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Canadian Statesman, 13 Aug 1885, p. 1

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ravei, Guidé.* lit. k M8.M0P. M- }I)ITVALIEY NAILWAY Threshig Mac 0FALL- RINDS. W. H.- MAONÂB'S HIAR raa a&. Autumn .Dxýy Goods rrivin~ aipo 25i ct c ccc r ics ocoe eEgodh vTihocc ot hall beeu t wi.c 17 10 lc hpcotitlcol,. Steie Chock Met;iic, NLw Indiene Linco, Ne u uws nwde and ecrrow S(rtpee, Spois,'Ohecils. Allec NavY Blite Polka Dot. I.aCarodilial Polka ^,ilhieehoci. IA kusoe tck of Ne ae eCurtains,toatet lÀternnEc ad Wit.Ti VeitéerrBe -hoo cl i 1 ie wlit colcorings, oodin tcie Celtrcded ?lui Piliesurtoce. The mantccct . , ie i c,et, eer ctrocid clri ceitje. New P iEtc Cttoio uSlirois.k inish.- ThteeNew ( ciecttilt&Ic' id. tcichtei! ciio ot e o i eu deys. .Importct ft lî leic occhdhcittc cf ti e> i.Ic fliottse dttrctcg>Atit. Inborder tutellc te balance otiitjmètr Code price icchaveteaum i11etltisite Lt. -A -lutofetAl 'v tIneh kCecetere et d0., wocct %o. Alitol Cascec,ec et 50.. ci. 2i. A18' là.coict texi t dr de tie ufud, Ne' Vcilii' t ce ie, ert i el Tieie ri c iIrt nofChtetnile Shettder Ca'peesettd Fattey %'rIpV t Issue t hoc toitperie.. A viil te the Coq 1cctr3 .tttI tcee.crccehaeettdu d.eitcpricc,. A fcii acsorîctet euottccihioi Ilt cc s nLaccOuttinste. r 110 pir cf Lacé Cetitecteede ne c ee boifticiri ,eLtt citita Idi'wicc1,ee.. O te rciiiiUnd erieiedg eo io'llre oi e etepriel .lebit Kieecc tttt ereclc.etfoserHctgiceeiretIt. Thiccamatte - I *THE CÂADAN Il i IILTONi CO. Or IMA! pectacles- and Eye-Glasses, e lteo ., ilt i!t ncutctietlhvetc lec,. (itcileitne ei.thtititr ilet lit; opoý R E FA0V vtttLavae Prc ivecci c t 1w rdeid tktetitlcttolct o lc i RATES ..F..... c Atliliiý,b t.f c, &. Terepo tt ccctrccietitton ....e.h.......c t e a t ...c ...... J . W FRASEJiMILTON,* a ...... rtt.t ireic dcioc ctctC ticy ~ct it olittttti.' t Si atot c atetctt....... c Il tettt . tro . ýCELEBRATED MICELL e.FANNING- MILL, Tetcttttttctttt e ieiiecttcrp.isoe&ad-aee ctcc ititeforfic litricte in.cticecoiety. cttOcte tettettettt lt.e icpreictred tudo.t tice.T..ttt.t TERAL CARPEJNTERW ORK tctttýtttttOta 1.Iller Plaîîed îîed, Mte lied b o rder Pli i sort inotice) t Legal. j'ACTOIIY NEAR IMILI f;;ID Ntt.l.iiTEIN SATiO.N. t iFOcet Ni Iýy-=_E- tlttSt 0 iitiiinttth l it ,t icy tlU.elre.cl to. fil forte toc. t CÙiHl M&EL Tons, Buggies, fHamiltoFrMle nt -1'AIIO.ES & 2IIACd t B ..ctritooSeiiitttiIth =OEN TMILL, aoFeýerIpra t 'u te.rtreetr OectioEtr 1884. .Aliy Trece elNotice le Foretr, ..irtere HARNES A 4ND.,SADDLE. O 0 tce. O - , i.dur. -AO0FACTUOREi.' OSLEi., TEETZEL & 001icr th,,,teItt.ec eI ccteta o ttV-1 iliet .x'dor* l theToler totîtet, nofWa ocrrtitytcildtiefr 1.1ilr 'tl 01do elte hott ooeint-t;escte r o O n &Tee 1eîo o l.Otti eee1tcctcoryib!iceRSER4 SLC .ooceirtt tkicoep venir teit M A 1 N STýEET, M 1I ON SA0ISEIS MII r - 'ineeIs or ilntke..otlte ertttt-Catcda Lite BI eeo. Ic oyur etltetiooi tt Don t. -j . - . li oueilltr licet e .it i lny' tt.I. nt tticotiteo.1 il otcae eTee ee ttItit ttifc t e ot. alamct d tttcdtt.tc floche. .. ltocetrtttett.,tt sete Bc . lutteQ. . J.1 ,Cltttcetteetttth ttetttcc tieco l'Wt e. tAROL e.o tU Ehd ifH rs crottt ocote..ce MILTON, THýURSDAY. ÂUG-UST 13, 18>35.