TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1970, p. 22

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Acton Press Wadnaiday Decembftr the at ACTON BOWLING LANES BEABDMORE Not Going Into the game Patent were tied for top but tbt pin bad fallen In the final frame It Bet men who wen top by defoatlnt Pi tents for two On In triple and plateau tor Be men were Choi ID BUI Boyd CIO Whits Bob Woodcock and John Mow at Up there lor Patent were MithtwlQl 330 and Ron 302 Finisher came up with a two tod lot tit win winning the last unto and singling tor were shannon Helen Earl and Dennis Crook 309 For Uppers It Ray Atkinson Graham Ml and Jake Van XI It two and total win tor Roller after loelng the Gutter to the Soitei Making with ih and for Rollers Phil 313 Andre Vryenhoek tU Skip Vrnnboek Lynn Dunn US For It Don TIT John Const inline M and Deanna McDowell in Handing Beamer Patents 4T Upper Soak Roller S3 CHI Jules TOT Silly and Ruby HI 2M Best for Eliminator came from Orvllle Porte Roy Swan and Loll Norton ill 300 Siphlrei lost their hold on first place when they only manned a pin win In the middle canto Zorablti Top trundleri or Zombies were Steve ZSJ June Bnusfidd Ml and Jim Mitchell Joyce Adami a factor In Zombies first fame win Scat for were Jcni LauiUen 320 Emmy 31 323 and Charlie Chcyne Marauder won the tint two from Hurricanes but took a shellacking In the flail to lose out for lotiliind settle for Top trio lor were Peter Clarence Hiring a and Sob Beit for Hurricanes were Lome Norton Donna Stavtt Ml 234 and League standing Intruders Hurricanes Zombie am Marauder Eliminator BLUE SPRINGS FUmEXSBDP Dec The leagueleading Coral Bella won the tint canto from then Trillium decided enough enough and proceeded to win be next two and total with Elsie Nolan M and Jeanl sparking the win For Coral Bella Betty Mitchell and Helen 163 were belt Bleeding Heart didnt bleed too much After loilng the fir it to they bounced back to grab the next two and total Peg Hurdle 313 Anna Spear 497 167 and Sylvia Mage headed up the win Top trio for Petunia were Lynda Harris 301 and Laura Treble The Lupin were a I wo and totals winners waiting until the last canto for their win which wit by 11 pin Top tiicountcr for were Karen Mathews Betty Bender and Johnston 167 rates a mention for her 309 solo In the first Beit tor were Howton Hi Wagner and tula Sinclair League standing Coral Bels 44 Lupins Petuniai Bleeding Heart 39 Lark pur SPORTS CORNER MIXED Dec 1 Road Runners took the leagueleading Born Loier for two and the Loters waiting until the last game before making a winning move LucySynnott 611 Cam and Tlnnle Masalea 167 paced the win Top trio tor Born Losers were Joan Knight 60S Elmer White and Smltty Pletrangell 188 made with a triple win at expenie The lost a couple of tough on el the second and third cantos by 30 and In that order Top trlpleri tor were Larry Knight 324 John Dunn 361 234 and Dave Mlllen Beat for WltchyPoo were Harry Moycr COO Dave Shannon 243 and Bob Price ISO After the flrit to Hillbillies Unknown rallied to annex the two and with Sieve 238 Archie B add ley 21S Conn and Moycr Top tor Hillbillies were Tom Shannon 679 267 James 311 and Ed Wood standing Born Loser Road Runner Unknown 25 Hillbillies Pooj 33 RCIAL Dec Pete Barbershop hadllttle or no trouble In taking all game from the Terry- Top trio in the win were Doc Post Bill Shannon IS and Jim Bui lough 73S George and John Winston Churchill 37 369 were the lone for Terry It came as a shock to Jon Hunt Electric when John Texaco Service rang up a three game win Phil 294 Terry 798 and Dee 2S2 headed up the Texan win Been a long time since Charlie Auger haa had a chance to brag so we II mention his In the winning cause Gad to aay Pete waa a loner for the