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Brooklin Times, 4 Mar 1884, p. 2

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,~.4 4~. UTON. JB» afiroin Mr. H.W. Payne, tu &Oit by1 lie section ai tbe Globe Ilote], Bmokl où Tbuûr»day, Mar. 6mb, '1884, te. ctt 80-acre farM; being coS.' 0f Ili' ~rt cf ]oi 21, in -te eti Coi0q tb , ou lb. ;rvul rqad 1 i-ft.. or-' f Breoino snd 'tva eIs scntis cf Myrite Station, on lthe tarioW SIi.èblu lfsiiwa'y.. Où- Iie Premisikq i- a- good dwelling lbouse snd <toiler, batts, sheéds, stables, moot-coller MVDrig bouse, gond wel cf water and ci&- lemu * ý'fonces in good repair, foor aorM, cf wçorhard,l lBe 'cres f wood lands, gooid ardOn sioked ieiîth amnatli fit, &o. Falllowug cué Sae ai p. iiu. harp. For me eeposer,,, C. 'DAWES Auc. KII)AKJ UAILWAY Of CAADA Trains n0oea Southfrsaclen C4 0o111 T.UE-SD&Y, -Mar. 4, 1884l. tCouîs evuts -caist thelr ahadown be- lorssuad the héite-array on th.- Liquor lav aeWoMieolnas ase blos hadowed'ii lhmeMsM oleitmi eek, bas realiv, bogues. 7h, lifrs tk.'uaticoit me, thé Doieiiot Liqûdr làwe,~ttb'this nii P#kd ,watepl > rIatot ios clases by thé Ontario gve"u't'mcft as atuendutenis W théý £ZiklrÀctl ansd,,Inasà uade». apsuly. Other -telling blows are: Il !~: ,,iV~ l.IseeCommissjouers must hold sut 4"n court, hear-ovidoce Wo sud MJ 1Anyý toà iit6ayêrs ef ah. sub.plimtg' dirsiomna pèiluq aîint thé propoéed. lice eld gv tdhe 3. A mujoriIy of"hsi nit ed t10 Yolem for a réotbessf Ptîjamea le tiïsép. p or Sb polevet thé Méoe o'aby, lieousog by i theirpéýtilieé . e versý. .h V :,-f 4Fn«, te lié Mortsegvf.JTeIi ptenî wo'véry bireachs ovémlaeI if ai the gsuné héaring! wioo otateru;-kéeper-bas bée finée& A fàrltrs ol licgeos. for two yoarà, P f more for a third brMacb of thé fair.m nualmUcb more of the samo detérminod >attire.'7 f 'Rie sohdule cf tées flxed by Mr. N Frieteat en Dominion Licenses me expecmed it leàh p.e'ëd by thé Bounse as l'oUowa r Tavérnae, hko., ilo., in cities IWO0 'i .4 Sc ini village. 150) J ~ ~ i ,1 in t uownships 120) Transirse 20 1"é Bill vas intmodued on the 25th >eb. ansd is tneéded soi ontirely siuitify te th M'Carthy Act, Strunge te aaiy tii aý WiCa.iby Ait: ackowlge* thé povoer ci ort Pioviesmal gové#losentin uibis mutiller,j agésble, 10 Iboe 9% Sent. B. N. Ai Act, li su écaestai auy poison, onfitled to slis IMes. ujOdet the -Dominion Aet, must C tini alîeýW a reroipi' cf imetunt of faons toviod by lb. ]Province, ber thé Ottawa m liciuae cai isule. a difficli itio crinly, yet the; mas es, ke up beau. Ifi thé «crnerai public Bi giuaba loe -duati by the. pulpit, the nouspapor. nadf the pamphlet, vris a apeial Reinas in tb. Sohool (aos is- ai - pra bomction, ie many, patts stère 'w som, te«i empéranée wn rk. on entila).thes4 e Ifriler dey weold thée~ mu" oqosoeý 1 At thé smn aime tihe vises asise, thé fou lemperioue.o parties, iG vili laed uathiiig pleasan i jeIbis poiticai by A poiufd awupp'oqk éu* iae rs en Woduéa3r, =;hé'4 dai Vit. Bond H megit J#9h0 Facrét,. vitée au 4lércaion 11 tocs Pl"n bsiw4ffl floé. Pastel, vilb $. Ihé lamiein id gpeps% agoay Frein hi* llu asiilbOt. eiosid let Iho Gltte lovaird e -thé htVkamith flop foitueed by Bond vite ktcked 1larit ;;ict kteo titi- ancil.ci brs- Xq bis teg.* *Médicl aid beinstfa sséame-It, pmsouood thé bregstra vi.y petos o". *Much paivrW, in f ot.! aI injurei imn W. Oau't.iiéliévse ines- lm§t#a @è4ly osympathy witli vrcng oorý tin Iti'% MaW vo imaginé taI e bcté %oukt ligiel fssuse kéoeul titis iocr- IToi ée<ý than Rond btpselfaftr retéliitW muit wbwl bî h.tI <mw.