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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1970, p. 6

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BIRTHS WHITE Larry and Pat an pleased to announce the birth of their son lames Scott on Wednesday December at the Guelph General Hospital WHARRON To Gordon and Nancy nee Lauder son Eric Anthony bora November I weighing oca- at Winnipeg General Hospital Proud grandparents are Mrs Wharran and Mr and C A Lauder Portage la Prairie Manitoba DEATHS LONG At St Mi chaels Hospital Toronto on Sunday December 1970 Long formerly of Strathmore Blvd Toronto aged years daughter of Die late Mr and Mrs Alfred Long and sister of Alfred R Long of Acton Funeral service was held the Shoemaker Fun eral Home Acton on Tuesday at pm Interment cemetery FOR SALE tore every Sat urday at 8 pin at the Lodge Hall Comers Lunch provided Admission Every one welcome Monday evening December 14 at Tea and Bazaar at Acton District High School Room Home Economic Club welcomes everyone 24754 Citizens Concert Band and Milton District High School Band Concerts Wed nesday December 14th at Milton High School Adults Students 75c Contact David Sale CARDS OF THANKS My thanks to all who so kind ly remembered me while I was a patient St Josephs Hos pital John Last We wish to express our grate ful and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many fri ends and neighbors for the kind ness and sympathy shown us in the sudden loss of a loving husband and father Mrs Agnes Holmes and family I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who sent flowers cards and letters white I was in Guelph General and Toronto Western Hospitals Special thanks to Rev Tucker for his visits to both hospitals Your kindnesses will always be remembered Mrs Mary Scott Rockwood a24764 CEDAR CHEST new hand made Several to choose from Call after 4 pm SNOW tires and rims 4pty tubeless used Reasonably priced Phone after la2499 ALUMINUM storms win dows doors shutters grilles canopies also custom made iron railings Reasonable A big thank you to everyone who helped make our An niversary a day we will remem ber To the Ballinafad ladies for food the comfort able surroundings of the Acton Scout Hall the beautiful gKtt and floral arrangements tJie boys from Aoton Legion Joyce and Bill of the Country to all our relatives friends and neighbors who called thank you LARGE custom kitchen coun ter unit with double stainless sink and upper cabinets 4- modern bath unit solid oak stairs recreation room with iron raiHngs Call collect at night Islington 124449 We sincerely want to thank all our relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness the cards and flowers sent during our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father Spe cial thanks to Dr Garrett Rev Dawson and Rev McKenzieand to the Curling Club and neigh bors for their special efforts Your kindnesses have meant much to us Mrs Mary and family PIANOS We buy and sell new and reconditioned pianos See our large selection now for some real bargains We alio will take your old piano In on a trade for any new appliance C Kelly Son Ltd comer and St Guelph la472429tf IN MEH0RIAMS WEST Rae In loving memory of Rac West who passed away December 1965 Remembrance is a golden chain Made stronger with each year Each link is forged of mem ories That make you still more dear Lovingly remembered by wife Velma and Mother WILDS In toving memory of our dear mother and grandmother Janet who pass ed sway December 10 Mother you are not forgotten Though on earth you are more Still in memory you are with us As you always were before Sadly missed by daughter Betty and family COMING MARRIAGES OCKENDEN Mr and Mrs Harry Acton announce the forthcom ing marriage of their daughter Linda Ann to Mr Gerald Bruce Ockendcn Acton The wedding take place at Knox Pres byterian Church Saturday February COMING EVENTS Dance Commun ity Centre Saturday December Music Admis sion per person Churchmans Quartette High School auditorium Saturday evening Bap tist High Fellowship Offering taken Junior Farmers Dance and Ski draw on Saturday December 12 at Mas ter Feed Research auditorium