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Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE GANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAKVILLE. ONTAMO qmTID@n AV W~'U *Mli * .atF...JIa.1 a- -. ~ w Births BYAM-Grenyiile anti Caroai are hiappy te announce thi arrivai ai their son Timath3 Grenville on Friday, Februar3 12th, 1960, in Meinorial Hos. pital, Bowmanviile. 8-1 CONNELL-Keith and Barbara arcelhappy to announce the bith ai a daugliter an Mon- day, February 22nd, m.t Me- jnorial Hospital, Bawmanvillc. A sister for Tommy and Alan. 8-1 HOLROYD-BiI1 andi*Jean are h-!epy ta announce tic birth c teir baby daugliter Jo-anne at Memorial Hospital, Bow- nianville, on Feintai-y 19, 1960. 8-1 LOVERIDGE-Walter andi May are happy te announce tic birth -oai ticir daughter Camil- la Joy, bei-n Fcb. 23, 1960, at Memoriai Hospital, Bawman- ville. 8-1 MORRIS-Don and Dorothy announce tic birth ai their third daughter at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile on Wed- nesday, Feiruary 24th, 1960. A sister for Paul, John, Anne andi Jane. 8-1 TAYLOR-Dr. and Mrn. Keith Taylor (nec Gwendolyn Chat- terton) are hiappy ta announce thc birti ai their daugiter on February l4th at Peel M-e-' marial Hospital, Brampton, Ontario. 8-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Earl Step] son af Oshawa wish ta nounce the engagement af t daugliter Beveriy Joan, ta Daniiel Neville Kearney, so: Mrs. A. G. Kearney and late' Mr. Kearney, Bowr ville. The marriage wil p lace in Simcoe Street Ur Church, Osbawa, on Saturi Ymercl 26 at 3 p.m. Deaths ihe-n an. SMr n ol nan- take ited day, CHRISTIE-At Memoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Sun. day, February 21, 1960, Haroldi G. Christie, aged 49 yeams, 212 Churci St., Bowmanville, be- Ioved husband ai Pauline Bradley and dear father ai Audrey (M-ms. Coiby Cuni- znings), Woodstack, NB., and Dalton, Bowmanvilie. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, P3owmanviile, until Tuesday znorning, tien ta DeWitt Fun- -eral Home, Woodstock, N.B. .Interment Temperance Vale Cemetery. 8-1 * XIANNAH, Mms. William L,- At .Civic Hospital, Peterborough on Saturtiay, February iti, 1960, Vera Annie Sisson, be- 1jvved wifc ai William b. Han- nai, R. R. 1, Bethany; dear1 daughter ai Mrn. Adeline Sis-i son (Devitt), Peterborough antif the late Stephen Sissan; dear1 inotier ai Mrn. Gardon Staplen (Murmel) ai Cavan; Jack pi-e-1 dleceased; sister ai Karl Sisson,t Pieter-borough anti Dr. Elmo W.I isoan ai Bowmanvilie; deari grndinother ai Richard, John1 nd Bob, al ai Cavan. The1 late M-is. Hannai resteti at ber late resitience until noon on '17uesday, February l6ti. Fun- eral service frain St. Paul'sa Anglican Churci, Bethany, ats 2:30 p.m. Rev. George M-catis- officiateti. Interment St. Mamy's- Cemctery, Manvers Townsh p.j Arrangements Kaye Funeral k liome. 8-fif] In Memoriatm P'ARROW-In loving memor of a dear iather and grand father, Vctor Farrow, wh, passed away February 20C 1958. Deep in our hearts the memor, is kept, 0f one we loved and wil neyer forget; And though the yearsbe man3 or few, We'll always be thinking dear father, of you. -Lovingiy remembered b3 *daughter Myrtie, son-in-Iam Norman and grandchildren. 8-19 NOON-In ioving memory ci our dear sister Mabel May Noon, who passed away Marc: 2nd, 1958. Till memory fades and 1fe departs You live forever in our hearts. -Ever remembered by her sisters, Aima, Gertrude and Notices If residents of Darllngton Township who have been dis- aatisfied with the Planning Board would write their com- plaints ta the Council or Sec. retary of Ratepayers' Associa- tion, we might get some action. Financial MONEY TO LEND. Clients' money for discount purchase af iirst and second rnortgages and agreements for sale. Reply in writing giving details of secur- Ity 'and ternis of purchase ta Creighton, Fraser, Drynan & Murdoch, Box 201, Oshawa. 