Halfon teachers support Toronto demands Sixty six per cent of the secondary school teachers in Halton county have voted to reject current school offers concerning working conditions and have served notice they will support Toronto teichcrs in their fight for quality teaching be fore talking about salaries Of the teichcrs who voted voted yes no and there were IS spoiled billots Another were when the vote was taken Alter a healed meeting of the Branch of the Out mo Secondary School Tcaclicrs I Nelson High School teachers to vole in their schools Al a press conference Monday president Paul Mulmdalc of Aelon said there were at least three reasons why they would talks on working conditions He said most important reason was they full the June moratorium on hiring set by the Ontario Trustees Council and backed by the Board is not made with best interest of our students in mind Mr said it wosn I fair lo hold off hiring until June 26 and accused the Boards of Education of steam roller tidies He indicated there was a rumor around hat the Boird would consider luring teachers from he elementary system to each in the secondary schools He said this would hurt both systems He felt teachers in completely support the Toronto dcnnitd to be meaningfully involved In the decision making process Mr said that with every decision concerning the readier then should be consultation before the Bond considers its The Board has agreed to send all reports of proposed policy to the Federation to keep them and give them he opportunity to object The teachers objected the desire refer so many key issues such as class sire audio visual technicians and para professionals is unreasonable and the rejection by the Board of such issues as guidelines for class size a change in the student secretary and refusal school allowances is completely Martindalc said in a printed release Qualified teaclieis of night school receive an hour unqualified leathers will gel mil summer school teachers will get plus extra allowance for responsibility When by i reporter if the I deration hid considered the financnl impltcitions of reducing diss sizes Mr Martindalc said it was dilficult to say just how much it would tost but he did say to put visual technicians in I I schools as requested would cost about In a printed release from the Ontario Trustees Council of Ontario Chairman John Ronson of said If Ontario school boards were meet demands similar those of Ontario Secondary School Teachers federation in Metro it would cost the provinces taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year At present there is a shortage of secondary school leathers ind the hiring of unqualified icjchcrs to net l the new demands would be necessary these people ire unqualified it is difficult to see how this to quality education winch is one of the I deration slogans says the Council Chairman Many bonds do or plan to involve their teaching staffs in discussions concerning working conditions Irustccs teachers opinions arc valuable but feci it the final decision must be made by lit public elected representatives Mr says in addition to these demind many boards ere being asked for excessive salary increases ranging as high as per cent If school bonds to accede to these additional by the His Fcdc budgets the province would soar into the of fin I says Mr He earlier Council statements that the bo irds stand Willing to a viewpoint of teachers on conditions of Work ind reasonable sal In Hit meantime we look to the in Hit to report indicated the request for audio visual technicians matter or class sies tht use of para profes sionals and the matter of professional development were all currently or soon to be under study various committees and would all coming before the Bo he report noted here was pupil teacher the Hoard reduced becnise consultants considered in the for r the year ratio will be longer will be ado This teachers reasonable altitude cement is explored he fluids of Ntgotiliun Committee Ik Hilton Division OSS 1 presented idlers with progress report the negotiating in the ist Area six in he Area mid none in the because of to Brock 1 in Burlington Collect 270 Dump Fred collected a total of at the Etqusing township dump since charges for dumping tod Ma 23 TORONTO MAPLE LEAF Pat Qumn congratulates Rick after Firefighter bantam netmmder was named outstanding goalie In the Acton Trl County Minor Hockey Association Saturday Pat was big as the banquet guest speaker For more pictures and story see the Free Press Sports Pages Staff Photo Hydro rates up starting Aug Holding the line on hydro rales a prerogative exercised by Acton Hydro Commission virtually done in the past few years has finally caught up with ihc local Commission At last Thursday s meeting Acton Hydro Commission passed a resolution approvamg increased rates to become effective on all bills issued on or after August 1 1170 There was a change in 1950 hut it wasa reduction Chairman it hern said the Commission is facing large increases in labor costs matcml and other local costs as well as the cost of power purchased Out ino Hydro Increasing use of electrical energy over the 1 years had been a major factor in holding the line on costs or customers Residential users of energy have increased then monthly average from hours in 1954 to kilowatt hours in 1969 Average cost of a kilowatt hour has declined over the years from I cents in 1954 I cents in and 1 Oh cents in The rate increase will bring it back to about the same level it was 10 years ago Along with the new rates will come new methods of hilling customers Customers now separate Commercial and Industrial classes will be billed on a common Lie system known as the Gcnerjl Rale Initially the change to the general rate will result in varying increases or decreases to customers bin Hydro ollitials say is designed to recover the cost serving The new rates are subject to approval from Hydro but local commissioners point out llus is usually formal I Abolish flat rate on water heaters church discount Hal rates on heaters will be a lung the past August I llusytai Ac on Hydro omiuission paused a motion subject to the approval of Ontario eliminating the Hat late water heater al then meeting As August 1 all Her healers will be billed at a late Just what doctor ordered says mayor Just ordered That was Mayor miction to the Ontario Design for Development concept for the Torontocentred region released week Speaking at Thursday Commission meeting the admitted he was very happy with plans for this area which left room for a nice town with a few more amenities We can move ahead now and not be too concerned he told the Commission He felt the plan which retained the ruralurban connotation would also produce industry for the urban areas including Acton I couldnt be mote satisfied personally We should be off and running 1 he i ill the e Mai hurt i diltitull having lo aim He it Id Commission thai all tamed lie work of tin churches an the amount involve 4241 was not going to at In the r a Whs should the any