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Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Mar 1871, p. 3

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_, C0 M M E R 0 I A BOWMA..'fVILLE. BowMANYJl.L.!:, ~larch 31, 1871, THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1871. r, . Fall Wheat ....................... 1.40to1.45 Spring Whe·t. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ..· 1. 40 to 1.45 Rye ............................ 0 .70to0.72 Barley .... .. .. , .... ., ........... 0.60 to 0.65 Peas ......................... .. . 0.80 to 0.85 O·te .............................. 0.50 to 0.55 Butter ... , ... .......... _... .. ... 0.16to0:18 ])1·essed I-logs ... ······ ·'· ....... .. ....... 6 .00 to 6 50 Clover Seed ..... . .................... .. ... 5.C0to5.10 Wool... ............ ,_, .............. 0.25to0.20 Eggs ........................... ....... .... 0.12to0 .10 BIBLE CHRISTIAN Hard to Beat I ·---o--- EXCELSIOR. a. Huccef.sful raid is daily looked BU'!' the I . BOOK STORE, KING ST, BOWMANVILLE· QALL t1.nd see our ·The Prnmised News Mr. J. Milne, ·c..=1a VING. ::;sumed the busi.~iess bLel.y cm:ried on under the name l.~ style of ConSrLu! & Co.; ~.nd havrng had nonrly with itm1ile facilities for the :10d CHEAPEST GOODS IN rrl-IE · DOJ\tII~ION No 'War with Itussia., for on Pot.toe· ...................... .. 0.35 to 0 .3~ AT TREWIN'$ ~'all Wheat 'l'ORONTO. TORO!:'TO, 1\farch 28 ,1871. .. 1 35 to l 40 WATCH MAKING, ' . ...... ........... 1 35 to 1 35 Barley................. .. ... 0 60 toO 65 ats 56 O ....... ... . .. ..... 056to0 OMtoO~ Pc,,;..................................... ,0 75 to 0 76 Rye..... . .. . ..;. .. . l)otatocs ... bag 0 80 to 0 95 · Cord\vood ............... , , . , ....... 6 50 to 7 00 Flour, per cwt. ..... . ................ ..... . 3 2;) to 3 50 Buttel·, fpjJSh... .. . . .. . .... 0 20 to 0 25 Eggs, per dozen.. . ..... 0 15 to 0 16 Dressed Hogs, pc1· cwt..... ...... ... ... 7 00 to 7 50 J3ecf, hind·qo.rtersi, 7c. t o 7~c. ; fore-qug,rtcrs, 5c. to 6c. Mutton,... . ... . ... 8c. to 9e. Lamb,...... . ................. ... 0 to 7fic. liRy... .. , ...... ., ....... , ... 10 00 to 15 00 Str~w .......... S1wing do. ... Stock of New »ooks. Just op~niug, l JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, Establishment$ for which the Subscriber l1as 1 n·1.de cxtcnSive preparation, a.nd is prc11a.1·cU to show the best A New Supply of Wall Paper Splendid patterns, :end good quality. SELECTION OF GOODS, Such as Watches, Clocks, Gold J ewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cr11et Stands, Spoons, o,nd Forks, Cutlery d:ii·~ct fro1n TWENTY YEARS EXPERIEN'CE II\ THE TRADE, It' you w~nt GOOD AND CHEAP PRINTI~G, the· (,!elobnitcd .; .. .............. 800to10 00 lc11ve yom orders at · 1 the WEST DuRHArnSTJ:;A~r PRINTING HOUSE, Bowmmwi!le. MESSRS. RODGERS .AND SUN'H, SHEFFIELD, of tllc greatest maz:nitude. This stock is the inost complete in quality 1 and variety, and i8 allo·Ned by the best of authority, tsi surpass all othci: IJomJt$ between }!ontreal a.nd Torout.o. :i. Purchase of Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, he fhtters himself that he ran offex NOT.ICE. Province of Ontal'io, at Its next Sess1ou, ~Ol" an / Act a;uthori:sing the construction uf a R.ailway from the waters of Laki;: 011tnrio, in the Town TWO MELODEO~S For · S"le, of Bo1vn1run·ille in the County of Durham, throu . . .h some par'ts of the 'rownE!hlps of Darling- Cheap for Cash, at the Bible Christon Clarke Cart\vrighti and 1'-lanvers, in th1:1 ();liJ ConntY of Durham, and the.Town of Lind- tittn Book Room, next door East of say and rrow nships of Ops, Emily,Fcnelon n.nd tlte MERCHANT Offiicc, King St., ve1'.