The Acton Press Wednesday April Halton Raceway 2654000 project The file of Halton Raceway proposal to turn 235 acres of farmland in southern Etqueilng township into an Indytype raceway and drag atrip It In the balance Milton council turned down the promoters request for Town of MUton water and sewer The owners offered for services but council decided It wasnt Interested In selling services outside the town boundaries A brochure on the Halton Raceway Issued by Automobile Raceway Holdings Ltd owners and Proctor and Red fern Ltd consulting engineers Includes the sketches of the track layout and control tower grandstand area The raceway would be located In Lots and in Concession of Esquesinglands lying norlh of Highway 401 and the town of Milton between the Third and Fourth Linos Racing facilities proposed for the acre site presently three privately owned parcels of property Include a 1 mile oval paved track with a quarter mile dragstrlp incorporated into tho stralghta way in front of the bleacher type grandstand note the site is ideally located to cater to the ever increasing populirity of automobile racing in Southern Ontario There is a population of about 000 people within a 100 mile radius of the track Based on attendance figures auto racing became the number one spectator sport and attendance figures are still rising at a rate of 10 per cent per year Raceway if approved would provide a program of races under sanction of the major national and international organisations Federation Internationale dc Automobile in Paris France which is the world sanctioning body Sports Car Club of America National Hot Rod Association US Auto Club National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing and the Canadian Sports Car Club Major feature races will consist of Indianapolis type races on the oval track and top fuel dragsters and super stock dragsters on the There arc no comparable oval racing facilities available in Canada today About three major races would be held each year with smaller events about 10 weekends a year The track and ancillary facilities arc planned to meet International standards to attract the leading race drivers throughout the world for the major events Local events are also planned to permit development of local drivers for future events Organizers estimate they would require a maximum water consumption and sewage flow on the days of major meets only in the neighborhood of 000 gallons with a peak rale of flow around gallons per minute These peaks would only be on Saturday or Sunday are off peak periods for local industrial demand they point The town has a inch water mam on the Third Line and Service just south of Highway 401 A sanitary sewer is being designed to extend to the same point Costs of extending both water and sewer services across Highway to the raceway property line arc estimated at A inch water main and inch sewer AUTOMOBILE RACEWAYS proposes 2 drawn by Proctor and Llmltod consul tinrj Indy type draflstrip on Esqtiasmg lands lying north proposal Highway 401 Third Fourth Linos This perspective line were suggested Facilities at the track would include Tracks mile oval with degree banking on curves cct wide on back straight way feet on curves feet in front of the stands to incorporate the standard drag strip Pits 30 pit gains with electrical and compressed an outlets overhead car door and rear man access door for security The roof would be utilized as an observation deck Estimated cost is 000 Control tower storeys Including tin pit drivers lounge mil ruin inlcivinv room Willi projection lacililics on Ihc tmvu would cosl Scat 0 md wood seals on the r iiiuMind ciislmg wjshrooni facilities ire included Infield like I purposes to serve is holding ism lor site I ire I inline I icilities A fully equipped firelight inc lone will he on hind tor ill events fencing tin site will he Will eh 111 Mill Inck Will he surrounded With double mind lu nils tupped with on curves lour loot high speclitor Will m nut mi protection Ihc iiinimiinc A system will he lor the md pit ire is I mil plumes md teUs press lines tor the major events limine equipment md me In syslcr to trick I liking Seven parking hilt will 12 vehicles being in ide In provide sped buses to ami I mm rice meets Access expect to exit 401 al iiitcichinccs llighwiy Hornby proceed to the site vii Ave liisc hue expect between 20 md lor Hi eve mil weekend events such is rues would not more th in Weakly shows at Mohawk Women watch fashions while men bet horses By Janet People today don just go io the race track to bet on the horses And the old trick of taking your wife along for an evening of sheer boredom no longer applies Nowadays an evening at the races provides entertainment for the ladies as well as the cents During the meet just finished fashion shows were held regularly on Wednesday evenings Amidst an atmosphere sporty excitement both men and women can enjoy