ýnIdua-.am1fion fistaly perforai by FOIS. . 1 . . . ý ý - Act in tilt$ Coainty. Tirait lind«"ý'ýtit, 'ý'O feu %"!Ileu*eilucatedf alawyererneutto 6 TliaGovernnrin (;oueiciimay, train ma lionstont VI, 1391I [mer 1 il nu semble WOM,,i . ne boat Re 1 ' *1 'l, ." . 1 Pqioti!ll:otltti.ý.ý ltia*ttItrý whièh liýý,.!Y,..w cot.1.1m.ýà. . 1 9 .. italiens for dysentry. a - . . 1 1 . i . * - .time ta tics.. Ile.lar..bý-?MCIamat* me C of a . ý ', ý . . ý a. dey t Bit th' O' Vienne, oeillets. wonde"ul Villa Sive VIS a 830 position for a 840 mats. . ,spar & Moliver Oit fil the wur lsý Mr.Co .ý* ý u 'on filet with or withont solitaire sud swallowed sI t., tell, onnaI in the Surtout cf a portion - .- . Ito ift-Iýýtlierh3elv-esioilparenito ail. and Th. taillera .,ai ,irait. drI of St." parti nie, and situer mirs nained rides fguip, IL tendu by. lie Concilient qualition %O f th. h.ý lotonnaleb, involving ùearly eue. ... . . . . , ý - . IIIIOL1911 ntir'otilv rtI was.thu rujui.vgl il 2%li ... soMpI h.vis belon interiicýri, a a], th biertk.NVýt ..Ce tien itH.n,.ý,ti,, of th, .anouch .a 'tbW of th. .rgars - ma. larISI toazy, the . YELÎOW Ali à GVINZA - The conu. ý. . . -la oit, .4uh.,ocýiption lisitol, assise%. virtil-.1 "' . soul 1 artaille ' ' ' . ' S', ' fi ansI rieurrally l'idiots ýto thoe opinion Territoriale. or in anl' Place or PInces therein its intestincs, and by formffik à trustaient p.tient ffloveitd-the Ordy toucconsfold OPI 141y in ligitont .SI A 'Ji wu plexivris, lia si Cage Of titrh.ckeil livrer . \ -.-:- . et'ùlell,«Bii tient the'. nII bu ail davance . lu the prince in Soucie PýIâmatIou designa 1, and ÜPon -1!.".UIortl,-eorganstoenablon«turé , tien or the foiral ever perforissied. Tire diýam omîtho, of gli b for, ý . Pro. 1 os for which this openticiL wu parforand wu CI' .ý , -ý&,Intiili of knowlug wu WI 1 . ý a uch la sussais Cr hurathy sway civils, the discutant Illýlititit-1 cidininalI in jstundiceý je IL glit.* ' . . . ý . , --- -_ -_ viadioalutelireseof ,M but no ith th, literai IL bas . . - M A Jette a , body. Two, or, nt ment filmé, egr r ,rýr -of the sitinsact. attended w ly"týpycll'),ýUaS."Ililleà.ý. . .. . C HIN .011 ý . CI le ..I -Ymptome:-The t7iletite Je quite Lisse; al)pei&rpnce beennas, file bile, ,IljCh . . . . r ý ; ; ý - - fi Ci..-9ý-,o! d. ý - .1 ý , 4. force, accordingly. . daý,wout(Ibealltlantuotildbemquir in IL thu' Act je, the , WNTAI1111.1, Citop IIIEPORT. i Il - Sec your dealer glyes YOU. no ot leÉ,Cllé.ip.stuff.. ý . ti!1111C11-3- .tu, pLrielrt-, In ... !' ,en Th - . JOI'r. heu as a peculieur in IMurilable, di.- elle1.1,a fil. bow.l. tu SI je dij'Leted dit Point Ive luive n rue' ,!,Oirk SI ta Imm th- SI nt the Crend -_- en illary cucu; and since the egg in net tre. in the .Uimnr.h, a ledifig Liait ban beau . __ - ý , i .:.". 1 ,. 1 1 Wlll CATAPRH-Aý NEW TREATMENT. - morelv a mellicine. but food .s;u-ell, the deledbed sa a faint ',a,, ýùAc,& sonnoution ; à fr , - . -.. , ,lt te, offoin Truck ailday ai %VLI Ontario have , . Ost its propI course ints, the blutai. ; - For sale 1 ý. 1 .ý 1 Il j ; - . ' ý , . . light'i fi'. dist othoI and the quieter mticicy.linse cellicts abaitthe trotte, toupechelly In Counection with the. %yuiptom there .ý . . by a] first-class deffle 1 un ' ,rho ,;Ira "r"""'It 1;efi"c the C'lait III méaives.1 - et tF.. .Ili,ý.,. - 1, i > * __ lit .roi' . . rs. « - ., . Cl,-trgi:il %ý;it1»1 ,nili.I-,"Iiitl.i ' , 1 i;ý,ý, ci'- - trolley Io ThCosý minau aor. frites reit station. a,, , , t I si, Uns Il'. the patient la kept, thé more rapiel and coi fil the inoming, net-ompatiied byan tinpleilessent je natioseus; Confina,, of fil. tonI I ý . . 1 il lu Act, ;lit M lý.ý,;'ý'11,11.1i",,.!! I.,,:,,.,.".,r,ý,,,.,,,,,,,,, Laits in flic recgvery.-Galne Funciers, tate. lex)dfairbto.atiafythlm;)ecull"fiti.t Ileadache. inspurity cet file brunis, Plaine os. & T*' .. ; , - ,ý , . - rl!illtiri7cl fil- il,.! àana' Act ici ,,,Aie fille di rit, Grand Trissik wnýt ofTo. sa hy flo. bi\ ... o trý.lti,,,.:$ , ' . 1 . .. ýM cCÔLL BR CO- ý . . in miiiiiiiato: th .i,,,..Iv.;, ir uni iN;;.(. gev. milice, the Buffalo lirailch, fi Stràtford 1-;,ti,-,,It,-ett-I liriiA , """""";,ýý:ýý,.ý,.,.ý,;n.ý>ý J'aimes. ý . genut!on '. but, en flis, contrer), et nlilýmm te tilrough the' rigli 1 - . 1 ý . .. , . . Il, >Let gri-l'asi a e1-,;oitt't!tc1,1ý,'.-i . . nie S.,I .. . - _ leýn.-,*-te th. feeling. Tien ocyýs .m .national, t. aidé 'and ah.iildcr 22ý__ . ý .: . . Ir ',-$-.,--lise- tu Buffalo ; (talt 1,,.,i,ýlý, train lIeila fa ....,-11'1ýr,-ý-,.t.i.;,,-elý,-,ýý..,ý,1..rý,ftiýl.