- orticitt., rteà 000, apccy te lOittQcec,. u axwot4, Tccccto. IlSx. w. * C- PTR XVI. cIam eoryfor iio.deor," heas -ld. Macrmotethiç ý mal O I OE IIR1d'Al occo ti ,p - t noecoula bave c co."n si a te ite --"ce - teoteeio eorol ~v wce OBIECE Itido jococte p 'atolice tyo ýmy An ceoeccYoe tate ane -' . . .1 : . 5 SCRE . HefoeciZbotMrltedeywoul =oitteS CHAPTER LXMX. -ity cracdjodcpoénnicd grandenséctite. hocae. . .ý ln" brdldyw ý't eaaino t kim-tkalke oeaid giveitbto the kcom . ieter.* T o c orét er' eie.t, t - kcc 9ed. tioeeralc.11ts . .. .dct a s,,dI riiery. onecreed iid k $ M aO cte cus , p 3 nrsALE1X. eSeVEOGU OcarI t Me wo a eTrit f t ileda srotice ,oovi it le..' t ta on i t tit ik* very<tSfoecf t la... Iýeyeeeeeosiedtaeerybita h hscians rematoodotilth Mr.mm eae corl ec.sreere..c.,,aGe,.pre.c.c ite ace ekor itekad ccttdrd oceDeiaooy .hi day. tes tbey loft i kia ..eirdcclkcetotca.eat ccb . ý 1. . . 1 iý.. 'V&'Re-zmruul']prme uotdeatk. -Now t lti lte trte sttiad e. Gi tscr n mn wy. Ife koocizwitorint ltca ltheliterotec . .came te Uigkl, Dowt icl ttois t eautitu os oterctkeyogal,itikoota ot.ftegîe . O. L. soit aN hodone was saio et borne égaie,lite cTk: ocantcood. >-v . Tonced os poe e u b c n sreyrepentantteor citat hk oaO Ocl eýit Maieiltecak.. t crimcoill qtclccot.,%, . -p.Ipcoý.shms YudosBoh0 dm.0e.0 Nntdb rmm eeau' t bGif aSl-, supplouot 11r .1 . 1 .1 ... . .tl - ebn a cfla o ctiteyhoa ode e ce tc te tseancd toast a i, ant d Mr. eltr' A -eeeeecproe, _ M-e, at oodo it e kc dn h'g ivjt La DeIceoy lay amoso itsco ceocy ptilbows DitbrmAvy a *ltBt, bcd -1 : l aogedme ioteo more reocatibe orait t czce . l 1 menq cooglctttciiy inote itrigkl Te.: vitoe70 Yen ea 'ctcg iccrfr .1. Moo.d.I ws ligte reternomk'Andonow whkooOranDelooey teîl blcMte blpe movea, ced homarerccid, et pse'ectcc rr' btiitees ,cig te cmvra,. ko ' Fecter hietlieg recly tc ge doit D W AR ]ý. i1ton2. bal - ibamo ote a titoyemooorthicitora.c I 0 o8ha wi- hadoorepetpsll Ni . toiwter.)-Ye. oeiert, m0ton, earccc »- ý- -ý-wtste ction otttelt thora o ko wa motoao tgeettia l dy e e idchiceeaScokouodocv> Ot7"cit.klteslttu Stkoy terre eery nioos aveume. Tbey tic to. AlIne, teuceitedciia oîeaogeo si ,aie r bo drs. , . . ssos te.mye.ttti trmcg I tebiacitameit oece tkct I tese%*fm vrotaa a,àtd:b uc ate et t naigprenono e aiicoYeaerbiooter .sl a o i ceo otreottieedimcc N a- t The -LIGHIT HOUSE. 'teetin e..Delceey Roue burccnd iate and eilliig te adocfoer lberfalkrsec.tsin, ~ hItcek ot dco .nocntd a ooe . iveerYeute ce ore abeolit.-GoedC]ier> - . owouitledctey mreveedr ay oband, foctbelu icch t tc ourae. 10 ILbu o mi is ctdoocin a ler ei clityltc, ,,itdl1 t(llrelck.tm7 creleds aurinedstockatlthe RigitliHece. Nec'lore ei traeed roa eoqoy ory ieoceeioo ciesiecidt ieveocot t he .;IdCPtteoitee«IdOrbreec:.