a refined dinner with drinks m the beautiful Terrace Dining Room at Mohawk 111 bet on No horse shouts a man the crowd Bets on any race be placed before during or after dinner Uniformed girls visit your table collect your write you a receipt and phone in the bets Should your horse win place or show the girl returns During a recent Wcdnesda program at track models donned many of the latest spring fashions in suede and leather to between the to the and of the crowd I week a different line is displayed Outfits from to coil hat ensembles I ire not in milk i set the public address system so the models visit tables individually to the clothes dinuii guest receives a tashtou proy mi and outfits are numbered to correspond to then on the program Any on tin which catches the of i can be purdnscd through the manufacturer or retailer sponsoring the show lie iclurcrs visit the trick on ihc then joods ire heme modelled Here they enjoy dinner the seilcnient of the rices take pride in their own how Professional i Li models Judy Kit Vera Rinus disphyed the outfits the show from film Clink Co Toronto shows al the race still he very Miss comments Nowcll People like contact with models and the informal itniospherc puts people it isc Tins way if the his i question to ask outfit the model and guest confer without disturbing everyone else Children s I arc itso a bit hit with the She recently staged i show of kiddies clothes with models is young is three years old the outfits around the dining room Miss Nowell commented on todays Leather is fashion thai is licit to is durable md can be worn It is dressy Leather a cold hut is warm to wear I ringed clothing is currently popul ir with younger generation and although versatile the style will quickly eh Asked about the midi skirt she replied I like the very much but complete the look a total look is necessary Hal blouse and shoes should correspond with the skirl Miss Nowell was herself wearing a total leather outfit She once staged a fursonly show which was a decided success One of the models bought one fur and a lady m put in an order for TERHACC ROOM dinars rants a mode unci mid I skirt fringed with luudti HORSE AND DRIVER worn to bo missing out on fun as model shows an vast and skirt with gold 450 damage 150 damijr to Michael car April li when lie lucked i he ivy p liureliill Iohcc lied lie one accident one the fashion mow had ended in nut I lie men m the crowd Well not many can pass up the opportunity to appraise the models While the shows arc mainly for the there no harm In helping gents too Miss Bluest hits among Ihc male customers are the bathing suit and lingerie shows she added And of course anything with i sec through style cliches plenty of the fashion shows M bewail spring they re definitely here lo stay says the fashion coordinator I vuiings at the track have trcatly changed since you were younger dad The evenings of strictly horses dollar bets arc tone These mom t long will you for evening out Picture her beside you in a new leather ensemble There Hut make the evening complete IHVIJID TO COME AND HEAR DR McCLURE MODERATOR OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA AT AN OPEN MEETING THURSDAY APRIL to 5 PM AT THE ROBERT LITTLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ADMISSION FREE HARD TO SI ismc sell most bul nit scat hell In in the US no than 500 worth of service was iicenlrited heme Wear Your Set licit The Safely Le thai a marketing research program wis in dcrtaken afterwards lo the results It found that 14 per cull those who had bells said they used them all i most of ihc time A year earlier Dial SSI 500 OCX campaign the comparable figure per cent TAKE NOTICE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS Sunday April 26th at 2 am UNTIL Sunday October 25th at 2 am THIS IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE SURROUNDING MUNICIPALITIES WHICH TO DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME L A DUBV MAYOR HORSES WERENT THE ONLY attraction at Mohawk Four lowly mod a variety of leather wear at the IN A PENSIVE MOOD model m a show stopping patent leather raceway weekly Wednesday fashion shows skirt with slinky snake vest was certainly the sulky but the race went on Staff headquarters Fertilize Your Lawn Now Large Selection of Evergreen Shrubs and Trees Fruit Tree Fruit Bushes Readv Tor Planting Begonias Gladioli Fartilnart Seeds Garden Tools Patio Stones Etc am SWEETHEART ROSES DOZ Open Days a Week- a Til Dark Phone 853 we wire flowers anywhere Caroline Flower Garden Shop TODAY EVERY DAY EVERYWHERE SPRIHG SPECIAL OFFER LIMITED CONCRfTE SWIMMING FEATURES INCLUDED WITH YOUR POOL Formed and poured w ra Ml foot Martial and pa n in Thrt3foot fBI foot warn Jacurt liar mm Ma dra and Of 4 return tt Cupanchor hook sand Laddari Vacuum Leaf raping Camtnl Into pool Wsllbtuih Tmkll Cham I art Small patio SIZE 14 SIZE 54045 SIZE 16 SIZE WOLFSWIM POOLS CO