on Line below Music by Lou Rahn Admission single couple PRODUCE FOR SALE HILLSIDE FARM 25 1 Mile off Highway South Fresh Eggs Extra Large per tray dozen You will enjoy a visit to Hal- ton County Museum Keho Conservation Area near Milton for their annual Christmas Op en House December to 20 In clusive to 530 pm Relax m a nostalgically decorated set ting before the fire with a cup of tea and Christmas goodies Information FOR SALE OIL space heaters Make an offer Phone 8531783 ADMIRAL TV excellent condition Phone BBDCHESTERFIELD brown tweed in good condition 3S Phone after Ia24491 PIECE SETTEE rocker and matching chair small wash- stand oak buffet vanity dresser oak dining table and chairs oak filing cabinet needs small repair 12 magazine and end tables bookcase glass doors 35 Phone la FOR CHRISTMAS TriCbem Liquid Embroidery paints kits stamped goods and accessories make excellent gifts for Christmas Ask about the specials Phone Doris See the new 1971 Tri catalogue with its many colorful stamped goods Items POODLES Professionally Groomed Clipped and Shampooed Pickup and Delivery PHONE 8779304 Georgetown TV TOWER SALE tower Installed with all chan nel bead tower installed with all chan nel head 50 tower Installed with all chan nel head Extra heads for second TV set Installed 2000 head Installed 2000 15 dement color bead Installed 6455 Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street Bast MILTON Phone 8786949 APPLES Maclntoch Red Delicious Golden Delicious Northern Spy and Courtland to 300 per bag CHUDLEIGHS miles Norm of Milton on Highway 8782725 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE WELSH PONY quiet saddle and cart broke 12 bands high Phone 3a2475 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE CHALMERS tractor model condition Phone 8531546 SEE the new Auger snow plow and blower 2 used snow blowers new and used Pioneer chain saws PTO manure spreaders over bus capac ity Phone Archie Kerr Equip ment Acton CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES rent arc Mil lor wo minimum tar 11 word M far OF THANKS- or Ural linn addition IN IS 1H llna at vrM CLASaiTOCD DISPLAY HEAL nil Inati BOX to IhU Ma additional COM I For I For Bala I Anlmali far Bala Imptamtnt For I Vahlota tot I Hals wanted Wan lad ID Btudant Job 11 or akajad round II for Wan lad to Mant II If II II ID DEADLINES lam Ctaaatllad and Account may paid DUlt Stationary Hill or 2030 The Free Press Wedneiday December HELP WANTED FARMER wonted for mush room form part or full time work Apply McNalr Mushroom Farm 25 Acton FEMALE preferred reliable conscientious and machine oriented Apply Northern Stag Industries GOOD MAN OVER for short trips surround ing Acton Man we want is worth up to In year plus regular cash bonus Air mall B Read American Lub ricants Co Box Dayton Ohio 45401 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE GTO 8783688 1967 EC0NOLINE Ford for sale good shape low mileage Phone 5a292187 Laurentlan V8 good condition 750 phone VOLKSWAGEN car ra dio and gas neater Good run ning order Ideal commuter car Phone 8554490 VTYPE snow blowers manu factured by E Hagedorn Sons now available Only Phone 5a24428 Safe Buy Used Cars sedan cylinder automatic radio Lie 1964 FORD station wagon automatic radio Lie CHEV van cylinder stan dard side and rear doors Lie 1961 METEOR door sedan Lie K95048 As is Your Snowmobile Dealer Capri 20 hp 1971 Mini Sno 12 In stock double trailers and single trailers Firestone Town and Country Tires AH sizes in slock Best deals and best prices available Christmas Trees Scotch Pine and Spruce Various sizes and prices BILL TOTH SHELL SERVICE Queen Street 8530660 FORD Custom 6 standard Ford Custom auto Priced to sell Im mediately Maple Lodge Farms Lid 5b321050 YULETIDE GIFT FREE- 1971 plates with the purchase of any SAFE BUY used car sold from December 24 FORD Custom driven on ly miles Owners name on request Lie METEOR Rideau hardtop with lots of op tions Lie 1970 MUSTANG I equipped Safe transportation buy Lie AUSTIN sedan gas saver with radial tires Lie Only 1695 ACADIAN 2door Lie L61- 75 Only 1695 1967 MUSTANG hard top Lie L7150 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne door hardtop Lie 1969 thinking camper This unit has special camper package Lie GMC 950 Series plat form body Lie GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 8782883 Toronto 92S0887 USE FREE PRESS Classified to clean out your attic LEYLAND Diesel TRACTORS Buy as low as 75 per WITH THE FOLLOWING FEATURES Power steering Independent with foot and hand control Complete hydraulics Buy Now Pay May 1 1971 No Interest Charge SWANSTON Farm Equipment 3 Selling British Leylnd for Years STOCK REDUCTION SALE Wholesale to the Public COME IN AND MAKE AN OFFER EXAMPLE PLYMOUTH Sport Satellite door hardtop 8 auto radio console bucket scats Real sharp Lie L9737 2195 SALE PRICE 1795 MILTON MOTOR SALES 388 Main St 8782355 HELP WANTED TOWN OF ACTON Application will be received by the undersigned up to and Including Friday December for the position of a PART TIME MALE OR FEMALE STENOGRAPHER for office of the local Provincial Police Department Accuracy in typing Is essent ial combined a good wor king knowledge of shorthand Salary commensurate with ex perience and qualifications state age marital sta tus and particulars of former employment J Hurst Clerk Administrator Town of Acton The Credit Valley Conservation Authority REQUIRES AN Assistant to the Manager Qualifications Required 1 A knowledge of planning principles and practices with the ability to plan and sche dule conservation programs 2 A knowledge of administ rative procedures A knowledge of equipment operating and maintenance pro cedures Ability to plan and direct the work of subordinates Graduate of an accredited university or college in forest ry or resources management or equivalent experience Please state salary range ex pected and address applicat ions to The Manager CREDIT VALLEY CON SERVATION AUTHORITY Applications will be accepted until Friday December 16 8b24 11 LOST OR STRAYED GOLDEN Retriever in area Please phone II BLACK and brown German Shepherd male pup months old Answers to Tramp Ar ea Cedar Springs Motel Childs pel Reward 8779030 13 FOR RENT ROOM and board for gentle man or lady Phone 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments available now Phone 8532197 HOUSE in Georgetown six bedrooms baths close to downtown Phone 2 BEDROOM apartment J 140 a month Utilities drapes included Available January 1 Phone 8532197 2- BEDROOM apartment im mediate possession heat hyd ro and water supplied a month 15 PERSONAL GOOD NEWS The most personal and im portant matter in your life Is the understanding of the glad tidings of Gods Coming King dom the Restoration of the Kingdom and Throne of David as proclaimed by Jesus the Messiah This is the ONLY good news available to perish ing men and women and it al one gives meaning and purpose to 2 John For free literature write A Moment of Truth Box Acton Ontario CAR leaves Acton for Milton parcels Phone HAND cleaning rug wall to wall carpeting and furniture 1 day service Write P Shea Emma St Suite 102 Guelph or phone b251698 FLOOR now have modern and We will your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the Job yourself J Frank phone 8532040 Frederick St S Acton 16atf ERIN JUDO CLUB TUESDAY NIGHTS Lesion Hall Dundas St Beginners courses now starting 8339381 or FARM SERVICES CUSTOM CORN COMBINING PLOWING ROCKWOOD ED McMULLEN Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Sloops Chimney Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 16a- PAINTING fine selection or Wallpaper colors to suit your needs Estimates free DAVID COHEN Peel Street Acton Call 16a34lf SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Free Estimates Commercial Industrial RR No ACTON Phone 16a2tf Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Prompt disposal of dead or disabled cattle or horses Call Operator Ask for Zenith Lie No leatf MOTORS CLEANED COUNTRY MART miles west of Acton on Hwy 7 Rit Acton 854712 SPECIAL 295 FIRST LINE TELEVISION SERVICE Authorized Admiral Service Department Fleetwood Color Sales and Service RR 3 Acton Hwy 7 mile West of Acton 8531057 16atf TREVAIL MASONRY CONTRACTOR Brick Block Work Fireplace Chimneys Repairs Free Estimates LES TELEPHONE 8531565 Acton TREE