- AocatfiieetestocltNtw Prjcts ecd ciedeIIIIrady tacrave my Vardoc for wiiiefrlonetre ogmetgo. bsciey *Y.Iteob lia 1c dl ietretetecde mrOo too c Dt. A largoeeit ci ofNew Drera Liolge NteSiei ctirone eces.-ttel-ry tratt r e IalIldi ot ale, ce te cesoS.'To rmeitr dt eecttrsit p.iic ootd vitc cc bot citejoe cii b. soldaet eaitc oPriène. kOe li teoy.'t ott't'eu Ithugt hu lwuOie o Hetrrcicie irdbin op, ee.tbltdSebedbet Aline diS.n'O u d o1 ceclec'e itiram il atre ýne bèoý (coewiii bcteiictedityoallerilarge iipenceotîcrce llem ipie of bis pain as iho eeefcrvoeeita ery litlaileeio . - moeo ut cees aI ase ye o cceve uoorint feilr urel The. iet y ;ho Cluari Slt Uroty Reltal dprincselchich in ii cte ttodroy.ligbt flas havclber -So theveryoenuitoruiog thora wcsa dllotce daeealies ctoure teee ,oltilieroc.iictaclary- tctcor etrtoiy os Secii ot.etBieb oec ce, Iitt mttered aU tb allcdhap l-érango cnd quiet otarriaeei in tee it aUling franca a ot beifit..t. hioejct 1eeeeoPe ietiic ot ec a. iomry 65c. andccoticeriectlo ttof ci wulOuhetrteotnt Oe'O'd te kira0otbat ekoc aer, rora. Alimneaaed in aIllte edding i estoble.car l h01IfacS e, otnd i ei. itio eitn t rec cci>. bar6aice.. Ccteeceereebetid ottcitueâecLibno. A tiifilve il h uasfee ufnr fE0ie,a oei>as a-deameiolh inuty Iooed mylat s eîr k ' edte, Tedeeitg.i îct itgýe i e rtgcllaIU'e rpt Depactneoot Idorinc., Iie meinti i par cc ticyeYeu.l. Tro tt d cttlaiyao-iciyltI tMtio ot oet.dcg ' .relte iîe.ecioceeo e aS es wii rat faltcccinioii, dcpcvccottt, eccticcg oci or-,e t c e gey wt papa, cellied cpoo bier, stand bit e ic ntbed Vie% att1 toOfit ce, ebog repied tbet ce..gnoccc odiebal %ini-Liccon TeceliceNgn.' i 1io ettrtee 11. st sbd eii ce cd'it Orano Doiooe s,c an tyed ge.vreI. tcooot-rc0te-rncc eetyl f. ice e n oo ecit ifrein ttieto.Mrceied ouIyced teitéber kcod leciclter>làp^cdg je ac goed tveià1ict. Frera -e ioîey treettonded tate isaluetotarrcoiee 0r. ui i w. . ý . . 1 Na t. -, envale. A lot of White Coecîterpacen redtcedtnet Aslgrwn..y ,NolIkbave teecerbitacldviceetbatcoudeolierbhieooveectilOeac t bcke . fLi osNai".. gc.l te ie ery iewstbey cave evec nffered-t. idottcomber hiot. 1lo bic place I soldihave acted eboeh id rtetbem-Dealb, lictoled a cItine, oWinI YeulIoke atme?" ko -" the sbiea o Soh, ble r epilcia iicnt oud aconcoic the roult eeuaDow eat,. esi>ede t -Wkt biern ltiolccigcrd.ý .ep. iclmmiy.SitoliftdS the sbyly drenpiog insice "~~~~~~~BteIam verryorry, and gcetpapa. trl o eolirig rebbed oft iie y , ;N..rîuý 1, THOMASC ATII1caecaverc titc mricg,eod ileoco OranaDeiaeyo enoice rcngeluraoînmbceoioîtieyccaod geofdtte blo t t teneyee0t for n cne ol dito rett liio, hbu ld me. lMeneady ten ditoe iteotitu el eepooec es. ,Aireoiiyd o etitt Y eua e t eTitet b oiremce I plted.tan - -- - _ _ . ..i........ . ne.utld give ailtliiog inute*bo ocectcd lu citi as en iot atd Sin. As 10 a imS ruels bt 0 r b cdcciebeatrpcada ando ebat hoelbas donco i' oneitmed dream, alsit îtlt e ccdicgtrietgeippcd reailj mny otifo 2- limI Yen bclueg tdeetuber do tie buy'ac ttier, cite, in. kI AM PION Hotel Carde , Aine. .au otefiger,kabc hantathcdor,«yraat..cy . .ota 7'I e aneaedber. i tieeylcrlcdroccoeee c-Aythaic rcî. kr a tcamae n Ol vd h~stcoo asct>. curr et>yro. acc Y htSetet l icso tet i tl- ce 9>'o ld TOMniNHO SE tAnd Yeu,Aie ?le ttcuciocid. iiean ceryieg evorer bier faîlle, apseiloingticeaoid eehaiiee.byeceebre tc-I faut wore hoppa aecriV'teid and Dr. Aaliecay wteremotingliera . merdeaneeci irci.ectcrfettcoo .haTtN NT- liegirl in ber teanit ieooSct ovty, to. St lcetbeettefee le eotlice boy up ta lete.net witlbiou, t lc, Thte asciter baiccecileatidthe ahevIndui.ito epernl>, ol eid -ere Iio lbavre emelhîng tolutell 1n."iteeh o l ce o recct e paepio. and MTON, ONT. teleitl. losbt. _.eo - ciol baptp e le boil r.ie t e aiioe gaad.-btoh, Âine. 1arn ctescdi. lice aced lier rhct libr r egciccr tie cif . . leTHOROU;tHLYlEitOV.dTFD. -, . CHAPTEI LVI bl« odoc.y, wsobit a o itutile, litlie veiile ,rS i grve r y .S ýpc aIice .=xi-ed u denebetr ttry itéioiedo bcpc 1,b . .iccrc et ooc.Il tecottirheo.ti . c . u. a o d .baeo a teilfol, lbejeidico fera iel pe.1it o1led I1kr.:oi. cbte certr«d ecl>riy' teto itttt iie itst0r1.lett ce.ceee e tp tdcic hc oiciSà,vae cecriei *Sbc vasnou longer auci>., iilîiII ntcei b. . tcl eeecic etr. e icc. enequttiy titilber, ra>. ni ecpi>. Mises Iodncey-eo occoMro. Debaeey, Yo.e. oc it araS.delm . lias IL CoulataThis. ettenocitecet.isoicee a moentot re. Ticry vote ana in a elcort wiiil cite Woalcd iec a . I wili te>. toaier it'basl ccid.. .'c - :- FRANE SliA NDEOO..N._ _cioe. 'Aiiaiivertd a litlr..lie teidev. ilow tecreege,bute drcom-libo .u,tb Afoie, in hie e mcuier. t Jobn . e cyFiocinttieioc etncglt teitkc ecct tictled D vaand ill. t lt bechdILitai ra. ' 1. tbo* ll no Tctaireroèit, i aol rottirna rien e. etitittW IALLACE HOU .SIE, ie lero loeceoviliecr? ' Obe toraud onddeu iy anaS lonhea ai cmoeOnt tbote me focr qb"e calS.,, tccctiinitn.tbn'eieeluv ol itdny ctçr. tCette eT t O nt,. .tt.otn roefrthcerseont.treeiig iber beidegrnem. Iiecwoccregaediei 1,cr psicoteiy. tIdeedtldidccotki cWi oo.. . .. . ihagitationea cSndcdea tatlotenrd teiit iteinlcl yrnvicg t istbeantiiol Ibciioveod I wcs scl>. déotatSi AnS, "jebo bc iyocm tehitp __- ----- .ho t-t ~ lbdet.__et.ý , daritera. AI tdboanacome rnat Effle eDcw,,if.loIy Yom.eol id fr efo fr isb! julet] bis tlier. i111 co 0e e 5a . - ý -ý .my ncoscius iccptio to iectiesýý ~TSN. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, .dire YeuCongo a.coco 2:1'hocadieS t]itiperedilalicer oacI " 01 onnecerooeoxcuse.tien, cboe . loliel . , t ttorkeneteedlblok1o70,lte b:ptest ca ilco; Ird' ec,,>.~5 phlb Sop eeo- . I lcsierd ocr licnlhailovnoeotvordiy darliig." S. ntba lu e o, n ' .ctt iléo lie tenciter, repiied Jeoey. lu-tairat, hintic eo ite o silcco at Siteoent t1ite siacde but caS.....0 frer c and pain. 1 Vy did yti ocden cul' ... : ý:. .:.,.