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Canadian Statesman, 11 Feb 1960, p. 9

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CIGARETTES A ce>.-,'of the Son Life A aaual Repr for 1959 viii1 b. sent t. policyb.ldm; raDias uay #lseà*. btained frm: lAINE PASSANT, C.L.U. Local Represoatative u8 BROWN ST. BOWMANVILLE ,*un Lira AibSuUAn@ezCOMPANYj MArket 3-3258 OP CANADA OSHAWA, ONT. $3.05 THE CANADIAI< STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO M. llthlm18 LOSS Juveniles Romp to1 4Defeatîng Port Hop In Opening League, By Jl ClrkOsborne's boys continually fort' Dlslayng he amedevs-swlrled around Cappler ln the BI Port Hope cage. chin t.stng owe tht tey <>~ While the Port Hope hemp Irv sessed in league play, Bow igardian was being bombedBo inanv ' 01 W guthei anIlle Juveniles demolsh:llvith 42 drives, Grant Wright ~ ed Port Hope 9-2 Saturdayihad a comparatively peacefullpBi ,sght, in their opening play-! evening between the uprights off performance. for Eowmanville, tested with bagý Before a crowd of 350, Mike merely 29, many from a co- I mai St1rt 1c h Your Food Dollar ait.*. GLECOFF Supermarket 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH Open Every Night Till 10 p.m. Just a 15-Minute Drive to Savings Specials for Thur.-Fri.-Sai.,, Feb. 11-13 BUTTER, Firsi Grade - - Lb. 65c FLOUR, ail purpose - Your choics - 24 lb. bag 1.69. Burn's Bakeasy SHORTENING l. pkg. 19e Maple Leaf PURE LARD ------- ---lb. pkg. 14c Stuart's Raspberry or Strawberry J A M - Large 24 oz. jars --- ----- ----35c Crsl's Brookside - Sliced qq BREAD Ful 4or. Loaf - Wraipped 2/29ic Popular Brands Carton Brighl's Tomais Juice 48 oz. fin 19C Blade or Short Bib Roasis Beef Lb. 49c Standing PRIME RIB ROASTS BEEF ---- lb. 77c Centre Cut Only - Garden Valley B'-and Rindiess Breakfast BACON Lb. Pkg. 48C Swift's Skinless Breakfast SAUSAGE, lb. pkg. 29c Swift's Peameal BACON- - Piece ----- lb-- . 39c Shopsy's ALL-BEEF WIENERS ---lb. pkg. 49c MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF, lb. tray pack 39c CHICKEN ROLL - 1 lb. tray pack - -39c GRADE A LARGE EGGS, doz.- 33e T' :TATOES-New Brunswick - 50 lb. bags $1.80 Sunkist OýANGES, 163's 3 doz. $1.00 NEW CABBAGE - __-- 2 heads 25e CRISPY LETTUCE ____ 2 heads 29c McInfosh Apples l b. cello bag 25c HELP YOURSELF TO SAVINGS AT GLECOFF'S You can save up to $4 on your weekend purcliases b>' driving te GLECOFF'S iln Oshawa I Ir ed a Port lowe ting M.6 fore ton Gary Sel and ceS ville HonE rink. In cd fron "Pan ingi on i pmng unde Less 1:04 pass kctei Grar feet soli< defei a pi Hopý lashE at 4: a ter alonq flipp lef t Cull as h bour start Po whxs hope pell wart as A bort Peti Port JUVENILES WIN Bownanville Juveniles whip-I Brent H ughes scoring his firsti couple of assists aiong with V iCto ~ ~p Port ope 11-,,Monday[of i,,,ttli iega i ik II~~ night in the hiltop town iegatatte10oak.bsfv ol fot u ic-M x d B w UEV l take the best of three leagul Within four mainutes the score ard mnoved uip tathxe forwardlm x d B W i Wl~r' championship sertes in two'ý was 3-1, as the powerful Bow-, lime and collected a pair of strigt gnis.The victory mavleatc ea o roll.! markers, with singles gain g Joe Nowlan's teamn defeat- E was the locals' lBth af thie Only the outstanding play aflto Terry Black, Irv GU and ed Jixn Cox's cellar-dwellers SJseason, withaut a 1055. 