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Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, p. 10

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zr~ U -~ - -.- *r -______--- ---7-T-.7 THE CANADIAN STATUMAII. OWMANV=LEONTABTO THIRSDAY, ME. 25th, 1980 o, eru and a deadly Ie1tiergy l L lfo reyfonhrbd.rn i~ h ad aan Ifrom lack of sleep. Yet tihey toJJ~ .OV Ir~ ~ q~~r a flo maieely i ade i mrgain" n17 ,0i S I ~meet each weekly deadline Ae salne mafrixruig00weesu reaehe Ionesty of purpose. N ext M e ig teml.Te - 1 M ~~~~~~~~Readers have oeen knowni*it hnteeg n aoig 11111111. 11Kto believe that weekly editors _ i -U have nothling to do from e the Tonight at 8:1,5 moentithe folloig on-th prsuti h!oloigMn The attractive, informative day morning. What a faflacy, bulletin of the Durhaïm Coun- It is after the paper is "put t y Club of Toronto has arriv- 8V DOtOTHed at The Statesman office, MANKER in th uess e te local4a- - that rg anoter meeting of hutldth ots nmypesentation to this outstand- per is refleCted the success iday, Februa.ry 25th at 8:15 'itime trip. into a bnief case ing weekly newspaperman, I sn uthse newpapnei p.m. The special speaker will y d heeded the signal te re- want to take the opportuflity sheets, but a business as weill eDnl oe n h e rnto Ontario and attend the of saying a few thinga tayaugnaem l as*pt beDon lds d te eet nual regional convention readers, which your editors as editing and salesmanshipiCre wtran Spda we-i ditors held this cannOt very wel Say abOu ou ritheforOtheE. Headquaoters, r in Hamilton. theinselves. failure, of ans' local paper. ere was a pca reason Bu vswyddFakTeeoe our tr must 1> Mr. Jose, son of Mr. and but , spcia Butiirt, w~y id Fank herfore ecitorDOI wanted particularly to at- MacIntyre rate this award? be many things tO many peo Mrs. Harry Jose of -Newcastle tend, flt onlY to meet aid Because lie is the very epi- pie. Above ail,. an cilitor.adanatvifrerhr P; s u ewitness one of tome of the "grassroots edi- he Ls worth his sait, must have Xan anio acierer grep the most rewarding ceremon o" hesaktatintsa hide like ta h ajuirfarmer goupe undertakes community spirit, aemdwihtn rhin'oceros te e er gi a t les the Association bae ihtn critical barbs, the iainadArclueo h each year. ~through ail levels of newspa- vision of a Lincoln and te- ahdt h et fCln * Tatisty rconnio ad ernginbi eelyk "hediignc"Thaeigoesdvelpotscaeaperacewihof" ate" refatre o te zaio ad grcutue f h *rbt adt h Nwp-Dundalk Herald". There 15 searching for tSptrtan carew fi eanger thasoping fate roof lie ae aue fteC.N.R. He wil speak of the venj little teever happens mew -dold, .gv-progressrChevrolet Corvair coupe now i routinat Gen-effect on Durhamn of the rail- erianof the year". Thun- v productionpes olin rores Gn way's Toronto bY-Pass. deérous applause greeted the this town of 863 people that Frank Maclntyre is ail of eral Motors of Canada in Oshawa. Basic dimensions of the new rear-engine Until now, it lias net been hocefr 96,an avry 2,219 sworn circulation does these things and it gives me compact coupe remain the same as sedan models of the Corvair. The coupe has practical ta operate commuter - suaprised editor heard his ntleraot great pleasure ta salute "Mr aspit front seat and a fold-down rear seat, which provides 13.3 cubie feet of trains out af Toronto because couled o"Fprake came upprtsk Mcmnity e ort 1960",Ontar o Nîy as ereenforadded luggage space. As in the case of the 4-door Corvair, regular and deluxe of congestion in the yards.Yu Wl '1 Wf gorward?" asked the chairman through the columns of bis tative of this Profession in nmodels are available. rClifove this condition andUd.Aj11yu Scf:, the selection comlTttee. paper, but through active Ontario, but because - bis