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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1970, p. 6

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COOL BUYS FOR HOT WEATHER SHOPPERS FOR BARGAINS BIRTHS Jack Lambert are announce the birth of thdr on the AuguM 1 A lutk brother for Tanyn COMINQ MARRIAGES CIOK JACKSON Mi and Mrs Joseph Jackson pleised to forth coming marring of their to Mr Stanley on of Mi and Mrs T Ampilor Wed ding to tike place J August 1970 United Chuixh Road SEAGROVE M and Mis George Si grove of Burlington in ised to announce the forthcoming of diughkr rhino to Mr Rie ley Ncths sin of Mr and Mrs Mans 11 Ncllis of Acton The marriage will take on August IS 1970 it list Thins United Church in Burlington it CARDS OF THANKS I to soy thinks for gifts flowers which I received during my May in St Joseph Mrs Hams I Hint think my friends and neighbors for the cards fruit ind I ilso appreciate the friends who to sec me while I his Gtncnl Ho pltil 162138 A Lmdsiy FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED ACCORDION black white smalt excellent Very Must sell Phono tor Ointments tws spices Our eh Is a must I wish to think ill fnend ind relit ion for cards flowers and enquiries while I wis i lent in Gcncnl Hospital and since coming home A thinks to Morgan Hill Marro My sincere thinks to ill my friends neighbors for kind enquiries flowers gifts while wis a patient in St Josephs Hospitil ilso since coming home These kindnesses will ilwiys be i6lll Laun wish express our thanks ind to our niece ind her husband Mr and Mrs and wonderful and the kindness of their many friends who Iiim us so welcome Mr and Mrs A Ruthin Wilts Enghnd Mr ind Mrs Hcnn Bough of Rockwood wish to con vtv their thinks ipprecnt ion to their neighbors friends relatives ind members of the Rockwood Fire who were so kind and assisted in ihtir recent The iictiifulncss of everyone will be rxmemrxred COMING EVENTS Dont forget floils for Acton Fair on Sept ember it 12 noon At Rosshkt can swim in skater which is pure and ion fret Health Unit periodic tests show an ivcngc of 5 ton Dnnkinc w iter is up to 10 drinking water his no count tests We re puritans it Rosslakc FOR SALE BURNER Hydro Stove In good condition reasonable I SOD No nursery John Hun Georgetown la48511tf CARPET remnants new ship ment runners and room sizes Georgetown WOODS Tent Trailer extras Sleeps adults Excellent condition CANOES Manufactured and repaired Call HAH White water Canoes after la2681 remnant sale new shipment runners and room From per square yard Gcodleis Georgetown 8772551 PIANOS We buy and sell new and reconditioned pianos See our large selection now for some real bargains We also will take your old piano in on a trade for any new appliance Kelly Son Ltd corner Wyndham and 8226041 l472429tf J model lee irk stove complete W is J brand new Will Phone TV TOWER SALE tower installed with nil head I tower Installed with head tower instilled with head Extra for second TV set Installed M stereo head Installed 15 element color head Installed Automatic rotor Installed 95 Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phone needed In ivc excellent In coin Unit Plum REPRESENTATIVES TO SI II AND RURAL S R quired expanding Rtil I state Ti lining signs and advertising provided Excellent commissi Apply Box Oakville Ont TRUCK DRIVER Minimum Age Top W Week round Apply to MAPLE LODGE FARMS LIMITED Norval Line West of mile north of Sleeks PART TIME DRIVERS Mile or reply to TRANSPORT LTD Phone Acton Milton Ask Tor E Tyler Jr or Tyler Sr 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE LABRADOR He never pups registered Acton phone KITTEN to away Strip ed in color House broken Phone HORSES Available box stalls ind icres of trails and grazing land Phone 1588 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE CASE pull type combine pick up straw spreidcr ind Scour excellent ion Kan Flcwclling Dray 4a6108 HARVEST SPECIALS COMBINES MF SP with Pickup SP only three crops MF SP with Pickup 75000 TERMS Down Piymcnt and interest note to July 1 1971 Owittanna 10 with conditioner PHONE MILTON EQUIPMENT CO LIMITED Base Line Road MILTON ONTARIO Planning a euchre dance de bate flower show auction tur key supper of fashion show List the in corning s in Free Press classifieds the column everybody reads Phone 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE CHRYSLER Newport door hardtop Phone Milton Pansicnne door hardtop good condition Reasonable Phone after 5 pm 5a696tf SECURITY GUARDS time inhhle in Acton irea Uniforms ind equipment supplied Only miturc with need apply Apply in person to Mr Richardson Room Dominion Hold Aclon Ont FRIDAY AUGUST 7th 1970 ADVERTISING RATES omnia it EVENTS MAmu KNT rn minim or IB tor on or 19 