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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1970, p. 3

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Rud talks on White Paper emancipation Defend govt document disagrees with parts Prime Minister provoked public discussion of the White Paper but M Whiting wonders if he would have done it knowing ahead of time the heat it would Speaking to the Chamber of dinner audience at the new Atton Meadows golf course dining room Wednesday night Mr Whiting told the he received as many as letters day from niton constituents over accountant don agree on the controversial paper which proposals individuals condemned m Three miin points emerged because they were affected by wlndi Wluiing felt created the mint discussion He said that of women Real leaders The Acton Froo Press Wodnosdey Juno Several contained constructive suggestion and criticism These were passed on to the Minister of I said Whiting However he told lie mined audience that Canadians were not as aware that proposals fur tax reform as contained in the White Paper were merely proposals for discussion They would be reviewed and changed where necessary before tax reforms were implemented In lotal the MP defended the concepts of the White Paper but admitted there were with he agree He described the White Paper as aiming at the lair distribution of the lax burden based on the ability to But even after six months of almost daily exposure to the White Paper Mr Whiting said he Still did not consider himself an authority on the subject li would be presumptuous to do to he said when many of the leading economists and didn mean they should have a lion Me also felt about finding other means to help he small businessman The Papers intention is not to harm small businesses Whiting said but admitted there wis a problem for the small to additional lor iowlh Gams should be taxed he declared emphatically He fell here wis a pre Her chance the document if Hie government abolished death tixes than reducing the gams tax He felt the pioposed gains tax on the sale of homes was loo restrictive under conditions in indicated a n lor every year of habitation wis not enough Houses in lljlkm ipprcciatc mote Hun a year plus the I SO a year in repairs allowed he claimed He in ome The feminist movement as fur as MP Whiting is concerned docs nol Include the women who chained themselves lo seats In public galleries of the llulldlngs to demand In abortion laws It was happy sight he told an audience lumber of Commerce mcmberi their wives and other guests at the brand new dining hall at Acton go 1 1 course It completely disrupted proceedings Speaking to an with Chinese fo d Mi Wluline he women who look put in displays were a vocal Mi did not part r tic leaders WHITING accepts congratulations from Charlie Hoard following his talk on White Paper at Acton Meadows Club last week Stnn mind Staff Ihn problems over In Ills mid he i I Wltllt lit figures to several This is Insi time tin mi my when people hue able formula it Ihe In I the government The new pinpos lis lake people oil the ix lis people much less other people would rem ihe same and KID taxpayers would pay We vc iot do for the nun e year less we dint do souutlunt lor the working poor II hive i silualton in the Mine as Ihe United St lies It i you minutes show you poverly he told audience I also receive my letters people who nuke cuds meet under today conditions While Paper creeping Not so in the iHicshnii period unless a believed my form of I I progressive rites was i loun sociilism He was asked why the middle class would have lo brum of the lax increases whin they hi re burden 1 1 the t He replied middle in in id were not people who in to a yen According to statistics inly per cent of the people income returns of 11000 a year or more People in that bracket upper middle iss the claimed Will it slide the man with two children earning a year to pay a year more in taxes he asked If Ihe revenue is produced wilh rtlorm it will be mule easy lor the to taxes Whiting claimed accounl one Why WIND DIRECTION is important when you ore controlling And Boardmore and Co have installed now this week which they hope will eliminate most of the odors which afflict parts of the town and d strict when the weather is hot and dry See inside for pictures and story Staff Photo is spending money loihshly in one are i and on Ihe side mm lax expense Heliums W uld sufltr said the questioner Irom expense aicounts ii sales Mr said he was a member of Public I loniiniltcc under lies of Wellington and is were tied llie earner Hon were llui it was the time a relit of that magnitude was ever undertaken by the lie said noting it was not the present administration which minted the This idmunsiratioii decided to scrap the he declared I he government is streamlining the administration replied in answer to mother