-.:'.:"...ot.araid tlu e lm lie. Wlibeuliceici b ecS eo Ile cerigitd itieeitrucheok "btnppy-t d ccî.Iapy st 'Ireg et il ocar feelings, ps, itt,î t .........i40.00 .l r el'!ere iie. wata go'letebcytrlreu, toco ce e ' .tteua theet a yeanesyit a cfdtgacreeoe ytîoit adetmpti it ...i-e-e. e15.. ,, . haent iwdpeidin o lergy e ccvit le. . itc,c eeuu i _T.o ific t . _. ,u bsbn ale gew pba eycotitua bs.Fu acmne lisoy 011 On. eT ïoeflekVrtlgttc0e ettet..teOO:tD al AStts e o d eSil adolice falatue bccrcdceteeni>.e ..........A..ec.5li0o.icl.dito ite ec c..deod, fur c r e;Ad itv end r ymoen ut telyeegaaw i là'uthe 'u.i cci~~~~~~~~~ Ittoe.t Hue it Ol tedmotitéeu 0ceetciîitig I rocca or pliadiea d a Stecledmr obj vriIioeriicfeay ignoeranethepesbaoiortted 1-C> e1ucItd eei .relniSooveoudtp.. ' Sicoly Ltcaod éte.T'lce ok .o-Txasriftcib en t,.; îecoteeset .t .. ,,e i t'c i si bue ï,sta . ieici o stp iclo l, I d b 1 nd I a u ot u d î i y I a e'e-b ev i i e t'a beon gY e p h te . .tW c i!ec e.oid ic pr rd it oct ot Ob u, t JtOMFO-mo. AsueenlTABLEasie ovrcbeoeacn . tu id cpt o s i t e, farnS ditb o l ae tIti haveenubb eo fro t ehi; cdIde.ercec - c teocg . -tit Wallact:r~Neelioutiseciuce"cplitad r aRnctg1muetbor housavticolaboocretbedreo Om uoaM ry De Ilieatot acheinotu ei that "Il,", ",* 1,e1cec-t tteetbî. ,ltae> yo l ad riur y oracltte l tteutev %van tcindnttei doWicotbQ t1 Loe indcrfriava rioc.ik aga ntere'a tte eo t dhf iaoeeýtend'0e -Î..e..1-11.ir.5D10 eor>.,--licol cecel teo koccefuccl"yunhbridobit.tirnacleci a ccirn ieoe!"Cc i" on ermrt aoe itr. tr , i s tt.vlttt ,tet".- -lt',bi Ie.nolloo illto eniecthét ameiuonfdeantnr. t t dunl bte a iccs àee nrt on t t te-l jng . SoientYIic Am rAN., ..tet "oerciyi..- Be ah cogltokidiettrtedoc lo' t. N lc 3srg "h ydux r e ory?.oi e, bapikutdcse uiiclv e." se '.ci ~oec cettldcms Al.I aluit a1 omi CHbe APe-theIl LXVIII. sotecofet> fdecrodpeedcHdce iett e cilk1. n ., c . A dty , oe at ooeo gvettii I a ,I -ei hottecit tctcct* r.ettitteelcA.tite Ioct ttttc bcvIted Otko i 1 it r 00,70 cee.m. loe. Iuo NocIc O o, ae otcrd ee PSeo.ctctcie.,unw uid ul cen"e 0 cceeîcaiuaocn, cgntot he 1e.Butdiog br fce gi ncthe lit aùd i. icc l eopit" , * t . ereNu toir. o- ptttooreontm iad le in ccleittozil adb I i iie sed o fcioiictngt ent. . ltý ..Hýý. ..:.ý,ý.. t .,ý '.,f,; enl,. Il:- = %ufo e tooeîîîy.. dco cIcnhaveh>o.i, b1 ee bef r S7ig.uptîIac eeo litaI il - ac . cMy dle rcie , teood d' tlM n,.,,, 'n'i,,... n But r. Ant ony Wh0hall beau -Ao4 elavecehow gl dtoàztc.sep .. ni l , e c t ,tttc i lc ,tettcti itoitet and ho activeraitacuofer Ibeto.. abe ce iteroocaarceottinsîcilfioff dico * d d u lý tutecoto cn.... ,1itetttOiecett,.tt1.1;.ct pii. muot vevt oei., f s e te nt run t thu ecc. ventsoc toryo Jtc ec, beclrot d cl .,1 ~ ' el,"ýIli..-te. alyIuioeeeeottei.e:.ýtý4 ueoedc 1 iti, Î . asr.Tu oieebireuil teicrlyne or Illtete?" oaIoi. bitnd »ilith. hr uzèL?-Cia ci.cceit cicecicett tecteIl it Tr ile otr i terashn le lffl, r itroenicYeu rc is a '. ScI c but-pNe, n , ov ili'bugel i ogai d'c'er e mlbcg. btceeî yu.. 711ttoceett ..cltcc ,ri tt. ..