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Brooklin Times, 13 Jun 1882, p. 2

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- I o To TH EREE AND INDEPEI TORS ',0 GENTLEMEN,- The Goveria-inent, wh apa i.rai wax oravia befre "èjualgrent ba-, F .nlved Il'aliamuent, and ge'.inral elertion. For what renssua? Bî it would be wîaker riexl 1-day, andl tatasnolyc ellay ini a surprise! But it tu appeal lu hIle constitue bas packed the jury. By an anquitnua, moi mntiated in a fow distrir of Liberal votera, lit orile effective Relbrm 'truigî inw impair the prospecsaof 'a!! Liheral, andi, if pu ininormly of the people ii Parliament. For thea» purposea il the county bouidti,.dastur districts, aiid violatted Ion ciallons uft riendabip, bi venience tbroughtout the Ontario. But aven tbis was noti Repealiog the Iaw ebic and registrars tha relurnii .aken puwer Io appoit its owaa nomioaea to doi to re-enact tme ceeuest wlaen men îc'efeaîed at1 koka and Webt Poterborc memnbera oi Pariament these officiais. Suck acta, are subverai caiples oi justice, eqoalatý on wlaaci uontattiaoi gives ncri! caiztion to tl They shlow that Govei a sanditig ail ils boastai, le in a [ii filt ;ga ant u W. ara kLppealttag tal without distinction nf pt cm" sabas of Power; auttîors <bt, ibougls the, atownships andi ent op C ike, the votea ni the el the caotlcalicot b. ti * supportera ofi nquitiesafi We arn callin; flot onli astio, viL-ronaî, anid argai part nf Refurmera, bail ahi ut iîany, heretoiore is wbo cili yel deatiln tu eau ia anawered! Suc heen arouaed amog -tIi as 1 bave not seen hefi as warranîts the bulaufti wili [ail oailstabams pnrp cuil with just aasvriîy nia colIcomom andi suppo. lerà leraietoci ahe I eoatî-Ae g ive ïddeatiîibë.% tel! 14 sylevan4- i jo- B a."in the main yoat value the pri- va'nu in our lanad"faaifa pauqanu: or tîallia -ne ivtî~ta:ncîen Ii temic pe n[prv i.phc iv. KDENT ELEG- for Rtue rand belote coiaractag for lise jAci, whiehah tll atIIa ub',et pnely arn na:eaI; -you aie prepase a tcon- erits, t 'b1 eeleta aad eta'~1 Dunnîeuaterets atbpeuple oi a lait rehaesentatssoi, the wrong i The pregreila or the Narth-Weat ils due buflctlsallovana~ on the greuni tha 16 winch would deprive us ofi Our Provincial M le I11w gerk ce did andI pioposeal te du. the opiniîoanifh1 Federai Cabinet it %cas ragita, tbe itajittàlce wbîcb wii teji- The difficulties sanat drawbacks whlaîcilafo a pruper A. reates a c'angeronsa lire. <ite an iitrnatinrai a ard, tba crime exist, very serions aow anal far more cari- ceueit, amdattri se a power deitroctave ci wtich bas plareti aur future an the -ouilsmthn future, are due lo the nianoxons lie atnoaniyfai 0 Provinaces. Nurth-Wiast' an 'the banda of a great beriofuthte coutrat-t. The majarivo1f tbe laie P*rUimneài'ma'opoy, the addtjionis, in breacb ni ach but a rit gaie bisont yenr lacs vindacaltalsoir policy sancla.