TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, p. 3

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THURSDAY, ME. 25th, 1960 St. PauI's WMS Peresents Lif e Membership c On Tuesday, Feb. 16, St.i divided among the world pop-' Mrs. Wm. Adams, now calledi Paul's W.M.S. met at the home ulation. In a population of one to higher service. Mtembers1 of Mrs. Ross Stevens, Scugogl thousand, of which seventy were asked to join in silent1 st. percent were always hungry, prayers of thanksgiving for Mrs. David Armistead pre- Canadians present a picture of the devotion and loyalty of sided for the routine business. "Six Fat Cats"-Not an en- these lives in God's work and The supply secretary report- viable impression for a sup- to seek strength and guidance1 ed a layette ready to send to posedly Christian country. to carry on their good work. Miss Hunt at Burns' Lake. Mrs Amistead ledinth A pleasant feature of the Donations were requested for Worship Service--a study of afternoon was the presenta- a bale for overseas relief. h odsPae n t tion of a Life Mibership to On March 8th the W..i steLr' Pae n t P- ?vrs. O. R. Bragg. In making will participate in a joint plication in our every-day the presentation Mrs. Armis- meeting withth W.A. Mrs. work. tead recalled the many ways Chas. Naylor will be the Mrs. Cecil Dudley reviewed that Mrs. Bragg has assisted speaker. The next regular the Book o! Acts stressing the various organizations espe- meeting will be March 15. example of steadfastness- in ially the Primarxy Class of the Mrs. Ross Stevens read a faith, prayer and works set Sunday Sehool. paper showing how unequally, by the aposties. Mrs. Dudley Thanks were expressed to1 food, clothing, housing and then called to our memnory Mrs. Stevens for ber hospital-1 transportation facilities, medi- the faithful stewardship of ity and a friendly dscussion cal and nursing services and talent o! two former mem- of our work was carried on cornmodities in general were bers, Mrs. Geo. Mason and, over the tea cups. of meeting, mingling and vis- Brooks-Langmaid Clain ii The faiily tree of the nLangmaid lineage adbe HoId vvunter Reunuon prepared by Mrs. Roy Lan.g- maid, and was on display for 'Twas a perfect winter's!place, and it proved to be a ail interested persons to stu- night, and the clan responded'very wise choice. dy. It is literally a work o! art, to the clarion eall; some eigh- M Nr. T. Cotie, director of phy- representing many hours o! ty strong, to gather for a re-, sical education of Oshawa research and compiling dating union of the Brooks - Lang-! Elementary Sehools was pre- back to Joseph Langiaid, who maid descendants. From To- sent, and conducted a prograrn lived from 1804 to 1882, and ronto, Pickering, Oshawa, of games, square dances and his wi!e, Mary Ann Coleman, Bowmanville, and the sur- entertainmeflt for ail ages. who farmed on the homestead rounding countryside, members Mernbers of the famiies near Zion. This farm is now iilrpv-A +tn .et t 2eher.urho had not met for some owned by Mr. Cyril Mumford. Solina Community Hall wasltime, and a few who had neyer chosen as a suitable meeting met, enjoyed Uic pleasatries R[tfre sh Buy the fanily carton of 6 big boif les Smith Beveraiges Ltd. Bowmanville Authorized Distributor y0j PUT YOUR TRFjST IN ç1RTH BROS. RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF ONLY STEAKS ROUND SIRLOIN T -B ON E w 1N G lir1oin Tip Roast MA 3-5281 -FIEE DOGE PRIZE- Lean- Fresh Lean - Rindless HAMBURG EMPIRE BREAKFAST BACON 3 lb. forl.OO 2. b. for 89c It is hoped the Brooks famn-1 ily tree may be developed also.1 John and Ann Brooks sailed for Canada, from Plymouth, Devonshire, England on Oct. 16, 1856, landing at Port Bow- manville, end settling at Cour- tice, on the !arm now occu- pied by the bluir Bros. on Highway No. 2. Some very old !amily Bibles and photo- graphs were displayed. 