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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1988, 12-13

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- -, .) vi ..-%% I " i iles. %%t(i edivday, June 22, 1988-13 12-Orono Weeklv Times, Wednesday, June 22, 1988 More Jam and JelIy recipes for you! if you're looking for more jam and jelly recipes. Iook no further. "Sunshine In A Jai" is a brand new recipe bookiet you'Il want to add to your rec- ipe library. whether you' re a beginner or an expert in the kitchen. Deveioped by Home Economisis in the General Foods kitchens, the bookiet uses CERTO fruit pectins in a variety of delicious new rec- ipes. Easy no-cook jams and jeliies as weli as traditional recipes which include con- serves, marmaiades,'preserves and relishes are included in the 28 page.bookiet.. A total of 48 new recipes are inside. To or-* der,. send your name and ad- dress plus a cheque for $4.00 *to Sunshine In a Jar Recipe Of- fe r, 'PROI Box 339, Port Credit, Ontario, L5G 4L9. Make ehe- Fus payable. to Generai' 0ods Please aliow 4~6 wecks for delivery. Qestions commorný.*asked.. g abont jam mi g from the, Geeal F"od Home.> Ilw longdosit take for Uinder idëal conditions, no- ,cook jams,àiay.set within ý8 hours, but it is quite comnmon :for the setting process to tak6 a full 24 botirs. Be patient, the time varies' with tE type of fruit. 'As àoon- as the jam has set, it should - be refrigerated or frozen. Refrigerator storage is fine for 3 weeks but the best quaiity is retained with freezer storage for up to one year. FIa- vors will start to diminish after 9 'months. Can 1 freeze' ruit to make jam Iter?' g Yes, you can freee extra fruit,' unsweetened, to make, anéut>other fruit-inopeces; flash freé,'eé"a],ayeron a cookie. sheet,t hen' package To use foriam aîiow fruit to gthaw' n refrigerator (do. 'not drain the.juices) then crush and measure as, for fresh, fruit. Onlythe best quality fruit at; its peak shouid be frozen., Cani double myjam recipe? Double batches'may mean double trouble if your jam *doesn't set . Anysmali mistake in measuring is magnified by the increased quantity of,mul- tiple ' batches. When maàking .cookedjam t's also harder to. reach a full. boil ýif the kettle: isn't quite large eniough.,- Can giass jars be frozen when mùaking a no-Cook or .2freezer jam? ' Yes. You can use. any jar as. long as it is hot iarger t han 2 cups in sizé..You cari also 'put your freezer or no-cook jam in plastic, air-tight containers. gWanted (Continued fromn page 10) ing that many srnail businesses could fi a lot of vacancies by paying better. wages and benefits,. Athough: this g:g 1hghlysimpîlistic analysis may' ave heid' true-several decades ago, it doesn't any- - mr.It is factually incorrect that Canadian small businesses arc produc- ji'ng undler-paid, burgçr-siînging jobs ini . 'sweast shop',, conditions, Small uf Iles. owners,,aftcr ail,-are tesponiible' o.