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Merchant And General Advertiser, 7 Apr 1871, p. 3

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· I THE Jl.iERCHANT,. F,RIDAY, UOM.MERCIAl,, TORONTO. TORONTO, April 6, 1871. ~'all Who·t .............. ................... 1 ~~ lo J : 0 Spring do..................................... 1 3o to 0 60 B·rley .............. ~· ...... """....... ' ii;~ O 66 3 g:~: ~tog ~8 0 Rye ............ · .. · .. " ...'" .... O'90 ~o 1 O Potatoes ................................ bag 50 o 7 00 0 qordwood .. . ................ · · ·····~ ~ 0 ]lour, per cwt....... ... ....... ....... ..... 3 25 3 5 25 0 But.ter, fresb ..... . ......................... O~~O 1 6 Eggi;, per dozen ......... ·· · ·· · ·· · .. ·· · .. · O Dresst;Jd Hogs, pe1· cwt ................. 1 00 to 7 00 Bf:l~f, hind-qarters, 7c. to 7~c. ; fore-quinter 5c.to6c. 8 19c. Mutton" .. .... ·.',',',"""""········ g·too7~c L&m b, .. .. ... . .. . ............... oii to 15 00 Hay .. ..... · ... · ................. l 00 10 O 0 St1·aw.,, .. , . ......... ........... 7 to APIUL 7, 1871. BIBLE CHRISTIAN ·:: :·: ·.'.:::·: ::::::::::::'.·:. . g g BOOI{ STORE, KING ST, BOW.MANVILLE· NEW GOODS! -:0::--- EXCELSIOR. - Hard to~ Beat ·---0>--- ! No Vfa.r with :Russia., CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE DO~IINION a BUT the ~uccesaful raid fa da.ily looked for on · a large and att1·active Stock of Stock of New !3ooks. Just opening, ·· QALL a.nd aee our AT TREWIN'S · ii BOWMANVII,LE. - BoWMANVILL.E, April, 6th 1871, 0 ]'·ll \Vlteot ......... .... ....... ... 1.3~ to 0 Spriug \\lheat ............. · · · · ... 1.38 to 72 H.ye ...................... ···· 0 6 ·5 ~arley. · · · ·" · ·· ·· ·· · · · · .. ·· · ... o'so t~ o:s 5 Pea~ ......................., . ... o"Wt.o0.5 5 -Oats ... ···· .. ·········· ........ ··· 0 '14 to 0.1 6 ~utter.·········· . ..... ··'······· o·oo t o o 0 0 ·Dr~si:sed Ifogs .................... ,. .. · ... · ·Clover Seed ............ ................ ··· 4.00 to 4 · 50 0 25 ' Wool... ......... . ~ ·· ..... 8:~gi~o:1 5 ~~f:t~-~~·::·.·~·:·::·::". ..'.' .'.·:~·:·.':.'·:·~·: 0.35 to 0.4c g&t' 1.: J· A New Supply of Wall Paper Splendid pattern.~, and good quality. Q) · Dry Gootls and Milliuery, just received at the WATCH MAKING, JEWELRY and 1'ANCY GOODS, Establii31Uncnte for 'vl.i.ich the Subscriber ha;) ID'lde c.xtcmnve prcp<~ra.tion, and is prepared to ahow the beat DIED. ( If you want GOOD AND CHEAP PRINTING, leave your orders at the WEST DURHAM f3TEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Bownutnville. '° r.n ... .. H 0 ~ 00 SIGN OF 1HE GOLDEN LION. 1 Such as ·watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands,. Spoons, and l'orks, uutler.v direct fro1n the Oelebnttctl SELECTION OF GOODS, All for sale <tt the loioest ratc.i:;, 1 MESSRS. RODGERS AND SON'S, SHEFFIELD, of the gi:catest inagnitud!.l. rl'hi:) stock is the n1ost complete jn 11ua.lity, and variety, and is allowed by the best of authority, t) surpasr:i all other Houses between Montreal a.ud Toronto. · :t good assortment oi BOYCE-In Bo·wma.nYillc, on tho 2nd ius~, l\fter few day's illness, Mr. J amca Boyce, in th 52n<l yen.1· of his age. · AT NOTICE. T O RENT. -Tho T;;ilo;··s Shop of the latu J Bullen Prince .