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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1970, p. 18

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B6 Tha Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1970 the at ACTON BOWLING LANES by Ken Hulford April Uppers who had rode roughshod over the rest of league all got a big upset In the finals when the doughty Shamrocks who squeezed In by an eight pin win In the semifinals upset ihe Utile red wagon by firing three Heady or 1005 107H 1038 for a total pintail of effort 1056 for a total of Don Harris and Chcs set the pace for Shamrocki in the first game and his took care of Conway s In the second game it was Harris again with alio and captain Masai with who headed up the win Conway gain Uppers chief threat with Ray Atkinson tame life for Uppers In the third with along with Conway pave Uppers the winning edge but Harris was gunning on all four for and his effort kept the Irish within pins of the total and it was on overall 175 pin win Tor Ihe Shamrocks winners and champions of Ihe League for the season So as Shamrocks bid found to another bowling season and set sail into the sunset of sueccsi offer congratulations to captain Ma Don Harris McDowell Vrycnhock John and Chester all good Irishmen tried and CAROLlNrOARDINUNTRl April who went the final three games of a block total count enjoying a 250 pin lead si J in oib and were never headed in their quest for the playoff championship Having already won the championship in regular league Astronauts a double championship Their six game tola of was well ahead of Love Bugs Carnations and turns Astronauts top wire Bert Robertson Donna Slaves and Gerry COD Tops in Ihe Love Bugs efforts Lome Norton 587 Cliff Wedge and Bob Adams Carnations efforts Mere headed up by Jules 260 Jens and Grace Robertson Making the most for win Murray Batcman Sieve and Cecdc 4HH 222 In Consolation Heroes who grabbed the I defeating Shamrocks to At the conclusion of he fifth gam Shamrocks had pulled 6 pins of the Heroes in I hi ml and final game Heroes tossed a effort as against ki and it was curtains for Shamrock lop tno for Heroes were June Shamrocks best efforts iamc in Lois Norton Orv Porn Tom Staves PHI So only remains to congratulate the winters and champions Astronauts Mar Clouticr Bert Robertson Gins Landry Betty Chejni Donna Staves Pete and Tom and write finis lo the Mr and Mrs league for another BLIJLsPRINt April Mums made sun of finishing on of schedule with a v totals win from J aim i net that five them a run for money J took the first by 18 pins Mums equalized the Kcond canto the narrowest of margins one pin then staved iff a determined bid by Jasmuns in the finale to wm by 19 pins Top for Mums were Martin Laura Treble and Mary Anderson or Mums it was Jackie Palmer Joan 483 and Lil Snowdrops the second rung with a two and a half tame win from Tulips Snowdrops were going for the bundle all but Tulips had the io tic Ihe last game Top triplets ps were fcdmondson Pratt and hub 466 Making with the most for Tulips wen- kits Helen 171 and Kathleen Pratt 450 Sunflowers were a two and totals winner from Daisies who grabbed Ihe last canto to avert a zero count Top trlcountcrs for Sunflower were Karen Matthews 534 215 Sylvia Mages Sherry Morris 473 Best for Daisies were Agnes McOlnncs 233 Sinclair 470 205 and Cora Wallers 470166 I league standing Mums INDUSTRIALS April Jon Hurst after losing the first game to Tyler s Transport organized and grubbed the net two and totals Don Harris 769 and Peter Homer 292 paced he win Tylers top efforts came from 656 and Dob Woodcock Petes Barber Shop and A Supermarket played to a 2 point spill the Barbers clipped the Abies but in the fust by enough to win totals while the Abies came back strong to annex the next two sanies for their share Jim Mitchell Doc Post and Jim were up for Barbers A B top trio were Browning 348 I Middlcton 626 and Ken Co after losing the first game John Texaco Service got straightened out and ok the next two plus totals Dee Del wilh was a loner tut as was Phil 31 1 for the Tcians I league standing Jon Hurt I lietrlc- 77 Pete Barber Shop Johns Texato Service 62W Supermarket 53Vj Co Tyler Transport 46 ACTON April In the first three block of a si game roll total ml ledgers IG A have taken the lead Pace by I ran Pierce Nin Hurst and Mary the G A pals lie I a total of In second spot are Central Cartage with a roll which was set up by Marion Donna Staves 1246 and Donna On Carlapc outfits heels are Nielsens Clothing with and Beckers