wont copy Hum loo IN pi 1 ESTATE ir in uuMtriSD a roduc Kn Inch IT lUnI OKU DEADLINES y t mill Mill PHONE or The Acton Free Press Auqust EMPLOYMENT WANTED sit pic sthmikrs nil week tin h FOR RENT ROOM house in n September 1 Phone fill COTTAGF it Dorset of pel week Phone RENT Cascade hot wa r tank for 1 75 per month at Hydro Electric Of flee Alice St Acton 1 OOR I We hiu uidc mil ilgcr Wl will floors you i he equip ment to do job J I rank phone 47 Frederick St S Aclon PAINTING A line selection of colors io suit your needs free DAVID COHEN Acton Call 853 2815 SERVICES ANNOUNCEMENT Join Hie CALEDON HILLS BRUCE TRAIL CLUB lot Mod In litxitiki t of Tt ill ill I dub tin 111 Chili lid will In one I6a6 REAL ESTATE WANTED FEMALE HELP Tor 7 continuous opLi ion in injection moulding pirtmcnt Pay rite per hour Apply it Building Products of Canada Mam St N Acton Ont WOMEN REQUIRED FOR EGG GRADING STATION Must hae own Hours to 5 to Apply to Maple Lodge Farms LIMITED Line west of Brampton i mik north of Steelcs 8b 14 APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION OF Teller Machine Operator and Secretary for The Toronto Dominion Bank IN ACTON To at George town Branch for the positions banking experience preferred Apply TORONTO DOMINION BANK Mun St at Jam St Georgetown FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV OLDS Limited Open till pm Monday through Friday Saturday 5 Highway Milton South ipirtmen i month be instilled before wu Apply between 7 it Mun St Hwy 109 WANTED TO RENT fimlly house to rent Sept I Acton district Phone 1634 14a62500 wishes to rent or bedroom house from 1 to end of Dec in Cmiptxlt Bnxikvilk or Speysidt Pie ise Mi or Mrs collect in Toronto 1416489 5085 14i5122 SERVICES SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Tree Commercial Industrial W No ACTON Phone DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ACTON OST Witch Repairs Done on the Premises to to Thurs to 9 9 to Saturday 9 to 5 SLAVEN Building Contractors INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CUSTOM HOMES Free Estimates RR ACTON TREE SERVICE Trimming Removal of Trees No Job Too Big No Job Too Small North Hilton Tree Service Fully Insured Phone 8531010 CEDARVALE SAND and GRAVEL Cement Gravel and Sand Stone Crushed Gravel Run Grivel Top Soil Phone Erin 833 9751 ED Cement floors Siclewilks Chimney Plastering Rep Stucco Work In plH Phone Acton 16a tf PACONI Dead Slock Removal LIMITED Highest prices for dead or cows ind horses CALL ASK FOR Zenith 97950 Lie No 16a Jennings Excavating R R 8773197 Firm Ponds Trenching Septic Beds Till Gravel Top Soil WYGA PLASTERING PI Ormmcntal Stucco Work R 2 Acton 8532358 16a3lf H Stull Excavating RR MILTON Call Milton Custom Loader Work Spccnliing in loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small tf For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 8532227 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports visas industrial family team pictures 16a25tf S FARM ANIAAAL SERVICE Up for fresh dead Till Collect License Hour Service GOLF DRIVING Golfing to 4pm on Sat Sun hum 10 FOUR FARM Sideroad 2a just south of Acton mi in bung v Ill silt It lit Plume Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many yean of listing and selling properties In Hilton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods I SI AT I I BROKE 1B9 Mil TON Phones 6057 ACTON clients call Roy Goodwin T Ross Ballentine Phone 853 I7a25tf briefs J were called to a tiro In a pump nock lag wairr from ex io No Highway riiurnday evening IAIIIYLAKP a favorite place to beat I ho heat CIVIC HOLIDAY panned quietly In Actop VISITING OR having visitors Let un know The Free XT long week end Labor Day FDEN Mllli in having annual tun Saturday TENDERS ROCKWOOD xtri wide 132 front gives He bungalow Some of Hit It mires of this ittractivc property ire large living room piece bilh finished room work shop in biscment Nestled of ivcrgavns to give you the privity you hive been looking for Ideal for smill fimily or retire couple Priced under Tor infornnlion listing call ALF DREXLER 8564695 or Office Roy Griffiths Real Estate Ltd REALTOR 42 Gordon Si GUELPH Ont Guelph 824 4830 UPHOLSTERING We specialize in all kinds of Recovering and Repairing of Furniture antique as well as modern Tent repair car uphol holslenng etc Guaranteed workmanship Special Summer from June to August For free estimates call ACTON UPHOLSTERY Earl Jensen New address Mill St Acton 8534684 Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder If your business is industrial agriculture construction or transport in and need Cull equipped and experienced portable welding service Acton 8531634 Stanley Construction TRFNCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOIL Acton 8530849 