.BoWmanville are arrivai * "BLACK," "Calgary," 5 "Gimbiett," "Black," birth'day Mother cle Robert Proud Ã_Nelson "BUSINESS," "OPPORTUNITY," Classified 4:57 "baskets," "GeneraiÃ_,:.Oshawa'" nu*rses ing "NELSON," pleased "of," was out Grandparents friends pounds MaryL<àsi'a'd (CoÃ_Urticè)'anEddie oôf $40 For #NAME? oz. 'Special Special I 4Senio *For'OuaityyyMupnsBozad SOrôo& Orono. Dale ANNOU "inyurhoeorree4ansor. their ANNOUNCEMENT pleased "Ilie-and-onom~as," my 1n ",wish" 1987 to "ÇARSCADD"N,'ack" meinory effect. born p.m. P r - 'PER A urondinig ~'make IN Tha grandpar ""Mr.," .who "Bowmanville," MO"NU Sherwood Thomas Ãè HO0N "ro't','JiJiiii" ind a of. and 'and recent to gref 13 arranged little is present cards "Alberta," r"ditlizns. "son," tot r Whè~e~r~ Bob GranIte We t thanks Leskard. MEM0R1AM stadtin ann "or," He on 'hanks ouncesaws recovering. i to pricesare their ";children,'" Philp Ã_WEEKfor "JuneÃ_7," baby took g John>and to al 0F BIRTH Rob BIRTH John Newcast:le o Lovlg isthe aït7'r Hospit'als. 'neighbours brother fte (Oshawa) ounce "Monday," tipped'the are thank & accident.'. E James and of announce en STAFFORD NCEMENT orn r a "aîl:aîc'e," houseg for Markers Teresa are "care," THANKç to second to ts "Park," he 20 Wayne MENTS Cowan and an rur'al'.'aic June hurs visits lete' and oiy uu 1987 We l mmoryf~6~{>his 623-815Ob are Gramma Rev. ; Ã_Generai ail doing ason'% weighed the d "Casâden;.*," inches. its William. of g my - Beth Otal. for "BrÃ_ce,-'Jean" a - handi "'stili," Ken Bowr Ads doctor ofhir'Purebred cails and Len. Alberta. andd- "17," Marie safe June thing (Gimblett) own in ftn me nl "at," Miln * "scales," son and STA "','" pont the Carman. & for n "stretched'," gI 'Oenèt~y rela fine Ca Tc 143<igS.~. & 1988 "-22,a'p," A. ftc cap. %at'' Fansily & ariai ProiÃ_d Joan. "," 5 "22,ap" ironto rs "'0liow-," ini Doris' early Joan es "2," 13 Carl "eas-," ",'" ~ Un- lbs. stndthnkof14'Ã_ Pat at ~daeh'g Jim and tle .et.. "e,'g" . R are for - ife in ~ A at Lrr ~ *- "7," "pa,'Write" itvs' in' * --and; "2,c" an fut "ettrin.~:," ' "y,." g "overloolcing "cia," gFRFEE'88 g - i'dren ' "," :32Ã_48 * .Spring SPORTS/RECREATION BONAIR "ity," Models. week. and tre YVCATIONS/TRAVEL 'Miniature "FLOORENG,:-'" 4668 Cherry FARMERS4& EVINUDE "na,.Fenelon'Falîs," "S,'pgÃ_g" ScÃ_ ai p Fctoy H.P.-Ã_-$1;399. "ohmodéls.," 1-705 "boating," "2-weksssion," "ApsosÃ_," Uretane Profitable! Breakfast residential info "'61)23-12,1n'tuiy" O~ K7 SALES period boat bath CAMPS/MSC. "CAMP«:LAKE," rflnsa~ girls Rideau' presenting Ieisurewear. (416)632-9090. THlE Breakfast "TRAVÉL/VACATIONS:," of Century Ted "Coc-A-1Poos," MA "Shows.,Est." FOR K9J -2ac "*fU1.:,At" 425 7463 Ecology *hoppigglf'Ilcngtrails "ville," throughout (;ROW ment. tworms u i mnarket. Rideau.: 33GoeSt.E. 160" peia -800668-111.g ESOSL oni't #NAME? independenit 