îaie-, wJ.ili1 e deasounoed tbat dis- oenpege ouaîa, xeiltr il; a ongertrialWlio au dobi tiztt. iait l beea a(t"Otam-uIspubhiasècec narpeie scar emes wems ihil xub ag Iaiertral i~ti co oul iathat I e ii taow ne itbletiar lis i «I c.faor the nia-ses antifor premaurely dis- we couoti to-day iiake a baigiti lor lie Ila nnDOI for tet people to decade che- fuiar taxation, thn aggraidizernaeit aifthe I precipiîaîed a ,uiiringshe dr hchil-%oui hmlhthei il 11w atio, o rgin j er few atiidthe ricia, a.iad the oppression r pile1as coii, iidaoia-urilu ntiitely tr-tud L e.othe many andti te poor i yevn are pie- cenuse it feit titat hulertitani 'hase t) tialmcit weare niîuw -he res.pectiv Goveroments sanme s-ura 'aredta :,give yeur voatees for ficealor andi îyeartiuantt - natilta-l' hoaaGnvelmînel-tsand Par- a2î,j uinottunisebonid.iry quetstinu:il)aitce, lutreraianntna ermf A RGEoOhat ba otve~Z slyn dcîaigo la ta-iai.W.aIa,~lna - [c iarlvuieuari sc mlnt 7- B reserves this space t e b r to e a t a I iu u p rt ia ty aa d e a n d ta i a ula a - i i e a e s i a s w i t i0ue l e s b j a y y d e c a s o n antavnt re J a ba1.cauaeita atsc ~ eaunl na - oiî a propoa scl. n d tue hpeati elie ha1siiT e E T an1HE& flttYou a s n uite er 0 eak n ha resritioiaounaîàlr hIJ otit cx- a nt volt anthe i ,quti in Paur lia - rr b maoy r he clînong cha t ce sîhat u Cor iiai wayand, 011Ii eera 1udtas cott trp_.i-y arn G le c utemyo en, BUGGY amblesta1tm 1ai lias resîriaaveessions 1ie lias been, tr1,00eaoonabg@ ouisatii a cnrc c.auel n dr-omtin atufir mule t EDci BLKE asr ilia ab t b ela îucon- Tesacrd, no alsa o P.;thepr- nOin the huOgan PiefanosàTh ET n HEP :bdme hcoah'ie no el llbeaoaia.doiat an knaoaOtliew j,,et ito ds un laavrge ecannaltuatctclumGbrnet i > etiel aattii Fo)çr vrctlge. fSye erIog-atanth gaath a ee arestraicitintan rie ea i gex-sn lt h~~e oqus .etîno ' <>o, c arry îee cal e eIter - ng ana ytIisgreh vetiformii aat i tat oitîie efe èai nduir;s0 adt broeulial E.aO, G Rle en, , i ayrctnainaea toioit rvd 1 ilgo uitseaaly yimpaitaiy ukie;.iaid t a a lreo nagn i atr îis;te tB o cke shtif fai extenIai gnotsesianîhatolanionae eltthetnca-a aoîiannced thaervantoforbiheOutarin ahlai Or ad miblofftcet, atli n moufterat re; nt i tiataci as bs uts00 a rîae ab e r col e Insieet1re , where atplasors ca caitdetn i or ucet'leagr"",ucaili.t glébor"oi a t Wlia m; aîîdW. RUE, OawDBAKE a tm ersu a y'o ý rsIes batlisermet ahantal ', aaad ,as at hengîl b 188U, î tak ucage t e ei.A rn tclorerîoraaIlleueiat that the acacia &Ponnos aiî ee:n 'ercaIl e lee iii the vineheai muidliasemagiaten-the u in uhe poisr.iarMded ii orna paausaaanti leh m b irgrei u riirt an, a'e te min mauaaa* aor. bt Ftt ouk onase hnt Iirrmqs inr Pr9 uctiIoae. TIoUS atalgeofSye by tii. wîtl ai haor ,a vsa1r1ues c i .i tt i ettt 0e uTaicalact> aiubitein; tu Perlia tl iA .pro-T N',tiok m.rsacii so h «an 0 ali ete rate juear it aaiffoati a acueil"ul elu~ecnint a ndpitic lo vbies a nd osepi- absolute d. bOialedthamislaieof Patue i an u a'id yie ra it paof nia itonthe true eissue. wad ha batiabl.u the c triSt e ntisavarlishaoeh. buRA A i ess at *si aiclu Fmec tas reeithy er- orf en,'! Sto'ves, Simta;OTJenS ansg. swhîctSe or rmport uuutiai&.iuie teta.lSTgeV4'. ru ms e tilàtit si p-t liacai