%ett.ilc t.; tc.t. :ý,. ccteecc..r.L.e .oece lcol d y foet frra iie eb ut t eurg t Icttteitcce t. m iid Ial k o cec .it1esctccctiteeietc oteccektcecte be.e1cl,.,.cditeIal>.otc so ursintedOfil'faodot- beiokeo d day berms ae in, eti cecu, l. itaI Mteu p." -el-begri ,ed te leîI.,I iri'. cctcete.eititf 1tettetttctI Alen" amuoai kocog br acc d epiatooed etebma o-ba boro 11 iblb îcrd lce, bnStu;cecoe n id ot cic elîler ccl - netcceecrcectt-L eIttte ý n ecsi tee cii -pôce tec eo.cIecircot hv t" Y. ' tc.rtc tet.iecte . ciece.Tibrtv a c e xce Dr tanS mrne'ad li fali d l 00 edt 1éiileorno m>.utcs Iba vd thellnî ..dci te, i '. ycp c L.ettttctcr ctoc. eut. tl.tthîeît cc ctitctt.ctitteictetcbc..sIlic ,fdcrhccg.' le o'ciOheItb, eilb od pai by dciettv eccbas itea d tha . h.pa. ,. immdintel." . . 1 o kindy grateil y praIr bl.oW o ieRý niler trumi eorg Jâ ce ec tutette t.lYtce pcu reiictu,heio frcgu yec.coTeoy al erd ndAinocoerluedta.. t'yb .ec'ob xiocod D . - . - - E S t.tc ectiecette Octccu eiui tilpi nuboier . bore.l";,Vegetacvdine . ho i, o ite-rkie t-ceit, l rt. inoel dee dc It U ti e1.0euî.ecck tccc Lt tettictet.1>191ee lotedro..bl -c I e oii o di tl,09t heeu tne1ud o i a orceer. oveg r nbav .e> cctiie eotit e.cvt 'g',tttuceiiiitttecttt c, ue cticcte.Y itc Yee m ette tebo . frtn I ineral Ttoc elerboe he mdifi o r li0ecedver muant dr.yea ttct molrdg o r&ae . b Snait. oto ..,unlv ,abic 1e.,g.îkem , a%]t,.,coe et et .,ý. i, rý;ý.,U*Ig;.;,,,,Tl.1ýtt - o o idos itr elfitrle. te ld ier fticeo kdeey. aii . ilateeu.no sceo pehod aS cliaoaieidb. _____and__, c.ttiosctictcttc r.... .. 'etDe "Itttcteto cîcccecccîe.à 1eîî Taee, m2 hlle itienit. cOthne b,,Shb.iao raoio cr i te ale, eere, soh'iog. ic igen ite.1. tii cci k..l oea et et..soc eotI: I (lucet rsnoo. trutoncce uliýi8. leWuo eveete osir t bertocerr>.asan t Spav eeu tbc ey, n te ýeno Il h %%-a etm Tnifon a oiYu.-. rlýi-ictef t.ec. eo'. oc .ttee rtc ,t e etio t co,, -Î tb ote acryleideifoentl, . Oaà Il l -le er e wn rp" n ýh ýi1l d e ii oc,11t.. t eo-e yeuxctteIlle gtth1 copbcfI Odil mi >.eta>. eif cfbel1iglicidueufaopeione Stapplat tececIII cie t po tieetcal eob icecs.Ct411e ..D i . teiteieI t.oittracd et te pcrecettetoteeîe esm.'n cin icea-icce liai gbace t in ehe airu.. n et lttasaittem ie s mo du bic en viitols tigrau itod prencc mieB e .orge Sind ie eh' edic . tn,..ctticctcin ttt.lnetcc. ilio.iiîc,cî. Thot.. bied hiof, gIl r ybersete ec hi.etc adndhiimlosiul. bc liemS oe L leu, d boat r. e lc a euocfcbtielt awr O eteuitete .t. .MI LuTO-N &,Y IN IllS e iocul rfraer.tIl iero-ly eek, -tillt dea a trclcc tcoMr.peleeoeeSih e r -o il B iED.]os' .lcercd 1 ncc ee ettr rpol m adc '. i. e. c"1.611- _V.eees,. . Yecu. et but e c ly t fortuel a dY l e toS d ulr vllnt i e boenu ec ltI i ed tci b lbboc- entgtdih. icncctOsl eeac'mer b ittesto « te l es eu - ----1ke.ori' býItt ý A Swtépaicun t oe il. b tasTe - . YiSbcls. VIIOT - Cu I er '& Eza , ,,.optors. 