6-4 UgtLJMITEDMONET LOANS To City and Farm Foks Iffmey for anythlnt ian y- where. Phone or write now. OPU INVESTMENTS LT». 99 Avenue Road Suite 310 IonnI. 5, Ont&Aro WA 1-2442 8-11 NEED MONETY? lUnilmited tuais avallable on tumei, haiesmotels, stores, etc. Fait services afiwere la Ontarw. DULRAT INVETMENT8 410-A Wilson Av*. Toento: ME 3.38 ry ry il y ýg, -y )f ýy ýh ýr le ie ly r' S. Cardi of Thanks Coming Evei I would like ta thank FO friends, neiglibours, i-ela anti Local 189 for fruit, fit cigarettes andi cards sentt whie in the haspital an haome. au My latives owers,. ta me nd at Ray' Brack. 8-1* a eI would like la this way ta - thank Dr. Huibard, nurses - and staff ai Memorial Hospital, also those who sent iiowems, catis anti gifts while I was in 1hospital. Mrs. Donald Gavel. I wish ta thank Rev. Stain-1 ton and Mr. and M-ms. Lloyd Snowden and ail tic folks wio weme so kind te me la tic las ai my husband Abert Pai-ker. M-ms. Parker andi iamily. 8-1 I wish ta tliank Dr. Sylvest- ci-, nurses anti staff ai Memar- ial Hospital, relatives, neigh- bous anti friencis for cards, gifts and many acts ai kinti- nens shown me wiile in ion- pital and at home. Han-y Adcock. 8-1 M-y sincere thanks ta Dr. Huibard, nursing and dictai-y staff. ai Memorial Hospital,] Bowmanvilie, for kinti atten-1 tion receiveti. Also thanks ta kind frientis for flowers anti Icatis. M-ms. J. Stracian. .8-11 Dance in Salina Coni Hall, Saturday, Marche Fisher's Orchestra. Adi $1.00 per persan. E' welcome. Be sure ta attend1 Friday, Feb. 26th at 8 the Tyrone Cammuitý Prizes. Admission 35c.' sored by Community Board. Durham Caunty Sh( Club aninual banquet, M day, March 30th at Salin; munity Hall. AUi mi persans invited. Adb $1.50. Olde Tyme and1 Dancing, Saturday, Fe 27, Solina Hall. Jim and Orchestra. Conditiai nitting we may use ai group including vocalisi Old Time and Modern ing, Saturday, March 5tli tonville Hall. Jake Va and bis orchestra. Spc by Newtonville Hardball Admission 75c. Everyor come. A Musical -Va-riety C >resented by Bowmý Salvation Army Junior and Choristers at the Ha Christian Education( Friday, February 26th a p.m. Leap Year Diance-Par Saturday, February 27th, t Blackstock Recrea Centre. Old time mu lake Van Dam and bis Everyone is welcome. A1 Jon: gents 75c, ladies 50c Woodview Community( -Monster B i n g a. T, ,ames-twenty dollars; ,ames-thirty dollars; ickpot, and two jackp( '250. Door prizes. [onday, 8 p.m., Red )shawa. .1 c I c i C I 1~ s E, s i gý : I would like ta express my sincere thanks ta Dr. H. B. Rundle, nurses and staff af -Memarial Hospital, St. Paul's ' r Evening Auxiliary for flowers, raise friends and neighbors for f cards and fruit and making my te stay in hospital a pleasant one. 1-Mrs. 1iarold De Mlle. 8-1 ýdMy famuly and I would . like Yta thank aur many friends, relatives, neighbours, Rev. k!auslander, for their kindness, wards af sympathy, many flor- al afferings in the sad loss of a dear wife and mother. d A. L. Ells and family. 2 8-1 * .e We wishta sincerely thank af ur friends for the many acts of kindness shown us during the loss of a dear. wîfe and 1mother. We deeply appreciate the kindness of the Memorial Hospital nurses and Dr. Syl- vester. We would aise like ta thank aur neighbours and friends for their kindness, flow- éers and cards. Charles Hone and Family. 8-1 * I wou]d like ta thank all those who have been sa kind ta me since I went into the hospital at Toronta last Sep- tember. Your cards, letters, etc., have been very much ap- preciated. I cannat name every- one individually as much as I would like te, but a special1 thanks ta Goodyear Local 189,d Depts. 232, 233 and 237, Trin-1 ity United Church, Mernorialv Park Association and Memorial( Hospital Kitchen Staff. 