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Canadian Statesman, 13 Aug 1885, p. 3

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Perla, ion Orgàn ahd PiAn - ý . . 1 1 . ý- 1-11 - --- 1 ý - . - - , . 1 . ý 1 . 1 - 1 ,_ ', _ _ .. . ý ý' - 1 _ __ ". . 1ýN ý ,-,ýý ýýe-ý ý- -, ý ,ýe ý-ý,1---. _ --ý--- Il , ý ý ý.. _ - _ . , ý , 1 - __ 1- ý , , 1 ý - .1 1 ý - - . ý ' ' 1 ý , ý - - - - .1 ý 1 , ý ý -.:.", ý - ý --ý,z - ' _- ; ;ý ,ý - ý - . 1 . . ý 1 1 , 1 - 1.1 _ . - - ., - 1, ' 'ý ý:,ý:,." , .. , ;_ _ 1 "; ý,-, _ý ",7"-, ý , -ý'--;, ýI'-- ý 77ýý,k'iýý_ýýiý- ý1 Il. ý, ', _ 1 ' . ý . ý- - ý ' ý ý >'ý--ý _- , -- --ý_-- ýý - , eýý î 1- .1ý24 ',èttýý. 'uýý, :- ý l. - - ý, ý ' ý-_, -ý' ý -,-.' : _ ý, , 1 . 1 ý -, * -ý,,ý _ ý'ý, ,4 ;, ý_; ,ý ý ý- - ýý : ý-ý , - . 1 ý , - ýý ý ., 1 ý , 1 , 1 ý -, i ýý _ý - -, -1 - , . _- ý ý -;,, ?, ,ý ý , ", ý_- ,g ,ý-ýý 7.ý,,.,ý:, _ - ý , . , ., ý- ý ýý ,ý _ _ , ,--', ,. 1 ý 1 1 . - . i ý . ý.; ý ý , ý .. 1 . . . ý ý ý. 1 1 . . . ý:_ - 1, : - : . ý : 1 , 1 ý ý 1 ý ý . . 1 1 ,ý . - 1 - 1 _ý . j , .- ý 1ý 1 ý-ý. 1 ý :, ýý , - . -, - -ýr , . - ý - . 1- - 1. 1 ý . 1 ý. ; 1 ý ', - . - 'ýý, ý_-, , ý'-i .. ý ý . - 1 ý ý ; , . . . 1 1 ý ý ý Il 1'. ýý 1 1 - 1 1 ý , - r 1 ý .. ý . ý ý Il 1. . . . . . . ý > 1 i ; . ý - 1 . 1 1 ý, ý ý ý ý 1 1 ý 1 ý . ý 1 ý 1 . 1 ý ý . i , ý , , _' , V ý . - ý. . .ý . ý . . . . ý , *1 . . . , . 1 1 . 1 ý 1 1 ý 1 - - , 1 ,ý 1ý . 11 1 . . 1 , ý _.. ý . ý . . ý ý . ý 1 . ý ý . ý 1 - 1 ý. . ý . 1 ý . 1 . - ' 1 1 ; 1 .- ". * - 5 . _ - 1 ý . ý ý . . . - L . '>.-ý. . . ý - 1 ý ý .. 1 ý. . . ý 1 . 1 ý . ý . . '.- . ý.- 1ý 1 ,. e - ' , . . ý . ý ý ý . 1 . ý ý ý . 1 1- 1 - ý 1 ý . 1 %,;ý ;ý . - ý . ., ý,.,. ý , . . . - . 1 . . ý ý 1ý ý .. . . . . 1. ý : ' ý. ý ý - - Il ,ýl-,,=- -ý 'IITFVLCALiýdIT - ýýr-,_-ý,-,_, - 1 - ,_ . - 1 . 1 i ý l . . . 1 If l ý ý 1ý _i FIZE . ý ,ý. - ý ., _z. ý - .. . . ., ý. ý 1 ý l ý. > - . . . ý . . - * - ý. - .. -- .. Làcal intelligéiiëë.. .. __ ý. ' - ' -, - ._.,-ý:.-1_.. ý-.,.tr - 7 , - - - , ýý7ý____ -ý 11ý . A;li.l:itél. frcliri fit. Tii.màa,, Oný * ýi * ý - ý - Q - - > - . q-- - ý lier S * . or ---, . 1 '. 1 -1:ý ý;_ _. . ; - _ý 1' - , ý , . -:11_1_ý ý ý -1 surierr'. Mùrtig ilin 1 -11, ý ý 1 "lu . . 1 1 1 , . ý ý7 , ,.i-,.el 1. - I.,t .1-è-i-9 conveyest th ' "« mmeaimoly ir.lié - - - ... U , ' 1 1 - , . w , , ý _ ct ', - ýý 1 1 ý - - -rrilý[Lýiiittlligence: @ýAhé Y. il Ill- ý 1 _- __ - ' ' li .- un - - > -ý--" sà - y . -'.," , ý .ý , - 1. I.j,ýij,._- r. ;£ý c"1112170 npl IVIIIII ;;ý1 . . thar ý - ý. ý.ý , _. . , ý . ý W ,; 1 ý . L ig *- - -0 j. ;_ . - ,., . - , . * ' ' ' :'-" " - - "' '_ " -ý ý ', , . ý ý- : j.rop ad.P.otýt.,,,k pl..,C:,tiIi.-.rieimoon et the ý . ý Jâ 5ilip 1- ý- - . OCÇD! ý;ý ;ýýý-..., . '.', ,1 ý . , ý 1 _ r un th,*fai ý . , .. r w l 0V USS 'F l' . il , .- 1'._1ý _ , ýýî- -seing hur r '* - à . ;nrith 1 . ý,ý.- t,1-ý:, -, f - , - . 1 .ýZ' - . I.m 9 ' : - , JI , 1 ý ".Iý v, 'a ý,3 thici, persans test thuîr Bra . ý ýý:,.,i -ý- -1 . ý -:.. -ýe, Z L ý -1 - 1 ý - I C T M Y S ' .."..I.,ll, .'*, sh.riff* BýOady .1 . . rlii..iiiiiý * - ý, ý, 1 -. ýe ý , -j., ,ý, ;1 - 1 . e - D 9 ý , but, * .1 -pion was in towu en Mondoy. OU a au ou - . leb ý a _ _ -ru, ý tb. . ý - ý r1 ý . - ý ! :ý,-t . .. Il. : ,; ý. 1ý ý; ý_,. , _ -ý 1 - ., 1. - - , c', .., ey. of Habit ton 1 fiienaly VISIL. - ; ..ý no à 1 soi o . - 1 1 ý ý .ý ý ý , ý - ý . . 1 > ý . 1 . . . . *ý eh',.- ' . r. . Zouti . , la. ý .- _ -1 - ý : 1 1 ý .- - 1 . . ý . 1 1 - 1 . 1 1 .. 1 1 . l à , ý ý ý, 1 - .. :,t.. %!- F'r.11 Sand'm', wife of Ilr . . . - ski.? il * ara tas. r&" - .,ý ; : ".ý ý, . . ý . . J.? Yi 1 eh _11:> ý ý . 1 ., . ý 1ý .. ...et touiller niemh-',t:of this by . il " -týn.-kIolý , ý . 1. .. .!ý'."..iý S: : p. -- .W.. àýý . . . 1 :. 1ý. - " , ,: ., , 1, .. . . . . . Ir, -yLar 'A train ýM E= UxST O - ý r -., ýý. _ ý 1. ý ý . . . 1. - . .. . . . .. , . . 1 . 1 . L 1 ý . 'ily. aIjý lier fi o 6 -old soir. ,W.... ,,ý. J'r. 1 . . 1 z . 1 . . . . 1 1 ý 1 Il Mrby, of Brampton' Win U= th ' - GRIL càimwlL- 1 - I.. . ,ý ý . - ý . Iý -Thé p . 1 BeY., N ý . J. ziae -_ . - * WHA'r.ts FATE.J: * . ý - , Black tl«htàý ,g2lýi l'-irt $tl êtruck thuir ke * "' * ' ý : ý - 1 ý 1 : '. ý IVL . . 1 - ý ý ', - 1 - ' . - . ýý . 1 . 1 ý . . bleu' 8e . à.- on hW ý 1 . è ,0-3h.i,.221.. 'ib . , wslAt'Ane ýýôT1s 7 z , ' ý ý e- , 'l.1.1 II ".. ,ý"I','ý,ý..kI:d ýit turc aplinters. ý Mn. MethcLt Chàr,â'Zà - 0 , a" ,ë83 .I uzia-e*atartéd on . ' ' . . Coloria ý men' ._ý. 1 1 ' LI'.IP.itei".f the Bey. Mr. il li , ý " .g tiip ta thé i" de au . 1, ÎR1 Miite 1% a M= Placera ý o . 0 Impl il .. 1 Il . ý ý - _- «' . * . . . . .ý ý - - . 1 ý .1 .- ý , .- j t 1 ., ' ,ax fImnd Iying tarenty nu .. .iti..t the. .»Z C. a t'a baie .fi - 1 . Fact. -ri terre», ippuà* ta etchili resJit'lIý ý . . ,..r.1ý: fr ri'. ein.ing, m il . ý ý .... . 1 of 1 1 ý ý . Ys, - - - - j , 7 .!.,,ý,dy ,, -ith the lie - .. - -NàrýI Wili ýýpy ýthG pulpit 01 ý'1 ý . el the mdùm &bat ta in týe chair. 