~~r cati hévast i aoiy of al lCe< 2Ib-fdgo od j b-iihlis cotii.try. [ ,ýc(r i Au.td10tînus uivey, tlise biggest focdli îiul dlahor ists isales, ~lchicl, rnngLn1Iiprodtic',as,5embly ilb ad repa:r and consteùctlon jobs. One- * " , , ,' l'l1 1 ' fo. S .g - :1,1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li Ille*~g'~g"'- ' Can sugar be reduced in recipes? No, not in reeuiar recipes. This inay resuit in jam failing to set. The sugar and fruit bal- ance is critical for proper set- ting. Also, sugar is a preserv- ative, flot just a sweetener. High sugar concentrations in- hibit mold growth and retain brighter coiour. The best ad- vice is to foilow the recipe ex- actiy. do not reduce the sugar or add more fruit. -However, a special 'pectin product, Certo light, aiiows you to use 1/3 less.sugar than *usuaiiy called for in jam rec- ipes. Can a food processoir be used toe prepare fruit? Some<frits can be prepar'ed with a gfix processor,- how- ever, 'ver .tender fruits Rie straw"-m es , can 1be over-li- quifie«&.fh1oh can produce aà Jamwith'isoft set. A food po cesso>r'càni' hosedfo ut s'uch as 'açhes,.peCars, appiecs, rhubarbaýâhdplums. ." What causes floatlng fruit?. Floatin'g'. fruit' may,"be causedg y"not crushin& the fruit suif -ctht0y r nt stirmng the jam efnough wh.en adding the pedirL -',ý Is wax îequlr Mwth Mason jar orjars wlth 2,Piece lids?. NEW'- Mason jars or jars with 2-piece lids do not,,re- quire wax to form a pro .per seal provided the round metal inserts are new. If you do not want to use wax, only new me- tai inserts will give you a pro- per seai. Do not' reus.e metal inserts., Can freezer jams be refrozen? Freezer jam .shouid flot be refrozen. The jam shouid be eaten within 3 weeks after thawing. However, if there are cec crystals stilI present in the jam it wouid be safer to re- Can i use older fruit for jam niaking? No. Always usé fully ri'Pe, but not overripe fruit for jam making. Make sure the fruit. is free of bruises or blemishes. The fruit quality is very im- portant to produce a good qu- aiity jan1. Ilow dol1 sterilîze myjars? 1. Wasli jars, carefullyin hot, *soapy water; rinse with warm water.' 2. Putjars and lids in g bigrpt, and caver with wiater, 'n minutes. Leave jars and .liés in biot'water until nearliyCadýY. ~té. use. Use tôhis to remove *jars froin bot- water.'Allow t(' î air dry'a'-few minutes' on the *counter, IDo flot dry jars with .- a tea towel. Can 1 use oîd peanut better, jars etc. for myjamis? Yes,'but these types -ofi:Ja!s nist bé,,sterîhized ýand jams must be-sealed with paraffin wax.Thýé ýwax ivillpr'otect the' J amn su4rfa ce fromninmol1d'àsPore s, dryngand xiation Ôor dark- ening, This unayoidable factor Ieft a consider-" ably sma 'Iler laboIr 1pool0-,particulily for, tlîe'»îetail and service:sector-to draw from. The ýfederal governiment, however, shouid iavé, seen this coming. lnstead,. potential growth wvithin the'sm aii busi- ness sector has been stunted.in part by, *a iack 'of>'âdquaie fedeàalîy-'funcled training prograrns to heip many unem-, ployed Caniadians1 obtain new: and* employable'skills: Forced by necessity,' CFiB reésearch