TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 2 Jan 1889, p. 1

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' ' ~-:t::r~ Ii? ~-~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T=~~~~~-cc~-~ -=_:~ -~ ·-·:'.'_:"'~1~='.'":::-··.-:----~. ~ -~ ~ ! ( I 'I· ' R1'rrht L oyal Toast. · " \The l,,01lowlng is e. verbatim report of a 11peeoh, in giving the toast of "The Queen," 1 at a. recent 11ogticultur11ol show uiDDer in ScotJ ' land. The chairman began, " N oo, gentle.{QAY, JA. · m11.n, -will ye a' fill your glasses, for I'm aboot ----=t,_ ----~ tobri:ngforwa.rd "TheQneen." (Applause.) - gentleman, is rea.11Ya won d e1:fu · wu. 'B lNGllAJtt. Oor ~!neen, · ah ea · ane o·th e guid '"' .;-ER ..--.F MA "RIAG.E ' LICENSES. womo.n, if 1 m"'y say 1t; "J ' "' auld eort, nae whlgmal~eries or h.lderrus 50 -sidence, Enniskjllen. aboot her, but a douoe daecent body. She'· V" · :reapectable beyond s doot. She has brooht Q up a grand fomily o' weelfaur'd lads and 111.s· 11011-her auMesb son beang a credit to ony .M ft mither-and they ,re a , weeI marrIe d . A · e ~ daughter la nae less than m11orried to the Duke o' Arizyll's ~on !'nd heir. (Cheers.) Gentle\ men ye'll me.ybe no bolieve it, but I anoe --o--s11ow the Queen. (Sensawen. ) I did. It was when I took my 11.uld brown coo tae Perth I remember her weel-euch colour, such '1 · hair J" Interruption, a.nd cries of "le It the wishes to notify the .Public that she is coo or the Queen ye are proposing!") "The , going to sell her I mroense St ock at th e ' nueen, gentlemen. I beg your par don, b u t ~ w11o1 talking aboat the coo. H owever, as to · very lowest rates that has ever b een 1 · d h er ou t ... . 0 .reredi 'n this town. Look out for b ar- the Qneen, so.meb o d y pomte .,..e me u· gains the remaina.er of this seaoion. , at l:'"rth !ta.t1on, a.nd taere s h e w,&e,, ~m&r t 1 and tidy-like; and says I tae mysel, Gm my . Straw and Felt Hats Dyed and Reshaped auld woman at hame slips awa.' ye needna in all the La· est Styles. remain a widow anither hour langer.' (Cheers.) Noo, llentlemen, the w h i::ek ey·s AGENT FOR THE TOR, NTO DYE WORKS, guid the nicht is Jang, the weather 1s wet, · ea.ft, and WI ·11 h arm naeand 'the roads are body that comes ta.e grief. So aff wi' yer .., drink tae the bottom l ·The Quean t' (Cheers.")__________ ~-~ - -, HEALTH. The Value of Health. We.never learn the value of health until we have lost it. Only when it is no longer ouxs do we begin to prize it, and study how to take ca.re that f of It. · h The resulthis, d d instead of living rom eig ty d todone re Id years, . un f · as we ought to do, an ying 0 ripe 0 age ai !A.st, we are made to languish and to snffer almost every da.y while we live, a.nd are carried off by preventable diseases a.t every M(e from infancy and maturity. If we could begin now, and tb.e children b in ·our homes be tanght the la.we of their eing, and trained to observe them, the gain in hee.lth and longevity to this generation would be immense, while to the succeeding ones it would be beyond all computation. One difficulty is, there has not yet come into the minds of a. large proportion of people any definite conception tha.Hhere a're such things ae laws of health, and that every viol11otion of these laws is sure to bring its penalty. The last thing that individuals or commun f 1· ties think of doing is tohtakA the blame h Id or their lll-hea.lth upon t eir own s ou era, where it rightly belongs. This, then, is the first lesson to be taught and learned-that all disease is the result of broken law ; and that much of it might easily be avoided by the observance of the laws of health on the part of the individual, The next thing to be taught is the laws themselves-and with the laws, and of greater importance, the habit of obeying them. We know a great . deal mere than we put in· practice, ---- ' = . / SPECIAL T '1 -E '. _ l]y M rs. D CJnne. I tisceptfoorinca.pa.bleofferrneota.tionshould not be introduced into foo1'.l. It should be borne in mmd, report goes on, thv.t a subntance is only a food on condition of its being able to undergo on the economy all the aeries of changes which render it assimilable. Not only is sa.ccha.rin not a food, but by its antiseptic_ properties it renders en'th wbic · h tirely unalterable the substances wt · d , T o rep1ane sugar b y sacit may b e m1xe cha.rin therefore is to suppress an article of food in oraer to replace it by an inert body; it is to check or retard the · phyeiological actions which produce the change into sugar of the amylaceous:materials; it is, in shor~, · t o a d ouble'"'.lepu ~h· to expose t h e orgamsm The delay affected in uhe change of tbe fibrin of the albumen is not clearly shown. Hen<1e the commission concludes that £the charin would not bs introduced into food if that it is not a food, a.nd cannot replace sugar-that its use, or tha.t of its preparations, seriously troubles the direstive func· tions, and increases the affections known · d th a t iu ·~ under the name of d yspepsia-an ahouldb e proh·b·t i i e d a.s an ar t· 1cIe of f ood . I t is · sai ·d t h at the p ortuguese G overnmenu .. h a.s proh"b. · i ited the · m t roduc t· ion of sa.cch arm into that country. What a Ta· me ECLIP- ~f'\E HO . us-E ·- _ ' elly. M -v·s. Donn ~ Temble Ei:plosh·e. ~ "' -:" others for c ommon cruS&·~n.t. u ws, by .aaniJ ~.co. Run· "' i1o d't r~~~e~;o.~,·~1~~:1~~'.·lY J!~r~1;~~.s~~i.~~~:~S:1ii~ cal~ not:y what yon want, t he g-·.'eatest l abor~s.!\Vern.nd b e:stsel~ ug t()O[ uow o n en.1·t.h . Fil'~ t ol'der from your vi.oin· ity'~ecttre!S u.ge11ny. N'.) <1tJt.r t o pn y . W ft ma..r.iufm.:t.ure inJ,/JP..n~u. I<'O!.OfXG SA.,Yl'Stl lllACllUHL 00., U03 to 311 Sq!J, \-\oal tilrcct . Clllcur;o, V- ::i. J... BY ONE: M At~. Gre o.t ly imp rnvc d . Also _ 7 001.. Qre c1s 'have s nwed 6 t o 8 c OTiDS tla.ily, Wo want !l11 who burn. -wood a uEi a ll in ter ested h1 the tfm h sr bns1o.ess to writ e for our l! J t1etrat~d l<'iree l)at.a logt1e. We ha.ve e x.. ,,. I · Surreys, Buggies,Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., Painted in first-class style at f LOWES PRICESHN TOWN. Parties havinl? anyt hin g in the above line t~at requires paintmg w ill save money by baV1ng the work done at my ehop, Bring your Sleighs and Cutters in early in the season. It wont cost any_ m ore and better work can be done by ha vrng plenty o! time, Orders for Exp10rimenta have rEcently been mr:.de at Ch&loll.!I, Fr&noe, with the new melinlte shell which prove It to be the mo1i terrific instrumen~ el modern warfare. The &u111 are built on the Bimge system of breech· loadera, 1md han a r&nf;!e of a.boui 600 y1.rde. They a.re moun~ed Eo a1 to be fired frem any angle from 80 degree· below to 80 daireos 11.bove the horizon. The projectll<H are of two kinds : An or· din&ry shell, weighing a.bout 220 pound1, a.nd c11rryins a porcuseion fuse, and tbe melinhe 1hell. The latter is abou1 three feet in height, le steel plated, c11n· ta!n1 60 pound1 of melinlte a.nd when loaded weighs about 230 ·pounds. The charge i1 about fifteen pounds of powder. The 11ffecta produoeJ. bf th!e melinite ah~ll 11.re wonderful In an eeoapement wall a aln~le nhell opam1d r:. breach 9 by 18 feet. A shell ox· plodlni upon a 011o11mment left a hole 9 feet deep &nd 18 fee~ In diameter, &nd stone va.nlta were ornahed oomplete!y. SORE FROM ANKLE TO ANKLE. Skin entirely gone. Flesh a mass of dis· ease. Lei:; dimll1ished one third in size. ~.:· SIGN will rece"ive prompt attenti()n. Condit.ion hopeless. Cured by Cnlieura ·::S hov over Mc MUR.TRY'S LIVERY ST.ABLE, n e.nie<lies. BOWM..A.NVILLE, For three years I was almost crippled with an awful sore leg from my knee down to tho ankle; the skin was entirely gone, and the fieeh was one mass of disease. Some physicia1'B 39- i!m pronounced it incurable. It had diminished a bout one ihlrd tbe size of the other, and I was in a hopeless condition. .After trying all kinds of remedies aLd spending hundreds or dollars, from which I got no relief whatever, I was persuaded to try your CUTICURA REME· DIES and the result was as fol.lows : .After th ree days I noticed a decided change for the better and at the end of two months I was compl~t:ely cured, My flesh was purified. and the bone (which had been exposed for over a year) got sound. The flesh began to grow, and to day, and for nearly two years past, my leg is as well a s ev"" it was, sound ln every respect and not a sign of the di"ea.se to be seen, S. G. ..A.HEilN, Dubois,. Dodde Co, Ga, PAINTING W' .l\ll:ORRISON. /I ~ l; r I j !I- / Terrible Suffering from Skin Disrnse. 