apiundte Opt iai y tue atan (in-'TOr uddesigeep osatyonhn, ulsp mais~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o icombpintetcieot ainc.aaraaietI d ary, tl iemetin inL ier s lpî I liaesi taho b oan Iataiuilsthele igiuave b oa- rt Wailltq ia;cana,.R S , s a a chril pload ones pect ncida e a.lnt foa sedi l enh ,in8pb2va i l-oks c ur age e de- ~_ rhy euetla 'e as s setm uaiocsassarb, an rai rpeeîtl urth ealsr ere n r r lsd haro and&'ieStemla, wic aaslte haoriahr o sanny ..e te eeChmbr T 'ysihtg oîaca rmt ocail .fae uIbri! 'biueto-P bis am etthe, waii lda ofnaniearrhe. faago r1ai bae iew oe.; ras to mangarabniie s epiga c ilih t t rne1îIaa tu-iespaarto thn polln clitos shoat bai mlatai tat lse lomaeaammls tIi inetaeeei [Tm II raiaiuterretitarthe Sauat, f iPe ihniioenro UEt eenquiAPe a k. th:ee WittouuOuna e[risianepr t tuaIoeuoru h avuoro thelabition lietIiLAII II I U I " i ,o .u.a a ue -l ie. b u is me ips u ali ddhew seiaantge but ara el ima fogt ito aa_______ iA P CedN E iv f a ath rni- areflutre ra tut iue raIuu uil titis ii auait . i- fr b e Prisai ces tu ecdit muan fat rpa istiisi h rcise lin u ab t-th e iae xrsetibe a ashalpruLA.bbcR b estae andccitm- omtiee 1til a :es:whuaowpeady x-reuday r cnia::i[cin(otro;aTI fS!Stov s, S AND ýhie t orws p l, d usipossble; aieniseuuauld PT e teal a is ti l e heprfessea mset owt-sW etprz. il a siis e rict l o r alersvoe. r: i u am a ~ E col u t set b aien iteti e nP gutlsixe tauit sfrtoauce a, l"ceai. Th nesindkep Osanl AN ndJOafull uppl o thmale pouilplas rîb1paeolae ail I iisaul nspetant la, tival o s p pons ib tus nPovinces, oS tsa tin arne 0r-sbail ors-piral audnativ irc a s de nj ugriulucai,.o i n m ci l u e c arlre re tat aund - IL elIo thoaauip th'oealtexnemAmumaireas awm ii I le preaearipau raennsen econd Rags, »Co 11 olPikngandOm io <o usatis si te ibm aina, oho bembifi i liainte aia dmnctM'tiîemp i wlihs bue ris) i.ueho vtke ne e a g o o d s aithe înt sutheecourgumamh ui lis creinirale tnpjaealg )I~j. (r'a!or un wtaah atc the Gaver: ment as te.i 1jbeieretbal yhigmfimtcîrc ouest oi ynnr coofldelice? t er t bave iudiasedf manopuawnd catis- On a recasai ai broken pletiges antiof ai gant pricea wtoulml bsebaiukei. a greuauer zstaetiburtiens. musante etf air play aid jataimae îaali They preinisueat aIhbey coulaI nul in- classes coula bu -ee.iirmeti, ad tie buiraeut urecie lb. rate uftaxsation; titey bave ni taxation wronlal te bat-aer aajusteta tlt) îu enarnuotashy increasedi i. c;ipacily authle people as' ho uretta py. Tbay inionnâea thtaforomer scate ai Depencl ujon a, a lay ciii cuitas hen expeudiure; îlaey have Istgeiy taiseti i. by stharp anti bitter uxperieiacai are h.11l Tiuey deulisiidait cainstt hIe additions tuaun miatruîh;i anti inaey wia aeîm u s cbiaah cere matie ta thie public charge in apîati ciii then coneuitieheaue patin- matafer lu, cury ouI a puicy andc engage- ar inimideims aI the tarit. mont* sthle nouer iheroc friner rote, But t buieve car bnifexperionca lia, and1 lof tih linsas legacies ta Ihir succesaiareaîîy canvinced raiay formrer %apporti- sors is 