Dairy with Nielsens efforts were headed up by Donna Manes Grace Robertson 137 and Manon Hunter Becker op tno were Annette St Pierre Anna Spear 227 and Mac Ward Store s roll has them off the pa but lOuld improve in the final three games as Cameo Boutique who checked in with The Cameos best efforts time from Anderson Betty Cheync and Joyce Seller 176 Family Store s top trio were Kitty Allen 587 238 Mary 199 and April 21 Challengers finished on if heap whtn they split points Head Hunters Head scon Hit game got Acton Speedway 62 Head 61 Mustangs Charlie Pali ACTON April As prcditted by the roil birds Happy Gang woundup with the playoff championship Going Into the final three game block or the six game re total plnfall to count with a pin lead the Gang rolled up games of 1002 and 1153 for a total of to clinch the with Next in line were Misfits with 6085 Road Runners Spoilers with and Slowpokes with On the triple and single plateau Tor Happy Gang were Arlic While 316 Bryan Billings 228 Helen Browne and Rick Saints efforts were paced by Bob Price Turk and Lew 222 Andre Harry Middlcton 207 212 It congratulations to and John Htains In the Zone Fin all the Bowler of the Month at the Vlttege Bowl In Port Credit lilt Saturday both men were winners In their respective and will be miking the long trek to North Bay compete for provincial honor I the Wellington Lanes In uh well gait you can t win em all In the weekly Beat the Champ defending champion Don WUkei bowed out to Pete Walker Pete triple turning the challenge of Wayne- Mi ton and election or officers for the season of the Caroline Garden Centre league took place at their annual banquet last Saturday eve Holding the rein of office are Carl Tlmben president Lome Norton vicepresident Donna Staves secretary and Steve Blanch treasurer that winds up once again my fricndllei and goodnight Concord City and Hector 215 Running up the top next week elol beted in the second then railed to win finale eight pins big middle game win pot cm the singleton for totals Top trio for Hunters were Craig Mectham 201 and Jack lullinicM made them si out of Mike Noble I lain Mcceham Pete and Al 205 had cm Swingers it for a two and totals win stopping in thud game by 10 pins Mill Rowe 697 356 Ritchie and Bertha Paulsen 191 headed up win Best for the Pals were Rick Trembly Nell Anderson 458 184 and 154 Mustangs w n the first canto from Alton three pins then It was curtains the Speeders winning the next two and louls John Churchill 629 Jim and Sally paced the win ken Thomson John Chapman Linda Pierce 155 wire lops for Mustangs I league standing Challengers for Road Runners were Chcs Lcwandowski 266 Keith and Wllo Near Spoilers had their chances headed up by 200 Bill Manto 583 and Red Making with the most for Slow Pokes were Shorty 196 Joan Porty 550 and So its congratulations to Mablc Daigle Helen Brouillard Bryan Billings Browne Rick White and Mel of Happy Gang winners and champions BIG OUR April Sock It ToMc s who had a pin lead going Into he final three games of their six game playoff saw thent slip to a pin deficit after the fifth game scores were in Alley had taken over the lead and were more or less savonng the fruits of victory but it was not to be The Kats fell the pace in the sixth and final game while the Sockets came back with their best game of the 981 to grab the championship 70 puis moved Into contention their fifth game roll of but blew their chances in the finale Duffers although trailing badly went down with all guns firing and came up with the best game of the set a 1091 The final total being 5345 5253 Duffers Individually top scores from the Sockcrs were John Vlictstra Kors Vrycnhock Voskamp 225 and Archie Duiker 494 210 1 the Alley Oscar Joe 247 Little Jake Van Der Kooy and Sid 203 Tops for were Big Jake Van Der Kooy 274 Harry 226 and Trudy 566 208 tops were Harry Hofstede 615 261 Van Arragon 530 and John 180 So lo the victorious SockltToMcs Kon Vrycnhock Voskamp John VI Anne Jennie Kuikcn and Archie Duiker belong the spoils and congratulations The majority of homes have already been canvassed in the April cancer campaign and a near complete total will be announced next week Rural canvassing took longer with the late spring and some call backs are still being made by the volunteers The response has again been good according to campaign chairman Mrs Ray EDEN MILLS At their regular meeting Monday night letter from the if Sullivan and Law son asking to name added o the mailing tut any with in further hearings on Ihf posed Ma I ton Automobile Raceway