-\.lbert. A good epentng fol' a good .·W ~rkman. Irnmediate possession can be gi··Cll, Apply to T. COURTICE. Prince Albert. '.1.'WO IlfELODEO..\S For Sale, Cheap for Cash, at the Bible Christian Book Room, next door East of the MERCHANT Offi.ice, King St., Bowman ville. . p :NI c M U l=t rr :R Y 'S. Bowmmn"ille, Sept. 28th, 1870. ln S l L VE Ii ·s l' 0 0 N S, ltlso a Leautiful Stock of Wedding Rings, Etc., AARON BUCKLF.R, 'l'hc c~ll·Urated pcrfw.:ted Spectat.:les and Eve Glas&cs manufactured by LAZARUS & ·MO Rltli3 nncl fo1· which we have the sole agency, ure gain ing golden opinions froa all those ""ho have tried it. If yon ·wan t to pr~ser\·e-your sight to ex.lrenle old age use these and no otbera. AARON BUCK IJER, agent for Bo\vn1a11vi1le alld vicinity I RARE CHANCE -oOn Sale at the BIBLE CHRIS. TIAN BOOK ROOM, idarge number of SECOND HAND BOOKS (some as good a new), being part of a Superanuated Minister's Library. CALL EARLY. 0 0 ~ · <Q Read! Read! N~\v Goods Bo,vtnan\·iilc, Nov. 28th, 1870. n6·'bf Just lteceived over $5,000 '\Vorth ot' La.dies', Gents', au{l Children's ]loots and Shoes. A 1 PRUNNELLA BOO'.i' FOR $1 A PAIR. OskLwa, March 7th, 1871. n53-J.y ---o--- Con1plete Stock of Choice at i The Promised News T. DARLINGTON, m.o.26.14.4w. Elliott's Store, · N will be made by the Cor1>0ra.tiou of th· Town of Bowman ville, to the Legialature of th ~pplica.tion " is hereby given, that OTICE NOTICE. HAMPTON. All to be sold a.t reasonable prices. Heatlq_ttcl/l·te1·s jot· Gentletnen's Stylish l'rovince. of Ontario, nt its next Session, fnr an Act authorising the construction of & Railway from the waters of Lake 011tario. in the 1~0,v1I · of .Bowma.111·ille 1 in the County of Durham throu···h some parts of the To"'·nship!! of Darling ton C'tarke Cartwright, aud I\:fa.nvers, in the sa id Oo11nt.Y of I>urham, a.i1d the 'l'own of Lind aay, and TownshiJ2S of Ops, Emily)i'cuel~n and V cr·1lam. to the V illago of Bobca.y~eon, in the County of Victoria., thence to the Government la.'ld$ 1 and lands of the English Land Company? in the Counties of Victoria a.ud Peterboro, anCI to muu.lg-amate or make running tw:rangen1ent witL. other Railways. F. CUBITT Mayo>'. R. WINDATT, T. Clerk. .Bowma.nviUe, !\-!arch ?2nd, 1871. · H--\.VE Just i-cce~\'ed a Choice lot of Mr. J. Milne, -r1 = A.VING assumed the business lately carried on under the na;lle and £:: style of " Oonsanl & Co.," nnd hfLviug had nearly NEW FRUITS, ~ IRaisins, Currants, Figs, niade Clothing. Note the U,ct, and Jea.ve your orders in tiwe. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, with a1111ilo facilities for the ' Da.tes, Lemon, Ora.nge and Citron Peels, NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY . .Ali;o Barrels and Boxes of . Purchase of Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, he flatters himself that he can offer ---......