'g "in'Tiviotdale," "Hardtop," TFR #9 fo- rmatio0'n. <t "1,'" used' renitais; s 6X4. nslàio russaboarîd "2U,$4" 2 881-332i. 7 Royal 16M5A r "COVE," CHERIE SALE #NAME? Sale ruse b2 Square'Ã_'.foot. \Vc Ont. ",tMIRACLE" (519)343-2123.' "activite..s-e1jc," and ro)om tradition;~ *(613)273-3636. hi Wo Scottis1i'mries. & "8,88;" "Properly," Home Warmh "cearnce," "i1(M," ery.Pei'h ombinàtions "Malt~Poos," Open R.V.s HELPWANThD "Odorlcss," - "856-2248,," w'oodworking "n...'Accounfing," & LOGd at -1975 (63)26-463. 9Br "Ontario," f #NAME? 988-Ã_' nd A Train! "PUPPIES:,'g" 15 Maple 75)4-.66>- camp on on çop Tient Trailer KaarmaVoyageurË. oe LOR Hols'Hoe "IlSUlaionPatek," Roomns Ontario. eaU 10~5. suite "Tent," SimilarÃ_savingson 2 home. quality chure onoglass ",hkn" "WSc'aues," CailKing It's Westporr ~. Busin'esses: quonsetbuildings Il* lalce:-Close "(13 rê-presentatives unique "AEBookkeeping," A 1 .Ã_(6 appointed SHiladBakat& & Cai 1/4" fellwiln. th "Seven," 40x58' on- York-Ees Home "Prh,<Il~" "pool,'" Rcprcsentaives 2A0 ming STOCO. available. 2x7 RR wi b e flooring. Trailers. Join frby recommeded Juriction Severn Peek-A ",SS" ",." rai" 13)478-5511. "Travel," & "Fun," with 1987 on Low 'Also th'frpae com-fortablST.: àand the R.V. "'67671," Guarantccd sun *g Early i includin'g. "ed," Waterw Raiso "1," 'Bed' (705)435- (416)643- our "Spimy-,-" scenie' "dockcing," "Maltese," ",$1,48" "lingerie," machi'n-V days #NAME? "$6,388;" h iai Fashion s en ",3;1/4"" collect #NAME? SPAN Ã_Can' Smith- Water: "~~945,~~~~~N" invest- Lhasa Spry "Easy," "-9.9," in Mai Cen- Util- Park N hn dock team suite' AI'o ~ #J23 Fun Bird and #NAME? "àl," For bai- meSALES the flAVIi g n "I," in-Ctig n ay in to & ' A a - "," - "f,-" ggg e'trestdensos'e'V 1 ",OnL" .q 'peclal #NAME? _write "-nity," ' ",IQIWSâyand" '1940's ",atch." 'Cârppng;ong "7240,," WAt twatches'Phone/(Wite(416) QenSEsTrno'Ot ">spr," H.OSEWVE"'Môhe'' ate FWhite:-DoubleAN5 s w""'ay "vcst.nent," mation (519)841~3334; gest Structures CONTEST OLATCHESWa- COMING S rni e METAL FREE: courses. Tae.Gian'f(A'23d- FIDL ThMousands.whilo home' lieW jet other prices 1-800-668-5422 RY sets 30x12x50 endwalls 1121.- Plantiot Garden per and clearance. ate Steel R "Hydroponics,." "Weston," (416)745-5007. FOR SS priced "$3,800;" 5OX80 "S27,900." u AUl "387-2115," (ARDENIN( HYDROPONIC lide [low Ail IIO0RTICULTURkE amçs g 0OTOR t'sqowiiàolcin g r ummer p OSWVSMthr&\iCOi AERTANN "og,?,crons" fll' 'ted ATDT d inquires DWRSY y LIQUIDATION to delivery. LAWRENCE. - iHm unit. buildings ô DIRECT & Spring 10x8x12 DfEl te items ' local "NFT/acroponics," "C.entre," 1S2. tables steel Buildings "or.:,.,write'" Phillip sizes« AdÃ_dison es 120ft. LOR SALE - correspondence' Ã_1988 E "gt.renkak',nen-" A-lso Sodium sou for Clb 9S8-'vaàcation. "for," drip Cail Clearance HELP Free "Secretary," ~' g ",BUILDI.NGS" ut - Various Ã_dofiveries 'ny'ao' 150-an'Tupg "1-800-263-8499," systcms. ",toys'" or 1is. Ieft &- JuIy Serious Galvalumé'material "$11,260;" service. 