Electriclina Station Hotel cam up with a two and total win Supermarket taking the loa The Abies crashed through with a big effort In the finale for their win but fell ahyoftotalabyllpln Heading up the St it I Hotel roll were Alt Roach 761 303 Andre Brouillard and Frenchy Conway Top trio In the A were Ken 713 371 John McGUoway 139 and Tom Browning landing Pete Barber Shop Jon Electric 39 John Texaco Service AB Supermarket 20 Station Hotel 30 Terry ACTON LADIES Dec 3 I G A were a two and total winner Cameo Boutique saving face by winning the last canto Marlon Storey 728 2S6 Audrey 636 ISO and Carol Mullen 493 up the win Beat for Cameos were Mary 206 Donna Manei 166 and May US 190 Beckers Milk lost the gime to Speyhlll Farms by 11 equalised In the second with a 17 pin win then made lure of the finale and grabbed the tingle ton for Pacing the Milk Maids win wero Linda Pierce Grace Robertson 207 and Join Smith Top trio for the Farmerette were May 336 Fiona Hodgson and Betty 486 163 Family Store made every game a winning one when they met up with Clothing Nielsens made bid for the middle canto but mlaied It by pin Top trundlcra for Family Store were Nan Hunt 229 June Payne 237 and Betty Mcfntyre Beit In effort were Lorna Marshall 199 Fran Pierce IS3 and Chalene Smith 167 League standing I G A Bo Becker Milk 46 Family Store Cameo Boutique Farms Clothing THURSDAY TOPPE RS Dec Alley Hopper after losing the first game to Goof Off won the next two and totals and moved up tor a share of the top rung a a result Joan Why Mary 169 and Miry OBrien 116 headed up the win Best in Goof Off trundling were Shirley Thompson 305 Annette St Pierre 184 and Audrey Hope full toil the itanta to Drift en but took the second game by pins and hung on to annex the finale by 15 and look the odd point for total by 17 for their two and totals win Pacing the win were Joan 471 178 and Mamie Allen Topi for Drifters were Colleen 505 201 June 490 190 and Sandra McGraw 448 166 Challenger and Freak Outa had a 2 point split Freak Outa won the first game by plenty but lost out to Challenger in the second and third games by 11 and plni In that order Freak top trio were Cora Joyce Adam 416 and 423181 For it wa Elaine 319 LaBreche 161 and Norma League standing Alley Hopper 18 16 Freak Out 13 Goof 13 Challengers 11 Hopeful MAJOR LEAGUE Dec Acton Meadow did not lake too kindly to toting the flrit to Acton Lane so they put on a spirited display in the next two to make Top tripling trio for the Meadowa were Mac Harrington 303 Don Wilkes 813 33 and Wayne Mason 761 Topa for the were Dee 399 Winiton Churchill and Earle 243 Reliable Taxi apparently couldnt find the ignition key to get and dropped the to Store Pacing the Hlnion win were Bill Shannon Ken Squeek RlgO 296 and Bruce Shullli Top trio for the Reliable were Don 277 Bob Martin 371 and Don Scenic made with two and totals win out in the final by pin to Adama Bus Depot Heading up Scenka win were Tom Browning Jack Gould and Jim Mitchell 345 Best for the Depot were Glen Glbba 334 Conway and Bob Doyle League Handing Acton 40 Reliable Taxi 31 Hintona Storo Scenic Pool 321i Adams Bui Depot 10 ACTON FRIENDS Dec 3 put the hex on the leagueleading Hippie Hemic for a two and totali win with Chick Milne 373 Harry Phillip 310 and Peggy 425 164 heading up the win Beit for the Hippies were Sally Bouwman 248 Jack 188 and Ben Cutlvi Little took em all from Diggers who loit a tough second and third game by 11 and plni Sparking the win were Dennis Death 009221 Donna and Gord Lott 526 Top trio for were Lou 584 John Chapman and Monica Beaulieu 477178 Cudailoit the tint canto to Road Runner won the second then hung on to win a close pin decision In the finale for a two and totals win Peter Rick 166 and Jim the win Top