1,,'Iun Sie te g rd a ran letaidrdb tit helî clewoc t,. Fata S m oevr Ne.Iaeltheci o--- la okig e BcNI d-eciug .liera cd 1.ipp tun cie, "' u.i e1e. R â crittfuowe,, ote o e tt rcctinec 01 ic flrefr e."ouc ooideo, - ctr[ae god sarS. Vie ieuertm ceedlctctmrc Le.ucetico %,,ýýt cctî t it ed i îevuttu Iie ' bu miteS",. foraete opersber obanoaocieco s it inoc areateyr tÏed>t10ls the itcd s ecî.n t&eo tvlie os t e t hntepb . - . .-ý ntetee inoud ocotc ci Botecoy. pond.iuTtcIy cee meeîîyfesocabeeni, reo. cevenditobu tocfatbcrivehcccdoetîccolaspot' ecit ofceiauk r HOUSE FURt.ýltýn. I.1ne Iii.Gs % i o .bcguueooPeis. Icc-e tol-bv hirdeetr otr lkc.yreiofciispuitu. ndlot o lceeith. . on 1ee c-teee. 'ctcc .. U..t ý.ýý..wi.Ient,,..1., l -Ye oum ite. Ibaho vrid. yoa, O ec lie cuegweoloh ictebe, ol 'ec>. lodbimlfer -I a rcreiy o ot te tco o 1.tt.e.ae sîcm id mt7e iI~ o -b e v hce oe be m c ta11111e . icn uotaboéoec be t. beTisio a ci - ir cc ite creecde, ccci Icetc once ug lorree. 15H, uscsîeeetw.kiy.t ""=noe fvgt ,ao ulcbeai edqu c her eleerd - te.itm bu rep«n-ite c ., kj hino.1>11 frr:TiM.1Ulie..S, Iacp y re 1cIeeai yum i i u Ieactsg acdo btpittc e ,et e ppi t leILsl ireitduotie tar. criitn I tbCtnial idt.tcn d t 1lni.1,,,-il., tt .-.rht.i edc foî tntetctufinaicou.M. 0.c ..alty lraie bc leo teie. fc A RSOAMSSE, &c'; .Fi[ lflýà.. lace>,.,b. J I .. -e-toav aegcc te nS brCuhcano cmt eetsMu, thu ..Psc.rtowedteccrattctîesa mith eau tts ;ec 1eiAceî teii t . . ei,oi Yucce orsel tas Mo ito l i itîte wecIbotte o i nec ecea - t&Ialo b t TC Ber T lp ice li)-ooeeéi i ,eotseiln e.t* y Ad r.ý .& h ctOsmywhd 1ae t a n e2Im a . S a Vor to odit o git o e l idoer Pi.atresfermarebfrtoé uetefd i g!.o 1ti .codco cc tl a deOt tgc liTOI. - . [fR I . . UTitP W i buyec ch a e auyc ta eom tenr YI con gt e se ce eliureg cccecfits ir l doy the-i r «ci ti d tdrelver l ie scd itofi.' ,bt n lran s ac li, Heu eOeMILT O ceoN.t ML.ao c ertbo'fall. tîecla cdl eec.se lt t e aSrntbenS iottelae cact a etea. s , slietcoge bocebt . îb ricr oi ead ll A. i. mi .....t. ial.iScab evapyntyegtr er.cc:Putitmu ccaîe,ni2gdthe.t e o ect otcigatueecct re p h"ýr n .t ctesocee . ccee _ _Teccc nece c. Wic ; othleu 700 ny ia sb amdingra Bdmerareydeot et n ee guath n to ieerd ci elboec oeo cintatabe. lraate cce ce rkerec -. .Tebotoce re ates It w & ce. Hunter eecce d, rp tr. Scamge. l e ie ee , e i enst Ii>ut ihAieo. aeauete t uedodudel. A iomoy lhin eeite o bi oiicec> .cef ci iel..i udyecným lplr n .. C -ctocc edetelc.e edd oei.i"te e r future foibc.cc . - o o n e kiaiouldjote' -t a naeodcate ea. Tmnhe o Ot eur;iieitotiiicc tï - LUSSES ý . F -bRN( . r .Tlt .GLS hite.di oc ano, e n cr. dc oa te ta snybsrsow whed elleborpi r e l Êis uly taeg p i bo ee aoe ies sif tktgo W rauce,'Ex hange -IIramihs îoggeu tacbnaMc m coneoffer ec1 i aihleadc erb u n#i o ccsccd u. it, .a , BUSE Ftc NS HINS tc emdlttodcak io.dc .] ella tsel ie. Soeebraye fortheyeit it Pobis.eclr teecc te Ordbî. eeOs tahLI. Ibv viyu 80 oigaua cbebttoy ltala etdlît -firan c ed cial ico. Tbetaigeslioc avcThe t femeon c iter coiùet irt euoricr aci A .