TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1970, p. 14

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The Stewarttown wins school meet of the district Youth hostel at will have a place to stay in a operating out Newman residence Agape Hostel is designed get its resident and back into society as soon as possible It to lit with other agencies that tan straighten them out Rev Ralph and the Outreach committee SI Anglican first conceived of the idea last There is need for a hostel in this community he cumuli anything like last summer we re real trouble linn additional problem of a summer job shortage He said that many of the transient youth list liuii We found ourselves putting them up in lit wid Now they II have a place to go but other tli it the hosiel can only accommodate 16 tu a pi ice to I the summer he id There arc enough iuIi puts said the average at the hostel is bo weeks The hostel is for transmits or jouths who limn between the age Id and 22 Residents expelled to do then own lookup jnd are must board nihil mid Id ioiiiwlllnn iiii osci wn mIiooU won muI til i 1 plHf Si who had In hi in Hutu hoott iuil wsio I in imu I I ol Willi lliooilli with r DSD with Id nut Hie tv tin unit tin v who ma It mill I Mm I In mil Mil ilium llwmlliivii A in ii- Inly M II Ml flu Now Ihliuii I I lll OKI I Ally I jump llriHikvilln Mli JtiWtlllfiWI tljln litwiitltiiwil dull MiKoiiJn INN ItMl DM 1 1 Si liijiji jump I truly my lump trttin pur Ah inlay ivent It lims jump loiij lump I ilibi Iuil lit 111 mini iintmi iiillnpoll Hi I lulu mil I mi I Ann I Dili 1 1 1 1 iiilcni hit an nliimii llig III SI NIOK HOYS I Klin if or not Allow permit lot on lane litmus i i I 1IVNSI N him Im Swim classes at Terra Cotta i i I 1 1 1 ii will hold I I luiih j without seeing it but the Mount -i- firm a trout page spot Aicoiiimj to the I wmi a nestmp place tor he delivering Satuidav On the hid A iitM the scar courier iar where Indarrpf Relieve or Not lei item in the same papei thrreveaiM John Jordan entering the knJiert and asking loi a the He sirs his own ins rifle and hunted hack outside Mi I another until Si Ijindi and I men enquired it a deer had Ken seen smio this hjd a rcpon ml dips chasing one I pun investigation 1 a il right the w Despite the dogs and the rifle in the was unharmed by tins wek Iroiiiiii on pi Hi the owner sub letter Hi it tin township be held lespousibK loi pi us lnw HI III spillli will iIjsmv iIiiuriK Inn ii lump Ilrim Mull Ituy I Ml nil mini NIOK IIUS I Willicl O luph jump llrmkvjlli iirc lump I slim put MtUnd Muliri Si rcliy OS I Division SI John Ambuljriic Unhide stood by tlirotijdiiiut men In lor injured Iuil didu t much lust aid work to do GEORGETOWN CUBS Ginq luck stilt waiting jt ft leoig Idvt told fox hike I will be a 13 increase on 1970 lax bills The increase is mainls due to the ol in the counts according to the Advocate The mill rate in was lo4J and 17b the lot commercial The rate his been set at residential and 74 been assured I commercial I s mill rate is based on the new assessment permit The increase actual tax dollars ft Hows with lo for llu hi brackets llUWl private the ot J Juiiiitou II hid on the Hiding a would and in had paid tor it hut tin psimil was not Mat pointed out the on raihsas properl not township toad It sarin if Ii ago I had built houses along rnv lam and now I want to maintain tin lain sin Mr ildslraw main mud tin Limehouse track field meet held tlie fill loi Mir i Turn comparison High school SllO public school lid hi had could i lot know il wis IX puis Q44S general rale Stla oSfll 28S7 177 The Province of Ontario residential propertv tax in amount of will be credited to rax bill where the residential assessment is lor a building thai is used intended be used as a residence EBENEZER Shower for bridetobe Communion in