'When I S!J.Y Cumi: I do not mean merely to I have been a terrible sufferer for years from 'top them !or a. t ime, rilid then h ave them re- diseases ot the skin and blood, and have been ,urn ajl:ain. I ME.<\-N A RADIO.AL CURE. obliged to shun pbblic places by reaaon or my l have made the disease of disfiguring humors. Have bad tho best cf physicians &nd spent hundreas of dollars. but 1 got no relief unt.il I tried the OuTICURA REM· "'~PILEP~Y ~r EDIES, which have cured me an d le.f t my skin as clear and my blood as bure as a child's· 1 /\·: i DA MAY BASS, Olive Branch. P. 0 · Miss. A l!~o 'i<l'fig st mly. I WAERAN'r myremedy to , Cmrni tlle worst cases, Because others h ave Frum. i<11rrounils 112·'rounds. fa!led i s no r eHSOJJ for not uo IV rece!YinJ!! a cure. f!illld at once ffrr a treatise anda.FREEf BOT'.!:'LTI have t aken several bottles of OUTICURA <Jf my IN.FALLlllLE RllllltEDY. Give Ex_rress R I ETOLVENT with all the reanlte I could wish and :fust Oft'tce. It costs you nothing wr a for. .A.bout this time last year, when com· trlal. ,,,nd i t w!ll cure you. Address mencing ita use, I weighed 115 pounds, and to :Dr, H, (}, ROOT, 37 Yonge St.1 Toronto, Ont. day I weigh 172 pounds, G&O. CAMPBELL, Washington, D. C. ~e~~~ NOTE.- The CUTICURA RESOLVENT is beyond all doubt the greatest blood purifier ever com· pounded. CUTICURA,th~ great Skin Cure.and CUT!CURA SOAP, an 'exquisite Skin Beautitler, ex ternally and CU'l'ICURA RESOLVENT. the new Hlood Purifier, internally, are a positiye cure for If y are lang'UJd and weak, and your appe· every form of Skin iind Blood Disease, from lte poor . Pimples to Scrofula. My lleef, Iron and Wine ls tha to111c, be Eure. .As an invigorating tonic it is recogniled by Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 75o.; the Medical profes9ion a· the best stren11:tben- Soap 35c · Resolvent, $.50. Prepared by the ing medicine thnsfa.r produced. It ls invsltta- Pott~r Drug and Ohemice.I Co.,_Boston, M1;1:ssble as a blo'>d and muscle maker espeoi&lly Jt?IrSend for "How to cure Skm Diseases, 64 in those cases where w eo.kneeB is the result of pages, liO illustrations and 100 testimonials, ii:nper!ect or insuffi cient food, or "".&et~ng fevers or excesses of a ny sort. It oonta.ine ~e Skin and Scalp preserved and beau. nutriment of Beef, the stiroula:r<t propert!eil of ti.tied by Cuticura Medicated Soap. WiBe and the tonic powers of Iron, and 1s ~; mirably calculated to,;.- ilcl u p th" ecna,ciateu system. Sold in Boww..;~ville by Higginboth· am Bros · c ni:i1s9 A.11.11.aING SIOKNESS, to MEACHAMR' BEEF, IRO N AND WINE. BABY'S The New f >k Press FOR / ~- The aggresJ -,}J of j "(/ -39. _ DAILY. ·r,~f WEEKLY. ~ Journal , MASSES. ·~ NEWSPAPM) Founded D ecember 1st, 1887. Circulation, N ov. lat, 1888, 107,105. Circulation, Nov. 7th, 1888, 254 ,840, ·J ,A.RGEST D AilLY 4JIRCllI.ATION OF ANl' REl'llBI.lCAN P APEB IN .UIERl()A, WILL CURE OR RELIE~ T HE PRESS is the organ of no faction ; pulls no wires ; h as n o animosities to a ven ge. "The most remarkable Ne,vspaper S1tcecss in New l'ork. The New 'l'Ork l'rcss is now a Na tional Newspaper, rapidly growing in favor with R e· publicans of every State in t he UnionCheap news, v ulga r sensations and trash fin d no place in the columns of THE P m<:ss. It is an expensive paper , published at the lowest price American Currency permits. THE DAILY PRESS has the brigh test Editorial :page in New York. It sparkles with points. THE SUNDAY p RESS is a splendid twelve· p age paper, covering every current topic of in· t ereet. ' THE Wl'EirLY PRESS contains all the good things of the daily aud Sunday editions, with special features 1mited to a W eekly public!Y tlon. For those who cannot afi'ord 'l'HE DAILY PRESS or are prevented by distance from early r eceivmg ii:, THE W EEKLY PRESS is a splendid substitute . JAUNDICE pNv~~~~~\~N1 ~~iJi~~LtusM, HEARTBURN, MEADAGHE, BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, P&ff lit1NG EARi OF THE H AClDYJE DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, Propri~~~~Ki:o. i~OMACH, I Aad erery species o:f disease ar~ h'om disordered LIV ERi. KIDNEY S, ST(JMACB, BOWELS 0.l' B L OOD. T. MILBURN & 00., TW~ YEAR'S MYRTLE C1JT and PLUG THE PRESS. W ithin the reach of all. 