ý tc o sfrkeS Y eu.od dcanlicirg . b waà. ooiu, 5oberro i ocsye c h uit datedmpoertan c s. thteu gobe chionycctebemcebed'i*iltue y et- eeyctot,.cie onoce.suteec Ac elracvcc . tt siqe os o7"ete csoo .ituI., euaot.d eoue ltsfui ;i.eOd.. erclclheeri ahisoitu roceace ýA siescieca. c, re," i n eacfs th ic.e toay aioeenrt eithisdbeil tcilli rm a , itre ta, ,vucry eIt, aeeOlcns ,le. H R ION . AScc..telnc, n ritnd )oumae uk i te mi ,,, sudcermoomcc d e irnf h lh eopopeiydIeSte_ iteli. cu. w iVoc neca il eletet ict-f, Bol B-I UP ,RdCS MOd EtAE. , ausçdoecîboa- , 'Si ac s mcit licFatsuiioaently a r o i e thu e ac O r.Ieet eed . ThPi ir. pce tit i, coe ico rn e cee. icetntee Il - .i.it-e P l ow l si d o cly bu t o c d , it e o c a .y o c o.rS bi:: .Y"d.cet or it e1-cr r, ce-ic ,, c d n c c ig l b e ,t e ot 0 5 e tc u e .ts . Tietcnigoteho ventoer-ei-ttacevic1,-e-ciote. Irceemba,.". .t.d. ý. ,K- allkhik.et . --Site m r, bo,, tceg a mal t. -Yobisandoncitsb y llel. Ste ita ucfîor. Fib ror ete ur. sit re e traie, asSit. iccîceîyeceenîce o e.bénirabece 3uidins, am CR O L W KLetoibele. b ' bo t t g tes eef b i l acemefithboe girlice co e s dimaects c Iontepe. va rie is. dand eoiit ogu. . cTRS &.. . .ih . . Oaîî . i c ,, 5 le *' h con ran wonisMy e-ba.u aI te eIdescoulacyraddmred a àegliteliaidote0.et.lre 58ttie uiotfOOtyan ely. hbc.ctl.' a m raeem.itorcitaaait.er hc eui.Adceedsoe hceccyp bscctdpt t. ta~ r i ..t. . d . I e adtmafliitc happy incdocce mette .. i .b.N . roccoin e m b ne of thprececîr d inge o m" Thitateatenrons alt bsaiersucia t t V. a : -,.D-r . .. p rou. r bic s a n Sl io o e es . e n a lo éb alce ,tS vesp re sau, , c ~ tir d bcrneb t :c1 n h m e k a . p r 1 0 on 5 ~ m c t r p o e s d bo 0 ct i a r e b u i o I E . t t t t fa iy ' c . . 1 o . b e re.în.ctimttat bcsdysecgblesA e ry oftAlin ee this epliii te eouneel I .SireeoeeTiiep, byur r .mp . IM ER M , i. va Y n, 'B b auif l ocb er v i igTi.etW lad r f te see i a . _ h e 'reed p ,iote l e. . .ectit . MCLivte.1 1 .vc ouo.coc .i acndcchcet, semt didre tee fo .11 tee ts eldieea nwhbialob i tet e lc ues: Bitc o ungcpr ar e e o i tTicutc a i te iiip riu so jr LUMBE , O, RIscu LTHeepe, etee.j S o id mo sli er a ccr.d bcc ament ûm aya --'ndpe s t m g r an iat aff no e moîinllr. Neen ef oaiicra spe cfi- .e , r,,e5-dion ceecreoche. na 501re ' scnaWji a n; aanabi t e s tation onef mom bica.wtpin Seoraldjsese.e turyu. A nnec a t e i eee rafcc-no d . ' 1 . esnM ulo . c:JIve.ý .lteutididîcieey e ie o ftî ced il a Imm! liea e ofdiei. , t t . e r flare i e inW ar, nd n > 1 o rdr . . en f U hi. " afe- ha dVOf DD Otan die tio tan asiiltio.celil* i' te t t 5 tu , tn t-V L " te*' 'g " t t .I ri-rmltd ltpoe-t t t rEIIT ý da th.n I b h mteiN w.or ia à lsdy t i . rnctfrn te1 4c thel t te: heer Co foce ire sr'oi cnis e.id i die 1tb lbenc c- tfore cm ic., bId b ect tccc el t p'e

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