1 Cappler in the losers' net, Gary McCullougb, GU, con-, 5-2 and Jack Bond's bowlers >e 9Port Hope wasted no time, kept the score from being tinui g is fine play of Sat-' won over Elton Brock's out- scoring in the first minute,! doubled. urday night, drew th.ree as-I fit by the sanie score, to leaveJ but he ead as hor-livdj ughs alo pcke up sits.bath victors deadlaeked atop1 P icly o tt'iArt Spicer's crew hung ac Gun" Mcçulough, a a up to thir poitionte able distance away. runner-up slot, two points off;j renton Hughes, Gary (M- the Pace. Fred Luxton's club:1 annh" ilsupid a 7-0 shutout over Bob Mit-1 vinanvilie with seven of chell's pin-droppers, while1 ir fine goals, with Brent Bd Emnso'bwlri 1Gary each collecting three. Ir edged Pat Yeols squad 4-3, ta 1Osborne, and Terry Black break into the win calumn. ,ged singles. Record, and eedin cotinue(t e g .ght were Port Hope's peceigyhg tehg ksmen. averages that la), as the Mix- Irenton Hughes took a pas.ý 70 d 300arrers s oevteal n Gary McCuiiough, plant- t700s.ndu3e0 Barunt sset tera 'bt 1feaendfronta the Pace with a 758 triple, follow-1 oer age and hitne theput- ed by Jack Bond 736, Art Spi-1 , o igtand ceinfornpt- (b e724, Elton Brock 705, Onie owh ninleifont ate-,LJÇecreat1on tq eEtî wsÊcher, the Only lady over 600 o! theopn period . deBe- at 682, Bob Yake 663 and Jack bit for bis second, while By Douglas Rigg Eton Bochtokhih1.n -y picked un a pa-ir. lo rc to ihsn cott Eýerv, Terr >v Black Pee Wee League Depew (2) and Jeff Gilhooly (David Stutt) and Ta. Cook . ýle honours with a 323 score,i, Gary alll hai good chan-ý In the first Pee Wcc league Plckcd up c,--sts on the Iî-iwk.ý accounted for the Barons' twe vhile other top efforts were1 this; pcriod as BOwIrnan- saine played last Satïa:- goals. Ronnie Carter of the goals. turned in by "Dukce' Brunt ct.hreatenied te c.hase Port -,morning the Giants scored2c; id ' up the only two Lions Mldget-Juvenlle League 307 and 267, Art Spicer 297 e throvgb the end af thc once in each perioci ta defeait Pn l'es o0 the game. In the first MiLdget-Juveand 225, o Mutn 28a cn- the tandiansc-nd Raar In h fout-Indfna elie gamne the Maroons defeat-ý sistent Jack Bond 255, 243 the ecod Cpplr bot-Swan and George Leicbea:er.Wee gaine the Rangers picked cd the Orphans 3-2 ta moveian 3,Anl le 4 n outMcullug's ric~accounted for the Giants' two. up their first win of the sea- int is lc i a nBbVae27 a te wisleafer rvgoals. The win movcd the, son oniy ta lose the gaine by playof f standings. DavidWcr- ncho" Gi sent hlm steam- Giants into a first place tic defaîîilt for bcing ove! r 2)an obMcausac ea Sadig in. Brenton fired bis third in the playoff standings. minutes late in s'ar-rig t (2)co ntd fobhe Marns Teains WStLnding the following play in Port In the second Pee Wee game gan;e. In the exhibition game 12as Jh wst() e e's tcrritory, as be storm- the Bruins came up with anc that followed the Rangers de- gas onTws 2,LaNowlan .--5 1I1 in fram tbe left side, tip- of their best gaines of the sca- feateci the Leafs 1-1 with John Mce a and Robnrt hi ona5-;1 gGill's goil-mouth Pass'ison ta tic the Red Wimgs 2-2.I Conners collccting ail thrce r picked up-as-sts on ---Ma---ic-r---- 4 2 10 or te fahin~Capler.Bob homson nd RndyRangers' goals. Terry Smith rons' goals. Doug. James ac- Luxton42 sthan a minute later, at Dewell (Jimmie Kitney) were collected the Leafs' lone goal. coamts fr bth asite Orpns' ock .on3 kRecord took Berretton's the goal scorers for the Bantam League gauls wîth 2assists g i ýMuon sfrom tbe corner and roc- Bruirs. Dennis McFeetcrs I iefisoftnlau Pu utn 2 n DvdYe - - 2 4 5 cda backhancder bebînd (Dcnmis McDonald) and Bruce 1 gaine of the day the Braves thomphso. old Sth of1 Edàmondsa 2 4 4 nt Wright 'rom about 30 Barrett (Paul Lucas) account-' nd Tigers played ta a 2-2 tie.' penOa nofectcde o iyMthl in front. Billy Osborne, a cd for the