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Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 2

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r '-f IPA, TRUIISDAY, ?EB. lIth, - Sports Officer, announcedlspel g«et Mt thomeeting.sity wdiadrnister h for A..,.J Wi that the Euchre Tournament (.L Mr. L. T. Sylvester, Chairman Ibursaries awarded t1I.TelI IId>Ia Iist had been drawn up and!L* L /. irec lors of the Board of Mathews Con-' following universitiesar Relig ion for To>da«y had been posted on the bul-1 veyer Co., Port Hope. The cluded ln the po V e-1letin board. Re. urgedthat alD al next meeting o! the Associa- University o! r0I Reor complet. their game 4t thei tion wiâI be h.ld in -Match. b!., University of Aibra n- o h ee !Fb Gït f G dearliest tine. possible. i c s P o o i nvesty o! Sakatchwan n 'P o od -Comrade F. Samis invitedi lvrity of Manitobaiv- families to attend a showinFor o 3lraSt lo S arts sye etr of flower slides at the Legion * of Toronto, Queen'sUie- iaags.5 Health and Reason Hall on Friday evening Jan-,DreQsoth LaeO-dtibin hs hw. sity, McGiUiry Uni -iMjoeprain uary 29th. iaoDersof ethe socakeO-dIst ribto tedths a e sws. Student Aid versîty o! MontraLvl Mnrortis A WeekIy Talk It was reported that 100 taro evinopmerborousho i-g Ilt eorittaame-University, tJniversltyoe ! chairs had been sent to a lo- inme iPeeoouhomgo ahetrit ropP o Brunswick, Dalhoual nvr seU1Ytraret By 1ev. IL IL Nicholson cal uphoîsierer by the pro-Il Wednesday evening, January located in the RegionFe reps- r gram sity in Nova Scotia, dMm- iitnhor2:0:3 perty chaiman, omra 1Mt t discuss subjects deal- ented by L.O.D.A.' had met raUnvsiyn1 God bas bestowed upon and indust.rious, doing a god a big feUlow stood uP ad 'ce Mairs. ing with the promotion of the on January 6 to disCuss mu- "The- Steel Company ot! land- every persan imaumerable and work in the world. But, alas, shouted, *'Hip, hip, hurrah!",____ area which the Development tuai problems and ways and Canada, Limited, to mark its. The Stelco FellowsdaWl1shlrsis wt oa these gifts are 90 comrnon and ous dieaewhich evnt-llyhi. ot. hDD1TC'ced heL.O.D.A. primarily is inter- work together in order nalalego , utotnh ws tacenbga nad- majourdradtatak sscatonrprsnt. ensmwhcofeycul tsAetesryYar hm- eawrddbyactmhee aueo $,60whc hv famnilial' that we rarely think made hlm an incurable cripple, pulpit, I saw a man snatch a M R IHise npooigteeo.pooeteAe.Ti et iaca sitnet tdns est onain of them s ecming from a ur lying on a cot in the hospital. piece of paper and pretend I amy of the Regian through 3flg was very successfui aad iveste crs aaalw.pprv s$ Heavenly Father. We are ut- He was absolutely. dependent he was writing upon it. Then Regular Suidiay School waslindustrial and tourist devel- it was agreed by ail those at- undvesi nsiues i C nl o eshi povdes 200yertet. hs n uetue terly indifferent, and seem ta upon athers. He could do nlo- he ran down the aisle, and held on Sunday at Il a.in,Iopment in the eight counties tending that the Lake Ontario amndtocniad ointttsH.nG. ta the uetad$100 ioasiswrt 240ec think that they have camne ta thing through the long, dreary handed it to me for an an-I there were 36 present. of Durham-, Northumberland, Development A ss oc i ationi1Hilton, Chairmian of the Com- post-graduate workinmt-giern, sece bins us simply by the natural days, weeks and mnonths of iiaurioemreflt. It wýas blank. This was assistants day, Mrs. Peterborough, Victoria, Hali- should continue attendance at pn none oa.lria eerhw course of events, and that we pain, except wait,' wait, wait Presently, I