ýt,,il..,.I Inoil ThU s'linon, titi j", ,I .1ýe..I il S. Tite Frencla Srnate lias. adoptud tbe tùiýjodvith ytillow; th. bande. Sond ftt bécinans, bistre, dyspepsiethilig altugouthier illik .... ive. le%- isny uther ,;air ; ' (Atidosirich l'mach. 1'.1Sýlcat" te I, ...... iIIII t and callesi couculaitants of liver c . , ý law, .agi Intant flo'r 1- ,-..ai. ..rti...,.ti,,ýtý Madagascar êtrondit of .ky a ..Id.ýcml.ati.n.. Tin. p iýtin-Ça of the Seùèrai Division - ', -1 I'I.JI..,Il t') ;lit ilriiiepe. of I)ts.riiatii ; S;. .%Iarl,,s branI LOI twelve . million saufs . ana lais, . , 0bUitsýo .. . . . ý . . , st. .le - te, the roIguloir j..,-ýiii..i,ý, joli - . l _f th'é: Co. àj. #0 1 1 , Jn, 1 .%]ai .1.ý11.11,ý"!:;ýýt'l'.11, 11ý1;11 . . ..ff.i.. foucla Lima .11 the Unir. .ndlc.p a ... teint ore ,completely irernoveil III the . 1 je- -10- fair play. Gu ,y'- ; (;.lrgi.,t Bal, essai sieste 1 in., Il teratinscilleurestient '-ZoitTunop 2-"Cr tue «M'L' Ir a.tioz. - , ý ,. .. - 1 . ýur.IIn.ltIv if lm * . Il . os te., J..tý;.tý,.ý'Ilý.1"-.ýýýl,,,I,,., , . . . notappartogivosmest. Ai . ne of. & Lyd,%,;'s VEOFT.ULF ý . e 1 ý . 1 ý .. . .. -ý jelltst*trisi.,iig te, ii;,,l tl,*;I III jobsrud divi-illa, I'Ùrt 11-Iv-i-tý, %%*i.r!oI, ; tiS,.f,,ý,ý.t """'t!ý;11 'oul, illo-re, - n --non nt na. stars. BLports. . niellerai, tient tilt. hoI liý4-mes nervuuà ana irritable. gloursi his DIgéoVgny ANI) DýsnIziI CuRr, which IJ,.C.,.f>'ittilige. 1 ýýI11111111-« ý . ý ý ý . . . . ý ý in th- III cf evraring hinilio-If .jus., ', I.de, 11.1;.,,ý. ne - e . ý - . . IN',ý-tr.I nadu lia.. NI:.g.,;e 11allu ta %Villa. !:: ' g,".,!!,,!.ýý,,,,,..ýý.,.il:.,,;::;,,,,,,,,ý,;i.,rýl,,,* lý'11""'I"S' non througluinit France w'Il bc' Isfavc the nv- ul'l'd V'l"d 'visite ci." fuu" n4ý. 'V'len in Afin, au t..mdiè,ý6t -of scroftifil, erycip. Clarke. ý je.. àlar. III jnl,..,".,*.-ý. ,lç.ý. ý ý - oa And lJ,.Aý .or statut Li, , t'sort II ta (;fonce, :;;:-,,,-fli,-Il.c eoI Io. III, iiýýi.r' il, Duliant Crisge. . II toudolènly frous el ronattabent P.sitiuss . ý 1'. 0. Aoldroa, i'ady .il th ll;i,..ilt.i. ta T.routo ý , . . .... e"ý.',,'!',.],',".'!:, ý.ý.it.1ti.1ilý,ýtý...I...(I."-ýI.I....- * lifi « jar ' [ III .'.ý.rl",,,,','-'P,,-ý',',"Ï,,, ý . . ý . them là a discrimine, a whiestitug actuel alla Oins, sait rheuni, ulcors, cancers, of.et.rh.a. III division., Ilatu; ri" ille tin (!Atlýl. Ill 1.ý,.tl,..,Il)- -Gênerai Midilletan arrivait nt lie isobligt .. - - _n_ý In. -O calame -Il* foi., oi le . 'a ta arner, wimetlliniF tirent tu locces, hinnullris, tomate . wenkness, janadice, Iblilto . ...... . ý% ... ris.t... ý 1 '25 , M,: al l"I'f le onîcrud -aile; , filer. ý«ich COI . .-,ý!'I ouri tir- 1 ... inell M ,...-Iiýtl«.tlýi. I- TI ,)es Thuredrev 'nfternoun, au train fallill* The boiý-clo coutive, the .foin and lianibug,,. It .fonce file .tous, 0.,kville ... . 1 - .- ý . l ý fi. exI;,.Uc.-Xi.,(,. 'Ijoecil tl.I,11.,It if le. . ILI . iion, 1'ili,,,?rýtoiI II ,,,-,.,,, a ý;..,,,,,ýl,,,ý,ýl,,::ý,,ý?.:,ýý,.i-.,,,,-:: ..,..,,*,Iý.,...-t,,-,I,,"- 'e' COSSITInaied by oifig. ,%iid,*,Itn..- Ho ,,Ax III ..a -ait et Lignes: the Idmi buculging thé 1 . ;%elle ý - ... * L-liiier.... le .I. I;rizee, social, ex . 'l., - 7 3 ý191 ý: Pair one, l'lit et jet sort des L'Inoy to il, end :o ,il flot. ý 1 iver, alla aller relieving (;,Ir4.to%%.tl L Ç-rant ...... 13 ' - 8 - .. : . . . . - nul- jvhus I enrobus, ; Lands.n. - illamil & BII sjiidouý L.ýý ,IonI- - .-th. Ir t...te..r"t 1_ rt- ,II WO ell.ýl.d ,et Lie. statictil by his-E .xcelln.j, tliýk .ad .fumant .,a ,leu liait rimant. rouses Aurait . _'. . * * : ' : : : : ; 1, 10 . - 8ý .15 -1 10 ý . 1 Ait a, A time the Patient stars up them, CI il the biotrois thereniter te, - d - t1il. dj'.1.,y fur LI", urdioutry %%-îine.1.ý Ily,'. l'ark joinction ri, %%"i..ùll.,.I janctinu - ,III -.,,, -,.'!il.,.,ý*ý::ý;,ý*11,,,*ý!!.iý,ý, a J- 3betthows.; 14 1 . "'I"]> , 1, ýiI.1-1,-j the 0(ot-eriier-Gener;tl Mnoyor Maitning, 1:'.'i'Zyý'.ftei,-.1i,,er; sanreti leucanie rellillar, Ca-nlb.ilvill..,.... .,i.R Li ý 16 ý; il .. - o.: - .'ý'.'I1'I , I, *Eli,èh Majorai cuisine im 11,4 ci' c-ltIr... iý 1,11,tili,. -15,srui. divilison, R.",nk" tu .,;""iO . in a Sonsur >, priori Burlinutoit ......... ý., ; ,.3t.r.: 12 lý'ýl'ý-"I --- and other Inoinirient cýtjzeVe. ý and f,.nlcntCd ..lIlitillI, aloi. m' sanction u7beati accarded toi if ; rend. IýI 1 9 . . . Piaro: 11-1)«ý>-, k ...... t't.lI-,-.,,Irýr. .iý uli 1-11.I.- thýIl,,h«,iut li-ý'.ýilly. neharrr in tige alleaus: fi. brionsch', %%13-.nIiII., ta 1,,tCl,.,. fontaine ""es . -- il-'. 'Ir,ýill'iI)' --r-:ie1--l NI ll-.