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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1970, p. 11

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Churchill Tho Acton Free Wednesday August 19 Many visitors in summer season AFIRE IN THE BUILDING In which started about a m Monday morning caused an estimated damage destroyed five places of business and caused severe smoke damage to two others Crowds lined the streets as Gueiph Firefighters fought the blaze which was still smotcSering when this picture was taken at am Monday morning Staff Photo By Mrs MacArthur Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be administered by pastor Rev A Churchill Community Church service at a Sunday Mr and Mrs Gordon Lindsay Maria and of were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Brown and family Messers Wain Brown and Harvey Burt returned home on Thursday after a two week trip to Vancouver C They motored and enjoyed camping each way with sight seeing trips and visiting In Vancouver Visit daughter Rev A and Mrs visited a week ago Sunday and Monday at the home of their daughter Mr and Mrs Cross and son Craig at Park Mrs stayed over Tuesdoy and Wednesday Sharon Mac Arthur spent a few holidaying at Bcllwood with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Emerson Anderson Earl and Jim Mr and Mrs Fred Spear and family also Mr and Mrs Bob spent Sunday at Beach Visitors last week with Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr and Jeffrey from Monday to Wednesday were Pats parents Mr and Mrs John Knox and Nancy of Hampton and her sister Mrs Grant Down and children of Sunderland On Tuesday evening Mrs Knox Nancy Mrs Downs and Pat Kerr motored and attended a shower for Miss Marge Kitchen of Woodstock Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr and Jeffrey visited Mr and Mrs Howard Malcolm of Locust Hill for a family gathering to honor Mrs Kerrs brother Ken Knox of Hampton and his bride tobe Miss Marge Kitchen of Wood stock Visitors with Mr and Mrs David Williamson and Mrs Annie Burns were Mrs Vera Davis Mrs Hugh Mark and Mrs Burn s sister Miss Ruth Taylor of Hornby on Sunday Mr and Mrs Eddie Storey ami family of visited on the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Clifford Storey at Crewsons Corner also with Mrs J McDonald and Gordon Mr and Mrs Don of Willowdale were Sunday visitors with his parent A W and Mrs Mr and Mrs Harry Kroekcr and of St Catharines visited on Sunday with Mr Leslie Swackhamer June Kathv and Debbie torn pi He lessons Some little tots from Churchill district Jackie Denny Helen Kock and Susan Miln have completed several weeks of swimming Instructions at the community centre In Acton Mr and Mrs Alfred Winter attended the wedding on Saturday August 15 of Miss Lillian and Mr John Warton both of Eiora in St George Anglican Church Gueiph also the reception at the Cutten Club Mr Keith Russell Mrs Arthur Griffin and Manitoba is spending a week Mr William McArthur all of with Mr Ray Swackhamer He Is Erin spent Sunday their on a Junior Farmer and Club nephew Mr and Mrs Theodore exchange visit Martin and also Mr and Mrs L Davidson called on their cousin Mr and accompanied by Mrs Mrs Frank Smart take life easy Its easier less expensive when an agent who takes an interest takes over your program Because there are ways to wive in insurance on programs that provide maximum pro for your family Well show you mime ways but we wont pressure you That makes thingH a little easier too DENNYS INSURANCE AGENCY S ACTON SAFECO Office Mo to m Friday to After Hour Harokt Smoftey Saya History of Halton Asked what In the view of the township residents were the causes retarding the of the township they replied that among other things large tracts of land have been granted to certain individuals and these being men of fortune are under no necessity of selling their lands but hold them at so high a price that poor people are unable to buy them Again many of these gentlemen have gone out opportunity to purchase from them So It still remains wilderness And the poor who are settled around such tracts have roads to make and every other public duty to per form at their own expense which greatly enhances the value of the land to the great Injury of the inhabitants Another hin drance respecting our township Is that a great number of them remain unsettled but when set tiers become numerous this evil will be done away with We thus see in the report that our first settlers in the county were not altogether In accord with the powers that be in the Government at York As the signatories indicate they were to a man descendants of the Loyalists and as such they probably were more independent and quick to resent the injustices they had to suffer from the upper class officials over whose ap pointment they had no voice As a particular example of this Independence we might refer to Laurence a prominent Methodist on whose land the first Methodist chapel the township was lolocated around which the village of Palermo grew up and the Sixtee H C Matthews After the Methodist spilt of 1833 Brother Hagar customarily sat In his own chair set just under the pulpit When the preacher expressed views with which he wan in agreement he would say Amen but when he was opposed he took up his chair forthwith and removed to the other church He In due course the land along Dundas St became more or leu occupied and a further purchase was deemed expedient Ac cordingly on October an agreement as made whereby a block of land reaching from the tad concession above Dundas Street to what is now Highway No and from the to the North West Line from