Acton Pram WW The A It a nearly Apostle Paul repotted in he to Mid The money it the root nil evil Down vctra this ha boon misquoted statement tho phrase low of omitted and Chanel entirely the meaning ol dediratton Paul wis not money what ho was condemning wis low it to exclusion moral rectitude use it Money represents power One of member the turnout international hanking family the Rothschild repotted to Wo said something like this on one occasion me control of a nations finances and I dont what political patty n power There is a proverb among us which tuns thus Mone talks It is because the tremendous power associated with the money that people it so It serves as the means of desired advancement in the order as well as the economic realm of lite In socalled democratic way lite it ha too much power and too say in just every section of it No we may replace the words low of mone with the word selfishness without dome any violence to the meaning Pauls declaration and this spirit of selfishness is one which is so prevalent out time The result is that sharp divisions ante between capital and labor and within these two camps The of this article has been in with the basic aims of the union movement 1 raising of the level of the economic status the woikct What he to undent and is this everlasting pressure on the part of certain segments of the labor force ever increasing wage demands and benefits with no regard ot the needs of other sections of that same labor there should be the desire in a just to raise the level of living of MX of the members of that society who are not receiving sufficient income to meet even the banc needs of life namely food shelter and a sense of security What should be done by us is the seeking of a classless society which Illlmt of tin m a m mill nut ttoiih ol the liMitmU ihi yn In to wmsww ami piolfxion mm the Iimm and mind Into iivm lit iluv much the low loi a ami llle One tltenl loiiuiiomnits our time li of youih to lives than ho fifteen Hum a our should ho always in did Hint wo like It or nut we aw our mother keeper that we are our hi others regardless of his nationally treed Tho goal we should sot lor is iho raising of the people llio to status haves this should bo on a unictsal Mate Lot us got out our systems selfishness the love money- Is putting shavklos of economic Insecurity on so many in our world Leave of absence for Rev Turner The Gordon Turner has been granted a leave of absence from Trinity United church Acton and will return to Toronto General Hospital for further treatment Arrangements for an Interim minister arc being finalized Last Sunday Mrs Mildred Long Bill Coats and Bob Hart took the service This Sunday the Robert Little choir will be singing special program under the direction of North music supervisor Kenneth Harrison of Georgetown After conducting the choir at the operetta Mr Harrison conceived the idea of teaching church music to the same group Church News 1 ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded 1842 Mr Howard MA Supply BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev B J Acton Ontario Thursday Choir Rehearsal One hour modem ma in the Concrete Cit by Baptist Young People Saturday Annual Meeting at Brampton Bap tist Church SUNDA1 MAY 3rd 1970 Sunday School 1100 Morning Worship Reception of Members Communion Monday Mission Circle Birthday Sup per at home of Mrs Hclwig A Cordial Invitation To All MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C SUNDAY MAY 3rd Hera our atecere invitation to the whole family to attend church 943 ajn Sunday School All ages ajn Morning Service pan Evening Evangel Georgetown PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H McKende BA Minister Mr A Hansen BA Organist and Choir Mailer SUNDAY MAY 3rd am Morning Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School 11 am Sunday School Afternoon Worship Service 7J0 Teen Meet at the church Tuesday evening 7J010J0 Catechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome THE CHURCH OP ST AlBAN THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Comer Willow St and St Albana Drive Rev H J Dawson BA SUNDAY MAY 3rd 45 am Church School 1100 am Divine Worship Masons of Wellington District at tending service Music by Speed Lodge Choir Sermon subject Tell It Like It Is pm Adult Bible Study and Fellowship Everyone Most Welcome PENTECOSTAL TABIRNACLi Churchill Road Rev S Thomas Pastor 8332713 SUNDAY MAY 3rd Easter