18'2 Tbey tiave greuyadîlutiersaonitheiu ocet aanemmammnt; and tiat ta %bat charge; andt bave, as far as us s majoraty ni the intelligeantî nectors are 8thens ay, @-isure a arec u remaca ni a perlidia favour oai such modificuatiuons, i lia of sevsre financiautdifficltîy and disétueu. direction, i bave poir.taaolo, as nay bo Tliey buast u of au icreaaaealrevenueto;maduiul eh a dueregard tigeh.leatinuata due,n tar as tiey arnecaiourniei, luoia- uittrestasifs1t1cottaceriietl. creastetitaxation oîly.1 h callange tbm Norhi-Veut tandi poiicy Tbey bosu af an etlargail prosperiy; Of ti.g veriament, Waiich he& imn varions due nI ta Ibeui, bottu theb.goîerral ruvîvai trms <tran tacilîtias lot spneulctiouî, ni tradetiehiraogbuaî iithecacii, ta large whersîby great graasof the choicusalleads prouctia ibnt m,,ant i-îgiprices abmad. ,are ialling imb lia. banals ni mitlemen, Tiey priaho ihensselves nati iitPacifi lo cia salt .lti ieulI<e xc r Ritilway coutrat, t comaîeino Ibat bargain mle imn ,igaltlarge hprofits, thus ai ouun ase impr.-par, hemng male in secrert, î-raAlgthdelonituttecîty ont public teacer, coiirary taolige eaialiagand 1utitiiait flaspruaperty of the sellier. policyut atlihae otaieandieut Palitamuct, OJ matin a id ~Tbe landi furthle settier, soi oppo&edt thelbptovisionsaaoaithe lac, Ile. aiesfurlge publie! au 1 conalinn it as extravagamnt, isue igte Tite Re rior the-sCivil Service cons- enlerprise cmli cstnus sîxiy amilion dollars ar,. hws Ilai the exîating 5S.btem and twentat fve million .acres outheb.bas esatea ini bait appuotmsîts, extra-1 e!uuiceatlamd»aiaet he raJ su abeiptag vazalit wiarit'a, the retetîtiun etut it1 Iotli <b nipany wcilchilmi r-alaxe lias office-@. thetiiacouuravits et a cy dais. coof i ilspartc ni the ork nul afil$ landi servisiigfnian, anti great imjury tai the pub bu ati maeey subsities. hwsitssthat hie rus rmmmtiy as themaabu i- 1 comdemno a as outrageons, in confer- ion ot i ontiuîa patroars. the iuatttan ring an tie coupamuy a pructicai muiapoly, ai apprimialneut by ment, andtigtîe reargani.. fu tvsaîly jeard, uti ttc trate isiOur Nortb- xstîonnoftheb.systeni. Westl rerraltmues.andt large pruvilegors Agréesiotiraiithe amain %vthti Ileme viesi anti exempéiens. very vatua4bi tLa tien f1 buieve that Ile mew A,. wltch proceetis1 andialtimite detrimeushaita la ie pulie. an u:iet linosmea cli nt rmrely thîu admit- I tumaen it a iiaafensible, heiag hWaI vls. oaumnaaedl basth face ni a tentier ita tProvisiou n s esdi)taprovent Improper jerfariu tie canue obligationas fait i:reo prieices macn ctiuonsili tender* andt mnillion dallais le"isrutiey, Wtuihree mil- conitracs for public coake; but the Goveria- lion aces le.e lard, i,îthaunt the monpoly muent bas iiwartod sncb legtslation. ofi ttade, Cîtiount the uexemptbuns rau& Thoage chaibave tnt ul rgoltuaistho ovents tatloza, aduo lter eaaalOiumatch ai 1872euh h kou te inrasan cliy. 1140M isvorabe tian lIaâeeonithie cunlical. Onr provincael igbtc are amoaîgst the t t-uiuns,î it as prinaterre, silice the ciief jigeléisoni ut conalitntiî; anti an ia-ne ulcy