near Milton net tldlullf SOCKITTOME S ware declared winners of Vryenhock the Big Four bowling in the championship Voskimi playoffs Friday night Team members include Staff front row I to John captain Kors if following in In Montreal to bring hack Hie new fire truck ft fire area number councillor Wilfrid leslie at per day the of pay of for a and Jack JO lie trip Received a copy a f to He Municipal town Acton ft t f by li restrict the height apartment building to maximum Received a County Associatum aid Amu fed resident James Morrison will have road superintendent Snow inlo repairing the First Line Mr Morrison complained if road is full of Auction safe highlights meetings in By Mrs R Wright Monday evening the W M S and Ladies Aid of Eden Mills Presbyterian Church motored to Rockwood for two meetings Mrs R Sinclair so graciously opened her home for occasion Mrs G MacDougall took charge of the M S and Mrs Wright the Ladies Two members Mrs W Gilbertson and Mrs G gave a report on the Synodical meeting held at Knox Presbyterian Church Devotions were taken by Mrs Sinclair and roll call was answered by repeating a Mr Wright chaired the Ladies Aid the ladies of the nearly new and bake sale to be held next week Also conveners were picked to cater to a wedding in June Letters were read from the sick and shut ins Mrs M Mlnc of Rink wo id favored I idles with two readings in her capable- Mrs Sinclair led in prayer and roll call wis with something to sell Mrs nude a ipibk auctioneer rcaliniL a tidy sum The meeting closed by Hymn Mrs Sinclair provided lunch and a social lull hour followed Health nurses are near settlement I for public health County be it so until approved tuns l Hit ipprovc it lit January and a scries of meetings have been held during thai period of time Two years ago a contract dispute with nurses and the county left the health unit listed for six months before in was reached Tores fires pollule the air water and soil STRIKES At Youth Bowling Council April 25 Starting their playoffs on May will be Ihe Aces Doodlcr and Hot Shots of the Junior and Senior Leagues They will bowl two three game blocks Total to count Consolation will also be rolled Seventies and will be vying for these honors In the Bantam semi playoffs the Blue Jays came round with a two game total win of 2053 though this can easily be changed next week Following the Blue are the Sparrows with a two total of 1893 Close behind are the Orioles 1842 and the Cardinals In the Kcond shift the Crowi took the lead with a total of Following close behind are the Doves with Waitiiaj for next week and their big chance to jo ahead are the Plgeoni with and the Canaries Bowling the consolation In the tint shift the Robins are ahead with totals of Not to far behind are the Wrens with 1858 In the second shift of the consolation Swallows are pretty well ahead with their two game roll totals of 1924 Parakeets hope to improve on their roB of 1858 next week The Top Tenners were Susan Thompson Danny Thompson 199133 Ronnie Turkou 142 156 Nancy Frank 138143 281 Rick Van Fleet 152 124 276 Valerie lbateman 131 Debbie Brown 134 270 Ronnie Moore 149 114 David Dunn 114149 Ted Dumanh 121 139260 best over their to win the Cokes and Seven were Kalhy Landry Nancy Frank Danny Thornton Michael Peter Nielsen Patsy Our most consistent bowler Faith Mtddkton who two fames of back to back In the Junior and Senior Division the Sockeyi socked It to the and took two games and totals showed who boa by taking two games and to tab from the Seventies played follow the Leader and alio took two games and totals from the Hot Shots The Ten Toppers were Bntc Swift Roger Janet Stony Dave Pink Geore 197 Wade 179 Debbie Storey toy ASTRONAUTS In orbit long enough to cop Cheyne Mary Clotitier Back row I to captain of Caroline Garden Centre Peter Gerry Tom BousfiekJ Mr and Mra bowling league Pictured with and Bert Robertson Staff Photo r frottf row to Donna Staves Betty 203 toy Cathy Dunn LEAGUE STANDINGS JUNIOR AMD Sockeyi Hot Shots 54 SO Serentfcf In the well and department the happy occasion Bantam Pink em May f So fot now good bowling and good hick Shoppers Discount Sole MAIN ST N UPSTAIRS GEORGETOWN JACKSONS w arrived WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF MERCHANDISE AND THE STORE IS BULGING FROM WALL TO WALL WITH UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS BIGGER AMD BITTER THAN MR ARE EXAMPLES LARGE ASSORTMENT All Size In Meni LtdteY Team VALIANT- SOLID STATE TRANSISTOR RADIO

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