·1lam. to the Village of Bobcaygeon, in the County of V1ctoriu., thence to the Government BowmanviJle. land.a n.nd lands of the English Lu.ndCompany, in th~ Counties of Victoria. and Peterboro, and to amalga1nate or make l11nning arrangements with other Railways. · Ii. CUBI'l'1', Mayo1" R. '\.YINDA'l1'1', !/.'. Clerk. Bowmn.uvillc, ~larch ?2nd 1 1871. 'l'o·vn of Bow1na1u·ille, t!l the Legisla~ure of t11e fa he1·eby gi,·en, that NO'l'ICE \\rill be made by t he Corporation ~pplicat.ion of the I UJ. ... good m:; ortment of I~DlJCE~IENTS th11.n ony other Ho1rnc iu the tmcle, west of tho City of Mf,ntreal, aml he hopes t.hat by ~ ro. 0 I I H S I L 'V' E :Et S P 0 0 N S, iibo o. LeaLLtiful Sfoek of ,Just l~eceived over $5,000 'vo1·th of Laclies', Gents', and Children's ! Boots and Shoes. A 1 PRUNNELLA BOOT FOR $1 A PAIR. Oshaw!t, March 7th, 1871. n53-ly Wedding Rings, Etc., AAlWN BUUKLETI, --~na.11~1.illc, ~ov, 28th, 1870. . .-lttcntiou., . Jllrollnptiturlc and Cou1·tesy, he may merit a. fair share of public p:~tronage. Rowmanvillo, March 17, 1871. n24-ly nG-tf A lcttle Rhyi11c ca.n1e just in tiinci And nill ahout the best of Lime. l..in1e fron1 the West of the very best, N ot beat in any quarter ; Lin1c tha.t will alway~ stand the te.sti 'Yhen malting into 1norter . llARE CHANCE --o-- z 0 NEW GOODS! - - : 0 : : - -- Read I T. DARLINGTON, Read I - --o ---- Co1uplcte Stock o:t' Choice N~1v Goods at I will try and keep a good snpply, For it iR always wanted, That l-vhen you all come in to buy, Yot.Wll not be disappointed. You wi11 ahvays find it dry and freeh, And that is something bonnie, So come along and try this Limo, J3nt don't forget the money. !-Io11rs of deliver_y from Nine a.. n1.to } 'our i1.1u., Uornet· of i..tneen and Ontario StreYt. a large ancl attractive Stock of Elliottjs Store, HAMPTON. All to be sold at 1·easo·rutble prices. 'l'HOS. BOWDEN. Bowroanville 1 March 11th, 1871. no24. tf. FOR SALE. HE Old Bible Christian Church, Do,vn1anville. r l'his ie a rare cbauoe for any party ·wanting a first-cla ss Frrune, large enough fu1· two 'rwo·story tenements. For pa.rticula.ra,enquire a.t t he OBSER"\TER Offic~, King Street, Bow11.anville. m-nZf:i.. T On Sale at the BIBLE CHRIS'!' IAN BOOK ROOM, a large number of SECOND HAND BOOKS c~ome as good a new), being part of a Superanuated Minister's Library. CA.LL EARLY. just received at the IRaisins, Currants, Figs, I i For the Best Steel Pe~s in the Market call 11t the Bible Christian Book Room, King Street, Bown1amvillc, \_,, I I i f Dates, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, NUTS FOR SALE. RARE Fotu· building Lot$ A for Sale on Centre Street. Cheap on t1me, CH~'\.KCE. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. All for sale at the lo·west -JYttcs, AT I.N' GREAT VAR.IE'l'Y. .Also Bxrrels n.nd J3oxt::;:,i of or a liberal discount for Cash. Good titles gi\·en. For fu1·ther vart:iculat·s, apply to ! : Bea11:tifuJ. Ca_ndi.es, with an assort1nent of 1-Ieudq·tu.J/rters for Gentlenien's Stylish rnade Clothing. Note the fact,, ~ncl leave your orders in time. ..,. JAMES MUIR, Bo\vmanville, A'la.rch 22nd, 1871. . CHOICE BISCUITS. Darliugton has again i·cceiverl n..noth1.;r lot of thoos celebrated Tutsey Nene Wawwany Me· cannis Ca Qu Oconiba. w. For the Oxford Funernl Note P~cper and Envelopes call :i,t the Bible Christian Book Room, King .'it.reet, Bowmanville. Mcl\1URTR Y'S. ln PtTltE LEAF TEAS, Q><r<li.ty is the Test of Che"l'"""· Bowm;:i,nville, Dec. 22nd, 1870. n12·tf ~ The selection Qf CloL]J.!i lw<l.L;ceeiis is ono of th best to be found in the CoLmLy. H:wnpto::i, Oct 7t.b, 18GD. s 01\IE'l'HING New iu ·~ Bowmanvillo, Sept. 28th, 1870. AT THE ELLIOTT, J~. - SEWING MACHINE c1m he ~een by calling THE CHEAPEST 11.t tho Sh0e Stol'u uf TE _._L\_ S ARE THOSE SOLD BY THI; Great !11ctio11 Sale 0 :F I BOViMANVILLE CLOTHING STOllE. UST received a 1.Jcn.utifnl lot. of the LJ.<:.:·1<ist and n1ost Stub.born Facts. FACT NO. 1. Has by far the largeBt Stock of Goods m ~ry ro119} ··- S. :B. :S:El.A:OSHA\V, UNIVERSAL SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. th~ Ill TORONTO TEA COMPANY, 1-:faving secured tbe f:lole agency in this loi;ality Jor the sale of LAZARUS, MORItlLS, & Co1npy's celebrated perfcc.ted , __ Spectacles an d Eye Glasses ; th6y are vei·y popular and have been a special n1a11(U· . b factnrc of· the a. ove firLn for 1ua.u.r years. These spectacles will assist the sight · I b r1·11 u1ntly, 8l!'engtlll'n and preserve tic eyes, and aro ve,,Iy easy and pleasant to 'vcnr. \\Te solicit a. call fro111 those needing Or th:ir .A.gent6. A single trial a.nd co1nJ?11rison 1\'1th any otheT teaa, at the 81ime price~, will prove th;e, DRY I m 11auufactucrs challenge the '\Vorld fu1· 3000 dollars to produce <1o SEWING MACHINE that '"ill n,ccomplish 1\'hat the Our 50c. rrea will be founcl equnl to any at BOC. ; our 60c. equal to any at 70c. ; our SOc. equal to any at $1. ; and our $1 green cquM to a.riy, hov.·ever lligh the price charged. Our I Illa.ck 'l'ea.s ~ ell fron1 50c. to $1. Ja.pan (all un~ colorc<l) 50c. to soc. All our rreas are :;old (or cash, at wbolesal~ pri(.~es, in httlf 11uLuid, pound,' n.nd 5 pouncl packwres. jifili~~ tl}"l-- Store adjoining GOODS, J RESIDENCE, ON l"AOT NO. 2. FASHIONABLE TWEEDS, NEWES'f CLOTHS AND OVER-COATING'S, NE.WEST :>TYL~1S J. GRAY J . GRAY Ha.s by far the gretttest V:wicty aoci the best Selected goods in Tyrone. F.AC'I' NO. 3. UNIVERSAL MAC'ElI~ WILL. It is constructed on a new pl'iucipnJ, whlch renders it 11y far the best Mach~nc ever offered to the Public :it is Simple, Rt>lw.ble, · Durable, a.nd Chcn.p. 'Each l\{achine is 'var1·cnted fo1· ' fivo years. THE BEST TEAS I The TeM of the Toronto '!'ea Company arc guarant eed pure aB imported frrnn China and J11-pa11. F<)l' iotrength and fine fln.vor, t~ey cannot be excelled. All tested l1efore berng sold, aucl comprise the finest '!'ens ·which are imported. -" - :o:- - IN SHlHTS, DR. ! J LAVV'S AND DRA\VERS, n.11 of th e Tfa,s by far the Cheapest Goods in Tyrone, quality bei11g the test of cheD.pness. QUERY. How can these things be ANSWER ~ i - 8. B. BRADSHAW, Ageut. aiLls lo sight. Our full assortment in gold, silver, steel and