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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1970, p. 9

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ACCLAIMED TO TWP COUNCIL Erin townshi November y Election for reeve Board of Education Surprise chivaree meeting in news WILLIAM BERT WHEELER HAROLD FOR REEVE OF ERIN TWP A two iiiiiu for the leove and five man contest tor three on the Wellington lonntj llnaid of 1ilui for the mimic of township villnge township and township lias in iln township as a risull of held In Morula As a of Mi I jinn 4 ilociHtiin lo run fur Donald on incumbent bet nines reeve by Mi was for chose to for tin iKiHltlon deputy reeve film the Wellington Hoard of laluuillori link Gioige Day J on Ion id Wi Ight Scars li tit board mi mber for ini township ami i In Itu l it signing because ill six fur Lets Play Bridge STAN FULLER ALTHOUGH DRIVING conditions in the country were- bud there were three times as monv electors at the nomination meeting as In Alton Church WI meetings plan Christmas events in mm mid William MiUan and mini licit Wheeler iiuulilied tin clock Inst night lime thus took by Imitation Other nominees 1 1 Inn Hoy ami Iowell Walt tax dollar I list inndiilalc for Wellington aunty lloanl of I Jink a In township He tin mint Is nut the Ik sldev Hi but Well to best It I to the tux ilollai want a good system should liv In keep tin within a that we tan Wi triithtis but they do Ik liini to a mill IIS per cent is salaries If to nit well We lis tapes and it Hidings anil i lit down on the of tent In If yon I he von down on building Mi iiituiiis and law s confuse gi six ami students mid a simpler svstim that awn with frills and the fundamentals Villi hi anl of the township of By Mm Robertson Mrs J Hilts the in Aurora of her grand- flbn s wife Mrs Ken Talor Mr and Mrs Howard visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Craig at Sir Dan Melican of was a recent visitor in village Mrs Fred Hall Howard Mrs John Anthony Erin Mrs Paul Donaldson and family of Brisbane visited with Mrs Jackson Mr and Mrs Archibald spent a day with relatives in Two weddings Brian Robertson was a guest on Saturday at the Marahnll- wedding at lakeside Anglican Church and later at the reception at St Mars Mr and Mrs Ken Robertson Donna and Lynda and Doug Titus of visited on Sunday with the formers parents G and Mrs Robertson Mr and Mrs Norman McKemie and BUI were guests on Saturday at the BilliardWeeks wedding at First Baptist Church Mrs Florence Grundy is a patient at General Hospital Remembrance In keeping with the theme Remembrance Mrs Fisher presented the devotional portion Eden Mills of the program at the I Aid meeting Die Faith of our fathers was sung Mrs I had charge of the study on Communications stressing three points of communicating namely hearing seeing and feeling minutes were rend by Mrs and roll tall was answered by a donation towards purchasing salad bowls for the church kitchen A cash donation was given to the lndles Aid by the Bible Class who have closed their activities S concert Plans were made for the Sunday school concert supper on Dec Mrs Stewart presided and assisted Mrs lang and the hostess Mrs Clarke in serving refreshments demonstration The sixth meeting of the Swift Sew Sews was held at the home of Donna Milton with members and two leaders Mrs K and Sue Jackson present Meeting opened ith all repeating the Pledge Plans were discussed for Achievement a IVmonst rat ions were given on how to put in itppers linings buttonholes and a continuous lap Work was done on the dresses and Jackets A in of apples was provided Mrs I Milton Mrs Archibald was hostess tor the Womens Institute meeting nnd the attendance was small an interesting program was provided The roll call A Canadian Industry where located anil is produced was answered by all Miss Doris Fines read the Matt also gave the report of the recent District Directors meeting at Fergus lrogram leader Mrs Fisher read an account of Bon Accord rehabilitation farm near Elorn which cares for down and out men The are more or less self supporting having a herd of cattle pigs and poultry and do furniture repairing as well The and manufacture of the of Quebec proved quite timely and interesting as this sport is becoming so popular Christmas meeting Mrs Fuller is hostess for the Christmas meeting when demonstration will be given on Christmas decorations Several special items of business ill be discussed and the usual gift exchange will be held all ladies are cordial invited to attend the the Hoard dm the I If 11 Five sets of twins in village lost Acton dog found on grave h with a shoit speech still need men with inly 111 1 Hint my wl I I inn v nil inns and in omul the board onion third landiilate spoke of his 12 years me wild the ImmiiI I alvwijs hud close