Red Wings' goals. an îg penalty of tbe game for high g. ox ------ -1 5 2 d gent on Bowmanville's In fixe third Pce Wcc gaine IrwnCelend Larry Lunne- tikig Averages nce ail night picked up of thé day the Bears defeated .a)adLryLnea In the second Midget-Ju-1 Games Ave. uck at the lcft of Port the Hawks 6-3 ta move inta the Braves.Rk Gay a n egin f2ie5a1te e's cage, and promptly a first Pace tie with the'Rv A 5c (icy Gy wreRackets defcated the Gener- Jack Bond ~625 cd it into the far corner Giants. Donald Murphy av hega co(Ricky Gaor we -ais 8-4. ta meve lata a firstjArt Spicer 6 240 :36. Irv Cill came up with tbe big scorer for thxe Bears, 1s.TeTiescoiccdt " paetic. Grant Flintoff, Ray Duke Brunt 6 21,91 ýrrific effort, waltzed in ail collectuxg two goals and thrcc of the three penalties lnhdedCronxbie and Richard McLcaniEltaxi Brock 6 2391 ne21 seconds later, amd assists. Donald Rogers ancot nte ae each collected two goals for Bob Yake ------ 6 27 ped the2uc inteut toinMicaelheutlgart, e. the Rackets. Bruce Ogden and Joe Nowian ..--6 221, haed epckn e ottary MBihl S hutlewsorth, aîxntd!In the second Bar.tam gaine Robert Blackburn picked up - - - tou.gb made it 8-1, at 19:05, for the Bears' other goals. Mi_ cd the orning the Flyers scer- the ether goals for tbe Rock- ganne. Both teains nissed xce ban*ged home Gill's re- chael Bethwell scared twa' the hast peried goals. te ets. Grant Flintoff (2), Doug. many opportunities to score ind after Brenton Hughes. goals for the Hawks wbilc the 1 defeat tbe league winning Lame, Bruce Ogdem, Howie throughout the gaine. tdthe play off. third Hawks goal was pick.'d' Lions 3-0 Erie Fernlund, Pc- Poflard and James Lame col. In the second Broombal art Hope, stirred some- up by Dalton Dykstra. Bldter Botbwell (Gene Balsan) lected assists on the Rackets' gamneaIfithe afternoon the t in thxe third, but their -_____ and Paul Peterson (Pbillip goals. Don Roughley collect- Avalons defcatcd the Fabiensl as of an uprising were re- Knight wha pulled the tnig- Bragg, Gene Balson) account- cd three aI tbe four Gemerals' 3.1. Betty Lau Rundie (2) amdj [cd by Bownavile's stal- -er.This complceted -the scor- ed for the Pllycrs' goals. The goals. Walter Gibson account- Greta Crawford were thc geali rt gang on fixe blue lino,! irg, but Bownxanville contin- wim moyed the Flycrs intel1 cd for the Generals' other scorers for the Avalons. Sha-' Allam Woodlock, Billy Os- . ucd o pour it. an, with Alex sole possession of first place1 goal. Steven Barclay, Don rom Burgess collected two as- xc, Ken Coverly and RickiWiseman, Bill Osborne, Brenti in the playoff standings. TixelKerr amd Ricky Rickard cal- sists for the Avalons. Pat Kil- erson repcatedl y disruoted Hughes being beaten by theI Flyers collected two of thellected assists on the Generals' patrick accomxted for the Fa- tHope's occasional safarisj agile antics of Cappler who trepnlishne u.gas biens' lame_ goal rnidway Up ice. Terry Black, after be.-lbad ta be supcrb, particularly1 In th e third and final Ban- Games ing outluckcd, previously on irobbing Alex, wbo was con-1 tani gaine af the morning the Stra a couple of ch-ances finally stanti>' busting in on the Port Cubs scorcct twice la cach audy found the range, as be shoved Hope goalie. There were five period ta, defeat the Huskies Bantani Alec Wiscnxan's rebound be- penalties in the tiird period, 4-1. David Kerr (2) and Taul- 7:00-Pirate hind Cappler while he was with Bowmanville picking uP lie Thompson (2) accounted 7:45-TigIers parked at the right of the tbree of thein. Port Hopeý for the Cubs' goals. Bil rn 8:35-Tee i net, at 2:12. Knight