'i'he best and cheap. 1 3st Newspap er published in America, $<1.00 .Dally a nd Sunday l're ss, on e year, 6 months, " " " one 1nonth, '\ .ekly l're..i;, one year, u u h " SMOKING TOBACCO FINER TOAN E \ T ER. See Treatment of Obesity, Dr. Towers Smith contributes to a medi· cal j6urnal the following interesting record of his treatment of obesity. Finding that his weight ha.d increased enormously, he determined to try the following treatment for corpulence :-On March lat, 1885, I weighed 15 st'ones 10 pounds ; on the seoond I commenced the treatment, which was as follows: -Br'e a.kfost: one pound of rnmpsteak, withLime W ate:r in Diphtheria. out fat. Lunch ; another pound of rnmp Lime-water, says a medical contemporary, stea.I\-, At dinner : one pound of grill cod, ' l'repared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,Mass, is an admirable remedy in cases of diph- and one pound of rump steak. I drank at Sold by all Dealers In Medicine, thocia, Its local effect is most useful in cleans intervals during the twenty-four houra a ing and purifying the fa.noes, and its mocie gallon of hot water. The l~st thing at night oi application is the easiest imaginable. It I too'.k two tablespoonfuls of Scotch whisky OUSE TO LET.-That very desirable requires no epray-a.pp.i.ratns, no douching, in cdld water, and night and morniag five house just west or Mrs. John Brown's and no tffort at gargling. It is sufficient to gr aiI}s of bicarbonate of potash. On the residenc0, Concession street. Apply to Couon have the patient slowly swallow a teaspoon· 16th I was weighed again, and I found my· JOHNSTON &. CRYDERll-IAN. 4"l-t! 1 ful or more every hour in order to get good self ~educed to 14 stonee 6 pounds. I then TORE TO LET.- The store now ocresults from its use, 'l'his fact is of the reduced the amount of wa~er, and b~gan to cupied by Mr . W . H. Ives, on King Street , great88t importance in treating children, take t aa br coffee, reducing the quantity of who are too often cruelly tortured in the at- m t a.f, and ~a.king toast .with it. On April two doors east or t;he P . 0. Possession May 10th. Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller,16-tt tempt' to ' make local applioations to the 8th mv weight in Jermyn Street was re· throat. Lime-water can be given easily, duced to 13 s tones 4 pounds. I gradually OUSE TO RENT.-Amost desi_ r able &nd is ta.ken readily by children, An early from that date returned to my usual ha.bit s House on George-at. , seven rooms, ole~ring out of the bowels with ca.lomel, of life as regards diet ; and on the 30th nicely finished. folding doors, etc., good sometimes in ma.ssive doses, followed up I weighed ag a.in, and my weight was 12 cellar; P oos.,ssion on 1st December; Apply after a short interval by the adminfotration st oMs 11 pounds, and since the.t dat e up till to F , MASON, King St. Easti 46-tf of lime-water and the uee of a. snitable tonic now ha.snot materially va.r~ed_: I h~ve eaten '"'<TORE 'l'O R ENT OR S ELL.-Store, and regimen, constitutes a method which and drunk as I pleased. Fmdmg this course :SDwelling a nd Driving· house In Enniakillen. comes the nee.rest to being of the universal of tr eatment was p ersonally _ successful I I A good stand for b usiness, on reasonable applicability, have since treated for ty patients with £qua.l termc, ·Apply to the owner. R . HuT01usoN, ~SS Listowel, or WILLIAM BrnGHAM, Enniekl !l~:;;. Buec,, · 40tf Milk Tor Infants. of . all k inds done Dr Frederick M. Warner writes in .Effect of Coffee on the Byes. neatl:v and promptly at THE STATESMAN " H l h" A bl h· h t office. Country orders and orders by eat :.--;- pro em W i~ occurs 0 Mr J. M . Haladay writes as follo ws in a printing mill! receiv e our special attention. 'fry us for every practitto~er to solve, with gMa.ter or recr t number of the North American Re- your next pri ut ing aJld YGU will be thoroughly le.s~ frequenc:y, IS the succesdul 1earmu of viei :-I am satisfied that defective vision sati·fied. W EDDING CARDS, all the latest ch1ldre~ which have been, from Eoms cans- , and·blindness will pretty soon be a promin- ~t.