16WLf Yeirs Continuous Service Member of the Toronto Ontario and Trafalfcar Real Estate Boards Under Construction Now cm have your of trim etc in this home now built Living room with fireplace kitchen and big bed rooms full basement finish ed rcc room and fruit cellar South of No 7 Hwy Ac ton Financing can be Acton Country Living J 300 Good runted red ranch on lot 3 living room dining and in kitchen Lower level his bed room room kitchen You name the financing For These and Other Ftne Listings Contact DENZIL LAWRENCE Milton 878 9543 WALTER LUCAS Oakville 845 TENDERS To Supply a New Riding Tractor with Rotary Mower TFNDHRS address ed Io Mr Mini will received at the of rite of the Credit Valley Conservation Authority Me ik until p August 10 1970 For supply inn a new riding ti with rot mower ihlt of tinting over i 45 inch swith The lowest or tender will not necessarily be accepted PLAYOFFS have and playoff will won be going too WfcFKS humid hoi weather brought a fall of rain Friday afternoon which taxed norm and well pedestrian reported a fall deep u three incite within an hour and the humidity deterred form or from vesting hay but brought new vigor to weed on vacant lot and between us I tics places Dim lee tube in hoi Water most have a thai makti itc easy to remove Hoi lumli AUCTION SALES TENDERS To Supply a New Ton Pick Up Truck SrAIHD TrNDTRS to Mr K Witson Mi will bt received at the of of the Credit Valley Conservation Authority until August 10 1970 For supplying i new A ton pick up truck with the follow equipment spirt wheels with mounted snow tires cover rear box bumper and outside mirrors Tenders should include price for both V8 and cylinder with standard malic transmission The lowest or lender w not necessarily accepted TENDER NOTICE An Addition to George Kennedy Public School An Addition to Park Public School Georgetown Ontario will be received by Mr BRUCE T Superintendent of Business it Finance The County Board of Education 166 South Service Road East P O Box OAKVILLE Ontario 4 00 P Wednesday August 19 1970 Mechintcal and Electrical rales will be deposited with the Construction King Street East Hamilton Ontario by m August 17 1970 Drawings and Specifications will be available at the office of he Architect on deposit of Drawings will also be on disptiy at the Hamilton Construction Association the Toronto Construction and the Guelph Construct ion Association A Bid Bond in the amount of and a 5096 Perform Bond will be required The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted JOHN J HARKNESS Architect Elizabeth Street Burlington Ontario Auction Sale ROCKERY FRIDAY AUGUST Commencing 7 furniture Dishes T00J5 Merchandise also Build ers Supplies Including new and used Windows new Roofing steel roofing new Plywood Pipe Fit tings Lumber Floor Sander it Roofing Cement 5th Wheel for Truck Paint plus oilier Items loo numer ous to mention TERMS CASH Auction Sale SATURDAY AUGUST Commencing PM Silt Includes Reg Palomino Stallion Stan dard Bred Stallion Standard Bred Mares Ponies saddle bro ken ind quiet Siddie Horses broken and quiet New and Used Saddles Harness and Tack TERMS Caih day of Sale AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUGUST CARLISLE ORANGE HALL Located 6 miles North of The undersigned has received to sell by public auction the contents of a Ham Iton client who is leaving the NO RESERVE EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD 3 piece solid walnut bedroom suite very old piece mod limed oak bedroom Tiffany type hanging dome lamp very old bookcase single 4post bod hand lade with Morn ing Glory outside horn plays cylinder records many other with all in good shape good selection of old floor radios and mantel types fall in good shape George Thompson paintings registered and certified Cana dian artists English painting modem painting very antique dining chairs col lectors items mjn projec tor and camera like new portable TV very old mantel clocks working desk and chair filing cabinet good selection of old books Shakespeare late model Moffat gas stove A 1 antique Maytag washer mod em blue rug 4x6 green rug 12 imp rug all rugs like new drapes Cran berry cruet crystal decanter signed pieces of R S Prussia Nippon coal oil lamps very old pressed glass punch bowl very old oak hall stand silver- exercise equipment crocks Beaver jars cast iron pots louvre doors and shut iron decorated fireplace piece odd tables and chairs old picture frames many more is too numerous to men tion recorder and mike speakers This is a very good selection of furnishings glass and china pieces All are clean and in good condition Owner or Auctioneer not res ponsible for any accidents time of sale McCartney 20cl4 Auctioneer

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