boomed claimed six cf the ine in- brugh (George Bail) account- a sbat from 25 f4et in front fractions called aven fixe gaine. c d for the Huskies'. only goal .0Hsi that bit thc right. post, caroin- Around The Rink enrly in the first period. Pee Wec cd across ta, clip the other Alex Wisemani came up tmLau102--n post, but staycd in, just tbree with a terrific effort, altbough tmLege1:0-Winr minutes later. Faot's dogged he picked up oniy anc assist. In the first Atoni gaine of 11:5Ba chccking brought this goal This is a perfect examnpie cfthe day the Bombers defeateca Ao iabout, as be stole the piuckla standout effort, despite the the Indians 7-1, but the gaine Ao tram Irv GilU, outfought Irv Ifact that it ia>' net be on thc bas been protested by the In- 12:40-Harn in the corner, and managred scoresheet. dians on thxe grounds that the 1:35-Bisal f;a oc ; rirf n rni zes Gr M- Bombers used irregularities in Lin to fïe a ass n frnt t A Laround you, every day of the year, DOUBLE DUTY SUN LIFE DOLLARS arm bard et work. As insu rance dollars, théy prvide sccurity for Sun Life policyholders end their fauilies. As ivestrnant dollars, tbcey are put ta work ta produce incarne, and play an important raie in the national eeonomy, busily building homes and sehools, factories and roads, and thousands af other cornmunity projeets. If you are 'a policyliolder of our Company, these double duty dollars include YOUR dollars. MM ,A19MMEMMMR ,~ NEW RECORDS-FOR SUN LIFE IN 1959 New Mie Insurance purcbaaed from the Company' la 1959: $1,041,997,636 Sun Life insurance in force at December 3lst, 1959: $8,938,122,126 SAieta f the Company Decembor 31et, 1959: $2,307,412,00 Paymenta ta Sun Lite polieyhoiders and beneficiarica during the year: $179,315,492j Poicyhaldoru dividende ia 1960: $3,700,000 wilIb. paid in dividende to participating poicyholders. ;Scheduled For y, Februar>' 131h n League-A.M. ;s vs. Flyers rs vs. Lions Pces vs. Cuba -ics vs. Braves e League-A.M. ig vs. Rangers -s vs. Cvnadians nts vs. Leafs League-P.. M xnets vs. Indians ns vs. Bombers Mldget-juvenile Culhough and Irv GUI picked' changing lines. Joe Hircock,, League-P.M. Up 20 points betwecn thern, Bob Howcs, and John Taylor125ContvsMaos and ahi thirce gave an honcst each collectcd two goals for 2:5Coes s mrm night's work, with Gilplay- the Bombers. Larry Connens 3.10-RocketsvsRadr img anc of his best gaines. accouinted for the Bombers' Girls' Broombafl Pancho did the spade workî other goal. Bobby Ellis (John- nUcfrtgrs robî o sed Pve rgol, a opc- ny Oyler) scored the Indiansy gaine pîayed last Monda>' aI- e Upfvrwarding assists. ami>' goal. ternoon the Presîcys defeated Regardiess of the score, In the second Atoux game the Boames 1-0. Susan Luxton Bownanvihle's defence neyerý the Rains scorcd threc times (Karen1 Mulbolland) scored fails ta came up with a tre- in the finst period ta defeat thc Presicys' winn.ing goal mendous effort, and Saturda>' the Barons 3-2. Brian Peters late in the first period. Bey. night was no exception, des-! (2) and Bruce Welsh (jamesr Sleep aI the Presleys collect- pite thee tact that t-bey wer- Scott) wcre the goal scorers cd the ami>' penalty of tle en't overburdencd. for the Rains. David Wggans Over Billion Dollars Ladies' 0f New Life Insurance Aflernoon Lge. e Ue ~ Veina Kitson carried off al So d i 5 y Sun LUicthehonours in fixe Mtenxoon1 Sold un~ v LitLadies' League when Uic>' started their second sebedule- Sun Life Assurance Coma- cent met in 1958.1 rdyatnoFeury pan>' af Canada said mare At the cami-panvy's annual Fniday ftroo ihnglFebruar than anc billion dollars oI nev meeting