for Road Runner were John 195 Claude Norm and 463 and Georgette League atandlng Hippie Hem Little Darling 19 Digger IBM 16 Dusters Road Runner 13 ACTON MIXED Dec TbcClanhltPicadlUyafora three game win although they wart pushed to win the middle canto by pin Top trio in the win were Shorty Lowln 63T Dan Potty 394 and Doug Vlckery Beat In Picadllly effort were At 142 Rick 113 and John Gilbert 176 It a hippy Gang that took Sinter for two total First was close the Gang took it by 16 Top for the Happy Gang were Andre Brouillard 113 Arlle While and Ed Browne Topi for wen Ann marie Little Champ Moor 256 Joan Porty Near and Bob Snyder 203 It wis a two and total win for Nl Irons waking up in time to win the finale Top trlpleri for Slowpoke were Lenora Vlckery 201 Earl West 201 El Hon Adama For It wa Harry Bill Manto 541 177 and Keith We wood 181 Leigue Handing PI cad 11 lyi The Clan Nitron 46 Happy Gang BIG FOUR Dec 4 The lilt place Hippy threw the long bomb at the leading Fireballs and took em for all with Van Arragon 126 BobKrut Harry Faber 218 along with Chrl Duiker solo in the third canto heading up the win Beit In effort came from RenceVoskamp 217 Floyd Hammond and Sonya Wyga 473 170 Hot Shoti were a two and totali winner after loilng the tint spasm to Red Wing Top trio in the win were Big Jake Van Der Kooy 238 John Deunk 454 152 and Utile Jake Van 44T 203 Top trio for Red were Lirry Dougli Bryan Hammond 182 and John 1ST League standing Hot Red Wlngi Hippy Gang IS HILITES Well it wa the end of the trail In the Colonel Sandori Kentucky Fried Chicken 5Pin National a far the Acton gala from the Toppers league were concerned Bowling in the Provincial tin all at the Sherwood Line In Hamilton last Sunday the girls team total of wa tar short of the team effort rolled by the winning team from the Spoilsmen Lanes In Guelph However lh glrti enjoyed the competing ind meeting the team from the variou rone In Ontario and while disappointed at not winning and going on to Calgary they gained valuable experience in this their tint major tournament winner and atlll champion Terry Churchill In the weekly Beat the Champ Mlddleton with and Bert Craig with qualified to challenge the champ but bowed out in their bid to unseal the chimp MMWon rolling Craig which did not measure up to champion Churchill a that winds it up once again my to amlgca and Concord Dec Sorry to report that of our Bantam were out with the measM weak them all a recovery and to lb other Bantams who bowled In the Bantam be Ribblli hopped over the I one game and totals with them second game by only eight pint I Whale out warn the Sea lfcne winning both game from them Octopus crabbed both gime from the Cats Octopus won their second gam by only two pins In the Second Teddy Bear bund up one game and from he Dag Cribs pinched themselves Into a two game lh games Bantam also taking They defeated Kangaroos The Top Ten in the Bantam were David Dum 146194 Bert Post 331 Van Der 1BS137 122 man Larsen 10170 Karen Susan Pilaky 138181 289 Suun Thornpaon 1ST 286 Eddie Couture 122173 297 Terry 272 Patty Storey 145127372 best over their average to win Ifcadpint tinned a two game win on the Pussycats meowed Into a two game and total win from Leading the In the Ibp were Dave Pink 733 Martin Dob Andrews 281 Steve Van Fleet ODD 22J ChrlaUna Guy Payne Debbie Storey walirr 371 Dan McOUlowav Leagu Alley In Department celebrating are Clayton Pierce Dec 10 bowler Eric Couture Is alio on Dec We would Uks to to our ranks new Senior bowler Shane ho for now good tuck and good bowUngl NEW AREA Two hippies In dark and long hair were down an avenue when one of them happened to look up Whats that he asked his companion The nun or the moon Dont ask me man said the other I dont live In thla and