_.._ . . . ~:S:YME AND LIMJC. A lettle Rhy1ne came jui;t in time, 1\.nd all a.bout tho best of Lime. Lime fron1 the West of the very best, Not beat in any quarter; Lhne that will alwaye. stand the test, When making into morter. For the Best Steel Pens in the Market call at the Bible Christian Book Room, King Stre.et, Bowmanville, Bea:o.ti.fwl Candies, 'vith i:Ln nssortment of / CHOICE BISCUITS; The selection of Cloths 1Lnd l'weeds is one of the best to be found in the County. HaJnpton, Oct ·i th, 1869, GREATER IND.IT CE1\1IENTS than any other Honse in · the trade, we"t of the City of 1'fontreal, aml he hopes t.hat by I i.vill try and keep a good supply, For it i8 ahvays wanted, ha.,t wh~you all cou1e in to buy, You'll not be disappointed. You · will alwa.y8 find it dry a.nd freeh, .And that is something bonnie, So come along and try this Lime, But don't forget the money. Hours of delivery from Nine a.1n. to Four p.m. 1 Cor11cr of Qncen and Onta.rio Strc~t. .. For the Oxford Funeral Note Paper and Envelopes call at the Bible Chri8tian Book Room, King treet, Bowmanville. H. DJ.rlington ha ~ again received another lot of thoes celebratticl ELLIOTT, JR. 2 PURE LEA.Ji' TEAS, Quality is the Tesl of C?ieapnu.~. Ilowina.nville, Doc. 22ndJ 1870. nl2-tf Attention, Prou11lt:itnde and Courtesy, he may merit a fair share of 'public 1mtroua"'e. 0 Bowmanville, Mu,rch 17, 1871. n24-1y THE CHEA:PEST THUS. llOWDE:-<'. Bowman ville, ~£arch 11th, 1871. no24. tf. FOR SALE. ITTRE Old Bible Christian Church, Bowman.! ville. This is a rare chance for any part.) * wantini; a fir8t-class Frame!,.,,large enough for two Two -story tenements. .1! or particulars,cn· quire at the OBSERV .ER Offh-e, . King Street, :Bow11.. a.nville. m-n25. GOOT> NE"W"S. TEAS ARE THOSE SOLD BY THE Great !11ction Sale OF AT THE BOWMANVILLE Stubb~orn FACT ::'.fO. 1. ~,acts. CLOTHING STORE. MA:EtX't1S MAYE:Et Would respectfully inform h.ia patrons nnd the public generally, that he is TORONTO TEA COMPANY, Or their Agent;oi:. A single trial and com~a.ri son 'vith any other te:.w, a.t the sa1nc prices, will pro\'e this. Our 50c. '.rea.. wUl be found CfJU3l to any at 60c. - our 60c. equal to any at 70c. ; our SOc. equo.i to a.ny at $1. ; a.nd our $1 green equal to any, hoivever high the price charged. Our Black Teas i3dl fron1 50c. to $1. J apa-n (all un· colored) 50c. to 80c. All our 'l'caa a.re !!Old for cash, a.t wholcso.lc prices, in half pound, pound, and 5 pound package~ FOR SALE. ()r a liberal discount fo~· Cash. Good titles j.,riven. For further particulars, a-pply to i i DRY 111 GOODS, j~ilOli~v the Store adjoining J lJS'l.1 received a bea.utilul lot of the nc·.·est J. GRAY FA~Hi~NABLE TWEEDS, IIas by far the largest Stock of Goods m Tyrone, fC tl.CT NO. 2 R.ARE CHA:XOE. Foul· Uuildiug Lots A for Sale Centre Street. Cheap on tune, 1 011 OPENING HIS STOCK OF OUT J . GRAy J. ,., RAY' ~ Has by far the greatest V1Lriety t]>nd the best Selected goods in Tyrone. FACT NO. 3. Ht~s by far Ll1e Chenpcr;t Goods quality l;ei ug the test of cheapness. lb. H.MES MUIR, Bowmn.uville, 1'-l::i.rch 22nd, 1871. Tutsey Nene Wawwany Mecannis Ca Qu Oconiba. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AND INVITES I:-<'SPEOTIO::'<. THE BEST TEAS'! ':rhe Teu; of the Toronto Tt!a Comj1any are guaranteed pure a.a iinported from C iina. and JapA.n. For strength and fine flavor, they cannot be excP-lled. All tested hcfore being &old, and comprise tho finest '!'ens w·hich aro imported. --:o:-- NEWEST .C LOTHS AND OVER·COATING'S, NEWEST ~TYLES IK SHIH.'l'S, DR. LAW'S I~ESIDENOE, ON AND DRAWERS, nil of the Tyrone, CO:MllfENClNG EEST