in Mantreal, Presi- with bcr lavai>' 243 gaine, life insurance last ycar, a ne- dient George W. Bourke spoke high double with 384 for flhce cord year and increased earn- about thc "double duty" dol- afternoon and came out on, Mn. J. B. J. Wanslnkc, C.L.U.,'lars of ife insunance. top with a nice 192 average manager oIf the Sun Lfe' The phrase, he said draws Other 200 gaines wvere: Barb. branch in Peterborough an- attcnjtidýn ta the fact t-bat pcl Ceurine>' 230, Bannie McDon- nounaed hene Fcbruary 9, fol-!,icyhoiders' dollars, "besides aid 223, Sadie Bucknchl 211,, lowing the company's 89th an- providing- protection for fan- Shirley Davis 210, and Hildal muai meeting* in Montreal. 1 ilies and savings for aid ag2, Simmick 207. The Wrcms sean-ý Mr. Wansink said the ne-' aid the econamý-y whcn in- cd a shutout aven the Blue- cord year an increased earpi- vested by the campan>' in jays, as did the Bluebirds ings wiil resuit this spning thousands aI commiunity pro- aven' the Robins, while the in adoption of incneased dlivi-1 jects. These dollars carn in- Canaries and Sparnows divid-, dends to the holders cf mosttr twih0spic oPOlie- - cd Uic points taklag one' classes of- participating poli-' bolders in dividends, and ta coch aies. About S38,700.000 wili be bath policybolciers and benec1- paid in poiicy dividcnds in'cianies in policy benefits. Team Standings 1960.1 "The individual life insur- Teain Pts, The Sun Life sold $1,041t once policy bas, for man>' Wrens- ---------2 million of ile insurance in years, been one of the main B eid 1959,' 5.2 per cent more thani avenues for the savinizs af aur, Canaries in 1958, bringing total insur- people and an important part' Sparrows1 once in force with the coin- of aur national savings." B1luejays .. ...------ e pan>' ta $8,938 milion. Group'Mn. Bounke ý3id the increase ýRobins .0~_____ lIfe insurance accountsý for in produtive facilities, ser- Aeae $3,3 19 million of the total, and vices, and consutaption bas Aeue new gnoup 111e insurance sold, been going an in Canxada ut Velnxa Kit-son. 192 la 1959 was $312 million. a taster pace than the coun- Barb. Courtney 186is Paynients ta Sun Life Pal- It-ry'.3 inanciai capacities per- Shirley Davis- 184: Icyholders and beneficianiesý mit. Hilda Simnick ______175' totalhed $179 million in 1959 "Tn kccping with the coîn., Helem Rogers--.--. 1731 -$705,000 for each workiug mon pattern Ion rapidi>' de. Sadie Bucknei 172, day-an increase af $20 mil- veioping countnies whicb Are Ollie Patficld 171 lion,£ver 1958 paymcnts. 'iic i lixnaturai resouirces, Can-. Betty Richards 1 pA- Incarne Iran ail sources wasl ada bas been devating a rela- Muriel Crouga -.165 $372 million. Utval>' lange pencentage af ber MVarion Crowe - - 164, Mn. Wamsink said the Sun~ total incarne ta cxpandlng Alyce -Hodgson -3- ~ LiI. cantinucd its policy dur-1 capital facilities and bas been Gazette Needs --.- ~156 lng the year aI investing funds drawing on thxe savings of Evelyri Large - 154 ia comnxunity projects, such other cou otnies t sitI oinWsmn11 as housing developinents, thi-s regard. . Betty Kelly - J--- 5 shopping centres, industnial "The implications oI lunther Agnes McColloch _____150 plants and public works. Re- extension of such large ex.' Bea Sellers....149 sidentiai mortgages compris-, ternal bonrowing shauld be .Bannie McDonaad ____ 143 cd an important par-t of new, canefuly considered in thc Mabel Williams ._ _ 137ý investmnemts b>' Sun Life in short terin and aIse fthe long Dais>' Bell 117, 1959. Assets at year end terin interests of aur coun- Bea Wilson --. 136; amoumted tai $2.307 millon- t-ny." !Nance Calmer l.