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Brooklin Times, 10 May 1881, p. 2

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7b the Ediior of lte Times. RuTLÂRD, VERMoX?, April 2Srd, 14481. DzÂR Brai-As 1 amn at the Vermout Quai- ries eelecting'ajxautlful clama of stock for our repidly increaatng trada, j thaugit,:it might Dot bc unintereating toyour readers to give a sketch of thse great Marbie Filds ai Canada and tise United States. Startlng frox Oesawa on Tuesday the 104h ult., per G. T. ItL, I arrived per Cansala Centrai at Arupriair atIi.SD p, in. on the 111h Dit. ...There I fauisd a large quantlty ta select froits. Tise marbie of theae quarriea Is raptdiy growing Iu favor with aur patrons. On mny arrivai there I bought largely of thia line of stock, princtpauiy:in:nsonunenita, ý-or v-ery pretty designe and coinpiete finish, of Oirst etaîs cao in. Aiea a large quantity lu tise rougis at rock bottam prices.3 UProm Arnprlor 1 prooeeded per Canada Centrai ta Meutreai. Froxu Mantreat per Centrai Vermont R1. R. tisrough a diveraified country, rcnchiog Rut- land, thse great American MarsTe Fiield. Here 1 met wilhsaucis a dispiay of marisie as 1 nover before purcisad from. I amn Dow eeecttng marbie of every grade andl design, and expeet ta Import more marbie ino Oesawa tis easion' than everj-seforc. I amn tIng secured very fine rates for freiglît, we will bc able ta competesitis any one ini theu maîketa of tise dominion. 1 na*n very bu.ny ia buylng and seeecting, and expe-et lu return Iu a few daya. We ao have mnade perina. neflt arrangements wltiî an Abserdeens firrm, 1ipuî!Kl In Canaida,-ta fernisi us witih '.. ! u1 i .i.ti c iX. t iii. %iis!te OwIng tu lise trouble wc have inket, tu psur- chaseour full stock of Itiarble and 0 rnite, tain bier riglit ta tbe territary againat the Dominion Goverument, ana il is uatl iklely that an>' action of the M4anitaba Legiala- tare will alter bier îeaalutian. Our neigis. bore in tbe nartb-weat can facilitaté a settiemrent if they please, but cannat pasit- pane it.-Ex. An'inlelligent boy about 15 or 16 yeara of eae wanted ta learo the pîiotiîg buai- ness. NÇARROW ESCAPE. P/hile tir. Jamea Biseldon was dîiving. tbraugli the village yeteîday marning on hie way to. hie son'e atir, hie horse ha. came frighbtened andrin away. The %%---onn came in contact witit a poat in front af Mi. Goldbîa'os aboe ahop andtihie aid gentleman wsas thrown tteavîly toctîhe gieuutd but fartunateiy ausiained veîy eliglit injury, Ns)t se wiîis ihe wagan wi!cîi wisconsidetsbly sitatleretl. ls [ '-eq. o ligisai ie -wild atnd rapim' g-aIlaping of a boise riddten by Manierý Fîank Ellioti. Titis is nlthtie first lime that thia ambîiaus youlit hae hkitemilllted lotlistpny bis eqat.etîien powera in aur F;Ireets, hut wve ho1te il wilI beiîme labt, eie ï,n1n. accident befalis eisher itiîaelf nr til mii yt. cs iului ren %%-!lufiee at his we viii ne aete10 el cîteapvr taisan' - otiser tirmioftbrs, and w4JI l et.udteruuoid Ofice and.Works, ing St. West, Oshîawa. Chorce field, gardnariud lcuer semida 1 rernain, yours iruly, a ALNTNS A. W. ANDEISSON,Rt .D LfGOS r, 0f ANDESON & VANZANT. A Mlapie' Sugar Soial wili be beld in1 the B (. Citach,.Bîoklîni, î-morrbw THE BROOKLIN TIMES niglît liîh itist. F rottnhItaf-puet savon IS PUBLISHED EVERY u ii half-paeig ht o'lact,. Sua anad T17NBD3 A T 1MOKn JNGi, Buions ha11 e*et oui, afetr Winchia - 5Y' -ettore ais -Aie ilite l>or .s ahappy ae, thse J AIVi E CUT ELL R.eî,>Ilor '.The Upper-Teitleino:," At is Printinz Estabiishmant, iiIl bedeliverd by Ithe 1ev.. W. Aydie;, lAIDWIN TRET, DOOK JN, f OIawa. 