- At thé tuime cf <l Wtit se bu-sins.--. wh l i.e opinionî COUNICIL MEETING. Brookliu, Marcit 3rd, 1884, To teMuneip1iCo"Ueàul 'f ité Corpu suce of te lb. ensitip of Wfiitby, WVe, Yonr Commutlee, ap pemelédd te examine into a charge mnade 61j Alexander Ketchéti g.slaJja i sou bégleare t te -ppasafolébvpz is..Tiaîvo abve- oxasntll th, 1tréasurer'a booksr abi.pnNs..u Io Minutes cf thé Cotnucil as dirécted bj 2nd.-Tlbt vr aud lte charge uct Siguéd, S. BEALLIC'on JOHN SINCLAIR, e~ JOHN McPumlRSO, Thé Report vs» rectiéd dadopied. Coueil met punssant tu adjoumierii. AIl tb. membérs pressul. Rrcee inthe èiëWr. Minutes orfitast metingM red aud spproved a - 1. Cijmmunications froun Land-Lk4t."'F<k mputs Association, Dominoni iri rdget supnpny, alto in regard bt theU. E. Léyaliala Centenial Celebrition, stîas number of accoueis vas resnt by lte Réeve, viten thé Concil atîjournei t reit dine o'ctcck. r-I Ou thé Conuil #1 e -.t miteeappoiuted ametmreil clre pfrrdalioptt J. R. M.mitew"o by Aloke. Jetchen, presauei ilîcîtr epost as fcttovs: 'oite Municipal Cuncit of lte Cor- perati"Oicf the TtinWhief--htbYr- S:GitrvLstu.-We your Commitie lp- poineto eexaminé jutes éitaràu us»'d0 by Aloxander Kelcitén sgstnJilM aîtev- ses, ttggleave Iote pet as follows : lsî.-This vo havé exismiil thé rrm&urera' bhoksand papers aise the Minutes ut the Caoeiatrctedity yor resolution. Qad.-Tlti vé -ie h eirc"*nef iostaîuet. * S. BEALU. JOHN SINÇLAIR. Cou. JOHIN MePHERSON . Ait intermai dîscusioe lsouk tplacé ou hé abois report vtbcit vi- révid and il. W. WîVittox, seeootd hy Alexi. telcheu, moves strasstite Auditera' Report <e ieteived, andtflitt4ibu snd is liereby fislty sudrd aisd tereport adof*ed. Carrisrt. . , Atez. Keichen, seonated by WniHear, moires for louve tu mtrOîods Sy-t.s ppoittul vergaera cof hirrhvsya fiuco-i vers ami pourd-ktépers for titis Muni. îpamty for ite presomît vearp amit thal thé By.!aw ha resda Otlim iee. Carrisal. By-Lav resnda a t lime. Thte Ceunei vreut itieotmitk et the artîole on saielity-taw, J. IL. ttovson ei tu tsis hair. sudftiri-tv4 ,'s vas woe d miÉbsl rd m as pamnsd J. R. Mathevin. smoaesd by Wn. coar, meuveas at thé VIk e nt sd hlboire. )y sltborimet i apareqirual ,. .é@ tit menules cf týis Comeil late héJo< s- 'ms"naéd e, tb. 0 *bol. J RMate5M,éep d by 14m est, tmcélméabitI théTrétsairer hé e el la ereby autitorred Ite psy lame Sîtî t75pr wéek for~rdbafetmsibhsdtJ mnso 'ietuî.mti tit erva. orh "s. Rosiv assa hsied by tti conu- i te asauit "lesenébou héTresanrt in tvr cf a nunriter 'et acouet prepati titis Cremupl Bur si teetieg te. W60, J R Matbev<en, aessidé by Win- loir. moves tts tim Reéb. susd ei rsby autiortzo6te raisl hisordor'ait th. tesorer lu lever oftJ Sic s ltB».im tf J Mcptiermofor 52.011 cuçi, fer itoir iesm as a commilite on thé Koobe J id hithswLfée dispue. JI R Msthovaou.swrseed i 1y W Hoar, aréitsals J tutill's teucté, W5fo- chfi t-e »saeihereby acceptied. C'td Mir %Iatbewmvaca oondod by Mr Hesr, ovs tâtJohn FTysmbé sudla bête- 1 p"mewd rtmootaamWm r10 esatmitt. «Bewerîeam t.rsge, ti. Allies.bridge, h onu.; Wi.' lo ots mer thé %lt ut. aidRates<l's hridse nthe kangam t, sdi ascetrsin thée gth snd quasiS, limiter reqentîs t. bsilsais i w g ti report te tse Eseve mas maeo. asle oa Mtriset 1MrIt"r. moeetbRi î MCH(R. LICENSEDD MJC- Iox47.-Brungham. THE#O@U%»LIN rIMIES. Atbu Edd sibawbb-hent. BALD J* ,BROOKLINI. TitIs to éeetea*Il kinda or Plat culaiPrtnu sobas clireake.a*t 10v rates. el 5 i j ruîitioî.s a li lIé aoie watt liecatira oradtesas, MARJ.g RACIos, Hamtpton, ont. NiE U-LNEu I4JE Best Liquor. and Cgars A well scp- pidtbe-iry bed-#eom.