vcas tu pruvie furor b aii hitm ,renaution test tie pmsetyamati rntAspla 1aIthe fhle tram i humuriDar y tbe permanence et the Ctncetisratiun 114 ua f btihe imrota îte cOnairnetfan o1 0f ltaeotbe ouest vslucbiu-lhsa indnea sdasibrunugh liasPrarie, ad, by on wbicit a!'l elsie depeets-is the ri-ttof srvunt the eariy develmîpitent and, set- elective local tegishiaxaiot foas iralÂi t ams in tia anti ai everv priugress etohfn tif ils gruau il l*1 it ter aî:.ensibetaof t iec-i un Ille h iaajmaraal a(lue, u<iiatpeuenu-e i ai viear .arit icuimtratotlh t'arlianeuat a- ht is a ima" progreuS that 'rade ant i E the avorîti. Oni effurta i bemm diboitive 1 itetieve Ii age tor ourse atimirs aroult ces; amid as P iluey, ase lia mtion., chiuti but tut whtch Gentlemen, Ta ltas peau paàrurîîuhynifj "UnItic a. afaira a ana.a; t hlipet the elctio, t1 fiy opittions 1 Ihought i rig la stage $rankly tant n~ee-imnsà tCanaida &ives pinot ai is Plas. aI a ra. imannl policy aure l.nimng ta the real nttntry atuti tentfuifitiemît nY. y1 gave niy lieart anti 'setion nif<Ur itgit, au- Eumpire, Io usapteaica uoar bjecî of'iuiatanil. a truly i, beyoii tiorlesilaivse eul, hbuauîiasîic, nont- have f romo miasuiy poaîaina ýu1ubstaiI imteroc-t; anal hu nu lis action ta wchc niguetienu in on nationsl e should secamue a larger acce3àIo thein markets ni bis direction have itharto a tuIler treetion Ia can- a. tua part oaiounrn e. abehîcu pioecu utofsne- cacaba. ai a truty unationala tecorduail hese yieaçà in a as deleiàled in Pattiamenu uak a veduct aithIe pail-. eoccasmion le a grave ace. la aow remttedt Fe op- gias af the connathfaIltp îtinc thie nes oui eh ai be conducapti, fat ive e, andl msyh.ip foi, a macci able, before tbe close ai exp lain at greater leligti Public affaira&; but I bave *at tiie sarlitest cament, nV viocs on »muia inaper- 1fuîty as is compahible fi an atitresa, Oas snperer4tu oncreoureyin erery Memans m in tareot se conaliliictthat OliS cao hope me scure snch abtolute anti complet. ssM 1h le an a crge, gesàesl. and cnm- puiireen-ive vi tiat ce mua anut.if 10 thie maaa a Ou dîllar iam e. AtIslaynur tiuty t ruajet tde se unautteti tut your sin- vos; ni h chi acept jana tieclien cîit uuiew m~tepeci and anabaheti to 'on I 9 Thankin % the Public for the liberal patronage bestowed on tbemn sitr~ starting business ini Brooklin, antd soliciting*a continuanceof the âame. We are yoîîrs resptectftily PHERSON & CAMIFBELL, For a Nobby itting -Suit go to FIRST CLASS S. H O, Coltrrnbus. HlOG A H For a Good Figo to APHOTOARAPHT S. HUGO. For a CHEAP UIT, go to BAR R ETT'S S. HU , Columbus. PHOTO riOOm Suits made to order on shorti notice, AT WIIITBY W-Y 0000 FIT OUARANTEED..RSSPOSRWPOES I o atyour ýuits îrrim-R~K RWR]ES S.' IIUGO, Columbus. A. BARIRETT., BRÔOKLIN TANNERYS. NOTHIN.G LIKE LEATHEER The Undersigned is prepared to puy the Highefit Cash Price for aisy' quantity of 1HIDES, TAIOWY SHEEP SKI NS and Tanbark. COIiE' OILID S'T-A-ŽTJJ]D In rear of the Methodist Church. W. J. MUSRRAY, Froprietor. -.5

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