saw him again 9o Harry Beckett actdng assistant burton, Hastings, Prince Ed- Sportsmen's Shows. Therepay noucdod.lrgairerhwllb ].amnsttocmere d receive themn because o! our for the end. Her would have through the motion o! writ- for Mrs. Fred McConnell con- ward and Lennox & Adding- wil-be another meeting of this Mr. Hilton reveaied Stelcos en.fiac, nd nthr$40 own inherent right. Two of given ail that he owned, yea, iflg, and again he came run- ducted the session, Miss Mary ton. Chairman for this meet- group held in Peterborough on Plans ta 120 Company sales Establishmnent o!f h te coasipfi tdn ek these preciaus gifts of God h. would have given ail the ning down the aisle, and hand- Beckett was pianist and Miss ing was Mayor J. D. Burnet, Wednesday, February 10th. representatives attending a Campany o! Canada i r ni~ aera eod are health and reason. These money in the worliheadcmeabak aer Joan Marvin read the Scripture president of the Lakc Ontario Th follun esn rom iton Tho- erecin amar t e ety l.lu abethtUni two are superlative blessings possessed it, for health sud. I neyer had a more appre- Lesson. These two yaung mem- Developnient Association. the Area are being usked ta first formal observance o! the versity ta appoint asno arecl surmôegiano! G. T He ulthla anbo!dy. ~ ciative congregation. They bers are now assistant teachers A report was given on the represent the Development Cmays5ttAnvraymtluga îh adsi-FN ULT which prmney cann of buy. T He igor o ne b fady. su-listened most attentively and at Suidîay School, their help 196oSprtany% Shws nd ssoiaton t te sortmens Yar uriseptatiota the OUET N Whnw as atik rm its mro ad t the close of the service, 16 pueh apprsadAsoitonechesotse' ea.glse eptto we ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o perceive the 19 rn reiated und need- it was agreed by the Direc- shows: Joe Jones, Hasting-'s; ec rga !eua &teto ealry h we ercivethat health ih in- "Give me health and a day ycowe ron e d.Seo' rgan fedc ptm tofMt dispnsale or aful mdand wil mke te pxnp ung my hands, and declar- NetSna tors that the !ollowing shows Stan Shippam. Peterborough; -hsforpo poit~n , ~ t AKR abudat f. Liif@lO' ay, mpr ri theyhad nyer hard bfore there will bc regular Church Sportsmen's Show will be Reeve Rose, Frank!ord; Reeve iios increase the researc aci- audn ieLogelwsYep ridielousyThedawn most ehatcalytht ebuay 4t. e tened Te yrofe arthckothrBeleile;viios mu 4"Life without health isas bur- la my Assyria." such an mnspiring and won' Service, Sunday School ut il held from March 10 to March Leeson, Havelock; J. Gibson, First is the awarding of un-tis of the dpostmet w e den, and with health is a joy The faculty o! reason is an- derfuli sermon. (You see, they a.m. 13 with an estimated attend- Lindsay; George Coling, Bni- dergraduute bursaries vuluec iiaothdb C Ms il1.ad FSAF and gladness." ThomasWi oerdvngftwhsvluweecay) hnIlftht There bas been very littie ance o! 35,000 people. There ghton; and the Manager, Don ut $1,000 each ta 14 Canan intedbiMMaer OU nanas, the Baltimore million- is inestimable. A lunatîc in institution, 1 thanked God news to. write up from this will be two persans attending Kingdon, Peterborough. universities from coust t The eight annual aad a 9 aire, tortured with dyspe ria, one o! the asylums used ta Cull more earnestly than ever be- community for the past few the show from the Lake On- Ohr oicoasuset. technology student, ilb said "Iwoud gve mîionout- "Have you thanked God fore, for his gift of reason. weeks, we seem ta have fallen tario Region with a display the regional meeting was a Second provision