1 Mfter a very interesting and pîcasant evening, ail retired to the dining-hail, where jus- tice was done to a sumptuous lunch. On behalf o! those present Mrs. S. E. Werry voiced an expression o! thanks and ap- preciation to the comnittee in charge o! this !irst, but we hope sot the last, mid-winter gathering, which is in addi- tion to the annlual Picsic in June. Brownie News] The 3rd Brownie Pack ob-r served World Thinking Day t on Mgonday, Feb. 22 to cele-è brate the birthdays o! Lordr and Lady Baden-Powell,S founder o! the world Scout - and Guide movements. Thee members invited their moth- ers as guests. Candies were lit by the Brownies an~d their inothers in thougbt o! Brown- les around the world, and by Brown Owl Mrs. K. Johnston in remembrance o! Lord andr Lady Baden-Powell. As part o! their training,r the girls knitted squares, which Mr&s. T. Sellers, Sr. joined aud backed to !orm a quilt. Brownie Susan Mea- dows on behaif o! the Pack, presented this to the Bow- inanville and District Red t Cross Brauch. It was accepted1 by M.rs. D. Marsden, Cam-5 paign Chairman, and Mis. E Rundle, Women's Work Chair- mas, who thankcd the Pack1 on behalf o! the Red Crosst and assured thema it wouldz bring coxmfort to sosie needy person, probably overseas. Tea was served by Brown Owl and Paeky Donna Ma- guire. Films on Junior Red Cross work were shown by Mr. Reg. Harding._ OBITUARY HAROLD G. CHRISTIE The death occurred at Bow- nianville Memiorial Hospital, !ollowing an operation, on Sunday, Feb. 21, o! Harold- George Christie. The deceased, who was an employee o! the Glen Rac Dairy, Bowmanvillc, was in his 5th yeiV. He lived at 212 Church Street, Bow- nianville. A son o!fIAU. and Mrs. Geo. Christie, he was bors in Tem- peranceville, New Brunswick, Aug. 24, 1910 and had been a resident o! Ontario for eîght ycars. He was a salesman for Glen Rae Dairy and was a member o! Bowmanvile Bap- tist Cburcb. He leaves his wife, the for- mer Pauline Bradley a dau- ghtcr, Mrs. C. Cummings (Au- drey) o! Woodstock, N.B. and a son, Dalton, of Bowmanville. Also surviving are five sis- ters, Mrs. Wesley Trail (Ada), Mrs. Gerald Thornton (Vesta), Mars. Arnold Thornton (Joyce) and Mis. Edison Bragdon (Grace), ail o! New Bruns- wick end Mrs. Harold Gray (EUa), o! Bowmanville, and six brothers, Ray Christie, Austin Christie, John Chris- tie, Perley Christie, Robert Christie and Frederick Chris- tie, all o! New Brunswick, also four grandchildren. The remains rested at the Morris Funeral 1lome, Bow- manville, Mon. afternoon and evenisg and then at the De- Witt Funeral Home, Wood- stock, N.B., where funeral service will be held Thursclay a! ternoon. I f c 'J PAGE TEB - - -- - -- - -- -- - .~ ~... ., V ~~Wfl A ~?I~ q.~W fAMAr1JAI' ...n ~ - I ~TAT1~bLVL&I'4, UU WIVIftJ.'I V1J.AL~i, ~fl1 LftKLL'J dey visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron. Miss Sarodra Gibson spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathews, Taunton. Mr. Norma*n Davis was a areekend guest and Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkinson and !amily, Fenella, were Thursday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gib- son. Mrs. Pat Wright of Beth- any was a recent visitor wîth her parents, Mr. and M.rs. Rye Gibson. Club 50 The Februery meeting o! Long Sauit Club 50 was held ait the home of Mrs. Stan Gob- le, Tyrone, with 14 members and two visitors presernt. After lthe meeting a very successful Valentine auction was held and later a deliclous lunch was served by the com- rnittee