-ý1.1 nt lor Criait. swInI 9 4 1 . , . ý l ý 'o . - &1,-,t$Lnl..v djý,jnj.u Il toI ens-rIe .,i..i.j., I..,,,.ý ,il Advicra front Abyssilliasi that Rituel- te th- t-I offert tien,. th,. je . Jaillit.. ifs clailllis *th PlIbliés 'Confidence arc justi. (teillent 8,.'*ianmIirtue rejee .1.11 é.,iý..t),C...,t Si!ýi,,,, 3vitit-orwitl"lltjIi .ýTr-IJ-.JIhýiI1ý, ,,ai, 1 fi-- of th. heurt. total flattent tuerie le.. Inlay cd by Amplu g4fflence. :Érige 81 00 811. U- .... I..,ý .1 .. : Ofitl"s 11111t!l kenlérr: 'Ir lithué Party who ,-y ta 31-ri;A, il. lýixosýt:i".,;.:",s Ki,.g.tý,L,,.ë,i silo wilk 50,10 trùupsýund Roisniarcu. bavoheart dia-e. Tolmuat, rit. lut th. S-Mple Battie; .Io cent, Xe,; 'for el ,YT--ý.ý.I.Y.-.11,ýli.,Il,..,.ýlell.f)ý,tý,1,ý, osI ' - > - - il le.. - . . ý ý LuIllia, ;.aIjIl'Br.,Ittc,,I'. X'."rt ,St"eI [.IL & Purt T.,.,..I., 'C,.,;.,,I.,. Inri «I":I,ý, ,it.'un. sol, il.;.I, "-ith sijoo IL), colen ý;tt ,.JI. ,l'aillent JI, ý . . 1 .elle liliit)r; ['est b, i, ,ut 1,,iriil.iIbILý le%- lium-ell Iteuw.y. 'l'illes, ,Iiiri,; Inaction ta trratis, un UaLlnh.-.Iroltmul.Slir will ilttack fil, --brsieg.ra al flattent in niable te) m-tain ssny fond n-hatever. N ý mo.- -31ol si , J-----,)'. 6tlI.ýi.ris, Col. J;,I" . 1 . 1 . law . ý ý ]LTUROP & Ly.ilA,.qs C.::::: - C'o 1- . . . . . I - A"-I,%Yl,-tt,,I!r Iiio rý.e4i.iý,,. le. hm leu J 1:1,ri.1,irL, A - 17, lûtessala ai two poI in Outober, liait nt ..,»....e.-I. au),. int T, . . e2I . - fruits .,«.rlv every sectin, of 1112 . .N.r. lu. -m the soisening hillestititaitineu laçontes cloaca ý 0 Veretable Dij_ nt 10 'ý art 5 ttl'.gn-f*""'I .na "il.- . 1 1 os: Jour pr.iliry, II os., ,vu f,,,.IY %%*.St"I, ositarbi , 1 . la. . , . . the Intime finie 1200 Indiens And 800 Or S . ý ý III bau in,ül cenainitÉs-si 1, portu .,.in e'.ý,,. _ _ __ ý . a. !£bu wrnpper -.'tes, ata'I'..,ým.-,.U..d.)., Il . êt.,rd.y solia . 5? i' « ""itile,ý-4;ýt.Sutt.lut triabiiii t je, . . 'n'A Of ti;e'i.I..t ýnCnrasI nature. 'L'hon ý Igic-sititile of thoir . signature. Allait nt criuli'à j;eýtia,%,.U.t».- ý ý . .. ,. ý . l'Y huile(- - ý ýIIIL,40-E--.Yltiný8 nill ,ttI,,L' tien. et,, -!ýn-iI-gluffýýN%ýitiýthc.L"%. .a os . . . ý 'u . -y et I ."ý ý -'1 . '%Y C-Ittz&tY. I in IVntýrýI Ontario to'sor lo.kd III À l'èitileeràijcp, Drissh lyallied. 1 titra peint. 1 tu.. soisseulot Sait (cul ni".U,. o ~CI , SOld bY ail moidicine desthris. : ý: . , ý ý . elessil-Y, .tlij..ýý-ý*. cils Arffl. Ilfij, .1 .1. bouli.vo in trcatia., oeil ,lou es f4ili!Y 1 111 mrand ,lever %vu ilierua moin pru:liisiilg . . ol,ýd ..a tIiIcty..iýI . . ý . 1 mille .iiImiilcrieti.)[. lent Ive il., et di te - 1,Vrits fur the D.minion cIýctjSlVs in have fil) cancer but sûritoly dysopuinan. a. dise. . ý _______ý_ . .ý XCD il ý erv lâlitiock fer th, hairveut. Tho fioavy ,stems Ncr York Suis : --Thorro, la vCrv III - . -xle ==*,ýr--A-imp'.ý ..Iz a fi.. I,ýý . . 1 ý Pdoi.le'.î*fý!-tlilig-401ýltitel [criait theux il, of lat Ivrek; it in hhevini baie .ný011,.4..l ... t in thi. ', Eut Dtsrhnni.anl. Cardweil have liens, raeI it-m--nd if truand lie alirlje.r iýIr..G. W., Sin..!iev. writing trente . , --- -.--- - ,ý I.. 1 1 1. 1 . diale litth, et -sait for a salon wlio instilla. lit flic Inrinertlie noinintition L,ý-.em spanxivr.. The enflait soui -,a, mal t London Le) Tito New -York Tribune of ý 1 . . ý 1 e 1 ----------%--, -- . . ' i polrisiril , tl..IJ18ulic,. , fi zli,,-;ir.ý tir aut Iv. injury, .aie[ the ouly Il.,.IgCr.ia tlat Aonne. Il .1,1..ki.,g", .nid A large 1.1.11 trith A . 1 L, cdy ý.. ý Il-iliauC,4o fur tuait .tes .Weil , ut 'If tien InI ... iglit have bcje dissI in a.ý'I'seluiiulý. ma escale q 'deuýe 1$ SI Curative SYmP, a "getaloloir Mr. Ghidalorte eaj's:' ý tjis Coriditislil in, .ýý M T 8 ý ý --:, - . ' .A seuil' place Oit flic 17LIt illat. .1 1 1 .W M . fi who l"I jette, ail es, t t le t lu elrcti-il imiceristi ... ... id by .1I.t,.i$t. .Vol maliochec a, liat1ýI . .B 140 ý thluil dusivrasi ,nul il iH il.,,eý..,.illo (O c"".,.lillc,,cc cf je l'a, bco roi axe- ..... .. tell il%, ri,, I-Ptý,11--l -;if- lut night. lie huit býr.r. 110 24ILIS; in thu la ter th. 20th a,,(! vonnolore thrnughnot tien lv4jrltl, and b f tý . . . ý nos., 'oI ],Il O A . lisait ýI.1 of ne n y tien ,.,,.,,,,gc-rated, lotit if in certain ., C()iicüivuý lulv they case soo rentiiiý.lýl)lill(l Il, or whille Jmý fI.11-.LI. ,il;e fui i.ler.1 W tc'..t".Ieici, the -litla iiiit.ari the dates ofiloinination peuliricturs, A. il %%,liste (i.imiteti'. 17. Fat, Liait h a wéak. I'robably il 11.18 m ! . . . ..ý : . ý :, ý . . . * : a . . . . . 