1-thimbý,put hiesuy P..itimlntae."I., ý . ".,.c,.,l lewil. the body; and ta %k Nà.ý . - ' Oracle Chalfrait on Suu . ý :,> : table Limin 17ka. .', . - .' . Mon-, Souks je,,. ý . r ho L INJECTOR fren wi.lh elulh habite _. day iàvezàng. + : , CIVIcla if fit la a .itm.t.d *.ni., . ý1ý ., ,-.»;J-t--ý1 , 9 - 1ý ha .Pgý,ý . . 9-ý=CdbYth-M-mimUteO11-to.gudbd -àý,1.i-I: ta - 4 . . Table Nopk" 4U -ý . ' . Uuù'r ou'L'a freu. the mw-c.tchcr - . - . .. ý . Man romm.1 hy fat. wili rint tht 1 ý ý Ilam 12ir-, . ý ý - WIR ri" "Palme te my: litflÏ d.tflmltytho ' . -of Of Shil-h'- ClitarrIl roomody. Prieu 5U _nts . '18 1 0 L ý 1 . . . 'te -M Put in lait crier. - 1.11, litre lie . =.a ',jý, àai.-i. .1I...l M, Dempsey'. body wu S-Id by J, H. M.IjbIImhý 1 1 . Céder ýyour jirý . . I . M UT ta ait . . _ _ . . . 1 ý . î ' 1 . . '. . g 6 white tire" 1ý tz.. it fard mough . . . 1 _ _ . . . 1 ý et facte -il ne -toit zWI wili lie pà..d in, bû..., 1. 11, ..,-cIItý-.9,-. juds froui th . - - , ! Shirt- for 87.15(), 6 ýuo Cliosh Cambra Shirt. . . 1 1 ý "!'p ta ý ý facts.. 1 ... pà.téa Sa*tcens Sic. . . m.w. P..ta 81.12ici. hi- bout ta binler lit. umgnfflmt #pl_ icitc. . ý ,,I--II.ý,. i.ifu ,Ç.,l .Xtinct, but the body - Tics Rev. Alex. Blair, B. ,L, or Nos. fur 87.50, maài ta Your meurtre, .a -U.w. . . -, .. .. 1 Park Prints Se, ý , this trusta of ýWlýd fera, ... ý ,[ . ' . ý . . ' SaýawcYa. will proach in Boston (i.hu=h autýd ta fit. iThis in a specW offier ..a ' * . ý . W£ WOULD NOT 13S . ý . 'Mente Cents $2. * ý 1 -nly-Treble's,.Sr. - * ; 1 . . ý .. 1 ý ý 1 . . ý . .i-. ýl,. I)ý ,,].ýc>- lind, Nli Sltud.m wnrie -Esqtiening, iiext Sabbath, et 0.89 p. .: Il fur a short time c,ýýj.ià1lcLtu1 1 of t o. The Sabliath, School . . WEWOULD SOONER £.' .1. .,f Slri il.o.. I)empsýy, sein -in mSt et 5.80. - il -- , -_ ý ý A wire- Uùer ,et th. and 1 - 1 . . 1 . . 1 . . . , 0 1 1 _p CItton Shirting gin. - , . ', . . 1- , - ý ý , . . . ý . = jr tfie ý Cram'hand. of the In., ý HolvY Shirting* 1 Se. A min C1.1't. fat. à plabit .1 c'nt.d.*w..d . o. ý%1,ý snuduilm, ,, -r littlo .Ou, - FmE.-On, SUnaaYý avemin lut iâe ý th Mehts Worsted Suite $10. . oo . .1 Su-ni).ty TnAiNs.-The 7.81 a. M. train r. W. - . Smith, ho n or the o Ock plýý open thé t.w. . - , isit te, lier Parents. and left: ferai . bnî1dhIýs of M aveu ,".ý..,,,.. 1 . U fi ait =14n . - M.D*js Dmeea,12ic. *.. 1 . rli l:ýÎt,;::; f., 'S, 01, Thurad.y. gOllIg ÉüSt 011 bbû CX-IL and filet acting Ucar Broute, with their cýgntentB of 65 Ir balustre of the whiels, when . ý - . .ý -ith à, illance of huidim, je t.gnba, thau a . f'ýý'ý11.I. . . cen ma à ftý«y fer CI....il.... . 1 -- ... p:ýIli.., supply Ir... with col .1lamce of w.ilpl.tidg ý 1 by Young M'., west, fit 2.27'l:. m- ýViI1 hOÙCforth cm t3ns of hay würe burnt. incendiarisa, . ý ---= - - - with a muufacttirOt .tl.,. ,ýv S:I,.ý%, ,....,It up ..il .Il ýý = 1 ta th. publie et lon, ara »tý""ý.ý ý . ý ' ..., h» - .1. 0 -.ýy 4ay in tileweek ' - J'as cý Isly ROI'er troisolling Su.. .ý -il.,;,..It".., la ... r liait mill'y fflends 'inrhidin su.d.y.! . . . (;r-eh Towelling ëjc,ý Man's Vents si. .« . . ý ý ý ý 1. ý, l' .',",i il. . 9 the-Oriàili of the firei Mr. Smith in p .. ' » * We fur. tn*- li...,; Al....t .ceci. )-car. .go aile wa,ýý La, e - ý 1 wellknowntlirchigh the conatynstho . . . . ý . 1 . 1,ý ý . . 1 1 1 1 1 ý MIMI'S CGMOt Collera lUr, . . ý ý '. ý WE HAODLIV EVE9 * , , à ,:.ý,r...i -%I,ý 'i;I..dI.r..,..Id liurtinly child $et meurt, -1-rebl.'., 'th, iaàding Hatter, "scrop iron douter.- . .ý WE WOULD SE . . . . ý 1 1 . . ; 1 1 1. . . ... .. . i . - , 1 . . . c. 1:lî '. ,,,, . . ' _i - DOES NIT CONTAIN AMMOIqlA. . . . . Seo mur Laces Se. . . . . . See!Le àsqcf,ýity..f the pidy-FAtabiboicullý* ... ý,V,"-fIî,p ilII-Ilwit[il.,r. 1 cor. King &'J'am" Stro.et, Raiailtod - YOU =ri have YoUr Shirts initiale order "' ýýMMUM 'UI'NE-VER score qmnonn* Th. mipr liber bores wit. Silly a.- taille , S4e out Laces lUc. ý Man's Cruh Coati $2.' «_ - . a tiul: .U.h u.h."dý ,check - bailli" . 1 .%il, 1, ..... . i,ýe%.",.. . fille, man y voit" . . ý. ý . or à ýaftz7 oc Lu rnekbittombom à.hbla ri;,,htthmsighand - 1 M n'a Underatirta lieu. « -11, at'I'reble'. luiyer bilan Yüuý btaythein .-ý '11. - ý la - -Moh hioti. f - ý . ý .a t I.Le vrith, m. r.dgardsl,,i-. ý, ..i.lýl fi 1 ý . 1 o 1 ,lýý,,,; ý...l -e o i.lýl - kil.wri sud mou Ilw5 Lxay- VOTsns.-Tho votera- list jfo rë'ýlym-1- el-"IýOý. 6ý Shirts whit. or 't'a Il a. vu - .. W % Ù.,b == , , Irts the Supply IlImices .top int. oblivile, . 1 . .. - loum., . . b..k .est. If yuci -wSu, . . iiti.ceitý'. lie .::.e"Il«I1-iIl n-3-IY Ixer- thotoi%-n of Milton lias been prin . pluma fer $7.50, palisot fit .nit but Velue ; . 'ý. et Sie car Cretonnes 121c. . s t.yqu -nid £le tiiiél;ùý. 1 «. ..: 1-1.. 1i'ý', idg. .-id,-.i a aient. and filera' arc 47. lady ioters lit tho in the tmdee,,t.-,iý,t,ýt-ýl.