2 David S. Park. 8-1* i I wish ta express my sincereo appreciatian to Dr. McKenzie, C special nurses Mrs. Smythe and t; Mrs. Burgess and toalal the t] nurses and staff of Memarial iç Hospital for their care and kindness dturing my stay there. ej rhanks ta Rev. W. Housiander for bis visits and Trinity W.A. o. for flowers and cards and ail cý imy relatives, friends and neigh- n bers for kind inquiries, letters, cards, fruit and flowers and fc lhe many acts af kindness nr shown me and my family. t] Mrs. Bertha Oke. in 8-1* tc In the midst af aur sorrow 1fr we would like ta express aur heartfelt gratitude ta aur many in friends, relatives and neiglibors to for the beautiful floral affer- to igs, cards, kindness and sym-, pathy shown ta us in the loss ec of a dear husband and father, George Goddard, also aur e< grateful thanks ta Rev. Harold fa Staintan for bis cansoling eq words, the palîbearers, flower da ,arriers and Morris Funeral thi Horne for their kind and ef- cient services. AUl were ne eeply appreciated. F'lorence and Louise Goddard. 8-1* f. f fi fi : gi S. w E fil dg ONTOLOGY On- foi - Ogy "AÀ new Scientiî approach fo heali Auction Sale Attention Farmers!1 encing Friday, Mardi- Veekly Livestock Sales a .irbam County Sales A )rona, will be held every ay evening, cammencir :30 p.m. (No Manday sz Tenders Wcmte 'R Sale by Tender-Or il, Newtonville. Cu tymond Bruce, Newton y Mardi Sth, 1960. Dt Or da by Departrnent of Publie 1M Ottawa TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addh ed ta Secretary, Departner Public Warks, Ottawa, and dorseti "TENDER FOR DRI ING, PORT HOPE, ONTAI wiil be receivcd until 3:001 (E.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, M' 23, 1960. Combinèti specification fomm ai tender dan be seen >btained at tic office ai Chief Engineer (H. & R.), tawa, Ont., aino at tic offici he District Engineci-, 225 Ji is Street, Toronto, Ontario. To be consitiered caci t. er must- (a) be accampanicti by of tic altei-native necuri alleti for in tic tender do ments, (b) be matie on tic prin foms supplieti by tic Depî ient antini accordance w Le conditions set forth the In. Tenders must include Lwing ai tic plant ta om tic womk. Tic dretiges anti other fi ig plant which ai-e intenc ;be employeti on tus wo 'be cligible mut- (a) be ai Canadian ai-Ur id Kingdam registry, anti (b) be ai Canadian or Ur il Kingdam make or ina acture andi, in tic case ai U quipinent, bave been in Car ia at leant anc ycar priai- he date ai the tender caîl. Thc lowent or any tenderr iccssarily accepteci. ROBERT FORTIER, Chici ai Administrative Services anti Seci-etary. Nursing Home CSfrSl ACCOMMODATION for lais C rsfrS l and gentlemen at Lyntonburst ALLSTATE Auto Insuran -Manar Rest Home. Telephone Save 20%. Six months ta pý SOrona 1771. 6-10* For personal service at yc SOUTH Haven Nursing Home homle cai waRA52 *-Accommodation for private clet a n d semi-private patients, BUYING OR SELLING lounge TV. Fully licensed, SEE new building, modern. Visitors 1 P weicome. Reasonable rates. TdCm i oo Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf RA amp44 in MobRA5-5 ROSEHAVEN Nursing Home 607 Kig St. East of Millbrook. Proprietor, Mrs. (Just East of Wilson Rd.) Gladys Westlake. Reistered OSHAWA licenýsed nursing home lias va- 10. cancies for up or bed patients. AUl patients on graund floor. W anted to Buy Ail the latest fire equlpment plus tire alarm systeni. DayIALL kinds af live pouli and night nursing care. Reg- wanted. Highest prices pa: istered nurse on floor. Tray M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. service, gaed home caoked Phone 7 r 13 collect. 4. meals. ets.nPhn e.HIGHEST prices paid for usE Besoabe ats.Phne82J, furniture, appliances, teli MIIbiak. -2 vision, aewing machines, et Also sell and exchange.., _______________ King St. W. Phone MArki FEEL OLD? want te Fêee 3-7231. 42- Younger? Thousands af men, HIGHEST prices paid for Wi1 women past 40 pep up quick POultrY, goose feathers, feat] wth help af Ostrex Tanr Tib- er ticks, scrap iran, rag lets. Make 3-day test. Only metals and raw furs. Phai 69c. At a druggists. 