1 . . ý 1 . thI Cuillossi-coM. , -Novi, ri hele'. ride j., l'-ilig assy feu ania ta bu , ,,;.1ýpJ. . aile.. 111, Iles, ýs,1-ziog %ville I rui. . = m: M, --=% = -M.-- ý ý .. Ira., - t I y i,,eliCýti..e ai -lait Cloetion. ,ý'U)nmwl- b,.C,.'I'Ilissý'mi),atrike,.t rite gaver recoveied front file. Sarnia. lie put - -m ,,cý, Y-r-ti.e",IgI.i.r.port.: Ila 'l %rift se .1,6,rcsi.. I dielgast. fo.nindoItiont III lit'. 'li"I.uC. - =,i W m -- , _.ý"_ý ý. , 1 1. . . . ý . l'un uf'tll- cirlet, 'If the Art alla if fisc cI . ,aile,. I.u.gur ., ,il Flàuki.g Silo, -.,ç>O,,. unid rit, Va,. « -na dris-voi IL. mat uPOI1 if il, the.%%'a%,erley .'ofarket in Edin. . . ý - . . - -"-;-«6-1ý .z-.- , vý. 1ý Si . I Ont sicacOn, 841 doolt .lia biVuCh, out of the sy.teni. -11scheckud inuil wili ~Inclure. ý C leur osI fliqu faut natterai %ýatur on rithosaside ivez. gl..,e. of . burgh host Septémber. z The effort te) . . ý - . 1 . ý . .ý ý ý, .. 1 - v-r. .tell InI bel."., alerte ,randy, %%-hi.key ana Il * Il sobiplied ,nPPrèý'O Of fines rasI allil whuss Sonatitur . ý -M ILTON - .: ý ý - 1 St. 1%] ar3-..tret, Peterlmmiigli, make Siniself board by, 16.000. e .. Ra ili.ýir.,.,],iýligo.tlti,,.rt,,,,i,,,,.Ë.,,- -Xti:lýu,ýclv II __ ý . ý 1 ý . , The sol-I of lopring sabrai, j. sent ýq IssI .1 Hz L fluai Llicirýubecriptjuil itcci)unt.t as bist yeur, lit %%. I fillý'tý' ber of the clivrch lncoine.tc«ý,11.ýý a. > . utopie Une " le-illoelg," Contisâtied the ;ýfýrnSCd one, --au ry te plait me on file road Colin.., boinu NO"inbor 29th, 1MI. -ad titi imprudent effort; senti Ire o , ý : . .1 ý1 . . . . 1 ý b bat lierre in %,-ill',,iClà'. a- in oblige Iny wifê. Yeti ,CA the, lia. Sut-It giun ma gI ploscol- te infleam ,Sve bu - . ý . i 1 ý 1 ý . . 1- ý , . . , . sein et th. lier Ilims-If litile refît .illi ithif' ý'- lias -a splendid a -, ý";Od levînags émis l'uns wili bé .O,ý,CmLC lie-,, a grent I ut p. fl-tll*nlretin,' I fial it my. duty te' the tilt 1 have meuivel frant Si.,ýtu 1 , . th rtiiient of CaliiiU and .- ý . Yllas .Mulla tien chumis ta let clef lrttl- au the reins jusi -'33'mP. 1 bal,. honte, trantad fer v,_ ,ý,it,, est, sure, -han conanitesi a especiallest, . . . 1 - . . _ . ý ý ý c.I llnritý,ý wili bu a fair average yielif. oit ho - ý . . . fui . lllll)6iiecl 'Itvee(j 1 a ! 1 ' publie erreur. IrItely, au kn.p hi.. from utti4'Jii. front in carthly Ir)?.,.Iý,i,.,Iii. ; lent sotter a foi,, duc. of tien s-jý And the sisecialiattis sordurte arc te gio th. Ors . * -e ý . . . ý ý ! . . go . . . , . 1 1 W tells, Mý1 . Encouru the It;,).M; O..t. ,,io ]),.,IuC -inch lusolvier thn. F., my-CIf.. Olten filet fil. p-ý niur iý:ïiiy juy. I a i . ý . y in .11*..Cti,,Il. n'III &.il s.,ro,,-..ImC ..O ,nQr-iug-a.einýd. o. . Tite 'X. 1'. Tribune says t if . -duo Au naitrIY as poosiilde Conirolete mat . Ùild cali supplý his. tlo toits, &ý., .. 1 - , 1 . 1 .I yor.v. put. 11, ,i,,g..-Tr6y Iliresso. ý ý . rolirf, and aftt-r taki.,r tv. buttin, ui v , Rural N.ll 1 fncliiitc ontrud.. . fur &'Vieillie. .ýIr. 1.1adistonnu Je redý,Ccl ClOthille, infýri'Or in niat .. -ý . Tite - Yurker ninko, the b - b'-vý 'Id ho salussellection, au talonnons fin' tOnching reinarki. If ira, .hortiv 1 I aile, Sir, 3ý.'ir.tnilý-. . ý ý i ; . . .1 1 . . " Il te' fi %vitiePur,' Rail i- adiiud te, bik ,Cy 1 . erla àrid finish tô ,là' e ,É- - '- lg)llt')ýý-ili-, ver), ,III essai jourtint.at, - ,rrp. III Cotton in èoinos soucticad have seftar thai ,cry .1.1I litti. m.kost ýOu n'Id ' licritY for th.'àt.tI!."Cl.t Mr, A. J. White Wilhans Bri...t. . 1 . ý , il, . ]S prIo , unirke ,ýýlIilt fil,. iralla " -utiglit, bat ni, il,. "«""? je ad . 1 ý:,-- train lis th-. i0o, 1 ýý m .,Ilr,.rc.1 _, ,,,.,a I limh W.etiier, Billy, Il 1 I, sa a te clin ý '-I.U'lh.au.,',,,,,., La a 1, CI - l t'je c'en in a whisopor.. . , 1 1 et ,If III wir, ,en ý jet. i ! ri. mi. th.. Sý1-ten'l.értnitlI. lb>ci , , will be fotiùd ' . ý . q 1 1 ftëiiii'a boy-ý-by flou!, tel . apond avýII Crop. ,lh,-ýlt..,..l -tuly sI t.,,-.,ýl .' dichie incit Laisse the Plait . Il , h extrait 1)enrSir.-Ifin.Ithý,àt,.,[Sti.,ti,ýslr*tll, . .. . ý to. lJJ4ý,eôý 11siâýrfi,;ý. t .1 1 . [:,:'..., Thessa. art Il o. JI 1, thnS.. farcies, es- of Ili. fricoul', tes Whicli thes. gilli flic Poil) je is . , SI l'y ýt-Wil,ý- lacroruinir. Ail ,vin, heI tii,.;i if __ _ ---- --- - ----- - .- . . narkab!y JOW Co .. -, ý . vice gite-u iu. illet six applirabi t - f ieý,e-i,ý,rt-, tii-"ý-ý-;Ir in t;I.Itn. ali torralli tilt Crieurs la. ý qii;llity of ille good, l', - i . . - ,. I.. . . toi tbu 'l ,o- urs, ro -ýi,-, 1 f .eu. 1 ..Ciel .lit "a. - a.. flots .1l.g.Il ýsscL filet --cu eh la ,eu je. ýIo-oL, loigloly ,of il- m,-di..l ,.!,t.eý:,.,... c':. Ills , 1:1 . .