KranendonkBrouse wedding in Milton By Wendy Thomson Last night i couldnt get to sleep because of all the Things To Do kept running around in my head My mind just kept humming hardly finishing with one idea before it started picking at another My mother had once suggested that concentration on ones big toe was a great inducement to sleep but found that my mind kept wandering So last night 1 built a garden At first I was lust thinking of how nice a swimming pool would be I forget how I got to there from my big toe but it seemed to follow naturally Anyhow by the time wis done had developed a marvelous door in the gardenvery fanciful but te absorbing all the same I k To begin with it would be feet square and have a 16 foot and there wall all around made of old red W brick The outside walls and pan S of the inside would he covered lt Mo V with vy of course One half the J a be a big by slab of concrete for youngsters 11 to play game gunes If J like and b for gam Hospscoteh May Sauerkraut recipe six giant steps May No find take two splits and one The Hddie recpe is skipping Was there On the as far as Mountain Stands a Lady And its plain and doubledutch And PWsive rollerskating CHEESE There would to be a good Mix cups flour tip salt and flat spot for marbles but the powder Cut In cap rules would go back years SSsS White green blue and black by spoonfuli on cookie marbles would have the value of Bake degree for one while anything with red minutes Serve hot yellow or orange in it was finnan two were not that W1TH SAUCE common and valued as o size luge skillet place 1W pound color clearness and number of huddle or smoked fillets of scratches Cafscycs were even cod or haddock cup thinly sliced J jj onion and cup milk Cover more uncommon and valued d cook gently for minutei or highly until some cluck started until is lender remove fish and massproducing them Now who keep warm Combined cup flour and cares about common old WjP skillet stirring constantly till and boulders thickened Stir In 1 or leu The other half would be dried parsley and chopped Pour over fish Serve with boiled potatoes Maket divided one into a 28 by 16 foot swimming pool with a 12 foot strip of sand between it and the white Modeless I had thought of a stream and pond at first and I really would have liked stepping stones but dislike having to share my paddling with water spiders The remaining foot square would be grassnice green grass with a huge maple tree in the centre This would be my one difficultyfinding a tree to build my garden around but there WAS to be a tree to sit under hang a swing from and build a tree house in This latter would be white inside and out with windows and curtains all around and be full of books and stones shells and stamps And cushions binoculars and a lantern A pantry cupboard might be a good idea i letter from India read to Mrs Griffin was the convener for the February meeting of Knox W M S held in the Mary Ellen Anderson room of the church The meeting was opened with a poem read by the president Miss Isabel Anderson Following the singing of the hymn Stand Up For Jesus Mrs SprowLread the scripture led in prayer id Mrs The chapter from the study book was on War and Peace and was taken by Mrs Wm It is the Christians duty to work for peace even though this role may be an unpopular one she said A letter from Miss Margaret Kennedy of the Field What else India was read by Mrs with their old little faces Then followed the nasturtiums for their color hlyolthe valley Tor their scent hollyhocks to make ladies with and whatever else seems like a good idea business meeting the singing of the hymn I Need Thee Every Hour and the benediction The members then enjoyed a social time over lunch Mrs Gerald Townsend of Toronto called on the on Tuesday Mr and Mis John Cook returned on Sunday evening from a three week vacation in California Miss Joanne was home from University of lor the weekend Mr and Mrs W J McLeod returned this week after spending two months in Ottawa with their daughter and family Mi and Mis Mervm Yabsicy Visiting Mr and Mis on the weekend Mr and Mrs Ait Syer of Sarma and Mr and Mis Dave of Wyoming Ontario Their first visit to Acton certainly wont be last asserted Mr and Mis B L Caswell who visited on the weekend with the Olsen family formed a good impression of Acton as a friendly and pleasant place They are from Lodge on Balm Beach Georgian Bay Attending the annual convention of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association bit week at the Royal York Hotel Toronto were Mr and Mis Dave Dills Mi and Mrs Jim Dills G A and Mis Hartley Coles and Mr and Mrs Roy Downs of the Acton and Milton papers They were pleased to encounter Miss Barbara Mcintosh former reporter here who is now with Drake Advertising Agency in Toronto Mrs Charles Mason and Mrs Dugald Kennedy have returned after ten weeks vacation in Florida Then holiday included a flying trip