ef- rn Duhm wti co-ine s Iieptil teweld-participation by playing in the fort is rePresentative i h ay ail orti uin aiswihalti lai leouretuing thlde b1ecin ccî,weîof aflreain the babyst cife. cFor th i mueteinradwth aluehs. served eloy ra u h an, tahi Sunday Sho eky Iiewspaper editors wno 16 CftJ ci i e ess rao h is otc ihipist rpry vle.helping orcmm nl i supporting the Boy Scout !ire making such an outstan- k o e i i e 'tem--ri aewieseAnoewt ad i h mavement and giving leader- ing contribution ta their comr- kRA is still in hospital and future county sliould mal<e it a paint Y FINE QUALITY slip in ail causes peculiar ta munities right across Canada. r S m pnu visits are planned accordmng ta attend, the bulletin states.yor ep rs rmoe± g, ner r ýMONUMENTS AND a town's activity. This re- It May be a littie difficuit C ur h W o k ta the need and the problems. The bulletin gives adili- MARKERS markable. circulation figure after the excitemrent and fun Nusstakdw t17 oh toa ifratot-nenn shows bis affinity with ]LÈSaf this most recent convention A call for the demonstration found in its comm!uniy w ers in hospital and visited 216 the Newcastle Fish Hatchery, eoa te*&W*b"bm 1 comanunity and his construc- ta pick up the thread of my ai pioneer zeal and decisive- liess wliere love for self must homes of children under asf llows: p w 0-9- ofPen" a ess chracteriup wofrkedonewanow.e Durinngvetho 'R (k ~UIe~ '~~< tive influence. trip east, but my bulgiig nes caatrsi f teb wloe ri oefrsch-ool a.ge during January. In 0F STAFFORD Editors are, for the most Portfolio is crammed with founders of the Christian Christ which shows itself in addition the problems of 319 "BlesAaso178ss4i f1-- pieces Of copy that, like thé Church was sounided by a genuine concern for the needs infants and preschool child- in part: The great Dominion preseni esn~ II, qaue BROS. part, a very reticent segment imp in Pandora's box, await Daning-ton Township resident of others," the church leaderre wredsuedb th Fish-breeding Establishment,ar of the hunan race that popu- liberation. 1 enjoyed writino and minister at the College said. nurse and the mother at child situated near Newcastle, is workme lates this vast Dominion. For about an aid sea captaiin,' Seventh-day Adventist Church The denominational admin- heaitli conferences. deserving of special mention, 'futAwfr4 one reason, tliey are too busy treasures, the inemory of my in Oshawa recently. istrator who bas served tile GnrlSntt as a new nation~al industry, and w iigbsreyu ~ utn cospbiiy r-itriw with Kentviîîe's TeanlispconLowell L. Bock, director of seventh-day Adventist Church one likely ta become in its viding news and supporting lady mayor and my reminis- the denomination's commun- in Canada i Alberta, Saskat- The nnua insectin oft h om ision." StfodBo. causes ta even give thern- cence of last year's Blossomi ity and social services depart- chewan and Manitoba prier schools progressed satisfactor- dneephentDofifirso man-Mn."aeias ae avia Safr Brs selves a thought. Those I have Festival in the Annapolis Val- ment for Ontario and Quebec, ta bis present post liere warn- ily4 wit 14ger inspections ne rmanay ml bgn Monumental Wors known, and they have been ley. Relating them is ail part was the guîest preacher at the ed that, "one of the greatest andlgtn npcin aie eysni ei-10. Te a e hr e ofomthestto castthrill ofkeepinc. Oshawa Missionary College sins of fthc Churcli is ta know Ting m a. cras nngamuelginatn th iMc. 10w are dedicated slaves to, their this Diary. Adventist C'hurch. what needs te be done andwa derseii- establishmnent at Newcastle SIS Dundas St. E. Whitby profession. Their long hours l_______ n an age when "more is then refusing ta do if despite spectians of privateropwa- Phone Wlitby and enthusiasm for their job demanded of Christians than the latcness of the hour." installation frain 79 in Decem- lias.asmdlrepoo-nx u m r 4." MOhawk 8-3552 have, in many an instance, at any other period of history In citing instances of out-. ber te 15 in Januai'y because fos been the cause of nerves, ul ako eiieeshshin tniggot n eo- of winter conditions. 