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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1970, p. 20

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Acton Fret Pratt November 1970 Ask neighbors settle problem Council ends horse barn controversy Continuing controversy over a horse bam on came to a sudden halt Wednesday evening when members of Council decided to leave the squabble up to the neighbors Involved and take no further action on the dispute During the meeting Reeve Mra A MacArthur threatened to have Councillor Allan removed from the meeting for arguing with her and Interrupting her and other members of council at several points In the meeting sho banged the gave fiercely and pleaded for order tho township planning board was soundly criticised by Councillor Jim Watson for what he called an Irresponsible and Idiotic and charges of a conspiracy floated around the table Fly complaint The centre of controversy la a pony barn built by John Ottaway at the comer of his one acre lot on It feet from the front of a new home built on a Goacre parcel of land by Paul Saegllta Mr Saegllts had earlier complained to council the bam was ruining his view and causing hordes of fUes to Invade his home council had ordered the clerk and building Inspector to look Into the problem At a meeting the previous Friday evening members of the township planning board had approved a resolution suggesting the bam is a violation of specific sections of tho toning bylaw and said It should be removed to a suitable location at the expense the township The boards motion exploded like a bombshell when It was read at Wednesdays council meeting Councillor said he went over the byJaw and any grade school child could read the by- law and see the barn is quite legal He said planning board was attempting to waste taxpayers dollars as Mr had Already agreed to paying half the cost of moving the barn Not at front CounciUor Art Gibson felt the bom was legal and If It was moved It would have to be an agreement between the two neighbors Councillor Watson added the Saeglits home really fronts on Sixth line not Sideroad so the barn la not In front of the horde after all Councilor charged there were moves behind the scenes to remove the planning board and hire a professional planner at a cost of 15000 a year At thla point the reeve Interrupted banged the gavel and cautioned Councillor Ack that such a subject did not form part of the discussion Continuing Councillor Ackman said the board reviewed the by law and found one section which states no accessory building can be built in front of a main building During his remarks CounciUor Watson Interrupted causing Councillor Ackman to suggest there was a conspiracy here to prevent me from completing my statements Threaleas removal The planning board felt both these people have been harmed he continued Again Councillor Watson interrupted and latch ensued Roe banged the have you removed I challenge you to remove me replied the councillor I dont like thla kind of arrogance MacArthur Deputy Reeve Agnew also member of planning boon if ho wanted to comment on tho motion I think Ill pass this- time he replied and shouts of chicken came from the audience You arc not letting Councillor complete his statement you will probably sumo to mo he opined Council supports ratepayers in widening problem During their meeting on Wednesday evening members of Council Agreed to lift the stop work order or a house under con struction by Karl During a recent hearing Mr was given per mission to purchase a piece of land to make a legal entrance to his home Received word from the Ontario Department of Mines that Campbelivllle Sand and Gravel has been given a permit to continue mining providing rehabilitation continues to be carried on until Nov Approved plans of Region Conservation Authority to gravel to widen the Base entrance to Crawford Lake Conservation Area provided the work Is done at no cost to the township and a right- ofway la left for a farm owner to reach his property at the end of the short stretch of road east of Guelph Line The Authority wants to widen the road to allow school buses to park there Noted the township works department and road committee had beaten the Department of Highways in one aspect A letter from the Minister asked all municipalities to strictly control the amount of salt used on roads this winter Councillor Allan reported the township had earlier decided to do this Approved a resolution supporting the Town of resolution seeking approval for the continued use of studded car tires In Northern Ontario Cancelled a calculator maintenance agreement with SmithCorona that would have cost 10 Clerk Campbell Thompson said the were so old that neither machine Is worth the price of the maintenance contract he promised to repair them himself at half the cost Received notice of two land separation bearings being held Ratepayers along IS Sideroad In and Townships who are upset about a county proposal to widen and straighten their sideroad received both verbal and written support from members of Nassagaweya Council Wed nesday One of the ratepayers William A Johnson appeared before council and scolded them for