ý ! . : .. fillitarà tri ait), l'Illour hu. il.c-.î' teint 1 . es - reste .av 1, st of tien Plalucot : "VOIS I.V luc'e . F a rm éjrs i 1 Se .t . . - :, l ., ý ý %ville .èvuty .,.IL .,f.tlý,.Itl .. %V, ...otst,,, -,IitII.rrii.t jet %,.býqý ai., àny tIi0'..i.gtot.11 fier exil, ý allent for ternes celui, %-car te S -.ari ,,y th. i:,.ýý,ýi..,ibýdit..:ýe.(..,.Iý,.,.I t.,,ý*.ýle;.ti. ý . . . . Jý .. - 1, ., 1 - . - ' inissi fil. L,.%Viiý:,c.p.iII Ild .lors tuy ,,ifc'a triiý,i"1"'I t'go ar"I"-l 'i fi Io.Idel.Ll' ' iLý,il,.ý, I.I"..3 III ý.C.'i..oý,loa if Ireth c.n. SLE TFIÉ -' . . - 1 ý ý ý 1 1 . . inq'urtant IL i4 te C-ic.,I:ri,.'o 'tlý!Lir: l,ùy., z te tilt- Coraintry 1 ' ' 'O i.t.Siý.. 'iic 1 ý ; . ' ý . Il . . . 1 auy Part of IVIat.,I,.O,.tl'io. ý" , tell .,-,aiii.t'lIill,. os. lis. %,,.ý,. nud wC ta Tu heure herboi firans file schont bitard, ý . . . . .. 1 ý. :. jivît tryit fur a lo-hile ZIl.eÎý,.c- . - . FoI Vie", 1ýn . ý . - - 1 " - . ---__.ý 1 a c-ekt.il. ilint-Onsond u,.ýe...13,C.,n.l,,,t a Lonolon, fraft a ' . 1 . ý Tf 1. - F11ý- . 1. . ý 1 . . ; ' . ýl"tôurtc---IS-j-t.ýI,.,,Il 1 ... %-"ýriIu-, Ili fliat, . .: ý ý - . lig. ý . eller sedopted tlit*e.xpO. tsigt-ý1) viaccrit A. II r4 àr - -7- -- >- -ý - ý . > . . . «Iý il ý 1> 1 ý . . ,cýtýlt,,I. Tiýýf.lio,,.iugsýll,.I:ý3,1,,.,.ý.ti,ý,ý,C Il.. -patte.rà0li 'l B iella . -ý------- RI (Ilitil, IIII.Ilev Liait odu . . - .lJj*lilm ile-il, . . . d'el't"f Piltti"'-' bien inti na ,r,,,,,, hi,, , Chemin . t. D,.,itiot. ,ýlýýtliyr Ty,!-. L . .D . . _. .-- -.- -ý -- - .-.- - . 1 'vu; :uï bougie. 1 ilig la't siritý,.Witll . to;ok 11,illv, tien .xlr.ýt whi-Il %loue NI ,,,-lad lit) sait ;hOveni Ta Mr. À* , 1. whitu. hi.ý 0 and b,ý aIl . . -_ ý . f-Il tien filet Lien- soincle Isly ,ili..,tt"" And 1 . . C.: . ' - : . Tite hartenoles, of .1 bniaitir rýii.le7.vn'i'. . S.ig.l,. optarosting piles n'. the bLt fatnily Bofcre Order.,ng.421Y Othor. . ', .%IIrýu vviti, m. lisoy I"e" ;l'il Mr. P. E. insoler file huit wll,,n,»vc-râli B O O T S -ý& , ---',H ..o hia ý%-cd III. J"'i'nir., .11(tll:,:];.gl.il toi fat%- 1".Ie.l,!,.,c..f.SlIý...,-Cr rit,; 1,.rIle,,i.à Silo m III occasions 1't.3.»i. thsit Il no .... J'c", ,Ji.,.,,.. . . . ý ý1 .. . ý ý fé;iiiIt.Foi", te, . . _E .ýýl .. . 1 ili', ail .Ili,;- b'iýiCL.3; fi'. ,,t!,.r'l.ý-, Vieil Sin, .Xpr,..,I..,iI fo.sind W a go out, remaillin., __ . .. 1 S) , -,%ý, - ý : , . -U-119 1 Voific te lieul, if groiv . therti ti;J ho, oilcanole ri., i.,ý-el,ý fau, .11 i "ýl' 'J'lIc3' tilt final; b.. bu.. .t.,.ed.,d.Id Io.ýC thonsn . ,Irait, le. 1 . ý ý 1 . - s1ý-.nCsI atout lire olrI J'croire mturn. Il ,,,i,.ill .. al", son, 1 11.1.1 tu face- ý t!I'L'et'l'gititt SEND FUR ýIlur, ""it";týi boit le- ,I,ýrtcIl 'Illisi' cars ' lir. IVith a reporter. il'. assatio, ainue. . , TESTI MONIALS. _ _ _ ý *ý» , ' , .! - . . te, A 1 - .csý1tuls ', 1 , il. . Pliere la I a thinirses - III.I C.ýti,..I.c.l. . . y .,ait .O.* > ý 1 ;.ý ý . , 1, - ý 1 lonttu 1 IL 'J'y IJII-ýkillg iii,,,I-t- Joli, levery C- ...ti--.ti.at ne- n-vaAnyý ter ex. ciths, le] Issoly ý.id 1 sisouloi 1 - he-in-,*atn.tlier. 1 . . 1 ý . ý_ 1. ý . , . .. 1 . . ý 1 : - oI I loi g II . , . - ý 1 , . . . r 1 allu-1. - 1 bj 1,ý..ý jurt eluld fil. lig tly 'vient Sirey ý1-f;" hù toIsidn -r giyé lier art Or uive rails are. Voi, ell'in III A Kanist. J'malien, S*Ia. 21't, It;,Pl. L-V' ltenieniber tiers ',%Iit.huli'Fanni g ....ý . _ . . ý ý 11ý , l ý fer $20, .aloi bie rallier, luok, lien unalI Cut!y %vitio lein blond. sessAista.hu, 9 la.1 a t,,.à-"*.ck' CxJ-iCIsCýoIf .11ýt",i"ia. drew a prize in a lottery, editoir mel ar ' )uar Sir,-Yuser syrien Art l'Ili, lir, Fallait, , Mill in file fluai. . m --= = - -Z r== , ..: - :. ý . 1 . 1 ý . SaI III. bus- flot ]est liait lieu reporter 1 tell A II frait tilt, .,,,l'il*! Ic.,ý. and 1 "III tient ti Iroi'- -IVIIII encleur. latin m P-Pul.r ,, ith my ....t..IýIým, massay . . e . ý III- MM ]l,-'Iil"llllg"'j feint i'Il-,tl,,-r*li.,'Iijt III.. ,,,,,ý,ry,:erm CII ' ;ýéý,,ý...ýtfý,rti,ýý"."",.I,,.ta .-fllriikiii,,.»' h , ý « Is.n, " 10 kief mornorliile n., .1 ai,., Y rh.,, onolly way ', mil p - lier-in-hon, %v.Ltq k 't'lie other flav A citýbmer; clonie fur t- , .. . Ai;f..?IT, - . 1 - (Siotreronne In, 01non, Nirhacul) . . . . . 1 , ý . : . ý -1 ire lisse! fiir if bis hI Thoen air feu - - ,,,, te 1 e d'y Ili- %'Jiu Ilote] t'vins- bath ba.,..- '-Yiuý' ti-CY Arc th, LI himily Illeshefison, J. É. Mirellur . . ,e eiriii-,,. . This bu, ý,,L., - .11 Ir! .. - 1 11, lSieu.I,ýl,.,.. ovh ' ý . ý . ,;, [eu .,Il,,cIt ],.