-*I*reble'a, car, King - - ' . . . WE REACH . super Corâctà Sec.. 1 -, * : '_ - ' 1 Il , ýý Il . . . ý 1 'r "*.- t!.ýý, 1..-.itt'.Ivrr ý.-I iiig ý1ýb, tlibtiiigiiieh thrac Wards-10 in the > týward, 16 in. and Jarmes t . noillon. ý PRICE BARiN(i POWD]ER Co., .. 1 1 AT . ý . . . . Man's Vents . si. , . ý ý 1 .An M. Put out gradng on 'a uli niàzht. ... . . ý.i "lslvu 111 t'le -qu't" thb uorth àiid 21 i. Ve santh wards 1 . 1 - . atraas .1 1 . . . . ---- ý -----7-- . . . ý ý . -a a fil'. ski. lutroiring -la . botter'. bat 1 4 1 ,rý,ýý -.,!ý'. llI:,.,I,..). vrast t«,..tý--eiglit' . 1, . . aria. We -ýiI1 supply, the ;,aria with NEW BUTCHER SnoP.- Mr. Walter Dr, NCOIS SpOCIÉ1 FlafoËnz M ot ne- . 1 I.d.ý 'pm,ýff.0 ,ý . ý ,.",.i.,f-.ý..";.:,:ý.1.ýý,1,,..,ýi-ýl.' -lieýnobur.i Diii.t.--ý'qu. 7 Co. 20th 1orne Rifles I)Ickiu, mGvdd into ý - 1 , Clo'hiig et prie" %idibont perte or Muet& . DreRs.-Goeds sic. ta1 'el 1111-.11, ,;!Ittli,- faliiill"Ilioved ta lialuil. file UOW labop .t . Sui!i eLoo. . himeliacdtried ,.,i,..,. . 1 . 1 , - 1 . . .. ý. ý. - «, commence drill cri Tuesday: ovenin, in sorme weeks lige and during th If ... nuarit, *12lev.ê' là our by.w.rl Dresa Liniug sic. . -ý 1 Bý1y1'-11 Tics 2je. ý ý . ý . ,. .. ý ', ,,,.I,,.IiI,-,ý;.ý,'cýy ýý-uog, kod h. ru. lirepa « . I, . ., P" T - . . . i ' ý . ý 1 . . , . ý .. - ,,.,:,...l tý.,--.,Irr rirtof liýeIlIl.atiouliem. ration for the éOml!,.ý camp. Th' Iveck bad a large rafrigerator erect. Dr. PrIcels Luýul1n Yeast. coms . . . . 1 . ý 1 ý 1 . 1. . 1 1 - 1 ý'. .. . . ý ivi...,I î"j';.% a muet RI, Il 0 dri , bain it. Hé in no . . . . Il ý Il . ý - . . 1 %, . .1- Ili- rucei%-ed an* appoint. qOI1113auY ýYiII ga i f r il tc W fully prepared ta 'For Lien, ze.ath, B..d Ts. i.,.-lýt'tit t1'èý' 1 Â fow cuite are supply. thevvaits of ail parties requiring . - th. w.'Id . . . . 1 '. Ii' prisi tiiiutý. jusil reillainea il, morrow oveuiù . . rec . ý FOR SALEI 17 K IN S ý -%';4-ý. LtteI.lyl'.Wme.. wanteil. . ' 9 ay GR t.ý-,C,-i,. - -,,ý,.jiw . . . 1 . any kiùd of goéd fresh aient. Mr. Dickin, CHICACO. . . RT. LoUm . 1 . ýr- , ý . 1 , ý . L ý 1 -, :. ,. . . .. 1 - ,.. il ir, ih, .fý. -,.I,-p:IL..ic.it. 'l'hme 1 - . claime ta bayé the but uhop in town. s-aý,--p PRATT Z W AT K .I.NS, PRATT & W A . .1 . ý 1 ý ý - ý - 1 ý . . - .à....... . . ]ýýG,.;. 111.;-_.-ý - ho ".,..,ie oif mi hi,% 'innua v...t.. hld. ý O. H. TaAysn; of Ilinrha, 1 __ - DIRY GQODS AND CLOTRING. . ,DRY GOODS AND CLOTIII ý ;.. ý,II Illui L., [I.Ivù rtl,,,.ed tuwl .ý,.:,.:Iktl,.,ý)..tlr..flit alto - o .Il, IlvC, il . )rkltuxt fil suIl , FINIr PlICITOGRAPUI. 9. 3. Minaient - - .lmim cf e . . . . ý . ý - ý ý 1 . . 1. Il 1 8 et). 811311,171UN cultE.": 8,1 - ý - . . -ý ý ý - ... ý .. . . ý ý , 3il., .1 ,. M- fI!11ý,i,. bu. orne rit th.. ce. ,-Y i. IL ýýc.ll.,,I. Il .ý . 1 . 'l rbot-'gmilI-r, .76 King Sb Wahl, Hamilton. * ý . l . . ý ý ý . ý . . . 1 ý 1 . . - 4-h ýij-,y-,,l thu cuililictitiolis, which few BAS>ý 13ALL.-A vury iutLrestiiuiýr e ing the finest photographe in all.tyleu evir ý . ý 1 - ý . . , - ' Il : . . ; . ý ýý. 'pl:1 0 %%,..I."ý'.1;Ià- ,vitiiiiie Woods, ana . .ý m . (nice .... r go Militant & Eckerson) fi mak. : . ý - . .. . - - . . ý . ý ' .. - ,julfapp, ;ci -tu ,Lettur thnn hu. -Speutatur of bastball vvýas pIwyýd -et Wu ow Producett in Ilamilbon. Parties visiting . 1 t p ' ' ' * - : . ý . . 1 . ý. ýý 1 A,.,ý B. - . , . ý 1 - ' ' Saturday bctwý "' .1 , 1 ý ý on %lu flic Expoits .1 , , 44,yr* . . i -t . . of rit. éity »iI..Id'call "a . amine hi& vernir. un= . JECML' -e it o f S Lb e.- _.. ý ý . .1 .ý lias the sympathy of ýVabadown.: *.Each team'appeared ta en 1 Sp - U . Ü til. T h . ý rs ý - ep . en . *fil. 1. 'Jon F,,,d Prvaý of S.turday Bullocks cornersi and theJÜIiiers of - >: 1 &.,'vo:".NlýSulitel _ . 1 ý . ý ' - ' ' . - . 1 . ý ý. - 1 , .: . . ý. , Ci, týiliiiiiiiiiitý- in his terril);e atilicticii, file, lie auriqual arabe r H.s o ý STArmM mm . 1 ý m ý ý ý -Il for the other,.but À' Lui TANV- r.Tlim Lush . 1. . .. . fInih- 4ilIg ,"iIl,-Ij,ýý knovva --lia Iiiighly ru. fate decitied the victory fur Waterdown bois te intimato ta th'. i.lI.bite.W of 1 . ý . ý . 1 .ý , ý , :: ý- ", .-. ' : :ý , .. . ý >&.« t ... 1 tlir-,"911(,ut [the -outil%%-e*tern .Cic ID 'the. ' ' 1 . ý ý , . ý ý ý . ý l . . 1 ý .. Mi ton filet belles moveil 4 9ruMe 1. .;..:..ý'tite Vrevince. llimany-friendiiii Ye . . ý .. . -1 . ý into, Ilis old . . . . W e will SACRIFICE alLour REMAINING stock of . SUMMER GOODS-to t ' -#= ? 131C1CAvstl;..Wa . . ' . . . "taud en Maire etrect, wliere ho le ieady mici. - . 1 lie people., .:I.l.l1:ý. ai.Il vicinity will nia.t tincerely . ._ý - ý t'à HU ply thaï eau afford to. -IN *CONFIDENCE w"e will - tell ýou 'Our sales have been veýy MUCH.INCREASED dàriný the! PAST - - ý 1 r,.-,ýt t', 1,,:,*r., 'Of'th.* tc"il'l. ,Iei.fgtun. KILLEu ON Tas Tnicil Thursday p publie with firstýcIass - ' llýaý h;ý rv,.,ruddCmIý, lureft hilil of a tovin . 