is faodrnaee yte nttts ai. dollars if could eat a Piece today for your reuson? "ýReuson is one of God's su- into a state o! lethargy, at one specially made for thia effort. folderdsindfrpbca grants of four, one-yearpot iceahwrdo o! brcad and butter." Muyyasuo hnIwspeegfst aadas tbue not so long ugo there eindfrpbcaru amxmm Iknew a mani who wus living in the city o! Montreal, long as that is ]eft man cal, were many activities such as, TeCeeadSotmnstonoeh rn aa y-g adua te l~ise orten-. ma ximum o! thi-ce welan trn, mitos asa, ageYP..gru o ee-Show will be held froin tem. A report waa given on $3.000 achesabwaedtaeny a, tare vilue 2 wrs ~ afr r ked t prech t theenterintothe hougts ad Marh 18to Mrch 7 wih theIndumetalandur-icpautstreearcnin ataler- thetad*nga -e imates o! an asYlum for the life of his Creator. A man may agers full a! enth usiasm, u go an e stimated attendunce o! Relations Conference, as weil gy. three years. IN UlfêlfIWuw 111111e6,nsa ndndI shaileve fneyer e isfor-, hlose ad hiad Drsigi Ctbahearing0.Thiandth ahead s fDramatileate wClub ThalstheComanyis l, gtthut exciting experience. power o! speech, but if he many social evenings al of 20,00. hsb oath will b ad enas romthe Oderolegutes who t Thi, a t htC an salo "Inaddition ta ha e There I saw men bmannedrbn three hpereansnandhetendedithewOnturiareRegianalanestabme'hpan oa chaircinlme ThereI sa mcabehid ira stii ha reuon, tere emais whcih ee ne ed n twill be set up in a 200 sq. ft. Development Counicil Meeting tailurgy ut McMater Univer-Plan o! ian ucilasitn cet1 ud. t .W br aiglk idbatfrhmth traanini-space. The Cincinnati Sports- lai-t moath.1 sity ta be known as "The Steelto told thie Stelco slsePoeWlb and strong men playing with ible universe in which his aur Çhurch circle. . men's Show will be held Onl A film was shown ta the Company o! Canada Chair in "Wc shall maintin fu toys like children. soul can build itsel! mare There are great opportunu- February 27 ta March 6 with graup entitled "Gold Mine on Metallurgy." Wihen the patients were as- stately mansions each seasan, ties for good leaders. men ar an estimated uttendunce O! Main Street" which was pro- Finally, Stelco will provide uenibled in thie chapel the und enter more deeply inta women- such a service would 175,000 people. This booth duced in the United States eight unnual uwards of $200 guard camne ta the office for the jay and peace and purpose be moi-t welcome in this coin- will be manned by two per- and' outlines in detuil the euch to, students attending me. As I entered the chapel a! God." munity wq.ere sa many youflg sons. things a community require the Hamilton InLstitute a! _________________________________________-people are willing e-nd waiting Cost o! ail the shows ta the in order ta obtain a new la- Technology and Ryersan In- ta ca-operute. Association will be just under dustry and ways and means stitute o! Technology in To- treusae few days gowat-EE a d SV egi n i4 nu l Aredero!tihs olumn $2500.00 and wil represent la which ta go about promoting ranta.S Legion lans A n uai agrt a knowwhdat fced we the Association's efforts la its new industry. Consîderutian The objective of Stelco's used ta ekntice hîcadees, e tourist promotion in order ta was given by the Directars ta bursary plan is ta give finan- use toentce hicades, o-supplement the work being purchase th is film in arder cial assistance ta capable stu- C ar iv i f r uIy 15 odpeckers :nd other small donc by other tourist argai- that it may be distributed dents who might not other- The O ne C r T a Co s HewY@,COUUVOd Zne ommnde AbMa- Caruva Juy îth keep