Burlington was purchased Anew system of survey was instituted with the upper concession line above Street as the base The new concession line paralleled the North West whereas the Intersecting cross roads paralleled Street A curious situation arises since Dundas Street actually runs 8 degrees to the south from a true southwest direction Ac cordingly all roads In Peel and Halton intersect at angles of degrees and degrees right angles and also all farm properties are laid out at these angles For convenience these concession lines are spoken of s running north and south and the crossroads or as running east and west although actually the latter run more towards the south than west However this has been the cutom from earliest days since Dundas This Is he second in a series of articles taken from a history of County compiled for the county Womens Institutes Author of the history Is Ben Case of the Sliver wood area Street was always regarded as running and west Under this new survey the blocks between roads are about rods wide and rods north and south or roughly 78 mile by 1 78 miles instead of rods by rods as in the old survey each block containing lOOO acres This makes for farms more nearly square and hence more con venient for farm work as shown herewith The three lower townships were extended north about six miles to a new base running east and west through Hornby and Just north of Milton and three new townships laid out to the north The following letter from the Lietu Governor gives instructions as to naming the new townships LieutenantGovernor a Office April 2nd 1B19 To the SurveyorGeneral Sir I am directed by his Excellency the Governor to inform you that he has decided the following names shall be given to the three townships in the Mlssissaga Tract now under survey namely to western township in rear of Nelson that of to the centre township in rear of Trafalgar the name of and to the eastern township in rear of Toronto that of being the Indian names of the principal rivers in each respectively 1 have the honor to be Yours truly George Hililer To verify these names we are referred by Mrs to a list complied by Mr Augustus Jones the early surveyor of the names of all rivers and creeks from Niagara to the Trent showing the English names and the Indian names and their meaning Being married to the daughter of a Mlssissauga chief he was familiar with the Misslssauga language This list Is now in the Surveyor Generals office in Toronto and reads in part as follows Evidently as happens even today a mistake was made in the Government offices and the names and Nassagaweya got switched Also the name credit was given after the furtraders came and the original name must have been which Mrs Jameson In her book Summer Rambles says meant Young Pine The survey was completed in IB 19 we find the new settlers coming in Immediately some from the Niagara district and many from the British Isles predominately Scots In the south westerly part of was named the Scotch Block and it is said that they were very clannish and resented intruders In who were beyond the law The story goes that an old Scots elder was praying at the mid week service as follows Oh Lord we Just had most distressing news from Little York We heard Oh Lord that a boatload of the wild Irish have Just arrived at the town of York In search of a new home We pray thee Oh Lord that they may be directed to the hills of Calcdon and that they come not to this beautiful valley of and that they be made hewersof wood and drawers of water for thine am peculiar people the Hielan Scotch POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Manufacturer of Telephone GALT North JOHNSON OPTOMETRY MI1TON AND ACTON Dont miss these starfilled nights at the CNE GIBSON CONSTRUCTION SHEET METAL LTD TEMPORARY ADDRESS 120 MILL ST WACTON 8531526 GENERAL CONTRACTING HOME RENOVATIONS CUPBOARDS SHEETMETALWORK DUO FURNACES WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS AIR CONDITIONERS DEHUMIDIFIERS Serving Acton and District enerlanmenf are coming he I hit year and four whole evening are given over largtil or cut staged Free Admission Each advance evening entitle the holder to tree groundi on lie doy of performance vehicle not Check the lineup August Augutt Auguit23 A 26 27 September September September September 4 September September September Football Toronto Bobby Sherman Tho Tamp tat Ions Italian Festival Johnny Cash Loo Rod Circus In to motional Ray Chariot Bobby Pride Dimension Drum and Bugle Competition Military Band Tattoo 50 00 and 2 and S3 50 00 and 00 Si and 00 and 00 and and 00 SS 00 and 00 J5 and 4 WOO and and 3 SO and S3 and I Canadian National Exhibition Toronto August to Sept 7 Sundays from 130 Marl Order Office open until Avgvit For information or fitter Grondifond Box Offiea Canadian National Exhibition Park Ontario Look what theyve done to The First Canadian Bank in Acton Renovations been completed at the Bank of Montreal s Acton Branch and we think you like the result more room brighter decor and increased facilities so you can continue to enjoy the fattest most convenient banking service available The streamlined new counter has six tellers wickets There are two private coupon booths for safety deposit box customers asteel-and-reinforced- concrete vault added security with a hour depository unit Decor Is modem and bright In white and gold Theres airconditioning for your comfort Next time youre in look around and see for yourself that banking is better than ever at The First Canadian Bank In Acton tt Bank of Montreal The First Canadian Bank Acton Branch

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