0-1 the edge of the Sfream E pered the work o f the ment enjoyed by Christianity Alaeaoso aige-na r imtsrsdne A1~ u ......... Church ," Pastor Bock assert- during the last few years of ce- aiesmet ss, ae gro ceten b uilding, "Ruae-. W H ~~~MU r'iv cd. H-e went on to say that ligiaus revival and of the in- is etsos abrsoscpin Hue i iutd WW excellence is always beyond cneasing degree of public ac- abor eu ty panlouns nd o- ere a prmanteteami ~~ ~-~- ROYAL THEATRE ~~ the reacli of the lazy ChTis- ceptance and understanding or eeitrvee n lrw ars h tei Thurs. Sat. Feb. 25 9 tian. being accorded Seventh-day rqetdt aeterpr hc rvnsteuwr Bok7onel take advantage af the passage of the salman. Being - ~THE FIVE PENNIES I . hastedeo-Avettsecaine tattubecculiln testing and x-cay thus stopped in their progress with Danny Kaye, Barbara 1iation's community and sa- fao much empliasis upon ma- cii edJnay2t au h ancanlte r Bel Geddes, Louis Armistrong ca eic dpamntfreiasgsofrwhcod 29th, 1960. attracted by the rapid oufflaw (VistaVision-Techicolor) twin provinces which includes be diangerous. * O-Kaye ail fthe way in bio- iaymen's activities weifare He called for a wholeheart- Plumbing Inspections of waten coming through the FOR INFO M T NCAL OU LCL PiC Of cornefîst Niwhois. jîoint and relief services, Christian ed canimitment by each mem- There wene 85 inspections -ecpton hou e arssan zk: ~ wiil jump witb Dixiela.nd. education. publie relations and ber to the ideal Of practical of plu'mbing installations made iniup h cnent they angu ant Hot ini fo Roal heare.communications in a confer- Christian wîtness in the home in fthc montlh. Amonigst theseineislcotvdtiag-N t na Em oy nt O f e Gabielbasbion dwn licence representing over 40 and communify that makes wene the final inspections at 7lrwicndbc eenapAl al-iil ans yle . h churches in Ontario and Que- Christianity boath relevant ta scbois wbe.re it was desirabie ped within tht bouse, where 2 From wfe low-down groans ber. lthe needs of people and suf- ta ce-test the fixtures aften thre re fke p uni ,the be cf Luis rmsfong' stacato The greafesf profession of ficiently attractive to enlist fhey bad been in use.caerpfosanngThn truipt a li naancaisefthe Chunch foday must be their ailegiance. Charlotte M. Hornen, te r ae atebed Loring "Red" NichoLkV -tbb B.A., M.D.. D.P.H., inrom D Kae's sfu*byMedical Officer of Hèeecd female fish is cornet, Danny KaesThe Five Health. lifted from. flie tank and gen-1 dK L Pennes, biopic of. Nichais, is gomng fe make things prett bot fon fhe Royal when t Northumberland -Durham ' opens today. Liberally interspcrscd withiB I T T u mn colo, luglter. teans, Dixie- land, jazz and dances, the BI TT SDenla ?rod. for Paramount ne- 'Plie Board of Health for ot fthe United Counties; Mc R. Ilease is plenty okaye îDr sight the Northumberland - Durham Budge, Reeve of Pt. Hope M--. and Sound. Whiat moÎë> ta say Hîealth Unît for l960.held t hein G. Philp, Dep-Reeve af Cra- but wy. frsf meeting January 27th. At malle Township; and Mrs. . . . . . . . Kayc ail the way, in this this meeting Mn. H. E. Walk- Ruby Meggs, Gone's Landing ~<beautifully mounted Jack Rose ey, Reeve of Clarke Town- representing the Province. Tecbnicolor. Other membens of the Board 0ffc59assfco un The Jack Rose.