starlings from the bird merce, and municipal Coun- muaiciplities interested in la- Compny will grant 14L ss To Buur. vin o!iciated atth comple- I was decided ta hold the FeIw u otfrsal Written enquiries will be re- agreed that thîs be discussed ta rua a maximum o! four ton o! the installation o! the arulLgo aavladbrsaeck n okecu turzped from the shows, listed further ut the next meeting years for uny ane student. brg « .d et y1960 offices ut the meeting Car Draiw an Friduy, Juîy mbs, crsied dybrt fae a nd pansenteouetate ius cf the Board a! Di1recta After four years there will be Far Less!o O e at * cof Branch 178 o! the Cana- 15th. This was movedudsercerspesbisaapl and pesnsie-etd nsedn Attendin.g the meeting were a maximum of 56 bursaries 4Kg PrOlleti USUfI diaxi Leginlo n the Le- conded by Comrades Bob banuiias, suet, hurd fat and publicity maternul ta those the folawing persans: Mayor outstandiag with a total an- - gion Hall on TflursO.a3, Jan. Lockhurt and T. Phillips cooke c crrot. requestîng information.. J. D. Burnet, Cobourg; Muy-!nual value a! $56,000. A vmRp pi,,,,.e 28. Comi-ade James Firth and Plans wcre discussed for the The 5tarlings find plenty ta Last year the Lake OntariaorH Sw taDeroo; Te tec busie wl profa ~yo aswr! Comroade Don Wright were in- annual Ladies' Night ta be eut where wc dump the refuse Develapment Association re- Reeve R. Budge, Part Hope; j provide $500 each year for LA b T DE A E proramisyeu aiswr! taledasexecutîve members, hcîd an Saturday evening, from the kitchen usually fed ceived over 3500 writtea en-J.E Turnbull, Toronto; Gar-th, student anda similar iust cati sm &M wel belp and 'Camrade Frank Burns April 16th. Special events ta cats and dogs- we have quiries for information on va- don Powell, Peter-borough; umount for the general !unds "o pick thse ,ight kinà of as Ist vioe-preiideiit. chairmen Bll Bates will be neither- of course the star- ctioning la the Lake Ontario Reeve E. J. Leesan, Havelock;ofteuirsy hhh r insuraece, îe the right President Ed Rundle offi- in charge o! arrangements, lings tnt their luck ut steuling Region. The Association now Deputy-Reeve J. Beha, North o! tteuniv erywihhe nor ciuted at the initiation of two Pp Band Praised part of the other feed but a ha two displays, a ten foot Monagha Twsp; G. Coliag, restriction on the course of 4moUft. ' ha tisi Pe fNe mmbsan fieh- Trsre JakRc e movemnent of a curtain or rat- dispiay which is designed forBrgtn CuciorM Desud Treaure Jak Rie pes-tle o! door hundie and off they smnaller sportsmea's shows Groat, Lindsay; Reeve Wîll- Týeae1 nvriisi ySdlike some help, or hmv orary mernbers. He was us- ented the satisfactory fîna- go, the woadpecker is alwuys and a twenty foot display mott Roe rnfr;adaThe re amarea universl iy quesfions., pe m a mil sisteti in the impressive cere- cal statemeat o! the Bow- n arybù- and almost on our whih i designed for langerRoeFrkfr;adatepoumadehuiv- L. rony bit 2nd vice-president manville Legion Pipe Band duor-step for his lumi) o! fat. shows and is normally sent ta BilBatesan Sergeant-ut- as prepared by the band se- We trust there wîll be athers Cleveland, Ohio. The Associa- Arms J. R. Woodward. The cretury, Camrade Ab Mav,:n-. who will tiake aur 4vay of tion is also nublishing 5,000 new merabers initiuted were The band waa accorded much fecdng aur feathered friends. tourist booklets for pca Lorne Johnson and I. MeCul- applause for their excellentspca SATURDAY E XCU DCI fflI Iough, bath o! Newcastle; and work during the past year.I as -bhonrary members Derek The treasurer theu presented i I Severn, Grant Thertell, RaY the annuel Popp%?eprt. iT ~Ito rtIJames Martyn, and Good Publie Relations The Queen'ýIUs Eng-fis TTA T R J N S~ h rollcal o! 