shell i'ran1cs, will enable n:\ to fit all conditions -0f the eye, ruul give great gatisfaction to tholie "'ho favor us , 1,.ith a call. AARON BUCKLER, agent for Bown1anville and vicinity. ni.o.22.10.4,v. COMMENClNG QtTALITY, w.hid1 \vill be sold Vl'l'Y clrn.a.p fur C.c\.S}l, - -:o:- 'rhat the Teas ()f the 'l'oronto Tea Company give satisfaction is the immeuse tra<l~ we a.re llO'\V doing in them. Families who tl'led them once, now get them regnJarly, as they find they ca.nnot get any such teas for the money else- Tuesdcty, The goods are part of a BOOTS AND SHOES I cvcry--deacription, lllttde to order, Sewed and r>egged, '\Varra,ntecl to fit, or no sale, the best of workmen k ept. ALSO 1\-Icn's n.nd Women's, ]'alt-overs. plain n.nd Fancy. Also Shoeu1akers: }"'iudings, £1J con1plete Stock always on hand. Bowmnnville, Nov. 24th. 1870. nS.tf The Best; Proof SUBSCRIBE JfOR AS lJS lT _LilL. A la.rge Stock of J THE 'vhere. --:o:-- BANKRUPT bought at less than half the regular prices. Selects his own Stock, buys in the best market.;, buys largely for Cash, conducts his own business with less expense, has lmd nearly 20 years experience in Tyrone, knows cxa.ctly what the people wnnt, and ha., just t h e Goods to supply their wmits, has very few unsale:cblc Goods. R eqn ests an early i11spection to convince the most incredulous that the :i,hove are "STUB. BORK FACTS " which cannot be denied. J. GRAY, Regrets tha.t a few plain }"acts should have proved so mtuseous to an extremely sensit,ivo neighbor. (Some folks hate ~ facts.) TRY BEFORE YOU BUY GOOT> NEVVS. " OBSERVER," one of the 'Vottld ' l'espcctfu1ly infor1u his pati:o1rn ri.nd the public genera.Uy, that he 15 In towns \\"ltcrc ·we hn.ve agents, parties a.re invited to buy a smn.11 qun.ntity to see how they like them. Afti.irw:u<la they can bny more. In districts where 1v'} ha.ve no agents, persons can w1·ite to us for sainplcs of 'l\:as of any kind, at any price and we will send them by 1nailbfree. '\Ve send '20 lbs, or more to any Railroad epot in Ontario, fl-eight paid, and collect through Express Agent. Put up in half pound1 pound, and 5 pound packag-es. .i\.ddre~s all order.~ to the TOR0~ 11'U 1'EA. C0. 1 186 l""onng St,reat, roronto. NECK-TIES & COLLARS, ]~cad v JUw.lu J QRAV " J a.keta, and all th e clothing ju Over-Coats, Pea· O:El.EAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN. LEADING STYLES OF THE DAY, rcn1a.rkably cheap. Call f~nd exarriinc for yoursel~s. Cu1ne along- and get lla.rgai n~. Ne,\o·est F ASHIOKS aJ.-..."ays on han<l, All orders promptly att ended to, a1)d good FIT8 guarantce rl, -and no inistn.kc. --:o:-1 AGENTS OPENING HIS STOCK OF 0 u 'I' ' IN BOWMANVILLE, ~.ew.!'lpit.t·tc.11 .....;,; in the Dominio . 1. VVho keep on hand packages of half p(Jund, pound, and 5 poruHl caddies, of alJ kinds. Bowmanville, Oct. 27th, 1870. n3-ly Yellowlees & Quick, The Auction lvill begin at Six o'clock, every night. Ladies will be accommodated with .seats. DAVID FORBES. 13 owH1 u1 \'illc, Oct. 13th, 1870. n2·tf Napoleo11 is Defeated, Note tliese Facts, F.A.cri, No. J, PRIVATE SALE DURING TJIE DAY FALL AND ~VINTER GOODS, AKD lKVITES INSI'ECTION. TilE STJCK 13 D.ON'T . FAIL TO CALL AT lF. F. KoAJOTHl:JB. March 10th, 1871. of t he very heHt kind! J AS. ELLIOTT, Selects hif! and TEA JUST as GOOD, and cl1enp a8 :~t ;.