in charge. The Marc4h meeting is to be held on Tuesdiay, March »V, at the 'home of! Mrs. J. Wood- ley. WEDDING BROMELL - NIMIGON Bouquets of white 'mums and glowing white tapers in candelabra !ormed a lovely setting in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday. January 30th., at 3:30 o'clock when Phyllis Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnl Nimigon, becamne the bride of Mr. William David Bromeil. The groom is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Elýgin Brom- ell. Rev. Wm. K. Houslander was the officiating clergyman and the wedding music was played by organist Mr. Ar- thur Collison. Given in marriage by her father tihe bride wore a floor length gown o! white taffeta enh.anced by pearl embroid- ered lace motifs. The boat- necked bodice, desîgned with long' lily-pointed sleeves, was appliqued with similar lace andl pearl motifs and her fin- ger-tip veil of white net was caug.ht to a pearl crown. She wore the groom's gi! t, a peari drop necklace and earrings, -and carried a cascade of white carnations and red roses. The bride's sister, Miss Edith Nimigon, as maid of honor was in waltz-length blue crystalette with match- .ng blue net trimming on the bodice. Bridesm.aid Miss Win- ni!red Schwartz, a cousin of the bride, wore a waltz-length dress o! pink crystalette with natching *net overskirt and softly pleated bodice. Both wore white flowered band- eaux. Flower girls were Misses Darlene Masters and Cathy Porter wore identical pink and blue nylon patterned dresses and pink and blue aiatching flowered bandeaux. Ail the attendants carried aosegays of white and pink carnatiosis circled by White rsyacin'ths. The groom's brother, Mr. Thei.ghn Bromeil was best man and the ushers were b1r. Da- vid Vivian, the groom's bro- ther, MT. Gary Bromeil and blir. Williat Mihowich, a cou- sin of the bride. At -the reception in Trinity [United Ohurch Sunday Sehool the bride's mother received in a. street-length medium blue bengaline dress. To assist the groom's mother chose a pale pink street-length sheath. Both wore white hats, bl-ack acessories and their corsages were of white 'xnums and pink roses. For the wedding trip to points in the United States the bride wore a white bro- -ade sheath with boat neck- line dipping to a V-back, -it +batAd glnoes, blc T-V Mot Ail Good -Not Ail Bad 0 HeMonisoidi Q. Viiet genrai eleca decs viewing television have on a child? Jlelù good or bad? A. From one recent study it seems that viewing T-V is neither. as bad as some say nor as "broadening" as others would have us believe. There was 'no evidence that viewing led to eye- strain, sleep disturbances, or lack of concentration in school. The investipators concluded that if television ia a window on the world, it &ives a view flot so, dif- fercat from that provided b>' books, comics, filins and radio programs. On the other hand, thec abilit>' of T-V te "broaden" a child's' mimd net vcry different from that o! any other form o! mass media. Q. 1 unioeumad "sonza.e sur- gernisresnouehemorrhoa n a fr ta prevent Mstrine comsg bock. Woauld mli sur- geous iuaraniedu. seanus r. sut-A render. A. Certain general principles are followed by ali surgeons in cor- recting hcinorrhoids. although there mlght be variations in h exact procedure used by indi- vidual surgeons. 1Those àemor- rhoids removcd will noe couic bak but others can deveop in the saine aiea. There is neyer any absolute guaratee of complete Que.Ulou dected ta Science Ut- to%, P.O. Box 396, Maditn Sq. StL, M. Y. 10, N. Y. Winl be in- corporated la Mm a ehunu wlwa MWA 13,1 Married In Trinity, United Mr. and Mrs. William David Brnvmeli. 