to Nussju in the Bahamas They lived at the home of Mr and Mrs Morns Leader of Acton who will be returning Apr J I Mrs Logic spent the holiday with them and a short stay with her sister Mrs Mason returned to her home Woodstock In London for a daytong professional development conference on Friday was Doug Cope land vce principal of he Robert Little school Theme of the conference was Schools with Purposes an attempt to ensure that the operations of schools aic consistent with current educational philosophies PD 70 is the fourth major event of its type Childrens danger worries driver A concerned local woman phoned the Free Press this week to report an upsetting incident She was stopped at on the highway waiting for child to get off the school bus and watched with growing worry the danger the children were in as they alighted First as the bus stopped with its warning lashers going a pulled by and passed the bus Next as the children were just about to cross the highway another car zipped by and only the loud honking of buss horn warned the children to stay back Of course the regulations say that when the school bus flasher Is blinking cars must stop Baskets of pink and white mums decorated St Pauls United church Milton for the marriage of Ruth Margaret of Kilbnde and John C Kranendonk of R Acton The Rev C officiated at the double ring candlelight ceremony at six oclock on November 8 The bride a secretary at the University of Guolph is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Carson of and the groom who is with the Bell Telephone company is the son of Mr and Mrs J C Kranendonk Mrs Harold Magee played the organ and Mrs K O Foster was soloist The bride wore a floor length Aline gown of with Chant illy lace bodice and sleeves and lace cathedral train A three tiered elbow length veil was held by a headpiece of petals surrounded by ihinestones She earned a bouquet of American Beauty roses with sprigs of white heather from Scotland She wore her great grandmothers amethyst necklace She was given marriage by her father Matron of honor was Lorraine a friend and the bridesmaids her twin sister and sister They wore deep pink flooi length velvet gowns trimmed with small flowers on the cuffs and waist They wore velvet rosebuds in their hair carried crescent shaped bouquets of white carnations Gioomsman was Michael Mattocks of Burlington and the ushers were Chris brother of the groom Bill brother of the bride and Lowell Watson brotherinlaw of the bride The brides uncle Ronald Gananoquc piped the bride and groom out of the church The evening reception and dance were held in the hall Milton The brides mother received wearing a cranberry ensemble with crepe dress and lace coat fcathei hat silver accessories and a corsage of white gardenias and slephanotis The mother assisted wearing emerald green lace with brown and gold accessories feather hat and corsage of gold sweetheart roses Ladies board debates fair convention Mrs W Thompson was hostess to Acton Fan Board ladies Thursday evening Feb The president Mrs Linham was in the chair Mrs D Matthews read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the financial statement Fourteen ladies answered the roll call Mrs McDonald will lake over the office of secretary in March February is the date of the Agricultural Fall Fair Convention Toronto Delegates appointed were Mrs W Mrs D Matthews Elva and Mrs 1 McDonald Judges fur ttie ladies division of the forth coming fall fair were discussed The committee for the bake sale Feb were pleased with its success Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Thompson assisted by Mrs Mrs M and Mrs Robinson and then the ladies enjoyed a time Mrs Storey was courtesy convener The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Linham lunch committee Mrs J Van Fleet Mrs S Matthews and Mrs Dennis You qualify as an old timei if you remember the days when the baby sitter was called Mother Nurses at course on team teaching The wedding cake was made by the mother and decorated by Mrs Stan Price Campbellviilc The couple left on a honeymoon in Florida the bride wearing a chocolate brown suit trimmed in gold feather hat camel accessories and gold sweetheart roses They arc living at Specdvalc Ave E Guests were present at the wedding from Kitchener Ottawa Toronto Burlington Hespclcr Branch ton Guclph Belleville Fergus St Marys Port C KRANENDONK r Ruth Credit Acton and Milton A personal shower was held in Toronto by Miss Mary Dun net I Mis Linda Purvis Former friends whom the bride had worked with in Toronto gave miscellaneous shower Kilbride The Dublin community presented the bride and groom with a lovely mantel clock and deep fryer The brides mother entertained at a trousseau tea on November 2 and the grooms mother entertained after the wedding rehearsal Miss Grace J Leovey Director of Nurses of County and Mrs Frances Staff Nurse Georgetown attended a three week conference