Miss Bennetts birthday observed at tea Grade eight banquets here little eight banquet la being held tonight Wednesday and Iho banquet tomorrow evening Thursday Both schools lire short program and dame utter nits the first year two programs Ihsii Health topic Acton Fro i Wodnosday Juno Ill I Plan family picnic The Nuisugawt ya Women Institute met at ihi home of Mrs KnlRhl ludph Lint on Wednesday wot of mtmberH aod vwllora Mrs the Ihi uniting with On and Mary Stewart colli and roll mil an by namlntt a prominent woman In puhhe affairs Ik a full port on tin Annual held in real in May Mrs Winn rt on two meetings slit I hi I a on rt loliitiom Some win for pun and an will Ik stilt lu us wire in ink for holding family at hunt In July Our at Hit all fair s liipi tin it and wtrt mink or An Mm harks Thomson Hand Acton was hostess for the ling of Dublin Women Institute last Thursday opening exercises ware presided over by the president Mrs M M McCullough The roll tall was respond to by a good habit and many suggestions made as to wist having good ami kteptng It Mtlntyro the seen lory also read the to rrLipondinct Mental Health hags were distributed on of Mrs II the pinna were announced lor tin annual bus trip which Is or Monday June Mrs llrlllon la convener of the eon miltec Another successful booth at nut Hon at tin Salts Arena was reported by Mrs llrlllon handed in tht protteds A lint report or the District Annual lit Id at Pints rest Ihurch tlielatlir purtof May was Mrs M I Ijittraht gave a of a Directors meeting slit had in Milton Mrs 11 lUruikk us convener playetl reeod Just In taut you think you are Normal It was an after dinntr address Dr Hanks leading Ameritan psychologist who said much of a gentral hculth was governed by his or mental His address was In lersperbt d with mm humor and Included food for tliought strawliurrits and Two wilt poems were strved by the hostess Mm Mrs i Mains assisted by Mn A for monlh wire Mrs and by Mrs M Mrs Mrs M A of take llimtir was convener rignrdinK a hit to lit hi hi Mrs Kmglilu inly the r for tin BIRTHDAY CAKE for Miss Z cake is her senior by a tew months Mrs Bennett was a highlight of the Duke R MacDonatd Both arc charter Devonshire chapter the I O D tea members ol the town senior chapter last week at the home Mrs Gordon Staff Photo Johnson Helping Miss Bennett cut her A charter member of the of Devonshire chapter of the I MIm M Z Dennett cut her birthday cake a couple of weeki early she was honored at the tea Tuesday afternoon of lt week at the home of Mrs Gordon Johnson Her birthday Is actually August principal here Mlas Bennett now Uvea In Park wood Manor Kitchener Another charter member of the chapter Mrs It M Mac Don old observed her birthday recently The cake was beautifully decorated by talented chapter recent Mrs George Young Members of the town a junior chapter Lakeside were guests There were corsages for the 50year and over members of both chapters Miss Bennett and Mrs MacDonald of the Duke of Devonshire and from Lakeside Mrs Isabel Watson Mrs Marguerite Taylor Mrs George MuAsellc and Mrs were to two members of the Duke of Devonshire chapter who were unabk to attend Mrs G A Dills and Mrs Leslie Lakeside regent Mrs poured tea Jot a long time neighbor of Miss Bennett spoke on his recent trip to Ottawa la a special dedication for Mini Ik lint hi played the Happy Birthday Mrs Ward Bruce Mrs Johnson s sister gave amusing recitations introduced Mlaa Hilda lark from Hit Hull in of Miss lark allowed i and lold how isixphiiiiidtulln r pupils In Sinn shiwed tin tkMtis Mil in tin to It nil tin pupils skill in planning and must rut lion mid If Hit hostess assisted by Mis Mulltn mil Mrs sirved rifuslumnlK and Mrs Mulltn Hi inked liosttss or hospitably Miss lark for tonlribution and all who look p In meeting ji5iEiaws3isjaKiwnwH Highrise fires are explained Halt on firefighters heard an Interesting talk on problems of fires In high rise apartment buildings last week Norm Atkins the new representative of the Ontario Fire Marshal Office Toronto gave a talk on high rise fires and related some of his experiences with apartment in a Toronto suburb at the June meeting of Mutual Aid held In Burlington Firefighters from the county five fire departments were present Mutual Aid is planning a training exercise In the near future to give the firefighters experience in working together with members of neighboring fire departments The date has not yet been set OUR INDOOR FOR SPECIAL BUYS CHECK OUR SUMMER CATALOGUE FOR FANTASTIC BARGAINS YMON HARDWARE Gordon Sinclair calls things as he sees them weekdays 1145 am 545 pm LISTEN HERE ONTARIO AUTHORITATIVE NEWS VOICE AT BROS MEAT MARKET RED BRAND BEEF BLADE SHORT RIB ROAST CHOICE SIRLOIN TIP BONELESS PRIME RIB ROAST GROUND CHUCK Small Link SAUSAGE 69 COLEMAN S- SLICED SIDE BACON LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Mill ACTON 2240 DEUVIRY Summer Fun Sale Bathing Suits Swimming Accessories For whole family All In Itttatl Sot our imnrt of bathing in IaiIbk and terry cloth One and two place bathing ond bikini lor anil BATHING TRUNKS for men and Our accessorial bathing bunch or I sandals lint vinyl iwlm built boards and FOR TOUR SUNT1N Q T lotloni and cream tun tan lotiom craami and to lotion and and for from INSECT REPELLENT lor try Tantoi or Fly motqultoi for can r SUNGLASSES SUNGLASSESSUNGLASSES All latoit lowoit Hintons 5 to Store RED HOT SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST 40c GARBAGE BAGS 3 99 Decorated fancy china CUPS SAUCERS 3 99 40c RIBBON 5 Hog flGc HAND SOAP 2 99 HUMBUGS 29 Importotl foil CHOCOLATES 19s and life HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS mix or match Ihuto mil Hi SPECIAL Midway SANIDRAIN 2 99 2 99 J QQG INSTORE SIDEWALK SALES ITEMS Cluarinu Inn of lulitu in in ALL PRICED TO CLEAR HINTONS 5 to STORE GEORGETOWN R R4 GEORGETOWN OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY SAM TO FRIDAY BAM TO SATURDAY SAM TO P V C PANELS and YI low SAKRETE For Horn Rap In and Building Concraf Mix lb SO lb lb lb 4S lb ROLL TOP COUNTERS Idfil for Horn and 8ft io ft 2925 JUST ARRIVED LARGE SHIPMENT ALUMINUM LADDERS IN WEIGHT EASY TO HANDLE VERY STRONG Step Stools from Push Ups from 2079 Step Ladders from Extension from SAVINGS ON FLOORING DURATEX 12 Witfc 304 12 Wid Foam Rubber Back SO Over Golden Sea Spray Olive Forest Green Ruby Red Copper ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS SerfCoring end Hardware PANELS English Brown Oak 585 s pi few MM I Mo For the Convenience of Our Customers We will be OPEN on Wednesday July 1st am to pm