est imates that Mo re than 60 erce't f is embers provide on: the-job'traini'g' for our young people., And with àppiroxiinatéiy.66 percdent of ai young Canadians obtainingfirs- tine, employment in ýa sal,,ýi Ottawa' as beeti abe to neatiysità large part,ýof Us rtraining resposib ities onto-small, business.,,-- CF 1IB hias main tained theposition, t lat.Caaians would be better'served if Ottawa;were to shift morè"money,' away frorn' unemployment,,insuranc'e' and insteaçi concent rate on re-trairs'ing and imp'rovi«ng lteracy skiSI. lhking,, money out of the seemingly bottomn- ies *I pt is something ào federai geoverient has yet had* tle gutsto attemt>n the other hliq for a countrythat suffers frompýockets'of. ehronicalliyhigh unemploymient, l t isn't' easytà Ïékqwledge that ihi~ pro.leni exists, ¶t- One aimn of the next federaâi g6vern- mnt lish6tild be toegih'n nrtur'nnga, bet[ te,1-iagc. betwceIi'.o1tofrjob worker'secs'ge'['ôdevçlop 'sIlls and maiiil bisfi)>ss'pcobplé,eagë,r,*to dcvelop.'. It s som'é;hing to'const5ter as we 'rwcIo§cr 10 election day and a new, ~governscr~t aenda ' FlaÊaauro Service'. j ~g' g A gg j TOWmOFNilEWCAnTaL 1988 FINAL'TAX INSTALMENT. The 1988 1F INAL TAX BILLS have'now been sent to-ail ratepayers and are payable as follows: REALTY, AND BUSINESS,.TAX lsi Instalmont PAYABLEJUNE 301h, 1988 2nd Insta lment 'PAYABLE SgPTEMBER 30th.18 P108ease>PuyPromptly ,to AvoldPenalty If yuhave flot rclvdyorFinalTaxBIll, please 'téleohone.the Municipal Tax Off 10e'at 623-3379., 198. Taxes. are ,PAYABEË NLYatCthe -locatIons... cetalledSonthel back of theTaBll Fai luie to receive a Tax eDiI dooes'fôt elîmînate the responsiilyofthe paymenftxes or penalty. s-bit f d tSA i Or ô ,.l J.wi. Jones Tax C o 1ec t'or Date of Publication: June 22, 1988 P.O. M1732 Classified Ads BIRTH ANNOU NCEMENT BLACK, Bob & Teresa (Gimblett) are pleased to announce the early arrivai of. their second son Carl Robert Thomas orn June 17, 1988 in Calgary, Alberta, he weighed 5 lbs. 5 oz. A little brother for Carman. Proud grandpar en ts are Ken & Joan Gimbiett, Leskard. and Len. & Pat Black, Sherwood Park, Alberta. A birth'day present for Gramma Joan. Mother and baby are doing fine Un- cle Dale is recovering. 22,ap p' g g * * * ' * * -. Pr g g g t,- g mai ,.," - "L 1 Pici ic - .*.'.j . g ,, * ~ ' ~' ,. *".7 g BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT NELSON, Rob and Marie are pleased to ann ounce the safe ariai of, their son, James William. Jim was born on Monday, June 13 at 4:57 p.m. He tipped'the scales, at 7, * pounds 13 ouncesaws stretched', out to a tot al of 20 inches. Proiýd Grandparents are Wayne and Doris' ýNelson ind John>and Beth Ca oôf Orono. -ýCARD 0F THANKç I ,wish to thank my rela friends 'and 'neighbours for baskets, cards and visits in Tc Generaiý,:.Oshawa' ýGenerai .BoWmanville Hospit'als. 'Special thanks to ail doctor nu*rses .who took care, of me ftc ing my recent accident.'