that expenses could be cut on stuff They are ii it hiring replacements when civil servants rclirt except when necessary and ire also combining iep irtmcnts to save staff I urns SI 500 men were satisfied with their lot curtailment of family sie and references to abortion and birth control were also included in questions fired it M P from the floor Acton jeweller Ben capped the questioning by declaring with tongue check perhaps that Ihe capital gains lax meant the government was assuring a full market in the future for investors and he would be happy to pay Mrs presented Mrs Whiting with flowers to wind up the dinner end of the affair Dancing followed Control odors with aerators A CRANE MOVES the aerator into a float which assembled prior to installation on the lagoon Experiments conducted during the winter at the company Indicated odors could be controlled if bacteria was given a chance to grow with constant aeration Staff Photo Installation of ihrcc floating on the mam lagoon at the and Company property alone Highway is to reduce odors from effluent appreciably company president and general manager Norm told the Press this week The machines which ore along Die lines of giant hand mixers were installed last week on the lagoon by company engineers and workmen Conditions for turning the floating aerators on immediately were not favorable however it was undecided whether benefits would be immediate Experiments have been conducted through the in laboratories to determine how effective aeration would be on the effluent The aerators consist of a motordriven underwater impeller which violently mixes and agitates contents of the lagoon to prevent deposition of solids and allows surface oxygen to be en tripped by liquid particles The action of the induces growth and control of bacteria which control odors before the effluent is sprayed on the land The system is similar to the one used at the town water pollution control plant i concerned those women who are content lo slay at home arc real leaders the movement The MP prnsed the role of the in sieitty since family wis ihe licit point from wtileh ill Ilk ein males the depends on lannly is the community life in broader terms Tin country So it is really the quality the family which decides the role he Mr lied in with life was the diplomacy which would solve many f ihe world piohlcim li it was practiced so the original meaning and purpose wis not lost Diplomacy in the home guided by isnn and benevolence would help solve some problems Mr I m ion women Mr Whiting outlined ihe many open for women One third work force is women Why t Ihcy make it the top They make good tciehcrs but few arc principals good never chiefs good union people but arc seldom That is the real reason for the feminist movement Mr Whiting claimed If the future president of the CNR and CPR was a woman he told shir I sleeved audience no doubt trains would run on time and would enjoy a full railway service I know the part women play in politics We d be dead without them Mr Whiting continued in a final salute to an women before he launched the While Paper billed as the leading subject for Ihe dinner and dance sponsored by Acton Chamber of Commerce Head table diners included the M and his wife Anne Clumber presdenl John and his wife Mr and Mrs Dave and Mr and Mrs Don Lindsay The table was introduced by Mr Mucklc BROS MEAT MARKET REP BRAND BEEF TENDER BLADE SHORT RIB ROAST 79 Shoulder Roast CHOICE BONELESS Prime Rib Roast Ground Chuck IK FRESH- SMALL LINK SAUSAGE HOFFMAN S BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA 3M LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET 77 Mill E ACTON Phone DAIIY FIREFIGHTERS were culled ly at to extinguish a bush directly of entrance to Robert Little School Children playu in the bushes when Mr and Mrs Slun Norton observed sodden lash of flomo called Stuff J PLANT engineer Guy Roj supervise installation of a blade for one of aerators the company Is installing on a lagoon to combat smell from waste products Staff Photo TIMELY FOR FATHERS DAY WHILE THEY LASTI KLEENEX LARGE BEAUTIFUL DECORATED CHINA SIDEWALK SALE COFFEE MUGS REG 59 ASSORTED SIZES COLORS MENS REG SHIRTS SIDEWALK SPECIAL SPORT DRESS SHIRTS SIDEWALK SPECIAL FOR SPORT OR DRESS WEAR REG MENS TURTLE NECK TSHIRTS 00 SIDEWALK SPECIAL MEN S BOXED DRESS SOCKS SIDEWALK SPECIAL IU MEN SBOXEDOLD SPICE HAI KARATE CITATION etc sidewalk A A or prices SPECIAL MARKED TOILET SETS FATHER S DAY SPECIAL 8 TRACK CASSETTES LP RECORDS 10 Off ASMARKED ASSORTED SIZES AND COLORS SHORT SLEEVES SWEAT SHIRTS SSSiJ23l TIMEX WATCHES SIDEWALK SPECIAL BARBECUE TOOL SET SIDEWALK SPECIAL FOR FATHERS DAY WEEKEND ONLY WE OFFER A DISCOUNT OFF OUR USUAL LOW PRICES ON OUR COMPLETE LINE OF BARBECUES AND SEE THESE ON DISPLAY IN OUR MAIN STORE BARGAIN BA AND SIDEWALK DISPLA to STORE

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