SERVICE Trimming Removal of Trees No Job Too Big No Job Too Small North Halton Tree Service Fully Insured Phona 8531010 Actoa FURNITURE REFURBISHED REPAIRS REFINISH1NG Specializing in piano glass finish Years Experience All work guaranteed also PAINTING BOB WEIR Phone 8532746 SERVICES Type of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 8532227 MAIN ST tedding portraits passports visas Industrial team pictures loVtf Charlton Welding Govt Certified Welder FULLY EQUIPPED FOR Industrial Agriculture Construction Transportation Pipe Thawing Snow Removal Acton DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ACTON Watch Repairs Done on the Premises Tuei 9 to Wed to to 9 to Saturday to MITCHS ROOFING and Specializing In and RR 1 Acton FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old horses Call GUELPH Collect License Hour Service 16atf RURAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE Your Dealer Power Equipment for Poultry Hog Beef Dairy Excellent Ventilating Systems For complete electrical and mechanical installations and repairs CALL between Side- rood on Esq town line GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR EXTERIOR Call now for Free Estimates 8786137 Box 114 Milton REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing and selling properties In Hilton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKERS Main St MILTON Phones 8786057 8782095 ACTON clients call Roy Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 8532000 SERVICES Gibson Construction and Sheet Metal Ltd Temporary Mill St Weal Aoton 8531526 General contracting Home and cupboards Sheet metal work Duomalic furnaces Wrought iron railings Air conditioners Serving Acton and District 169tf Jennings Excavating 1 LimebouM 8773197 Farm Ponds Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Beds Pill Gravel Top Soil Eillmates Given CLASS SERVICB NO MATTER what you need one of our readers probably baa It Try the Ad page Ant FINANCE Hour Approvals 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the convenience of your home Low cost You can call to pm today for helpful courteous service Prompt Investment Corp Ltd Bay St Toronto Call col lect 3oe9386 TOWN OF ACTON Notice of Hearing Please take notice that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Monday the 28th day of December at the hour of half past ten oclock in the forenoon local time at the Council Chambers in the Town of Acton for the hearing of all parties Interested in supporting or opposing the application by the Corporation of the Town of Acton for approval of its re stricted area Bylaw passed the 1 day of March The approval of this By law would restrict the height of apartment buildings to be constructed henceforth to maximum of seventy feet This amendment is necessary to clear the ambiguity which currently exists and will relate only to property located in RM zones This hearing is being primar ily held to decide whether the above mentioned Bylaw should or should not be approved Re quests for change will only be considered by special leave granted by the Board and if sufficient notice has been giv en to the Clerk of the to permit the notice of such requests to neighboring property owners It should be noted also that any decision made at this hearing is subject to the right of any person in terested to apply for an am endment under Section 19 of The Planning Act DATED at the Town of Acton this day of December 1970 J Hurst Clerk Town of Acton Mill Street East Acton Ontario REAL ESTATE LARGE new brick lached house well located at Main St N Highways 7 and featuring bathrooms fac ilities Tor rec room private drive Low down payment to qualified purchaser Early pos session or 8S32cI0 ev enings ONE MILE EAST OF ACTON Completely new bedroom brick bungalow with farge cupboards galore Irving room with fireplace full base ment with a finished rec room on an acre of good gardes soil Take a look at this for only LISTINGS NEEDED Have waiting to buy your new home or good older home on acreages up to SO acres Call Denzil Lawrence 8789543 TO BUY SBl RENT OR LEASE USE THE PAGES

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