. Special t 'hanks to Rev. Miln (;ROW i1(M, Il* ,SS Raiso bai- tworms at home. Guarantccd mnarket. Odorlcss, Low invest- ment. \Vc Train! Rcprcsentaives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smith- ville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416)643- 425 1,' 856-2248,, (705)435- 7463. SPORTS/RECREATION BONAIR R.V.s & Trailers. Util- ity, Hardtop, Tent, Travel, Park Models. Open Seven, days a week. Royal Trailer & R.V. Cen- tre in'Tiviotdale, Juriction #J23 and #9 (519)343-2123.' SALES HELPWANThD MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows.,Est. 10~5. Join our team of independenit rê-presentatives in presenting quality lingerie, Ieisurewear. It's Fun, Easy, Profitable! Cai collect (416)632-9090. Lrr ai YVCATIONS/TRAVEL 2,c THlE COVE, Westporr -on -the -2ac Rideau.: A unique 'Bed' & Breakfast -Inn on- the Water: - Century Home appointed in the period tradition;~ pool,' dockcing, itvs' boat renitais; Roomns with en suite' fut bath 2 ro)om suite wi th'frpae ironto Breakfast on th e sun dock an "overloolcing lalce:-Close to *hoppigglf'Ilcngtrails and rs and S,'pgýg ,hkn '0liow-, boating, *(613)273-3636. CAMPS/MSC. es for CAMP«:LAKE, STOCO. Fun rflnsa~ nd fellwiln. h A (ARDENIN( ; IIO0RTICULTURkE HYDROPONIC Supplies. Ilia- lide & Sodium lighting. Ebb and [low tables assortcd sizes. Acro jet - NFT/acroponics, 88 & 384 Plantiot systcms. Expand-Q- Garden drip systcms [rom $20 per unit. Free expert consultation and local service. Homegrown Hydroponics,. 2737 Wcston Rd., Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4. (416)745-5007. FOR SALE SS LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for immediate disposai. Ail items in stock. 30x4Oxl4ý' $3,800; 40x6Oxl4 $5,990; 5OX80 $11,260; 70xl2O S27,900. Various sizes available u p to 120ft. wido. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. AUl buildings priced for. immedi- ate delivery. Cail toi free 1-800- 387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446. Steel Buildings BUY FACTO- RY DIRECT & SAVE - Quon- sets 10x8x12 $698; Stiaightwalls 30x12x50 $8,658 - g including endwalls - Galvalumé'material - other sizes« available at discount prices - Cail Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). Deal- e r inquires welcorne. METAL ,BUILDI.NGS -Save ThMousands.whilo suipplylasts - S ummer Clearance - We. have hi- rni 'ted steel Ieft over from opur lar-. gest Spring Sale ever - Paràgon, Structures 1-800-263-8499, John Cowan & Fansily residential camp frby n AERTANN -22,a'p, girls 7 Wo 15. A recommeded FREE: ý1988 giet td-t 2-weksssion, available. For home' correspondence' Diplomfa' info rmatio0'n. eaU .ý(6 13)478-5511. courses. for, prestigious 'caree rs: IN MEM0R1AM Ted n...'Accounfing, *Airohditio'ning,, ÇARSCADD"N,'ack A. p TFR AEBookkeeping, Buisinèss, Cosme- Juneý7, 1987 ESOSL We fte stadtin ofhir'Purebred PUPPIES:,'g Maltese, og,?,crons , yLeIgal/ We ftn stndthnkof14'ý -Medical Secretary, 1scooy Whè~e~r~ aîl:aîc'e, ' * 'Miniature WSc'aues, Lhasa Tae.Gian'f(A'23d- For meinory isthe oiy thing ,' , Apsosý, Scottis1i'mries. AI'o lieW oot.18028 Tha gref a l its own peia ombinàtions includin'g. 1121.