-Melville Sha- are Mir. E. R, Nelson, Wardcn icable disease repocted in Jan- .:velson script is staple for a uary, 23 wene chickenpox, 1,5HEEAECUA POT RA S0FORARI movie life of a musician. Coun- tnumpeting ta make hlm an infectiaus hepatitis, 8 scarlet HEARE..TKNDRNGTSSTA ETO try boy with horn (Kaye) outstanding enferfainer is feven and 7 mumps. ...DAY AFTER UIHN AOVRTEWRTTR seeks famne and fortune ini the elusive, but thene. Add flic Thene wene 2 cases of rabies RI MGNBE HYR RO OIIETA Savings, too, big-tinîe New York during the carnet cajoiiing of Nichois, a skunk in Brighton Township RAI IS HOTSTPROMNGCR0CH Savings, tooRoaring Twenfics. Bounced xvho plays fthc lorn for K.aye, and a caf in Seymour Town- OVIf * fnomf "cocu-bail" bands for' is pif Ille two. in voice and horui, sli.p. Three persans were giv- YEAR. PUT CRVI HOGIY1RTSSTDY h ave a way of growmng clowning and "Progressive" in The Saints Corne Marching en rabies vaccine asa resuif AND YOU'iLARE muihe ons is "Five In, and the joint juinps. of contact with these rabid Pennies" combe, marries girl -nmais. Cacsaeyutnvrmk ulue0 ovi" And just like her Junior Depositor's vocalisf (Barbana Bel Geddes) ubCuhss oancwes abiiiy u nia'eptti and raises a daugliter (Susari spiritedifat tkntoHsp.. ... oanwe Account, your Savings Account wüll grow Gardon) "on flic road."itELVE TONrAn infant, taken, a si perfornierthogispaoyuUnerkwhw with regular deposits. Puiie ir arnshourtî YPveîfton community wsfound fa have tuberculosis offarsexora five-year aId is paralyzed by saoddcned fa learn of flic deafli and wili reccive tncatment at fesYm poliomnyclitis. To stay wifh of a former resident af this the sanatorium at Weston hec and hclp treat lien, Ni- 1cammunity, Mr. Wiibur Wright litre there is a olildnen's choIs4qits muiÀ& lecmÀng oBe0leillu; asapsym-- hy_ ward. One of the four doar prizes ren ini the Unitedi Counties is found ifs way back ta Yel- vision tesfm.g. This la part of------ verton-a "pigette" food bop- fhe gencýral assessinent of flie PICK UP pen-the fotunate winner _' sohool child's health, and is B H V O E * yours tnuîy. dont routintly by tht public A CARTON Mr. G. E. Robinson was ce- bealth nurses for ail school moved ta a Peferboro hospital clilidren at intervals of thcee TO-DAY ion Saturday evening. Trust he Or four years; more often in 70-DAYwill be home soon. î ýsbentht case of those w-ho are no- -.Mrs. W. J. Malcolm hsbe ticed by thet teadher or nurse tnansferred ta Sf. John's Con- ta l;ave symptomis such as vaiescent Homne in Willow- blin'kin.g, difficulty ini reading 6 eico s l'osdale from Toronto General the blakboard, headadlies, rapy. n toms may indicate need for LEMON LIME le OR** Mr. adMns. Rat Malcolmn funthen cye examination ee acconripanied the Ralph Mal- though the vision test is nor- * ~colins fa Taranto on Saturday mal. GRA m uuu ilfnom whcnce wiflv tht Leslie In January, 538 children re- * a~ama.~maWright they (tht Rae's) were ceived vision tests at scliool. * Kh U UI W5 e OIUM AWitlaving fan Florida on Sunday. When a new defeot la discov- We wish themn a pleasant bol- ered, the nurse usuaily visits MoW#iuTaM : r~ 74or Se iday, fhe home ta consuit with the GHRLMYR ~t Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore parents and ta have the child M oJ- - and family recently visited seen by a doctor. Thtre were in Toronto, Mrs. Annie Sed- schaol children.I Iman, Mrs. Bill Jenkins, Pegg.y Maternlty, Infant andl and Cathy, of Whitby, alsa Preschoot Miss Beth McMullen la ne-ý natal classes were starfed in W IHL B U E R GE s T D , cuperating at their home fol- Port Hope, Bowzïsanvile, Bni- iowing a recent appendecfomny ghton and Cobourg, with a to-' Sorr thi wek's ews ud- It is found fiat tht get is a week late. Roadis bung- visit is of mast value to thei i d ,-fl mail. new mother if it la made aly --- --- - - - --i IVM

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