jarbageAked Perhaps we are being unduly critical but it is getting a little tiresome to hear political figures bleat when there is a public outcry about a publie issue In this instance we are referring to the Department of Lnergy and Resources which has complained about the outcry when suspicion ol a dump site being established near a populated area is circulated Our Mr Clean George Kerr fold a Burhngton audience last week that the province may have to consider designing and operating central dump sites lor disposing of liquid industrial waste because garbage disposal is really reaching crisis proportions in tins part the province in another meeting in the south of the county Mr Kerr reportedly told a group of businessmen that residents ol North should not be too lusty turning away proposed garbage disposal plants like the one planned on a farm south of Acton He said rural areas should be prepared to handle the growing mounds of garbage from urban centres Processing the refuse in the city would cause heavy air pollution the minister told the businessmen have been assured the modern waste disposal plants arc models of cleanliness and there is little pollution Cities dont want them however because they would cause heavy air pollution Is it any wonder residents of the rural areas arc upset when there is suspicion of a waste disposal plant being established in their area The plants arc dirty enough to have cities give them the cold shoulder but they are good enough for the country folks There seems to be a double standard According to the plans advanced lor the commutcrshed around Toronto in the Design lor Development policy for this area is to retain it to the maximum degree in recreational agricultural and other open space uses It is difficult to square those words with the establishment of a waste disposal plant to handle the garbage and industrial waste from the large cities Residents the small towns and rural areas are going to have to be prepared to handle llicir own garbage and industrial waste but they bilk at being the of the province We wonder how the population in the south end of would react if Mr Kerr stood up in of a Georgetown or Acton audience and told them that Burlington and residents should not be disturbed because ol the establishment of a waste disposal plant to handle the garbage from the north end the county Council action We are glad to see there is some action on the pari council about development ol the industrial park According to discussion at last weeks meeting there has been a in specifications lor the park which originates in the engineers office Several councillors showed genuine concern about the progress of development urging pressure on the engineers to complete work so industries could locate on the acre property We agree with ouncillor Greer who stated it will soon be June all will be next and there still wont be anything done Several prospective industries are serious about locating in the industrial park If they keep getting put on paper they wont hesitate locate elsewhere Some communities are treating special inducements to attract industry The wooing sometimes includes tax concessions over a period of years something we dont agree with Induslry should pay its own way but should be made to make An attractive proposition lor interested companies Location is one thing we have going for us in Aclon an abundance of water and other services necessary for industry Attractive qualities ol a municipality are another magnet lor industry company officials live near the job they want a pleasant place with all the amenities Sometimes a community must invest a lew dollars to attract investment The returns in assessment will more than pay back the initial expenses Contemporary you wa whom a rat kind Or in j our antisot i the r you ha v him h which deportati if saw in Germany d to destroy somebody hate you tall him a dog something that ice have it fixed mind thai he is something il represented in the image at the air or vermin then a santlion lor destroying e office in Germany with the in of Jo ailed the Office for Resettlement ol Jews not extermination but resettlement If you look at contemporary politics in our own world unemployment is called the shakeout or redundancy everything is pretty fied in order to mislead I think hat is one of the most dangerous things happening today in our contemporary life Maurice M in a BBC discussion on the origins prejudice Photo A the FAIRY LAKES cool two youngsters into paddling on Monday lured these and parents i residents Jennifer Dares of Smallwood Acres Stcadman Photo i the- holiday Staff ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MAY Suga rand Spice by bill smiley- This may be cheating but somebodv else is going to write column tins week I received a 12 page letter liom Iriiriu thai nude me sick mv own petty winning With a minimum editing mil changing here is Dear Sniiltv Weve re id our column for a long lime I it When told ot s illness- I i ibk lead