1. Jacob Ril)l)!ù. a blaclisiiiiÎli of Onkville, butcher's ment of ail kiiids prepared in 111111111A E ff R A CT S THREE MONTHSI' over .proèeding.ycars. . TRIS ALONE would MAKE US -give -YOU a BARGAIN iný EVERY DE7 .ýý ,,-:'...L.l;[,I.I;1%-e..I,.i .. , 1 , . who &S j)-illI' thObOStsty!e.ý lle.be,,m W thaukhis PARTIMENT for THIS MONTH.. BUT LISTEN. EARLY ià 9EPTEMBER Nve. will place on o& counters 'su'eh an : 1 : . . 'Ilý,ý-,-r-,3i.isi.at.%%-Iiiclitliu.trýéilil,ýaffair sil.rt'i'li.,taticp west, of file d'bava village Id 1 for their former patron. MOST P ERFECT- MABE assortment ôfNÈW $TYLISH rALL GOODS, directýyfrom EUROPE, that the PEOPLE 'will W ONDÉI R 'TRÉRE- . ý., ý-iI:,---l i., fit .,,verý -.Iit.gt,-,,iI, eonditijal, vvas run ovûr by a traiii'àud instant ,go and solicits a continuauce of the purestand strongent Natumi rmit Pleure. . . '. « i.i :1w .....ý-ý,iity, -of Il ,%-iItýlI--IiIlý bulog, killéd,. his liend , V4nIl1tý IÀ omn , Almond. P- cm. -R'TEXTURES, SUCH QUALITJE S fit S l'S. W ù sèe .W19 habit- sinailied. TÎ,ýl.' .-a. - fuyor AT, and marvel at SUCH DESIGNS, SUC UCH PRICV ' d.IÎ.ýý yandL uWlyuth.imit. 1 .. . ýI.%e!;-% ,Ir i- ,,-tu:ýt.1 a short di.t.... s.m. 8 T;!A,ý.7,I, BUY DIRECTLY froin MANUFACTURERS,ý>!,d ýl-.I thêrý .ha.41 f..ýe.111.1Itl%- brun I* ýleëL-asLýd vvorkcd in Milton alid Lovvine. corv Am 1 e follortin ý PRICE DAKING 1 -- both fit home and abroad. We do not pay WHOLESALI "MER- ' '. - -.ýil,,-,ý3,1 bridge th.t .p.u. th. ý ý ý,- . w.r. gi%*,-,ý jIId4.,.,It hi the CInirt ý.Clý",ý1.1 CUZCILOO. . . . . - 0 -a§ THEY do, and'sell to the pèople AS LOW as . COUNTY- IMERCHANT S * ' ' Il '. : . .:: ri-- i . . . 'Ir- LO"13 HANTS a.profiit' but; BUY .,5 CËLII pro uce. '. - I - _ - " ý ., ýý ý : . 7 , -,..ý :ý,-;Ir - tout (.,.11,ge, lind it..I.r,..,IIt. Silk>Ti.e, au flic Isté;ý;O-kvIl- "' "S'tIý'Cl'y lut- by th-It- Id-' A, OLU Drrry iiÊvivxD- À cortilin This'inforination is given free, and you will do Well to pr.ofit thereby, and call ait .' Iý . 1 . . ,.ý . . . 1 '. Tà.. * . . . . ý ý . 1 . . ý s,.-« ,,,,..sac", :il to i-cwier the vievî Cif air "",a" ", "' ,o original cut. se. on, IV. Il. Y-Clog, E-CI. :-P. M. Zirniurmau Oakvillian is reporteil ta have aut)L,!'Driven . 1 - 1 1 1 . , . .ý 1 :..,.,ý.Ilý:tý.;.g train Iliiii.ult ce ablain. Il, ,le 11, b-- ri c , 257.. ritid 35C., lu jýýry two aepamte chargez. fat, SSD And .O,ý Fmin Haine" oith gruat pathoa crie even- . ý . . 1 . . .. ý O! :- ý . ,.i- :ý!Y th, ..-Jon ri.. ,,,t.t, fîtr'ahing , - - . », eur. mg $6.30; 2nd, .,It..Icd te twO Outils i- hâg lut vreck, .ad ri' .. ellict wu gr-tIYý _ý c ZE S, 12 Jas. St. H am il ni . . ..ý,ý.*. -Il In.,C . ý . :,:]. ".., ,-Iftl,,C...I".Y.,ItIIpý,.i .I;lci.I -ili'. .1 f5 11, .. lit . ý pneonm.ntý IL M eIL W R A ITH & Y M A STE R ' ami 0 . . "" b-h-g "'a S'Xth Oireurs- 1,eigllteICd, it is said, by th. tact chat rite 1 . 1 .. . . . . . -, Y, 1 i . , 1h.- ami . . ...ýrl.it If. , . ý .. . -,out in the atrece' in - -_ iit,,..ý:.ý -i-l-- of chu, r.it.,IIy- track 'In... .loi ,ý..,. 1.-1-tI.. , - . . ,ferait Mien, Il.,Ù,,lt.r- of Mr; Zi.nsnernI.u, performer w!. . . . ý - .1 ' . 1 . 1 . ý - - .. 1.1 ,Il ý,,.r.1 f.;lc. timl, .or- ONE day last ueck m Mr. John and. the 1,.ir.t.ilý.r u; ... fleuri o. two mality . . ý 1 1 . i . . . ' - . . 1 ý ý . 1 . 75 .: ;..;..i*!ý,. ]:,!Iiliti.i.(;,ýun.... B SioNvart was Icailing aile of his homes separate eliargeý,' in ni 8112:60. Ir is ru- .. _ . 1 _ - ., ý . . 1 > .. 1. * 1 - ;, - part ý ad cher th. ýdofo.dmlt. have Cmb.rked S lin o X ÊWýlq ., Ap'l" le ' ý ,ý. ý 1 - .-'ý ,ý.I a. 'ý"ýe" Llir,),,, '.mg a animal ASP BALLýThe Inclopet ., lud flic t,,I, objecta com, ,,Il ate:oli'lii.i fariuJth ta in.r... chic r - B -W 'e 2D -A .. -ý , Iý>.!.-i...1I0Iý,é_ : ,lac . ý rhition.of Y.IIk.d.ilI. JLS %_ à . 1 _ ý ý . ý1 I.- -, ý,,-,,, er, et -lit %vith ils licels nt another horst. ý ad a match baie Ob, Sat ý . ý . ý .. i..,.ý' dl..,ttIctio.., ý ru ... 1 ,,, , ,dents plaâ* . ... . . ý. . ý ý. . 1 .': . ý ý , i - 1 OaL'%-illollld.l,.à ont. ,I,ýl.y ,vit I 0 0 Y O N T S H OE-:::-" - Iý..,i -eue "Ilitili caille %vithin reauli, aitIlývIii.11 ý . -Carnpbellvillenticl reccived atrentend- 0 WA ' 1 Il ,.e.ý'. Il I .- Id. fer a Pet ap. ai . - . . . ý . . . . 7ý - OF- lI IlI. v cet ta observa C, Irai' w. -uak-ing aile of -WALLAC9 HOUS * OU8 " -a roi, ý e . .1 ý _. . 1 . ý : 1 . 1 . ý 1 CI ., 1 .. ...it stude, nord aha.. - .. of flic latter. Ur. .Iituivart liait FOR SALE AT F--r"il'e will bc ;eau by.the following score: . 1 1 . 1 .ý . . 1 ,.,. ..l.I",-, ,. , %%*I,1*tlI*abI)ut $150, lit , 1 beating piler %Vaterloo, as ,.,;:'rý. . 1 . 1 t oýj tho lo, horses, four buggies, one phactont.oue 1 . 1 . .e . . . . - . ý . ,. , . . . . .ý ý ', .. ý ' ,*: - I , >le - ý lI.Iý.I lit ,IIIfýl [le te. lut. lad. tu -shoot flic bijureil horse., 1,,dmc.d,.Ii. .. R. J". - - ý - - ý ' . ý MARE . ý ý 1 ý ,I*I*c i. .a low opun ft-CIL, .il ý . rond wagon, elle tlirce-seatýl wagon, aile DO. YOU WANT TQ, . l!. - . ý,.l î, .1 1. .