%1~~sli.~~n~~c..~e":&1J' d:~g .,;~~~'.Y IJ.t THE ~ or otner, dep:lved of th.e maternal nou· ent characteristic among American p eople. mshment_; ~o this end various foods have I make this assertion withou t having seen M lN P ICK ERING FOR SALE. been devis.ed- some good, o_thel{~ b_a.d, ~nd 1 any statistics whatever on the subject of -One of thn best farms in Pickering for all expe.ns1ve. After experimeIJ,tation with, · bli·ndne·f!, I found out long ago that cup sale containing 1Z5 a.ores, nll of which are f · f ., ~ " w clea red and in high state of cultivl!.tion. On and trial 0 ',mos~ 0 these, I · have come of coffee leaves a night-shade on the brain the premises ti.r e a good d wellif!g h ouae a.n:J back t-0 cow a 1!1ilk, properly prepared, as which continues longer than an eclipse of out buildings and two wells. Tlm proper ty is the beet anbstttu.te at our command. I the rnn. For some time past I have been ~ltua.ted on Jot 15, b, f ., one m ile a nd a be.It h ave caused th P ickering b aU a mlle Grand · e malk consumed bY aI! my consulting with different persons in Council from Trunk Station. vilh:i.ge, threfl m i es fromfrom Plckerlng ~rtlficlally-re.ared children to be prel?ared Bluffs, who a.re suffering with failing sight, H arbor, and six miles from Whi tby. For lll the follow1ngma.ni;i-er :- I ntol an ordinary and in ea.ch instance I ascertained that t he furth er p articulars apply t o JAMES PICKARD oookfng steamer, which can be ~ought at unfor tunate p erson _was and is a regular on the premises, or Pickering, P. 0 . :19-tf any h a;rdware store, a. couple of .mehe~. of coffes ·drinker. I had long noticed that the ARM FOR SALE. -13 0 acres. comw~ter le put ~nd b~oug:ht to the boiling eyes ' of old coffee-drinkers had a dry and posed of south par& of Lot No. 19, Broken pomt ; the m1lk whwh is the infants allov~.. shrivelled appearance. Front, a~d ia three miles from the Town of a.n0a for the n ext twent y four hours is Bowm1 mville. This is one of the beet farms i_n pla.oed in a.a many nnrsing bottl\ls as the ~ounl-Y of Du~·lrnm. It is in a &lf1-t1~;;"';r~'. 1 i..e used during that l<>ngth of ·time. Dra.llo:hts in Tr,.ius-. cult1vatlon an_d JS well fe':~!IHing, r.wo large there 1_~. a_ stone dJd 'n~· with stone :I.'hese bottles, -having been ~reviously b lio.. lt.- ..._,... d ot u ....·L 4· , 1 ·~ h ~u 1 Draughts enc01·" cered in rdlway travel- Jnlses placed in an oven for a quarter of ling are the a<ltive cauRe9 of many intoler able ete.blln g for cattle an.a: horoea, · lll'ee w0lla ~nd an hour, are now st.-.npered w i.th cotton a.tta(}lrP of neuralgia.. Oe911.s iona.lly ·they four cisMrns 1tlso wiud·mill fol' pumpmg For furth'or particuJa.re apply on tbo wool, and p ut on th!' p<llf(/ra.·(o<l Plato in the 1i...ve more p erman ent consequences. To water, preruise5 or lf by letter to HENRY Ma NN, Row· steamer, not touchmg each fjthe1·, the cover avoi1! thi~ p erG most j'er2ons try t-o secure man ville. · . 31-tf -...-.-·--------·- ..__,. shut tightly down, and the whole allowe~ _ t<" pJ gce" with t!ie::;; hrcd~~ -t.:; the "ugiutl, This steam fo.'.'.' half ion hour. A~ b t~auily aU3'fers well en ough as regards the seat next seen, by thi11 rnethod all germs are destroyed, the window, but owing to the angle at which r.nd, if ihe milk is left ntoppered and in a. the ~ir enters the rapidly-advancing C!l.rrio;ge 'l'hat the PreRbyter y of.W hitby, the Trustees oool place, it will keep a long time. In the when a window ia open, the occupant of the of the Chu i ch Lots of St, An drews CongreR"ation, D11.ding-ton, the Trus tee~ of the Manse oourse ot some experiments which I have seat, with his back to the engine, r eceives a end Glebe of St. Ao drewd Oongregatu:~n, Dar been making, and I find that, to·day, milk reflected current of air, n ot so strong, but Jing ton and t.he 'l'1 u stees of a certam fund which was steamed exa.ctly five weeks ago is fully as likely to produce what is popularly called the "Sot on F un1 l' will apply . to the perfectly sweet a.nd good. When teeding called a "chill" 11.s that to which the brave Legislative Assembly 'of t he Provrnce of Ontm io at. th e next session to enable time comes, vhe