8.1 RA 3-2043 Oshawa callect. HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber48 goods> mailed postpaid in plain Pesf rS e sealed envelope with price Iist. Pets___for___Sale_ Six samples 25c, 24 sasnples BEAU'rIFUL registered Shel $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, land sheepdog puppies. Per Nov.-Rubber Ce., Box 91, Ham-, fect pets. W. Raynsford, New lltoia. Ont. i 1.521 catie. Plione 318&. 8. try______________ Saine day service. Television REWINDING conveniencen, hardwood ilooms, 8.0fr2 od rla.- iiii enr itecm ýid. Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. Sales & Service full basement. Garage. Ask- emT - ENGAGEMENT petence ai Canadian manage-. 1.49-tf MA 3-3058 ing $10,000. Tcmms. MAIllAGES - DEATIfS ment. But no amount oif 1. ESSOl 0 EASan eidig r 43 Third St. Bowmanvllle 8 Roomet haine with modiern $1.00 Per insertion agei-iai skill would have g- - tures turned, te ah m akes ai îtî c nve miences, n highway, at l EM RAM ic at i Ca o r na ne f u d eteicmaas.HVgo 2e- Nwantleqith S ar rers 81.00 Plus 10c a fine for vers. hemseif in an unusually favor- te. t RAE ric, 38 King East. Phone M-A OS A T Price and ternis amiangeci. Di CY Clasllied at $1.50 r,., able economnic qituation at the- 59,. 3-3305. '-fTLVSO ELLSLS 13Rondbikhm n inwth a minimum of on. inch. end ai World War Il." :et ___________ Eîî~ EILSLSNw~H rc oeiiAdditional insertions ai 2 Esthceci tc.arice r REPAERSto al mkes f sw- ISTALATIN &RF Nwcatleclose ta main street rates. lehrinteatce -t W mtd ngmchne. re icupan ePAIRwîth xtaiow.dawn pay 8,00ent. sfidAamWb a Armour notes that wages ini ti Phiey a et' B r an B w a vleO shwa j1with extra ot. pAskîng . 000 n is oficn ot lAtemuthb ant4e Canadan steel industmy hDEAD anOshaw am tc (ete 5 ig .Tlphn &I351 t 12 o'clock noon, Vlednesday have increaseci by 265 per cent cippe tr RA 8-8180 Contact: Send caish, siomps or mono>' ordo in tic 1939-1959 period and s, picked up promptly. Telephone MA 3-7231. 44-tf BELL AND BOB LEAS K . 174 and save mono>'. thatsnemtip-dsin ne COlfax 3-2721. Margwill' Fur REPAIRS ta a i akes ai e- 39-tf John .1Devith thcu, u fo1r handi' referen.cme'as.edbyeoniy 99 per cent i i& Fan, Tyrne. 37-tf frigeratoms, domestic and coni.Ralo-ndGnra nurneomeHURahs yea9 9 se-rersn See Clanm gn EecticLimted 3 Kig R stHome Newcastle Phono 3341 8-o0ai touqh pi.m.avefame wel. Fr pening - Sed ClaniSt-o E heicLMitd383305 ing fLAKL'VIEW Manor, Part Perry Salesmen: 830a.to 5 P.m.its Pages ta suci straight talk open by apointinen. Ordems-Odstems laoking for a home Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvile 830am. to 12 NOOfltan pkemnfr man. 1-opW yAI See CeanemOes, owothme rgh her A3-90-agement the labour magazine r- 'now taken on grass seeds. Came PiCn-o Tuning aa ri oe rgtcer A335 The Canadian Statesman deserves full credit. It seems tai roams, lounge and TV. For Ross Davidson, Bethan>' Dia] MArket 3-3303 t uu v-jearly and save. Phone Black-,ARTHUR Callisan. Telephone ful particulars Phone Port Phono 21 r 6 for Classilied Ad Sevc t uu well for goad labour. -4,tok 8 r11 8-,Mrkt 3390.management relations in thaà 4 tok 9 1. -4Aret3-90.8-t1 Perry, YUkon 5-7U67. 6-4 81key i>,ndutry. MM «NADIAN STATEMUN. BOWUANVffLt ONTAlao qqtffR.qnAv- Pm. 2nth- lm -- 1 r 1 t . rJ, MM N 2 gc !l r_ . 1 =1 1 "1 ts JArticles for Sale Help Wanted Real Estate for Sale Reail Estate for Sale' Hungary. United Nations in mmunity BUILDING 9' x 10'. MArketIGIRL or waman ta do house- IN Orono, 1 l-storey bouse, ail TWO choice lots in Village ofHA PT Naurcoemmunity seenin as anae 5. Jim 3-5542. 8-1 work during March. Phone modemn conveniences, six good Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. ibig family ini a community cir- Imission Teo onjylf ýveryane TWIN beds with steel frames. CO 3-2187. 8-1 size roins, hardwaod floors, 7-tf MESa. TeonMuny letce. 