____ 35' $92 million more thon a yenr A country's rate aI growth,,Rub>' Spicer- -------- 132 ago-of which $551 million be added, must be deternin-lDoris Hohroyd v was~~~~~ imrggs.e > heaiiyad the wil-' Barbara Colison --- 13,, He said rising interest rates lingness aI its peonfle te save Jean Lobb -------131 through 1959 made il possible' Sav:'ngs, moreover, bonefit Audrey Rowe -------131 for Sun Life ta cern 4.40 per bath thes' and the ecori- 1-uth Goodwin.. 128 cent net on its assets duning amy as a wbhoe-the twin Millie White -_____121 t1he year, as against 4.28 per 'goals of Lite insurance itseif. Irene Cox _______120 McKnight of Uic Avalons and Judy MeLean of the Fabiens collected the only penalties of the gaine. Gaines scheduled for Mon- day, Febrûary 15th are as fol- lows: 5:15 p.m.-Avalons vs Presleys 6:00 p.m.-Boomes vs. Fabiens TITLE; ý,NO Regardless of Snow FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING..- LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES For That ileavy Snow. IVe Can Cut Vour Tires with Snow Cleats We can make your old tires int Snow and Mud Tires ,For Only $200per t, LANDER HARDWAI THfORSDAY, TE LEAGE PAGEIw SUN LIFE insurance plans are d.igned te provide a happier, more secure torporrow for yau and for your ohildrenanad your cbldren's children. Man>' people are finding they ' eed estrs lite insurance protection ta take cire of present-da>' requirements. Have you recently givea an>' thougbt ta, this impor- tant imatterP There is a traincd Sun Life represeatative in your Own communit>'. Why not call him today P1 Pearl Kllpatrick -8O lu-. ling LeagueJ1m Cox .- 613 Doreen Chasrles 6 127- 29Ivy Rundle - Oa lI4, )nie Etcher --6 29Kay Graham -___3 107' Hzip Palmer __ 6 216 iLadies Hlgh Single - Pat Yeo - -___ 6 21,3i Onie Etcher -.-__ 282 Jack Bou~h 2O9ýLadies High Triple- A.rnold Sleep - 6 205j Orne Etcher . ~ O Doug Reynolds - 6 2011Men's High Single- Cecil Mutton __ 6 11EonBok _ __ 3 Fred Luxtan 6 194,'Men's High Triple- b1ary Wilcox - 6 191 Duke BrunI ___ 5 Jim. Grahamn 3 189 ________ Morlhey Etcher - 6 187 Jessie, Heenan - 6e 186 Ma-g-P6r183 ---- r Bud Edmondson -6 182 * e ee Em Stringer 6 181 Gordon Stirnger -6 18 Dor Mttn 6 176Al! -St rs Amxy Wi.nacott - 6 1751 Pa Brtls6 175 jf __ Win6-.5 Carole Oke . 6 174 Carole Reynolds- 6 1731 BownanviUe buuilt up a Leo Curtin ___ 6 171,5-0 lead b>' the mud-way maérk Hilda Brock 6 170 of a Pee Wee Ail-Stars clash Mi'ke Heenan - 3 169~ at thxe Memnial Arena Satur. HwatrRd le -- 6 168 day, and then nearh>. blew the HowrdBroel -6 167 decision, Ixanging on to wla Jean Evans- 6 166 o5 Duaine Palmier 6 166 Ken Luxton -_ 6 166 The locals started te mora% Enxa Brme! - 6 163but Cobourg bounced bacJ4 Bob Mitchell 6 158 scorng four la. a row, bef*rý Audrey Sieep *. 6 157' ,Bowmanville final>' bit the Ron Mutton- . 6 157,score-sheet late in thea game. Rick Gould 6 157' Thle defence, in piLrtcu1air Essie Cox ------ 6 155 piayed as if a five. goal leJâ Kay Luxton ... 6 154 meant certain victory, giviflu Don Bradley'6 5 ga-keeper Bob James prac. Ada Luxton .--- --- 6 149 ticahi>' no support. Marie Yeo ..----- 6 147 Dan MeMurter paced the Everctt Winacott- 6 147 honiesters with a pair of mark-. Cliff Evans........ 6 146 crs, wlule Steve Burns, Pets *Marie Curtin 6 144 Werry, Walter Riekard =CI Ruth Vake -. 6 143,Terry Walton added singles& oFrme Bradley . 6 142 ý Kelly was the pick of thi 1 uthbLMtchel 6 141! visiters with two goals. Brad. Ruby SPicer . 6 1391 ford, Massev and Ryan e&eh ý ill Charles 6 137 4scorcd once. ___

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