a seeming tack of concern for the ratepayers feelings He said he was under the impression at the last council meeting that Deputy Reeve Gordon Agnew was going to press the county roads com mittee for a public hearing on the road widening proposal but said ho read In the press there wasnt to be a hearing Petition too Meanwhile he had approached Esquesing Council ana received this week and reviewed three recent decisions of the townships Committee Adjustment Learned the clerks of Milton and Esquesing were attempting to co ordinate information on a gar bage disposal site at Milton Brick Co property In the south end the township Set Monday Jan at pan as the date for the inaugural meeting of the council Learned new speed limit signs at Haltonvilleon the Guelph Line are still awaiting govern ment approval Approved a bylaw allowing onethird of councillors remuneration and mileage ex penses to be counted as untaxable expenses The reeve receives deputy reeve and councillors 000 and all are paid 14 cents a mile for travelling on township business Heard a financial report from the clerk which indicated there would be no large reserve at the year end The township made gains In collecting back taxes this year he said Waste trucks are under fire During a meeting of Nassagaweya Council last week Councillor Allan Ackman outlined some positive steps he feels the government should be taking on water pollution He called for government legislation to control Industrial waste trucks force truckers to keep complete records and penalties for dumping of pollutants The suggestion came up as councillors complained the Ontario Department of Health has still not made a promised inspection of the townships dump site where seepage Councillor claims Is polluting the headwaters of the Hue Springs Creek Councillor said some farmers would be glad to have septic tank wastes dumped on their lands But Councillor Ackman said that was alright In the proper places but not on farms where watercourses run He said be beard of one farm on the Blue Springs Creek where septic tanks are batng dumped Immediate support for his hearing request He has also collected a petition with names on It Deputy Reeve said ho asked for a hearing but the roads committee was hesitant to set a date In the Intervening weeks tho public pressure including the petition and request have convinced the committee a hearing should be held It was just a matter of setting a convenient date he said Mr Johnson strongly urged the meeting be held In tho so ratepayers could attend without missing time off work That road needs repairing Mr Johnson sold there hasnt been a fatality but If thoy widen it and get gravel trucks there will be a fatality Study thli year Deputy Reeve said money has been set aside to study tho feasibility of repairing the section from tho Town line to Highway but It would only be a study fie tho trees should bo preserved and hoped the county would not destroy the scenery The rond needs repairs but would not become n high way he hoped Reeve Mrs A MacArthur sold she hoped the county would not widen it out and destroy all the trees and moke road at great expense to the ratepayers Council approved a resolution culling on tho county s roads committee to hold an meeting with the ratepayers ut the earliest possible time Building permit committee idea shelved until new year A building committee of township planning board should Issue all building permits Planning Board recommended to township council at their meeting Wed nesday The suggestion was vetoed on a 32 vote but council left the door open for such a resolution to be brought in and discussed again at the first of the new year when the council takes office Right now on the eve of an election whs the wrong time for such decisions they agreed Nonconfidence Thats a vote of no confidence In one of our personnel said Councillor Art Gibson when the motion was read Many municipalities do operate In this manner said Councillor Allan also a member of the planning board It was not an attempt to downgrade the function of the building Inspector or take any work away from council but it would help avoid future hassles he added Deputy Reeve Agnew sold he thought it was a worth while suggestion Clerk Campbell Thompson such a setup would alleviate the public criticism and pressure and discussion that has evolved around staff employees The present program where the building Inspector works under the direction of the council was not working efficiently or we would not be party to the present problems he said Boards burden Councillor agreed saying building problems should be a burden of a board responsible to the council Reeve Mrs Anne MacArthur wondered about the cost of having such a committee meet regularly but Councillor Ack man felt they would save the township the cost of their fees If there were less disputes The planners motion was rejected but it was suggested It be resubmitted at the first of the new year Seminar enlightening but a year late Gibson Although most members of Council were impressed and enlightened at a recent municipal seminar held by Halton County Board of Education Councillor Allan still has some com plaints about