8-2Phoe A 3567. -1WAIRESESforful ad1garage and nice surroundings SEVEN-room brick bouse witbý by plane from Malton Airport The speaker was Mr. Uit. Euchreý QUANTITY ai turkey nianure. part tume. Apply Honey Hal- on large lot. Apply Donald garage, central location, easy in Texasd avst eaie vlugt- Principal of the Knox p.m. in Phone MA 3-5058. 8-1* low Restaurant, Newcastle. Goodè, Lakefield, Ont. Phone terms, private. Phone MArketinTx. Christian School in Bowman. ____________________OLiver 2-3820 for appamntment. 3-3970. 8-1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson ville. The topic was "Citizen- ýyHl.GO ie alre8-1 8-2 ited Iùs sister Mms. Dave ship"l. Mr. U1tvlugt came to Hall- quantity. Phone RA 5-4055. MIDDLE-AGED lady ta help J.VnN sMc uyadK d Hooper and Mr. Hooper at Or- Canada 32 yeams ago.H sa Hall 8-4* with housework and carefo c a adKd nonSna.t hsesrofbigaC - 8-1* LIGHT w a a d, stovewood two children. Live in. Phone ilV nN s REALTORS Mr. and M-rn. W. Harrison addan ta buirni summed Up in iotorn lengths, $10 a load. CO 3-2275. MA 3-2568. 8-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER Members ai Oshawa & District and daugfhter, Kini, Coîborne, five wamds, fougit, sought, Uednes- 8-tf MAN Wanted: For Rawleigh 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Real Estate Board spent the weeKend witb ber bougtvt, caught and tauglit. a On frsl. eierd uins.Selt 50 aile.BWmnil $1,500 down buys 1½-starey Parents, M-r. and M-rn. G. Ad- New Canadians are seeking msonPhone Cliii Petbick, COlfax Good profits for hustlers. Write Prince Street - Modemn brick. $8,000 full price. cock. happiness and Canadians are 8.1*io 3-2131. 36-tf today. Rawleigh's, Dept. B- brick bungalow with ahl con- 100 acres witb 50 acres Mr. anid Mm.r wi on-iinie hnay te on 140-, 405 ichlie, Mntral.venencs, il heat, many popular varieties ai apples and jy visited fr-iends at Nest!Ie- r.TefstDchcolwa ONE8pec, ee sed.ttigaelmacon 8-1 extras, N.H.A. 514 % martgage. 2,500 pear trees. Large bip- tan On Thu.sdy. opened at Hoiland Marsh bruary MA 3-5683. . 8-1* TWO mecbanics for new car Liberty St. N. - 9 roin roof barn. Pond, paved road. Mi.adrnS.aend ai i e acMrs. tlg n preerservice and accessories. Flat with apartment for side in- Asking only $25.000. Easy soMDug and M m . acnems andeOfethe tram Hol- ns per- 36" WALNUT panel bed, coin- rate, average $100.00 wekycame. Canveniences, Oil beat- teris. WonaDolsandMw Json Ms anee ýur full plete with spring mattress, $35. a ial Company beeisWdricaadnwt fut Lresleto ihms y, Osaw, ereud t.7-2* Phone MVA 3-82 8-1i ?if Milîs Motors, Oshawa. trees. farms and businesses. callera at T. Wray's. ysao e aal y goer ave pian * Dane- APPLES-M-cîntosh, Spy and Caîl MA 3-3836 aiter 7 p.m. Cali us for particulars. Caîl M-ms. W. White a'nd Misasol Rs rasfrst play- i, Nw- aSale. illdelier.Elmr 1 e hve ther. 81 Ned in Dutch tien in Engllsh. î, Nw- aSale.Wil deive. Emer8-1 ehv tes - WALTER FRANK Nancy Johns have moved inta ans Borek fram Poland gave inDmCx M 78.~CARETAKER for Memorial 177 Church St. MIA 3-3393ani ____________________th endlovtevnlwlhoe.i h itrstn ecription of însored A CO auinum windows Park Club House. Application Peter Kowal Bowmanvll ov n ftevillage their ciothes and Sharon Coutt. 1Ta-and doors. borne Allun, tele- ta be sent ta Mrn. Frank 8-1 Friends arp sorry ta know ware One ai the costumes ie wel- phone MArkct 3-3871. 8-2 Thompson, Duke Street, Bow- R~EAL ESTATE BROKER that Mr. borne Bradley is a wbicb was very colorful. Mms. 8-.2 * COMBINATION table saw manville, by Mardi 8th, 1960. GENERAL INSURANCE Chre Rakn patient in the Osh'awa General Katzer from Germany dis- ýoncert drill press, sander and lathe' Rate ai pay, $10 per mocek.. 99 King St. E. Bowmanville CalsR ie Hospital, and M-rn. Bradley un- plaYed some ai their fine fan- tanville B3. Milne, MA 3-3937. 