1'lite Misses Ayers uili ei SALDUIH STRET, BODUI l 1,e, tl9e jprinvtiittg.by Ilite wile1ttîg p TERMS 25 OTS. FER ANNUM. Borne cl&iîoiittisie. A iimne ai greal Speciai cootra.cs made with Adv.ermsepiseure ie anIimsîpaýlt.d, an coine ail wi.a 'y 1h. year or oilsarwise.ci prt., AJratyi o014 ISoa. Harvey, the ýuung pedieutrian af Whiiby. ~ ~rn1'Tn ~ a aeolad 16 yeara of cge. eocomplieiied ~* s4iI~i686the reinsskable lest of %alaiktuug 80 ir s TUESD.AY. .MAY 101h, 1881. in' 23 itauris. le eItarîtd amunts wttik jt ____________________________8 coîcg Erideyîîîgbt ajid iniz-ited 7,051 MANiTOBA AND THE ONTARJO. P. M. Saturday. BOUNDARV5 . C r,-At704tTu35,iWiNhee te0 ni iie- TeLeilature of Manijoba h ise - patronauge in rite piut. atwotîit klndiy slieni t .ontiiîa.mRICOtof teaIl s tc aeu snied businees ater a long adjoumnment ai(*)0 ,i il .10td4seuuirney lika. waete -foi the purpose af awaiting tbe pass-ýage a0 li f n,, ivserastl tt'îi's. ,net. i utu titusiitté&c. ilsoprinta and nncfui uarticles thse Btiîndaîiea Extension Bill b>' the ar(i tutient kîlsts. Domiion arlamen. T tis weawart AIus;cenktoriella gluierttinipatterns Domnio Palimen. T te wstwrdTlv teitutterns tire uesigned ta give tl iost and narthwardextension. ai the Province perfvt littfany kiovnpatiern t Iuuosurket liîu.isu.îber triseplace, oppos4Ite 1ite uiotue eecored by that bih ll o one anysvhere Ilott,lrookiin. tRM. le-N.,UUHToN. wilI abject. Manitoba'Was at the ut8ulel made redîculausly emrai. againet the pro- Tue intarmeiliutte Exarnioin wil be tete ai the thon Liberal Oppositionl. and gèven e- the %Vhitby CAlegîie Inslitute th. precent Litleral Oppoiion are in an ftlnda1 Jmdy Iiih, t 2 p. m. Ail perfect accord with tb. proposaaite lot ber caniutiales int seîmd ibir narnes ta Jaa have ailt the terrilary and population ehle NMBren, Inapectar, belote uhe irot aof reacy r..quires. for seli-Zoverniing pîtîposesR. J-e But bnu theeasern xtesionarated At the M. E. conerence beld at M'ouliti ta Manitoba thse Opptmition iii the Houme Fore5î lest meek Mi.,Simpson wae gi of Commone bcd'something te 0ay. and aatîna 'alrakîn tse whole4rovipeS aiOntarioa'has, nauch sainda roln ta objet o. 'he boundary measure bis. ]lis Exceilena>' the Govener GaneraI quecîhe to _Maniaba.the Daminion atide ai wili confer the banor of lknigihtSad on thediepute with Onario, and il remaine lion. Hector Langevin, rro. Davn ai for the Manitaba Legislature ta aay whe- McGili'tCollege@, and Alex. Mlackenzie. tiser the contention which tise Dominion fit lt aid Mr.i acKqtizie *1 i em.'iuie the Oasernment le toa cawardly la prese far hotur. iteeli' fchali b. laken tip and fouLpbI ont ta the bitter end by a Province whcis hae The public achool is noW uirning under naihing ta gsiin if il wine, and mach tu the mianagement ai two teaclsere. ltseu wbether il sîseceeds or faits. Taere are, unfortunately sme apotoatie DIED of lise prei.ent Otawa rq'ime in Manitoba Sudîienly of apoplexy at ber reidence «Uu 0u*i40 le, ..tu ... s.,s ,i,.,,ss...tc- i 9.3<4con.Whitby, 4îisinstant, tween tha4 Province and Ontario over tbis Heeter Ann. sifs ol Mr. Samuel Bra Y, motter, but we dacline to believe that aged 43 years.. thov re ini c majerity. Tbev arp clam. At is teqideace, Balwin St., Brooklin- nurine qasingt Ot<oi a eiflîhnesq. and on Friday, 6ib mast., Mi. Johns Robinson, Traotinm-thé- ilippriteui îeîîierv. 