Qll'AL:CTY, which will he ool<l very oh:i..n.1) for C.ASH. QUERY. How cnn these things be 1 - -:o:- 1'hat the '.I\.!a.s of the Toronto l'ea. Company give Rn.tififaction is the iinnH~ns~ trade i~·e ru·e now doing in them. Families who tried them once, now get them regula.rly a.a they find they ca.nnot get any "uch teas for o:ithe n1oney else· where. Tuesday; 1lfarch The goods am part of a .A NSWEH.. SOMETHING New in· Tff.E S'l'OCIK IS The Dest Proof SEWING MACHINE VERY COMPLETE AND can be seen by calling st the Shoe St.ore of WELL SELECTED, And in e,·ery way suitable for the a.pproacliing !:'l:lagon, and will bo Sold --:o:-- TRY BEFORE YOU BUY In to\vns whero wo have 04cnts, pa.rtit:e are inTited to buy a small quantity to ~ee ho'v they like them. ..iVtcrwards they can buy more. In districts ·where WI) ha;vc no agents, persons can write to us for samples o[ Teas of any kind, at any price, and we will send them by mail, free. \.Ve send 20 lbs. or n1ore to any Railroad Depot in Ontario, freight paid, and collect through Expres..~ Agont.. Put up in hnlf pound, pound, acd :'; pound packages. Address nil orders to BANKRUPT STOCK, bought at less than half the regular prices. AS TJSUAL. A la.rgo Stock ol J. CRAY Selects his ov.:n Stock, buys in the best markem, buys lai'gely for Cash, conJuct5 his own busineSB wit!1 less . exp~nse, has had nearly 20 years expenence m 'Iyronc, ]mows exactly what the people want, aud has ju st the Goods to supply then· w:i,nts, has very fow unsaleable Goods. S. II. B ADSHAW, tht3 im.Pl".oved CHEAP FOR CASH. MAKE AN EARLTC'Af,f, .\SD YOU AIU: NECK-TIES & . COLLARS, J GRAY SURE TO BE SUITED. ::;TYLISH FURS UNIVERSAL SHUTT~E SEWING MACHINE. tho ~I:wufactuera challenge tho World for 3000 dollar{ to produce a J;\;R LADIES' AND Cl-BEAT :S.All<.lAIN S WIL:t. BE Q-IV:E:N. Ready ma.!lo clothing in 0Yor - Coa.~s. rea. J akets, and all tht.: LEADING STYLES OF THE DAY, re1uarkably cheap. Call :incl exaruinCI for yourE!elvcs. Come along and get Bn.rgaiua. Newest li'.A.SHIONS always on hand, AJI or<lers promptly attended to, a.nd good FI'.I.'$ guaranteed, and no nlif<takc. Heqne.sts an early inspection to convince the most mcreclulous tha.t the abo\'e a.re "STUBBORN FACTS " which cannot be denied. J. GRAY, Regrets that" f?':'" plai.n Fads should have proved sc. nauseous to an extremely sens1t1ve De1gh Lor. (Some fol!fa hate fMts.) .. GENTS, SEWING MACHINE that 'vi.11 acco1nplish 'vhat the Stylish Ra.ts a.nd Ca.ps, BUFFALO ROBES, the TURON'l'O TEA CO., 186 Young StNJet, l'oronto. &c., &c. --:o:-- UNIVERSAL MACHINE lVIL~ It i1:1 con8tructcd on a new principal, 'vhicb nmders it hy ftu· the best !.ia.clnnc ever offerec. to the Public, it ia Simple, Reliu.ble, Durable, and Chea.p. Ench Ma.chine ie: warrentcd fol tivd yen.rs. All kinds of Furs altere!l and repaired. EI I.GH AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE, ' Yellowlees & Quick, Who keep on ha.nd packages of half- pourrd, pound, an<l 5 pound caddie!S, of all kinds. Bow1na.nvillo, Oct. 27th, 1870. n3-1y · The Auction 'vill begin at Six o'clock, every night. Ladies will be accommodated with sc<tts. DAVID FORBES. Bo-.