8.1 7-2 Telephone MA 3-5868 REAL ESTATE BROKER dem care in Memorial Hospital, cy wark and knitting this Band B5 igS.W omavle ohhvn sf a uhejyd impton REBUILT eectric motors, ncw LARGE United States and Can- Box 817 5 igS.W oravle ahhaigsf a uhejyd Centre, guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- adian manufacturing company Salesman - J. A. Barton 20 acres ai land, Bowman- fered injuries in a metai- ac- M-is. Bax fi-rn Hoiland "aS at 8:30 phone Orono 14 r- 16. 6.12* equires Field Representative MA 3-3098 ville five miles. An ideal me- c!denit at the south end ai the unable ta be present and sn in Clarke Township. Ex.Butul-ro icbn- treat. Priced very reanonably. village while retui-ning home ovycuincve sntabe 8-1ON dobl bd ad pmigcetioaly i b eamins.galw n LbetySt.S us$3,000 full price for this 5- fi-m Bowmanville on Saturdaycohabiseladore et. rt yo onenc/4 bcd, spring and mat- Guaranteed repeat business. is rul a modern home at its roorned winterized cottage. n'îght. We sincerely hope they Mrs. Payne dispiayedatce 11960. trcss. Phone MA 3-5403. 8-1flAtooble essential. Agi- best. Cames equipped with Hrwo lbrbiti cup- may sean be imiproved. htmk o ely rtilsih sioaluCLOVERS, rases, aet. i rI utural ior tangbaces aîuminum storms and sereens. boards, partial bath, a neat, Little Leah Wilbur who was1 littie cost. Mrs. Smale display. sicai luing immovd aritis. roud ontimortnt SaesLarge size garage. Priced ta attractive home, a patient inthe Oshawa Hospi- cd some afilber smocking on group. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmnile training given. Apply for sell. Garage and service station tal for a while is now at home sinail dresses and also a mach. edmis- i-fpersonal interview ta Balti- 62' x 35'. Hydraulic boist plus and somcwhat improvcd. mne for marking materials for c.7-2 "COPYRITE" duplicator, gaod more Hotel, Cc-bourg, Tuesday ,a $3,900.00 down will buy you fiveLnit apartment building.1 Cenre ondtin; estofer ontctMarh lt,9:3 a.. . J Ha anice 7-roorn brick bungalow Solid brick. Oul heat. A Mr. Will Wilbui- undei-went smocking. Mr. Dewell had pur- Denre ondtin; estoffr.ConactMaichint 9:0 am.P. . Hr-with ail modern conveniences wetyReratonOfieM 333rington. 8-1 and the best part ai this deal is genuine bai-gain at $21,000 with sumgery at the Oshawa Hospi- ses, walicts and belts on dis. fent enseion 6.ic, -25$,0 on tai on Monday. We trust hie too Play made fi-arn leather. Mrs. five Exension6. 7nth for rncpal,$7int ern Highway farm, 150 acres, ani will soon be much better. Kiliens showed a clath with $150ONEboys sddl an brdle AV N mnthforpricipl, nteestexcellent set ai buildings, Remeinher "Pot Luck" sup- the alphabet workcd in cross ýotsat pon bugy i exellet cn- ad txes.Intrestat nlygood day loam. Asking $20,000 per and program 'îbi -the Bow- stitch which was 129 yeai-s aid. Next dition. Phone George FoWier, S 6%TPrC ~ /. o odtrn.mnileSlaro m u- Francine Veleynen i raom Bai-n, MArket 32100. 81* PRO UC 5 rooin bungalow at Court- o odtri.mnil avto ryJn 46-tf - ice with ail modemn conven- MA 3-2453 - Evg's CO 3-2397 li-r choir in the Sund'ay Schooi Belgium, very capabiy gave hal on Friday evening, under bier speech on "Impressions af KEYS cut automatically, wblle NEEDED IMMEDIATELY iences. Locatcd in a nice Salesman - Clarence Saper tic auspices ai the Sundiay Canada". This-speech had been yau wait, at Mason & Dale negbuho.Pid sl Hardware, 36 King St. E., THREE LADIES egbuho.Prcdt clMA 3-2624 Sho.peae o h uleSek at $10,500.00 with teris ar- 8-1 Sehool. p epare o tPi e a k-Th Bowmanville. 46-tf in the Bowmanville Area with anged. igcnetsietreao h List witb us for better me- Home and Sehool Verleysens came ta Canada SAVE an lumber, direct froin mbtont earn money. t. Peter reuaemna Tnie Hampton Home and seven years ago on an Italian Ec mil ta you. Pbillips Lumber ambiton t 8-1 RA SAEBOE School Association met at the boat. 13-tf bmut Ot hne Go nompr-tm.RALETT r ckE 1 new school, Feb. 9, wîth 38 The meeting closed witii 1117 r 11. Reais.Prmt Go ncre pr-im.ork Vanted 180 acres - 7 i-oonmnarccl present. The meeting opeined ninging "God, Save the Qucen". h ELECTRICAL ear.Pop Write MISS K. MaéKEAN.