ýý'...,I.,IlI; .; .,Cltýý". ý Ili, en cou. in ta foulure aWoy f bar r..t».ý." And Io 1,.ttl'...fs ,1,.,ý'l-i'l'*ýNI..thýýSýigýl"],.,d . . . ., . 1 1 1 _ - tient -i-'b, . ned Of hini.11 .l C Pe in tr.tIiit te PISY bien a viait. . , ý - . ý . . ' . a cri -te; Ji éo.p-e,,i.,gI lin il. thist", subitis, -ont th. lit. ,if loi. ,,ife. .Vol leu .dard, "... ý . . . ýI.. , , Y a spiendid stocic of Wu*-ý!ièI1 wu Could ilay I-N.... l'eu 'es ..%%*,.Yl . usait _il t mes -1 ... 1 NVIII. 0 ,col* tissu $9 fer ilt,à.,i " i . 1 Million. Out; is i-co sol tient ývurÏs ">.Ltllcr la AluI clabj acule fils. Cf titi. Ond le ' . avait in th. insylny. ptioil -, .1 ___ _ --- - . 1 ý . . . en . c'il SI %IiI retiioiltr.,!el .,I Il or _i lionsiol L-dkcr, PIaiotivcIYý '-for if fi, . . . 4 tl.,.cL-Itti,. 1 .ni noaidinF firt-,. . ,: . - héar. Lgitlyt]i)Illiibt; tiI.f-otii.Illtl a gonserally nillI et... l'c'Il n"..,... rusy et hz, friand'. 'es '. . . ý . ý . . . .. . 1 sainte "I)Uluýýv' ta tien birteii'ýler fur Io,.IIIi,ý A Non, -Jersey mai, lienoritig filet bie ily.e ýü si, fI ýý . Itle d*,,Io-,Uvý,yil. lh.%Y.ýUch ja & . Telles Bdots and Siloeýi for ,ý3p,.illý.àll ., . ,., ý .1 ý.. . il riglit ta týll..,,:;,,,u%. l'lit ]SI lie 4ý11021-iutuxiumùl, drille. 'I'l.ii 'lrna il, ý, ttre boit te .failli in fi.. .III ."il talk nuw, wifit ilitenfleil te) obtient consiste ait en it.r ý . . . 'tiiiiii ci. ,, ý ý ____ , . Il f. .. se bu .1,ould liaturally drift ilitn fil,. 1 . .0 d Is. , IVe ladn., usure rwht te, et. tien ticularly .0 with, 3 SaIM, bevoin'-i ' * ', -,ai, au th ai went - Thtè -1. lSult, ai, .ý..ndé,f.11ý.,,ýn tact ,,,, C -A U T . - IO N ', à '. ý I, . Mont, , 0 1'l'ys C th. mf.rinud dilý.k.r.1 SI front ;'celle on the' evenl'ic linmd -*.nid fanstysthnons; ihlIt tien . 1 1 ý Vient, JI are malle 1, " . . - 1 Aaive, [..Ill%* Other 1'.ji.9 M 'Plait .1c'kis an,][ politici.mIs. il . .es. caf', 0 sec thrr . - . __ 1. ý 1 . . . ,ý .ý III wý'-rkel'fia.1 It--ti'r.ý I.Z:rllcl ) S * Ï4 tailler .dY sl,,.elei. plain brailli ley ordemi tar. - I obeaule. Ili$ %%-ira oduning te torsaderait. ahM. .,,Jie""'c ýI'e lie' . . . . 3* file lk-sot iiiailitriSctilrer8 iOý il,, Jýb « ý ,,, p Y. 'vhisibey Pastel, a ýhioq et ,,m o 'Innarcs ,IV 'I'n'a ;et lowlait flussIffille pri,,.u. Bultn alla SI, ,niitllori,,,Dl,.l will 91;1sus .I.ri.ioiý liait r.tItC,.!Pt. . . if lits aba.,,c,,,,l lis Syrup, the dusuanst i ,ai, -S- 'ýtt-tioýr 1 . Irst-clnes atuck.i nuit finit Lakocil finie I's'ili loi . .. lain ,vhîAey,.ýnr sonne 02tur hestvy t Ilfin. the ,lutter dlx]tllsaeIl lier chondus ( fin. tatillon , 'ý Ill', - .. consistant and . EACH PLUG UFTHE ý - r kil anqbjp gl:Ir.ntoýd.lý8 Ilialle toi ordèr.. . A* I.,.rfý ct. rit ,, -, ý- : ' * . tilt. C, 11 Oea"" drfilk 01 c,,Ierý,. clin liait cet illeul didn t Musi : , ti.f-ti.n au surent. . ý ý i r r 1 i ' ' - - ý islirýap.etf-.il; sauf bien filstnds, ,,y b;- ,* 1. . . 1 _ _ 'o ý 1 yuu Y . all,511 . . .. Ind il, flic Ivý,st if Il oit c.'t, . ý Xell'er try tu lie ,oinarter than u wunian 1 ... di- ,1;i,,« 3-1 tif Il ý ý fi - 1 et. - ., tttlmercitu]IY -si Ilriffleing labo sit-col bc sied a b S, I'v".' l"ý.ýýýý. m rJ e N avy .CAL.. :ý . 'aigllt *nt nu Il""ei"t (ý o1 IL, :14 «tilert foll' 1,.f.r,'ý,iýt, iiiiol os; ' ý "I.Zi.ý 'F VOU dl, 1-011 ,,lit got lait. . 1 ý Tu (SiI , - 1 1 . .. 'Ilsal, fi rcuuLný - %v.ittre. Tho,3 upset Voy diguI fiscal.' . . A. .7. ,WII II . . ý ,D.O N.oI F 0 R G II 'T TO> Il O ,.ç . ý. 1 .sera filon 1 turnoni ta . . . . . . ý . ";nt ()l'IV Ili illeu who, are hi isp t.o tileý1).Ir la diuk taillis. I don't kilo, , Au extranrolinciry, instance of tlaI thiin, ýblit'tIsýfi'Tht o'. SjAusi-h II J..nni-, Vi Cest Insi . - - .7 . le ho w.,11I no Art-à %vuu:II rallier ]lave satiliagnt ail triste litjolo* why it in, .but wliptiever I drill, milk 1 depreciatisni . , . 1 . . ý . . . ý ý - . ý . . 1 :1 . , . -ly et rail iu "*.aloi l'o 11, ut ..i1,1, .I,,t. . r troate, encre excilescent th 'se the %-allie of the fonds in Oct.24th IsSi bile bov in m siens ' 1 ý v . . ý ;ý- - wi..r11.11:Il gj, Othula lI"...crto1't..Ie...itat es -il es. infocrissit El',-'and je Votent hY the Lon ri il , 1 . . __- J ý , -TA ý .ý.' > lf"ïlsoll les, h-ý. dori-1 SI bu ý . .,_r_-_-,---.-.- -------------------- e, ., A ýplt"liim'ilrat III in dr;iik,'n, harol liquoë. -11ille, I have leen atrong, nuit soif cons. 11, J875 peu a,- V, r a. Dear Sir.