column my husband with lum must ol tune read die later where you thanked everyone lor prayers wanted to tell vou how so many people piived lormj poor hush Me dud Mitch I belie ill the praveis helped lum ittepi it Ik got pneumomi suddenly had the list riles went i conn died Me is thin hut could ive lived down skin and bones he hid strong heart and was only SI He was laken prisoner it Dieppe The first vear they had then hands tied When the Russians getting closer the Germ ins moved on and on foot vers huh food Ho once said In hough he should ilwivs piece ol in his potkit the so hed never to go hungry again Id note Me loo He came in quite a few of died ot lung conditions soon alter the war nerves rialK bad and with to lather lour boy he was an alcoholic lor linn he loan A A centre It was luid on him bin lie quit lor sis years Then he ended up wiih tamer He i tails he TOWNS FIRE truck was decorated for a McGregor is seated on the truck tor the parade in this old picture sent from photograph by J Bauer Toronto by Duncan Sharp Donald had had as a prisonir Then was riding a tractor standing up and looking lor a new calf The big wheel hit a hole and then another and threw him over the trout and the over him broke his ridil hip and bones He turned over on his stomach and a quarter mile the road He bad our faithful dog with bun and sent him for help Tht dog came back and licked lus fate and Jack told again to gel help He went south to the edge some neighbors trees and barked and harked The farmer was just going with lo work again supper He Ins wife who bought it was a coyote that it was Jacks dog and something must be wrong When he saw Jack lying there on the road he thought it was a clump of old rags Anyway Jack us how he prayed and thanked God for the neighbor paying attention to he dog In the hospital the doctor operated on bladder The pelvic bones bad busted through and the blood was taking urine all through his system THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Ed 0f id Pepper by hartley coles The display of old muskets and other firearms at the music centre recently gave old tuners that well known twinge of nostalgia There were some museum pieces among the old muskets that almost an aching shoulder by thoughts of the kick Yes sir says I Whit did you kill bun collecting has never bi hobby hut it is not hard enormous i my pride that they were produied Our neighbors hill i bee for hurl and put the crop in Me home on crutches tint I ill our got out So be sine lud lus hud knocks in lite as well as dose ills He used to I ilk iliout accidents so In could sis 111 die line m death So when he found out it was nicer his lung Ik it lit had his optriiiou mil losl his voice all summer mdgoireilly thin lluu he gamed weight up to I 17 pounds got his voice hack will lint lo summiiie luge lump on going bum loss control ot right hand burning bedclothes when cigarette dropped mixed up ment illy So I dunk he helped lum to come to his sooner thin he could have- He lell very bad about being prisoner md being through so much and people didnt Went through to sue our for us He was very sad about Vietnam Me would jusi when he d see ihe Mope show it all those vuung boys going through so much and the big shots making millions on their deaths and lives Thanks Snnlev lor listening I have ur boys test in pean old kriegie Be of good noblewoman He good to her four boys like of workmanship and to firearms in the days I well she would is that gun The old man said Do you see that sapling and began to drop out of Gunsmiths competed with one another to produce work and designs for their products whether were just for potting rabbits or holding back ihe I emails gun probably lias a unique story of Us own to tell I or instance according to an article in he Canadian Weekly Publisher Mirk Twain the noted author and wit was supposed In have visited Ulysses I rant in area in the early During Twains sojourn he wrote a story for the obotirg I horn the Queen Anne musket winch the weekly under title Miscellaneous Readings I he story goes as follows AUK S A HI BY MARK I WAIN The story was told me by a fellow who said he had never been stared since the tune that he loaded an old Queen Annes musket for Said he You see the old man was trying me to shoot blackbirds and beasts that up the young corn such things so that I could be of some use about the farm because I wasnt big to do much My gun was a single barrel shot gun and the old man an old Queen Anne that weighed about a ton making a report like a thunderclap and kicking like a mule Ihe old man warded to shoot the musket sometimes I was afraid One though I got her down and taking to the lured man asked lum bow o load her because the old in in was out in the lieIds Hiram said Do you see hem mirks on the stock a Well that means 10 lulls and slugs thats her load llut bow much powder Oh says be dont matter put four So loidcd her up thai wiy and il was an I had sense enough to see that and I started out I levelled