TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1970, p. 13

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Trie Acton Free Press Wednesday March Unpen after to Lucky Strike the upper hand made with two and totals win Thil the of gaining on the leaden On the triple and jingle plateau for were Conway Helen Ray Phil inhume frank Mead Up there Col Lucky Strikes were I Weil Al Roach 680 244 M am Roy McDowell Shamrock and Spllfirei hod a tidy won the game by 12 pirn Shamrocks even In he cond canto a pin win and then went on to lake the finale by 22 for a two and win Top trio for were Don 275 McDowell 201 anil I or Roger Murray 270 Tom Shannon and Ron 20B It was a two and lotah win for I lukcj the middle Making with he most for Avengers were Phil Allan Homey John and Rob Woodcock Selling the pace foi I were White 253 Jake Van 208 John and John Dunn 209 League standing Upper Lucky Strike 9H Avengers 89 Shamrocks HI I lukc ftO Spitfires Carnations took over lop spot when they made with a three game win from Shamrock Top rating trio for were Julc rytm 607 Jen I an si sen and who lost the List game by 36 pin had Joyic Adam Lot Norton Mary Anderson 468 for top trio Aeronauts lost lop when Love Hug took em for Heading up lo rlwn Belts Tom and grabbed Coil Tantxn Andy lieu efforts iv- June- J Hiring and I rssks Lo y Hurt Inland iIkUJJS the or a 171 an J Karen bid for Tulips Hard it pin 12401 Bollctt 1179 and Helen the win up roll were Palmer lISJi 1191 and Snowdrop won the game from then fell as side and it as Daisies lor two and Top tripling irio tor were on Wallet 4P7 Belly 165 and Heading up Snowdrop roll were Hue I dmondvnb 1 the at ACTON BOWLING LANES Lets Play Bridge TIRES SEE DICK AT RICHS SUNOCO Barb 529 and Eileen League standings Mums Daisies 76 Snowdrops 74 Jasmine Tulips 70 Sunflowers SPORTS MIXED It was two and totals win for the ftontninnlng Moon Bugs when they met up the who fell off the pace winning the first game Heading up the win were Brian Sheridan 294 Harry 193 Karen Jenkins and John Dunn 206 top I no wen Dave McMillan 215 Howie Cathead and Ball Conn 225 The second place Outcasts received a setback when Rioters handed them a zero They made a strong bid for the finale but mlsicit it by 13 pin Tripling and singling In Ihe win were Mlddlelon Alice 215 208 he 1 and John Churchill had em Top Tot Outcasts score Lucy Syumid John McKcnim and McAfee scored a triple win who were 13 pin shy of winning the I hit it game Tap Urn for I were I red Walsh 701 270 Jamc and Jackie Best efforts lor Allsorls came from Id Wood and Dob Woodcock League standing Moon Hugs Outcasts Rioters 1 alloul Hcctnclans avoided j by winning third up for the Barbers were Jim Hill Shannon and Jim Mikhcll I or the Jon Hursts il was Pete Homer Whites ineklty iwj 264 Tyler Transport a clobbering lost the inphnp no lor Tyler 714ll5llo ml Hob Wo en- oik 681 653 257 II John II Market I dropping tin laniu to Ken and Tom Browning up on the triple plateau for the Up there for were I red Dunn 659 Dee 2601 and Ron Schmidt 256 League standing Jon Hurst Pelcs Barber Shop lleanimorc Co Super 1 j lets Transport 34 ACTON who the last game to retain their Mold on first place Joyce 332 Anderson and Mac 565 216 headed up the win roll was paced I tan June and Mellon 522 Central Callage moved closer to the leaders and losing the first game to Nielsens Clothing bounced back to the two and tola Marion Siorci Donna Slaves 1 1 and Smith sparked w in Nielsens ton trio Donna Manes 588 Marion Hunter Grace Robertson 437 triple- win for Milk I Store taking the loss although the middle canto They I 12 pins Top tripling trio nna spears and Annette Si Pierre Making moil for Store were Kilty Allen Avnl Matlueson 433 168 and Lima League Handing ICA Central Cartage Nielsens Clothing for STRIKES At Youth Bowling Council By Malheion I Competing in the at Villa Bowl were Lakeshorc Milton Oakvulc Acton winning the They were awarded with new In the Well Wishes and celebrating the happy arc Mid J If ion on Much I David Dunn March 10 Jennifer Match Linda Deforest Mud 9 and good Mommy Knight on March ftilh the Bantams bowling the Sparrows tried luck against our top team the Ortolei and managed get away with a one game and totals Cardinals however decided that if youre going to bowl go all the way as they took both games from the Blue Jays Robins also had two great Ernes as took both the In the Second Shift the Pigeons wire on their toes they took two garnet from the Crows Canaries sung them selves into both from the Parakeets Swallows swallowed the Doves right up and took both games from them The Top Tenners were Ronnie Moore Danny Thompson 194167 361 Ricky Van Fleet 108196 Peter Hurdle Ted 285 Karen TremilU 168115 Susan Thompson 116160 Jennifer Knock 122154 Ken Thomson 17698 274 Palsy Storey 269 Bowling best over their averages to win the Coke and Up were Ronnie Moore Karen Ted Hurdle Sandra Mecchin and