-I Irrite ta inforint jý,u'th.t Î ' 1-9 1161AÉKED nm2!M= . . - 1 liartionos leilch'A te:, et ýluIJ, ,or iieli,,,,..,Ll,. .".inat thosa, ta 'J'ild -non -t-I visibly ana sursis %vildly .,iytup", F.,.,.Cycý sathora tissa i" ý -it l'illossid naa ncfit Innen *,S « JI . . _, :_. . . r &ad ' r 11.1rivicit. IIII suffs-ron ' « . . i- biI bcfCC COntqiningý 2-'n acres f trou' nid lune, se VI and - varjèd W lesU bIv'r'ijl..',ay.a%ý.A.ý1 ,.ýI;". "IýýIý. ,,ý : . * lu.ul. 1 Il fe', eloch, J'el crimbril, il,,. olissher. : Stili tii. VI of tliésa i tria, ..mplaint. ,,Jth-it finit titi la- -n- lvith - g;àas of si in "' soMaIsythffis; * ý A"I al] but of a boy Or. I ta d'bel, thris, "biýk- ýny band. Anyi . O .... milis, made je. 3. . £7,900; &net ,,, C...,.,Utitant .,il$. ne tient Iny fif. wics . lier. $aille, touis, ne v for th. bc. -A1. J..,lln".;"ýI 1 * ;si * ritlirr, notloi.,ý énigist alla Vit ilhil . say I Bý9IVossasuoI $200, O ac ýi III 1 1 1 gr .. . . , , 0 "O .,eu Es, triait, ::Ill .aillent. f C. .TIjsonllirlii%ý3t silious Ili tierce. days 'tiat 1 brut te give IL laly 16 If wu SOI by &action for £12t). 'total Milicry. 1*,,.I-' mondes tige 1 Au gassanolly. Ne,.. sonne. Tossnu rej aurai IVIIII IlIlught et A Coast of O Adoucit ta try Soig.l" syrup. . - 4 - -tu 'igr.l. Il e.,%il, , : ', il-, ci'1lit.try *Î. inil ý irturn yosal a ýu o. The Salvation Arrny et Bellve, - sonoi solisisons v ,ýtýý b non. .. 1ý-rtIsoa. ýI thI .1 LI Of Si 1 Ln paua ont ,visite. art; -col thins 1 tairaont te A Ilisoviloloring wo. ý oofisos. . il, ,otout yini 1 .,g, filer non jet I'nre Ind * Idt exalitl)ILS %ý-it], 1 ý 'lle wu filet a.. . ý u . *y'.;t i unie - ý th.: III - ,;?tlcal.hnving triol su Sancy mplitel . .. ý .1 A 9 )tli,,.,I,,i, fi 1 ulrozd Alleil t . , . . g aun. al ible ronnedionsi, 1 dettratinudli, g.,o it et 1 1 1 . - , 1. t i Assortir soI ) , 1;,.ttiea nu lisait a k . n'fallut Of 1-ýlýiolI--Iç. flinguer pop, sour... mObb-d ana poltent With rotten VII one IN IIIIII ' - LETTERSý - ý- - ool :rl..- os, . l', - 'nIý .1.1. -.1.kilo)%%; et *b", , A parilles. Th. ainsi Wh, Wili jonut a tosin -light lut wlakl l'y a crowd o 1 e; 8 t a fuir tI ý en - .. atl-,,ý. Thuy ,zuu.n t;ý tbillk that, fil, -[nu a.-,. If il., la en "..Itt'Il sulyti ý 'es - ý ' As 1 , '»!,r linos, 1. g, et 0. psrance dri.k lo'hicle =11 L Zk. . . . .At rI:r,' - 1. - -r'61-1 Pot-h the lattils, auk .ait gel.. 1, - ,nid Je bar llemisti.j, lis e,00,1pying th. f buyb, fur. I- lave Or thrre, III I fo-It , . . . _ 111l"igr l..f.11ý,, .ý ý . bý,I o. right, ,Sied tient . 1 i . 11, na th- Iloi-1, ,,,-i,.re si ',«-.'ý,,*. hoterfathure 1 1,',"]'e' . la tissau il.ý., if p . . in ,lune. with propt.ty ,vili .et ouly ail ta fi Market Initier, corses- . bIS- iller. And mise, et th. CI Ili NONE ý ()t . ý ý 1 . J.- .en lin . .- .le .,.."k .non, arc ho; le I Solde, sI .( tinued tailloir IL) 1 ne.. .. liait te r,,ýI,,tL, that tl-u'ýiiiiru end aille ,vent toi .I', ........ b"d"Il Of dol»e'partice %-ho hua a. 1 . ' « o. Ine .-Il , '. -1-41. ý 1 , Ilýi.nï-lcln a diffnernat III Party O' YOI f-ltlt'-'- -net facu, but will couler an t . . . GENUINE. : ,,,Ilý"3,1,ý,,ýe. -In t rilly. 1. illýË. ýc.',I1"! naduintui buI in tiissoloi -â, --lit .rolumil III festin , laver supon t . . el- ronflai it lier ,.O purplAtil et ;living ný . . . . . THE LIGHT R 1 . ý. . 1 .fiv- dot. ho C.n-drinking gnon ci entertaininent., os lu te ,ggi.%...I. Cuit the th. le . SI t « ..*.a et . . . . - . .25. UNNING. 1 . . ý , iLit.ir ýèalih, and 11-1111, tien bai -Il - tien Ar .jeter .1 a Certain paire finit ut aile 1 ait,- tilt orid.11 . . . Le. .. .. . 1 . . n1letly dinguelinal, 1 C ' thons. Now4day., . ý. ' For oJogýCCd or lvy - ' .. M. se ,n'and se Illessoujor ta men" Ill'in. they welloi: le,, ".ver; in 1, lI,,c,. ý 0 Ous, think;.f Ailly- _;, se I have un doulet the tmtlifull. . . . 1 ý . :. 1 : . , or why titi buyte boite no inturent lu flic : Polisortinq illa ý "" , [MOI. .el rit ,f,,mAoý ai.. f-110-ing il -nid te bu an itffallibl ýn,ýmr.-t'ht.'t'S..'igt.-Im.'Sý'YLmpIh'.mStmm.'ýuu&3.""b'-'n' . - - tante. - . l ý 1 . BOITarC Or IULtlatOng. - - run'edy : Bonil Pend sabre enough teFathiers. thbsýjs ail . ý . crollorin 1 .':atle,'neltzur. raisellienterisatth. Since Dr. Thomas, Eclectric Oit ho. 0 andabltýng*ltome. IhAvs, "-mme.,I.d W M - S L O .A N . . ..., 1 1 al" 1 w-ngý- Thosse bars- 'I . ý . 1 . -a,*- ý ."R.g lie. ; ..eh MI. La .ý .Aol - 1, S E DCI Art. givels voit te, r.