Toronto on Team Nursing Development sponsored by the Provincial Department of Ileal Hi and the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Tins project was a combination of Hospital personnel teachers from schools of nursing or training centres public health nurses from public health units and visiting nurse Team nursing represents a philosophy of nursing and individual and family care as WI euchre bake sale The members of Dublin Womens Institute hosted a very successful home baking sale grab table and euchre last Thursday evening in Hall Twentyfive tables played euchre and the winners were mens 1st Lionel Watson 2nd Clinton Peacock low Mrs Walter Linham ladies 1st Mrs The Acton Free Pres Wednesday February IB Guide pennies help fund When Canadian Girl Guides Brownies and Rangers give their pennies to the World Friendship Fund usually on thinking day February of their founders Lord Baden Powell and his wife Olave Lady BadenPowell world chief guide they arc helping Canadian Guiding and Guiding around the of wor organization It is a means Birthdays naturally make one whereby a group team of think of presents In 1932 on professional and nun idea came from a Belgian Guide personnel work together that each member of the World to provide Association of Girl Guides and individualized family centre Girl Stouts contribute penny care It encourages each member to develop world friendship a of the team to utilize their penny to put our thoughts of fullest world friendship into well Linda Lowell and Miss Geo Burt 2nd Mrs A and Mrs Lambert tied low Miss Debbie Dcwar lone hands C Peacock door prize Mrs Howard Sinclair travelling prize ladies Mrs W D Mason mens Frank McCarron Mrs president of the organization thanked all those who attended on the cold night The committee in charge were Mrs Norton Mrs W Mrs Armstrong and Mrs C Thomson and they served coffee and sandwiches at the close of the euchre LOVELL BROS MEAT MARKET A LADIES RINK from the Acton Curling Club the weekend rink are left to right won second draw in a at the North Mary Marks Nan Hurst Helen Ottobom and Golf and Country Club m Georgetown on Gwen Tyler Staff Photo Association for handicapped G Bradford Clement of Milton was reelected to serve another term as president of the and Peel Association for the Handicapped this year Others elected were vilC president Gary treasurer C Scott recording secretary Mrs Joan Scott corresponding and membership chairman Mrs Joan Churchill program and projects Gib Jordan and publicity Tom Barker The Association meets at in Milton this Wednesday night with Ron Hackctt guidance supervisor at OSD appearing as guest speaker Occasions Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Etc JUST ARRIVED DOUBLE HANGING TUBER BEGONIAS TOPSIZED BULBS Opart Wmk Sun Til Dark Phono 853 2980 WEWIREFLOWERSANYWHERE- Corofine Flower Garden Shop TWO MILES WEST OF ACTON SOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY MAPLE LEAF CRYOVAC COTTAGE ROLLS 69 FRESH SMALL LINK SAUSAGE 69 REP BRAND BEEF CHOICE BONELESS Prime Rib Roast 110 Shoulder Roast BLADE SHORT RIB ROAST G CHUCK 1 LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET DAILY tl Leadership communication the effective and successful functioning of the team I personally am looking forward to our Demonstration area for our aim is to provide optimum care through family centred program by prevention protection education research and resources Team nursing development will t ike tunc to Implement but we are lucky to havc the support of our agency and Board of Health who havc the foresight to sec the potential of such a development for improved service project to the community said Mrs This money helps send trainers to establish the Guide program in new or associate countries assist refugee camps and aid Guides in disaster areas Canadian Guides have a commitment and a duty to support the world association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in their objective to put Guiding within the reach of everyone who want it and promote friendship amongst girls of all nationalities Acton girls are participating in this fund The Guide Law A Guide 15 a friend to all is well known The Canadian World Fund rubles international application of this law BE READY FOR SPRING GET YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE NOW BE SAFE BE SURE TAKE DRIVER TRAINING FROM A QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR PHONE NOW FOR APPOINTMENT ZENITH 61330 Acton Driving School CW KELLY SON LTD AT THESE FANTASTIC PRICES YOU CANT AFFORD TO WAIT FOR A SPECIAL OCCASION TO ALONG buy it mm RCA COLOR CONSOLE NEW PICTURE TUBE NEW SET GUARANTEE ONLY ZENITH TABLE MODEL YOU GET TOP FROM THIS QUALITY SET RCA FLOOR M0D THIS SUPERB COLOR SET WITH NEW GUARANTEE moo RCA PORTABLE AN IDEAL SET FOR ONLY LIVING ROOM OR ROOM 5 See lie Bony modtli si display in oar fewer Hoof stow rata WYNDHAM STREET Guam PHONE