~uy ~tu1·t' own goods. lf.AU'f No 2. Terms - - - - - - - ----- - - - - $1.50 per annum. C. BO UN SALL, I MPORTER, ,MANUF AOTUitER, mid DEAL-1£]:{. in all the vn.rieties of VEHY COMPLETE AND A large ru1~1 choice ::;election of \VELL SELECTED, MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, A_ nd .in every way suitable for the a.ppt·oach i11g ~ cason 1 ancl will be Sold a.lwa.vs on l1a.nd, of superior worlann.nship, n..nfl · at lo,vei;t prices, Italian & American Marble. For Hamese, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, dur;i.bility and cheapness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity 'l'o thooe in AH.l{.E ...UtS, he 'vould say .M ASON'S ' ! WALTER WIGG & SON, I ,vould ·rcs:Pectfully iirvito their attention to our pi·esent stock of J:\1rnitui.·e 1 :u:1 've hnYe lately added thereto that v;'e ma.y tber::iby be enablod to supply all parties who may pleaoe t o favol' ur; \~ i th a. cn.Il. Great inducements held 011t to those purchafling at our Establishment. J?i<:turcs. Lookin"' Glasses &c. framed to order, a11d in every sytl (j. Sa.mvk·f of thcdiffereut klnds of Mouldi~1 gs ~an h~ seer: at lhe Ware-room . \Vc ·wonld also beg to inform you, thn.t, hu.v:in g purchased a !\~ returnin" tnanks to their nuu1..:irous Custome. r s, and the Publi? generally, for p~~:;;t favors, TO T_HE PUBLIC SPLENDID NEW. HEARSE, n(~ticc, · JAS. ELLIOTT, Buys and sells them in his own name. FACT l\To. ::I. J .AS. ELLIOTT, Don't clo lmsinoss on Commission, and i8 not to be undersold. in Qn,na·Ja, 01· out of iti at JOHN SWi\" U1" MOMURTRY'S nm (!(/L]JJ;N LWN ELLIOT!' 1.Jcgs to hi;; sincere thanks, to the J AS. inhabitants of TYROKE and surrounding country, for the rnt11rn Jibernl patronage he has received since commencing business, and now begs to sn.y t.ht h e lias on hand a SPLENDID A 'SOR'l'MENT of Ki11g Street, )3owina.nYiUu. CHEAP FOR CASH. ~[AKI:: Wrov,ght or Qast hon .Penccs for en.cloaiAg burying lot,::. k1!pt on hand, or 1vrought to 01·d~1" ref:l})Cc.if11lly requested at the \vorks., AN E.l.ltLYCA.LL AND rou ABE YOU MUST PAY UP! alrcu.dy settled, will please l\C· 1xn11nuc 8 URE TO BE SUITED. F1.1rniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., Thm;e \v ho ha,'c A cu.l11is we fiba.Jl bi:> ready at all tirnes, to attmi<l l'unt~ra.ls, on short N. B . Coffins kept ,on hand, and n1ade to onfor, at tbl:l and realoonable LCJ'Llli:'. sTYUBll Funs FOit LADrni:\' ,um cept our l1eu.1ty thanks. NEW D01111NION RE1'.AIL FUR1YI1 URE TVARE-ROOJll. King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa, .t\ug. 26th, 1870. 't' GROUERIJ~S ·~being the qne~tion, J. ~1. would re~p ectiully give o. Jrint to those in l~Cl" plexity, that he keeps coustuutly on hrunl a.tin;t ' clas::; ::itocJ~ of DO YOU BUY YOUll FALL & 'VINTER DR,Y G001)S, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS A:f:;TD SHOES, &c., GENTS, King Street, Bownucrvi·ille Octobor, 1st, 1869. "?'--.. tf-1 S. MASON. Bov.'1tHtnville, Doo 3rd. 1869. nlO Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. '18·tf. Groceries ei,nd Pri:nrisions Stylish I-Ia.ts and. Caps, I &c., &c. All kinds of Furs altered and repaired. BUFFALO ROBEi>, H lliH FOR A ----··-·-~-----·--- SALE, FARMERS, READ THIS I - Pl\!CE8 l'AlD l"OH HAW Pl;.HK 52.tf. be soen "t J. M. B.ttIMACOMB'S Dent. . Il\>IPROVED B!RKSHIRE BOAR, cigbR,)oms. .