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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1970, p. 2

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The Acton Press Wednesday August Singers dancers slides enthrall Golden Agers By Mr Elite Red The Golden Age had a good turnout last Tuesday night at their regular evening meeting Owing the absence of the president and first vice the meeting was chaired by Mr Davidson 2nd vice president The usual reports were quickly dealt with Mr Davidson said the Fair Board wanted to make this years Fall Fair bigger and better than ever It was decided the club would have a float this year The ladies display was left to a later meeting also plans for a trip to C N fi Minute of silence A minute of silence was in tribute to a respected member Mrs JacobBauer who had passed away since the last meeting She had been a member almost since the beginning of the Club Bob on of the family thanked the club for the plant sent and for all kindnesses shown during their bereavement Lumen commf for the month of August will be Mrs Wilder spin Mrs Winn Mrs Mrs Cleave Entertainment Mr and Mrs L Davidson Valerie Mitchell and Susan Mills pleased with an intricate tap dance expertly executed Michael Cooper on guitar with Mark Hurst were a real hit These neat presentable boys sang several solos and duets at least one was composed by Michael Cooper They received great applause and come back later in the evening and were much enjoyed Success Is tainly wished for these ambitious lads Shows slides Charlie Bryant Campbell ville had a showing of the most Traffic sins also deadly Is bad driving a sin in the moral sense In ancient times the Church classified wrongful human behaviour into the seven deadly sins They are today a sound outline of the cause of traffic accidents SLOTH or laziness is the sin that makes a motorist unwilling to take the time to correct mechanical faults in his car It prevents the taking of simple precautions GREED is so obvious a traffic sin that the greedy driver has a specific title road hog LUST in a sexual sense produces some accidents through onearmed driving But lust for speed and excitement is deadlier in traffic GLUTTONY particularly in the use of alcohol dulls the senses weakens the reflexes spoils judgment It is just as deadly for the drinking pedestrian as the drinking driver ENVY is a classic killer The driver who resents being passed Is being moved by envy to behaviour that jeopardizes ANGER is a familiar phenomenon in drivers The fault in the other driver real or imagined stirs resentment and often provokes hazardous response PRIDE Behind every one of these driving sins lies the central sin pride People hunger for a sense of importance strength power Once encased in sheet metal with power responding to the gentle touch of a foot we find ourselves lifted with a of greatness Anyone whether he be driver overworked police officer or even a feeble old lady tottering across the street who In any way diminishes our exercise of this greatness is a threat to pride The Christian is called to live responsibly He knows he is bound to observe the laws of the state and the rules of prudence To the Christian the greatest peril is not killing himself but causing harm to others The Living Church beautiful pictures many of them local scenes Most enjoyable were the panoramic views of hills around Campbellville the Beaver Valley Close of particularly brilliant trees taken singly brought exclamations of awe and wonder Views of the moving of an old but substantial church cut in two and moved to Pioneer Village were very in tercsting Then he took the club across Canada by pictures through Western Ontario and to the prairie provinces to British Columbia Later he showed views taker in the States which were very interesting but all seemed to be most enthralled with the Canadian scenery and sights near home The winter scenes were especially beautiful A nice lunch and social chat concluded a wellspent evening Next meeting will be held August in Luxton Hall with euchre and crokinolc Bible today Only by habitually reading the Scriptures can we discover their relevance for life in general and our needs in particular Only through reading can we know the comfort succor and salvation found in the Bible One morning in occupied Norway during World War II the Gestapo came to arrest Ovcrson a Salvation Army of ficer and skipper of a lifeboat which operated regularly along the Norwegian coastline He immediately said to the in traders We always read God Word and pray before starting on the day business Then without waiting for assent or dissent he opened his Bible to Psalm and began reading Truly my soul waiteth upon God from him my salvation He only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense I shall not be moved Trust not in oppression and become not vain In robbery This was more than the Gestapo could stand They demanded that Mr cease his reading In that moment before being taken away to a prison camp for the rest of the war he did not feel panic but peace Over the years he had read and hidden God Word in his heart When a disaster struck suddenly and without warning he knew where to turn for help THE CHURCH OP ST THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Drive Rev H J Dawson BTh ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded SUNDAY AUGUST 1970 Trinity 10 am Rcidir CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev BJD Acton Ontario SUNDAY AUGUST am Sunday School Worship Pi Mm I with i A Cordial Imitation To All VANG EL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 33 Churchill Road Rev S Thoman Pastor AUGUST 1970 1000 Moming Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School am Sunday School pjn Afternoon Worship Service JO Meet at the church Tuesday 7J01OJO Classes Come worship and study with us to be batter equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Road North Minister The Rev A Walter Fosbury 124 Ave Phone SUNDAY AUGUST am Sunday School 1 1 am Morning Worship Tuesday Prayer tec and Bible Study Thursday Christ Ambassadors And ilk Spun tin Comi And tit him tint nun hi si Com And turn it is Conn I turn tin 1 in AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C SUNDAY AUGUST am Worship Semce Churchill Community Church Women in charge Visitors arc welcome at all church gatherings at the Church on the Hill SUNDAY AUGUST Hare is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church am Sunday School All ages 1 a Moming Service Evening Evangel Georgetown TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon Turner BO Director of Music George Elliott MA PhD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H Minister Mr E A Hansen Organist and Choir Master EIGHTH SEASON COMBINED SUMMER SERVICES IN TRINITY CHURCH Preacher Rev Gordon B Turner SUNDAY AUGUST WW ajn Divine Worship FREE BARBECUE Sample Natural Gas barbecued food VISIT HINTONS STORE BARBECUE DEMONSTRATION THURSDAY AUG 13th from 3 to 5 PM 7 t o 9 PM LIVE IT UP ALL YEAR ROUND ENJOY THE OUTDOORS Let Natural Gas Do The Work While You Have The Fun See food barbecued at bell with Natural then try a free by Suaan Hall United Gai Home Eeonomitl FREE PRIZES One Day Only Valuable vouchor will be away tree to the lint 12 purchaiing gai lamps or ether Cowan during Natural demonstration GAS MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN OUTDOOR LIVING No tuning no turn on the burner When the last laity bit of food it romoedjuit turn it off and forget itNatural Gai are self cleaning will arrange a United Gai plan for all your Natural Gat appliance purchases NO DOWN PAYMENT from 1 to 5 years TO PAY ON YOUR GAS BILL See the Natural Gai lamps in operation at the reiidence of Mr Mrs H H on Park Ave The Patio Pair The versatile model Perfect Host is found on more patios than all other gas grills corn bined Designed for family usage It will however outperform the average grill and with beatable results Crafted from heavyduty cast aluminum It won rust And you get that outdoor taste because the flavor really comes from the smoke of meat Juices dripping on the radiant long life Charm Add to this the soft charm of Charmglow gas light and you have the perfect Patio pair San 20 Only SEE OUR DISPLAY OF and TILLEY Camping Equipment or Outdoor Living Take advantage of our 10 introductory discount HINTONS 5 to 1 STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR NATURAL GAS APPLIANCES ft HEATING EQUIPMENT No Down PaymentUp To S Years To Pay On Your Gat Bill

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