report Mti McLean Mi itching mans friends hope he will be home tu Mrs Task scars A if Blur- bride of lot had been in existence tor some time and so had road Reeve MacAtthur noted the had a permit to Carl in similar Mow mijilnuris arc then ink said lo the best of his there wen on three such lots in tin township and all had ionic to within recent weeks loss Hirsts 1011 David Moore 1 first 2 seconds 101 It Wilson firsts sect I Wilson lusts 1 third Kevin I 2 seconds I third Jim seconds Coils 1011 Leah Turner firsts I third IXforest 1 firsts Jeff i Hi Jin Dun Dillon puis luki ttmly lllimn belli a kill Lonj Jump Boys Jclf lister Dillon Ikatliir laiki Brown Karen Hayes High Jump years J I aril llimmri Jump 1011 years Dyers Moore Marvin V in I mi puis L Brown Myrna Snow yean Roys rievc micspcl II Jim nfl Ion Clow plus Ryan Lsoi Jim el ink ir1s Lori Clow i test llcity Alan full Karen Belly Siika Junior Relay Hoys I Don Jon I Handy Tom Van llnan Moore Bernan Matthew Hoi ion Danny Mormon David Hamuli Marvin Van 1 Leah Turner Larainc Davit Shelley low Delia Myma Snow Debbie Sherry Jean Sale Linda Debbie Semor Relay Boys 1 Jim Muiruon I lie Danny 2 Alan While Jir Kevin Campbell Philip Mlthit Bicekon Ryan Wilson Leave Your Films with Us JOIN OUR FILM PLAN u and print your films SLACK A WHITE or Guaranteed pi new fresh film FREE the Mm of your roll in lint only CAMERAS SUPPLIES ACTON PHARMACY ACTON Apilcyaril IfijhJump ys Ryar 1 Juitine Clow Andrea Belly Applcyald Karen Aierofl Tnna Slater iC Belly Karen Tuna Slater Iriple Jump I2pluv lloyv Danny nil luveiv Contests and and Pep sister Mrs Boles Helped tier i her presents for winch thanks Hi Cum ibveived Sunday Mr Fiilev Ihixiplil taken Peter I tend v u ihete three ttVte we came from we vvre out of and belong Isaiah of the of from we wrre cut s the father of the faith truited of the faith of Abraham carl Christian martyrs to up fur the belief that alive When the athcdral il Florence Italy was being built about 1200 there were many huge statues high up around the Here was one of Sampson 16 feet high It have another one made to balance it A sculptor went to work on a of pure marble He made a Haw and gave up the job A young man in his Michael An gel look the marble and worked around the flaw to produce the world famous statue of the young David It was so beautiful that it wu put the town square rather than hjgh up The Creator tikes the soul that returns His love and worKS around the laws Wc have been delivered from the bondage of The only way to get to Heaven to take It with us The Connthian letter says For I received of the thai which I handed on to you None of us can obey the law Jesus new relation based not on the law but on love It cost His blood so we can approach God in love 3M STATIONERY for income tax records cancelled check birth certificate deed note insurance why every home should hare a SentryBox F very day some 1 hornet 150 and 100 fin or b fire Last fins in the I ruled rem lied the ring total of with rt suit ant liwa of more thnn Stop a mo mi arid think could your irreplaceable papers survive a fire Tax records mui be kept from to seven fniturt to product them when inn cost money will tell you how important it is to have proof of loss when filing claims It pays to pro tect all records Several models to choose from Drop in see them now FATHERS DAY JUNE SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARDS BY GIBSON FOR FATHER SDAYM SVGGiSWNS SHEAFFER 8 Ball Pens Pen Sets WIDE SELECTION TO CHCOSE FROM SCJVI DELUXE ELECTRIC Adding Machine WITH ALL THE FEATURES ATTACHE CASES Personal Files Memo Books Desk Blotter Pads Desk Trays RUBBER STAMPS NAME LABELS WRITING PAPER ENVELOPES ROTEX LABEL MAKER TELEPHONE LIST FINDERS 325to750 SUPPLIES BY RffVfS

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