in with the younger tl mil kisslhlc till III Hi iMiiiM idler sicking I evu wed his work of tin Hie past two vtars and showed Itt it i in about the roads and tin ii care I bun dieted in tu the hmii ml has me on ru wlltl1 to Hie roads Hi nut lliit it s been a ijnsv then lit en a lot i I Assessment has leased population has inueisid the mill rate id a hard time holding it this vear Oik m One problem tht reeve ad- nutted was tht fire department It possibly be tin best equipped in the but they nisi haven not enough room Hut just be if tin is moved to the buildings An up tin subject of the proposed site tin an I silt donning that its liilindtd as a Waste silt ninth is quite a different tiling Her Vitus wire secondesj in iiuithcr resident A garbage nil fin hi I an is a dump no what you call It Mi 1iillir denied Council bud it in to bide Informutlon about tin site time would be a hearing Hie leinrtiiieil of and es would inform the when It would be le trying to mil Hit New truck thf sent for reove Is 1 ling the present deputy neve I he firnt two things he were ttiat Id is the new mini superintendent ami that the new truck Is an advantage the township with its many uses lb thin listed the things IbnL tin l would land till site planning zoning by law will lie an t tic plan hi ore two years or lose the power of land In hold line with taxis 1 1 id mil government which might have Its merits but should go towards and onnht Matin son wan unable to tend the meeting as he Is a mlii r of the Ontario Mink Hoard was holding a muting in Although Harold Griffin hud iiinsiiiuiil dropping out of the imlilii eric been In for quite a number of years the many requests from both north and south ends of the township made him accept the nomination Dirndl and he stated let the people decide for him the Hold mill rate commenting on the council Mr pointed out sacrificed efficiency while keeping mill rate down We had good cooperation all interned and the have been a gnat In Ip with constructive criticism qui slums and delegations We invite ratepayers to tome to with their problems instead of going to somebody council member William felt Hint there wire a lot of problems and that it was sometimes hard to do the we ian with what weve got He thought the new truck with plow Was n good Idea as It would save money In the long i mi He concluded by saying that il ileilcd he would try to do his lust fur township as whole Wheeler running for council had the shortest speech the afternoon Ill do what I an to deal with ail matters In the lxst way Hunk Mr Wheeler a farmer Is a resident of Erin a number of the Volunteer I ire Department a mi ruber of the Erin Agricultural Sim and is on the entre Board as well as bung a director of minor lioiktj mil ball associations falls to qualify Jim was nominated for lounul for first time but Luted qualify He is a year of a graduate of iln College In Switzerland and is at present With the redit Bureau in The nominations were with a few words from I am 1 the Reeve of who is retiring this and reports from George Wallace trom the Grand River Authority By Mrs Choir members and other friends of Mr and Mrs Murray I alt with a Sue was presented with aluminum ray and i mutter set In of her un tiring help both vocally mid at the keylMinrd Mr lohn Ii It s Is rei upending at his following an emergency Mrs Hewers ninny friends will wish She Is a patient in General Hospital Mrs I patient In Milton r rricr son of Mr and Mrs Joe has returned from Milton Hospital alter a sojourn there He suffered a bail break In his hip while to gathir wood for a wli tier roast Mr 1 runt is Is moving soon to bis new farm at It It I in know Birthday gnitlfigx to Simpson Doug Mi I run John Mrs Art and ilenlla Pries W iinctlng wire Mrs M mid Mrs John Kltihlng taking part wen Mrs Young Mrs Anderson Mrs Diamond Mrs Mrs Mm Ward Mrs Moore and Mrs McUim I he topic was One In five persons in suffers from poverty It can be a crime a person with no visible means of support tan be to Jail as a vagrant rty is a relative term In a single person is con If he earns less than In the oor a less than IKK overly Is the rule In Asiu Africa and South America Poverty Is a stale of mini that tends to become chronic Only nations In the world have adequate food Ignorance and hunger breed disease It Is cheaper to prevent disease lo cure it Over population and poverty go together In North America our ob session with maintaining even raising standard of living already fur higher than the rest of the world blinds us to legitimate rights of of the world society Greed n not her word for power Too often Hie church has plm value of properly above Hie welfare of human beings In Matthew ID If you would be anil Henry Wheeler from the Credit River Authority During tin question and answer period It suggested I