woolen cork is removed and traveller who "likes air," and p ersists in them or their successors in thereof office to se,11. or lime watet· a.nd sugar of milk are added. A riding forwards, with the window down, otherwise dispose of a block of la nd contamrng abo'lt four acres with Manse thereoi;i an~ the nipple taken ou b of boiling water is put on, ex poses himself. · T he prndent man,. who site of St. Andrews Church, both bern g situate the bottle warmed, and the chil¢l's food is ha.a eaconced himself in tho R t)cond seat, and in tho · r own of Bowma nville, in the CC!unty of ready for administration. In closing, I wish rldeli backwards, probably fiuaa a tingling Durham, o.ll d to apply the proceeds m su'?h merely to emphasise tae fact that a bottle in the .ear neares ~ the window, and possibly manner as B ha.ll be decided upon by _the said must Ile used but once; immediately after suffer s a mysterious- attack of " toothache," Presbytery of \Vhitby, and also to dispose of said Seton fun d , the cblld has taken all it will, the remainder or " .t ic doloreux " some days a.fteqvards. the Dated.at Toronto this first day of Decomber, of its contents must be thrown away, the Anyone interested i!J. the subject may work .A. D.. 1888. MILLli'R & DUN C~N, 50-6w. Soliuitor il for A.pphcants. bot tle washed, and placed in the sun and out the condit ions of this phenomenon with a.ir. the aid of a pentJil, and the familiar law that :ao·gles of r eflection are equal ~o angles Good Sleap. of incidence. This simple circumst ance Those who are si bjeoti to indigestion l.u "-P.Y seems to have been un~ccounta.bly overlookforrn seldom sleep well. Therefore, neither ed.--fL!!.ncet indulge in hearty suppers, nor go to b ed --hungry. While a heavy meal ought not to Lon'f ago it wa s' aseer ted that snuff.takers be ta.ken within at least three hours of bed· never suffered from consumption, ~nd it is time, a warm snack betore retiring will often said-the workers in tobacco in Floxida did dispose one to sleep comfcrtably. Insuffi- not t ake yellow fever during the recent atclenll open -air exerciee durin~ the d11.:l' is the t a ck. It may well be that tobacco acts as FRE:F:l~.cC.J~PS sure precursor of a had mght's rest. ln the a germicide. holiday sea.son to~ns-folk find that exposure Women should especially note that the \VORIJ![ POW DERS. to country or seaa~r makes th~m both hu~gry gai'ter is obj ectionable, as c~using a oonges and sleepy. A brisk walk on a breezy mght tion of the blood which ·even without t his .he ple:.n nt t o toke. Cont-0.in tb~lr Oft has a somn olen t effect, but it is bette~ t hat accessory, requlres t o guarded againa n Jpugativo. la " saf~, s-::ire, :<lld e ffectaaJ the body be wearfod, rather than fatigued, under certain condition~. It is better tO . . . . . . , _ of w o.rca w - <lhillli'Ul or A Eiulitlt . on retiring to rest. Sleeplllssness is d ue in wear long stockings and to keep them in m~ny cases to lying too long in the m orning, pnsiiion by suspend~rs. or indulging in sleep during t he day. Ashurt Work should not b e demand ed from a n ap before .dinner is m~re . refreshing th1 m growing child immediately after food. The one after; Just a.a exercis_e _is bett_er before acts o[ digestion require a large supply of than aft er meab. A persistmg ha.bit of k eep- blood and so long as these a.ots are · in ing a.wake in be d may he cured lly.eurtailing progr~ss the r est of the system, and the the heurs of repose. If t~e akm be not brain in particu!a.r, must b e comparatively thoroughly cleansed ref_reahmg sltiep c&nnot ploo1less, or if it hi!! hought into play it be expeoted. An occasional warm ha.th he · diverts a certain qua.ntity of the blood from fore bedtime has a. salu,~:.i:y e~ect, but cf>~ ;, i'ts Jtoper deetiination, ar>d Interferes with ba.ths ar _e only eaf~,for .t.1\e,~qb1~fs~. An eve:~ tihfl ~.:ie assimilation of the food. lng dlp In the brmy \ ~; ~rmg the h· ) A single drop of nicotine applied to the montha usna.lly ensurea \;l\ anquil repos · 1 eye ~fa cat will kill the animal in a fow When eleeolesaneee cannot b e traced to anv · " · · u' w111 ... 