ýhi.n juste 111 . un. Onr "The ai mon-pure American bar borconte cLlel)nlted, a *ntlznljer of uiipnit. PI In this; let . the 110fisortnd i! là Ilevotroul fc11-ý-suff-mm frum thfis dititrI . . tils-t-Ilit Oins a a.. a . . .. . . ý 1 - ý -mouton, cipleil perlions Il.tre III indessi - Sb'. rent i ýug ýi.pi.i.t. and thsI testiras, :. . . ý';- fill-grourts, hancit; ilitelligLitt ..O . ..r.pilllygoi.,g.,t CI faxhirI ý ring là minutes . te cy 1. quitte '"' 0, . D IV ER TI 10 Mare te the.c,,tiiiiry- bien ne Electric Oit le , and then ,assis, off loi la acessuadance with cny IIOI (;Mtitude foi . : :% B-f-M Test Pl.- . a.] e . fi l'Il' waral wAter; %I dry, a i .. Itý. the heurtât 1 have derived fratu th. excellent 1 . ý .- 18 l-,llgr enjoy ruelling jatte a main, and fait. ginosthie DIS. Tastilli et ý voirsorth or pr-.p.pC, .,IetW ZLIIII slivulil 1". ing A d'ink ttatillisig.,.ThLy lave Mo. Situe de EcLEcTaie OYL graine. Repeat filin procella As il, 1, [ , bP!jtJýVt Vrainfas me te fulminai Yeu with . ý .. .ý ' lathor, th'n the %*Ii(,IL rare,. -.Y.Ili osson, thstu th.y le.ei-ti. na. . - Belvoirt ut dilate similias, insinua article& devolups tu If . -GI . J, - . JI-Ir, goet .ùr prier. ne .-Le ,vilain aillay shouloi bile lint hoov tossieltz, ý ag% arol flic. tif Ill 1 Con . citésitentannonfid. - * ý . and Silver ' . a ý . -et or -Y P-Plussi, -11.1, .9 .; ý * Il fuW il î a.. 8, tionis gr . Tai., lisser Sir, ý Wattanis, a.. ý . -Baril incrustas ut tilt. « - ta ait d.,,-,ý Witte thodr Iri-ýý avoir -sherry If air originsttors liait all'y failli in tilt- nations %vif ', Cure - la In i a Ji- 1 * . LI . ý .* . ý bove, and toi ch'ekenio' 'lJëe-witl--ý 'élu. A Iplacu wita III Jamperties, of thchr own niedicines, est 0 YVI. .,,.r'g.t.ruily. - . . - . . 3-P-M chelerralir fù,ýlý ý ý - (Signed) Csiro-YB Berry Lopkets. thbt Ira, dvarf Shen, naI and lin. et-ilforLIilechrtii.,'.,',I.tal,16, .,tellý tIlv thy wultfoi .Iiku ho cases. Honte .. . . 11re. .Pou applicastion '" -1 t1icir ateibiti.,,.; font Il neuf Weil, give dit-il, ý Gold . - - .13rý1ta-o1 toi S.. cit.lié;ý .le. -ýotI cars cuestrotrIeris jouer'. ý -, ýý = "'et the incoliclit M-.ta-tr.ats et allant or their -yn, aud. not try ta suit . -rby randral. . '3aPtl't3f'W-";Y. * and Silva ... . . .1. "« Houapf ý , . 1 base Wh. trac ý Chairs, . Bronche 'iý>"- GIMPLIC ý -ý . . ; , . . ; ' . thoein nuorc tlt;eti,,]eti-il! SI alabi_ nul c,,f,.,, ,SI thosI c ý Lard DL X J. White, Eeq. ý . ý ING'àM CHINE. 1 J.C. . a i lassSfully. ait fiscal *011 fini m Av or the decay Of ýIj p Hemingham, Whitalessiven, Ont m 1882. P' a. -,> 1 Ad,.-tw., Zut. tie'il.eýiiiýl intru ititLllt,,.,et S b: :111 ' I"ItAiIl putatiou or sulother; lisât na iti8h trait. Ill * - ' -, Â - OLth- ge-1-1-1 plibli., a. the mont tbý, kliONI prepasrations have aie al Mr. A. J. White. ' ,-.ý.,ý. .m.'.';ý _1e --,ilrdul%,tý finscèn Yonne alla th, ; 1 ý , BI . Zèctmlt. 2SUI il ý.t.cOzIr.tl..' ' -DoI Si ý l'i . 'o, i 1 .. limas -Notthi 9 II lxltt.r thaie te;' - sisoincors. Ticir rendes or' "'%"'i-Ibly sol> 1-iI,;it, they marin ta tien suI nispriii-j importa an.] ex . .0 total Valise Of ,II .I.-au fur 9 &C. -i 9 . . I . . -yâ-,-x,,,,t te, tonseil titrise liI'..e.,.ï3. . . - D-rm.%ý'AA £530 000,oon ta - 1 . . - . - 0 1 . > a -nnl dois -j,,it "all"t' Il., 'Ill. "In Isly opiýli."; les, pied lucarne of. seiling thela Il%, gettili,, a NO " 1 . .311-ther scig.l,.Sm l, âotri.]. Oeillets 1 Àla.a I-MO'týk'.fNiek.l..d Al, .! - . ; ; . . ý Ilrr..ýýlteliteg inkona tiré not an P" m m cincles, è . ' . . - , . -111.I1.10ýý. un Althoiigh, in- Conon: -SOI - te --Plote hossolth. 1 ravain, . , : ý 1 . . . -, .. thonI,ýaUIl Ils-thingloo ,.IIc.el;,... thoI onsud te bu Tho nI iiiiiiie isiieiir-m pnemillie tiýL,ýclecÏ;7ic. And ,ho .dand. .: * 'tige incrous. - - I "W b"I'J'y te 'rate thest-it bu PiPlu, Pýk.t-B-k.. 1lC,ýryostssI ý» tailleur, :E - * . : ravellers' -Guider F.RN& ';OltTH-'%VLSTF.RN. 5 >lLE RAILWAy 2_2 Élf. 7-:1à 04 P.31. y Uï rit i; a-L ME 2à).. _OLUI ff CANA DIAN. CHÂM frio, Moi-niats e, iàTON, oie :? -t 1,A, 7#94riý'OFADýý'RTI.SIIVG. 1 ............... . ...... j: 8 th, 4. . ............ ................ . ..................... . ........ ... .............. C.,d. f toi 1-. t', 4 iI.-k 1, rk, N, 4j -ýdup.'eSib .1 L N.III-11.1 tgh .'l't Tl rii UN DEWAIL. ri. Z .. 'Il::l ELLIoTT. ý4 linlý 03.4é Il., Ho PLING LE 'd M. zilid Y.. oniry ta 1 unir at 1. -u 4 m t, -'t. FYICE n sir-t. E ý Tomuto. li.ilir lit, M c. Ir. 5A5 11.1ait Is Iý mir. U.Léi M-. 3fiâ e TIIII.11 iH 1 Tl, hé rwy b., i! 1 M ENTIS. r, AM!LTÔN, ý;4ote1 Carcis,* ompboN HOUSE1 1 ý111LTO*%' ONT - whi. c -ËOR -iàt.ePuýred toevé all guesti tri.- --f an. 1i.1; tÉ Thé ."bl- -II il, Mùm LL ' AU -S 1 IIýTU.N r --j...ý,ADING.HOTELIN70YIN ri Cl

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