Haltons education system At Wednesdays council meeting Councillor Art Gibson reported the seminar was Rather enlightening although it should have been held a year earlier The board has been in office almost two years and Nassagaweya was one of the councils which rebelled at higher education levies during 1969 Councillor Gibson felt the board had made an sincere effort to communicate with the various councils which support It DIFFERENT TRACK But Councillor wondered why the board spoke in terms of costs per pupilteacher yet they were on an entirely different railway track He also felt the board was placing a tremendous amount emphasis on bricks and mortar and structural considerations and far less concern about the product that was being turned out Councillor Gibson felt the board has done a good Job of budgeting Winding up the brief discussion Deputy Reeve Gordon the differences between education in Nassagaweya and places and Burlington were being narrowed He noted the township should not get a boost In education levies next year like the big one experienced earlier this year Councillor Watson again suggesting It was easy to Interpret the by law the way you want it interpreted Planners opinion Hoove said she agreed with Councillor Watsons Interpretation and called on Clerk Campbell Thompson who had been In touch with Mr of Project Thinning Associates the firm which drew township bylaw Mr Dung part of the by law dealing with ac cessory was meant to no relationship with ad joining parcels of land only the same parcel of land Therefore the barn would be legal I am not Impressed with their interpretation answered Councillor Ho recalled the firm had predicted the townships papulation for years In tho future and the population had already reached that figure Then ho added are they going to send us a bill for this Information We are asked to remove building which does not contravene our by law retorted Councillor Watson It Is an idiotic recommendation Id like to got my barn moved too lets all run down there No more room At this point Mrs John came forward and under questioning from councillors Indicated It tho born has to bo removed Ihe pony has to go There is no other space on their one aero of land for tho building to be placed she said there la a pool at one side of the house and well behind it pony was there before tho was built she told round and Mr agreed with them the pony needed some shelter Councillor Gibson said he agreed with Councillor Watson I am at a loss to know why ho built the house there Mrs said moving the barn as planning board had Indicated was interfering In the civil liberties of the people Offer turned down The barn was not erected to cause Mr any grief said Mrs Asked If she would be willing to make a deal with the neighbor she replied there was a limit to how much she and her husband could spend for his view did offer to buy some land from Mr flaeglltx but ho turned them down she added Councillor Ackman said if civil rights were to be considered the council should now hear from Mr Ho and Reeve MacArthur argued again of the constant interruptions This has be settled between the and the this is not the place ruled Ihe reeve mis is not our lob never has been and never will be She hoped the groundwork had been laid for the two families to resolve their difference Secret meetings Are we going to have the planning board to any planning Councillor demanded to know He mode reference to earlier secret meetings and other Incidents where the planning board has been by passed lie planning board was asked to be a rubber stamp this is a slap in the face to all our people ana our planning hoard are we going to have a planning board In this township ho asked Raps attitude Councillor Gibson concluded tho discussion with the suggestion there seems to be an attitude by the planning board to run the council the board run Ihe council Finally a notion that the issue be resolved between the two parties and that no further action be taken by tho council was passed on a vote Councillors Wataon and Gibson voted In favor Deputy Reeve and Councillor against and Reeve MacArthur cost the deciding vole LUMBER MART R 4 GEORGETOWN TORONTO OFIN MONDAY TO THURSDAY AM TO HI BAM TO 5ATURDAY AM TO M Wall Standards and Shelf Brackets Give You Shelves Like These In Minutes I Transform any bare wall into an unit Ideal for rcronlton room Shelf bracket Makes to a WIDE SELECTION OF SIZES AND FINISHES CREATE HANDSOME SHELVES SHELVING HEADY TO USE NO OR VARNISHINO RICH TEAK AND FINISH and Halm alia Standards from 40 S3 53 IS Shelf Brackets CEILING TILE 1J I Available In a wide and oattarnt fade proof wlpo claan with a dam ft oar carton I I XO FT WIDE 249 OUTDOOR OZITE OVII SO YDS UNDER EXTRA 6 COLORS TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON PREFINISHED PANELS EXOTIC NATURAL WOOD You will bo with and toft glowing flnlah of natural grain COMPARE AT TEAK WALNUT ASH EMBOSSED WOOD PANELS WHICH ENABLES EVERYONE TO HAVE THE IEAUTY OF WOOD Thaaa b mm to value COMPARE AT OAK KENTUCKY ACADIAN ACORN GOLDEN OAK BROWN OAK CAFE 5 per panel Mahogany Panelling V4ROOVSD COMPLETELY FINISHED Sn42

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