ý;.II 1 1 , , . ý ',',il,"" ý 1 il. .ýt ..Ilil ut-ah. est ..f A 311:ETINCI for the purlinse of origan, enitinicreial %vhgon, five critters, two - .... 4 1 . . ý . 1., . .. Il C. Hoff, 1 b..; .......... , ta - tr,.:ý. ).tlt thià %v ,ttl.l not be likety -to iy.iii-ý, il volsintIer cou'il'au)-, ta bc kilowil ýtIireO-qeatc(I Illeiglis, Ono'ruad Sleigh, J Hululant, S. 8 ......... - 4 1 -. ý 1 ilt -:.. Il. :.ý,,- -Iv , il Il th.* kIIz-"-f -ný as NI,. -1 U-,. of. the, 20th.Lurne Rifi' If. Muffat, 8 la ..... . ........ 8 1 1 ., .. -ý ý . - .1-aig. 'l'h. hlgh fI!.,..-.Il;l will ýL hariiess, rol)e4,blaiilieL4,%%Iiipýq.li-ýilters, . * 4M MI. = 41 U"àir - - ý es, athève . W. Scott, 2 b ............... . 1 a 1 1 ' ý hellI lit &c., &a. Mr. M'nllaLb offt-rý the ' n 'a - JV.â aL - . p. .. -.ý,1:., i.ýjLt*; tltc:*I'c-tjiperaiice Hall, H Palier, a ................. 2 8 . . ý . 1 . .. ý -, -tables a . , for sale nt iii.4"1.ý t the Wallace 'P A .R. à . ý' L ' .t.i. il..;ý.ý..iIII!.tl,-ý.e --êt, il;. c.t... of Qi,ý,,,,!",Vili,ý. Il 1 Sàt.tritaý', August 15, . . ". , 0 , . . . 1 - ý 1 S , S Ii!éI;:.ý-,iImalu .1-,-,.plc fýIilii,,: 1. oleCr,:., at7 1). ni. Au 3-Olill't-ilIen who arc ,,cash, 0-4 lie lias ê«ACI his gond will of J. Mach, 1 L ................ . 5 0 Il . . - . . . .. . .. ý, . . 1 . ý. tý.-ý,.,.h.ý t.rain in th- te et.pthuir inte this iuuvuýient exil invited livery busineieaj te Mr. Josepli Brown. ý . ý . .. ý 1 i...,ý.. 1 . . 1 1 . . . ý It J. Little, a. f ....... :::::::*;.ý1 Ci other ý . . i. '. * . .1 ' ' > ,ýý l IidgO. . 7-z . . .. ts attend'the lucutili'. . ! Do you want Fille Shoes. for leàs inoiiey than Il i*- i.i.-fof th. vietini,ï eue ... ingh. run- . . ýý . ý ..J..W. Elliott, 1, ........... ý.._ . 1 Prices D o n , D ôw n D o. .. - , ,I:.;ý,,;-,Il-.ll.,..,.,I.,, fi.,. lt,:Ii., lco, I.Il InaliiY ta ..Sllll.dl[.S euiti- nouardi.tolv BinLE SociF.Ty.-Tlie 45th report of .. 1 1 - . dealers Will charge. fur inferior grades ? ý . - ý li . 1. . 1:11 U thc ,...ýInc "-l'i.ti.-I'.ad 1,.,.., ,,Ii,,,.(".,I.b. fflo ping k ýo 'Il ami 13.II flic uppu, CJ,à(l",Bill, Society for the 27 10 ý . . 1 . . ý ý . ý i ý . . .. 1 .. . .: ý . ý 1 ý . . . 1:,ýý,.. i,:IC,;.tl.ý.i." f iL-,ppOuhý ..Id il chitie. ., 1. .ýI.cI-II -Cu.l ampbIrill'ille. .e .. il. . ,ood . r of Ladies* . ýý -.1d l'y'.). 1 ý' ., . Do you want a Cr pai ' Slippers for 50, 75c., ý . ý ý .;ý ". 1 . ý.- 1'..,dt - ý,;.ý that à %van aloi, :ta il it hIld . .. 1 vear ending %fÙcli, IN95, lias just beau Smith, B. m .... ý ............... 4 a $1, $1.25 or $1.50 ?, 1 .. ý . . . ý Il 1 ý ý - . ..... l", il.; , ",.*.Iil-1 ýIu,ýK- .lot I..,Vý .ttc.!.I.tu.1 . ý . - ed, angl îdiows the followingeon- . 1 , - 1 Tir t el.at-ilIg- salc et; still goiiig 112blisbus froin, this CoLilitj,:-,Ie.wu, . ý ý. . . . 1 Big Sale of 'Érirn'niedancllJntriiien, ý'- ý : ý - . ,%Ièn.-tC'.4i 80'.1 82 Ring st. . ilililli. Frazer, .1) .................... 4 '4 :., ý.... A 1, -!ý,I,, u b', ",c .Il h-,-lýthu F,,,,re,," ,, . 1 .1. :"."ý .11 at . Reid, 1 f ................. :ý ý ý. I.,.-.,I; .., II, t:It,-Il'i."Çý,i,:i.ie:,LiI,.I Miller, 2 b .............. ::::: ý . Doyou want a ýran's Working Shoe or. a pair of Gent'r, ý 1 . . ý e. . - , 'ý. , . ý 1 ý ý 1 . ' ý . 1,-1 Iý!-.-t'I.-It th'. *,,-jll. ,,:Is*.,Ut M.'i'. we.'t. lluinilwil, ai Il his illaminoth *lh', « 2 4 4 . ; . ' . . .. ;iiig rapidly Currie, 1 b .................. 1 5 Fine Slioes cheap, ? . . ý ý ý.. i i A W - - , J..ý..l.:."I.1!,.l i ... 1.I,ý-"t*,,-iil pbt,;I1.1y .1j stock of.,1111,11ler glIxills is b, ý Il Ir "Il -1 * ( vif . . S T R Î H A T S . ý;. 1,1,,,,. ý.,.,!.i th,, .t 1,.. ù 1 I.,."t. ' I*h.ý.ý,di_ ch-ared off fi, illaize rooni fui-. falland 1'l".1. 1 -1IilgIýý. ýI2- el.. lir., ý,ýI.-ciff '%Viýn, r. f ................ 1 4 , . 1 ý . . . ý. . 1 - . .. ý ý . ý. . - . ,.iýli:i ...... .. r thc. ,ti.nýý ...f « . -ant - Polisli- that - will ilot destro, - . .. il'. .-il,.Iit %Vllltý'I'ÎMIIOILaLiomi. Ilpi8offoriiigtru. ý . : i . . . 1 ý ý ý il. . "IllIýI.1-1a D. Currill, a ............. :,:: 1 4 Do you m Slioe y your .. . ý I "'. 1 ý . 1 1' 1 0 8 1 Il 1 le. ý , 1 . ý""ý.é.11 ... ,ýiittiltv." nienduils bargaiii., in afl stylo of 10dies Fine Frencli Md Boots Il. J'aie.1.'t, 1 . ý . ,..,,,,,,,,",,,ý,ý"illý..,.,,ý,,.,...Ir. 1-ý.1-1,iIi- ý Mend, 8 b .................... 8 2 , 1 . ý . ý i PRICE, S DOW N, DOW N, 11OW N, ý. . , I1,,t:ýýot , Titzi- fith ill>t -At 9.30 g('1its' and crýilIli-e11,8 1-1, senti hliaC'H' ,ý,.C"..ýr'.. ai. fil. .1-.12-111thl., -1ý-.Itýi..» W. Frazer, a. f ......... 1 ... 8 a . . . , - . . . . il Il " I l a', ý' fi * Ca'ý"bCdIv, . . - , m ricil. . . . i . ý. ý ý ý . 1 . . ý ý ý . ý 1 ý g . : ,,,ýfý, 'l'I-,I.ilIg mi ........... eu ,.,I...I..." alillAI IvIlo ,va il L'allythili, in those . ý - ý . ý - - -10 Do you want to select your . Shoès froin the largàt au d ý . . . 