0· 1 ·e fro·-h d · · mrnu tes. A s m 1.111 0 1r m ~· · u., of t he com~on causes ere state ! · it may inhajation of a portion of nicotine vapor so then b e considered a~ a symptom ~nsm_g from small as to be inappreciable by a fine ha.Isome unsuspected disorder lurkmv m the ance. Ra.bbits, ca.t s, and dogs die in from system. twenty to thirty seconds with less than a drol'l on the tongue, so rapidly i11 it absor bed, Lone; Life and Rel"ular Habits, and:ao violent are it[t..eflect s; and man suffers 't y wi ·thout regu1a r h a b·t · rare, severely with only the 25th of a grain. · 1s 1s 1 L ongevi says th e Popular Science :Monthly. Out of j · Co!,1.l in t he h ea.d, the pr~c~rscr of ear-d!sea~e 1000 men who lived to an ~vanced age, 461 is often due to reckless s1ttmg .or st~ndmg !n {This Eng:raving represents tlle Lungs in :i. h ealthy state..} have been farmen, 92 havt{ lleen carpenter~, draughts. A man, af~er h eat mg htn: self Ill 70 m erch1 1nts 61 mariners 49 laborers 42 run ning to catch !I tram, elect s to gr ow cool THE REMEDY FOR CURING ahoemak~:rs, '41 manufacturers, 23 cle~gy· by travellin~ with hie face towa~ds the full men, 23 masons, 16 blacksmiths, 16 ba nkers, current ot ~1r from an open. w1~dow, and 12 ea.ch Iron workers, mill hands, physicians very soo~, m cons~que~ce. his fr1en~e have ASTHMA, CROUP, and lawyers, a.nd the balance are diTided to comm1serat.e with him .up.on a stiff neck ALL DISEASES OF THE THROAT, LUNG S AND among ne&rly all t he other trades and pro· or ea.rache. Other. and s1mde.r sources of fesaions. The last included only one each danger to the ear are exposed to wet, d amp PULMONARY O RGANS. of the following : flermit, hunter, chemist, feet\ n eglect t.o c~ange the,_ clot~ea after e~ DY" IT S "l~A l TJ.I F U f, US E professor, soldier, broker, auctioneer, jockey, cesa1ve persp1rat1on, ~nd _c ntt1i;ig the hair CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN OURBD ontraotor. Nearly all, however, began life too short, or washing it au bedtime. Wh eo other Remedies aod Physicians have upon the fa.rm. failed t o d t cc t a cure. People formerly had, trying to swallow the old.fashioned pill with its film of magnesia vainly disguising its bittern ess ; and what a contrast to Ayer's Pills, that have been well called "medicated sugar-plums" - th e only fear be· ing that patients may b e tempted into taking t oo many at a d ose. But the directions arc plain and should be strictly followed. J. T. Teller, M. D., of Chittenango, N. Y., expresses exactly what hundreds have written at greater length. He says : " Ayer's Cathartic Pills are highly appreciated. They are perfect in form and coating, and their effects are all that the most careful physician could desire. They have s upplant ed all the Pills formerly popular h ere, and I think it must be long b efore a ny other can be made that will at all compare with them. Those ·who buy your pills get full value for their money." · "Safe, pleasant, and certain in their a ction," is the concise testimony of Dr. George E . Walker, of Martins· ville, Virginia. "Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prep. arations. The public having once used t hem, will h ave no others."-Berry, Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. Goods are down to the lowest point except gi ven a wav. --o- - TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, CLOVES, in endless variety-we make a specialty in these goode. I CLOTHS & TWEEDS- A LA MODE. I Our O~OTHING DEPARTMENT bas sti\11 at its head the only firstclass cutter in town. Most of the other houses that blow of first-class cutters 'have thdr work made up by sueaters and call it ftrst-class, ' to gull the public. Every customer t hat bas an eye to beauty in clothes calls upon to d'esign them for him. s W, H. IVES. ) Ayer's Pills, ANO\THER WONDER. \ It never wa s intended, so far as I can lea.rn, I think you will' believe me, indeed That either men or women were inte.n ded to be bald. you will, I'm eure H IC a.t the "Paris Hair Works" you have called, S H Tbe1·e is oue thip.g Nature thinks of-let us thank h. e r fQ r all we canShe takes parti(.