rintaxpavtrsbcmori informed about what goes on at mini md nomination meetings bo held at night so more people might attend Also as will as the tin dump silt whu might turn to be a major issut in this election thin was shown about the lack of road development through the village rfi go sell what you possess and give to the poor and and follow Me Jcsuh was stn the rs of wealth If Us use Is not governed by a strong hi so of responsibility before Cod fights hunger workers who I iron Kite mill fer- rs farm tools Dome nth sin me workers show the use of mid vitamin foods and hygiene In his hook Angola Awake tin late Sid speaks of being lined of fosti ring polllitul indigi nous people He If mm and women that they are thinking human tilings In the image of God nnd free to upon tin own feet In their own limit is to do then we on iiuely guilty In a ye million on travel billion on ale olio million on e true lot Ml million on i and fid million on dog and eat nod liy iiiiiparison the of 1 pir of one Gross Notional product toward Inn mil In a vi ry modi goal H S HOLDEN Cork St Phi Acton Council VOTE BETTY EASTWOOD ON DEC Mrs Wright Mr and Mrs Rodger Mac- of Acton were feted at Eden Mills Community Hall on evening when friends gathered to honor them with a Escalation Mrs MacDougall is former Debbie Jordan of Acton and Rodger is the son of Mr and Mrs Garnet of Eden Mills was indulged in most of evening Then Debbie and Rodger were called forward and presented with a rocker The address was read by Evelyn Barden and the presentation made Joan and Beryl Wright winners or euchre ladies Mrs J Joan Chamberlain Margaret gents Mansell Jack Chamberlain Don BUcklock Travelling went to Mrs J GUbertson and Rodger A lovely lunch followed Word has been received by Neville that his sister farmer Violet has been married to Mr V at MDnticclIo Illinois USA Confined to Guelph General Hospital from Eden Mills are Mrs Jennings Andrew Laing and George Mr and Mrs W McLean were In London tor a few dap with their daughters and family Mr md Mrs Bob France Human Interest story Quite rccentlj an Acton couple moved lo and found they keep iheir dog So gave it to In ends Acton who kept it tied up for a week to get it used to its new surroundings Once loose It disappeared and its to Mills where it w as seen for days at a distance Men working at the Church installing a water shored their lunch with it It was so frightened and timid they get close the owners from who had buried a relaUve in Eden Cemeterv happened to visit the grave and found the dog curled upon it nicy took it to Humane Graduates The last group from Eden Mills to graduate from John Ross Collegiate included Montgomery Wendy Gardiner Jim and Bruce Honors were Martha Stevenson Allan Gardiner and Connie Atkinson Connie received the Major Robert Mutne Scholarship lor acadamic and general also the Ontario Scholarship and the Mc Arthur Humphries Entrance Scholarship and is now attending the University of graduating from Acton ilistrict High School are Ijirte Jud Bold Bill Ijisby end Thomlinson Kathy receiving the Thompson Fuels Award Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ttjvne Ward on the arrival twin daughters Debbie and Dunne join four other sets the village Donna and Donald v Gerald and Gnrrv I one and Kerne and Kevin Gilbertson Congratulations to Professor and Mrs Chesworthon the arrival of a daughter Mrs Joan Chamberlain hosted the annual meetings of the S and Ladies Aid on Mondav Reports for were given Mrs Beryl Wright acted chairman for elections of and declared all offices vacant Election of officers for W M S Honorary president Mrs Sinclair president Mrs Garnet assistant Mrs Wright secretary Mrs Wallace lasby treasurer Mrs W assistant Mrs S Gilbertson Aid election was chaired by Mrs Evelyn Barden President Mrs Beryl Wright first vice Mrs Wallace second vice Mrs Evelyn Barden secretory Mrs Garnet Mac assist Mrs treasurer Mrs Joan lliunberlun Mrs Wright committee Wright Joan Chamberlain I Program conveners and Ieggv Van convener Mrs J GilberLson Mrs pianist Misie press reporter Mrs Wnglit TIRES SEE DICK AT RICHS SERVICE CENTRE NO EAST OF ACTON elect Mckenzie deputyreeve Served Town Councillor For 4 Years Chairman of Administration Committee Member of Budget Committee Member of Planning Board Have Served Town as Chairman Parks and Recreation and Committee of Adjustment IMPROVEMENT DECORATING for CHRISTMAS SALE CONTINUES WALLPAPER I U O OFF PAINT TILE for Floors Walls Ceilings CARPET and Hard Surface Covering FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL INSTALLATIONS STOP WINTER DRAFTS WITH RCR WEATHERSTRIPPING EASILY INSTALLED KITS HANG YOUR OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS THE EASY WAY WITH EAVES HANGERS CENTRE MAIN ST 8531190

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