- Lovlg mmoryf~6~{>his ife Coc-A-1Poos, Peek-A -Poos ATDT U MaryL<àsi'a'd ;children,' Brùce,-'Jean y,. DWRSY Malt~Poos, ~. York-Ees OLATCHESWa- (CoýUrticè)'anEddie Casâden;.*, Scù Hols'Hoe rai" ed, hn - ',' 2, ~ '61)23-12,1n'tuiy Clb ens rectangular g * ' FOR SALE >spr, ' .q es 'ny'ao' ure STAFFORD FARMERS4& Busin'esses: Spry w""'ay 150-an'Tupg fr-thi STA R ,atch. A-lso wantedod Rolx Warmh IlSUlaionPatek, Phillip 'and àCartier;wris- g MO"NU MENTS Uretane & onoglass Spimy-,- twatches'Phone/(Wite(416) 365, 143<igS.~. ~ * O~ nslàio "(13 '67671, 7240,, or.:,.,write' B.Walsh; 173 Bowmanville, Otal. 33GoeSt.E. Prh,<Il~ QenSEsTrno'Ot P HO0N E 623-815Ob K7 16M5A 1S2. *For'OuaityyyMupnsBozad .Spring Sale on quonsetbuildings ggg GranIte Markers andd- , :32ý48 2U,$4 988-ý' 40x58' $6,388; WAt E 10CA jaifo 'Oenèt~y ettrin.~:, . ~ 4668 8,88; 2x7 ,$1,48 '1940's Adýdison ,ý2-Colour Plastic 1n r o r lete' a n pont .et.. oni't b2 f oe 1 b i iai n , R d ô ut (519)756-9515 , or "inyurhoeorree4ansor. u ,tMIRACLE SPAN _write DfEl 1is. RPR9 .1 uLvn 4Senio r"ditlizns. an d handi r ro't','JiJiiii uu Bowr Ilie-and-onom~as, gI - arranged - "Mr., Philp ason'% or, aït7'r hurs at, g (Oshawa) ~'make houseg cails SOrôo& Newcast:le and Ï urondinig rur'al'.'aic 1987 pricesare 'stili, effect. i ; BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, $40 'PER ýWEEKfor nl w. I 111:1P ~WANTED i-.ýiLPl J ENCED (COOK. May Lo Octobcr who can prepare whole- some foods. Pivate accommoda- tion, beautiful surroundings in Haliburton area. Excellent worlc- ing conditions and sakuy (705)261-9320, anytimo. \VEB OFFSET PRESS PER- SON. 8-1<) ycars exporionco, 6- 10 Unit Press. Responsiblo for crow, quality dcadlinos, high production. Mature responsible individuals only. Apply Baywcb Ltd., Box 280, Elmnle, Ont. LOL lPO Phono (705)322-1882. MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appolntments Avaliable Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanvllle The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING. Weddlngs. Anniversarles -Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS- SALADS Fred à Patricla Storabergen Orono 983-9679 THE RHOD)EN>,HOUSE R.R. 1 ORONO, 0ONTAI LOB IMO ~ ~ 2 WETSD F'HIGHWAY 351115 AT SOUTH ORONO Prop., Mms. D. Hebdltch 1-416-983-5196 7 STA R RESTAU RA NT ON H IG HWAY 1-15135 BESIDE, CLARKE, HIGH SCHOOL DAI LY'SPECIALS AND, PIZZAS SAM'S COMBO ýCoffoe 30c. TA«KE O'UT or EAT IN OPEN AT 5:00 A.M. i fo- - -800668-111.g ~ ,OnL LOR ITO.' cap. e,'g c d Properly, meSALES HELP WANTED ' Jý g FLOORENG,:-' 2 1/4" àand ,3;1/4" OSWVSMthr&\iCOi - 160" Square'ý'.foot. 'Also I, àl, H.OSEWVE"'Môhe" a.M %at" Cherry and Maple flooring. N e'trestdensos'e'V rlu ate y te sou ,toys' and gifts for.Na- IL --and; used' w'oodworking machi'n-V iHm PryPa. o~A edar Channel ery.Pei'h (63)26-463. - vcst.nent, ýdofiveries oir money '" ln *- EVINUDE 0OTOR olcin ut(592870. uîg..I n g Fctoy cearnce, 1987 -9.9, ini H.P.