40x6Oxl4 Ont. gg'l' "$8,658 " available 's welcorne. 10CA in Sale immediate ut(592870. EVENTS assortcd prestigious wido. wantedod Cail oot.18028 giet 'and $698; (519)756-9515 PryPa. Pioneer/Econospan rounds. "aei," priced systcms expert "'Fergus'," 1-416-858-2446. ",Ã_2-Colour" & 2737 "*Airohditio'ning,," "Buisinèss," over stock. lighting. (24 B.Walsh; 90 and ; àCartier;wris- RPR9 book 8 ens TE SAVE WANTED ever 'an' toi BUY River Supplies. & suipplylasts sizes Factory ITO.' àcaili U M9M - iocksiJppe Stiaightwalls hours). buyers from gg~ $$ Wcston 1scooy gifts Homegrown consultation - "9," for. We. rectangular spectacular "Spp4or>," sizes. at free Expand-Q- "," oir Foirinfor-C.MnPik yLeIgal/ 0.1 yÃâ€uÃ_rgey - "RomanÙec,4s" g 88 30x4Oxl4Ã_' td-t Camaia [rom Buildings including Comma- jaifo FACTO- DNC Diplomfa' available disposai. Cruises.' discount "Paràgon," immedi- Ebb - 'caree fr-thi Cosme- have for.Na- "$5,990;" opur uLvn #NAME? Rolx 70xl2O Plastic money & 1-800- Quon- ure g 'e71g<A Deal- direct o~A "365," only. Acro 4 2R4. "Rd.," 173 "," lar-. 384 $20 and Ilia- or rs: hi- - - ~~ "-," g " ~ 'r Octobcr some "tion," i-.Ã_iLPl Haliburton 111:1P ing "(705)261-9320," ~WANTED Ã_Coffoe Y'<S 7 J foods. "i',-" beautiful conditions IL who ENCED ' PROFESSIONAL STA "u~l "Prop.," g THE R.R. LOB DAI area. 30c. Corner Pivate Evening Ã_ can IMO 1 CHEESE "ORONO," Mms. "BESIDE," surroundings anytimo. "RHOD)EN>,HOUSE" LY'SPECIALS Excellent (COOK. prepare g Church accommoda- and WETSD TA«KE MERVYN D. Weddlngs. R and . Fred ~ Hebdltch SAM'S ON 0ONTAI ' c TRAYS Barrister Free ON Week-end . May ÇIonIaI whole- - "CLARKE," F'HIGHWAY RESTAU and LAW - worlc- sakuy d SERVICE à< " H "-," THE ~ #NAME? Orono O'UT .) 9 Initial nylSid'n IG 623-4444 Patricla Anniversarles Temperance ~ in Lo - a.m. $h The aeln CATERING CONNECTION uîg..I MEAT HWAY SPOT tock 2 and OFFICE D~imI~Sik""-' Â_x51"8 edar Appolntments COMBO vi Consultation - 983-9679 " or B. S 9 5 "crow," \VEB SON. production. HIGH "Ltd.," individuals LOL 351115 10 ..-%% f - PLATTERS- iKkèc Storabergen CATERING. p.m. Solicitor REASONABLE i "AND," EAT I KELLY 1-15135 PternsOjy<k-' N Unit #NAME? "6O,0tario." "i','" 68 lPO 0 iles. "Sts.," e AT Box 8-1<) rlu OFFSET SCHOOL quality I n Banquets Channel JÃ_ SOUTH Phono Press. IN %%t(i Bowmanvllle k. '" Avaliable only. PIZZAS ycars "280," ckP SALADS Mature RA "edivday," 1-416-983-5196 B" OPEN et ORONO (705)322-1882. "dcadlinos," Responsiblo per Apply "Elmnle," PRESS "exporionco," RATES .5p~ Grade ln responsible AT NT June a.M h qua5 g Baywcb 5:00 e n J PER- "22," high Ont. A.M. for LO';'ç'-1~'"' 6- 1988-13 i #NAME? e 'i i g ~ gg.. "~,g" ';-P g"- <g g. g' .1. ' ~ g gg g g