ý Confortable iabling an I large.yarota. Charges dee"is *, 6 Me. 4tn ra s Io $ eparei no pan emake,;lite lbq.a enfrs and et reà:ort fur lite trs*ellieig public. LIVERY RIGS TO, lýIRE. IIIOLLIDAY, Clutit, ef Erootlin, Jan. 2 qiaî,lut8. 1 t*heé MceioiWity cf the Tàvuhip Thé mloi ù l téresitc" thO f Whiîby, yl béas lte Couecit Recuit, Jharge Emeteby ,Alex. lKétite sAgitiusg Tove Halt,,flnoklie, aery Moday, J. R.Matheace Iedectiay. anal $wur"v-,. ailernona . J.. LMsthevsou, secondeil b yWmtuI~rmn 10o6 o'.:Wioutîit, <enier niotice, Jioar. .moi.. Tiai Samuel Bet f.John I andstîy otitef-l-ino vheu required.L Sinclair, sud JoituMcçPheraon, bhé'andmiala- itrbtippoieled a Committée o1examine VANZ-NT, Ywr. %UaGitor, andl thoIrasrerle bockis snd aite milsute H-s of thé Couiecil àatd sicerîiiiithé troshifui- Iounry Gradffnate cI Oîtars o V. Col. nèsa~~~~~ erxîimn edb-Momhe ~F1) .RE)E C cf titisCunci,AlexanderKerelen, hv -OP IR R SIE ing mnaea icharge againiJ . R. flaew- MILL- STRLEET, BROOKLIN. aoit of having fnrisitsd o eh At te preutils âhf4ie lato R. T. Harrisonî. Couecil sud recoived hie psy togb te 1 Robjuscu Brother, aud. me sa 1 Comqiit- He.Done bé cou4oeat sail boum. ou thél- tee to report ai lt'e in eemicg cftl is -vatus dÏ<les Ïiit'n lte range'cf tli Cui.teil. Carrîod. ..- -i pêoh ai.îetela rmîj. A. large, assortmellt Of Sctel, -aîîd ('auad laaiTeeds, Broad CI9t M C'oatilî±rq, &C., to sceet falomu A -cail respectfuily scdlicited. faction guaranteed. Cutting of ali kind dîîoe for primate Parties,~ I:l1fM~RSON & ]LI làn HaVl oiti land a spleidid assac%i. itj o1 èLdin l!tLT<, -,-lentîng-Stovesfroin ibe best 1 ave n)Ca¶3~ Ca1~ndsee our New Jwo Base Btîrner for hatllstand dittin& g1 We keep afuIl stock, fLn Laýtù nGoodx &4,ttiternu, Granîite fronwar~ ûde n ware. A qplt.lldid Lit of Bird Cages. We aise keepW stock the celebruted WValtzer SewitîgMetie TUEM~gAYflOSE veTroghigJob Work ad'ý* (Oaîtiîjsei, ~îe) epiring attended to promptlyadv tifcingu an- O.H.NEWE8OProprietor. teed We seill ais Iow as any in the trade, Meu. ~- Ie ,ivould retpetfoly tlîa ak the ýpubIic for 41- - Thé oi haboenbâiI byite -Prm- Ial patronage hbestowed on us in the past, and hbýe.r 1 .4 prielor wtth a viétea s spply .Itébéau tlbî t "-'a accommadalitin for lte imveflleîg Pet.e. hrs t tl ease mly meet --wîtaîtlie snîîe0c' ar, Every sîuice yunvrl bé psitt Io sefurs the approvalv A Wel gucked Larder, béi vine0, We a re Yur '111VoS ,& CM BL Liquorsand Cigars usM P jRepecfuIyII[ HRSN &ndMPBIm s For _t] BIk~3$tXBJS-White and 'Qlo*ed. be Next !"SIN sut. Sl-ift-.jtiýCône' Sets*, Persian Lamb - Attdýo"éexilîé dies Ca>es.&- ~ ;sst~~b o os'dFt DLOtTD -WooI $q"&re, WoçdCaetand sometblýqg ww lu LadiesDulmanu imported front Germany. DED~] SFCG- QD-AU qualitie9itin Garnet, 'Blie MrtlGrecn, bronze, Prunae, sud Blatçk, El-E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C *-X~~ A2,M Il pnces front 35e up. Youtis5 Boys, aud LA die s. YÏeuthsa and Ilotii $imes. dLjzxDT=II3Sa-ýveroSta in Meus,, 3D« ' JESIG3-N** . -Buaes, -Tapestry, Union, Ail wool. flemp and leit Carpts. li W MMIDEkAu immense Vuriety-Order 7915? Clotheisnov. -~~~0 à 8Eà S a...........<..Jàd... . - - . MR, - l'- 1 T. McMarshall lias openied a Ta !oriîîig Estabilislitteit oit bis owaiîaccout i it Zi u 11 duor soîttit of thc T? 'mrcs OFFICE. HE-) a now prepkared to THE BESI. ON Sli ut N'lIC. 1, .1

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