the happy Dec 10 POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Telephone GALT Water North mi Batsman Men the Orange Crush Post Lynda Nor Van Kooy Karen Our most back League First Sun Whiles 19 Octopus Call 13 Penguins 9 Sea Harm 9 Teddy Dean a Donkey 10 Crib 14 Dogs 14 13 ICingarcos In the Junior Division the Turks tno game and totals from the Mod Squad managed a twogame and totals win from the Marauders had to be the same and took two games and from the Jets Tie Ten Toppers for the Juniors were Janet Storey 281 Roger SB Marcel 206 Wade Knight Ramie Turkosx Jim Krapcfc 206 Jack Van Der 170 Arte Vryenhock Valerie Heather Wilkinson 160 Mod Squad ANY OFFERS You look tired I am Ive been all over town trying to get something for my husband Had any offers H S HOLDEN OPTOMETRIST Cork Si GUEIPH Phone THANKS To the Electors of Acton for Returning Me to the Hydro Electric Commission J RBob Compliments of the Festive Season Christmas Decorations VISIT Basement FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION OF DECORATIONS FOR THE HOUSE OR TREE ELECTRICAL DECORATIONS THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE and outdoor tree set lh IB or bulb transparent sets redactors trotted Mini Mont sett flashing lQh1 sets no veil sets Floodllarit and bulbs for or Intl Replacement tor all types of Chflttmat flashers cords fuse twit chat en J lndD0 outdoor use of electrical Poiti etc lament lamp DECORATIONS FOR THE TREE Tree Hands troe tree d rape tree nan etc idclei angel half tinsels garland ornament hangers make it snow in assarted colors also ball and ornament choose from foil blown alats plastic sheen snowballs DECORATIONS FOR THE HOUSE Chrl crepe ken door and wail pa per- In mas and colors ChrlHmai belli and wreath garland for fireplace and roomi artificial Chrlnmas flowers and sprigs nativity sett Santa figures snowmen and reindeer for table and fireplaces silver and gold palm fancy mistletoe and holly Chrittmet candle plain or twined decorated novelty aome with fancy holder A beautiful election to choose from Artificial Chrlnmo tree scotch pine or tinsel from to feet AT HINTONS BASEMENT TOYLAND YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN DECORATIONS HINTONS 5 TO STORE RYANS OF GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE IS ON NOW After 85 Years on Street In Guelph Ryans Will Soon close their doors forever It will Save You Many Dollars to Drive a Few Miles to Ryans of Guelph to Shop This Sale Three Big Floors Reduced from 20 to 50 and more A Few of the Bargains are Printed Below THE GREATEST SALE IN THE HISTORY OF AREA IS NOW ON MENS QUALITY SUITS TO 8500 BROKEN RANGES ONLY FURTHER REDUCED FIRST COME FIRST SERVED 25 00 MENS RAINCOATS RECUURLT TO SWALLOW UTEX LONDON BROKEN RANGES ALL SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 15 00 MENS SPORTCOATS REGUURLT TO 6500 BROKEN RANGES ONLY BE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION 27 00 LADIES HOUSECOATS BY GOSSARD 2000 Further reduced COSMETICS REVLON MAX FACTOR CHARLES OF THE RITZ 20 OFF HOSE BY MADE IN ENGLAND REGULARLY PR 125 2fo2 39 CHILDRENS WEAR ALL TOP LINES SIZES COATS DRESSES ETC 2030 PANTS RE6UURLY TO 2200 TOP LADIES MAKERS SIZES TO IS FURTHER REDUCED Q99 YARD GOODS ALL WANTED FABRICS TERRIFIC SELECTION MOST LESS THAN PRICE 49 LADIES DRESSES TO 3500 TOP MAKERS WitOUVi 19 U SUES FIML REFHDS HO N CRUSE SQUIRT SUES BOYS CASUAL PANTS OVER PAIR WASH AND WEAR SIZES TO 18 MOSTLY FLARES 059 2Pr YOUNG MENS SUCKS K00 RESBUR TO 1495 FURTHER REDUCED WASH AND WEAR SIZES 28 TO 5 MENS DRESS SUCKS REGULU TO 1195 FORTREL AND WOOL I STRIPES AND CHECKS SIZES TO Q00 9 RYANS GUELPH At The Crosswalk St Downtown Guelph R0 MIL to Friday MAMtof00PM A

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