8v takiroe eged 74 year.4. th,% giarul 11ev Fnfe n e cmyit thse Nlnn - - - -1 iisb&.o.vrnment ta a qtî riel with aur own 1 fi - ::: hetrrtoy nard y ttoundary CROW NIM PERlAI" and hie cilleszue itdopt a more common- 'his celebra.d «*rnte po'icy. Evert if they were pre- CA R R ig&E STALLION paed ta contend for the disputed territary i tveIrogsWcT ndR&iI tise cold at xpet t gan aytbng uring the season ai 1881. comrnancing by acquirinq if, for ali the timber antI May 9t, and will eiap at the foilowing minera., vicisgive il ils chiai value, place:- would beleni ta thse Dominion, witie tbey bMon,4 nigiste, Ray'e bolet, Wiitby. would b. campelletot provide for the TITEDAY noaons, Globe butei, Bokhin! administation fii? esuce over c val. and TuEsnAS' nigbts, Walker houa. Port Perry --opy set!d fIrion. The no-xiew Waomspirtcoca,iCoefile oelR lits- a'ill paîbbay i.ow mi tai lins theY 1 ia nd.haeH ari t.paed to aki '.Meanvliale tlîat 1 For fuither particulâIras ee but., course ta matte of faigrealer importanc oaHuo :c oro te th.em tliaûo tauc. Ontaio bas overand j Gom. - 1 Plopîietae *voe eýà sin aeulieriniteolata ai- oviuivile, May 21 81 n~ floundatians. Suifiîî,.i Cedni un the place to fence it, auitî her titober. De- sireab!e loc'atti. (ood chance wiii bu gîveiî tu a man whiornd*na b-inest. Fur furi lier and full pÎ'icllare allply ta Dit sr.%Rit, Bronitimo, Ont. W., P. P.& L. R'y Tirno Table. Train* Trinsgntng iroi ng Norths. gS<th. SSTATIONS. 5.1b7' 7.12 Taranto N'ta f.. . 0:.77.52 10.52 e1.21 t9.15 Wltby Je.4,.,r. IL'&.4535 .'735 (Vin. 9.20 Shithv .... .. .15 1271 7.28 7.1191 9.3g0 lratklii .... .. .04910 7 144 7.2. 9;-',1t1 r -ie........... 7.19 1.541 &W2 7.21 10 (Y)4,i4urnit .... j.74 447 6.4) 7.3 4040 tncete ;'e ... . 441) 6.5 ..45 1M14Prince . 7.4f) ,'i04.32 4422 7.371 le.23 Part Perry ............25 (L4.5 8.15 Ilii.14p.i0erave ............ -00 550 14.e) 10.50 Souya ..............5 2.54 .N.I19 14-33 41.4. Matnile....... . 44 'L38 &M0 it'5) 120 startposlta.... 28 4.21 4 11.50 Vie. .,-R - 1 - - 14.04 Rags, Iý'Vo'0'IPcikings anid OId Iaon, takets in exchauige for goods. Thauîking thse Publie ,f(-r the liberai patronage bestowed on thein giticq starting .business in I3rooklin; and solicitiàg a continîîance of Che -ane. We are yours respectfuly MCPHERSON & CAMPBELL,. naidîi il st., BroolUin. US BOUND TO SELL AS CHEAP. ,AS ANY QNE!1 30 Bars good Sdap'for One Dollar. 1-' bars of*tgood I.ýu4dry S'oap for5 ée~Its. '~calies of good. 'I'oilot Soap fo>r 5 cents. Alkiiîdgi of Groceries cheae for cash or in exchang? .for IL uiseti 4.. . 1 arm prd~e JAS. IIOLnr. .J. r. Rosa. REMEMBER TH1E STAND OPPOSITE THE GLOBE HQTEL, Retsrn Tiriketa-l froxu ro.skln staton an--_ __________ Satîardays ta Toronto, WhitbY, Port Perry W V ISROOKLN MARKETS, W.57t, rokluýNOTHING ULKE LEATHBR. Fa.. ...i . ;a 1h. .LTe Uilersigned la prepareu aO pay te.HgetCh r'ait Wieat................... 1.00--j.12 Price for anyqattyo Sprtng Wiseat................... 1.00' i.ls , i ' . . of Barley .......................... 75.4g Ry........... .. ... 751U1 lC TA) L AI OECD QVIIJQ Fpace.................. ...e. . * iUIUL ILLf1 OIL[ U I Coin ...........................se1014 WoredAppas. ................. . f4 n à b " k . C OIiE'S 0LJ2 ST.-2SMYýfD.. .... .. ...... ........13" 1 In rear of the. M ethodist Church. W.lJ.mU~Y hore~r :1 SPR1NGIOEIG WýEDN EsDAY.,& THURSDY APRIL 21 &t22 and- follow nm"g"darI yl i Please'çtt~o have. you insp)et My PATTFRN IBQNNÈT%',& H!YE ---S. Féeàthèrsj,, !0owrgÈ,Si1ks, Ribbonsý, ad a 'o -mplete stock of MILLINERY ÀNÎD FANCY GOODS. OUR 0. îRO3R.T'H.- BRYQE. Oddfello 'p. Hall, Whitby, 3 King St. west,«OshiaWa REVISED NeRSONllW[ rni.onE i NEW r TESTAMENIUUL IVU ileaiiy. loI dIîvery 011 or abouutdite 17J, The. uudersigned keeps constantly on band a full supply of Ally oî.1l> toiiru.,Ietd.0 My r are wîî re- CJU 1£l N lPA & D[S Ceîve jbrugnl attention. Sbp.cimeai pag~es iDA E .A. FL DAIILI GTONI p R [AJI. IIHG STOYES+k T - * j - LAMP CHIMNIES;9 FARM F0ý SALEÏ TNWARE,- AND 2U~ c"~~' E TROUGHING AND JOB WORK. FIALTON. 115 acreâ«imlpruveil, ai mn fir.,t Clast Condait. Gond sloie Houtu âttemîded to pr-oluptly, an~d Satisfaction Gtiarrànted y

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