'owi above, were married in Trinity United Church, Bow manville, on Saturday, January 3th, at 3:iù uciu Mrs. Bromeli, former Phyllis Mary Nimigon, is th, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nimigon. Mr. Brome] is the son of Mr'. and Mrs. Elgin Bromeli. -Photo by Rehde Lion s Ladies Night Is Enjoyable E vent The annual Ladies' Night lovely bouquets that haé held on lVlclavýt evcning h '\'1T ast to the Ladies. MVrs. Glen Bowmanville Lions Club ai iwcre awarded to the xinner the Lions Corn-iunitv Centr. of the spot dances. wýas a rrost Successini eveiit., entertainrnent, andtihle dane were enjoyed by Lions ardý their wives, 250 in ail. The tables were ai.tractix'el.v decorated with lovely bou- quets o! yellow dafioclils and~ mauve iris, lighted by tali tapers o! mauve and yellow. the Lions Ciub's colours. The hcad table was centred by an exquisîte arrangement of min- iature yellow chrysanthemums in a crystal bowl. Those at the head table were District-Governor R. E' (Doc) Jamieson, Coboconk, and' Mrs. Jamieson, Glenn Lander, president of the Bow- manville Lions Club, and Mrs. bander, George Vice, president1 o! the Bowmanville Rotar-. Club, and Mrs. Vice, Ed Run-i dle;, president o! Branclh 178 o! the Canadian Legion, andI Mis. Rundie, Murray Larmer.ý president o! the Bowmanviliel Kinsmen Club, and Mrs. Lar-' mer, Ràlpb Kelly, theLae Niglht chairman, and Mrs.;- Kelly, Deputy District Gov-1 ernor, Brenton Rickard, New- castle, and Mrs. Rickard W. Thomas, Cobourg, Zone chair- man, and Mrs. Thomas. The widows of thrce former members o! the club, Mrs. W., H. Birks, Mrs. J. J. Brown, and MVrs. C. A. Bartlett, were special guests at the event. The president, Glenn ban- dier, welcomed the ladies. He called on Don Williams, to, give the toast to Lions Inter-ý national. District Governor Janiieson replied on behal! o! Lions International. Mi. Lander turned the chair over to Ralph Kelly, wvho, caileal on Walter Rundie, theý lst vice-president, to give theŽ Toast to the Ladies. Mrs. Glen, bander replied ou behal! of! all th.e -lions' wives. A beautiful bouquet o! ye- low roses was presented toi Mrs. bander by H. (Bud) MO-1 ses. Don Allin conducted the special diraw. The fortunaLe prize winners were: Mrs. Law- rence Goddard, Mrs. L. M. Dewell, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mrs.1 George White and Mrs. Glen: Martyn. The Skyliners, a ladiesý quartette froin Scarborough' presented several enjoyable! vocal selections. The numbers sung by the Blend Benders, a, Scarborough men's quartet,1 were also much enjoyed. Ex. tra applause was awarded to their singing o! "I Believe." Dancing WVas enjoyed until 12:30 to the music o! Ted Tay- lor's orchestra, Ajax. The, Pupils HoId Celebration For Royal Baby Wben the birth of the' Queen's infant son was an- nounced by the principal. Ja- cob Uitvuiught, at Knox Chris. tian Sehool, Scugog Road, last week, the pupils had a cele-':j bration. Mir. Uitvlught as soon as he; received a telephone call on Friday morning at about ilý o'clock froni his wife tellingl o! the arrivai o! the new lit- tlc Prince, gathered the tesch- ers and students and told, thesi thc gond ncws. "God! Save thc Queen*' and "O Can-' ada" were sung by aîl. Then Uic children, whose excitement and enthusiasm was great, spontancously sang, Uic traditional hymn uscd as' a Baptism song lu theiri church: "Our children, bard,; in faith and prayer we now, devote to Thee. Let thesi Thy Covenant precious share, and! Thy salvation sec." The principal and teachers, then distributed chocolate bars, t o th e pupils as a tr at in c ee - bration o! the great event. KEDRON A capacity congregation fil led Kedron Church on Sur dýay morn-ing for the impre, sive service for the Guideý