- bouse, full basement, frae1 ih ninginig ai "O Canada" Sandwiches andi cofice were 8- lasrgietee and ial b ane a .Rd YOUNG Dutch girl desires batbroom, b-shape barn, gar-1 with Misa N. Horn at the piano served by Mrs. MacNcil and 8.1 servie ae etall appli aces, 52 Gilmour St., Peterborough houscwomk. Phone MA 3-7075. age. A vcry dlean farm. Prîce iollowed by tic Lord's Prayer. cammittce in the absence of kS ware. Phone MA 3-5774. RIverside 3-4006 8-1 anly $13,000.00.Miueai Jnry et- -n.G adBaon Cm43-tf 8-1 CARPENTER work, new and 100 acres norti ai Bowman- Mgnutereofmead and aravmet-d. Net meetin ilbeh il 4th HEINTZMAN piano, mattrens, repairs. Fi-e estmts eleVihîle, 10 room ,fully od The Treasurer's report was Mai-ch 9th,,at 8:15 p.m. with atthbe double bcd size, excellent con- Secretary-Treasurer phone MA 3-5212. 8-11 oue, bsapLamvcy gaod -rs ilns e-Mr.Mce ncareo h ýrndition; '59 Ford sedan, auto-sol we ilslortaetfctfothHapnsh-pogmwihwl b 01 ri-'matic transmission. Phone MA (PART-TIME WORK) FOR ail yaum painting and on bouse.tfcaefric aptnca-mgamwchwl be o j Fg aý 3-5510. - 8-1* papcring, caîl Melle Rozema. 6 acres with 7 moom stone ais was sent froin UNICEF "Healti" with M-rn. Kaztem and ales). DOyu-w for n for the Phone M-A 3-2584. 4-tf bouse, large L-shape bai-n, good headiquarters as an apprecia- Miss Nora'h Horn on the dam- ;ale). O yor on florsand ugslocation. Price anîy $10,500.00. tion for colecting $68.49 for mîttce. 8-1* -Rent a sander, floor palier T1 I in distrens and needi a ment, Terins. . UNICEF. A report fi-rn Home - or rug cleaner (sbampoo meti- CntalLakLe vOinrio give Dunn & Goodall's Dcliv- 11'/ acres with 8 room brick and Sdhoo-l Council was given od). We nand flooms. bander ci-y Service a test. MAi-ket house, two bathrooms, modemn by M-ms. Coutts and M-rn. C. Yeo Hardware. s-tf conservation 3-3842. 82* kitchen, near Bowmanville, who attendcd Theic m and EIb 0W Room range ÏNSUbATION, blowing meth- PLUMBING, hcating, eavcs- facing Hg y .Pri c e Sho Convention 1sben intact od, witî rock wooî. Work- traughing, fi-ce estimates. Har- $12,000.00. Easy, terms. held at tic Royal York Hotel b>' C. J. HARRIS ville, mansbip guarantced. Fi-ce esti.. A uthoUL 1 vey Partner, Tyrone. COliax 11/2 acres an bake Sturgeon, in Toronto, April 20) and 21. In the official trades union 8-*mates. Han-y b. Wade. Tele- APL BY ET R 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf 10 bcdroorn lodge, large kitch- Delegates are needed ta at- inanthly, Canadian Labour, orks, phone Clar-ke 2420. 39-tf PL BY ET R en, 7 single cabins, 2 double tend this Convention.th cnm avsroTe RHEUATI Pan? Ifyoustatng gebusnes exer-FOR chimney work, new oi- cabins, 3 boats. A i-cal buy at Miss Peel's Rooin wan tic at- Steel Company ai Canada, RHUMTI Pin I yu ttig ge bsies epe-repair or any brick, block ai- $17,000. Terms. tendance prize. M-m. Fred Hol- Stuart Armour, h-as been suifer fi-rn backaches, luin- lence, education and other cancrete wark. P.O. Box 1083. We have a good lint ai bous- rayd Jr. gave neveral ideasgveebo ombjteei res- bago, sciatica, try Rumacapn ieiebwro Yteei nt ai today ta belp bring you prompt qualifications to Calb. Turner, Phone MAi-ket essaine with very law down ariinmay.toi-n ta write saine ai the 3-5820l or 3-5605. 