1 1 , - 1 . ,: ý.. 1 ý 1 pi-.ý:,Iad tIt'Iý,ui ... IvA tl.,!,I.i.iýl'..Ieý of line., will du wl.-Il tu give him a cati. C.%TTLF. SALrs.-The following is the ý . . 27 80 ,: ý .. 1 1 .--.ýî. I,ý*: Sý,III.d,-". At':lf.ThoIn-ý il. Iw.iýr . . l 1 ý . . . i . . ý l ; . . ý . . . 1 .ý 1 ý best stock in the. city ? , « . 1 . . . list of catthi saleà (lutrin, file past weck: ý A Iliè.Nic."There was a rent live picnie t.,.::ý,ý; 9 iý:r ... J.-tifýI- that geltlý,n;Ii, MUSIVALAMI) iÏTIII.FTlt7.-ýVO ]lave ru. %Ir. JoS. IVa soli IIold ta Mr. Craig (; in Canjuroli's greva Dr Frillay blet Nono.n 1 r., . ,1,:-,-.,., theil-1 .ý-'i'I'.lhý1- *il[, th,ý . L . . . ý " " S '11. 1 as.Il 'ived *Lhe proill'ailliiii! of the inter- bond, avéragiiigl 1,2ilO I)otiii(l.ý;. .Nfr. %V. of y.ur t ýné_oýitII . 1 __ _ 1 . . ;'. ..; fi'. .1.!e-,I-,L -01.'l' , ci , I..11.1.C.'t.d .1r.i,., bu _. ý - .Big SZ.10 >of SVxxE1ýL DEE P_ DODDS ., . -a li.1 . ý . ý ý ..,: , iý . 9 . 1 'lati.nal fil band tolirnani Il 13 t'va bond, weigh ,fin mlà V.,i.ty .haut it ta a.tI't y - OU B CLE A m IN CI SA LE - .. 1 ý 1 _ ý . ý1 ...; I!, .:.". , u- 1.1aec.; il, th.-W -ifi..ý-,.-. ý o t ami J. ,,t'Y , , ing 2,9 . 10, Cnonvh COX E ' T O jý6JL4 - . - _ 1 ý . 1 .. . ,,ý,ýI 1. ý,1,.iIIity, L'I'n"I' .ýljI'i.Ii;...-,; :ttliltýtic.ýI)ç)rLs whiéli arc ta conie'off et aloi 9 bc., front 'INIr. Critz" , the muet ardeur lover of romance, There . . ý . 1. ý. * . ý . 1 ý . . . '.. 1 . .ter avetraging . . . ý . i ý . t . "Il.:.:111.1I. "SI'... eI.I'-i.ý. "...,. lield, ho .%V;tt,.rlý,,, ait the 1-LLIt aisIl 20th illý4t4. 1,1160 poitrails. Mr. Joli,. Dixon. of Tra. vrem b.3 a ti.I".-Six whOl,ý Il . ý Prices Down Dow n 'Dow ý - w . ,-ý ..... .. ; il;,- clI'i,çi. j biliu,.ti,,ý-. "At ri'. Ovvr SI001) %vill ]lu Vaill iit msli prizes. falgar sold 181 bond tu ',%Ir. DLnom, ing car principal local culeb,".','i*ý'..-fero.lm.""'« ' - -OF SUM M ER GO DS. ý 1 ý ' ' ý.. ý ý . . . ý ý ,*. 1 . the ,I"."-g. fo"..ýCýl and ail the Ivading bands aloi 1 ... t ,I,-ý-ý'.giiig 1,:;Ijll pininds. ýýir. Donnait n.tiv.-b ... dude ta th. dloling Young . . . . . . . 1 ý ý . ý . _- ! . .ý . ý ý . tu 1 il ý . 1 . . . . I l i .. 1 . . ý. . , 1 1 ýd 85 Ilewl froje ilis own ferai ductur. (;irle wure there, tou-lienite of . - - . 1 . . ý - . - . . ý :': ; ý:l;!:!.1'+1ý 1ý"-,--*, li , v, col -11. a village illLut athl.tes a -c',ýxl)cctýl tu bu shippL . . - i 1 ý Total, 65 bond' tlj«m-so that évery yoiliig gent'. .harc , 1 1 ý i . 1 . . . . Il --... 1. ý " il ri lit 1'l ou, I:C Il 'The eeI.BratL,'d ]allies' gold averagim, 1,860 ýOUUdb. _ ý . . ý 1 . - > ý ý. %. «, , .ý , 1 -1, t , 'Il ý 11, ';;..t 'Illo, - 1 resent: vlas tire .ad rive tightn. J..t ,A*ll..rn..g. « . . . ý ý 1 .. . . . 1 . ý 1 1 . * 1.1 - ýý'..ý ý ý- , I:ýýAè .. ....... t f .... 1-1.It fî'rý uc Z'iI; l"I', .onet band of .%IiclCiý,,Itti will fallu part ,iIýriIý trio iveck. . ý ý 1 B argà-1ùs.'toý.bè had froin ý ý _ý. Il of Ili ... ini.hiul, .Il- lit flic proc'edings. 4l., --'.* ý! * a ý ta th. riffair is net ... etly known. bat they ,., ', .. ' . . ý 1 1 ' . . ý v . . 1 ý . : - ý : ý- ý 1 1,*.,ýý,..,;,ý.i,ý,.,,,i*,ý,-.iýl..I,"!ý..,.ýt..,tl)- ý . , ' . _ deserre grelât- crudit for the elegalit ami l1ý-..,: . : - . plaide et oakville artistic s,,.tiI.r in %hieh th. Programme of . . 1 1,--.-Ib..ýI-.1 I., r-îd,ý,;Lî, ,,,, rite r.ut, falling, , . Saninier* tl.,,-It,.-,,-..r and Hùeicrý, fui Pic.,;lc.-Tlie miion ' - - -à e . ý . 1 :ý. ,.I!I'ýi..-ir c.ýr'i;Ic,.,j - ille foncrail Pis.- :::tnu .ýt-,uk. 'itiilIý,ttei ýIruiiI the largcýL 011 Molitlay, mider the management of the Clay -s carriediout, "Dit, 1;mrty went e. 1 ý 1 . . . 1 :.i, .%: .i p.. Ili. ,rr, ý,ioI;-ii wu ,ý;IeiIcIt. :IlIIIfýý.:t,.,ýX.ý in Entoile, et prie., th.t ther Slavon, ývas vcrý. Iogdý. attend. over te rit. grave in b.ats, but net heing * . lh 1 - . . . 1 ' - 1 . . ý ; 1 ý .cru ,Iýiv.ù-inL.t th. p.,,t.t3. -",I.ýl,, h-ti .... . . Fa nid. ta ùlsi.. chute Lier tlmo.7 p.m., th.y . 30 AND 32 KING SIÎ7REET WEST, IIÀMILTON. ý A ý.- S M ' ý ý .:, i ý ii.. h A,ý«-, ', Tr.1,1.*., cuè. King aud ad, maùy Hainilienians being presont, . 1 ' 1-H O L L IN H A K E ' *0 m _.ý. i ý,i-"...' ié;Illý* .it.1;ii-t*Il 1'.I,,-i,,-,, grI',I.:"l faille. Strcute, ll.I.ýiltoI. t Thorn was a ba4c ball match betNi'con 'Il ivere obligea ta retatin haine on ftsit, . 1 . ý . ý ý ý - - ý . ý F.rýý:.11,..t .. .W.lt,..l thc r-eptim of . 1 1 flic White Celui of Pakville . and the recching the vilhigt, saine tiai. in th. ceci - . . . . . - . ý . . 1 . . .):ý , c"il" 1 t., IIIIII es C-aeh , - du.k. AllIlid ,vemay? W...r . ý . ; ý , ý 1 . . .. , ýýý ý L es,, . . ý . . ý_ 1 . 1. ' : 1 ý - ý 1 , - .IlIt,,,týI.,.t. IlluI.Paul - .%II.ITtnyý(.!.%3ir.r'.Viiefë will bc ri inili- lie and Crolu; > reine of Hamilton, ,,,ýi,, -ý.,.,,à 1 . . ý . . . ý 1 . . , 1--ah. -L' lýI,%%-er,-,I'itat.. iis 1-t reýtiii,, iiIncé ýL - - - -inning.1 ý ly a Score of 8 ta 7, Fiva rý "iiiel-fivegirlfftwi).,,z Z, ý 1 - . i . - . 