\·m:i.nville, Out. 13th, 1870. Na1·ol leon is Defeatetl, Note tl1ese Facts, l'.A.OT No. I . n2-tf Pl\ICES PAID l'OR llAW FURS. ' PRIVATE SALE DURING Tl/E DAY. 52.tf. S. B. BRADSHAW, Agent. SUBSCRIBE l"OR Jlfnrch 10th, 1871. F. F. Hc.A.BTHUB. of the n~r:y BOOTS AND SHOES f every description, made to order. Sewed a.ud DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT I l.JeEt kind: J AS. :ELI.IOTTi Selects his own goods. FAC:'l' No 2. l?AO'J' No. 3. ValisM, Whips, FARMERS, REAq THIS I Bells, &c., SPRING PIGS WANTED in Dar- which for style, durability and oheEtp· li..uglon, for 1871. Ho* can 1vc best Jless, oEtnnot be excelled in this vicinity get them? Pegg-ed, ·warranted to fit, or no sale, the best of \vorkn1en kept. ALSO l\.1en's nnd 'V 01ncn's, }""elt·overa, plain and }'ancy. Also Shoen1a.ker~ :F'intliogs, a complete Stock ahvays on hand. Bownrn.nvillc, Nov. 24th. 1870. u8-tf For Harness, MASON'S Saddles, THE J AS. ELLIOTT, Buys and sells tl~em iu his own naJn e. TO T_E-IE PUBLIC" WALTER WIGG & th~ir and TEA JUST as GOOD, J AS. ELLIOTT, _Don't do business . 011 · stoL'C iu Canada, or o.ud chu;:i.p al'J n.t n.ny it 1 at out of is not to he undersold. to rettm1 Commission, and Tnmks, " OBSERVER," one of the ~ON, 1IF:1 JOHN MOMURTRY'S returnjng tn.anke to nu1n.::1·ou::. Cw,i torncrs, and the J?ublic geni;:rally, for lJa::.it favor1:1 I N,vould respectfully invite th eir attention to our present Htock of F11r11it1lre, as we b11\"e l:.ttclY added thereto, that we ma.y ther:!by be enabled to s upply all pu.rties ivho n1ay plcar:ie tu favor 4000 IMPROV.IW BIRKSHIRE BOAR, eighteen rnonth8 old, on Lot, 27t.h, in the 6th Con., of Da.rlingt...m. Anfl. 'brin.'l" your SO\VS to \V. 'VERRY'S \\ ith a. call. Gren.t inducements h eld out to those purch.a.sing not our Esta.blishrnent. Pictures Lookin(· Glr.sscs, &c., fraaned to order, I<Jld in every sytle. Sa.mplef of thedifferont kinds of :!.\1ou1di~gtJ can be sc.:!n at lho \Va.rc ·room. \\re wonld alw beg to info1·m yon, tlHLt, having purchOiSed a · Ki.ng Street, Bow1nanvillc. h beral patronage he ha~ received smce commencing business, and now begs t.o sny that he l1as ou htmcl " SI'J,E::'.fDID ASSOHTMEN'l' of .Ai). ELLIOrJ' begs hi::; sincere thanks the J . iulm1itants of TYRO~E m:d ~lllTonnding country; for the to tl'o t.Jio8e in ARREA11S, be '~·ould say SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, YOU MUST PAY UP I r hose who ha··t e.lready settled, will please ac· ccpt our hearty th~ll. S. MASON. Bov:n1A.nville, Dt!t1 3rd. 1869, nlO C. BO UN SALL, we shall b~ r(;ady n.t all timtii:!, to ~1.ttend Funf:'rals, ou 1:1hort notice, and reasonable tenn~. N.B. Coffins kept.on hand, and rrmdetoonlcri at the 11 \THEltE DO Y9U BUY. YOUll l GROOBRIES? be1ug the question, J. :ill. 1 F.ALL & ~VINTER J)R,-Y GOODS, 1 ...... I -, MPORTEJl., MANUFACTURER, DEALER in all the Yarieties of ~nd in the Dominio.1. NEW DOJ.liJNfO.N RE1'AIL FURNJ'IURE WARE-IWOllf. King Street East, 08hawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. Osha,~'a., \voul<l respectfully giY e <\.hint to those in p t:r· plexity, tha.t h e keapsconstantly on htmd a.first cla~s stock of GROOEitl:l~S, Groceries and Provisions ·l8·tf. a.nd tho~e CROCK.EliY, Italian & American Marble. A large aud choice selection of FOR SALE. Aug. 26th, 1870. who buy from hin1 will ncYcr i·e.gret that they are (l,lJlo to a.n;s\ver, :BOOTS AN:O SHOES, &c., &c. i11 fact, the hrgest ancl best assort,rnent of goods ever offered in Tyr~ne, all of which he offers iLt Terms - Sl.50 per annum. MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, alwa.ys on hand, of superior workn1ansh.ipi and at lowes~ pricei.. ... SPLENDlJJ eecoud baud Piano Forte, at a bargn.in, 7 octave, il:on framt, over rung, 4 round corner1:1 , Rose·wood case. Caa ·t e seen at J. ~L BRIMACOJIIB'S Denta b R ooms. Bowtl.'