30-tf payment. M rn. iln wain ch economnic truths that nced ta d en- relief. Druggists everywbcme. Ms.Klln wsincarge be statcd in thisconr at EDG- 5-4____________ AUverliser 2 YOUNG mammiedi man desimes 189 ugog St. .owmanville of the prograin and calced on this moment. In i-Yrtcl RIO, OKbosadsosa ba- position on daimy farm (fi-st ai Cali MA 3-3644 saine New Canadiains in aur biMatil p.m. OKbosadsosa a c/o The Canadian Statesman pi) Exeend mlkr Salesman: G. Blyleven cmnt iromHlld, - . Armour points out that fAR. gain piies, bmown and black, ~BxWilling ta manage a sinall Phone MA 3-5300 Onuremn, egum IY enaonatic dct ion a ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe darynn -rieAdetie 8-1 lan,________________________nteeclnefro. i-y m.0 Write .,Bo- .O Bx 901956 peak ai $1.573 per capi- an mnvll. as o Bwmnvll 2 co andinStatesman, n ietc ae t o$,0 98 n i iand anie.EsaiBwailc BOWMANVILLE P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. eWilh ock for ta ta i40 in 98,adle thean aid 42-tf '~ aain 81De Wi n eail Sfaîe_______________gocs an taexpiai-e the causes. Ot- HEARING adservice. Tcsting DAIRY FARM, 350 acres. 200 ICALVES-276e8.in 8-Phne "oyar nInce tic ena ai-v baterviesand codardsatociggon For Rent Flerman V nD B faci-es womkablc, open millck 326.8.*Wmd Wralhnbe :cv aeries and cmpets t Hoana eBl quota, 100' x 40' bank barn, ONE young Holstein cow, due ycar ai eally poar business Electmic bimitcd, 38 King St. E., FURNISHED room. Telephone GENERAL CONTRACTOR silo, bulk cooler; 8 roomed brick t rse so PoeRA In aaa"wie h c cnd- Bowmanville. Phone MAi-ket MAi-ket 3-5669. 8-1 Brick, Block, Concrete and bouse. Anking $30,000. Easy 5-5959. 81* omint.* "Moreover, since 1945 3-30. - THREE or four raom apart- Carpentryteis FIVE-ycai--old pony, very quiet e ste an womm ou in anc CLEARANCE Sale ai ail mer- ment. Brigt, seli-contained, New Work and Repairs DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, with childmen. Phone COliaxg*intiapdctay n is w ih aur ities chandise-Drastic reductions central. Phone MA 3-3535. PHONE MArkct 3-3694 - close ta Oshawa, modernizcd 3-2768. _ 8-1 * btd oa dmnia acu- an everything. Cammencing 817MiLae -tî bank barn, bulk cooler, drive IIînt7 neeties ods wedand evcs March. int a 10% reductian on - ______ -shed, etc.; 9 raomcd home with services ' nted grocerien. Evcrytbing must go FURNISHED apartinent, cent-- ail modemn canveniences. Ask- DLLuram CIL&Afy whieh were rcgarded an lux- ai-t- by Mai-ci 15. Partcm's General al, business couple. Availabie PatrngRpis in 3,0. em rane.uis nyad-aee w vith Store, Manvers Station. 81* Mai-ch 12. Phane MA 3-3801 i-aergR pas in$300.Tmaagd. 1 'ShrL r Club uneOnBut a decade goralw c--GET the jump an od aid8-i QUICK SERVICE vDAhiR wy FR, 18a e s, n 9hA NU L AL evel ai living has been taised, themopav ied gh a, larbslopcd and many ai aur social short- tic wnter Secus fr fice eti- PARTENT ii VctorM-anr, SUCCOAND NW WOK maemnied bnk bi-fl sildcaîngsmadeg the thepric and mates on "Cai-hayes" Alurnin- King St. W. Available un- buik coolci-, machine shed, etc.; To be held at ai suci prOgmess has been an un oosad idwsyumeitly plyW.Curtis, P.L AF 8 roomedi brick home, ail mod- aa-will bc amazed howecoorica MA 3-7035. 43-tf ern L T FTci- onveniences. A-1 îarm Black slock enommous increase in aur dedt they ai-e firn Cowan Equip- AVAILABLE imdaey 5 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 Il dans miîk quota. AskingI , dats af Production, As a con- Orment Ca., 134 King St. E., room office, 2nd floor, main iL $60,000. Teris. 'ThusaM rh pndsne-ol a l i-,Bowmanville, or Phone MArket street. S. R. James, 24 King KEITH FARM, 150 cUrsdCaada, c einwhat bas oan- Tnit 3-689 40-f EstBowanvile. 44-f KETH AVE onpavedi highway, 100' x 36' 1960, at 1:30 p.m. ai thc woid's higient dont in- 1 MARCH Sale: Chesterfieids, MODERN 4-room apartinent . bank barn, modemn stabiing, 24 Bred Cows and Heifers dustrial producers, and tins rnit- reclinci- chairs, bedraom suites, and bath, heated. At- 12 Di- LivesIock Siîpers bulk. tanlc cooler, drive shed, 9 Bulîs, lias madeeliem extremeiy yul- nu- kitchen suites andi space savers vision Street. Immediate Pas- AND GENERAL TRANSPORT etnc oamenece.hum e ih old -lbsani gvermentestendneaetacm tiinf-n J.K. at lawest prices. Trade-in- al-l session. Apply 10 Division- St.cincnnine. obesd 4ClbClstesan EupeadAawhrwg-

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