\nla· trouble with our race; She knows a scanty growth or h air, the gra.y and whitening locks, "\V ill detract from the beauty o! the fa.ce. But Nat ure has her laws so strict that 1ou must never e'l-r, r For you'd surely 1pay the penaltf at-last, Sustain it. thu.t bounteou s head o hair . lJr, Doren wend'sHa.ir Magic's unsurpass041. Just try it you affifoted, you never w ill regret The Magic was never yet known l:ofail; .And the good that It will do yon will make you soon forget The expenditure a bottle will entail. This now famous p :·eparation for invig· ora ting and stiniµla.ting the growth of the hair is universalty accepted as the moat valuable specific on the market. f ,411 d iseases of the s calp a re either relieved or permanently cured. A. rich and rapid growth of hail' will follow after j udicioua and regular t r eatment. It remains with the user a lone to secu re t he desire41 res·ults. D r. D orenwend's "Hair Magic" is sold by all druggists at $1 p er bottle, or six b ottfon for $5. If n o t obtainable in your loca.lity sen d direct to the sole manufacture r, enclosing price. A. DORN· WEND, P aris Hair Works, 103 and 105 Y onge St., T or on t o. For st>le by Higginboth am & 'Son, an d all c'~ug_~j J--OB- P rff:N'rTN'G- FAJ{ ft w, F The Ontario Loan iand Savings Co. 1 ."' $3 1"' t -- " -- $ ~" wm ---Notice is -IIereby Given - ~-·--·-····-,--;---·-·--- I beg to notify tho public that , deposits for .Thie oompnny, a1 higher rat e o ( interest than t '· N o N OTICE OF W ITHDR.IWAL -'i I am ·!l ~o ·pr ' ;;' -, l;o gra . · 0 Loans en REAL ES'.l' on favoraole terms. OF FICE : .At McMurtry'a Dry G-0ods Bowmanville, Oot.11, 18~8. 1. '3~1He, W. F. ALLE I\" 4~ -1 ,111 ) STANDARD BAN,..;. Capital p~d~p, ;~~o~ ~e~ ~~.~ DRAFTS Th1s Bank ill prepared to do Le/ :nah-' Banking in all lts branche1. / Farmen note s discounte d ; Y"' ,eceiv-ed and Interel!t paid on s/ $5 upwards in Sa vlngs Bank J" la~ n ad and Collections I I made O'nlted Stat.es and Canada. W. J ··TO NA.~~ THE ONTARIO BANK t o d o a General BEl.nking Busir.<>H Bo wmanville Branch, c·~r.tin ues ii: DEPOSITS .teoelved in Savings Bank Depa:rtmenta.nd 1 all a n d interest a llowed at ou-rrent ratea. !\l .otice ot w itbdra.wal neoeseary. .All depodi. )ayable on demand, EXCHANGE - fought 11.nd sold and Drafts is sued upon Euope Jnited Sta.tea and Canaila, alsoGolfi,Silve.ra.n Jnited Sta~s Greo!lbacks bouQ'ht and IOld, (}OLL g(j;1.·1@l'ft1 Promptly made at current rates upon all par Jf Great Britta.In, the Unite d States a.ad Do minion o f Canada, Telegraph 'l'ransre:rs c~::.d.::.. Ille.de for large or sm a ll snms on all parts Thi~ i e ee;;.eci~!Iy ~d:va.::ntaigouutt pet'Bons living In Mamtoba or tha North·wes as lt makes the !unds a va ilable at olios e.t the place ot payment. Fortnrther particulars o&ll at the Hankla Honse. RODIE, GEO.MoGILL, .Accountant, llla'.n&ge - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - --- - ·lv CONSUMPTIOH, COUGHS, C OLDS, 2 .00 Cuffy's Generosity. R ooommenc1ed by " ,35 J.,oo t~ \!, n~ for THE PRESS Circular ',Vith fnll parand list of excellent premmms. (' 1 '~ii.m ple free. ..,~rs Agents wanted everywhera. l>eral commissions. .Address, j The New Tork l'ress ()o, Ltmlted, ll6 & 28 Nol'th Willinn1 St. New Tork, 49-5 w. T& - : Saccharin and Dyspepsia. The ..Board of Trade journal" contains a report by a comm iaeion of Pa.tis doctors appointed by the Minister of Commerce to ex amine into the properties and effects as a food of saccharin, an artificial swee1>-stuff prlnolpa.lly ma.de in Germany. The commiseion says that materi&ls which are an- in bronze on 1.1- ly Each PLUG & PACKAGE. Uµole Cuffy-" Which is de che~pest, d e Jl.ybliat er or d e p oor-house p 1.aster ? Druggist- " Just the .same-twenty-five cen t s apiece." Uncle C.- " W ell, doct or, yon b etter give m e all two; my old 'ooman is.berry low wid d e r emonia., a n I wallt um fur hab eb 'ry comforo." P H YRIC:~ A~;s, ;tfI NIRTER~, AND N URS£$. In fad _ bv cveq rb_ody 'l: h:) has f!1': en it a good trin.l. .a n~we r f a ils to b. ·m. ~·ef1£.J. AS AN E X P E'. C :OC R ANT I T HA S I · EQ U A L. It is har mless to the .Df ost Dtficate Ch l ·~!. It C:ont ai:is :;o O P IUM in Pinc~ ~'~Y form. 2:.ic, 5~ AN"D $1.00 T' E!l n~·::-:· i. E. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. .. i.-·imited), General A.uent8 1 JJCONTil EAL. \ ~

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