'offices Comrade George Graham W'l ish t bx hepurll bxs INSTJRANCE REAL ESTATE Theersi stated ta he had recentîy WelbenwthothpurlsbxsEW E IEE PRICED $ King t. E. Dowmavlfleshowed ail presont, and there uttendeti a meeting lan Toron- But the plural o! ax is axen, not axes.U I ~ EEASL W S gingSt. l. Bwmanillewas a fine attendunce o! 72 tao! the Provincial Public Re- Ont fowl is o! goose, but two are called geese,T ONOASL W S members. ,Tht Coloun Party lutions Commnittee of which gong etthen spluraldayonofI ore i toav'- -- Tstdrie te 160 ar Office Residence consisted o! Sergeant-At- he is a member. He told te thehe lualo!maseisneermese and aungsmeStroolyC eintd ! MWA 3-5681 MA359 Arma J. R. Woodward, Com- meeting that Brunch 178 had You may find a, bac mouse, or a whole nest o! mice, ,g rade Don Cameron, andi COn- been highly eommended for But the plural o! house is houses, not hice. ERXCURSION PARI PROMC ySueae rade E. Perfect. the gaod work o! its public If tht plural o!ma is alwuys men, --speakiag ohairman, Camrade Why siîouîdn't the plural o! pan be callcd pen. Belleville . $465 Bowmanville . $ 1.853_ Jack Ada-ms, and for the out- If1seko otadyo hwm w et ooug.. 29 saa. 14 standing public relations ef- fIseko otadyuso etafeCbug-. 29 saa -.. 14 forts of the Bowmanville Le- And if I give you a boat, wauld a pýir be called beet? Port Hope . 2.65 Whitby.. . 1.235 gian Pipe Band. If anc is a tooth, and a whole set are teeth,E V1'Rtht Legion representative for Shoulti the plural o! kiss ever be keese? FULL INFORMATION PROM AGENTS G TDBKR SAE EVC VthGeRCmni-de ,Tom Wte mt- e pakofartra p luo rlthee, T--2Hado GA R A G ithat the falsawera!e Mavin, the past president, se- Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and hlm, conded by Comrade Percy But imagine tht feminine, she, shis and shim T-R0-2Bomanvill OLGreenfield, the chaplala, that Sa, whut? -Canadien Weekly Editor-J1fl tht branch donate $100 te the Cub Peck was curricd. mlGe 'l" - PLUS - -Branch 178 hud preseated th- s PLSBowmanville Public Scluool,' ' Board with a suitably inscrib- . and when ho lu not busy with bank affaire he ie an ed picture o! Qiteea Elizabeth for the new Lardi Elgin School. ardent golfer and an enthueiastic member of the coni- FREE G IFTSComrade Jack Knight, the FREE GIFTSh Laker f t Shoren, ateClarkgir with Mrand Mrs. Lon Pl'r The Bank' helpe at home. . "You learn to listen, to BLACK DIAM@ND w onMr unJames Psaa rdjjdeeyi Mutr.mson Oshnawt r weree to advise." Harry Crawford î iscof thse ST M Sand Mrs. Bill Lake. understanding, courteousi, and efficientpeleyuI STSMn. anud Mrs. Bey. Jaynes.pepeyuI and Mr. and Mns. Sam Powell id at any branch cf The Toronto-Dominion Bank. -MM ---- hati tea on Suaday witih Mrs., r . s L M. Gurtsihore, Newcastle. Wyfo rpî n e h OpoclaI W1iEAThis Cupnr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford hnodrpiad ewy.. Coupon and Douglas and Mr. and Mrs.I Ilm Adms an Tracywero!pipe make the difference ai 25 Boss Aguesms an SuTray were M.andi Mrs. W. A. Adams FR E FR E WaMi Mrs. Les AlldTed Kuathy Hooey. Bowmanville.i iBlock Dia mond i Jj~- O INO WITH MY PRCHAE orsPent Sunday with Mr. and A" PtCHAS OlrMr. Art5iur Bedwin. $&,00 on OVER MT. and Mrs. Bob Shupak! - - - - - - - - - - - and family, Tonoruto andi M rs.1 ra c I .Holmnes spent Sunday witti1 B. L BUE&, mmuigef, owmanvilam IMi. n&dMm. Jack Hohne& ib r- v THE CAIiADIAN STATESIMN. EOW;MANVILL.ONTAPO 'w. 'e

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