Gary Our most consistent bow let a Debbie who rolled bolh gomes of STANDINGS Bantams lust Shift Orioles Sparrows Blue Jay Cardinals 30 Robins Wrens Second Shift Canaries 46 Parakeets tows Pigeon 264 Swal s20 Ihe Seventies bowed to the Doodle only once winning two games and totals The Hot Shots were right on the taking all three games from the Aces had to prove they still deserved fust place as they to take all three game the Pharohs The Ten Toppers were Guy Payne 60S 248 Dave Pink Wade Knight 222 Larry Deforest Glen 239 Rogei McEachcin 514 509 233 Van Opslal 214 Lyn Stewart 202 Laity Kntght Junior and Senior Sockeyt 54 Hot Shot Aces Seventies Doodlets Pharohs who bowls with a cast on his left aim showed up bowl thii Saturday even though hand wrapped because of on accident it school with a welding torch So for now good luck and good bowling MAJOR LLAGUL 26 Store caught Acton Meadows off stride and before the togalncd their equilibrium had rung up a two game win Although the Acton Meadows made big win the finale had enough pins In hand to tike totals Pacing the win Bill Shannon 771 293 and Doc 683 lot the Meadows Jim Eliiltough Mtc and Pro Tlmrcck653 II was a point split Tor Hid and Spoils Cornet Reliable winning first game by enough pins take ACTON MIXI I Happy lill he win Jackpot Spoilers won nil three games I lending up the winning roll were While 200 Billings Helen 19 and kick Ivany 541 Spoilers came from 1 Al No trie 225 Lei 479 Saint Sometimes II Acton Bridge mixes one ul One tin mil my wife mid I iilsscd win following hand id pull i lulled slum even tin mud was Minis lien- mi- lie turds with West dealt boil sides and minis made and unto 14 pins I Saints win were Don Ruin I 229 Pike 5 rf 21 mosi for Mioiiy loivln Pony 1771 Id IM and llm Arinslrong ACTON Plea for Health J for grabbing last two their share of points Don Hani 755 Pete 738 298 and Hank I 252 were lop trio Snorts Comet I or 1 boy it was Don Browning flnuh who put o slllgleli for Just by did I good triple at Scenic Pools expense John Winston Churchill 729 laile Mlddlelon 234 and Hud headed up for Itoid Runners dune by Keith Wellwuod 216 lies 541 219 2ldi mid led I oi Misfits it Dllgle Audi 193 Ila GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES MAIN ST N MEMBER I 5 61 218 I Pete Walker stand A 210 and liMgue Happy Slowpokes 107 lT mm s24Vi AITON I 26 Mustangs tapped he halJengets for no a J totals win ssitli Sihmidt 633 ken I 298 John Chapman 205 and Robbie heading sill as Hoi lie tigers Harry Arragou 580 248 201 or John Vhetstri 251 and I lame Mccihuni I Head Hunters moved up lot 1 tuple s Pals spen lhe l l Donna 210 Merchant 209 Charlies Pals were hick Milne 624 218 remhlay 164 and Thomson 435 Speedway were in hiitli gejr and won em all from Sivinprs with John Churchill Milne Don Archibald and I red Walsh iurking Milt Ritchie 246 and Dob Snyder SIS were lop for Swingers League standing Challengers Head Hunters 45 Mustangs 45 Swingers 44 Ailon Speedway Charlies Pals i4Y hut missed it plus up the win were Big Juke 775 273 Irmly Holsiedc and Shirley Klein Deters 178 Alley eflorls were up by Mng Vin 207 Jake Springs Correction 111 IlLSS ILtlllllll 111 K Hie i Willi In llycin si mil JoJni slink in one the IK lilt Under held iiiili in iindir5 yens of lop m ti i IDyiMi- pmdigy Ihe Hind in hum litnshul md till III Most l bossier tins week showed up in Harry of the Sports Corner Icutue Our Airy trundled 193193193 Don Wilkc of the Major league Alton Mejdov with Don rklc second and third is April ROBERT ft HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST 16 Mount CAN SERVE YOU One of our representatives will be at HOLIDAY INN Ofiksillo Tot On Tuesday March II you J term lom lor a or you iro iiivititl discuss your needs with An cm lie by on or in by contn ling INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TEAM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES South Hamilton To I What goes on in Towers during the winter heat or Clean evenly cucuUilod fresh air natural heal keeps resident Burlington fashi able Towers in wall wall comfort Eighteen roof top boilers the And the job is There are luxury suite the storey apartment Plus three large penthouses Why did the of LnSille Towers choose natural gis Dependability was their reason A flame cant As well natural gas is both and to United Gas TOTAL ENERGY FOR TOTAL ATTENTION home owners If you are located on the side of the street as a gas line which was Installed one year as of April 1 YOU may qualify for 25 PURCHASE ALLOWANCE One years FREE RENT on a Gas Water Heater if you change to automatic gas water heating now or You may receive an ALLOWANCE of 2 YEARS FREE RENT on a Gas Water Heater if you convert natural gas contra heating system at the same time you Install an automatic gas water heater Seyour plumbing contractor department store or call United Gas

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