Brownies, Scouts and Cubsc the Coînmunity. The proceý sional hymn., "Onward Chrisi ian Soldliers" was sung by th congregation. as the colo. parties placed theh flags at th -lum CHURCH STI - BOWMANVILLE Self-Serve ... Coin Operated Laundry NOW OPERATING ... Everything was checked out as of February 6th and has been running smoothly since under the supervision of Mr. "Jerry" Westaway.. Many local residents are using the Wash-O-Mat and realizing that the weekly wash can be a pleasure i a social atmosphere. ADVANTAGES ... There are 20 washers and 8 dryers.. work tables ... good supply of soft water at 135' to 1600 - that makes for the softest, rnost delightful wash you bave ever seen ... because of this soft water "non-sudsing" detergents mýust be used . . . this is available at the unit. We suggest yen bring 25c pieces with you, other change may be obtained here. PLANNING OPENING CELEBRATION.. We invite you to drop in and look things over . .. better still, try out the washer and dryer units . . . write down any suggestions you may have * , we are planning an Opening Celebration in March when a repre- sentative will be present to answer ail questions and give you expert advice. This will be a two-day affair, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ANNOUNCE CONTEST WINNERS ... We were happy to receive so many entrmes to our Wash-O-Mat Badminton Contest, and the information they contained. Listed below are the five winners who may pick up their badminton sets and sign for same at The Statesman Office: Mrs. D. Laverty, R. R.3, Bowmanville, Ontario Mrs. A. Marjerrison, 25 Flett Street, BoWmanville, Ontario 79 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario 41 King Street W., Bowmanville, Ontario Miss Mildred Willmett, 79 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario ELECTRIC SHAVER DRAW ... We are continuing the Ronson Electric Shaver Contest for inother week ...when you drop in and browse around the unit . .. or use it . .. we would like to know what impressed you most ... so fi out the coupon below. Keith Kingsland WASH-O-MAT RONSON ELECTRIC SHAVER DRAW c/o P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO NAME _ __---_ _ __ _ __ _ ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This is what I Iiked hest about the WASH-O-MAT when 1 tirst saw it!: 47 KIN G ST. E. or ROAST 79c . . . iLb. 85C For Your Deep Freeze Dranded Steer Hindi ,57 clb CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SATISFACTION rile- zr-ýPl ý * 7- ; 1 M..- 7n.5.7, - - -Z7 ' - , "" ! 1:ý- ý ýll - 1 - r . ý - TffR CANADLU N STATESMAN, BOWIL&ýý ONTAMU alter foUw&t y tc different brlng a pie for the social hour groupe with their leaders, in !oilowing carde. Ail mémbers1Ji iciettes unrform. o! the congregation are cordw Girl Guide, Lynda Scott, iallY invited to attend. [ lI read the Scripture lesson. Spe- The Ccrnmunity Club din- nol ure a cial music was provided by thc ner which Was cancelled for Browniies wbo !illed the choir Saturday evening. aset,- wil b chace. Ieysang "lThe Lord held this coming Satur<lay inBake Sale le my Shepherd' with descant Kedron Lower Hall on Feb- sung by Lynda Hopkins, un- ruai-y 27 at 6 o'clock. - The Tea and Bake Sale held der direction o! Mrs. R. S. Bi- J. Starr had the misfortune by thc Guildettes o! St. John's sho<p, with Mis. R. C. Lee ac- to injlure bis band at work last Anglican Cburch in the par- companying themai t the organ; week, necessitatiflg surgery isb hall recently was a most Guide leaders are Mire. R. and a oast on bis arm. Partte wands Ms. Parftt, ant Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and successful event. Ail a!ter- Browny Owl, sMs. Warili an lyYclvcrton, wcre Sun- noon