\ teen n1onths ol1l, on Lot., 27th~ in the Oth Con., J3ovro:ntuvllle, Dec. 10th, 18TO. J.0-tf. of Dadington. ·-----------~--~ SPIJE1"D ID second lw.u<l Piauo Forte, q. lington, for 1871. How <:a.n \Ve best .11l at a. ba.rga.in, 7 oc~ve, iron fi·am(', over get them ? stzung, 4 round corne~!.--. Rosewood case, Can AnR., bl'ing y9111· SO\VS to \V-. 'VERRY'S : =O=T=IO=E:: ' =I =S::HE=:;:.It=E::'B::Y=G='=IVE==N=th=a=t=ap=-=N==O::'r::I:::C:::E=I:::S::: ' ::H:::E=cl:::{E= "=B:::Y::::::G::I::V:::E::N:::,::t=h=nt=a:-::: '000 SPIUXG PIGS WAKTED iu Dar· N 1 plication ma.de to Lerrisla.ture plication next ! will be thG of t he Pi·ovince of Ontat1o, at it s next §°cssion, for an J-\.ct to construct a.Railway from the Wate1·s of Lake Ontario, in the '!'own of Bowman ville, in the County of Durham, through son1e :parta uf the TownE!'hips of Darlington, Clarke, Cartwdght, Cavan, a~d ~fi:i:11v e1'S/ iu th.c e!ii<l County, and the 'lownt-1lnps o Ops, Enuly, and '""erulam, to the Villn.ge of Uobcu.ygeon, in the County of Victoria. JOHN ]'OWLER, Dated 17\ll da'\,· uf Ja.nuary, A.. D . 1871. Q ,m ,{lw, I I · 1 an·1 those · who buv f1·on1, him ,\·ill never 1-Cf:,'Tet that thr.)· nrc abl~ to au::."'cr, &c. "I buy from John McMurtry." REMOVED. D R . DA"\~IDSON has rl!Jnoved his Office a.u<l llesidcnce to King Str1~et, next door to ]\fr, B\'.ckler's J e\Yelry Store. 52. tf. SUBSTAN1'IAL f<'RAJIE HOUSE, with ha.If an acre of l!!.nd, 1vith fM1it tree3 ; also llTA:N'TED, a Stu clf!nt, one with so1ne k1tow · a. good well. Situate on Concc:ssion Street, adfl ledge of Compounding v1·eferred . MEDICAL. House for Sale, or to Let. A 'vill be ma.Jo at the Session -of the LegJ.slature of the l'rovi1 tc~ of Ontmio, l 'LO UR, for an Act aut11orizi.ng the ~onstt!1ction of ai OA!J.1.:.1/E.AL, Rrolway to C01Ult"Ctl1owmanv11le ·with the Can_ adn. Central lt.ailway, passing tlnX)ugh, m· n ear COltJ.V ilfJi:AJ, , A..t~ D ]_.ind.·my, Omcmce, Bobca.yge(n1, nud J:\mclon Cl?ACKED 1YHE.A1' li'nlle:, Thu Govennnont '.Lantls iit th1:1 back 1'ow1H;lil11.,,, The land13 oithe Enali~h Companv ; . . all in the Countim.i of D url1am; ·victori:i, a1ld ' ]'r cs11 :1rr1 va1H of Uro ckery a,ndJ P cterborot'gb, and to a1n::i.lg::nnate, unite, or CJ make runniugarr:Lngements with obh e1·R:.iilway a,.<;$"\" '(H.1'e. in fad, the largest aud best assortment of goods over offered in Tyrone, all of which he offers at H. H. REIJ), M.D. ])ow1nr1.uville, Jn.n. 2Cith, 1871. 1117, joiniug :ri.:Ir. R. M:inning's. Ifigure8, an J .AS:I'ONISHI1VG LOW PRIC'ES FOR C'ASI!, 01' F(mnc1·s P1·oduce , ' ivhicb. \Vi\1 he btk: 8 n in excha11ge n,t the li.jQ'hest }fnrket, vn.lue. ._, J·. E. al~o begs to sa,y that he has nov.r prepared to furnish Geutleiuan's c1othing. in first-class sty]e, by a. first-cla~s t.ailor , a.t astouisllinO' lo'v d d d fi b . "\Varraute it goo ·t 01' DO sa1e. N.B.-Don't for;:rct the l'lace, James Elliott's Cue11p · "to1·e. '-' "" , 'l')'l'Onn. ~Tyrone Oc· Gth 1870 J ]y n ,, ' ; · Bov,.·111fl.1n·ille: F~b. Apply to F. Y. OOWLE. 1'7. nt'>·t~ I Linc' of the P,.ovince.. ])atcd Jan. 31Bti 1871, J 'OliN' "O"'l ' ]'I' ,, · ' .. I' 11 rt' ] (foo,Js sent to a .part; o. uO "':"'· Ju.ly Gth. t:U - . .

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