her on a good many birds but every tune pulled the trigger I shut my eyes and winked I was afraid of her kick Towards sundown I fetched up at the house md here was the old man resting on Hie poieh Been hunting have- you d I heard an md saw the Queen Anne whirled end over end in the air and the old m in spinning on one heel with one leg up and both hinds on his jaw and the link Hying tint tree The old mans shoulder was set hick four inches and turned black and blue and be had to lay up for enX been si It to from the fuiegomg of the old muskets had a charge tint knocked down the dispatcher as well as the recipient I never did get of a out of guns although did tike the odd flmg at ridding the country of ibbits and ducks without hunting dis ended on I took lie shotgun one and he ided for cottontail country Rabbits had multiplied tunes lint season The farmers were of to their crops and So the first I got m my sights lil go i blast No Hie bunny look a jump the and landed on his side crumpled up dead thought I picked him up by the ears and he home with thoughts of rabbit pie for dinner the next day On way there was a to knock an old can off the lop ol a feme pole I put ihe rabbit down and let blast number two go at the tan fiom A direct hit I stooped o up the bunny But the bunny wasnt there I caught a glimpse of him as hi disappeared into a pile brush only hurried footsteps left behind He was either playing dead when I Sum up or sttolid blast woke bun Irotn the knock in the head lie got Needless to ihe only hunting Ive one sum with any success his been for 20 years ago Taken Irom Issue of the I Press Thursday May IK l50 At a largely attended inciting of St Aibans church it was decided to proceed with the building of new parish hall tins summer it an estimated cost of be raised over a two year period Much volunteer labor has been promised Volunteer will conduct a campaign under the direction of Members of the committee are Jones II T Denny V A Clifford J Cooke Win Coon A Ware A M Root I Leather I and J Ware and Snow The hall will be a two storey structure situated between the church and rectory and connected to the church by a vestry The standard of this work in is very favourable to what I hear in other parts province declared Roy Fcnwick who adjudicated the 19th annual music festival in Milton last Thursday and Friday With church jammed o capacity there were students taking part in the competitions 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Fice Press Thursday May 120 Acton had a heart rending tragedy when little Douglas Caswell was instantly killed by the 1 118 G R train from the west The poor little fellow who was not quite a year and nine months old had followed his older brother from their home on Scene St Little Douglas the baby of the family was born the year after George Caswells return from war and he was named for the great British commander Last Saturday afternoon the funeral of Mrs John took place in Rockwood She was an old and esteemed resident of Sarah Pasmorc was a descendant of one of the first families and her grandfather the late C J settled there nearly a century ago Her father was the first postmaster of The hearing of the charges of Inspector Harvey against A Moody and P Laing for wing a ir liquor at the t Moffat station were heard in township ball and busy farmers miles around lilt their work to attend Inspector gurded worth Walkers Imperial lor hours and while in car was threatened lbit if lie remained there would be dead inspector in the morning He replied he hid a good revolver and could and would shoot if but intended to remain on duly in the car dead or Hi was not further molested hi whiskey is believed to have been ordered by a bootlegger in and arrived at Moffat in the name of Laing a respect larmer in who id he knew nothing about it 75 years ago the issue of the ot Thursday May About two inches unwelcome snow fell Tuesday Pic fishing panics are now the fad There arc over 1 more liquor licenses issued lor city of Montreal than there are for ill of Ontario The Young Canadians a rung young Football club have lately organized and the lollowing aic the staff of officers president Mart Near vicepresident John McLean sec George Swuidlebursi captain Wesley Hilts committee of management Harry Webster Willie Ackett and George Grant The wool trade has commenced and considerable wool has been brought in from the country to the Harris Mills at Rockwood On the February last Mr John was stricken with paralysis from winch he never recovered sufficiently to leave his bed Last week another attack came and death ended his suffering He was an esteemed resident of this vicinity for over years and was for many yean an active member of the Baptist church For some time he was a member of the Lome school board The remains were interred yesterday in the family burying grounds at the fifth line The entrance examinations for high schools will be written in Georgetown three days in June About 18 from Acton will write