-ý-$1;399. Similarýsavingson COMING EVENTS S n tle r ohmodéls., CailKing s Mai FIDL &- TE DNC " . nylSid'n 1 fll' 's 'an' FWhite:-DoubleAN5 eas-, na,.Fenelon'Falîs, CONTEST JuIy 8 & 9, Comma- g ÇIonIaI 68.0 per qua5 in' 1-705 881-332i. -nity, C.entre, 'Fergus', 6O,0tario. 'r i 'Cârppng;ong rounds. Foirinfor-C.MnPik ckP e TRAVÉL/VACATIONS:, mation àcaili . -ii iKkèc h gFRFEE'88 9Br chure on scenie' (519)841~3334; gg~ aeln Rideau' & Tient Severn ýCan' g ' g gg'l' i',' i',- B" Grade russaboarîd ,. com-fortablST.: LAWRENCE. River Cruises.' 'g ruse hi KaarmaVoyageurË. ' t'sqowiià book yÔuýrgey -, g - ½x51"8 J pa,'Write Ontario, Waterw ay s 'peclal 9S8-'vaàcation. RomanÙec,4s f e k. .5p~ cia, K9J 6X4. 75)4-.66>- amçs gt.renkak',nen- ~daeh'g -ART. LOGd *g ,IQIWSâyand iocksiJppe < D~imI~Sik""-' <t flAVIi aei, spectacular " I 4 SHiladBakat& in-Ctig Spp4or>, ' $h tock PternsOjy<k-' i'dren s activite..s-e1jc, ~' Camaia ~ Y'<S ý g 9 et g - f,- -muair çop g 'e71g<A ming 0 90 ~~ "u~l ~ N *fU1.:,At ~~945,~~~~~N g LO';'ç'-1~'"' --Th~e teachers and tudents of the CoÇq-operative Education Program, Clarke 'High school w"ouid îik e'bpressth'eîrappreciation.toail theemployers 0f hiscommuntywho,'offer earti'tlon i hprogram. The learning ex- perieced by the students'is in auable.,,A.most sincere "THANK YOU", yf ' yuare.an employer înterested'in partîcîpatlng in the'programn for néxt Y ear,lplease do not hesitate t*o cal te.sohool. -*~* '. ' 7-Star, Fam ily Restaurant,,Mary Brown's FriedChicken g Apple Blossom S"hop ' MInlstry of Naturalesources g Art 'Woodworking -Morris Funeral Home"'. Banktof Montreai " Mr. Roast Beef" Beckers- Newéastle g elAu ar Ben' Auto àd ' g" NeWcastle' Lumber Bowmanvîle ýAùio, ision," "Newcastle..MuliQCreý Bowma nîînV*ill1e H 1 ggh Sc h ooil g'Newcastlýe 'N ursery, Shool BowmanvIlle Memforial Hospital,.,Newcastlizz adISubs Bowar~ile enorPubicScoolg Newc astle PublcSho BowmaVIllie'IravelCentre Newcastle. Pijblîic Wo rkszDept. '- Bowrnavllle VNeterinary Clinic:.OôlafsnSepFr Brend's.ArtistIc interiors * ' On'tarl'o' St. Public ýSchooi Brooklin Cycle, g0' Oro fa Pblic Sc ool Cilarke H ighScîh,ôolg Orono Weekly Times'- Cow'àn Pôntiac-,Bulck Ltd. Pines senior Public'Sohool Cuyler's Hobby Shop Plainville Public Sohool g DiJfend ggrgaePo rt Darilîngéton ýýM arin a 'Durham Reglonal. olice - #16,Divlsion Roger'slTravel Bureau" Eastma's' ServiceCentreg P Iolph Dorn 1non' ,Hardware Farros'Baît &Tackle Sho 'ýp Royal ako'Cnd Flrst Coceàrtylg g,9yaleAuto'Body' FitessWarhàue',§6.'*.ï,,Copr Ceek-Nüràery.School,'. Forni 1k Auto Body.' .Strathav'en Nursing Hm ' 3 Fp.x's,.Sports Stedmain's g Goddar' olilsl6n'. Gûys &GlÉ, Halrstyling "'" g' t rancis ofAssisi Separate Scéhol ?;opesRecordl&'-ShirtShop - ' .Suzle'Styling.Salon' M. g S '.' ý'Televîsion ServceC'ompn ,,,Jean Graham-- omputnled ok béig h onlutShop, ,** '-rby. PûbIi"coî TranàWorld-Tra9 Kut Aboôve "I Wlot Creek' Outdoor Edùcatio n Centré, Lord Elgîn PublIc ,Sehool " gWood N', Th1 ngiIn~., ',. ' " I g. -g gg.. g ~,g e 'i ~ g"- i ';-P g. g g <g ' ~ gg g' g a u .1.

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