V Sunday 9 am Holy Eucharist 10 am Chuixli School Nursery am Sung Eucharist CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister- The Rev A Walter BA Ave Phone SUNDAY MAY 3rd tin Sunday School am Morning Worship ISO Evangelist Service Tuesday 8 pjn Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday 8 Ambassadors Friday Crusaders Jtahn 5 Verily verily I say unto you he that my word and on Him that sent Me hath everlast ing and not come into condem nation hut passed from death to SUNDAY MAY 3rd Worship Service withdrawn in favor of United Church Annivers- Sunday May 10 Service as usual Visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the Church on the Hill TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon B Turner BD Director of Music George Elliott MA SUNDAY MAY 3rd am Morning Worship Robert Little School Choir under direction of Kenneth Harrison 1000 Nursery Sunday School to Grade 1100 son Sunday School Grade 700 Hi C Youth Group for Teens alternate Sunday evenings We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Pan in the life and Worship of Trinity Bishop class of SI imoW Imiili it on nil A on JO I J 111 hull i Hie llin tun 111 til Illinium muni llitiiikiil ini hi ilumtthi Illinois In In In minimi mil million In lllilmp his In ioiiiniit IiinIoiii tot villi ii it imI I lor limit Mo iiHinbors lliu their Iho fcoroinony Your will glvo moans thorn ho went on lu explain llio or I have the gifts Holy Spirit upon you to you suldlori Christ ho said You will gu away tonight soldiers no lunger After on the Is ii 1 in a iico Holy Confirmation Mulrlmnny Unction the Bishop mentioned the for religious voLatluns which exists Ho especially to his own which covers approximately 700000 miles in territory Theres no reason why wo cant have imc vocation out of this ho told candidates Tho Bishop pointed out a Harrington confirms at St Josephs km w lining lor II It Illinium on iniuiil llllllllllllHiH lot an liuiiH inn llm IM llio Inn llin altiii wpi lhMluipaililoit hy Holy Mil I imnlin Our Inly ill Holy tuiiili mid I Minimi M Ilhutnln llio jmtilnr In lmliiilil Mink Hum Km Hill mid hm lliahym Jllll WW Unit Ann Mail Mmiiin Him Mini lion I lid linn lunula mid hit turn wild I nun lit mil mil IhIfIiIm unit Miiliiiwny pmpjed Idem III Mtt ill MtUli Killed turn it tot the limit lit to hiiftii no fot tho Wfifd I w Kim t VHifc Chilli Mriro Peter Aid Imnf iirid Mm Mm Mr Ann Mr f inon Mrs Mimli and loan Imilh for NEWLY CONFIRMED BOYS AND GIRLS of St Josephs Church and Jan Stochyro Beck row I to posod for a picture following confirmation ceremony which A Harrington bishop of C officiated Thursday night of confirmation class front row I to Bill McGilloway Barbara Fowlor Donna Toresa Cunningham Jocolyno Dalfllo Forty Ann Mario Dorlnka religious vocation sacrlticc but added the was not so when you Harrington Peter Bob Mark John Tyers Charles Bennett Gary Rick Kovin and St Joseph pastor J Morgan Staff Photo Typical day at camp at United church Y About SO enthusiastic boys and gills simulated a day at camp Saturday in a unique program directed by United Sunday School superintendent Dorothy Allan and Kit Dowding All tin youngsters of the Sunday school the supper and campfire of evergreen helped create the illusion of a woodsy location Assisting the camp directors were Ruth Musselle Brian McPhcrson Bob Rosemary High Margaret Mcrrin and the churchs groups Sheila were invited to experience what a day at camp is really like from flagraising to campfire On the program wore Bible study games crafts skits and a camp meal The group moved over from the church basement to the wide open spaces of the C A for Moon Linda Perry Linda Kirkwood Stephanie Mcrrin and van dcr Bunk and on the lunch commit tec Joyce Pickles Gibson and Annie Denny The rollicking spirit of camp prevailed and one young roared down the church corridor with information Were having riots in Bible study Baptist church memorial gift During the morning service the Baptist church bit Sunday pew dedicated being a gift to the church from Miss Alice in memory of her mother Martha who passed away three years ago Howjrd interim pastor spoke on What Baptists Believe about the Bible winch was very fitting for the occasion A CAMPFIRE SINGSONG was in the program of the United Church childrens camp day on Saturday Banks of evergreen helped create illusion of a woodsy location About 50 boys and girls took part in the program Staff photo