1 ý . - ý . . ý . ý ý t, pýlriN...Cý'ii.li fý,*rillé.1 fil this district this the former v, bled. arraligeusent. io have th.ir --lovN-Cr.'! . - - ý. > .. . 1 . . . 1 . ý ý ý . ,.: . l'-lt,ýý .I.ý èy's --Cr ý la,] It i. LXIuctI-Il flint the 1011ONVilig a the COUIPLtition in tire atilletie ravir over for thom in the eterting. ýrhis,"'I.ýèr,-,ýIl mII.'IrZýt. . 1ý ý . . . ý, . , 1 1 ý - Th.e, c,ýrj,.,, will Ile trýIL-rcý,l ont: '2iid liegiment sape . . . 1. .. thI 1!ý,...,,.-,..Ul,ý:ýCýl'ri'.ý,.t. .i"i.e., ortS vvas very Iliv.ly and interesting. owing ta certain circumatancoi, t 1 . ý . 1 . ý . ý . . . . ý 1 ýd IýI .. .... III.t.,). Ivýr. ,,IIl,,ee.iiý-el>ý relld hy 1 tory overc Iý .. I;l... IIl.ý-stt' of rit. cidjuinint, Chur.l. ,.f. C.1ý-ain.; Ilaiiiiitnil, Field 1 BattorY, The refreshinclit stands; which ivoire in 1 unable tu du, and these pour gýr s.nere lait . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . ý ý - ' . . ý ý . ý . . . Il ý . ýý .. .1 ý- li .. M eIIftIuIý . Caillitl' 1,*ielIl' Battéry, l9th charge of the Young ladies of the 11. 0. ý . - . 1 . 1 1 - 1 . 1 . . .. . . . .1i.... 11;:iell the lIý.tl'ilýil .erli..s wýr. awdousty vvmting the irriv.1 of th. y.ung . . 1 . . 1 ý . ý 1 . ... ý 1 1. e ý. . . ý - . ý .,.,.,."..I,.I. .. ý 1 . ý » . ý . . Liiicolu,'-)Otli or LI)rne Rifles', !luttait; clitircilivere wéll suppliedand exteii- monte enjoy a iii0zà1ight ride'over the . ' ý . ý . ý . . . . . .. ... , . ý . 1 ,!ý;,i:II train lft Lmdon. 3,ctcrIlav 31[st G ,n . . ' . : 1 . 1 : ý : ItIl,'I., .-j. ý,ý.ý%-ý I.).i"g aýnn,,h- ,If f,ý.ilIfý . 1 - 0 lunette of - * . . ý. ; . . ý 37th NoritIlli Ritle.,, and 44th Welland- band played ati intérvals, and Bomd'e HGw thoY Put in lits the t la 1 .1 , _ _ ý . Imv, 87th 1-lahlimand Rifles ; sively patron zed. l'lie Oakville brirsq faite, only ta lie doomed to.d! pilule * : Amab- iý-:I iha --itv, togethe.r %viril the pill-bear. No Ord'rs have vet beau Jwglied as te strin.ý band suppliait muBié for dancing. d"'Irrieu .prend .vor client in Int.known. . ý ý . 1 ,t,.,i;.,:lI ll:,,,,,Iiý,Ii--mtl,'. I.ritt-o-IIiýti.lir-f file phtec aloi "dýbu, Itlt*ýit is probable 1 . . but no doutit the tardv boatiiian rectivetl a ý ýý . _. - ýý Mir .hem .1 th.ir bl..7, Th. mi i cet.; - . - 1ý, ' ,.ý.,: DIS5118SED.--Iý*0 Icarn filet PýI1ce rnénciiýgtofallatidedi!nlg.ý,ýel..Mstotlý. ý !, 5 -IP -E C-1 A --L . -S . B 'Il - - 'i: - Il. C'i.l,., Ilec:LLozl and sinith.. thýt* the camp will bc foruied ýUt i ý A L:-Eý .1 .."ý'ý ., ý, - I -ý;;1i.e_,iol ,ýNttý.,r.. Kitte... Cina Niagara abattit Selit l5th. ' 'Uligistrate Yourij lias - ditiffilstied flic sitmitibu. lieto wu a pirett, me... Five 1 . . ý . ý 1 . - 1 . ... -.",.a ........ 1,.,rri-ter,: Amllug'l, il"..e m-lie ý .. 1 . y . ý ý. ý . 1 - ý . . . . ý ý . . 1 t ý , à - ý .. - . . - hamhomu maideus waiting et one end of ..t*ýýnteýt-ti..ftl,,ýe.lýý.i.01,ý.r,ý'Im.'ý..- Wily NN'irr.L Y(Ill =41I ;vlom ShiIoIi«ý blire charge of illegal iqtkor Selling aý,'iLinst the fera and choir you-g mon standing et .. . . ý ý . . . . . . ý 1 . . - ', i ' j 1 . .ý . .; 1 1ý ý . la ,. .%I. C. ; Mr. J-.*,i.,;Iti.g.r, M. 1'. r.:-. alil ,-Itc Ili, ... ffl-ll, Coin. Ill',[--c 19cle., 50 ets. Dr. Johnson, o£Oal,%-Illc. The alloged' . . - . . . . . ý «. Il i!c.%jý-,,: I.NlcD.th, - Talbot, I)mmon and -I fi. ýii.la byj. 11. 3l'c'. -.. - efficace, it vvii bc remembared, the other, utiable ta reach bâcla. The ý 1 . . 1 . . . . ý .., ý . 1; - - ý . . . . . . - . , non men o 'on 1 m mp and say colle . .. . . . . . . . . ý ý.. ý . . 1 ý ý . . 1 ý . 1 . . . ..ý 1 1 P: Gmin. Iif L,,;:il.Iý. ý . 1 ' . ta ha > 1,13 i , wlue ta a patient vvho wZ9 su 'In ' woris, white the 1 ce could uni a . ý 1 ý 1 i . . . rile II,11. pf o teriible aralia ,:In, of , - BüitGLAny.-Burglar.q. suliposcil u, ,,fý , -J *.. B. station on a ,ýî3lujiz statu and requireIl it, but could _., P. 1 -ý. ý ý , .. Jý. s .ai&,. lier lire)tlwr caused a grca; have; entered the (J., Y gum and watch, rien i nally rellevinc. the Sdtiii-ila%%,. iiiglit bý removing a 12.%16 net got it elsowlicre without Hondingto moue a with sighs tours. Et.r _ý . - , >11111, -ir.,rtl.ýfivt-s' mot frietids in il le -indow and crawl. tire CiLY ici it, Ami the couple L ý . 1 ý 1 1 - t.b th, 1 *infornaition uns heure' dot. - but ,ms second, , . - .9 ý ý ý "..'2ý. .ý.,i"",a of .11ilt.t. mid ,gro.b allia- pane of ýInss fr.oin a m lailI by the Iiiisb'ilid of flic womau, citer ..à ai 1 niderab difli.ult « the grave . 1 . . : , p.thy Wr.le herc fur tficir family. Il mg thyongli thé sash., Tlloy'brolio open 1 f. 6 A : . ý4strate Young wu mechta, ana rite va litt!e 41babes in : ý . . . 1 . 1 .. .. -Il a draiver - whore they lier death. if police Ma. go Dis *AT'. CUST .1 11ci AT .iýý*1 911.*AY,..ý'& C-0, l. 0, , __ - - . and rausackc. ad iny scîîýe of docency ha would the wooda" verra fou sitting on a 1. et 1 . ý . - 1 . . ý . iý ý _ý . ý "' '] 1,ýIYTILLE. ., , 1 ý. ýmb-ýtbl)- expéateil finit monéy, but l'ail Il a O of th. bc , dise lots ..a . . . . - - 1 ý .. ý . ý . . .. . . 