.lanvllle, Dec. loth, 1870. lO·tf. A House for Sale, or to Let. a goo<l well Situ~te on ConcHssion Street, adjoining M'r. ]{ ~ Manning's. Apply lo l'. Y. COWLE. Ilowmnnville, Ft:b. 17. )15-tf ,<UBSTAN1'IAL FRAME HOUSE, with A half ::in a.ere of laud, with fL"llit trce.5 ; also OTICE TS HEREBY GlVllN, thot ap: OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ap· N be mailc a.t the ntxt Sto.saion 2licatiou will be mado to the Le[iSll,l.tUre of N plication the PJ"ovincc of Outa.rio, at its next o::;es..Uon, for of the Leghdature of the Province of Ontario, '~ill " I buy from John Mcl'lh1rtr.v." li'LOUR, OATMEAL, 00.{l~YJ.l!A'AL, Wr01.igld or Cast fro·n Fe·noes for cnclosiag Uurying lots. MEDICAL. Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c .. kept on han<l, r1· wtought to "Jrdel", A, call h regpectCu11v requested at the ·works, · Kir1g Street, Bo1v-11Hoa:illl Wledge ()f Com11ouuuiug prefer1·ed. ANTED, a StuLl.,;nt1 one with son1e know· . October, 1st, 1869. tf-1 R. It. REID, hf,D. Bowrnanville, Jan. 26th, 1871. . nl7, n·R.. Reeidencti to King Street, next Bucklol"s J·wclry Store. · BEHOVED. DAVIDSON has ren.1oved his Office and dool' to ~rr. an Act to comstnu;t a Railway froro the Waters of Lake Ontario, in the 'l'o,·..-n of l30"\vn1anville, in the County of Durha.rn, through souie parts of the Townships of Darlingtnn, Ola.rke, Cartwright, Ca.van, and Mauv e~, in t11e lmi<l Uo11nty, and the Town~h-ips of_ Op~. Emily, and Veruln.m, to th e Village of Bobcn.ygenn, in the County of Victoria. JORN FOWLER, J).ated 17th day of January, A.. D . 1871. for an .i.\ct authorizing the con!:itrnction of a Rail way to connect ]3ow1nanvill~ ·w ith the Canada. Cenh·::i.1 l~~ilwn.y, pa.:;sing through, or 11(.:'U.r T..ii.nd:-iD..y, Orncmce, Hoh(::tygoon, u.n d li'enclon l·'alle, '!'lie Governm(:nt I~a.n1h1 in the b::i.ck 'J'o·vn,.liips, The l11nd1::1 of the English Co1npany· nll in the Cour1tlcs of Dudl<l u1, 'Vict.ol"ia, and J>et('tb0ro1·gh, and to a.mnlga.111a.tt~, unite or n1ako 1·uuni'J.g a.rrange1nents · .dth other R:ill~v;~y Lincg uf the Province. . JOH~ A,.1\'D GRACI(Jl]) TVHEAT ASTOXISHI" YG LOTV PRICES FOR GA8H, o,. Fo1·n;e1·s P1·ocliice, which will be taken in exdmnge :tt the higJt<;;,t Market valut" J. K nlso begs to say that he has 11ow preparecl to furnish Gentleman's clothing. in first-class 8tyle, by >t first-clas.5 ktilol', <tt rc~;onishi!lg low fignre8, uud warrnutcd a good fit or no Bn.le. N.B.-Don't forget tee place, J ..mes Elliott'" Che:i,p i:ltoro, Tyrone-. Tyrone, Oct., 6th, 1810. . nl. ly Fresh arrivals of Crockery 11,ndl Glnssw:tre. Jnly Gth. Goods sent t o _rJlp:.i.rtl'! of th e 'J'o" n, FOWLBJ1. ; 52.tf. o.m.SJw· . D·t·d Jan. 3l·t, 1871. · · 39

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