thai be an other Bob In instances it the little person with the pittance lor living who keep the alive replied the major and we burden them with increased and make it mire diHieiilt than ever foi them to tperate I can opeuls support a move to eliminate the discount the mayor continued Churches are people and some of the regular contributors are ihosc with fixed The or said that il the day ever tomes when the churches had close everyone would have lo go lo the park with big beards to pick flowers and preach something nutty The commission passed the resolutions however all of which emanated from recommen dations from Ontario Hydro for setting up a new rale In the absence of Chairman Wdf McEachern vicechairman G Tyler presided for the meeting Ninety Fifth Year No 16 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MAY 1970 Eighteen Pages Fifteen Cents Quarry asks to move dump Waste disposal plant may change location I pi O comprised of three acres of land but has been overextended by two with added dumping Vicky Newton graduates Newton Acton has graduated from Stratford Teachers College She is the dauphSer of Mr and Mrs Council has been asked to find a new location for lie township dump Don Murdy manager of Quarries hear Acton made the request at Monday council meeting The township has been leasing further dumping carried on at land between the Third and lower ground level He ah Fourth Lines on which the mentioned promoters of dump is situated from the centralized waste disposal Quarries have investigated property but haven I shown any George tun the ted of such a plant whit we need the worst wa in this township Quarries hive retained a landscape architect to rehabilitate be entire property Mr also re tied New After District High School sue attended the of Waterloo for two years before changing to Teachers College The graduation dinner was last Thurxday and the graduation ball last I Council urged to develop park Id in hive been igtd from tin by the public rings sources Minister George Kerr lold a Burlington audience this week However this his learned lint the is igaling thanking tilt of the pi ml township council has been lb in locating the plant in the township investigating and proposal l disposil of liquid in tin st il w isles is really re idling crisis proportion in put the province The minister iduntled his dipjilnunt s insistence plants dumping wastes in Is is contributed he problem plat take Public m trucks the away from id built up areas Would I Tuesday industrial ouncil had two types under discussion ai night meeting as well as recreation of recommends arena renovations of pirk land from housing developments on Churchill should go towards park development in town providing Minister of Municipal Affairs approves Industrial park Ijnd Council would like see dtvel speeded up and pinned the lor delays on the engineers who are working on specifications Here is nearly Junt next thing wt know it will be tail and II still nothing do introduced the deputy reeve asked if the intent was to debenture the answered Countillor oats in words let s find out if council is serious about this The deputy neve said he favors development ol industrial park hut money received from I 1 of said eon designing ttnlral dump silts for disposing of liquid indiislnil garbage dispell may hi whenever there suspicion a dump site being est iblishcd near areas Ins caused real problems for his Mr Kerr told the nutting inaugunling Lets Pollution Week at he Robinson high school ii IS expected legnlalion dump sites will be imdiited al the the a The Acini Commission also decided to discontinue the per tent discount to and the per cent premium allowed the centre opposed the Hit Chamber ol Commeiee us to council hat when major rtpairs ait to Hit arena major also be made A Monday tin Chamber of Tlnv recommended the south wall be bricked up improu its insulation heating and expanding tin stating lacitilics Dales of upcoming events will be Irom now on by lie Clumber ot ouuncrce Secretary Mike dc Jong will be preparing a calendar listing all known Anyone scheduling a dantt or public activiiv may phone Mike de Jong any day except Sunday for a report on what else is scheduled for clubs have expressed need for this Plans nude lor social evening in June winch Rue Whiting and his wife will be guests Mr promises talk about he While Paper and odiei items it interest C Gr complained He and oats sponsored a motion asking action on the industrial park and requested a by law authorizing of on roads and services lo amount of through o should be used for seiViees He opposed to develop aiea a shared the rem the t limit moving We took an and dtcidcd properly remarked Marks At the lime I wis In projttl opposed but it now and I he moderated then and lit motion Iosi Prime result mid like 11 go a I on Cancer campaign fops 3900 without walkers Although lot dinner they 1 1 re trim tanttr finishing up the 1 plumed a pot SI 000 Itw mi it luck supper all the captains ire still iftu delns all tin drivers and due ad other volunteers for Mis in the fin Mil Pie church winch dis I lliey execl speaker include the a if articles which s 1 dust earl be madt for patients in the Princess Margaret hospital Its pot luck supper I the hoped a wi might be captains is is held here to and knit tannic at the me Mrs Hill articles which are rtquired Coats services to patients Seek meeting with Esquesing on annexation for subdivisions armng limited growth of Acton Milton and Georgetown was encouraged provincial study in Torono last week planning board decided to request a join meeting with planning board as Board at iheir Tractor fire Acton extinguished a tractor fire on the larm of A J Morrison on Highway south of Acton Tuesday night Firefighters received ihc call Damage the tractor was estimated at between and 500 meeting in the chamber last Thursday reviewed that developers are sitting with subdivision plans for the Brown and McCuliough farms waiting for annexation Four other developers arc also anxious proceed At previous meetings with representatives plans were left in air due ihe imminence of regional government Chairman Sid remarked We re still not sure wliat we can do Added Mr Mckenzie Maybe wd agree not to oppose Actons propose d eventual population was according to the Design for desirable Mr Mckenzie recalled some information he d heard at the meeting 3 likely foo los abundance of high rise apartment perhaps with schools incorporated right in them as well as recreation facilities and stores Acton comes out very well as a nice place to live Copies of resolutions passed by council were reviewed had elopment for recommended the of two lots the end of for park purposes agreed to one turned down the which is owned by Joe Sr now of Toronto After discussion planning board passed a motion to be BESIDES THE ORIGINALS on display additional slides of paintings available for Continued on viewing at last weeks travailing art Students making use the projector a Tony Lambert Danny Ross an Dietz Staff Photo