1 - - 1 . . 1 . 1 ý ý . .. Il ---ý- - , idultgotanyan(l ail theycarried.off »Over have entèrtained the charge et the cage of th. bc ý ý : . . è ý . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . ý :ý ý 1 allbut.wlienoué.éhididtakeitinbmd tortura. A couple of trips with the boat. ý . . . - . ý . . . ýý. mont d.ýjI:dIY .ai coqý.rIlly jyas a valise belonging ta Mr. Millikan, we cachent m hkIvr ho 'Was «j tmtmed in and a fow encourrions Mith statufie, aria 811 -All ourBlack and Colored' Silks nt cost. . . . ý . I.. . .. 1. 1. . ý : ,ý ý ý bue Cr. They took the boa . - 1 ý . Printed French Lawn at coât, 1 . . ý . . ever moto Initier car notice télLgr.aPII 0paratc dismissingit, lui, it !B clear that, tinder the "m"'04 home et test about Il p. m. T . . . 1 ý ý . . . . . . . - :. ý - ý - . 1 ý . 1 1 ý f - ,,','ý,:,",.'Itfl,,.,cý ý hysician b'as no more ri ttoseil ilict which might have enlisa with tac more . . ý 1 . . : ... .. ý . . 1 - ý - ý ý. . , ý - ý . , .. tý-ýîk plare il the lussemerit or th. Ltý,ili« valiiii ta au adjoiiiifi'g field, where they ended flic pirateras and pains of thaf'pie. . .. 1 . . - - ; ý ý' .Ntrtll,,,Iijt Chtirch oh Mondav evenhlg, out it 0 t it; rifler taking frère law ail fil - Beautiful Sateen Costumes atcast. b Il t L - * ý .. ý ,Illuut3rýt, .as the lQuartéily BcýIrd for this it tvi'q ZU and lof thôy approliriatea. liquoir thmx any afin abc, an it was serions 'consequincel, bath front the eý .. . . ý . 1 Pamàolg and . Suns a es a cos ý . .. ýtat which .. . « ý . ý ; . ý. ; . . ý 1 . ý . I . 1 :-. ' , - *., ý-ý :, ci,,ait wm *d.ing il. regullir bullirens. -A ý -' -ý- - 1 -1. 1 , provedtbatDr.,Jdhn Udùl-fflHýt. It posera in the damp wharfs and the &ngý ý . 1 . ý -ihat the camail. . 1 : ý.- scores, however,* . In. ans ride avoir th. lake in the vight.-Actoit - . . Boys 1 and Girël , 1. ý. Avilit ý-f lui.ineba came up wheroby flic . Go ta Treblete, file loading Bitter, fer 'r . 1. Llicé. CollarEf. :.'. grent indiguatiori in Oak î lot . ý .. si Jeràey.Suits at cost tlltllfllliiess;of an absent gentleman waa our HaIII, ail the atoll; styles lu H-J an,, _public Fm Frais. . 1 .. - . 1 . . 1 ' , ' ý . .ý " :* .. ý . . . . l . ý . . 1 1. . , . ý ._ . .1, ý 1 ý - ý 1 1 . , - , . j aller of the ft ruit * at3 at prfeu ranging train 50c- . . All our RieIl, il "";,..,ii.r"ti(J.1, wil.,ý . mer O .ý ,m tu bc, glail with the. doctor. . MARRIED.. , . ý . sas; Gloves, Hosie 'UndoiVýear1 Etc.- ý, liý,ýIl.i * . M. ý.mg, ;.,U.h though ho would, . . ,tatc.1 t1ilit hew.uld .,'sobn b.liev. ..il ý . ýh ffintles, at cest; . 1 * -unie, file . best valmi la al "' lu Lineii Colt ry, ll.,:.I",.,It«m'I.. lit' persan vvho a opvi m amil- .. doubt have liked te have mzd(3 a - . . - 1 . . . ý . ý. . ý 1 . . . ý : . . . ý . ý 1. 1 ý , . ý ' . ,_ 1 ' . . PPelýd te Troble% Sr.* foie and James S - ,» 1 . . . ý : ,- , .. ý . : . . li-.044I . .. . Lhought it botter and vriller ' Y-CLAimoN-At the residence ,týýLý>1...u ;.11 I.1hur ..,,ýt. ber of th. te.: - .. . .1 ý ý conviction, 1 NNE ý . .. - . . . ý 1 . 1 . ý_ 1 ý 1 ý . , 1 ý , ýý lý,a.j ,,bo IýYý le 1 . .. .1 . ta jule S littla of. that, diSeration Whiell of Mr. John Konney, corner of Elgin, . - J.: ý . 1 tevayd.,.Ilà . . - . A. MURRAY & 00. 1 , 2U and 22 King 1ýtt, Pikast, Ranïjltoii, - - . . I1hiý ý.,ý eitti.Ig bihiud this per.on, .truck . D.tNGFRouà-Mr. Beerner, àgent lSre lie exaccises go' citera, though gencrally and Agnes streetà, Acton, un thé 80th hilna vI,,IeIIL blow. .crI:ýs fi 1 JuIy, %y Rov. D. B. Cmmeron, Mr. . . ý 1 . . 1 . 1 . .. . . . . -_ > ý if. fa.n. Great, tirai; &num- in tJie opposite direction. . 1 . . ý ý . . ý . . . ý ; ý ý . .. , , . : ,,,ý,-IIlnent u. an causeil by this «xliibiti.n, of the C. P, R., informas US 1 : David Renney ta Misa Mary S. Clark- ý , . ý . ý 1 ý . ,. . ý , . . - ý ;."..ý * 1. 1 1 1 . . . 1 . ber. of boys, smtilI' "a , large, are là the ý . . . . . 1. 'I'n. - o, ' ]Or otilem -rying 'Teste à cars at . 1 j - ' f 4. . - ý - . ý. 1. . ", ý ý . I.« . i ýý. . : ., .ý 1. : t, .. ý. . > ý . . .ý:. . -« 1 ,ý;" ' , ' ""*.Iý,l in - .Nciteniýnt habit.of playing autonglit th GAUDEN! PARTY.ý-T4e garden par Bon, silo Milton. Ribbons . ,ý '- : , . . . '. - . ,ý , , ... 4_ý le APIA at tild- x; h, Urm.. ita AV, 'Vith A, w"0,' th. ýuM. à kr? ni.n. au olS an. -Pr ha"D This,' ofirmi, 'Ing If, Sute. )VA inaté& à tb ut inatz il ýthw th-Y a hàd 1 thtii. wbea auvac. da U, an- --n for aii- la. .11 iwiýle- Ji bal' ! jhe, 0# be.w 14th-- but it; ag. opce -gava ibivae !Aid ta, 't or the 1 will. ln. 'lave sutqý. wghn- lut thw Zt a -er, W nglie. tored imetit- PIANOS .;mméeC.1 LUE, Il. of the ;I. 'A l.;ý Il L., ................ n.0 l E S -ýjva, 40 rr, T 0 fi 0 N ý0; r ci 11 T ORON150,

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