a steady stream o! pa- Mile, onnctc wih te 3~h-day guests at the William Wer- trons enjoyed tea, and shop- awlegroupecg irlsfothe h ry. home, ped at the array o! delectable 2th Oshawa group. Congratulations to Mi. and goods at the Home Baking Registercd leaders for the Mrs. James McNally, proud Booth. Cubs aire Mirs. R. Dale leader, parents o! a baby boy, James Mrs. C. Hopkins assistant; and Allan, born Thursday, Febru- Mis. Bruce Milne and Mrq. for the Scouts, William Werry ary 18, Memorial Hospital, Ernest Blake wcre the tea leader, with Roy Robinson Bowmlanville, a brother for convenors. Mis. Harold Lake andl Ross Pettes assistants. Gayle and Douglas. . was convenor o! the Home The sermon, preachcd by Uic Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Craig minister, Bey. Ronald H. Love, ha! 17 teenagers at their home Baking Booth. She was as- was addressed especially to !ollowing the skating Party sis4ed by Mrs. M. Marchant. the young people with the held rcccntly for Tees Town The president o! the Guild- theme "Allegianoe". members. ettes, Mis. George Morris, wrs A further feature o! the scr- Miss Karen Pascoe, Brooklin, general. convenor. vice was a brie! installation was a weekend guest o! Miss Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston and service for new stewards, in Marlene Wood. Mrs. Elmer Henning presîded whîch Robert Dale, Douglas Miss Yvonne Hicks was hon- over thc tea cups. The servinq Love, b. Noble, Edrward Maid- ourcd with a supper party on table was ccntred by a beauti- mainsd Qi-vil Sclleck werc the occasion o! bier birthdiay, fui bouquct o! red and white o!!icially installed on the Bo- given by ber parents, Mir. and carnations in a silver bowl, ard of Stewards. Mrs. Henry Hicks at their and lighted by tail red tapers Following thc recessional home. Guests were Misses Kar- in silver candelabra. A group hymn, the congregation rema- en Pascoe, Joan Hamilton, o! the Guildettes assisted in ined standing until the groups Marlene and Sylvia Wood. serving. with their colour parties and __________________ leaders had withdrawn.- The Aduit Bible Class will .Im am ,n hoid a Sadie Hawkins cuchre j- narty on Monday even'ing. The motorist was trying to -February 29th at the homp of make amends to the housewife chrg an.irb. 3 bel e e. fo for having Just run over ber ieach year o! your age. Come in cat: "'I'm very sorry, lady, but country style dress, suited to IPd be willing to replace ber." r the occasion, or pay a small Irate Housewife: "Very well, - forfeit. Ladies are asked toten ge bsy Ters Many types o! cancer can mouse in the kitchen." be cured by radiation or sur- Guess you'd eall that cxcbange gery, or a combination o! both. a gaine o! cat and mouse. With Regular medical check.-ups on that, l'Il slink into the coin- persons over 40 years o! age meriai.- Speaking o! replac-K may reveal cancers in a cur- ing, it's s fact you wouldn't able stage. have to replace certain garm-r d ents so oftcn if they were n Cne eerh i n given regular expert dry dlean carried out in 7 o! the 10 Can- ing care. Why not start today __ LP5 adian provinces. Most o! the to lengthen the life o! your mone 'y for its support is pro-Iciothes? We promise to pamperCalLsi vided by the Canadian Cancer them like a kitten.Caiese Society. The Canadian Cancer So- cit wa rgnzd n138l ED CROSS BLIL NIGHT 5s its main funictions is to teach M N A ,N R H 11 S, Canadians that early diagno- Of sis o! cancer depends on the 5early reporting o! suspicious 1 t- symptosis to a doctor. It sîsoX ie supports cancer research and "o.IN5iW. A.3 ' 4' ur gives assistance to cancer pa- ie tients. diL À& Ààl

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